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Of sex is for the propagation of the species, then why does sex with animals feel just as good?
you're a person, not a species
>Of sex is for the propagation of the species

It's not. Sorry but your Mormon teacher taught you wrong.
Same reason why chewing gum that you'll just spit out in a couple of minutes feels just as good as eating actual food like a fruit.
In your example a hyperstimulus evolved to benefit the provider. How do other species benefit from providing a look-a-like reproduction organ?
it's not mormons teaching that. It's egalitarian progressives who don't understand the mechanisms of evolution or that species' iitself is a social contruct

Sex is for spreading genes.
look into the Hybrid Origins hypothesis
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because they will still chase the woman even if they can fuck the animal.
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Because evolutionarily speaking perfecting a warm, squishy, cylindrical hole isn't particularly difficult and every species pretty much nailed it.

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