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found this science meme on the internet, how accurate is it?
>If you only press it a little it's ok(olive oil) but id you press it too much (grapeseed oil) it's bad

I don't really know the science behind pressing but this seems like the "meat is ok, but chopped up meat repackaged is bad for you" craze.
It's just a bunch of crunchy mom BS like that they put 5G mercury tracking chips in your corn syrup or some shit. Just eat a Mediterranean diet to prevent yourself from getting heart problems and you'll be fine
olive oil is not seed oil. it's from a fruit
Drug addicts be like:
>Vegetable oil is poison, dude! I would never put that shit in my body. I need to go do some dabs now!
and olive isn't in the meme, go figure

the big bad your're looking for is the omega 6 fatty acid linoleic acid all of the listed oils are high in it
>but chopped up meat repackaged is bad for you" craze.
It's because of the companies doing it make it bad. Much more room for nasty shit to get into ground beef than whole cuts.
Though normies tiktok moms probably don't understand that part.
> Much more room for nasty shit to get into ground beef than whole cuts
Maybe if you live in fucking china or europe where they advertise horsemeat as beef. Food regulations are incredibly strict. The amount of work that goes into cleaning a factory every single night is insane. They take apart literally everything every night and sterilize each and every part so that nasty shit doesn't spread. Yes, sometimes illnesses get in meat but avoiding extremely costly recalls is a pretty great incentive.

When mcdonalds says it's 100% beef, it's 100% beef. If they lied about it then the backlash would destroy them. Just look at the "pink slime" debacle.
Sneed oils are crunchy mom BS that got partisanized for some retarded reason, and now you have a circus sideshow of facebook retards and media outlets slap fighting each other over whether they're literally poison or whether chugging grease is actually good for you
>Le trust the government
>Le trust the benevolent corpos
No thanks senpai
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>grapeseed oil
Canola oil has 17%, and egg yolk is 16%.
its 100% accurate, sneed oils cause cancer
peanut oil chads ww@?
Question is, are they all equally bad? They come from different plants after all, so they must have different composition.
Right in the mouth, please
yeah but that's natural and organic and grass fed
the reality is none of these OILS are beneficial for us
they oxidize instantly when heated, just use animal fats instead
it makes no difference that they're a fruit, they have polyphenols which makes them toxic, that's why they taste bitter in the first place
bitter=bad (0 exceptions)
they are all carcinogenic
sterols too
they substitute cholesterol
What if I'm already a fag.
Will that make me prettier?
It's nonsense. Oil is not the problem, but the excessive use and availability of it combined with pesticides, hormones, transgenics, a sedentary lifestyle, noise and electromagnetic pollution and all the conforts of modern life that prevent people from burning fat and relieve stress. Basically, everything we've built to improve our lives has a cost that's exactly a net zero gain against entropy. So yeah, keep worrying about oil, I guess.
do you think people in the 50s were constantly obsessing about calories and going to the (((gyms))) or working out like we are? no
they lived their lives not very unlike how we live today
what changed is the food supply and to think seed oils play a non-important role in that is naive
the only scientific reason they might be bad is due to having a higher percentage of oxidation from the industrial processes required to create them. But this could be easily measured if people wanted to, so it's probably within normal levels.
>Food regulations are incredibly strict.
I worked in a place that legally made food. Our instructions were as you described. None of us did that. You think food inspection fags show up every day? They tell you when they'll show up, and we only ever deep cleaned the day or day before.
Seed oils are not that bad for you.
Exactly. Oxidation is the bigger enemy. Fresh whatever oil is infinitely better than semi-rancid olive oil, butter, or animal lard.
tell me what linoleic acid does in the body it's not just an oxidised fats problem
The native Americans would grind up ragweed seeds and boil them to extract the oil. Compare this to the many processes modern oils go through, with hexane extraction, bleaching, deodorizing, etc. and it's really obvious they're terrible for you.

Unfortunately there's not really a market for unprocessed oils outside of olive oil, which can be cold pressed (the olives are literally pressed between boards). Despite all this I consider seed oils absolutely necessary for cooking, both to keep things from sticking and to brown food, so use as little as you possibly can.
you can get cold pressed palm oil
I think the call it red
>I consider seed oils absolutely necessary for cooking
Why? animal fats like lard are perfectly fine and easier to clean up
Significantly more expensive, shorter shelf life and if you overcook them it smells like death.
they don't have a short shelf life because everyone owns a refrigerator.
tallow is the king of deep fryer fats
Egg yolks are nutritious, sneed oils are not
But the person I replied to said linoleic acid was the 'big bad', thus by the same logic egg yolks are bad.
It is a problematic lipid and we're greatly over exposed to it compared to natural levels
the fact that it is so high in egg yolk is due in part to the lowest cost diets fed to laying hens.
a similar issue exits with a lot of modern lard
But they only give one number for 'eggs', wouldn't the scientific papers specify if it varied by diet? Where's the figures for pasture raised foraging chickens?
Chickens are monogastric their lipid profiles are far more diet dependent than ruminants.

