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ANS edition
last: >>16529814
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whats this some sort of lilpoprotein lowering drug or statin?

useful info on the ANS to be found in this .pdf
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oh its st. johns wort *walks away*
>Dopamine beta-hydroxylase inhibitor
>hypericin suppresses voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel and mitogen-activated protein kinase activity and in so doing inhibits evoked glutamate release.
It directly effects Calcium Ions to influence neurotransmitter release, leading to increased transmitters in the brain, which in turn helps with depression and other mental illnesses. It also prevents the conversion of nor -> dopamine in the brain by blocking d-beta-h.
Very interesting drug mechanism with notable effects. Woud love more studies on hypericin alone. But most only study st john's wort, which contains both hypericin and hyperforin. So not the hypericin extract alone.
radiology or neurology?
Alex Jones IS Bill Hicks
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Give it to me straight lads

Does psychiatry actually help anybody, or is it just masking people's life problems so they are more "manageable" for the benefit of others?
It can be any of those, depending on the case. Also that's not even a dichotomy. In countries where it's not completely managed by kikes who want to take every single penny they can psychiatry are the heavy guns, and more normal therapies are done first.
I finished getting my CNA, where should I try to work if I'm pre-med?
It's big, clunky, sticky, and rigid
what do you find more interesting? if equal, radio
You should try to work on getting into med school not wasting time as a CNA.
Study for MCAT
Shadow the docs on your team
Get your prereqs etc.

Not saying that CNA is a waste of time, but don't think that working for a few years will get you into school. The med school application process takes almost a full year from submission to acceptance. Get started now.
Yes, it does. The problem is that the impetus for healing is (and always will be) on the patient. They must
Take their meds
Go to therapy
Work on improving their mood/thought disorders
Fix their lives.

No psychiatrist can be sitting next to their patient 24/7 reminding them not to do meth, hang out with their abusive friends, leave a stable housing environment to get high etc.

Even then, some people are so crippled by their mood and thought disorders that they cannot achieve these goals, even with optimized therapy and pharmaceuticals. Psychiartrists cannot force a patient to go to therapy or follow-up. Imagine patients who will never change their diet and lifestyle to prevent diabetes from consuming their independence. Same shit.
>Imagine patients who will never change their diet and lifestyle to prevent diabetes from consuming their independence
Why can we involuntarily put people in a facility if they fail to get their mental problems sorted out and start being a problem for society, but can't do the same to fat people when they start being a burden on the healthcare system?
>mfw rounding and we make it to our cerebral palsy admitted for the 5th time this month
why is the video much larger than the actual content?
It's a TikTok video posted to youtube
i am in your same boat and considering both as well as oncology and idk what I'm gonna do
throw a coin, if you feel bad about the outcome, you know the answer
>3 sided coin
Do an elimination. Throe another coin to make groups.
if you already had plans to kill yourself down the road, oncology or EM would be good picks since everyone will view you as the traumatized tortured soul martyr-type
Nurses don't need stethoscopes. They also dong need tight scrubs.
>had a near suicide attempt in the past
>considering EM and oncology
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it is well know that the area between rectus abodminis and internal oblique, covered by aponeurosis of the external oblique, is trivially called "vagina bone". what is not well known is official name. so what's it called?
Should have to pass step 1 at the very least to post ITT. No, COMLEX doesn't count.
You mean the rectus sheath/vagina musculi recti abdominis?
90% of this general would be gone. It would be a fucking ghost town here.
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not the structure/layer, but the depression/fossa that's seen on skin. it's most notable in animu and irl girls when lying down.
i passed NBEO part 1. does that count?
Americans are fat and stinky though.
Europe + UK/AU/NZ (Canadians are practically Americans) only would be based.
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good morning
Guys how can I cut up parts of my face but keep the wound open with no infections or reconstructions?
i said meow!
ffs the tranny pakistani is posting his avatar again
go back to pol
you arent interested or in medicine. go back to the board where you came from and belong. you dont belong here
oh right I forgot how posting your gay mouse is related to medicine
go fuck yourself paki faggot
i want to date a doctor
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never ask AI anything

I wonder how many students and even scientists will write the dumbest fucking things in their work because they used chatGPT
it doesnt even know how many rs are in strawberry. most zoomers are fucked
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I wonder what causes this. I get that it's a language model but you'd still expect one to not struggle with counting of all things/
At this point you're the retard if you don't know how ChatGPT/AI language models work or how can it be implemented into your needs.
>they can't count
I think that's a hard pass period
Oh right, and optometrists
No and you're wrong, but idk what you people take. Just want all these psyche patients and nurses gone.
redpill me on N-acetylcysteine
what do you think
Snort it and report back
Perfect nurse scores.
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That's not very helpful.
>Mental illness
Most of those are made up by pseudoscientists trying to push drugs on people... usually they force drugs on children.
Get into banking.
meow :3

