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File: LiG uncertainty.jpg (376 KB, 1488x1488)
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Liquid-in-glass thermometers too imprecise to detect global temperature trend since 1850.

Margin of error for average global temp 1900-2010 (3.84°C) is 4.5x larger than claimed warming of 0.86°C.

take your cringe and go back to /pol/m, faggot.
Nice, this needs a sticky.
why do you hate science?
there can't have been much of a change in temperature if that is the case
>Liquid-in-glass thermometers too imprecise to detect global temperature trend since 1850.
>Margin of error for average global temp 1900-2010 (3.84°C) is 4.5x larger than claimed warming of 0.86°C.
irrelevant for measuring trends
That is only true if the trend is larger than the margin of error. I'm not saying the error disproves global warming, but I would hesitant to believe a trend that is less than the margin of error
>That is only true if the trend is larger than the margin of error.
i don't understand this

margin of error applies to each individual measurement, trends apply to lots of measurements. if a graph shows a trend, like say a 10% slope, the margin of error means you can't be sure of exactly how high the line is at each point, but it doesn't affect the slope. unless the error coincidentally worked exactly as needed to produce the slope, which is statistically improbable
And you expect me to take this or you seriously?
The moe for an average is given by the average of the individual measurement's moe. If all measurements have similar moe, the moe for the average is in the same ballpark.
You can think of the case of two measurements as a surface given by the integration of the two intervals between the max/min value given by the moe
wait. why did you take scientific papers seriously? most of them are fraudulent
>I'm not saying the error disproves global warming
It disproves it
Why can't science build a thermometer accurate enough to measure global warming?
because global warming doesn't exist
This, science can't build a camera that can photograph unicorns and they can't build a thermometer that can measure global warming
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>anding something to something that is always true to return just the truth value of the original thing
>oring something to something always false
>anding something to something always false so it is always false
>oring something to something always true so it is always true
I can't remember what the name for these class of logical tricks is called
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you can't accurately measure genocide, either
OK, but "oy vey muh six million +/- six million" doesn't have the same ring to it

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