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Can you solve this conundrum?

How does McDonald's serve 2.5 billion burgers a year?
mcdonalds uses 45gram mean in hamburger. at 600kg average cow it works out at 187500 cows every year. IF all of the weight of the hamburger meat comes from cow.
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and there's 1.5 billion cows in the world
wow. so how can there be 2.5 billion burgers if there's only 1.5 billion cows???
That's a shortfall of 1 billion cows!
you're eating horns hooves and cow shitholes in those burgers anon
>thinks mcdonalds hamburgers are made of meat
Pink goo
>nooo you can't just eat the whole animal, thats bad and stuff or something!!!!
>btw did you know that muh based redskin savages used the whole animal when they killed it!!! nothing went to waste. they're so efficient and respectful of nature!!! omg i'm going to cum just thinking about how based those stone age savages are!!!
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I'm not paying $5 for your anusburger, McDouchebag.
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If McDolan's has only two ovens and they get an order for six million burgers and it takes 3 hours to cook a burger, how long would it take to make all six million burgers if they could only cook one burger at a time in each oven?
Also what if McDolan's had no exhaust chimney, but after they cooked the burgers they built a chimney that wasn't even attached to the building?
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you need to eat the whole animal to get the proper nutrition needed to have a healthy body.
if you want to have a healthy brain you have to eat brains, brains aren't made out of delicious rib meat, so if you only eat fancy rib meat then you'll have unbalanced nutrition. similarly, if you want to have an healthy anus then you have to eat anusburger
is this guy serious?
>The average heifer carcass weight in 2023 was 307kg
Subtract bones and such.
>Once the carcass is fabricated and inedible objects are removed, a whole carcass will yield about 639 pounds of edible beef product.
289846 grams, 6441 1⁄45 borgers, 388138 3142⁄6441 cowers.
Kek is this Minecraft brain or what? Like every cow only drops one raw beef item
its the kind of thing flat earther types come up with, believing themselves to be incredibly smart and able to notice simple things that all other mere mortals just cant see.

so he's either like that, or is trying to start some kind of new dumb meme for the luls.
The attention whoring economy has made a mess of everything. "Look how stupid I am" pays and the more outrage one can attract, the more attention one gets. When this turns into clicks and ad impressions, it's easy to see why some go this route.
Of course he could just be an actual moron. There's no shortage of them either.
What if I only get chicken and potatoes and sauce?
there can't possible be enough chickens to serve so many wings and legs!
>carnifaggot suspects that meat is a mixture of garbage and excrement

It's a start.
seemingly for all the wrong reasons
>que the jeopardy theme
The theme is called "Think!"
I don't know why they're mixing Spanish and English in the tweet though

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