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why are harvard science professors so incompetent?
professors are there to do research. lecturing is a duty with primarily logistic and traditional value.
in other words, a humiliation ritual
>The students who used ChatGPT to do their homework got double the homework score - which we will henceforth equate with having learned the material.

Learning to do something yourself isn't just about doing the work and getting some fucking participation points; it's about challenging your mind, forcing you to make new connections, to think critically and creatively.

The fact that so many people are lining up to let a chatbot do all their thinking for them, and calling it "progress" is utterly horrifying.
>students used an AI tutor
>(instead of the professor's teaching)
What the fuck does this even mean? Did the students who had the AI tutor not attend the class at all then? If they were in the class, how can they prove the students didn't "use the professor's teaching"?
Professors are there to do research, lecture, grade and advise graduate students. All four. What happens in reality is that as soon as those fucks get tenure, they stop doing three of these and relegate the responsibilities on postdocs (research, advising) and grad students (research, grading). The most egregious example that goes an extra step further is theoretical physics professors, who are too le advanced for undergrads, so they get assigned to teach graduate courses exclusively, which leads to them abandoning lecturing as well (they lazily read 10% of the chapter in front of grad students expecting them to self-study).
Exactly this. Even a mediocre LLM is going to outperform a "human" that doesn't give a shit.
what important research have harvard physics professors publish recently? anything noteworthy come to mind?
arxiv and journal websites exist, anon
so you're trying to tell us that nothing noteworthy comes to mind. why not?
Anything from Matt Schwartz.
I'm at Harvard now.

It's unimpressive. My entire class is full of pajeets and affirmative action students. Professors are all hyper liberal jews.

The only reason I got in is because I'm a veteran
Maybe merit is more important than status... hmmmm I dunno that sounds racist according to harvard experts
professors get the rope too
Are You having a bout of unsane?
They got their lives so they cant dedicate to their students properly. Proper AI with stt, tts, image recognition, and reasoning can cater to a students every needs in every way.
Because I don’t know your field of study. I don’t expect you to know much about particle physics, for example, so article titles will sound like gibberish to you because of all the jargon.
Does professor here mean lectures, or was it 1 on 1 tutoring? Because I feel like AI is getting an edge due to interactivity. The student can ask about what he does not understand and skip whatever he already does.
>programs that can be used at the individual level, at any time in or out of class are better than people who have to carve out a specific time of their life to teach at the group level

Yeah no shit.
>learned twice as much
measured by what? they're at Harvard, they're all getting As no matter how badly they do
>The only reason I got in is because I'm a veteran
oy vey this veteran is going to be working for the government for the next several decades, we need to make sure he is as zog brainwashed as possible, send him to harvard asap
Well yeah. I went to oxford and even 15 years ago a tonne of the students were pajeets and chinese/korean midwits who's parents had been faking publication citations for since age 12, making them finance officers for companies when they were 15. All because some retard left wing admissions officer can't allow themselves to see the obvious.

Turns out I've joined the midwit train
Harvard lost, GoyslopGPT won
I genuinely don’t understand why schools haven’t already jumped on AI tutors. I get niggers being bad and breaking tablets blah blah blah, but most schools would actually produce better students if they did this.
we need a /tst/ board for these twitter screencap threads
The current generation of students who grew up during covid simply do not know how to learn in a traditional lecture style.

They are developmentally stunted.
Bro can't give a single example that's bleak really. Imagine being asked the same question in 1925 it wouldn't take you too long to find something
Blud can’t go on arxiv and think he owned fr fr :skull:
>If you self-study better than lectures than you’re stunted
most retarded thing anyone can say. Hated lectures in grad school because they were always worse than just reading textbooks and papers on your own.
>The only reason I got in is because I'm a veteran
So what makes you any different form the pajeets and AA's then?
>unlimited access to a 1:1 turtor you can ask to pause and clarify endlessly at ever step beats 10 hours of presentation where you can at best get a single question is
SHOCKING! Another win for science journalism!
lecturing is the only thing that a professor can do that generates value for the university
well, yeah
so-called "elite universities" are a joke, especially nowadays where you can't even make friends with very rich people.
They are only interesting if you work there.
That is a retarded thing to say and not what I said at all.

Also if you have already finished grad school, you do not fall into the generation who grew up during covid.
you never left, buddy
Harvard isn't about education, dummy. It's about networking.
A frog on a unicycle is a better tutor than Harvard professors.
I mean, isn't the issue homework then at that point? It was always equated with having learned the material.
t. someone who never did homework and got bad grades because of it
Lectures are the least effective way to learn, especially compulsory lectures. It's been proven over and over again that passive learning is shit, no one can maintain an attention span for the duration of an entire lecture let alone several lectures in a row, it's not personalized so it's either going too fast for people who can't keep up or too slow for people with better understanding, there's barely or no engagement, lecturers suck and barely give a shit, we could go on.

It's a relic of old times where textbooks were less comprehensive and harder to come by and there was no learning research. Lectures are obsolete.
>and not what I said at all
What did you say then? Because to me you assigned more value to lectures than to self-study. I would say this is only true about the subjects you don’t give a shit about since you have no motivation to study them. Otherwise, self-study is superior as you can pace yourself, focus on things you need to focus and don’t have some random requirement over your head that this and that random problem need to be done by next Monday.
>you do not fall into the generation who grew up during covid.
AI might be better in the classroom, but can AI do this?
the students using ai did not attend the lectures

Socially stunted maybe, but they've grown up using amazing new tools to learn
so should i skip my data structures class tonight
I believed it until I saw the Musk reply
First, academics are typically quite proud, and view questions with a certain amount of disdain. If you ask something that they don't find challenging, they may give you an answer that leaves you waiting around or going off searching for something instead of just telling you. Secondly, AI models have more time for you, can respond much more quickly, and can answer a greater total amount of questions without taking time away from students.
If you asked an AI and a Harvard professor a question on their topic of interest, and they both took it seriously and gave their best answer, the professor would outperform the AI, but students don't need that. They need a consistent and patient person to interact with, who has lots of free time for them.

reminder to divest from Israel

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