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Serious question, is napping a meme? Everytime I try to take a nap I either fall back asleep immediately or I'm just as tired afterwards and feel like shit. Does anyone here actually nap for 20-30 minutes regularly? I'm starting to think it's pointless and you're better off just sleeping until you wake up.
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You can't catch up on actual sleep with naps but you can trigger a little hormonal rebound with a 15 minute nap, making you feel a bit better.
Works for me when I’m recovering from jet lag. I lay down, fall asleep, hit rem and a dream, and wake up automatically. 15 - 20 minutes and I feel completely refreshed.

I don’t really feel the need to do it when I’m sleeping normally though.
Same here, naps are total bullshit. Just get enough sleep at night and if you're tired during the day hammer through it with caffeine. If you sleep during the day because you didn't sleep the night before you'll wind up staying up even later the next night and the basic problem just gets worse.
if you have high blood sugar or have recently eaten it is a bad idea
if you get tired from sugar it's a bad sign
if you are fasting and able to take a nap, go for it

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What are spaces of space called?
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actual nothingness
How's our anti zero security.
Your gay

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New peer reviewed article from Frontiers in Pharmacology claims to have a cure for baldness, however some doubt has been cast upon the claim because one of the authors is bald and all of the authors are Pakistani
Please post your thoughts on this topic after reading the article
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I am not the antichrist
-Barack Hussein
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>New blood vessel formation can restore blood supply and stimulate the hair regrowth cycle

Why do peoples hair lines follow the muscles on the head?
Seriously, look it up.
Me thinks metabolic damage and autoimmunity fuck the blood vessels as you age.
DHT and estrogen just influence the process.
Hence why some bald at 23 years old and some only in old age.
It's fin and min for me, still cum inside my female gf on the reg.
I'm doing more of them than Bryan Johnson (but not fin or dut, far more phytochemicals) and having good results. If you really want cheap effective shit as monotherapy, just go for some kind of topical mint product.

In light of recent global events (politics) not necessary to mention here...

I ask you to post guide here, how to prepare KI (CAS 7681-11-0) from stuff you can buy in grocery store / hardware store assuming you have Povidone Iodine.

Thank you very much for cooperation.

So you got like NaOH in filter out, keep liquid, put hcl in, put hydrogen peroxide in collect perciprate, put in KOH warm solution -> You have KI
I hate nato warmongers so much.

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How true is this data/information?
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>it's not the end of the world
if you change this to a much more pessimistic view then you have a standard boiler-plate "academic" understanding of climate change... and also throw out the bit about people's liberties ahahahaha...
I would say that the warming aspect is negligible and that the pollution, habitat loss, and wildlife loss both in quantity and biodiversity are all problems that are both much more serious and much more manageable.
I speculate that "global warming climate change" is a cynical ploy to make worldwide environmental degradation concern for people trapped in cities that really wouldn't care if all the coral reefs or butterflies or bees were dead and gone. Sure, more CO2 does warm the planet but it's potentially negligible. The ice caps melt and reform regularly anyway. CO2 doesn't make a shit of difference there. If you build an industrial hellscape, though, you will get an industrial hellscape.
tl;dr in my opinion climate change doesn't matter and might as well be a hoax because animals and nature are evidently far more fragile than the global temperature
Thanks, that was fairly in line with my previous view and I have adopted your changes.
I am starting a second career in law and 90% of the young people I went to grad school with care or know fuckall about conservation. It's all "climate climate climate" while they drive to and from work in a car their parents pay for.
I think people fundamentally need to draw a line between hard sciences like climate science, which has and continues to prove that climate change is a real phenomenon, and social "sciences" which have become infected with postmodern frankfurt school fuckwits who have never once empirically demonstrated anything they say qualitatively or quantitatively and literally view their profession, not as a science, but as a form of activism. Ecological ideals and understanding are not at all incompatible with right wing thought, in fact, I'd argue the more nativist and right wing you become, the more you understand that we must return to nature and protect the climate you and your ancestors are housed in. Climate change denial is really only an issue for lolbertarians and neo-cuckservatives who really only give a shit about the bottom lines of corporations, and the fact that the USSR's collapse caused a major reduction in fossil fuel emissions show that the left in reality really don't give a flying fuck about the environment either, they just want more power. If you want to understand further about why the social sciences become so leftist, I'd advise you to watch this video:

0.00001% of Spaniards died?! WTF?

