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Do transgender individuals (they are people too) that are M-T-F, have less than ideal testosterone prior to their transition? Has there been a study on this?
Anecdotally, most of them have some kind of hormone imbalance. Either too little or too much testosterone (which also causes higher estrogen)
From my extensive research I would say 80% have below average to micro penises and tend to be low test and very submissive.

10% have average peens and seem about average test

Then you get the last 10% who have insanely large cocks. They tend to be hyper dht/ test exposure in the womb/puberty and often have similar faces to lesbians. They tend to be hypersexual and my favorite.

The same thing manifests in roiders who often turn bisexual. Many roiders also turn trans. I took sarms once for fun and my bisexuality skyrocketed to the point I became and still am attracted to trans girls
i dont know i want to rub a trans girls penis
Latinx shemales are vicious they could probably beat up most western men, so no.
but that doesnt that mean then they have too much test so they have too much estrogen?
Aka gay
>am attracted to trans girls
Aka gay

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