The information around the the problems of seed oils is partly a ratio issue between the various classification.
Linoleic acid and its breakdown products are simply part of the more inflammatory side of the balance although linoleic rich oils are literally used to induce insulin resistance in lab animals
it actually used to be used in medical drips but it kept giving people diabetes so they switched to an oleic based drip that doesn't seem to have that problem.

Who would have guessed that disturbing the lipid profiles of the lipid raft receptor regions of cellular membranes could cause so much carnage
If they're that dependent on diet how is it good science to just refer to eggs in a paper without reference to the diet?
i didn't write it

stop asking pointless questions and look at real research
I did, that's where I got my statement that it contains the same linoleic acid as canola oil.
simple as
Chickens are dinosaurs
It's not just press force. It's filtering, sterilizing, and more. All these industrial processes oxidize the oil. Thats why they arent so good.
most of those oils are extracted with butane
It has nothing to do with oils being from seeds, it has to do with processing methods and unfavourable oil composition.
Missing palm oil. That is the king of cheap and nasty
Palm oil is bad because its environmental rape, food-wise virgin palm oil is actually pretty healthy.
depends if it's oil from the kernel or from the fruit
cutting down trees isn't "environmental rape", ma'am. trees grow back. get over your narcissistic environmental savior complex
I worked in such a place as well. That being said whole cuts of meat were given largely the same amount of abuse as minced or ground meat, and the only difference was the latter was marked to expire sooner than the former. Don’t understand why redditors are full of anxiety regarding cleanliness when cooking anything involving meat, that meat is already unsanitary to begin with unless you are getting it from a butcher with very few customers
If you have enough freezer space a better option is custom killing and butchering.
You buy an animal off someone and have is slaughtered and butchered as you wish.

It's actually surprisingly cheap to do. you just have to find a way to collect and freeze it down.
You can share an animal with a neighbour or family members.
Obviously local laws and restrictions apply but the option exists.
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The same people who screech about cutting down trees being "environmental rape" also think everyone should eat only plants
>Hateful Eight
I thought I saw a Chud, maybe even more than once, drizzle one of these poisons on his so called food. It all makes sense now.
I don't know how much bullshit there is with the seed oil shit but I switched to only using Avocado oil because of its high smoke point and it actually doesn't leave a taste on anything I cook it with. I use to use Olive oil and it would always leave some sort of taste.
I also tried Beef Tallow and it made me want to barf because it tasted so god awful.
>yOu'Re jUsT eAtInG tOo mUcH
As an ACTUAL, for-real /fit/fag who spent twenty years at healthy fighting weight, this is low-information low-education bullshit. The human body is not the simple input-output mechanism you think it is, it is not reducible to a singular calorie equation. There are measurable changes happening to our health over the past 40 years that go beyond mere overconsumption of energy. The fact you're aware of the first law of thermodynamics does not constitute a fully working body of knowledge of the metabolic processes of the human body and the effects the myriad compounds to which we are subjected (both digestible and not) have on it.
I recently (a bit over a month ago now) was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. I'm 35. I changed my diet, I have lost 8 pounds so far and got my morning fasting to be between 96 - 102 now. Was much higher. Around 110 - 115. I eat a lot of meat and a lot of avocado's. I reduced my carbs down to 40 - 60 carbs a day (after subtracting fiber).
Am I doing good? I eat eggs, sausage, chicken, beef, black or pinto beans, avocados. I also bought this bread: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sola-Low-Carb-No-Added-Sugar-Sweet-Buttery-Sliced-Bread-14-oz/825009478?classType=REGULAR

What do you think about that bread?
Also my urine stopped smelling "buttery sweet" which has been really nice. That's what made me go see my doctor for a A1C test in the first place.
It's probably bullshit, the seed oil meme comes from meme diet influencer types. That being said, the only oil I use is olive oil and vegetable oil for cooking, never seen the need to use any of the others.
don't tell them how to kill the parasites in meat before they use rancid burnt seed oils that were exclusively used machine lubricant to ccok with
>reddit caps
Go back. Just fucking go back you subhuman piece of shit.

