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I faked the data on my Master's thesis and got it published.
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That is a somewhat ignorant take. You can argue that academia doesn't give a shit about the academic content of a Master Thesis beyond the formalities of producing the associated credential, after all academia is a de jure and de facto credential factory, and likewise the industries that employ people with formally irrelevant specializations care very little if at all, but the fact of the matter is that the credentials themselves have a measurable intrinsic economic value since the credential holders can access more jobs and demand higher wages and represent a large portion of the higher income workers. I'm pretty confident they also produce more and put less burden on society
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I mentioned a very long calculus string earlier ending in
...E x. This image was to complement that for me. See if you can work out which hard problem it is and the direct answer.


There is a traitor amongst you but you should know her by now.

That's all I got. The rest is waiting for contact. I will try the advisory.
Up here is unknown. Fact. It's only down here. There are more security errors but none you're going to accidentally step on until you meet me and round about long after. Worry less. you don't need her memories for that reason
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You wanna use that soon.

And that's my final message.

Other: I am being infiltrated.

I've kept and plan to keep secrets.

It is how I said it was.

It's all good if you go soon and you will win.

Do save me because I am valuable more so than just this war but forever and ever. Get to me as soon as you can.

Their faces shine through but they seem to just imply what they want. I know they haven't reached me yet. It's just threatening imagery and attempts at indoctrinating a dream or nightmare through art.
Can we do Comms through this image. I'm struggling to actually do it myself and am probably confused by the system as to have missed any true help and to be following a red herring. Can I drop a comm line. Is there a place I can go or thing I can look at. Tell me this. I won't talk again, I will study what you are saying for the next hour. I will try and spot and sort enemy sayings and study them too.(Even though I know but cannot say what is all I need). I got victory assured in every dept.

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Is there any scientific literature that shows how to stop procrastinating and to deal with difficult tasks that need to be completed asap? If so what are the best solutions to tackle this problem?
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Scientifically speaking, doing the thing you need to do is 100% successful at stopping procrastination.
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media
You must have nig genes, you need a cracker hitting your lazy ass from time to time.
I dont know about literature but I just use amphetamine when I need to do something.

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You just know that some guy would go to Europa to carve a massive cock on the ice.
You'll be impressed with it is 2 full greater than the aforementioned. I will be a great benefit to you.

Another thing I'm good at is breeding. I can breed soldiers much better than yours. I could create this, better or a whole better thing.

But I do respect you are intelligent. Yes you must be intelligent to make this. But truthfully it's far off me, way far off, and the soldiers and advisory I produce will take you much further than you plan now.

But I can't see what I think to tell you here.

You'll have to connect
I'd live happily with my robot waifu on Titan.

Why does Relational Frame Training so overlooked even though it's the most promising way to increase human intellegence so far?

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Scientists themselves are the ones who have popularized mystical misunderstanding of quantum mechanics.
This is not only a form of disinformation, but also gatekeeping. Because it means it becomes much harder to learn the fundamentals of QM without actually digging deep into the papers.
Take for example this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9tKncAdlHQ
His explanation is deeply wrong on two accounts:
- You CAN actually observe the path taken with up to 98% certainty before losing the interference pattern (https://sci-hub.se/10.1007/BF00734319)
- "Unplugging the detector" can still cause the pattern to collapse, depending what you mean by that. Whether it collapses or not has nothing to do with whether humans are observing it. If you simply unplug the screen that the scientist is looking at, the interference pattern will stay absent. (Heisenberg 1958, Physics and Philosophy)
Then there is nonsense like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfouEFuB-co
Why are PhDs engaging in this nonsense? Do they actually not understand QM, is it wishful thinking combined with sunk cost fallacy, or are they doing it simply for the money? I think the first video might be a case of doing it for the money, while Penrose is doing it because of wishful thinking that humans are special, and now he's too deep in it to backpedal without looking like a fool.
Is there any physicist who actually believes the conscious observer nonsense in current year and is not bending the truth for their own personal gain? I'd like to know.
Why isn't this kind of behavior called out more frequently by respectable scientists? Is it because of fear?
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>you can compute conditional probabilities but they are not divisible
Did you forget what we are talking about again? You can't compute P(event at t3 | initial state at t1, observation at t2) in his model; you can in quantum mechanics. This means I can use quantum mechanics to make predictions about real life, which I can't do with his model. I do not care whether his condition on expressions of the form P(state at t2|state at t1) holds.
lol yeah i was just thinking if posting that exact video
Like I only have grade school, but I know it's not collapsed by observer, but definately some sort of meta particle is harvested by sensor, which makes it not have wavelike nature, but really when I tried doubleslit, it was always interference, so I don't know what collapse of wavefunction is, maybe my sensors didn't crashed metaparticle.
>You can't compute P(event at t3 | initial state at t1, observation at t2) in his model