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Is there really no inherent latitudinal variation in planets? Why the FUCK is the universe flat? I know the theory, but haven't there been latitudinal observations of the planets that could not have been explained by the axial tilt of Earth?
u fukin wot mate
that's a man isn't it

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Why is it extremely difficult to make male birth control? It sounds easier on paper to stop sperm production with some drug than female ovulation
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and yet it increases the risk of certain infections (and not) diseases
we were designed not to actually need it
they gay community certainly is very much against circumcision because it increases the flavor and taste of the penis
My penis tastes like ice cream chewits
Or cola bottles.
>imagine having kids without preparation and just because hurr durr gotta keep reproducing, who cares about their quality of life and education
There's certain organs that can regrow part of their tissues or expand depending on certain situations, like the skin, the liver, the stomach... But regrowing an entire body part is very much impossible unless you have some weird radioactive mutation, and that's more than likely just cancer.
Yeah, this is pretty much it. Side effects in women can be noticeable and a bit annoying but they don't impede completely in the way to have sex, the main symptoms I've seen in women from my social circle is period abnormalities like missing the period, spotting, dryness, a bit of pain during sex, sensitivity around the pubic area and where the uterus would be located, breast sensitivity, symptoms that are similar to the normal hormonal process in women.

Did you know that drinking semen actually benefits women?
>Skin exposure to cum makes skin better
>Uterus exposure to cum gives women better mood
>Semen contains many hormones and nutrients
Therefore drinking cum is a good way to make your woman a better person
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Yes, drink cum of your friend
Is this image from a study?
you might want to seek professional medical care if your semen smells like anything
Does it work with canine semen?

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Are clouds static when affected by gravity?
The problem is in creating a screen thin enough and that's the moisture layer
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Therefore, EARTH is a simulation .

Well .. you asked for proof
Water droplets are so light that tiniest draft causes them to move. Ground is generally warmer than the air up above as it absorbs way more sunlight than air. Layer of air near the ground is warmer due to proximity. Warm air rises as it's less dense. So there's a nearly constant updraft to catch the water particles. When the ground is cooled enough (often in the morning) the cloud can sink to become fog.

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People say "don't fuck your sister, it will ruin the genes" but actually it's the opposite, and in this post I will explain why.

Let's start with the conventional view. Genes can break because of mutations. However normally if we have one faulty gene copy, the other healthy gene copy can compensate. This situation is known as a recessive genetic disease. It's recessive because the healthy copy will "dominate" the unhealthy copy. Not all genetic diseases are recessive but it's the most common one.

Now imagine that your dad had one healthy gene G and a very rare broken gene g. Your mom had two healthy genes. Now there is a 50% chance you got your dads broken gene. But since you got a healthy one from your mom you are fine. Your little sister also had 50% chance of getting the broken gene, but she will be fine either way for the same reason. Together, it's a 25% chance you both have a broken gene.

If you either of you have a kid with a non-relative then its overwhelmingly likely that your kids will get a healthy gene from the non-relative. But if you have kids with each other, that's when problems arise. The kid may get one broken copy from you and one from your sister, leading to a sick child.

Now imagine there is not one such broken gene but several. Suddenly there may be big risk of issues.

So as promised let's turn this on its head.

Consider again what happens in the above scenario. The broken gene is masked which lets it proliferate.

But now imagine yourself fucking your cute sister. If the healthy genes combine then the broken gene has been eliminated! Success! If the broken genes are combined and the child has issues, then the child will be less able to pass the broken gene on! Partial success! However it may still happen that a child gets one broken and one healthy gene. This means that although the bad gene is selected against, it still has some chance of slipping through.

This is why fucking your sister leads to better genes in the long term!
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You are under the forces and elements and chemicals which contain you. We'll see one day about who gets in the oven, until then, may we all rest in peace at the fact you took a quote on your intelligence online and think you're high and mighty.
so what I learnt from this thread is that the deep state doesn't want you banging your sister, right?
so what I learned from this thread is that incestfags don't know a thing about contraception or whatever is stopping them from just doing it in secrecy without telling us about it
>incestfags don't know a thing about contraception
i am pro-life only in the case of incest
When I was in middle school I wanted to fuck my mom so badly
Luckily I grew out of it but I still love incest. Would have sex with some of my cousins if I could 100% keep it secret

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>Can algae grow in outer space?
>What about algae in 0g?
>Hmmm algae in a vacuum??
when is Elon going to decommission this fraudulent trainwreck
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I'd rather my taxes get put into fucking cool space research and explanation than it going to Israel or Africa.
if elon musk is so smart how come he doesnt bring the astronauts on the failing space station back home?
it really become a blackhole for funding though as the star of US, Russian and a constellation of world nations space programs, it became the center of gravity for orbital research and study.
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>50% of the nitrogen in your body is from the Haber-Bosch process, which converts natural gas into food.
>No country has reached high wealth without massive energy consumption.
>Every country over $10,000 per capita GDP is also burning oil like there's no tomorrow.
>China’s GDP and its electricity consumption are through the roof—both fueled by coal, oil, and gas.
>Wealthy countries like Norway and the US are high on the graph for a reason—they burn fossil fuels for energy to sustain their way of life.
>India is still building wealth and burning through natural gas and coal to do it.
>The line between poverty and prosperity is fueled by fossil energy.
>"Low carbon" dreams don't build industries, cities, or modern economies.
>Green countries on the graph? Not exactly oil-free, just less dependent.
>Renewable energy is a luxury for nations that have already powered up their economies with fossil fuels. No oil, no wealth.