Any labbros itt?
What do you think of becoming a nutritionist or dietician?
It sounds cool in theory but I'm afraid in practice it would be just handing out the same meal plans over and over again. Clinical dietician is probably the most interesting job you can land, but I'd bet scamming lazy gullible retards with some meme catering pays best.
fuck off poof
lucky you arent a doctor then isnt it
>>t. 2.5ish GPA from a mid school, no MCAT, little to no clinical experience
I'm sorry, but med school isn't a realistic plan. If you look at the stats, the averages for GPA swim in the high 3s. Missouri, for example, has a minimum of 3.0 for in-state applicants (3.5 min OOS), and presumably this will be for people with unexpectedly high MCATs or melanin concentrations.
I can't speak to nursing but that would be also very uphill since GPAs are also above 3 on average. If you were deadset on something medically related you could become an EMT/paramedic but I don't recommend it. The only gigs that pay ok tend to be the ones where you're driving granny from the nursing home to dialysis to get your fingers in that sweet government dole.
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09:20:38 Microglial hexokinase 2 deficiency increases ATP generation through lipid metabolism leading to β-amyloid clearance / Nat Metab Leng, 2022

anyone have??
Why is influenza so devastating? Right now I have a:
photophobia (phone display is set to 0% brightness and it's still too much)
my knee and hip joints ache as fuck
my throat is so swollen i can't even swallow saliva
I'm drowning in sweat
I don't have a runny nose, but I expectorate
Former fiancee that dumped me months before finishing med school, we've been together even before she started. I also had some serious job issues at the time that put me in a spot where i basically had to start a new career.

Initially I went for med almost purely out of spite. She couldn't get into the med school in our city (2nd best in the country) so she went to one in a different city and that was always a very sore spot for her. I figured, if I need a stable, safe career, med will do just fine for that, always had some interest in it anyways, and getting into that med school she failed to get into would be perfect.

But even back then I knew spite wouldn't be enough to keep me going for years of education. Fortunately, somewhere along the way I realized I had way more than just a slight interest, and that I have been largely been confusing my interest in medicine that I wasn't fully aware of with feelings towards her. Pretty pathetic in hindsight but still, that spite kept me VERY motivated in the short term, I honestly don't think I would have managed to get into that school without it, I probably would have settled for worse. I also have much better grades than she did so far.
i was a fucking idiot and wrote a spite story into my personal statement, idk what I was thinking, every school rejected that first time around
Yeah that's not a good move, and honestly they were right to reject you based on that because as I said, spite doesn't last. I wouldn't want someone who's gonna lose all interest 2 years in. It's great for that initial kick, but there needs to be more to it.
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everytime i study, i forget all the stuff i knew before and still fuck up on the stuff i just studied. it's over for me.
You need better learning techniques. Ideally you should also start living and breathing this shit for best results.

Tell me what you struggle with right now, I'll call you a fucking retard and we can get into a petty argument about it, guranteed to remember it better.
maybe tomorrow. right now, it's time for bed after another wasted day.
Normal btw. Where are you at in your education
literally who
>be lawyer
>get chatgpt to write argument
>Judge asks to see the cases you cited are real
You mean bodybuilders? Yeah.
Probably because you're malnourished. Go eat some multivitamins and take a shower.
>went to med school to spite her
What kind of femoid shit is this? You probably took a seat away from someone who wanted to be a physician for good reasons. You effeminate dickhead. Don't come back here.
Left my velos in the car today's the day I jump off the roof
if Olanzapine was working really well for me but making me gain extreme weight, is there anything else I should try? I was on 10mg. Quetiapine made my legs twitch and spasm
Talk to your doctor senpai
There are lots of options we do not know you
I guess but I like to be informed. I guess I could go back on Olanzapine but being a fat bitch sucks
Google 2nd generation antipsychotics if you want, there are certainly options. Idk what your labwork, ekg, etc are like and this is a parody website anyways so we are all larping
my lap work? idk elevated alt most minerals or whatever are fine I take supplements. slightly tachycardic. Olanzapine was also the only time in my life I've ever slept normally
I'm literally a nurse with a PhD and make physician chuds call me doctor.
Based I'm an ICU tech and the surgeon general of the US sucks me off on a pile of Russian oligarchs
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i struggle with diagnosis (especially when they look similar), ancillary testing, then treatment/management. if i study extra hard, then i keep mixing up the infrequent diseases that present similarly to the uber-common diseases and when it comes to an essay-style test, it ends up fucking me hard. i either ask for too much or too little ancillary testing. i then keep fucking up on the correct dosages/%s of drugs.
everytime i study more, i seem to confuse myself even more trying to cram it all in. i know i should study more, but each time i do i seem to become more retarded making more simple mistakes than before.
is there any link between dht, testosterone, estrogen and other sex hormones & gut motility, constipation, etc..?
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Fellow /med/fags what do you do when you feel absolutely depleted from this shit?
I feel like shit, it's like I got no fight left in me. The rot is consuming me and no matter how heavy I fucking lift or how much meds I take this feeling of failure after failure never goes away and the massiveness and yet simpleness of medicine makes me feel like I'm drowning
>t. prem*d
HR girlie here.
Shoulda joined HR :^)
Well trauma dumping on 4chan is certainly one way to manage it.

