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Scientists call animal rape "forced sex" and a lot of animals do it, male dolphins will get together and gang rape a lone female

this this mean that rape is not really a crime, just a reproduction strategy and really just sjws made it a crime when we started having societies?
rape was a crime long before sjws existed
>rape was a crime long before sjws existed
sjws have always ezisated idiot
Morality is an abstraction. R/K Selection Theory.
Animals also kill each other in cold blood all the time, that doesn't mean murder among humans isn't wrong. Natural != Moral, only retards believe otherwise.
Is rape a property crime?
If you claim that you're animal, cutting off your balls is something you can expect.
In antiquity and more traditional societies yes it would be a property crime. Since daughters would require bride prices to marry, violating one would be akin to theft or damage. Thus putting families in danger of committing fraud if they try to pass a raped woman as untouched during a bride price transaction.
the moraltards found this thread
>a reproduction strategy

Yes, for low ranking males in chaotic environments, e.g. India.

It has its risks too, you might easily get killed if you don't at least have some backup from the rape pack.
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Many males guarantee offspring.
The strongest male contributes the most sperm.
You sound religious. Many religious people have problems stopping themselves from raping and murdering without being fooled into thinking that skydaddy will send them to eternal lava rape prison unless they don't rape and murder.
You're almost there. It's reproductive strategies all the way down and natural != moral.
Morality itself is a lineage level reproductive strategy, of which there are many competing strains.

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