CO2 Back-Radiation Sensitivity Studies under Laboratory and Field ConditionsAtmospheric and Climate Sciences, 2024, 14, 407-428>Data from ground measurements indicate that the downward (backward) radiation of the atmosphere shows indeed full saturation of the IR CO2 bands and does not support noticeable additional Thermal Forcing (TF) by increasing CO2 in the lower atmosphere… we can expect full saturation already at current concentrations.This recent paper gives a good explanation of absorption limits and specifically for absorption limits for CO2, it might be of interest to the overwhelming majority of people who never studied enough physics to be able to run through the absorption limit calculation on their own, this includes pretty much everyone who didn't get a PhD in physics with a strong focus on the propagation of radiation. Pic unrelated, file size is 6mb, slightly too big for 4chan
ease rail did 9-11
don't worry, this will be buried and each year will be reported as the hottest year on record.
>>16524135Your paper was written by someone whose specialization is in nanotechnology. Not climatology.
>>16525342The paper's content upsets you and you cannot debunk it because it is correct, that is why you are resorting to attacking the source. Why can't you just admit that the paper is accurate?
>>16525945Because the person who wrote it has no understanding or expertise on the subject. I don't take health advice from tweakers either.
Back in the early 1970s NASA published a series of documents on the topic of thermal radiation heat transfer, I believe Volume 3 is the one that covers absorption limits. you're still in school, these documents will cover the topic better than your textbooks will.
>>16526345surely you can point out the errors then?
>>16526345Fuck off, we used to tar and feather obnoxious ignorant fools like you.
>>16525342>specialization in nanotechnologychloroplasts are nanotechnology, the dude is an expert on this topic
>>16524135>bbbut this paperjust look what faggot /pol/ OP left out.what a suprise.>> (same paper)>Basic physics combined with measurements and data taken from the literature allow us to conclude that CO2 induced infrared back-radiation must follow an asymptotic logarithmic-like behavior, which is also widely accepted in the climate-change community.>The important question of climate sensitivity by doubling current CO2 concentrations is estimated to be below 1˚ the author also points out in the abstract, this is not a new insight at all.I am sure that if the asymptotic course of the proportion of the rebound should ever deviate surprisingly from the course of all previous measurements, we will let you know.
whats it like when you keep posting threads every week claiming to have discovered a gap in the science so that the totality of all scientific work in the field of climate change is no longer correct?shouldnt you start to doubt whether your own concerns are right after 20 or so attempts?when that is invalidated every damn time.
>>16527631probably the same as what it's like to be my grandfather who was told that earth's ecosystems will collapse many years before I was born
>>16527639so earth's ecosystems arent failing?we are all good?its good that someone just tells that, I was already starting to feel uncomfortable.and this expressed calmness of your is of course the profound reason that makes you post weekly or even daily and fail again, am I right?hold off these goddamn do-gooders one more day.
>>16527663your redditspace makes it seem like your hands are trembling and you're hitting keys more times than necessary
More evidence that belief in global warming turns on ignorance of science.
>>16528135Any sort of humanity ending event is a religionigger LARP, a yearning for rapture to come, nothing more.
>>16524135It's funny that they don't teach the Carbon Cycle in school anymore. The more CO2 in the atmosphere the more that is captured by plants and taken out. It's a dynamic system that finds equilibrium, yet were always inundated by the idea that CO2 is some cumulative pollutant that's destroying everything on the planet. It's simply another End Times doomsday cult, it's beyond absurd at this point. The whole idea that now that we're here measuring things THE PLANET CAN NEVER CHANGE AGAIN IN ANY WAY, is completely ridiculous.CO2 and H2O are not pollutants. They never have been.
>>16528151>nothing more.Its also a financial ripoff of enormous proportions
Anyone else here who has at least a masters in physics go through nearly a decade studying physics without being exposed to the concept of absorption limits?
>>16524135So the reason we have issues is because the chinks, dune coon, beaner, joggers, poojeets, and every third-world hell hole have been dumping their HFC refrigerant gases in the atmosphere for decades with no regulation.
can someone sum it up to a brainlet?
