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Yah I dont read anymore, you have shown you are incapable of understanding very basic concepts. You stupid man, just move on, it's over
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OK champ
9 digits match. Where did you get 3 or 4
>In 1884, the United States hosted the International Meridian Conference, attended by representatives from twenty-five nations. Twenty-two of them agreed to adopt the longitude of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England as the zero-reference line. The Dominican Republic voted against the motion, while France and Brazil abstained.[6] France adopted Greenwich Mean Time in place of local determinations by the Paris Observatory in 1911.
The original height of the great pyramid is about 146.6m. If you multiply it by 43200(precessional number) you get 63,331,200. The polar radius of the earth is about 6,357km. It encodes the dimensions of the earth with less than 4% error. It might even be closer if they are wrong about the original dimensions, since pretty much all of the casing stones are missing.

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I'm most likely a midwit, maybe the king of midwits at best. I often wonder, seeing how some people struggle with simple tasks, or other people crushing the tasks which I consider hard; how does it feel to have an IQ over 140 or under 70?
Do those types understand that they are indeed dumb or extremely gifted? Can high IQs instantly spot other geniuses? How does it affect the internal monologue and their average day?
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My intensity is due to recognition of horrible things that I cannot ignore/need to discuss. At some point, the discussions just no longer happen.
How bad were the headaches?
Have you tried calisthenics?
Btw I’m not into bodybuilding either, I train mostly for strength and Endurance and have a build similar to Bruce Lee.
Aren’t you scared if a person fights you, you won’t be able to fight back?
if you believe langan's numbers, he lifts
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> How bad were the headaches?
Rather sharp they were, not dull pain, but rather piercing.
> Have you tried calisthenics?
> Aren’t you scared if a person fights you, you won’t be able to fight back?
Nah. I maybe do not know kung-fu, but I know crazy and I'm not affraid to use it. And here's a trick for all of you pussies: you combine confidence with positivity, and that is it. For if you have positivity without confindence, you may provoke a weakling, but if you manifest confidence without positivity, you may provoke a strong one. When approaching a company of thugs, don't let your path deflect away from them, it would be better to make it deflect closer to them (I am not sure why it works, maybe you seem bigger this way) also don't be ashamed to run away from danger.

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Good news everyone, Arctic ice accumulation is above average for this time of year compared to the average for this century so far. Seems like the global warming doomsday scenarios that so many scientists have been predicting aren't coming true, isn't that great news? I know you're ecstatic to hear it, especially the people who are so concerned about the environment, they should be extra happy to see this good news.
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>>Antarctic sea ice extent is 2% greater now than it was in the 1970s
are you sure?
>because they don't care about the environment
STFU you suicidal psycho, speak for yourself only
>the global warming institute
thats a political propaganda website, not a legitimate source of scientific information
It's not automatically a propaganda website just because you say it is.
>the global warming institute
>funded by the federal USA.ZOG government
its a political propaganda website

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The format sucks, it doesn't matter that it's 4 or 5 hours, it's a mess. Half assed show where they don't clearly ennunciate their arguments and the other guy can give a well thought rebutal. It sucks, the 3 of them are midwits and lack autism
this bullshit was the equivalent of arguing that WWR wrestling is real and the superior style for everything, with a hexagon fighter.
I get the allure of aliens and bullshit, and I'm not even against it, in the sense that it should be banned or something. it's entertainment and helps some people. fuck it. just don't start insisting that shit's real, that's when this shit goes retarded
What the fuck do you want? It’s light years ahead of what we used to get in the public square. The fact that normans are clamoring for this type of shit means the medium will continue to be pushed to an area where we get “real” discussion.
Do stupid people still watch Joe Rogan? I haven't tuned in since my unironic libertarian phase in high school.

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>want to start earning healthy
>red meat is bad for you apparently
>fish has mercury
>vegetables have cadmium and arsenic
>fruits also have arsenic
Wtf do I do? It seems that nobody actaully knows anything when it comes to dietary.
Just eat what you want. You’re going to be miserable if you constantly think about one atom of heavy metal in your foods. Just stay away from slop, buy locally (if possible) and do the bare minimum to wash your food
Grow your own food. Kill your own meat. Deer rabbits fish chickens whatever. If you want to eat it, make it yourself with your own food.
Can't you stay on /pol/?
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Just eat small portions of red meat instead of making it 90% of your diet like the average American. Vegetables and fruit have such a tiny quantity of those elements that it's barely worth thinking about. Limit fish to one serving per week.

What do we make of this? Everything I've read about the genetic sequencing of the virus that's being spread within cows suggests it hasn't gotten any better at mammal to mammal transmission.
Isn't it possible that the reason it's spreading so much in cows because they literally wade around in their own shit all day?
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So he didn't zip up and it appears the protective suit does not cover the foot, and there are no foot protection either.
And now they want to tell us that this is drama??
>[Animal] Flu jumping to humans
Ignore all these headlines. Alarmists have been beating this tired drum for literally decades
>media fear porn
Nothing will happen because nothing ever happens
Something happened in February 2020
Bird flu isn't a direct threat to humans. After all, the Covid lockdown nearly completely exterminated some flu lineages.

Is it a threat to the food supply? Hell yeah. It's a major threat to the world's poultry supply, and now the beef supply too.

