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2024 wasn't good year on /sci/ as far as the numbers go, first in July 14 the single day all time low post count was broken, a record which had originally been set on January 22, 2018 and following that in November /sci/ recorded it's first day with under 1000 posts on the 28th. Then in December /sci/ recorded a series of 3 digit post count days the culminated with a new all time low of 750 on the 25th which was only 68% of what had been achieved on Christmas day in 2023. December 2024 is also the all time slowest month on record for /sci/.

What were the big events of 2024 on /sci/? What were the best threads? What were the best new science memes? What was the biggest or most surprising science news of this year?
What happened December 2024? Did all the anons get on the ship?
we have memes on this board still? i thought they were a thing of the long past.
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Are we going to add AI shitposters to hide the decline in activity on /sci/ like they're doing on Facebook & Instagram?
>steady attrition of old users due to jannies banning everyone with a static ip for misgendering or saying the nigger-word
>overt hostility to potential new users with 15 minute waiting period with an upcharge to remove it
>"wtf why is traffic crashing?"
The replication crisis exposed science as the fraudulent study it is. In January of 2023 a Nature publication revealed that science is inundated with papers that present nothing new and just cite each other as nauseum because academics now follow the zeitgeist. They received funding for status quo research and stop producing anything post tenure because they have no faith in their own academic institution let alone the scientific method.

It's no coincidence that universities across the world bankrupting and closing down, college enrollment is consistently decreasing for the first time since recorded history of academic institutions, and large scale distrust in the scientific method is ever growing. It's also no coincidence that all of this started at the cusp of the me too movement around 2014 and the replication crisis around the same time. It was a real double whammy that destroyed the trust in both the social and fiscal aspect of intellectuals. There's no going back.

/sci/ isn't uniquely under attack contrary to your schizo autistic screeching. Its decline is emblematic and reflective of the cultural shift in the west. Society is falling.
The room temperature superconductivity reports generated a lot of traffic here.

The container weighs 1 kg.
The n flies, enclosed in the container, weigh 1/2 kg.
The foregoing is on top of the scale.

What does the scale read?

If r flies are resting, then the scale reads 1 + r/(2*n) kg.

If f flies are flying, then the scale reads 3/2 - f/(2*n) kg.
It seems most boards are in a multi-year decline, that is all boards except /bant/, [s4s], /news/, /vm/, /t/, /trash/ and /vip/ (I didn't include the really new ones because it isn't fair), which is really really pathetic because all of those are shitholes.
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>The replication crisis exposed science as the fraudulent study it is

Also the years and years and decades of zero progress in exchange for trillions and trillions of dollars in wasted research funding
Except the decline is every board, not just /sci/.
it gets worse when you zoom the graph out
It is over >>/x/39470286
It is over >>>/x/39470286
2025 is off to a weak start, only 758 posts on Jan 1st this year, the 2nd slowest day in all of /sci/'s history, less than half of the post count the board recorded Jan 1, 2024
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Kind of ironic, considering that contra most other boards on this site /x/ actually has MORE traffic now than it did in 2016. Must be the uptick in conspiratorial thinking following cringerona
All of the spikes in activity last year were Shartship launches. Nothing else noteworthy or exciting happened in all of science in 2024
b-b-but isn't science advancing at an accelerating, ever quickening pace? the singularity is just around the corner, right guys!?!?!
the retarded "wait 600 seconds to post" is what fucked shit up later in the year

granted, /sci/ has been dying for a long time, but that timegating bullshit surely didn't help
the 15 minute wait only applies once
and you can spend the time browsing
>and you can spend the time browsing…
…other websites
Not that anon, but I frequently abandon posts because I don't always have 15 minutes to sit around. Sometimes I outright forget about my post during that time because I've gone on to something else. Other times I simply decide not to write up a post because it's not worth the wait.

I would say my post count has dropped by 75% because of the timer. I never post frogs, wojaks, or other low-quality bullshit, and I usually try to back up my arguments with a few sources. This is to say: /sci/ is missing out on higher-quality content. I am sure I'm not the only one.

There is a good chance you won't even see this post.
>open /sci/
>scroll through catalog and find the few posts that are interesting in the sea of bullshit
>post in them
>few hours later they're all 404
literally every time I ever come here

>the 15 minute wait only applies every time janny gets a hair up his ass about something you posted
people will get bored of starship launches soon enough, nobody even notices the falcon launches anymore
Musk blew all his social capital on H1b visas, nobody cares about his bullshit anymore
they implemented those gay "wait 900s before posting" timers for some reason which deters brief phoneposting when bored, leadng to consistently lower usage stats.
he just made people hate jeets even more than they already did
Maybe that was his plan all along

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