What do you do? Money and red tape aren't a concern.
>>16585966Thank you for the non-rebuttal and generally useless reply.
>>16582162Big focus on mathematics where the teacher is assisted by an LLM for basic stuff so every kid can self-learn (make sure the LLM is fine tuned to not give the solutions directly). You should be proficient in calculus, linear algebra and number theory/proofs by the end of high school. Then, by order of time investment: Physical ed: swimming or gymnastics/light work out + basic dieting (with a focus on negative outcomes of over consumption of certain food types, basically scare tactics), Pop science + biology (memorizing facts) then transition to rigorous science (chem and physics) when they have a grasp on functions in mathematics, "culture class" where you learn about movies, books, fashion, art as a common societal language and less as actual disciplines, free time (should be at least 20% of school time so people don't get as demotivated), contemporary world (basically the state of the world, geography, recent disasters, a smidge of economy and politics with focus on humanitarian efforts; biases dissolve with depth). Then, you make one extracurricular mandatory and give enough options for them to personally get invested (hobbies make you a more balanced person). Make sure to have dedicated personnel to help with class behavior so teachers can focus on maximizing learning. Free lunch, 3 school trips per year, bi-yearly personal planning 1-on-1 with someone to draft a plan for your future life with realistic options (can change throughout the years, basically a 2-3 hour focus on introspection), no uniforms (but a dress code) so people can express themselves. I could go on for hours on how to incentivize children to perform well, but I'm not a behavioral psychologist so I'm not sure what is detrimental or not, but that should still be a focus. Make it so classes sporadically turn into free time periods on a weekly basis to not over-fit too much on a schedule and alleviate negative feelings some students harbor towards certain classes and days.
>>16585931>Your grades don't count for shit.over here they do, 100%, specially if your uni/choice is in high demand
I would increase teacher pay but also make it significantly easier to fire them. A good teacher is worth the extra money and the system gets slogged down by the deadweights. Every classroom would have a teachers assistant so the teacher can teach instead of make copies or other bullshit. More pressure on parents to actually raise their children instead of dropping off their feral animals for us to babysit, I would make traditional public schools a privilege and not open to those who are a behavioral problem. More emphasis on trades, more and earlier life skills classes. School for kids would be 4 days a week allowing teachers a planning day. School would run in the summer but have the winter off
>>16586721Oh and no state testing, or at least severely reduced
why do germans dominate science
>>16586138>won't carry over to e.g. analysis where there might be more French and few Hungarians etc.>Implying France is not jewland
>>16584193>They no longer dominate science now desuMax Planck and Helmholtz outperform every single Ivy League university except for Harvard and have more publications in high-impact journals than Oxbridge
>>16586500Max Planck is not a single place you dumbfuck
>>16586505What is this supposed to mean? Max Planck is one single legal entity. Most American Ivy League schools aren't 'single places' either. They are huge corporations with branches and external projects and labs. Amerimutts coping that they only dominate DEI bullshit rankings and not actually those based on publications.
>>16586500>Max Planck and Helmholtz outperform every single Ivy League universityOutperform how?Some DEI ranking i bet. H index Statistics for most bullshit published.Worthless fake research that has zero use in the real world.
I'd like to preface this post by apologising in advanced for asking a question that has probably been asked a thousand times already, but I don't know where else to ask. I don't use r*ddit, or d*scord, and none of my friends are into mathematics.My situation:Intermediate Algebra (Blitzer) - done all odds, and all end of chapter testsCollege Algebra (Blitzer) - done all odds, and all end of chapter testsPrecalculus (Blitzer) - done all odds for trig onlyBook of Proof (Hammack) - 1/3rd through, doing all oddsHow to prove it (Hammack) - 1/5th through, doing all questions (found solutions manual online)My goal:Precalculus (done) -> Proofs (work in progress) & Calc (I am here!) -> Analysis -> Linear Algebra -> Abstract Algebra -> Number TheoryI need a calculus book that fits these criteria:- Good for self-teaching, so must have many examples, questions, and answers to at least all the odds, or a solutions manual.- Some rigour, but not too much as I'm not fully confident with proofs. I do have a little bit of experience with proof by induction.- No physics, no engineering. I don't care about applied mathematics.Thank you.