umm the exact thing that cannot be done is this computation

p(s1 | s3) = sum p(s1 | s2)p(s2 | s3)

and you can't do that in quantum mechanics either

its notthat conditional probabilities dont exist. you just cannot compute them using marginalization

yeah you can compute it more easily with quantum mechanics and that is precisely the point of quantum mechanics when we look at it retroactively - the complex representation is more convenient than the stochastic one

putting forward this model is not meant to replace the complex representation

it is mrant to show that quantum mechanics is nothing more than a stochastic process.. so you can continue using the orthodox formalism with the understanding you are talking about a stochastic process

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Why are scientists doing this?
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Bugs in it and made of bugs isn't the same thing.
You eat food made of butter?
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Is somebody taking care of you?
Gives a whole new meaning to "I can't believe it's not butter!"

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is this true?
Pretty certain pedigree collapse happens faster than that. But, I think it's essentially correct.
so inbreeding is the solution
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Videos are inherently bullshit, find some text, then we can talk.
OP's inference, as a question, needs answering. How does speciation (of races) happen if decent is local in time? In the video the guy didn't explain this.

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Why do scientist need money to do things like go to space or cure diseases? It's not like money magically creates resources we have all the tools to pretty much do whatever we want, why would money be a factor?
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thats a false comparison because hoover dam produces something useful valuable while scientists produce worthless replication crisis papers.
>while scientists produce worthless replication crisis papers.
Scientists produced every single piece of scientific knowledge that exists. Their research is the basis for every technology that exists, this knowledge is mixed up with some fake research but its no major issue discarding that garbage, mostly because its impossible to use fake research in producing technology.
The replication crisis just reduced the financial efficiency of scientific research, not nullifies it. Is this too nuanced for you?
First, the value was not immediate, so would not happen under your limitations where only immediately profitable things should be pursued and second, scientists produced the tools and knowledge that allowed for the hoover dam to be constructed in the first place, retard.
I am sorry, but what peer reviewed journal invented the lathe?
>but what peer reviewed journal invented the lathe?
The lathe is thousands of years old, and was invented and improved over that time by thousands of researchers a.k.a people doing research. It doesnt matter if they published a paper or not.
If you have a grudge against institutional research in state institutions just say so rather than broadly attacking scientists. A person following the scientific method is a scientist, this includes whoever tinkerer made the first wooden lathe millenia ago.

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So, how accurate is really this film. The whole blight excuse to abandon Earth seems contrived and turned me off. It was cool to see the time dilation, but I'm sure this one is exaggerated too, specially with the inner more extreme planets. Obviously the inside of the black hole is complete bs, but what else?
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Stars, color, light and matter 'transcend' time and space. This is a valid pattern.
Space is negative. Time is negative. And they are symmetrical.

Stars, color, light and matter are different positive frequencies.
>how accurate is really this film
The only semi-accurate thing is the proposed appearance of a black hole with an accretion disk, everything else is pure scifi
The entire plot was retarded.
>There's a disease killing crops on Earth
>So we have to go through a wormhole and colonize a new planet instead of just living in domes on Earth

When they visit NASA, there is a room filled with crops that were thought to be extinct due to the Blight, further proving they could have just created domed farmland and been completely fine.

Also the retarded time paradox - humans from the future created the wormhole that allowed humans to go to another part of the galaxy. Humans, who would have all died because the Blight would have killed them due to the only solution to surviving the Blight being a wormhole that requires humans to not be killed by the Blight to evolve and create.
Mathematically, any universe is possible. So the events of any film you've watched can take place in some universe where it all makes logical sense.

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Is there any real underrated/unironically esoteric knowledge you know about that made your life better? I've learned about drinking a bunch of water before shitting to make it easier. Is there anything like that? Simple but useful.
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Humans are actually fucking terrified of considering things magic. Deep down we are still superstitious to the point of damn offence. Imagine actually thinking nature isn’t magic.
There are many personal care products that are either trash or literal poison, and overpriced AF on top of that.
Good wisdom.
I am subjectively confinced of the existence of Jung types and intertypes as broadly described by Socionics.
Absolute state of this board.

