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Violet isn't a part of the spectrum nor is it a monochromatic color, this is a lie that has been going on for too long, when you look at violet, your S cones are activated *along* with a tiny bit of L cones, which means it's a perceptual color that arise from a mixture, it doesn't have the shortest wavelength, Blue has the shortest wavelength because it is a real, monochromatic color that isn't perceived when two cones are stimulated simultaneously, that means Blue is a pure color, just like Green and Red, while colors like Yellow, Cyan, and Violet are perceptual colors that are seen when two cones are stimulated at the same time.
ITT: OP conflates "wavelength" with "color".
To be fair people sometimes refer to the visible spectrum of light as "the color spectrum".
So it makes some sense that room temps, or children might initially get it confused.
Violet IS a part of the spectrum.
Purple and magenta ARE NOT as they are blends of blue and red.
This is totally cool, and appreciating colors and learning about them is awesome.
>defining wavelengths of light by activated cones
What the fuck did you smoke today?
what if I have purple cones but not blue ones, do I get to tell you the color blue you're seeing isn't a real color?
What is the evolutionary benefit from this?
Colors do not exist outside of human perception.
Dogs, birds, and pretty much all other animals are laughing at you right now.
There's no evidence animals are conscious, so there's no evidence they also perceive color.
>Their color receptors are just for show.
They're not "color receptors". They're biochemical systems that can estimate what wavelength incoming photons are. Wavelength is not color.
Colors do not exist outside of my personal experience.
They don't estimate shit. They react to a specific band of visible light.
Again, not estimation. It's quite specific.
The extrapolation done within the brain is the estimation.
Fundamentally, wavelength is literally color. Aggregate wavelength is hue. You are arguing about hue in a conversation about color.
>but those are synonyms
Only if you're too retarded to differentiate when necessary. The sun has a yellow hue. It is not yellow.
>They don't estimate shit.
Cope. Eyeballs are shit and lots of people disagree about whether the same object is blue or green.
>Fundamentally, wavelength is literally color.
Nope. Are you a p-zombie or something? There is nothing whatsoever about photons with a wavelength of 625nm to 740nm that would tell you they look "red" except actually having them fly into your eyeball and telling your visual cortex to generate "redness". In fact, it is entirely possible that the colors look entirely different to different people. What looks "red" to me may be what "blue" looks like to you. There is no way to know if this is the case or not. Color isn't physical. It's a purely mental phenomenon.
>when you don't understand words, argue definitions
Sorry mate, the definitions are fundamental. You have to opt into the game to play.
Define discrete.
>color isn't physical
I already told you you're talking about hue.
>Sorry mate, the definitions are fundamental.
So animals perceive color. Got it.
He's defining "pure color" by activated cones, which means there are only three colors for humans.
>there's no evidence they also perceive color
there's plenty
It's impossible to know if any animal has qualia because that requires a conscious soul which science can't test.
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>Violet is not a part of the spectrum
Violet is, I assure you, part of the EM spectrum, having a distinct range of wavelengths unlike magenta, for example.
The fact that we have no specific singular receptor pigment for it in our retinas does not remove it from the EM spectrum.
>all violet food is safe.
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>no purple dangerous life
You can find one in the same place where santa claus is
y'all are talking about magenta as if it's the most special shit about the color spectrum, but have you noticed how gray is literally the ONLY color to not have a complementary opposite?
Yeah, dude just put his daughter’s name in the rainbow.

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