>>16584026I posted a fake data snippet and Chan deleted the post of epidemiology studies
>>16584002>read different books in tandem?If one initially doesn't understand something in a textbook, then one can read the same thing in another textbook.Plus "sleeping on it" is important.>Do you think this is a good idea?I don't know.You're better off without my advice.
>>16583527Do linear algebra before analysis, if you want my 2 cents
>>16584362OK, tweaked it according to this: https://www.susanrigetti.com/mathPrecalculus -> Calc -> Proofs -> Linear Algebra -> Abstract Algebra -> Analysis -> Number Theory
>>16583527>I need a calculus book that fits these criteria [...]You can't go wrong with older textbooks like Apostol's and Spivak's
I’m pregnant and get migraines weekly and headaches almost daily. Are there any vitamins that I can take that would be helpful? I take a daily prenatal and 500 milligrams of magnesium right now. I drink green tea daily as well because for a little while the caffeine helped but it hasn’t done much lately. I’m really trying to avoid Tylenol if possible
>>16586662What color is the husband?
>>16586660Based>>16586646Tits or gtfoSome migraines are just genetic and you have to tough them out.Others are vaused by something, find out what this is by documenting what you put in your body and then checking back with your notes pnce they happen, this ks not just food but also what type of pan (dont use aluminium) what soap what scents, even the weather evrything.
>>16586646Also DONT do any parasite cleanses now because they also kill babies, like wormwood for example.
>>16586688Probably weather related with the change in pressure from the cold fronts recently, bummer.
[math]/\mathfrak{mg}/[/math]Deutsche Mathematik editionTalk maths, formerly >>16534183
>>16583914>I enjoyed math in school though I never had to do anything proof based or rigorousrepliers missed the important part of the postmath is completely different after you introduce proofyou don't even know if you like math until you try proof
>>16586452Not just that. There's also research level math which is again completely different from the undergraduate proof-based math.
>>16586659it's not as big a change though, the end of undergrad can be pretty close to researchhigh school math however is just calculation
>>165625092+2=4 Quick Maths
>>16586667Not really. Undergrad math is very elegant. At the end of undergrad, you'd be doing what? Stuff that has largely been done in early 20th century. But current math is just extremely ugly, and disorganised. You would simply have to take results from subjects you know nothing about at face values. What you'd be doing would seem to have absolutely no correlation with real life. You'd be reading 10 page long proofs on results that you have no idea why anyone would care about. I mean even stuff like functional analysis, differential geometry and whatever people learn at the late undergrad level is still fairly motivated and organised, but bleeding edge math is just absurdly soul crushing. That is, unless you are number theory autist.
Why is lim x=>0 of 1/x equal to infinity instead of undefined? I thought that a quantity that infinitely approaches a certain number is equal to that number. That's what they told me about 0.999... being equal to 1.Either that limit is undefined or 0.999... does not equal 1. You can't have it both ways.
>>16586624I don't know if it's dual but this is what I meant1) [math]\exists z. \forall Z > z. \Rightarrow f(Z) = 0[/math]2) [math]\nexists z. \forall Z < z. \Rightarrow f(Z) = 0[/math]Turned the < around in 1) to match my original description
>>16586630Those 2 conditions don't make any sense.1) Implies that every number is of the form z*10^p eith z,p whole numbers2)Implies that every number is infinite
>>16586634I think maybe I was confusing in >>16586529[math]f(z)[/math] gives you the value for the [math]10^z[/math] place, but I also used [math]z[/math] from the summation index to mean the negative of those [math]z[/math].1) is saying that it's finite (eventually there is a max decimal place that is nonzero)2) is saying that no decimals end in ... 0 ...
>>16586455Just because 0.999... isn't in the set of reals doesn't mean its not a rational number.
>>16586696It kinda does anon, all rational numbers are also real numbers.
What killed scientific progress?Where is our flying car?Lol jk we all know the answer it's overregulation and fearmongering.
