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Why are ants like this?
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By this logic you should be eating ants
why the fuck did you leave cum on your toilet rim overnight
diabetes melitus makes it so that you cum and piss sugar
get your sugar levels tested
God fucking bless you Carlos
They communicate with chemical signals instead of language games like people so they are more efficient in terms of survival.

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Could it be that greed, a necessary trait for survival in any circumstance is in fact the great filter?
I think its pretty obvious at this point that humanity is almost certainly going to annihilate its self.
Perhaps that is just the inevitable outcome of all species that has the greed necessary to not go extinct and also the intellect/disposable thumbs to into technology, plus, the power necessary for interstellar travel being much less than whats necessary to sudoku
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...And after the dust cleared, every Russian would be extinct and the United States would carry on after LE EDGY DEVIL ROCKET provoked a massive retaliation that turned every square inch of land to the west of the Urals into glass. We're not in the era of MAD anymore...it's just AD these days, so as long as you're into fantasizing, might as well hope for something more rational like Taylor Swift breaking into your house to steal your pee pee seed.
You might be unaware of the fact that America has a neutrino laser that can disarm every nuclear bomb on the earth. If anyone other than America tries to use a nuke, they'll just blow themselves up because they've been sabotaged already.
>they just need to launch a single icbm, one satan missile is enough to completely level Tel Aviv and cripple the international ZOG collective
Israel has the right to exist, and the right to defend its self from genocidal extremists.
You've already lost, and you'll only keep losing.
Ball size to body size ratio determines level of violence. Violent death-centric religions suppress knowledge of the Bonobo which is a peaceful ape that solves problems by grooming each other and sex. Also a baboon troop in Keyna where the most aggressive violent males died off, the troop experienced peace afterwards. Also violent acts are not dominance, social dominance is being capable of violence and being able to control your emotions in tough situation. Also if a guys testosterone levels are stable and normal, a guy is able to control their emotions better. Balanced testosterone levels stabilizes mood.

Source; Robert Sapolsky and the science of Primatology.


>antigrav is le bad
>wormholes are le bad
>fusion is le bad
i hate this stupid chud universe
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yeah anon sci fi isn't real and never will be. The universe is mundane
just acquire 2 million earths worth of hydogen retard
we already have it
It still takes 10 billion years to do the fusion. That's ridiculous.
Is this bait or are you actually retarded?

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Virginijus Šikšnys is a Lithuanian biochemist and a professor at Vilnius University. He is a chief scientist at the Vilnius University Institute of Biotechnology.
He developed gene editing method a month before Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier on the bottom, but unlike them Virginijus Šikšnys didn't get nobel Prize for his work.
Because these women had more tight connections with academic sphere and their work was not even reviewed but Šikšnys's work was rejected for no reason

>Since 2007 Šikšnys focused on mechanistic studies of CRISPR-Cas, the newly discovered bacterial antiviral systems, and was among the first to demonstrate programmable DNA cleavage by the Cas9 protein.
>According to Šikšnys, his article was not even considered as serious by the editor board of the academic journal and was not sent to the reviewers, therefore the time needed to be recognized as first was lost.
>Martin Schlak reported that Šikšnys submitted his article describing DNA cleavage by Cas9 to Cell Reports on 18 April 2012. After its rejection without peer review, he sent it to PNAS one month later, and it took several months for review and publication. In the meantime, Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier had published their findings in Science where their findings were reviewed and accepted within two weeks.
Also after some time there was a report that shared some money from nobel prize, It looks like he was paid to keep quiet
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Most valuable thing you could ever do
It shows that women should not be part of academia
Women are just stupid animals
Google bullshit jobs

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>born 1990 in UK
>receive DTaP and BCG vaccine at 3 months old
>kid born 2024
>receives 24 vaccines before 16 weeks old
>nobody is getting healthier on aggregate
Seems sus to be fair
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It’s already over. Plotkin probably saw writing was on the wall with RFK incoming so is trying to cover himself by stating safety profiles of vaccines are not adequately understood

So what you are saying is that you are not aware of any studies on this topic and that we should fund them?
We probably should because a lot of what is now passed as low-functioning autism is probably post-encephalitic brain damage. I simply don't believe that vaccines are a major vector.
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(protip: it's to get rid of your kind)
I think it's perfectly normal to inject dozens of chemicals into kids

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What kind of science is this?
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provaxx retards opened that can of worms when they started calling gene therapy a vaccine

>Bezos, the founder of online retail giant Amazon, is investing $9.4 million to develop a “climate vaccine.” The “vaccine” is designed to reduce the number of methane-producing microbes in a cow’s stomach, Agriland reported.

