Such decay would not violate any fundamental conservation law, except for the ham-fisted law of "total barions must stay constant because we have never seen the opposite".
>>16608184Gauge symmetry doesn’t explain why forces exist—it just describes their behavior.Physicists treat it as "fundamental," but it's just a way to keep equations working when shifting variables.
>>16607737So what? Lots of people have tried to find a fundamental theory that explains all of that, and nobody can agree (yet). That being said a lot of great work has been done, most of which I don't understand even though I have a phd in le physics. You're welcome to try and improve it but it's quite the rabbit hole.
>>16608278>Gauge symmetry doesn’t explain why forces exist—it just describes their behavior.All of physics, and indeed everything we think about the external world, is kinda like that. Maybe there's answers somewhere at the bottom but we're a long way from getting there.
>>16607728>science can't explain why
>>16608120>One photon? Really?Yes, one photonand one positronProblem?
It's supposed to be the air that pushes on something when you have a vacuum on one side. So then how in the fuck when a "tube", fuck it I'm gonna make this about dicks because it's easier, how is it that when it's sucked does it go into the mouth? When there is no angle for the air to push it from?
>>16608237If you're gonna be an insufferable faggot, then at least provide something of value. You're just worthless.
>>16607162This is wild, but I think you made a small oversimplification. It's generally FLUID pressure on one side that pushes an object into the vacuum, where the fluid could be air, water, or whatever. I hypothesize that the main share of the pushing force is generated by your internal water content pushing against the tissues, and in particular the blood flowing through your dick's blood vessels. The dick blood is under pressure from the contraction of your heart, as well as the weight of the atmosphere pressing in on your body from ever direction but the blowjob giver (analogous to of one of those squishy toys that inflate out of the gap in your curled fist when you squeeze.) You could also argue some of the pushing force is generated by the air pushing on the blowjob recipient's entire backside.
>>16608255Interesting idea anon. Wouldn't you almost explode if you went in a vacuum then?And what about a metal tube? Attached to a wall or something.Also how do the different so called fluids act in the transition? Does it even matter? Say air is pushed on all sides of your body. Does the pushing of the air in a way go into the body? Like what if you're sitting on a chair? It's kind of hard to imagine and I've never heard anyone talk about it.
>>16608241You are incredibly retarded and upset you can't understand this simple concept.
>>16608271Cool, now fuck off from the thread you brain-dead spammer.
After failing numerous times in college, getting kicked out and trying again, i've lost my passion for reading and studying and just relegate everything outside of exams to ChatGPT. Like the way the schools want you to.I no longer have a friend circle or text and call people, i don't have a girlfriend, i don't have long term goals or a prospect for immigrating out of my 3rd world shithole.What can i do to get that passion back? i feel like a series of bad decisions and consequences has fried my brain and thrown away any hope
>>16605056go to the library, leave ur phone at home if needed be
>>16605143>it if i know its fakeYou don’t though, you haven’t read it yet. Tesla was into half that cooky stuff and you wouldn’t call him a hack or a fraud. Discoveries don’t come to a closed mind.
>>16605161>Tesla was into half that cooky stuff and you wouldn’t call him a hack or a fraudHe was a bit retarded, at least he made some good discoveries. Wherever he couldn't back up his claims with evidence he just believed anything that he wanted for no reason.
>>16605056>Passion for readingSounds empty. Find a REASON to read.
>>16605056>i don't have long term goals or a prospect for immigrating out of my 3rd world shitholeYou've done great, mission accomplished. I respect that. We're full by the way.
is chemistry fun? can you make money with it if you dont have a degree or go to school for it? do you need a degree to get lab equipment or materials or whatever to make stuff?like what kind of stuff could i make that i could make money with? like shampoo or something? lol
>>16602864>>yes but better equipment = better grade stuff. Purity is important I'm assuming I'd need a bit more than an Associates Degree from a community college to get lab equipment, huh?