>>16577749All supposed problems with flying cars people cite are circumvented with the slightest bit of forethought.You wouldn't actually let people fly flying cars themselves they would be controlled by auto pilot.You also wouldn't replace every ground car with a flying car anyway you would reserve flying cars for emergency vehicles, taxis and the super wealthy to reduce ground traffic.
>>16579602Such a retarded response.So there is no room for improvement on helicopters?
>>16583575you're just poor >>16584787Imagine a billion jeets with nuclear power
>>16577444People confused scientific progress with technological progress. We have the science we'd need to make flying cars, we've even built some one-offs. We don't have the infrastructure, legal and social conditions to roll it out on a big scale, so it doesn't happen.
>>16585785This. The retard you replied to probably is like "why isn't ChatGPT discovering things for me??" in his daily work.
>2025>the overwhelmingly vast majority of our energy generation capabilities essentially boil down to a mechanism that has been around in one form or another since 300 BCwe're cooked
>>16584494Ah, the "everything came from nothing and then turbines and then complex proteins formed which led to billions of years of evolution and finally to the product of evolution finding out about turbines and posting about the similarities on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum and the way was totally not a product of intelligent design" enjoyer.
>>16586464>everything came from nothingThe Big Bang theory does not say the universe came from "nothing." It only says everything used to be a very hot, very dense, very small singularity.>and then turbines and then complex proteins formedYes, pretty much. Complexity is a function of simplicity. Things that are complex can be broken down into a finite amount of very simple steps. We already have experiments that directly prove aminoacids can emerge spontaneously in pre-life conditions:>Miller–Urey experimentThen it's just a matter of them forming chains to create proteins, proteins folding, then fitting together and we have our turbine eventually. Evolution is also directly proven at this point:>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._coli_long-term_evolution_experiment
>>16586586>1988 1/100000000 sample life time kept in sterilized lab>confirmed realsöyboys actually eat this up
>>16586649Sure, let me believe in this messiah from desert land that actually never existed in this other religion, and was born 600 years early in this other religion
>>16586649>we can directly observe evolution within a controlled environment>but it doesn't count because it was done within a controlled environmentk
The calculator says that this radical sum equals 1 but I can't find any proof. Can you help?
>>16586665Here's a hint: [math]1^{3}=1=1^{2}[/math]
If red color is RGB 255,0,0and Yellow color is RGB 255,255,0does it mean that yellow is brighter than red, at least on computer monitors?if not, why not?What about 50% gray 127,127,127? Is it more bright than 255,0,0 red?127+127+127 is bigger than 255+0+0
>>16583586tob jej, y tho?
>>16582599>>165826371 day
>>16582599>>165847030 days, I'll help, and I'm merely theorizing here. same way in the printing world adding more colored ink helps adding to expand the achieved color gammut, same thing MIGHT be possible in the digital display world, just an example, and it is going to be most likely wrong, add an orange additional thingie to the existing rgb ones, that way you'll have more effective color rangewhat do you learned folk think?
>>16579077>I think that is physically (or whatever the name, Dr.) incorrectWrong, it is correct.Human eye or brain responds more to green than red.Yellow is a hue that is a mix of green and red.So if you send yellow light with same measured power as you send green, the green should be brighter for humans than yellow.
>>16586237explain lab lightness values then
What her academic qualifications?
>>16585907for me, it's Sabine
>>16585901is that the chick that got some Keira going on?
>>16585901What they get wrong about AI is assuming that statistical models are intelligent.
>>16585901I just got my 5090 and set controlflag.conscious = 1 and now I am a billionaire.Can't believe they accidentally invented it too lmao
>>16585907>Five head>eye candyWell, guess it might be true when compared to most science YTers.
Made up ailments editionLast one >>16558986
>>16586076>I'd like something where I can do private practice or where I don't have to deal with HR bullshit and nurses reporting me for saying something sexistTake your pick from>derm>opth>psych>plastic>orthoThese are the easy ones to go private with.