Look, anon, if you're looking for genuine advice this is a very poor place to get it. I don't know what stage in your career you're at, what your home life is, your background, anything. We don't know each-other. If I had a friend who said something like that to me, I would advise they talk to somebody they can trust. A parent or another relative, a friend from high school, a mentor or other advisor. Most importantly, I would recommend talking to somebody OUTSIDE of medicine. Most doctors, residents, med students etcetera may know what you're going through at an academic level, but they won't know who you are other than their contextualization of you as a future/current colleague. Also we're mostly jaded.

Try something you haven't tried yet. Try taking a break for a day, if you can.
Well if by "bodybuilders" you mean dyel normies that made a new year's resolution to go to the gym twice a week to half-ass it and quit after 3 months, yeah. Legit bodybuilders usually sort their diets out themselves.

I think the best target audience is actually lazy middle aged women with a lot of disposable income that never learned how to cook but want to try the nwest fad diet they read about in their favorite magazine. I know that type very well. Unfortunately.
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>You probably took a seat away from someone who wanted to be a physician for good reasons.
Should have studied harder than me then
>Don't come back here.
Make me
>You probably took a seat away from someone who wanted to be a physician for good reasons.
>t. seething premed trying to get into medical school
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rather die than be a premed again
med school sucks, but it's not as fucking moronic as being a pre-med/applying to med school
Are people in your jobs also completely devoid of hobbies and interests? They can only talk about traveling, there are no interesting people in healthcare
I draw hentai on the side for extra cash, bitch.
lots of fitness, reading, sports, cooking, climbing, etcetera. Plenty of video game players, board gamers, etcetera.
Video games aren't a hobby.
You have some issues. Money chasers don't belong in social jobs. Why didn't you become a banker or another type of scammer? Honest question.
Not a premed
Money is a perfectly valid reason to go into medicine.
Medicine doesn't make the most. If you want "money" you're in the wrong field. Why not business?
>Medicine doesn't make the most.
$350k USD is fine with me.
>Why not business?
Because medicine is a guaranteed way to make six figures and is stable.
You should tell more people this. Its a great attitude to have. We need more people like you
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but it's so stupid to me when people say that being a physician is a "calling". That just opens the door to being taken advantage of and having lower wages. Being a physician is just a job - a high paying one.
Based, literally me.
Based. I'm just trying to do the least amount of work for the most amount of money.
only premeds think they have the calling
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American capitalism and greed is worse than any ailment. I have second hand shame though I'm not American.
>"being a doctor is just a job" is the same as gay Americanism
kill yourself faggot
Give up half your salary if you feel that way.
>Money chasers don't belong in social jobs.
Where did you get the idea i'm in it purely for the money? I have a genuine interest in medicine and need a new career, that doesn't mean money is all i care about. If treating medicine like a job means you shouldn't be a doctor then basically no one should be a doctor, because I gurantee basicallly no one would regularly come to work if it was unpaid, including you.

And even if money was all i care about, who cares? The patient? The patient cares about getting proper treatment. A money chasing psycho surgeon that did their job right is better than the surgeon with a calling that got nervous and made a mistake. Your calling is your business only and largely irrelevant.
I feel very sorry for you. Consider leaving medicine. I know people in different fields who wanted to be there. They know people who show up for the money and they're all hated. You must also brownnose shamelessly. Truly, your worldview disgusts me.
So are you going to give up half your salary to prove how virtuous you are?
>I know people in different fields who wanted to be there.
Then they should have studied harder and performed better. You claim to have a "calling", yet you would willigly let patients be treated by objectively worse doctors because you like their reasons to do it better. Clearly you don't actually care about patients, you're just a virtue signalling narcissist.
Why do you assume that being a psycho surgeon would equal better care than someone who deeply cares? Sounds like you're making excuses for yourself.
What makes you think that I don't already do dispose of half of my salary if I'm so virtuous?
>What makes you think that I don't already do dispose of half of my salary if I'm so virtuous?
Show proof that you have donated to anything lol. You won't.
>extrinsic motivations are better than intrinsic motivations
Wew lad. What Caribbean school do you attend
Lmao tilted psycho. Pop a pill or two
Knew you wouldn't :)
I don't give in to internet demands. I'm virtuous, remember? Fortitude is a virtue.
I'm virtuous too. I'm honest and honesty is a virtue.
>Why do you assume that being a psycho surgeon would equal better care than someone who deeply cares?
Because you're arguing that psychos are taking up spots of the deeply caring types. Psychos got their spots by performing better. Again, you would be replacing better doctors with worse ones because you like them more. You're worse than the money chasers, because money chasers at least don't go out of their way to hurt patients.
>inb4 ackchyually the psycho just sucked up to their superiors
How come the psycho is willing to suck up for money, but the deeply caring doctor can't suck up to save lives? No matter the angle, if a psycho is took the spot of a deeply caring, it's because they are better.
>Sounds like you're making excuses for yourself.
The irony
Motivation is irrelevant, performance is. Work on your reading comprehension, you will never get into med school without it.
You're very defensively presumptuous. I'm guessing you bullshit people often.
I'd like to see you be "honest" in a moment of adversity. I suppose your "resolve" would dissolve for self preservation. Maybe that's why psycho surgeons do better -- they lie and blame others. Sounds consistent.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24491020/ you're an embarrassment. Cut your stethoscope in half
>You're very defensively presumptuous. I'm guessing you bullshit people often.
Not an argument, thanks for playing
I don't argue. It's a waste of time. If you want to believe in wrong things, go ahead. But you're retarded if you have no conscientiousness
>Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic incentives jointly predict performance
That does not imply everyone with intrinsic motivation outperforms everyone with an extrinsic motivation. Better performers with an extrinsic motivation are still preferable. You're really bad at logic, it's no wonder you need the feel good bullshit when you're most likely a poor performer yourself.
>I don't argue
You were, up to the point you ran out of arguments. Whatever makes you sleep at night I guess.
What if I don't want to take meds because I despise wealthy middle-class psychiatrists telling me to take Big Pharma chemicals which cause many harmful side effects?

