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If white surfaces reflect all light they receive, why aren't all white surfaces mirrors?
High albedo does not imply perfect scattering. White surfaces can be very rough and reflect light in all directions. Mirrors are smooth, so the scattering is nice and regular. The way mirrors are made is by covering a thin coat of silver with glass. Molten metals are very smooth, obviously.
I rubbed the wal of my room with sandpaper and it didn't become a mirror
Cool. So it's still not smooth enough. At least not as smooth as your brain.
you are a dumbass. no matter how smooth you make chalk, it will never become a mirror.
i could probably see my reflection in your brain though
Yeah, because it's made of a material that is extremely hard to smooth out. It's brittle. Metal can be molten and it naturally gets smoothed by gravity. You can jerk off a piece of chalk with sandpaper all you want, but it's not going to refine all those microscopic cavities that scatter light in random directions.
>You can jerk off a piece of chalk with sandpaper all you want
which is weird since it's basically metal with some carbon and oxygen.
>since it's basically metal with some carbon and oxygen.
>t. I never passed high school chemsitry
also, even if white surfaces can't show my face because the light travels in different directions, it should at least change color to the color of my face.
the fact that it keeps being white when you put something of another color next to it proves that white isn't unpolished mirror
>it should at least change color to the color of my face
Does your face glow? Do you look at chalk in complete darkness? Hello? CIA niggers?
according to you, my face is reflecting light from the sun or whatever. get your own facts straight
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calcium is literal metal anon. chalk is made out of it.
No shit. Go read about chemical bonds and how they affect the physical structure of materials. Ionic vs covalent bonds. You know, high school chemistry curriculum.
>autism overload
it was a joke you nerd
>I was merely pretending to be retarded it was just a prank bro
why are you so angry?

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