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>"Goyslop" took off because of a single dedicated spammer autist
>"Boomer / zoomer" took off because of a single dedicated spammer autist
>"chudjak" took off thanks to a single dedicated spammer autist
>"virgin vs chad" took off thanks to a single dedicated spammer autist
Why aren't you nolifing your MS paint drawings all over 4chan, anon? You too could brainwash millions of retarded lemmings into adopting whatever memes and vernacular you want, purely by means of astroturfing, to the point where literal politicians and famous people start using it like the dumb cattle they are. Even the people who resist yoyr memes will cave in and submit to them once all their friends and peers start using them, so they'll cuck into using your meme to fit in. Its literally so easy, so why aren't you doing it?

And to make this thread /sci/ related, what are the long term societal and structural consequences of being able to program millions of people just by dedicating yourself to neurotically spamming the same memes over and over again repetitively?
spamming is initial conditions, long-term success depends on fitness
those memes made it because they were relevant. tapped into the zeitgeist if you will.
Literally none of them were relevant you moron. Spamming is the only condition, and the resulting pavlovian conditioning of the brain results in mentally weak lemmings reproducing it as a knee jerk reaction.
It must suck to be so disconnected that you can't even access the semantic meaning of 4chan memes. I can understand why being reminded of this makes you angry, but you need to stop projecting and relax. Maybe if you let yourself internalize the culture instead of being irrationally angry at it, these things would stop happening to you.
now that their puppet is about to be installed ruskeks are trying to gaslight everyone on the origins of their agitprop lmao
The Chad meme has been going on for 15 years now. Boomer/zoomer was hilarious when it got started. That's as organic as a meme can get. Chudjak is obviously a response to frogposters, equally as reddit. People making fun of virgins probably dates back to our making fun of each other.
Then what happened to keyed? Massive spam campaign, never caught on
the term 'goyslop' offers a convenient means of protesting the universal low quality of all products material and immaterial that are sold in our culture today due to the decline of pride-in-craftsmanship and the greed of producers going unchecked as consumers less often exercise discretion in their purchases because of a general lowering of intelligence and self-esteem, which would otherwise be difficult to articulate, boomer/zoomer is also a useful shorthand for something hard to verbalise and chud/chad etc offer a compelling way to make a point by associating a thing with either a negative or positive archetype your audience will be familiar with, slang terms in subcultures have always developed like this, being high pressure environments of linguistic evolution, and outsiders have always thought their users sounded stupid using made-up words like a bunch of children

of course it does happen that people will repeat things they hear said often simply out of conformity, and with the advent of the internet it has become possible for terms without merit of any kind to become widespread through that phenomenon after gaining a small amount of momentary traction in some freak way, and this is the case with some examples of 'zoomer' slang, but they are exceptions and not the rule
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>While too conceptual to be of any transformative value to the public at large, this idea goes to the heart of today’s viral efforts, and is certainly understood by those who consider themselves soldiers in the meme wars. Biological viruses are only successful when they are able to turn their host cells into manufacturing plants for more viruses. The virus interpolates its genetic material into the DNA code of the cell, so that the cell will begin reproducing the virus. Eventually the cell divides or explodes, releasing many copies of the infected code. This is how a whole organism can become infected with a single virus; the code has iterated millions of times. The strategy of these Internet viral manifestos is to use the iterative potential of the computer nets to spread memes about viruses housed within units that are themselves viruses. The virus 23 strain even makes reference to chaos math and the predictions of some fractal influenced observers that the world itself will reach a critical mathematical moment of “singularity” near the turn of the millennium. The virus writer exploits a chaotic device—the computer-generated media virus—to spread the conceptual and spiritual implications of chaos mathematics.

Sound familiar? This was written in 1994. Source:


Everything that you hoped for, that you dreamed about being a part of, is a fabrication. Your memes, your shitposts, your internet culture, is the shell of other men's ambitions. Ambitions beyond what you will ever understand.

Memes are the passing, superficial forms of themes.
And Andrew Yang
that was another KC meme, most 4chan memes start on KC before they get popular here
>quotes a text explaining memetics
>proves he doesn't understand it in a single sentence
hint: the phrase "men's ambitions" is backwards
how do you know any of these were spammed by their single creators and not, like most memes, a small community that kept expanding? if they were only compelling to a single person and not to a community, how would they have ever caught on more widely?
Over the past decade and a half KC has been by far the greatest producer of top grade new meme, but over the shorter term the sharty is doubtlessly the champion
KC is the the distribution point mintboard uses, thats where they post their memes knowing they will spread from there outward. Nobody who currently posts regularly on KC does any sort of creative high quality memesmithing
AutismGODS define human culture.
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You're putting way too much emphasis on the "spamming" part of it, acting like the memes themselves are hammers to beat people over the head with, instead of them speaking to a core truth that we all identify but can't quite explain clearly.
"Boomer" for example is simple and straightforward. Not overly obtuse or mean spirited, connects with the original term ("Baby Boomers"), but can still be said bluntly to be almost dismissive. It's simplicity means it can propagate fast and not have to be explained first for it to be understood. Almost like a loaf of bread, you can give it to anyone and can expect them to make something of it without first explaining it.
Compare that to like "Kamala is BRAT!" It's a bit obtuse, not too sure what it connects to, and kind of has to be explained for it to have a joke or meaning attached. You can hammer that into people and it probably wouldn't still stick, cause it's not simple and can't be easily used.
You also you saying "Its literally so easy" and acting like an asshole about the process by calling people cattle show why you don't get it, won't get it, and why you will never be a woman either.
>1000 bill
yang's policies would cause inflation
Tons of shit gets spammed on this site that isn't relevant, Anon, and it never makes it into memes. The difference is whether or not the idea expressed is meaningful enough to the people who post here to continue proliferating it, its not just one dedicated spammer autist, its all of us. If you want to be a neurotic and live under the belief that everything in the world that matters is one guy going off the rails, you are free to do so, but that's not actually how history works. Plenty of guys go off the rails, and for 99.9% of those people, nobody gives a flying fuck. The 0.01% that people care about are the ones that deserved it.
>single spammer autists change the world
Yeah im hoping my way of saying
(Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Minor Attracted Person Intersex twoSSpirited +)
Becomes a meme too.
Ive alredy seen anons use my way of saying
>the prophet modammed (piss be upon him)
As opposed to peace be upon him.

Made me very happy.
is KC in the room with us right now?

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