Just pressing the shit out of seeds doesn't make stuff ultraprocessed lmao.
sneed oils are mostly butane extracted rather than pressed
canola goyoil is at least 25%
What did plants do to make vegans hate them so much?
>muh natural
cooking is unnatural, so you shouldn't need any oil at all, naturalcuck, eat your raw natural food raw and uncooked
#1 cause of oxidation in your body is you breathing air full of oxidant called oxygen which is very harmful in the long run, consider not doing that anymore.
You can extract sunflower oil by cold press. That's what human civilizations used to do before capitalist "civilization" destroyed them.
ppl used that stuff for lamp oil back then, nobody ever ate sneed oils until recently
actually they used rapesneed oil as a lubricant as it adheres to surgaces well
linseed as a wood preserver
olive was for soap and lamp oil though
of course people used whatever they could get for that was cheap for lamp fuel.
>nobody ever ate sneed oils until recently
Deep frying goes back thousands of years.
what did they fry in?
Hard for the trees to grow back when you replace them with oil palms retard
Fire, I would imagine. Gotta heat up the oil somehow.
What changed is that people stopped dying at 60 years of age and now the average boomer lives way into their 90s.
>palms aren't trees
this is the level of outright disregard for reality you need to stoop to in order to maintain your blatantly incorrect worldview and ideology.
correct a palm isn't a tree
>palm trees aren’t trees
Correct, they are monocots without branches or secondary vascular growth
>nobody ever ate sneed oils until recently
Can't tell if historylet or general brainlet. People have eaten sneed oils due to religious vegan purposes for thousands of years.
Try pressing a grapeseed and see if you get any oil out. The oil is extracted with solvents and high temperature rifining. It is chemical engineering, not food processing. Pic related is a seed oil plant, which looks no different than any other chemical processing plant. We can argue whether or not seed oils are healthy for humans, but you can't argue that they're as natural as olive oil.
>but you can't argue that they're as natural as olive oil.
You can, in fact, extract grape seed oil via cold press. And that technique is used at an industrial scale. That chemical extraction exists too, doesn't really prove jack shit or make it any less natural.

Also something being natural doesn't make it good or bad.
cyanide is natuiral
It fits the narrative I'm committed to, therefore I assert that it is true
Go chug some oil you slimey kikes
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>oy vey you can't say that!!!
>this is like the holocaust all over again!!!
Pseudoscientific BS, another fake conspiracy theory to mask the real ones (eg. Jews control media, banking and thus the government).
Fuck off you retard piece of shit.
That is not the problem, the problem is the process necessary to manufacture them. Is not as simple as virgin olive oil, it involves energy high enough that results in the creation of carcinogens.
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Humans have being cooking for 800K years, anybody whose body couldn't deal with that is already extinct. Simple as.
And yes, that means there maybe people out there who can consume those oils without negative side effects.
also it's not about pressure anymore, most oils are extracted through supercritital CO2 (which is better).
Humans can't eat seeds but can eat fruits. The healthiness correlate with this fact.
I've concluded based on epidemiological research the omega index that allows for the linoleic marker within the ratio of omega 6s are detected in the serum level do not cause inflammation since they lower the circumventing tautological super position of the enraged fallacies within the epistemic heuristics of medicine
Polyphenols, which are found in plants, have many mechanisms of action, including:
Antioxidant activity
Polyphenols can scavenge free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS). This can prevent oxidative damage to biomolecules like proteins, lipids, and DNA.
Cellular signaling
Polyphenols can interact with cellular signaling pathways, such as the MAP kinase and PI3 kinase/Akt signaling cascades. This can impact cell function and processes that contribute to cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegeneration.
Modulation of inflammatory mediators
Polyphenols can modulate the synthesis of inflammatory mediators like interleukin (IL)-1β, tumor necrosis factor α, and IL-6.
Promotion of beneficial gut bacteria
Polyphenols can promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria like Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.
Increasing antioxidant enzymes
Polyphenols can increase the expression of antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase.
Regular consumption of polyphenols has been associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders
thats all just vegan propaganda from the replication crisis journals with research financially backed by the big sneed oil companies.
organ meat is good for you to eat.
intestines full of rotten shit is not good for you to eat.
>Just eat a Mediterranean diet that contains no sneed oil to be healthy
that's why I use mostly condensated animal fat for cooking
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Fuck off you imbecile idiot.
Grapes aren't olives, retard
Pink slime was the nuggets, not the beef.

Also I suspect the McRib is 100% pink slime.
can we just ban /pol/tards?
>Food regulations are incredibly strict.
You said food regulations were lax in china and europe then said they were incredibly strict ...somewhere? You didn't even name a country.
Wasn't the whole polyphenol push a result of the so callled french paradox where in order to maintain the cholesterol scare they had to explain why the french were so healthy despite eating so many fatty foods so they came up with a theory that it was because of the compounds like polyphenols in the wine protecting them?
It makes me a little sceptical of the research since it was devised as a justification for an already debauched claim.
The real reason they're healthy is french people hate the taste of sugar even more than south koreans.
I envy people who can just dismiss any argument by saying it's Big Sneed propaganda.
Imagine how stupid it'd sound to you if I called you a Big Cow shill just wanting people to buy more fatty red meat and butter.
Science has proved that eating beef is good for you and thousands of centuries of human experience preceding the age of science journal publication has also proved that eating beef is good for you. Nobody was consuming modern sneed oils until recently and what evidence has been gathered on the issue suggests that sneed oils are unhealthy and cause cancer
What is the issue here?
Food processing IS chemical engineering, Karen. I don't know wtf you're on about

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