>>16601935>is chemistry fun?No>can you make money with it if you dont have a degree or go to school for it?unless you're selling illegal drugs, no.>do you need a degree to get lab equipment or materials or whatever to make stuff?yes>like what kind of stuff could i make that i could make money with?amphetamines
>>16602852anon, you have no idea how hard lab scale production is, do you? You can make most chemicals in a lab, if you have access to the basic acids, bases and organic solvents, but the effort is unimaginably higher than just buying it, because things are relatively easy on industrial scale.>>16602820just fucking distill it, you retard
>>16601935>Is chemistry is run?Yes.>Can you make money with it if you have no degree or go to school for it?Yes, but it is difficult and may be illegal.>do you need a degree to get lab equipment or materials or whatever to make stuff?Not lab equipment, but for some chemicals you need to have a good reason>like what kind of stuff could i make that i could make money with? like shampoo or something? lolSoap
Distilling alcohol and/or essential oils is quite unironically where it's at. There's a decent base around the hobby as well as plenty of safe, high-quality equipment from suppliers like clawhammer. No risk of blowing your hand off. You may need a permit depending on where you are to distill alcohol but not for oils and other distill-ables.
i thought quantum computing was a scam, is it real now? have they been able to factorize anything above 12 yet?>
sabine debunked this
>>16607322Caspere knew this...
>>16591878>Majorana chipThe evil chip that contains a great power but takes control over its user?
>>16591918I mean, this is just a very fancy NMR machine.
>>16591878>>16603736>>16607361With the amount of jeets working in IT, especially Microsoft, I expected Majorana to be the name of some hindu goddess or something equally jeet.
if i were to learn physics , chemistry and biology from scratch . how will i do so whilst being as quick and efficient as possible
>>16607676Spend ten years learning math and some chemistry. Then knowing some math, physics will be possible to pick up in about a year, and you will be able to see how it ties in with chemistry. Spend the remainder of time trying to wrap your head around biology.
start with the greeks
>>16607676As much as people here like to rag on academia, school is the best and most efficient way to learn science. Yes some of it is useless. Yes some of it is wrong. But ultimately it's set up to have students learn as much as possible in a relatively short amount of time. Major in biochemistry, as it's likely the only major in your school that will require a full series of physics, chemistry, and biology.
>>16607940>it's set up to have students learn as much as possible in a relatively short amount of timeThis is the most asinine thing I've read on this godforsaken board.
What are some independent projects I can do while studying chemistry? How can I go about doing it? Internships, and other competitions, asking for experience are screwing me over.
>>16606604kilo-scale is hard
>>16598619lsd>>16600052or meth.
>>16601725I mean what can I do theoretically or at least in the supply of relatively inexpensive materials? What I would really like to be doing is working with petroleum or whatever niche product formulation you can only find in the Midwest. What’s impressive out there?
>>16607463>I mean what can I do theoretically or at least in the supply of relatively inexpensive materials?Struvite can be made from urine. It is trivial, just pee in a can, let it stand for a day or two, and then filter the contents. The off while powder is struvite.
Salt (sodium chloride) dissolves with a saturation concentration of around 36%, it goes up a bit with heat until a 39% at 100 degrees celcius.This is known but yet not explained. No chemical model knows why some common salt or other simple ionic salts (chloride, hydroxides, bromides, sulfates) dissove at the specific concentrations they do at some temperature.All science has to say is "Polar molecules" or "Polar molecules motherfucker" and claim that heat agitates things.
corr would blow ropes on diss bints face
>>16600937this bitch knows the smell while you and your party are stuck imagining it
>>16600937but it is known why solubility works like that
>>16600947solubility is a relevant and important issue in many fields
>>16600960>the lattice energies of the sodium halides increase from NaI to NaFit's not just lattice energy, but also ionic hardness.Water is a relatively soft positive donor, which is why it favors softer ions like Iodide and Bromide over the Chloride and Fluoride, the geometry of the ions matters very much.You can show this using QM using MD simulations.
>1.5MB file>3 and a half hours to download >fails halfway throughSo is all knowledge just paywalled now?