I am completely aware that things will get worse ecologically and climate-wise, incrementally but is everyone just going to expect third-world countries, that have seen how much consumption the First-World enjoys, to accept a lower quality of life per capita?

Nuclear Reactors (which I really wish were more widely used) and Renewables don't grow out of thin air. The material needs to be mined, which needs more oil. Batteries need metals which need to be mined from the seabed.

If you are a corporate worker, ultimately your entire job's efficiency revolves around the ability of some magic force turning a circle. And to date, oil has been the most reliable one to do that.

When did everyone become so energy blind?
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Producing purified air is very easy. Without regulations to curtail competition, no "air salesman" monopoly could hope to form.
Thus if we ever got to a situation where the planets air is so polluted it's unbreathable (very unlikely to happen, people have a strong negative preference toward that, thus market pressures would prevent it), the price of purified air would remain very low.
>Stopping slavery? But that's an institution that's been upheld by current systems of government for hundreds of years!
This is you.
New inventions have occurred over the past few centuries that have made slavery outmoded, the past couple of centuries, soft enslavement to governments has similarly: Modern firearms.
Guns means you don't have to rely on a guards or police to protect you from criminals.
We do not need taxes to be at the >40% that they are today. Even if we generously overspend on a military like the USA, that's cutting taxation by more than 80%.
Government doesn't need to manage roads, healthcare or anything other than defense of the country, by extension, taxes can easily be reduced to less than 10%.
Even then, it's questionable that government is needed to fund the defense of the realm: Once again privately own guns could solve this. At that point, the government has no excuse to exist; hence all governments hate civilian owned guns.
>No I'm not. I literally just said these things are necessary for us you illiterate retard
You're not even following your own line of argumentation:

You presented a requirement for state intervention: Saving the bison:
>shows what happens when a handful of people pic rel are left to their own devices ...
I retorted with >>16478208:
>Nothing stops you from buying up some land, then growing herds of bison on it to replicate the environment ...
You claimed this solution isn't good enough:
>This isn’t possible in a fragmented landscape
I claimed disbelief that it's not possible to a large enough stretch of land on which to keep bison >>16479000:
>Don't believe that claim, regardless, tough, you might not be rich enough to buy enough land.
I also explained that even if there was a limitation on land available due to humans being in the way, that doesn't give you the right to use government, because that limitation is principle identical to you just not having enough money to buy sufficient land >>16479000:
>Just because you can't afford to do something doesn't give you the right to steal from other people.
You evidently didn't understand that I equated the limitations on space for your “bison farm” imposed by either you being too poor, or there not being enough land to buy up, as you responded with:
>It has nothing to do with price dipshit. There are towns, farms, highways and so on that prevent it.

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I then responded by highlighting the impossibility of your desires. You either accept that you cannot have a continentally sized bison farm, or you accept that such a farm requires obliterating the human infrastructure already in place >>16480695:
>You are suggesting the environment must be restored to how it was thousands of years ago. This necessitates destroying human civilization.
>you admit that your plans for Earth require towns, farms and highways don't exist.
Which brings us to the present, where you’ve completely lost the thread of conversation:
>No I'm not. I literally just said these things are necessary for us you illiterate retard

Understand what we’re talking about now? You're demonstrating another reason why I have so little faith in statist ideas.
address the argument or cope & seethe

Greenland Cooled by -0.11°C From 2000-2019 – Including All Ice Free And Ice Covered Areas

New research analyzes two decades of Greenland land surface temperature (LST) data. Contrary to the popular narrative of a significant warming trend, Greenland has instead cooled from 2000-2019 at a rate of -0.055°C per decade.

Southern Greenland also cooled from 1958-2001, suggesting the region has been cooling for over 60 years.
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>abstract in some scribbles
Yeah... no...
Because global warming is fake
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We're due for another ice age
We're in an ice age now. That's why there are glaciers

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How strongly correlated is geography and genetics?

For example, will two populations converge to have the same things like dietary preferences, phenotypes, etc. even without interbreeding?

The scientific intuition says "No", but scientific intuition is often extremely incorrect about complex dynamic systems. Are there any long-term empirical studies about this? I assume no, because it would have to be conducted over thousands of years in a particularly well controlled environment.

But the thought is interesting. It would have huge implications on chaos theory.

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I want to be able to completely recycle every possible kind of waste, either organic or inorganic, biologic or electronic (aside maybe for radioactive stuff), all by myself, in my home.
What equipment do I need?
A working brain.
a volcano

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