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We are about to enter a timeline where mass space exploration is inevitable.
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Not while Israel still lives
I hate bald people.
Could man in white house have the balls, strength and will power to make a difrence in great pursuite of space finall frontier?
Those two doomed astronauts are STILL STUCK IN SPACE! It's been almost two months stuck in space because the retards rode a leaking Boeing death capsule into orbit because they were too stupid to live. I mean how fucking retarded do you have to be to WILLINGLY get into an untested Boeing space capsule after seeing YEARS of Boeing plans falling apart in the sky?

These are the giga big brain astronauts? 100 out of 100 brain dead plumbers would know better than to get into a Boeing death capsule....but no NOT ASTRONAUTS! Nigga we ain't going no where.
>leave position that actually controls NASA's budget
>move into position that does nothing
4D chess

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Maps like these are very interesting but they only provide information about settlement and not what environment these people have actually adapted for. Yes, for some it could be true but definitely not all, especially the southern and eastern ones that had more migrations and wars with different types of people. How is one supposed to then find the best possible environment for their genes and what about mixed race people?
apply darwins theory of evolution.

why are jewish intellectuals obsessed with sex and pedophilia? is there a reason for this?
leave the board already, your mind is full of hate and ignorance

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That thing was murderous; they STILL didn't take responsibility; they just quietly replaced it with the "plate" which is still bad.
China just found the cure. Wonder if US already banned it.
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Will we EVER be able to figure out why Americans are getting diabetes?
What are they doing with all of those spare limbs?
I see a lot of people these days having difficulty walking. It's a rough world out there and no insurance is going to cover an elective surgery to fix arthritis damage
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Agreed. Diabetes and obesity is just carbohydrate ignorance.

>be "mildly" overweight (50 lbs, but I'm an American)
>thirsty as fuck for weeks
>get blood glucose monitor
>over 300
>diagnosed with Type 2
>no insurance so no Ozempic
>prescribed Metformin and Glipizide
>"Might bring it down"
>Fuck it, decide to go Keto
>Keto is ~20g carbs a day
>Okay, I'll start with 100g
>blood sugar plummets below 150 within two weeks
>another month, I have to back off on the basic bitch diabeetus meds because now I'm sometimes dropping below 80 and into "low" territory
>four months later, I'm 25 lbs lighter with only mild exercise
>don't even need the meds to stay around 100
>blood pressure came down too

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Post your favorite mathematician
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I know this dude... and his biography...
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My favorite is Jon Folkman but his image has been permanently expunged from the internet. It fascinates me to no end.

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If I can always decide the Halting Problem for a specific Programming Language, does that demonstrate that the Programming Language lacks Universal Computation?
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>If you can write a computer program to decide the Halting Problem for a specific Programming Language, then that Programming Language lacks Universal Computation.
How do we know this? Is it just because we know the halting problem is undecidable for any Language that has Universal Computation? So if we can decide it then then Language can't have Universal Computation?

>janny deleted the maid thread
I have to maidpost all my maids in here now!
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>schizo makes another thread to shit the board up with
Jannies, You missed a spot.
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Computer Science is a /Sci/ence and this is a maidposting site.
>How do we know this? Is it just because we know the halting problem is undecidable for any Language that has Universal Computation? So if we can decide it then then Language can't have Universal Computation?

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Good news fellow environmentalists, the Pacific bluefin tuna are doing so great that catch quote on them has been massively increased. The scientists involved say that bluefin tuna stocks in the Pacific are now 1500% greater than they were 15 years ago.

>An international body managing Pacific bluefin tuna stocks agreed Tuesday to raise the annual quota for catching the fish, typically consumed as sashimi and sushi, by 50 percent
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I've addressed his attempts at arguments and questions far more than he's done in return. I might get around to doing so for his latest ones, but he doesn't seem to be taking in much of what I've said.
Any idea what would happen if we bubbled vast quantities of air into a river delta releasing fertilizer? Basically just a sewage treatment system.
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Nah. A free market isn’t gonna stop deforestation and you’re naive if you think it will.
>This is a concept that I don't understand the importance of. Why do envrionmentalists believe:
>A) natural levels are important

Take heed of this post. It's literally Satan convincing Adam and Eve that the Garden of Eden wasn't that great.

Mainstream health advice is telling us that any amount of sun exposure is harmful and carcinogenic and therefore we should wear sunscreen or UV blocking clothing at all times. The US and Australian governments officially endorse this belief, and probably other governments as well I can't remember at the moment.