I'd like therapy for sure but in my country there's a long waiting list for publicly-funded therapy.

Maybe I should just do my own thing and see where that gets me. Put all my efforts into fixing my life without some bullshit mental health system which treats me like a lab rat.
Bunch of premeds and psych patients itt lmao

>I won't take the meds designed to help me because it's prescribed by a man I'm jealous of
Cutting off your nose to spite your face

>side effects, concern over income
Real issues, have a discussion with your wealthy middle class psychiatrist about what's best for you. Get a social worker.

Your resistance to getting better is exactly why people with psych issues frequently don't improve. Anyways good luck I don't argue with psych patients on 4chan
>>I won't take the meds designed to help me
In reality they're designed to make the fattest possible profits for Big Pharma companies, regardless of the real and harmful side effects experienced by patients

>Real issues, have a discussion with your wealthy middle class psychiatrist
I tried that and they didn't give a shit. I guess they were more concerned with paying off their Mercedes.

>Your resistance to getting better is exactly why people with psych issues frequently don't improve.
I've tried many things to get better and I will keep trying over and over and over and over again.

I'm just saying I don't trust psychiatry because they don't fucking listen, and they're also perfectly happy to let patients rot in mental hospital for months or years (thankfully I haven't been in there for years now, but I remember the patients I met).
>I don't trust psychiatry because muh big pharma

>I don't trust psychiatry because psychiatrc studies do not meet the rigor of the scientifc method which allows fraudulent psychiatric diagnoses to be used as a tool for political repression
I don't think western countries use psych diagnoses to politically repress people - they'll lock you up regardless of what your political beliefs are.

Big Pharma is absolutely a problem though. They have corrupted the research around these drugs:
>[Antidepressant] meta-analyses by [drug] industry employees were 22 times less likely to have negative statements about a drug than those run by unaffiliated researchers
>despite side effects
>as if they could spend a little more money and suddenly the medication won't interact with off target receptors
You know shit fuck about pharmacology anon.
>I don't think western countries use psych diagnoses to politically repress people
They do though. You can easily be deprived of many rights for life if you have ever been involuntarily committed or just diagnosed with a disorder.

For example, in my country where the cops are in charge of giving out firearm permits, they are technically bound by law to give them out if someone meets the criteria. Sounds very fair and totally not totalitarian, right? Except they can also appeal the psychiatric results you got from a private shrink and send you to their own, who will find you unfit to own firearms and is not legally required to explain their reasoning to the patient. Their diagnosis is final and cannot be appealed. I've read about and personally know one person who has been denied a permit in this way despite no criminal record because they've been publicaly involved in criticism of police. Far as i know he went to court and did not win.

This is just one specific example that I have experience with, but it can be used for just about anything. Fraudulent psychiatric diagnoses were, are and will continue to be used as a tool for repression, because their arbitrary, subjective (i.e. not scientific) nature makes it very convenient. Even if there's no actual legal consequences, hell even if you're eventually found to be healthy, just the social stigma is enough to ruin careers.
>another thread plagued by psych patients
>just accept the harms of these drugs you stupid cunt, you don't have a choice
I do have a choice, because everybody has a choice

Stuff like tardive dyskinesia, or raised prolactin, or other extrapyramidal symptoms (yeah you can have procyclidine to counteract those, but procyclidine raises your risk of dementia)

Fair enough. In my country I'm not aware of people being put in mental hospital due to their political beliefs, or their criticism of the police.

