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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Hello, /r9k/,
I am the recruiting agent for a recently-divorced Arab Princess (see picrel) who is actively hiring male slaves! She currently is willing to pay $500,000 for one chad sex slave, and $10,000 apiece for several non-chad manual laborers.
If you are a chad your duties will include having sex with the Princess, posing nude for the princess, and being the sub in various femdom scenes that she will record and send to your female relatives (sisters, mother, grandmothers etc).
If you are a non-chad your duties will include manual labor and also appearing in riskier femdom scenes such as cock and ball torture that would be unsuitable to chad slave.
>Is this real?
Yes, Dubai is well known for its lax labor laws which include, among other things, turning a blind eye to literal slavery.
>How do I apply?
Reply in the comments below expressing your desire to be the princess's slave, and I will get in touch. Be sure to state whether you are a chad or a manual laborer (9+ facial aesthetics, 6'2 and muscular required to be chad).
>Who will be selling me?
You will be purchased from the highest ranking female authority figure in your life, most likely your mother, GF/wife or female boss. If you do not have any such relationships we will arrange to make a payment for you to your government.
>Can I get to know more about the Princess who I will be required to serve?
YES! More details here: https://youtu.be/rpE4UaZFkV4
Alright, that's about it male robots. Good luck on your application!
does she take shotas over the age of 18
>If you do not have any such relationships we will arrange to make a payment for you to your government.
Don't give cash to my government, give it to homeless people or the kids dying in Palestine right now, idk just not to these idiots
>t. 8/10 white guy
that is some elaborate bait
her father must be a huge cuck for allowing this.
are you retarded? America is really winning because their citezens can just get for free each year without having to work.

and half a million for a top 1 man is a pittance, get real.
hello yes, I'd like to be enslaved in Dubai for 10k please
No thanks, I escaped from such a situation before I'm not going back
Asking for a friend, but how would one get stuck in a situation like that? He'd throw out all of his morales for a cute Arab or Desi woman to make him her slave
lol I doubt that the princess of Saudi Arabia would ask her handlers to recruit from losers on 4chins.
In my case my mom sold me into it, I was an underage boytoy to a Saudi princess. How she figured out the deal, I don't know

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