>>16586556sure it's better than arguing with psych patients just don't expect actual advice
>>16586596I was wondering why my fat gets stored so prominently in my lower abdomen
>>16586639Because you're male, possibly low test high estrogen, but it's also heavily genetic and doesn't even look particularly out of the ordinary to me. Testosterone promotes fat storage in the abdomen, estrogen promotes fat storage in the lower body (hips, thighs, ass), which is why fat men get comparatively huge bellies. That said, higher estrogen and lower test in men also leads to more subcutaneous (under the skin) fat, and less visceral (deeper, around the organs) fat. Seems to be the case here, you're a classic case of skinnyfat.You can do bloodwork if you really want to, but i don't see the point, are most likely within or close to normal range. Hit the gym and go on a diet. Lose the piercings.
>>16586639It happens to everybody, lower belly is the last to disappear in weight loss because bodies tend to preferentially store fat there. It works well for cushioning the bladder (a hollow thin membrane that is held under pressure as it expands every few hours, so super easy to rupture).A guy presenting in shock from falling down while drunk and having a bladder rupture is a classic step question
Anyone here got a phd in genetics?
>>16581432Can you please debunk this schizo who samefags these stupid threads>>16585943https://rentry.co/CR_general
>>16586506lol Holy shit.https://youtu.be/vcPKtEKUhDM
>>16586641Fat chance, it's been around for awhile now if apigenin could cause cancer we would have something by now. It's been over a year.
>>16586641Do we have any instance of someone like this NOT being debunked in the first year? Nobody has even made anything real that works against it yet.
>>16586676>https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0925443925000158"Apigenin extends lifespan and antioxidative activity across species."Idk man...my life's research has been the polar opposite direction, namely starving one's self, and gene activation via Cognitive BioElectricity, not Chemical ingestion. I more so see food as merely inundating the body with Molecular toxins to have to process and filter out of the body.
>No MRI scan can "see" autism.>No blood test confirms it.>No genetic marker definitively proves it.Is this the biggest meme disease in science?
>>16583098>>16583105>Vaccine induced developmental disorder is realYou would have to explain first why not everyone develops the same kind of symptoms from the vaccine.>>16583116>The landmark for autism is the very low or inability to analyze facial expression Not universally found in autism and can't possibly hold up as a reasonable explanation for any more severe type of autistic disorder.>>16584248no, they can't.>>16584305>However, treating it as such can be clinically useful because the symptoms associated with it can be treated with similar medicationsThere are no medications for autism core symptoms.>>16584605>>Filtered by non-Mendelian geneticsThousands of genes all with a minuscule impact implies that environmental factors become primary.
>>16586086>There are no medications for autism core symptoms.Alcohol literally cures it for a few hours but the side effects DO suck can't deny that.
>>16586086>Thousands of genes all with a minuscule impact implies that environmental factors become primaryBullshit. I performed RNA-seq and GWAS and showed you the 2549 differentially expressed genes, how are you still not convinced it's genetic???
>>16583085Yeah kinda, its just braindamage from vaccine induced mercury poisoning.A regular vaccine works this way>take dead virus cells and squirt them into body, white bloodcells dont give a shit about these new arrivals because theyre not doing anything, add mercury or other poison to the shot so the body will see an adverse reaction and fight it, thinking the dead newly arrived cells are to blame. He will now remember their mugs and kill them if he sees them.>Vaccine works as intendedBut what about the mercury or other poison that caused the jumpstart? It should leave your body in theory but it doesnt, it is a heavy metal, think about gold panning, the heavy gold will acvumulate at the bottom and not be washed out with the oth silt. This happens in your body now with stuff that can cross the blood brain barrier.Tl:drAutists have mercury poisoning in their brain, it can be avoided by avoiding vaxx and not eating stuff prohibited in the old testament, crustaceans n shit
How does the mirror know this?
>>16586635>This is literally what you learn in elementary school.Unfortunately, elementary school also teaches you to be a mindless NPC as described.
>>16586635what is taught to a group is not the same as what is learned by the individual
The mirror knows where the egg is at all times. It knows this because it knows where the egg isn't.By subtracting where the egg is from where the egg isn't, or where the egg isn't from where the egg is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation.The projection subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective ray castings to show the egg from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and showing a position it wasn't, it now is.
>>16586019Mercury poisoning (vaccine induced retardation)You can heal aspergers with fasting and sauna
>>16586174Stop posting my picturesI dont know you