If you were locked up and drugged against your will, you'd be angry at the medical industry too.
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bump for this thx to pic rel
>>I don't trust psychiatry because psychiatrc studies do not meet the rigor of the scientifc method which allows fraudulent psychiatric diagnoses to be used as a tool for political repression
Based. The medicalization of ODD is an example of this. You're supposed to want to be defiant towards authority figures.
"Calling" faggot types like you will prattle some bullshit about "I really care about people" and then say they wouldn't treat patients because they didn't get vaxxed. People like you are scum because they will lie to themselves that they "care about everyone" when they didn't cry over the people that die on the news, every day, and have the delusion of moral superiority and zeal that infects everything they do. Physicians-for-pay understand that treating patients is ultimately transactional, and the quality of the care they provide is a reflection of themselves, and how they take their obligations seriously, and not a reflection of how much they liked the patient.
You're right, then again, I can shit all I want on Hiroshima's site all I want and it's still better than the shit people post here.
Also I'm not a premed. I'm not even a burger. I'm in my third year finishing up with my pre clinical subjects. But I'm way behind the rest.
instead of talking to the psych patients, can we discuss how after i've had a big failure, i don't have motivation to study anymore, constantly have headaches, and just want to sleep all day?
thanks, and have fun.
You're just depressed. Spend 5 minutes everyday writing down things you are grateful for in your life, don't ruminate on negative thoughts, and keep yourself busy with tasks, even cleaning the house, to rebuild your sense of agency. You can always work to make your situation incrementally better, anon
does any of that work?
I got a cold just 1 months after the last one. This has never happened before. Is that healthy? What’s the shortest gap you’ve had between colds.
If I didn't think they could work, I wouldn't suggest them. But to answer your question, what can make depression a vicious cycle is devoting time and energy to the things that make you upset. This is called rumination. It's bad because the longer you think about bad things the worse you will feel. People ruminate because it feels like they're "working" on solving the problem. This is an illusion. Absolutely do not do this. Instead, if a negative idea pops in your mind, acknowledge the thought is there, but do not "engage" and think through it, since thinking is an active process. Don't try to push it out of your awareness, but accept that it's there and just focus on the present moment of physical sensations and the current task at hand.
Evidence why rumination is bad:
Tl;dr embrace stoicism
Thoughts on the prevalence of self-diagnosis in internet-addicted zoomers? Especially like the autism-because-i-have-a-niche-hobby le “neurospicy” shit, or other even more egregious made up shit. I know they are probably a vocal minority but they fucking piss me off especially encountering them irl. I spoke to someone today and they listed off all their fringe conditions like it was a badge of honor. I guess I am the grumbly old man of my generation.
I mean, it's retarded behavior that lets you identify retards but doesn't really affect anything in any way otherwise. Seems like a good thing to me. They're not getting any drugs or special treatment without an actual diagonosis anyways.
Riding on the coattails of trannies whom opened that door.
Psych patient here

I was just thinking about how all my "problems" were actually completely reasonable feelings of unhappiness with situations which would make anybody unhappy

If I had never taken any psychiatric poisons then I probably would have overcome those problems in the normal ways that normal people do - because that's how I used to function, just fine, before psychiatry interfered with me

Fuck psychiatry
If you were able to overcome those problems in normal ways that normal people do you wouldn't seek out psychiatric help to begin with.
Two problems with what you're saying

1) The first time I sought a doctor, I wanted to actually use a different solution (pausing my university studies), and I think I should have done that. I let people persuade me to see a doctor but maybe that was dumb.

2) Another time of psychiatry interfering with me, it wasn't my choice. And there are many people, some who are very normal, who are put in mental hospital against their will - they don't "seek out psychiatric help" as you claim.

In conclusion, you don't know what you're talking about
this general belongs on /x/
Psych patients fuck right off

Nobody gives a fuck
>The first time I sought a doctor, I wanted to actually use a different solution
Again, you wouldn't have sought out a psychiatric doctor if you didn't have mental issues severe enough to require medical intervention. And if you did anyways because you're being a pussy about a non-issue, the psychiatrist would tell you to gtfo and maybe see a therapist, just like an EM doc would tell you to gtfo out of their ER if you came in with a minor scrape.
>Another time of psychiatry interfering with me, it wasn't my choice
Right, the evil psychiatrist broke into your house and force fed you pills.
>And there are many people, some who are very normal, who are put in mental hospital against their will
There are some normal people who get wrongfully institutionalized by a faulty/fradulent diagnosis, but these people wouldn't seek psychiatric health to begin with, because they're normal. You're not one of these people, apparently.
i can confirm that all of psychiatry is unironically a scam

t. neurologist
study harder
>evil psychiatrist broke into home
Well, it happened to me, literally they came with cops and took me away from home to hospital. I guess winter isn't time to go to COVID mandatory testing in flip flops.
I'm sure that happened completly unprompted, some random evil psychiatrist just picked you out from the playground and followed you home.
One evil old bitch is answer. Now I don't have right to have money because all my money went crypto.
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Non-medfag here
What's more useful in predicting cardiovascular risk, or diagnosing current problems - FASTING triglycerides or NONFASTING triglycerides?

my last nonfasting results, Jul 2023
>total chol = 7.4 or 286 (HIGH)
>hdl = 1.6 or 62 (a smidge HIGH)
>ldl = 3.9 or 151 (a little high HIGH)
>triglycerides = 4.1 or 363 (very HIGH)
>hba1c = 5.3 or 34 (NORMAL)

but just had a fasted test, Jan 2025 (wasnt intended, was just late to appt, no time for brekkie XD XD) - 18 hours fasted
>total chol = 7.1 or 274 (HIGH)
>hdl = 1.6 or 62 (a smidge HIGH)
>ldl = 5.0 or 193 (HIGH)
>triglycerides = 1.0 or 89 (NORMAL)
>hba1c = 5.3 or 34 (NORMAL)

