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File: bD0x.jpg (78 KB, 820x615)
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What is /sci/'s position on nuclear winter? Disproven?
it can't come soon enough
Good enough for the Sauropods.
Good enough for us.
Patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
Can't be disproven when it hasn't been tried yet.
To me it's silly to think that a large scale nuclear exchange wouldn't put huge amounts of soot in the atmosphere, or that the soot somehow wouldn't do anything
Except for the fact that we *did* test hundreds of nuclear weapons, found out how much dust they put in the atmosphere, and found that even using the entire arsenel would put around 1% of the dust of volcanic eruptions which only had small climate effects.
>t huge amounts of soot in the atmosphere,
wow like 1 ton of soot?
Most of them tested over the ocean or in the middle of empty deserts, not blowing up cities or forests
and deserts are different from cities and forests in terms of dust emission because?
You can't set a desert on fire
nigga, the temperatures involved turn sand into glass. At this extreme it doesn't matter if it's a desert or a lush jungle.
>I can push it to TWO percent! HA!
It's thought that most nuclear blasts in a real exchange would be airburst high above cities, not wasting a huge portion of their energy on digging a big hole in the ground.
So yes it would be a concern that massive areas are being burned
>t massive areas are being burned
wow just a wildfire. Imagine if million of trees burned, its unimaginable
New York City is less than 300 square miles.
Right now alone, the forest fires so far IN THE WINTER have burned more than five times that.
How much are we pretending that is affecting earth's temperature?
And how many New York Cities are we pretending there are on earth?
Because it seems like there would need to be at least 1000 such cities burning down to even make a small blip in the climate.
not even in the top ten of problems resulting from full scale nuclear war. popularized by famous jew pothead astronomer carl sagan and you have to assume 100% of nuclear arsenal is detonated at ground level (likelihood of this is 0) before you even start to begin imagining nuclear winter scenarios.
Fake and gay

Also the nuclear stockpile is in shitty condition

Also ballistic missiles are countered by various stuff they wont release to the public.

The future is hypersonics and DEWs.

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