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>Have the mental capacity to store any system
>choose to store a silly board game and its many permutations

why are these fucktards so revered? playing chess has about as much use as playing mario.
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>has about as much use as playing mario.
playing mario autistically is unironically more based and intellectual than chess.
wargames/game theory glorification
It’s not about raw permutations. Even computers can’t do that. It’s more like a weighted set of permutations where weights tell you how likely you are to win. There’s no point remembering some game where two players make completely random moves. The main difficulty is evaluating these weights on-the-go and memorizing responses to your opponent’s moves. That’s why normal and speed chess are two separate categories.
Grandmasters don't necessarily possess high general intelligence that could be applied to any intellectual pursuit. All of them started playing very young, when their brains were highly plastic, so the game comes as naturally to them as the English language does to a native speaker who acquired it in childhood, or a piano virtuoso who was forced to play since age 3 by their tiger mom. The difference between a low-level 2600 grandmaster and Magnus Carlsen is likely due to innate talent, but most of their skill is attributable to starting the game young.
why do normies love their sports hero's so much? Every human being on earth who has tried the game has been humbled by it at some point or another, so we respect the guys that have talent and put in the hard work and skill to be good at it. Are they a bunch of dorks at the end of the day? sure. Are they throwing away their lives playing chess? maybe, no more than a football player though? I don't see the problem with chess, it's a fun game, people like it, it's fine.
Mastery of chess is only slightly more impressive than memorising capital cities etc. IMHO

I think being able to formulate new mathematical or scientific theories is probably the most taxing thing possible for a human mind and I suspect the last thing an AI is going to be able to tackle
is it taxing though, you could just be chilling one day and have a good shower thought and end up with something new
Because it's fun and activates people's neurons.
Who cares what AI can do? If AI could eat your food and fuck your wife, would that be an improvement to your life?
This. Chess is only revered because it's older. It's complete faggotry.
>so revered
No one cares about chess except people that play chess.
Excellence in anything, even trivia, is amazing and rewarding. OP should try it some time.

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