obviously the massive difference in trigs comes from food vs fasting
but since i eat 3x a day, isnt that in a way more useful, since that's what my blood is like day-to-day?
>This study demonstrates that HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, total/HDL cholesterol ratio, and apolipoprotein A-1 predict CVD when measured nonfasting. By contrast, total, LDL, and non-HDL cholesterol, in addition to apolipoprotein B100 and B100/A-1 ratio, provide less useful CVD risk information when nonfasting, despite small changes in their concentrations. Guidelines for lipid screening may need to consider these differences.
Otherwise I'd say generally that fasting labs are getting a better since of what's going on chronically, and nonfasting what's going acutely, since nonfasting probably has more variation based on what/how much you had to eat.
Have any of you guys heard of Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD) or Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS)? Basically permanent sexual, physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms persisting after taking psych drugs and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors. Suffering from something similar after taking an antibiotic and wanted to see what you guys thought. My symptoms include genital numbness, low libido, genital shrinkage and pain, insomnia, anhedonia. Fucking sucks. I've tried a lot of things already to help but everything is temporary.
New post to put on every OP

>We DO NOT give advice
>We DO NOT reply to psych patients
>We DO NOT welcome nursoids
>We DO NOT reply to premeds

would save a giant headache
>those numbers
What the FUCK are you eating? What's your BMI?
That is in the normal bread copy pasta. Some new guy has been baking.
You don't need to take your meds if you don't want. A couple thousand years ago you'd probably be a high priest or a shaman of sorts. However, if you can't prevent yourself from endangering other people (or yourself in public) then, in this modern society, you will be reported/sectioned. There will never be a drug that has zero negative side affects. That's just not how nature works. Even fucking Zyrtec gives you dementia. I honestly feel for you man. You were born or became afflicted with a major disease that no one is remotely close to curing this century, and yes big pharma is very interested in delaying that for as long as possible. It's not your fault that you see or do things the way you do. But psychiatrists aren't trying to kill you for profit. Their job is to keep you from endangering yourself. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at the left wing retards who have been stifling psychology from advancing like a true science should for the past century or so. Blame the people who "support breast cancer", one of the least life-threatening cancers instead of supporting truly debilitating mental/personality disorders. The only way towards some sort of remedy falls 100% on you. Go to therapy, listen to brutal feedback and use it to try and make yourself "normal". You'll never get even remotely close to normal without meds. But you can find discipline over time and probably end up better off than most "normal" people who lack control. Baby steps. You can do it.
I agree w the psyche patient thing but what else would this general be for if not premeds asking for advice?
People used to post ECGs and cases.
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abdomen as of today
Any recommendations?
Literally real scan done today
Is it a bad idea to be on CNS stimulants (vyvanse) and antipsychotics at the same time?
this is a brown person's abdo xray
I've smoked crystal meth on anti-psychotics,... It was pleasant experience. I could do more than usually, it pretty much destroyed most of my negative symptoms on first hit. Also I found out that antipsychotic prevents meth excitotoxicity simillar to cannabis which does it too. Don't forget to replenish spent amino for dopamine sythesis.
thanks. I'm considering going off my anti psychs and taking prescription weed instead though I'm ever so slightly scared of it inducing psychosis
New thread idea: why don't you psych patients make your own thread where you discuss various ways to increase your suicide risk
that would be awesome but I have no idea which board. what's wrong with psych patients anyway? so what if we're high suicide risk. we can't all be normies
THC -> Makes psychosis happens
CBD -> Proved as effective as anti-psychotics without so much side-effects

Get some bud with 3:1 ratio of CBD to THC or with lower THC.
I hope this counts up like compliance with medical personel.
>the evil psychiatrist broke into your house
I was living with my mum at the time so she let the psychiatrists into the house, at which point they legally detained me without my consent

I'll tell you the truth that you don't want to hear yet again: you have no idea what you're talking about

I think cops can do that in my country too, but in my case it was doctors who came and they legally detained me

That isn't the point, but you're too stupid to remember what you said. What you said is that people who get involved in psychiatry seek it out. That's not true because many patients get locked up without ever seeking out psychiatry.
>if you can't prevent yourself from endangering other people (or yourself in public)
I wasn't a danger. I broke something and they thought I was a danger, but really they should have just convicted me for the damage I caused. Instead of putting me in hospital.
I know somebody with same story, it works like this:
If you didn't break law, but somebody really wants to call cops on you, they come with ambulance and you know what's end of a story.

Also, I don't want more people to know this, but if you want some of your family members to not inherit something that could be yours, psychiatry can handle that for a little bit of cash. Or if you're just wanting somebody's life ruined. They accept stories they don't question(confront patient with) patient about anything, and do what family says.

But we have own thread now.
>If you didn't break law, but somebody really wants to call cops on you, they come with ambulance and you know what's end of a story.
I had a crazy ex do this to me, she called the cops to my house claiming a suicide attempt. After a long argument i let the ambulance take me to the ER. The (female) psychiatrist there wanted to send me into the ward for observation for like a week, but ultimately gave up and i returned home. Pretty sure she only gave up because
>the ambulance doc told her he doesn't believe I'm suicidal
>my mother told her she does not believe I'm suicidal over the phone
>I threatened her with a lawsuit
thanks for the advice, much appreciated
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does any have any good pharmacology book recommendations here? or is the 1500 page goodman and gilman the best choice?
Heads up, >>16542951 is a boomer take. A lot of medical schools are now prioritizing clinical experience over other things. This is like a past-5yrs change. Obviously your MCAT and GPA still need to be decent, but I was interviewing (and to a lesser extent admitted) to schools I had absolutely no right to, given my stats. I had basically no formal shadowing, minimal volunteering (all nonclinical) and one semester of research that I hated. But I had >2000 hours of paid clinical time.

