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I guess quick iteration doesn't work after all...
Who would've guessed rocketry is nothing like being a code monkey?
Typical leftist media. It's called Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly (RUD).
File: Elon_Rocket.jpg (6 KB, 183x275)
6 KB

The exact same people who ridicule Musk for for his rocket failures will scream that he has an UNFAIR monopoly on space launches when he succeeds.
TDS is legit. They can do it with anyone, Zucc is next on the line.
no it doesn't, which is why spacex is struggling as a space company against the likes of blue origin which sits at the top of the space industry
you are a retard pajeet
Cope: The Movie
Iterative engineering works, but it doesn't guarantee every test or iteration is successful, it just means that your informed trial and error is likely to produce improved results on average from one generation of a design to the next.

It still beats sitting around on your asses for 10 years, making one test flight, and then shutting the program down for another 10 years.
>it still beats
Except it literally doesn't.
In spite of all the political meddling NASA still delivers faster than Musks does.
isro is better than bloated nasa and even it can't compete with spacex
We will never go to Mars

Return to Monke

We are weakening the species for a pipe dream
>It's called Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly (RUD).
ITT: Anon confuses the effect with the cause.
how often NASA rockets explode ?
>I guess quick iteration doesn't work after all...
Elon is a fag but SpaceX gains more data from these explosions than they do from successful launches. This used to happen more frequently than the successful launches when they first began

It's like with plane crash investigations.
The reason air travel has become so safe is because every time a plane crashes they do an insanely thorough investigation and when the cause is determined they enact changes to make sure it doesn't happen again. There are only so many things that can possibly go wrong, so eventually you eliminate many of the biggest risks.

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