Just get that shit from your unis online subscriptionOr give me the name and I'll do that for you
You're supposed to use wget so it resumes from where it left off rather than a full redownload.
in here>>16573256we were waiting for enlightened anti-rgb anon to post empiric proof that pure rgb green is lighter than rgb yellow
>>16603887RGB pixel doesn't have split energy sources, single source is modulated between R and G and B
>>16606628A pixel is made of more or less 3 rgb mini lights. Is that what ur saying? Because that's how it is as far as I'm aware
this made me think, is there such a thing as non physical rgb display? I don't see why not just adding an orange light, just for example, would increase the color range of the display
how about instead of jacking off about theoretical dark cones and imaginary n-dimensional rodswe measure itradiant fucking flux. use watts.
>>16607211das wh'm talkin' 'bout
One day, there will be a space port on the Falkland islands
>>16606733Which brings up it's own set of geopolitical problems because these are the countries on the equator.>Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, São Tomé and Príncipe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Indonesia, Maldives, and Kiribati.Many of these are out due to political instability. Ecuador is appealing in the Cayambe is a nice big chunk of rock to anchor into and is directly on the equator. But it's also a volcano that last erupted in the 1700s, which is quite recent in geological time.
>>16606733What if you tether it with TWO strings?
>>16607485You absolutely can do this provided they are equidistant iircAgain tho why bother building an elevator to space when you can just use whatever reactionless drives the government has for reusable ssto.
>>16606014>concrete and steelthey're not strong enough to withstand its own weight. this proves you're a fraud
They will delete this, just like all the rest.Entanglement Is Just Out-of-Phase OscillationParticles oscillate inherently—they are not static objects but rhythmic energy patterns.When two particles originate from the same event, their oscillations are locked—but can be out of phase.Measurement doesn’t "collapse" anything—it just reveals the pre-existing phase relationship.Let’s say a particle’s oscillation is:ψ1(t) = A cos(ωt)Its entangled partner, due to conservation laws, must be out of phase:ψ2(t) = A cos(ωt + π)This means:If ψ1 is measured as "up", that just means we caught it at a certain phase.Instantly, ψ2 must be "down" because it was always π out of phase—not because of “spooky action.”Why This Kills Quantum WeirdnessComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>16607159chang already refuted you if a bugman can do it, you know it must be in a test bank somewhere. Which means it must be agreed upon by chang professors. Which means it was copy-pasted from some Western school. The science is settled.
>>16606702and turn green and go right when you check
∂v/∂t + v · ∇v + (1/ρ)(∂ρ/∂t)v = -(1/ρ)∇(P(ρ)) - GM/r2
Fₜₒₜₐₗ = (G M) / r2 + ∂/∂t (∂ϵ/∂t) + 𝜈∇2ϵ + C(r, M, 𝜌) + (𝟏/𝜌) ∇P(𝜌)Terms:Fₜₒₜₐₗ Tot𝐚l force combining gr𝐚vity, energy density, 𝐚nd pressure-driven forces.GM/r2 Gr𝐚vit𝐚tion𝐚l force (Newtoni𝐚n gr𝐚vity).∂/∂t (∂ϵ/∂t) Ch𝐚nge in energy density over time.𝜈∇2ϵ Viscosity term, disfusion of energy density.C(r, M, 𝜌) Ph𝐚se opposition corrections (oscill𝐚tions in the f𝐚bric).(𝟏/𝜌) ∇P(𝜌) Pressure gr𝐚dient force, driving flow in the F𝐚bric.
If reality is truly 3D, forces should fall off as 1/r3 (volume-based). Instead, every fundamental force follows 1/r2 (surface area of a sphere).Gravity, light, EM waves—all obey inverse-square, meaning they spread over a 2D surface, not a 3D volume.A sphere’s surface area is 2D. If space were truly 3D, force should dilute over the sphere’s volume instead.But it doesn’t. It only cares about the 2D expansion model—why?Possible answers:Space is a stretched 2D fabric, not a true 3D void.Forces follow structured flow paths, not free expansion.We perceive depth as an illusion—reality is actually a 2D+flow system.No one asks this because they assume 3D is real. But the math is screaming that forces are stuck to a 2D-like medium.
Does calorie restriction actually slow aging or is ti a meme?