You should prioritize places where you will have responsibility, and direct interaction with both coworkers and patients. No home nursing stuff. No lab jockeying. If you can find an actual primary care clinic or nursing home or hospital or something like that, you will find this more useful in the end for application purposes, I guarantee you.
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>hate research
>it's a graduation requirement
What's the easiest way for me to bullshit this? I'm intending to apply FM if that's relevant.
Sketchy Pharma

Be careful, cannabis causes rise of ROS and depletes glutathione. If you have to smoke, supplement NAC and glutathione.
I did horrible mistake of being one day of when they asked me about date, so I ended up in psych ward.
I'm sorry to hear that, anon. Now, please ignore the "unreliable historian" flag I just put on your chart, that's nothing to worry about.
can you just do some basic audits?
simple as reading through some patient charts and data entry. simple stats as well.
chuck on a podcast and it requires 0 brain capacity.
>unreliable historian
It's "unreliable narrator". I put "ESL" on your chart.
EM chad here. To any hospitalist cucks out here, all I got to say is this; you will admit my patient now :^)
I guarantee when they chatted with you you sounded like an absolute schizoid bc you were havig an episode. Bing bang boom.
The sooner psych patients demonstrate they understand where they are (the psyche ward) and begin acting like it, the sooner they leave. It's not hard
So many times during my psych rotation in med school
>Giant asshole with antisocial personality disorder picked up by cops for assaulting someone at bar or whatever
>Suddenly becomes suicidal the moment it gets him out of jail for a few days
>It will take time to file charges, all he has to do is cooperate and he'll be discharged in a few days to go get high or whatever until the police pick him back up
>Instead, asshole retard screams and fights and needs PRNs every single day multiple times, delaying discharge, increasing the likelihood he gets stuck in inpatient psych until he goes to jail
you guys really hate us huh.
no, this is a place to vent about the frustrations of our jobs. Nobody in medicine hates you. They wouldn't go through the trouble of becoming a doctor, going through residency, board certification etcetera if they did. There's much, MUCH easier money to make elsewhere.

We do resent our thread being shitted up by people whining about their treatments. We get it, not everyone is happy. Talk to your doctor, we cannot change anything for you. etcetera.
I wasn't a schizoid though (and wasn't diagnosed with anything like that). I was just stressed the fuck out because of my life situation at the time, and actually anybody else in the same situation would have also been stressed out.
>You can do it.
Thanks for that bit. I agree with some of what you say. I don't think left-wing people are to blame for the state of psychiatry though. If anything it's capitalist profiteers who are to blame for the state of psychiatry.
>we should be able to lock you up whenever we want just because we feel like it

When I was in mental hospital most of the patients weren't put there by the police. Some were but most weren't. For a lot of them they would have had family members contacting mental health services.

My experience is that some doctors will hate you but others won't, if you find good ones

>Nobody in medicine hates you.
>They wouldn't go through the trouble of becoming a doctor, going through residency, board certification etcetera if they did.
They do that so they can have a comfy career and buy a Mercedes
>We do resent our thread being shitted up by people whining about their treatments. We get it, not everyone is happy. Talk to your doctor, we cannot change anything for you. etcetera.
"I drugged a person with debilitating poisons against their will and they're not happy about that? What a surprise!"
neuropsych chads, is there any correlation between outlier high intelligence & pedophilia? It must surely not be a coincidence that lewis carroll, schrodinger, nabokov's uncle-a highly erudite, aristocratic puzzle cracker who's rumoured to be the inspiration of humbert humbert in Lolita, epstein & his clientele etc., are all pedos.
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and an obligatory pic
I believe there's a correlation between higher IQ and any sexual deviation because you need to pass a certain IQ threshold to even conceptualize peepee going in other holes. It doesn't have to be very high, but can't be mouthbreathing tier either.
It could also be due to the fact that higher IQ correlates with greater cognitive independence, which in turn means it correlates with non-conformity and low regard for social norms.
or is it that high iq pedos were just good at hiding their pedo tendencies unlike low iq pedos who got ostracised or rekt by the sociiety & social institutions? Are there any heritability studies on pedophilia that try to estimate how heritable this is and from which parent?
I don't see how any of this schizobabble has anything to do with medicine.
Any advice for an ICU mid level?
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I came up with an interesting idea how one could minimize fat loss from caloric surplus. For example an athlete could gain all the benefits of caloric surplus when it comes to energy levels and hypertrhophy etc. for a short period of time.

DNL or De Novo Lipogenesis is very inefficient way for body to convert glycogen into fat. If all the calories we intake are either carbs that use DNL or protein I think it is possible in theory to reap the benefits of higher caloric intake before the metabolic and hormonal adaptations offset this benefit. This anabolic growth phase could be used in a cycle with days when we drop calories and up the intake of fats and fat soluble vitamins to allow body functions to recover.