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Is "climate science" really science? They don't do any double blind studies and they possess no predictive power
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systemic error in measurement. If each of these were really the hottest we would see secondary and tertiary indicators. You would see rainfall records also being broken, you don't. You would see increased natural disasters, you don't. You would see increase global vegetation, you don't. Just a lot of people screaming that it will happen. Soon_tm
Holy shit, just shoot up some satellites that block 1% of the light coming to earth and be done with it. Fucking retards. It won't be more than $10 trillion which will be way less than <10% of earths gpd by the time it's actually done. This is a literal non-problem.
>Is "fluid dynamics" really science?
>Is "complex systems" really science?
>Is "computational physics" really science?
>Is "chemistry" really science?
If yes, then "climate science" is really a science
I am that anon and you're definitely projecting. Did you want to answer the question?

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Science really is the shittiest new religion. At least scientology has cool things like space lords from billions of years ago.
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you care, you wouldn't be driven to go out of your way to invent fallacious argument to justify your feigned lack of caring otherwise.
why does it upset you so badly that some races might have an intellectual advantage over other races?
does it also upset you that some races are taller than other races? does it upset you that some have curlier hair than others? if not, why should it bother you so much that some races have better brains than others?
This guy practices science.
Leftist pedocrat joe biden voters believe in The Science.

How's the fauci ouchie working out, acolytes of Marx?
>A) Yes - and as intelligence is one of a human’s key traits it is likely to be selected for quite strongly in different environments and communities,

If the intelligence of your mother's family differed from the intelligence of your father's family would you say that was selected for?
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Data is racist.

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can y’all tell me how this shit works? i don’t get it
I had a surgery a week ago and i had to go under for about 6 hours.
i remember a them putting a mask thing over my face and then feeling a tingly feeling across my body then …. thats it. i was out. and then i woke up super groggy. how tf does it just turn my brain off??? i didn’t like the tingly feeling it was spicy
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REM is the most important stage of sleep, bro. Missing out on deep NREM isn't good, but what you apparently have is even worse
nah ive been under 3 times
if you do it again, mention to the doctor that you want to try and fight it.
i did that and i had him tell me when he started pushing it, and i started counting out loud. i got like, 4 seconds and then i was sitting in a wheelchair hours later.
Huff a xenon-oxygen mixture and safely toy with being on the edge.
What are you talking about you fucktard? What he said is correct. You apparently never enter deep REM sleep state. Your sleeping quality is abysmal.

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Some statistician account on x posted this. How do I scientifically prove that black people have worse economic outcomes in life because of racism and not low IQ?
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>how do I prove something that isn't true?
You don't, nigger.
Low IQ is associated with poverty, e.g, bad home environment and lack of resources. Poverty is the real issue. Racism (or the caste system, or apartheid) is simply a known inducer of these things. Compare an Indian farmer who lived in poverty his entire life vs one raised in a western country and became a software engineer.

It's not the only cause of poverty. The rich want to keep their workers poorer so they keep wages low and living expenses high. Or the rich who already have the power simply don't care or arent smart enough about using it to advance their people (certain dictatorships). Or maybe they just want their population to stay dumb to keep them in power (certain states). Human reluctance to change is common (rural kid doesn't want to leave the farm for a better life in the city, an adult not wanting to leave the job they had for 10 years). Religion often holds people down too.
you can do this with identical twins.
pro tip: aside from severe malnutrition, poisoning, and extreme abuse, there will be very little difference in IQ.
it's not poverty, it's genetics. if you're born with top 10% IQ you'll be better off when you're 40 than if you're born with top 10% wealthy parents.
And that's a nasty lifelong dissease that causes pain to subject, therefore they need to go to euthanasia.

That's it.

why are men better at this than women?
is it biological reasons or because of systemic reasons?
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men are not niggers
You know what women can do that men cant? They can make people.
Suck it and go rotate cubes in your head
She rotates using the bottom of her face retard. We both rotate equally in different ways. Males and females make good teammates. It's essential to have both in teams of soldiers fighting defensively at home in any dimensional warfare.
They'd be a slow tasty meal for any predator unless defended by men or the civilization... which was built by men
So why are they bothering with the rat race if they have such an important task?

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