>>16606826I think what OP means by "calorie restriction" is simply not being a disgusting fat sack of shit.
>>16603324>>16604325lmfao wtf it does in mammal studieswe dont have long term clinical trials on humans thoughits mainly a memeaging is measured through geneticsdiet is less of a predictor unless you have shitty habits and induce high BMI through lifestyle this should be common sense nigga
>>16607594malnourished fat ass cope.
>>16603324>or is ti a meme?Picrel. It's not that it doesn't work, it's that other stuff works better and calorie restriction hurts your muscle-building abilities too much by comparison. See:>Short-term fasting of a single amino acid extends lifespan
>>16603324Controlled dietary restrictions do but only if you also maintain a low stress lifestyle. Specifically fasting is what's associated with extending life, not starvation or eating meme low calorie diets.
kek...just divided by zero and invented Liminal algebra and discovered where Identity Space diverges from Relational Space.SUCK IT MATH NERDS!! 1+1=(2⋈O)
>>16603854this actually works if that operator is the logical inverse operator
>>16604025She's very territorial. A place holder.
>>16604279And what's the mathematical inverse of the real world? A reflection, an illusion. And... oh shit? Can we use illusions mathematically? Or should I say... matheMAGICALLY!>>16607559I catch glimpses of her in the mirror sometimes. She stares at me lovingly, but whenever I turn around to find her, she's gone. My heart belongs to her though, and I'm searching for a way that we can be together. Ours is a forbidden love, sadly. I think that I'll forever be alone.
>>16603854Okay but can you square 0 for 1
>>16607878Naw. Not even my stuff can touch that voodoo. I can make real things imaginary, and imaginary things real, but I can't make false things true.No matter how much nothing you multiply by, you still get nothing. All I can do is trick that nothing into thinking it's something.
Sorry in advance, I'm not very smart when it comes to this stuff but I'm trying to wrap my head around this one.Can a star die and form a black hole while already beyond the event horizon of a black hole?Essentially, I understand that a sufficiently large black hole (TON 618?) will have no noticeable effects for a human as that human passes the event horizon. Of course, the human may be able to detect that they have passed the event horizon by seeing normal space folding above them slowly into a distant pinhole, but ultimately that humans feels no discomfort and will die of old age in their space suit before the black hole actually does anything to harm them.Suppose that a star passes beyond the event horizon of this same extremely large black hole, and then that star itself collapses into its own black hole AFTER already having passed the event horizon of the surrounding black hole;My questions are: Can a black hole form inside another black hole? What is the experience of that region of space time? What happens to the new singularity and how does it interact with the already existing singularity?I think my human brain still perceives black holes as object and not regions of space, which is why I'm having so much trouble with this.An analogy I read was that you can't create a bottomless pit inside a bottomless pit - it would just be one bottomless pit. I get that, but I also feel that the collapsing star still has the 'right' to collapse into a black hole under the aforementioned conditions because ultimately a region of space still maintains some level of classical integrity after passing the event horizon - otherwise shit would just instantly be obliterated as it passes through, which isn't the case. "Space" still exists beyond the event horizon, it just eventually breaks down or whatever as it gets closer to the singularity.Do we know or understand anything about this circumstance?
>>16603717Don't mislead him. Both the idea that information is destroyed at the surface of the event horizon, and the concept of gravastars are not largely supported.You are talking like this shit is confirmed, the guy is clearly asking in relation to our understanding that you can survive passing the event horizon
>>16603828Spaghetti is negligible at EH if the BH is big enough.
>>16603828you're talking shit
black holes aren't real
>>16603493From the premise of your question it sounds like you understand that this ought to be possible for a sufficiently large outer black hole.>My questions are: Can a black hole form inside another black hole? What is the experience of that region of space time? What happens to the new singularity and how does it interact with the already existing singularity?That sounds like a good project to give a beginning graduate student in numerical relativity. Maybe you can sit down and think about what it ought to be qualitatively, but I doubt this could be solved analytically. If you are the guy from that other thread on black holes, maybe you know enough to try working this out yourself, and you might even be able to publish your own paper if no one has done this before.