>>16533588Means CO2 does not trap green house gas and cause climate change. The HFCs released into atmosphere is the culprit
>>16533702High Fructose Corn Syrup is a carbohydrate, so it contains high levels of both carbon and oxygen
>>16524135CO2 is plant food
>>16527631this strategy works tho. it only takes a small percentage of the readers to be convinced by the bullshit and it adds up over time. i've seen it on all levels and with different angles of attack on the scientific consensus. the goal is to sew doubt and it just works - especially with those who want to believe that climate change ain't that bad.
>>16534798>ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!
>>16524135Look at how many bananas that monkey has!
>>165361282 of those were prevented with massive direct action, 2 were never mainstream predictions, and the last 2 are missing 0s.
>>16536158Yeah, once a climate alarmist theory has run its pyramid scheme course it will stop being mainstream alright
>>16536128>when you need to blatantly lie so you can find a little cope but you need to do that in public
>>16536160I said never. Global cooling got a ton of press precisely because it contradicted establishment predictions. It was never a fucking mainstream theory. Also the oil one isn't even fucking climate alarmism.1 millionth paper predicts global warming will wreck our shit isn't fucking news. 1 paper predicts new ice age is. Using it to argue against global warming is like using a Chinese emperor drinking mercury to argue against modern medicine.
>>16536227I can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress by your use of profanity, however it makes no difference how upset you are. Reality isn't going to change to conform to your desires just because you use the F word a lot. Normally in social situations if someone starts angrily spewing profanities its a warning that violence is that person's logical next step and that the situation needs to be defused, however that logic does not apply in internet discussions. Get angry, punch a wall or something, nobody cares, all it will do is further prove that your belief in global warming is based on your emotional desires rather than having any scientific basis.Video is you
>>16524135Absorption limits for molecular gasses is an extremely mathematically complicated specialized physics problem, I would be surprised to find out that more than one person on this board is capable of grasping the topic. There is no way in hell that any of the Greta tier 'online activists' who make most of the posts here would ever be capable of doing so, none of them ever even studied freshman level physics.
>>16534800Do you not understand the claim? I know this is high IQ shit for a retard like yourself but his claim is accurate and happening now."If we don't reverse climate change by 2000, entire nations will be destroyed"is not the same as"Entire nations will be destroyed in 2000 if we don't stop climate change"Do you understand the difference? Also, his prediction is accurate because we failed to stop climate change by the year 2000 and whole nations are going to be destroyed regardless of what we do now. CO2 doesn't simply vanish in the atmosphere if we stop emitting it today, nor would it have suddenly vanished had we stopped in 2000. CO2 stays in the atmosphere for centuries and its effect on climate can last millennia due to feedback loops.The best thing we can do for our future is to stop burning more fossil fuels which will make the situation worse for our descendants.
>>16537920>CO2 doesn't simply vanish in the atmosphere if we stop emitting it todayCO2 is plant food. Plants eat CO2.
>>16537920so you're saying its an open ended prediction and therefore can't be disproved, but regardless that it still has been disproved because since Y2K several new nations have been born while none have been destroyed, so the prediction is plainly wrong. and its now a quarter century past the deadline and still no nations have been destroyed by global warming, even the low lying coral atoll nations are all still just fine
>>16538014>Imagine being this retarded Plants are carbon neutral.
>>16538251>Plants are carbon neutral.Why are plants GROWING if they're carbon neutral? Fucking faggot.
>>16538255How can you be that retarded? Are plants immortal? No? What happens when they die? Oh, they decompose and release all the carbon dioxide they stored? Oh wow, crazy.
>>16538258They die and become oil and coal retard
>>16538259No they don't, retard. The conditions that formed oil and coal no longer exist on Earth. Plants are carbon neutral and so are forests.
>>16538261'fossil' fuels are not of organic origin, they exist on planets and moons in our solar system which have no organic life
>>16539465The 'fossil fuels' meme was invented by Standard Oil in the late 1800s in order to justify the false scarcity rumors and resulting price spikes they were engineering in order to increase their profits.