>No such “vaccine” currently exists, despite scientists sporadically researching the use of vaccinations to reduce methane for over four decades. The project’s first goal is to show that such a vaccine is possible.

>“So one is to vaccinate the cows in a way that their gut bacteria that emit the methane, which is also called natural gas or CH4, which is the second most important greenhouse gas, you can vaccinate them and that species of bacteria isn’t there,” Gates said.

Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>give cows chrons disease
>evolve inferior methanogens
>now they make even more climate gas

>real field now, amrite?

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Would this type of surgery have been possible in the 1940s?
Is it even possible today?
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the hands would not or be minimally functional
You can do them a big favor for free, but they'll never repay you with anything other than a big stab in the back. Millions of white died fighting Hitler to save the jews and how have the jews repaid them?
With endless white hate rhetoric in the jewish owned media
antisemite spotted
It doesn't appear to be a real quote

A peer-reviewed study has found a jaw-dropping 1,236% surge in excess heart attack deaths among King County's 2.2 million residents.

2020: 11 excess heart attack deaths
2021: 75 excess heart attack deaths
2022: 111 excess heart attack deaths
2023: 147 excess heart attack deaths
A 1,236% increase compared to 2020.

Moreover, cardiac arrest deaths, in general, rose about 25% from 2020 to 2023.
In the same time frame, King County's population shrunk slightly. Reflecting on this alarming data, Dr. Peter McCullough said, “So it looks like the vaccines are the smoking gun.” “This is now fully peer-reviewed in the emergency medicine literature. We've messaged the Medic One unit in Seattle. They clearly need to do more research to figure out how soon these vaccines were administered and to whom.”

>Excess cardiopulmonary arrest and mortality after COVID-19 vaccination in King County, Washington
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sure am glad i'm not vax'd
I want to feel bad for heart attack victims but then I remember that they don't suffer anymore, unlike OP who is constantly stressed out about things he himself imagined.
Scientists were yapping about rising heart disease problems for over a hundred years now, but you didn't care until Covid-19.
By the way, heart is linked to your mind, stress and schizophrenia is known to make people live short lives, don't worry OP, you will get your sweet release soon even if you didn't take the vaccine, because your mental illness does more damage than the spike protein could.
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"Doctor" McCullough should be locked up. Retarded fucking grifter.
this, now please stop talking about the vax it makes me uncomfortable

"With all the time in your hands, what will you do now?"
"Turn back the hourglass once over again."
"So, it's all there, together, then?"
"Hah. With what, time?" He continued, "I have all the time in the world, and
you want me to what, undo the striking of the hour hand? ...I don't think you
understand. Not this time. Not for you."
"What - that's our partnership, untied?" His former stopped, like a good breakup will.
Sigh. The man who had all of the time halted it, instead: "And for you, that you will stay
trapped here, like a mouse in my pocket? No, that would be too good for you, that you would
see all that we have done undid in an instant!"
"Yeah. And what did that cost you, besides the death of yourself? You think that timepiece
will save you like it did your father? You will see that there is no life after this one."
"And you - you will see that there is no time like the present!"

A world snapped out of place for the concerned man, pulling his body and face into the ground
twice as hard... space-time had began unravelling itself, celestial bodies beginning to re-trace
each molecule through the beginning of time.
...so which side of the planet would he need to stand to
fall off and watch the planet move away back through time, instead?
>inb4 the top
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Time moves whether you experience it or not, the only difference is that worrying about it wears away at you just like the sand wears away at the hourglass with every flip, now go take your meds.
oh man you're one of those myopic 135-iq midwits
pick one, also my IQ is 307
have you tried making up a more believable number? or is this your first time
I used to not believe it too before I saw your posts.

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Mathematician Kurt Godel reformulated Anselm of Cantebury's ontological proof of God into an axiomatic proof, giving it some more credibility IMO. Picrelated. Thoughts? Perhaps the proof indicates a geometry instead of God, possibly the universe or comparable phenomena. Also could we get some book recommendations of where to go from here?
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Why can't people just intuit that God exists as I was able to?
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Pic related. No greater good can be conceived
Its not though, you would have to prove that there is a specific largest finite number to prove no greater can be conceived.
Why can't you intuit that retards like you wouldn't exist if God designed humans?
Oh wait, I already answered that one myself.
>prove that there is a specific largest finite number
Number of subatomic particles in our universe.