Just by taking a quick look there wasn't any studies done set up in this manner: High caloric surplus, no fructose, sucrose, HFCS or fat intake.

I would love to hear some feedback on if this could be usable strategy, or whether the adaptions would be too fast to gain any advantage, or if I have lack of knowledge when it comes to fat storing mechanisms of the human body.
PA or NP?
No idea if your idea has any merit but
>Just by taking a quick look there wasn't any studies done set up in this manner: High caloric surplus, no fructose, sucrose, HFCS or fat intake
Nutritional studies like this are notoriously hard to conduct because you either have to assume your subjects are following a very strict diet to a T (they don't) or you'd have to monitor them literally 24/7 with cameras big borther style (unfeasible). Your subject pool is also very low, you need a bunch athletes that are willing to adjust their already specific diet for a siginifcant amount of time, good luck.
Nutritionists/dieticians suck in my area because the job is not regulated, and anyone who look a 1st semester elective in nutrition can call themselves a nutritionist/dietician. As expected, most of the "nutritionists" and "dieticians" are either gym rat english majors who don't give a damn, or social media obsessed 20-30 year old social science mojors who don't give a damn. The actual grads in food sciences/human nutrition are very few, but also very good.

Along with the zoomers consulting Dr. Google and self-diagnosis themselves with 1:100000000 illness, I have also seen a lot more zoomers and millenials malingering.
Nice, make sure you're on top of alarming lab values, algorithm for diagnosing vent alarms, your institutions code protocol and go over ACLS you'll do great.
Do you have any resources for vents and vent alarms? Vents have been one of the hardest parts for me.
Generally, no. Here's a good mnemonic for vent alarms.

Displacement (right mainstem, dislodged etc)
Obstruction (secretions, call RT)
Pneumothorax (you should know how to diagnose this clinically or with portable xray)
Equipment (vent issue, disconnected from wall or tank O2, vent disconnected from ET tube etc)
Stacking (breath stacking in asthmatics/COPD, look up the mechanism and ask your SP how they manage it if you have the time. ED they frequently disconnect the vent and push on the chest until all the air is out.)
M3 here bout to start rotations. I failed step 1 once but passed and am back on track. Give it to me straight bros how competitive am i because of this? I dont plan to go into derm, plastics, ortho, but for gen surgery maybe? i hope Im not limited to peds and FM now
honestly, it's not a good outlook. Make sure you have a good story about your improvements etcetera. IDK if that affects your chances of gen surg, but I would imagine so. You're certainly not limited to pediatrics or fm, but you've dug a little whole to climb out of. Study your ass off for step 2 and show them you're capable.
the psych patient thread got deleted...
you take a history from a patient not a narration. fucking retard
jannies are jealous of doctors and must make our thread shit
why do so many young male docs have such caricaturally square jaws and thick facial hair while also not having any signs of baldness?
why are so many gays in this field?
and also why is everyone so extremely left leaning
Mods are crazy, they should have had move it to another board.
>why are so many gays in this field?
Dunno, why did you join the field?
I'm not joking. The Asians are all straight, buy among whites at least 20% have to be gay. In some specialties like derm most guys are gay
Well you need to be able to read to get through med school, and people capable of reading know how to prevent balding.
why are most engineers bald then when they have higher IQ than doctors?
Because engineers are autistic and don't have sex
Because they can't read apparently.
need gay doctor bf
Have you guys found any benefit to saying you're a medical student? I've been thinking about saying it to use it as an excuse to say I'm too busy for stuff.
You cannot prevent balding retard, physicians have money to get hairtransplants that's all.


Yes there are many gays and lesbians. I would say like 10%. If we include bi then like 20%.

Idk why maybe wealthier people are less afraid of being full out gay or bi.
That's not true I would say most don't care about politics those who do are equally left and right.
That's pretty much the only use case
Hypothetically, what permanent damage can someone expect from taking 5g of propranolol? Assume a fat ass for dose-to-weight ratio.
>cannot prevent balding

Like all of meds, you scream something is impossible, because of fifty years old status quo.
>you can't prevent balding, you can just prevent balding
Profound, have you considered learning how to read?
>young physicians have money
They give me discounts at the gym, some restaurants, train tickets etc.
Death, but i kind of suspect what you're actually asking is
>what permanent damage can someone expect from a failed suicide attempt using 5g of propranolol
Hard to say, brain damage would be my biggest worry.

Shoot yourself with a shotgun, use 00 buckshot, aim at the brain stem (barrel in your mouth). I remember reading a study that concluded shotgun scores highest on the effectiveness and lowest on agony scales when it comes to suicide.
Is this some kind of official promotion where healthcare workers are getting discounts or are you bringing up that you're a medical student?
It's a student thing in general, i show them my student ID. Train tickets i think are cheaper for students by law, but other things are just businesses being nice i guess.
im glad im not the only person who has failed here. i still need to retake my test though....
Why did you fail? Not trying to be combative or anything. Just want to know what mistakes to avoid.
nta but I think several failed ods have kind of fucked up my brain. I feel way less capable of doing complex things now

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