How true is it really?

I have trouble believing that any amount of sun exposure is potentially harmful considering how modern this view is. For millennia people did not all die of skin cancer and many thought sun exposure was good for you. While health authorities sometimes accept that some amount of sun exposure is good for you, they always say it's only a little bit of sun exposure and insist you still wear sunscreen.

Something else I know is that in the past several decades myopia rates have been greatly increasing, and myopia can be caused by a lack of time outside. Could our discouragement of going outside be causing myopia?
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it seems the study you're referring to just looks at sun exposure. could just be vitamin d deficiency no?
>oy vey don't go outside goy
>nature is bad for you
>stop being healthy goy
why does science hate the natural world?
sunlight is good for you, thats why everyone gets sick in winter.

>get cold/flu during winter
>take (((medicine)))
>recovery takes weeks

>get cold/flu during winter
>get on the next plane to somewhere tropical, lie on the beach
>fully recovered in 2 days

try it sometime if you're not a poorfag
I have experienced this phenomenon on multiple occasions. Going to the tropics for a week in December seems to grant about 6 weeks immunity to cold/flu season.
With enough sunlight, you can be cured of anything!

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I'm excited for the future.
Space is /sci/
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NASA needs more money for DEI astronauts!
Check the catalog for existing threads on the topic before posting a new thread, you brain dead moron.

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Is it worth it to study them for work?
do you have a specific economic use case?
No, I will work for companies using this models, I suppose
Just sarimax after kalman filter seems to be more fitting, test and report please.

It can get yesterdays prediction tomorrow usually, anything you try on semi random stuff like trading market.
>It can get yesterdays prediction tomorrow usually
So are you telling that it doesn't work at all?
why is schopenhauer there

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Oh so now that it turned out to be a big ol' nothing happened virus we need to let it go but when it started you literally wanted to put us in concentration camps for not obeing your retarded orders and freedom restriction.
Fuck you.
520 pages of /pol/ was always right.
Are you a bot to slide real threads?
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Previous thread: >>16264745

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

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I didn't copy anything, but yeah, I ignored it.
>look at my article bro pls
Please point out where the MO answer makes a mistake, and where those articles contradict it. I am asking in good faith.
>>16297965 (Me)
fwiw, the first discrete card-dealing setting is as far as I'm concerned just an illustratory example to show why the bottom transformation is measure-preserving. It'd be no loss of generality to assume d divides m, and even if it didn't I expect the error to go to 0 as m->oo.
At a *very* quick glance one article seems to focus on the discrete case only and the other gives some similar asymptotics.
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how do i logically convince someone of a real "conspiracy" without sounding crazy?
First, it must be more than "it looks like this thing"
Then you simply present the evidence.
>Just some advice from my experience, good luck anon. Anyone can do it, so can (you
Alright anon thanks for the tips :)

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Does brain size matter?
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And the funniest thing is that the kenyan got cucked by frank marshall davis a former chicago communist leader his mother was also fucking
So Obama is literally all american
>the bantu expansion is still currently ongoing,
Damn, you're right.
just further proof nobody likes Indians
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>Does brain size matter?
>US English voice
I don't believe him.

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Does anyone know what paper he is referring to?
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>Never trust any statistics about immigrant crime rates in Europe.
Its not just in Europe, same is true in North American, Australia and NZ. In America arabs are considered white by the FBI and in many cases the FBI also lumps hispanic immigrant crimes in with whites in order to create false impressions. It even happens in Japan where nearly all crimes committed by US military members stationed in Okinawa are done by negroes and hispanics, but are vaguely blamed in the Japanese press on "Americans"
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yeah I read that paper, good paper
Yes, thats a more succinct way of saying what I meant to convey, thanks.

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Is it possible to use math to accurately estimate the initial number of holocaust survivors if you know how many were left 80 years after the holocaust? Would you need to use actuarial tables to do something like this or could there be a simpler method?
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Mathcels will defend this.
nehanderthals, basically
>entire family is living off grandma's social security check
>grandma dies
>"oh no we're all going to starve!"
>"hold on - I have a clever plan. hide the body and don't tell anyone she died, i'm grandma now"
>Would you need to use actuarial tables to do something like this or could there be a simpler method?
using actuarial tables would get you the most accurate result
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Statistically there is at least one thread in /sci/ mentioning the holocaust at all times.

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