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Yes, I am stupid. I don't know what my IQ is, but if I were to take a test I'm sure it would be below average. I don't understand simple concepts, I am a very slow learner, all because I was born with a curse. You gifted geniuses are privileged to be born with such power, the greatest trait that separates us from man and animal; intelligence.

I accept that I will forever be a simpleton, incapable of understanding concepts so unimaginably complex to me but to you is just another Tuesday. Your genius is unbounded, exponentially far greater than I could ever hope to dream on even getting a 10th of it. So I only say to you, congratulations, for having the one of the greatest gifts/powers of mankind, while for me, the only thing I know is that I know nothing.
>the greatest trait that separates us from man and animal;
That's the Mediterranian Sea

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Alright, my proposition is that smoke sychronizes with brain frequency.

During my tests, I stay in a closed space with no wind and no moving of any sort.

I use thick incences that produce more smoke.

Alright, so, in my observations I see that as soon as smoke gets into laminar flow it automatically connects with the brain. (I wonder what would happen if there were two people, how the smoke would behave).

When your brain is under more beta frequencies, the smoke usually has less phases and it is harder to see any abnormal paterns.

But the magic starts when the brain kinda relaxes and lowers it's frequency to alpha. The smoke that was under LAMINAR FLOW starts changing phases and creating rings and spirals that all people are used to see.

These spirals and rings are connected to the brain and and synchronize with it's frequencies. When one is able to focus and and starts to understand what is happening, the smoke assumes forms and shapes that WOULDN'T be there otherwise. The brain can even manipulate and twist shapes with it's thoughts.

I have been doing this for a while but never got to film it yet, as im not rich and would possibly need to have expensive cameras that can slow down time, as these are really subtle things. I encourage other people to try it out and discuss about it.

Since the beginning my studies have led me to WAVE FUNCTION COLAPSE. The idea is that under laminar flow, the smoke assumes a function pattern that is broken as soon as someone OBSERVES it. Exactly like quantum phenomena, but this can actually be seen in a macroscopic environment.
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i dont smoke weed and havent drink alcohol in a while or have ever used any meds at all. I am a simples guy with an interest in science
Its like they use "broader properties" of the smoke effects to do their thing. Just by instinct. But maybe never occured to them to prove mathematically what they already know and do in an ever greater way, while im occupied by trying to find a camera to photograph the smallest of curves and make lots of calculations to try and prove that it couldn't be there naturally.
>walls of text
yeah not gonna bother with this one
I think OP is correct, being a heavy smoker i have noticed this multiple time
also the volume of smoke behave like a whole, something like a bose einstein condensate
(when the disruption happen, it "break" and disturb the flow instantly, at least much faster than the speed of the flow would allow)
i think the turbulence problem is key because thats the only phenomenon i can think of that exist in the macro scale and extend smoothly down to the molecular level

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Wouldn't they get electrocuted if they did that?
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>pay $10000 extra taxes to subsidize Shitbox Automotive
>save $5000 on a Shitbox Automotive station wagon
congratulations you just ????? five thousand dollaridoos
subsidies always were for companies and not for people, your point?
They're bad, but
>solar freaking roadways
>earth-launched orbital mirrors to reflect light onto existing solar farms
>the latest overunity scam
>robot girlfriends without sex bits
>cell phones without headphone jacks
>a rechargeable wireless computer mouse that cannot be used while the charging cable is plugged into it
the list goes on
And those companies spend their subsidy money on more DEI hiring, not on lowering prices for consumers.
lowering prices was never the goal, trickle down economics has never worked
your point?

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Why does the science world keep quiet about this?
Love how the cases involving humans have no effects, only examples of what exposure we have, it's almost like everything else is made up to fearmonger about text in bold.

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IShowSpeed just jumped in the air while on a fast-moving boat. He landed in the same spot from where he jumped despite the boat continuing to move underneath him while he was airborne. How is this possible?
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This. It's a simple trick.
I hate niggers
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one of the smart ones I see
Conservation of momentum, him and the boat are going the same speed when he jumps, just like if you run at a constant speed while tossing a tennis ball a few inches, the tennis ball will land back in your hand because you are both going the same speed.

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