"The First Key of Basil Valentine" edition

Last thread: >>16117647

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

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We have had a lot of doom posting, time for happier news:
>Canadian science gets biggest boost to PhD and postdoc pay in 20 years
>“We are investing over $5 billion in Canadian brainpower,” said finance minister Chrystia Freeland in her budget speech on 16 April. “More funding for research and scholarships will help Canada attract the next generation of game-changing thinkers.”
>Postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers have been advocating for higher pay for the past two years through a campaign called Support Our Science. They requested an increase in the value, and number, of federal government scholarships, and got more than they asked for. Stipends for master’s students will rise from Can$17,500 (US$12,700) to $27,000 per year, PhDs stipends that ranged from $20,000 to $35,000 will be set to a uniform annual $40,000 and most postdoctoral-fellowship salaries will increase from $45,000 to $70,000 per annum. The number of scholarships and fellowships provided will also rise over time, building to around 1,720 more per year after five years.
Paris-Saclay and INRIA is good otherwise a lot of top french CS people seem to go to Geneva and Lausanne
There are also grandes écoles like École Polytechnique which are not very accessible to non-Francophone foreigners
>Graduated with a MEng in Electronic Engineering in 2019
>dull but well paying IT job since
>want to get more into real STEM again withour a significant drop in income
What are my best options?
STEM is not an action movie. A boring job has its benefits. You are one of the few that actually made it. What part of IT is not STEM to you?
More money to send home sar!

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Dark "matter" just got MOGGED by Sabine.
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buy an ad
No, more than just a Queen. Sabine is the "Supreme Overlord of Excellent Excellency" and we should castrate ourselves so we may never have impure thoughts while gazing upon her God-like visage.
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she's kinda annoying
That's just called being German

/med/ically speaking, what other pharmaceuticals aside from the vaxx are NOT safe for humans? Just curious.
Dr Drew says that there are no free lunches in nature, that means that pharmacological intervention should still be considered carefully still in 2024 despite all the trusted science

you couldn't have accomplished what they did
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you got it backwards
If negroes could read they'd be offended at what you posted.
soientists don't create useful inventions, the idea that they do is just a myth. soientists publish replication crisis articles in journals nobody reads, they don't have any useful skills
This, scientists are useless leeches with no redeeming qualities
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Good news everyone, it turns out that plants like CO2.
How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
Seems like it should be big news, but they never talk about it.
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the Ganges is truly the greenest river on the planet!
What's happening to all the bugs tho?

Are we just overusing pesticides?
Have they evolved to avoid humans/civilization better?
>What's happening to all the bugs tho?
They're still being annoying. Found a nest of wasps living in my basement last summer.
>Are we just overusing pesticides?
Definitely a big part of it, along with habitat destruction and light pollution
>Have they evolved to avoid humans/civilization better?
Only the pest species

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is this data real or is this just the result of classifying trannys as female in the data set?
>Percent change
>Not absolute or even per capita
The intent is obvious.

The father of modern AI has spoken. Qualia doesn't exist. LLMs are sentient. You're not that special.
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And why do you think we need neurons and advanced biomechanical systems for sentience instead of being a conscious cloud of electrons? Sounds like a massive waste of time and energy to converge into complex systems instead of remaining an uniform charge field.
That's not the part of you that's sentient.
In no way does that demonstrate qualia just that you believe in qualia. You need to prove that you get information from the experience of the color red that no amount of physical information (eg. physical stimulation by a chemical) can provide.
How can I know whether the illusion would actually feel the same as the real thing? Maybe it would feel like an illusion. What does it feel like to have neurons in your brain stimulated such that you see things differently? It could be the same, it could be different, no one can ever know for sure without experiencing it for themselves.
Pictures, being worth a 1000 words each...they don't count.

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"Up to 50% of patients with cannabis-related psychotic symptoms presenting to the ED requiring hospitalization will go on to develop schizophrenia. "
"Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis, schizophrenia, and schizophreniform psychosis cases"
"In one recent study that followed nearly 2,000 teenagers as they became young adults, young people who smoked marijuana at least five times were twice as likely to have developed psychosis over the next 10 years as those who didn’t smoke pot."
"One of the best-known studies followed nearly 50,000 young Swedish soldiers for 15 years. Those who had smoked marijuana at least once were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those who had never smoked pot. The heaviest users (who said they used marijuana more than 50 times) were 6x as likely to develop schizophrenia as the nonsmokers."
"1/5th of cases of schizophrenia among young males might be prevented by averting [Cannabis Use Disorder]"
Daily weed use was associated with increased odds of psychotic disorder compared with never users, increasing to nearly 5x increased odds for daily use of high-potency types of cannabis. The PAFs calculated indicated that if high-potency cannabis were no longer available, 12% of cases of first-episode psychosis could be prevented across the 11 sites, rising to 30% in London and 50% in Amsterdam
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Reality can't literally slip away. It's a metaphor that blames somebody for a disagreement. If it's interpersonal, the disagreement starts with unhackneyed figurative language, and they can't be bothered to understand.
this, wikipedia should be banned from /sci/
>Marijuana helps with psychogical disorders
Straight edge schizos reaction:
CBD is a potent anti psychotic so people self medicate but end up taking high THC like dumb shits because muh get higher and give themselves and anxiety which amplified their symptoms in the short term
>tl;dr - reefer madness is real, as has always been known

How is one man allowed to have so much power? Even the creators of the atomic bomb couldn't bring so much suffering. This is pure black magic.
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is he the guy that injected pulverised monkey brains into monkeys then called it rabies?

Was he jesuit trained somehow?

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