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File: HUaQddD8Fcg5.jpg (156 KB, 957x707)
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Big changes coming to NASA, does this mean they'll eventually be able to compete with SpaceX in terms of launch capability? If so, how long will it take for NASA to get there?
NASA has always been able to blow stuff up.
NASA does not compete with SpaceX
NASA contracts SpaceX, ULA (Boeing+Lockheed), Blue Origin, Rocektlab and Northrop Grumman

NASA is like DoD
DoD does not compete with General Dynamics
From a high level that's true but there are areas that NASA has employees doing work that could be done by aerospace companies instead. Nevertheless, it's not always advantageous to outsource everything. Some things are better left in house.
> DoD does not compete with General Dynamics
they do though they have their own in house researchers and manufacturers
Nasa is a tax siphon to pay for corporate research at the expense of citizens while privatizing the results. Almost all the ISS research projects were for private entities.
That letter looks fake. I had seen the same letter a few days ago being sent to other company.
>ends tranny menace
>we finally get to the moon
Was it always this easy bros?
SpaceX builds rockets. NASA doesn't and NEVER HAS.
File: von-braun.jpg (68 KB, 524x480)
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>NASA doesn't and NEVER HAS.
Manufactured by Chrysler.
Manufactured by Convair.
>Titan II
Manufactured by the Glenn L. Martin Company
>Saturn I / IB
>first stage
Manufactured by Chrysler.
>second stage
Manufactured by Douglas.
>third stage
Manufactured by Convair
>Saturn V
>first stage
Manufactured by Boeing
>second stage
Manufactured by North American
>third stage
Manufactured by Douglas
>Apollo Command and Service module
Manufactured by North American
>Lunar Lander
Manufactured by Grumman
>Space Shuttle
Manufactured by Rockwell
>External Fuel Tanks
Manufactured by Martin Marietta and Locksneed Martin
Manufactured by Thiokol.
>b-b-but von Braun designed the moon rocket
NASA doesn't BUILD rockets, and NEVER HAS.
NASA covered the design phase back in the nazi days
Not built.
>NASA is a general contractor
Wow no way!
i see you're not familiar with the engineering process
I see you're not familiar with what the word "build" means. SpaceX builds rockets. NASA doesn't and never has. NASA does not compete with SpaceX.
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NASA built rockets in the 60s and now they are no longer capable of doing so cause its just women and other affirmative action hires instead of epic nazis like it was back in the 60s
>NASA built rockets in the 60
They literally did not. They participated in design processes but did not build rockets.
>NASA does not compete with SpaceX.
they couldn't if they wanted to due to a lack of competence

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