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what are your thoughts on this body I found on soc?
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Did you ever get tested for Klinefelter Syndrome? Btw you will never be a woman - you're just fat.
I wish I could say I look more normal than that
Liver disease/10
It's fixable in like 7-10 months desu.
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this thread is a reminder to everyone to work out and keep off weight to make sure your estrogen levels are nice and low

I may have accidentally gotten my self a bf (I'm a gay man before you get angry).

I met a guy online who lives fairly near me and I was interested in dating. Turns out he's quite annoying and not that attractive but I was cool being friends. Well he never stopped being flirty and I was too awkward to shut him down. I agreed to hang out at a board game cafe as what I thought was friends but after he referred to it as a 'date.' I feel like I'm in too deep at this point. I don't want to be mean and hurt his feelings because he's not a bad guy.

Now I've agreed to go to his place to watch a movie and I feel like I've already signed up to do stuff implicitly.

I literally can't say no to save my life.

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sometimes i just wanna fucking bang my head into the wall as hard as i can
i wish i didnt get so annoyed so easily
i wish i wasnt so alone
but i wish my family knew when to leave me alone and stop bugging me when im obviously annoyed by something
i might just get high again idfc anymore
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i've tried applying to so many jobs but they don't reply and also i hate going outside, i hate people so i dont think i could even hold a job for a long time .. \

im tired of just cutting myself to feel soemthing
And I assume you don't believe you could learn something like programming or website design to make cash online?

How about trying to make money through social media? I mean it probably wouldn't be a career, but maybe enough for drug money.
how do you even make money through social media?

the only jobs i've ever had/made money through was selling hacked game items, and dropshipping on ebay/etsy
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Do it, it's fun hehe
i was here first all the others should go away
and im the real one
no i didnt want to
idfc im hopeless im helpless i cant do anything theres nothing i can fucking do
what drugs do u wanna do
idk about others bc i dont do them but for weed edibles are cheapest i can get them for like 10 bucks for 10 edibles so
but the vapes and stuff are expensive
why dont u just dropship stuff for money then

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Tell your wife to go catch fish and watch her react edition

create waifus and talk about them

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide
OR (currently dead)


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Goa and Saeriah are both kinda clueless, and vibe well because of that
Just watching them be absolutely clueless and vibing together sounds cute

Also i am trying to gen random things but instead I am getting stuff like Goa licks her neck fashion accessory thing
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Goa is making silly faces even though i did not ask her to
Such a goofy goober
Goa is goofing around, and I am off to sleep, nighty night thread
heading out early today because I am heading to town for my favorite roti canai stall

goa nighty night goa

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Why do men and women have such unrealistically warped standards for one another?
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get medicated or something, driving is not hard
>get in the giant dangerous heavy vehicle and go fast with other retards who could kill or mangle your body in an instant
sounds fun uh huh. i guess normgroids all have a death wish.
If you can avoid bumping into people on the sidewalk, you can avoid bumping into people on the road. Hundreds of millions of people do it every day.
those people are not me, it will happen specifically to me someone will end up killing me or mangle my body if i drive. that is my luck. nothing good has happened in my life and driving will just bring me further misfortune.
You have to kill your competitors and create a pile of their skulls in your farmhouse estate like farmers from that period did, until the Chariot Chads show up and kill you and take all of your women

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some black lady smoked near me and i inhaled some of it now im sweating, feel erratic and feel weird

what do i do

im scared and it didn't smell like weed

River Forth edition
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Might go Thailand in November. Might shag a ladyboy as well. I went Japan in April for 17 nights. It was lush. Didn't shag any Japanese girls though you need to speak good Jap to do that when visiting the izakayas x
Why didn't you go to one of those massage places where you pay for a massage and they let you fuck them?
Dunno didn't really go to shag anyone went for the culture and food. Although I wouldn't have minded shagging a nice Jap. I've heard they're full of diseases though.
Anyone remember the documentary on Channel 4 (I think) about the brothel in England? All the girls were ugly or fat and the majority of the clients were pensioners if I remember. Seems stupid nowadays with the likes of Adult Work and OnlyFans.
If brothels and prostitution was legalised and regulated I would be doing it all the time.
What was your favourite part of the trip, lad?
>did you go to a pachinko parlour?
>did you go to a pokemon store?
>did you visit any shrines?
>did you visit any porn shops?
>did you go kareoke?
Vagrant Holiday did a video a few years back going about Japan as a dosser.

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anyone have that neetmaxxing guide screenshot? or any advice on how to neetmaxx in general?
It boils down to "inherit money, have indulgent parents, or game your country's gibs". The first two you just either have or don't, the third is very specific to where you live.
Rich family or welfare
uncle remus guide to autismbux

You have to be this tall to post edition
Qott: would you rather date a boy your height or do you prefer height difference? If you do would you rather be taller or shorter?
Previous thread: >>78273680
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imagine being that mentally cucked by society
I bet you don't have insurance for the van either. I hope you get pulled over.
2nd wealthiest r9gayer
how tf is your phone bill $100
are you streaming gay porn in hd
probably has a time of the line phone and a fancy unlimited plan.

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i have never inserted my erection into a vagina
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I have done so and will do so again
>i love god, i am a big fan of god, i love his work like the vagina, he really made it very cunty for us
That's just wrong. Good parents can raise any child into a man who marries and founds a family. Stop blaming people for being unlucky.
>I didn't choose the incel life, the incel life chose me.
If you're a parent you can create the most mentally Ill adult on earth as a sort of human experiment. An adult who has every single mental illness. This has been done to many people.

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Everyone is too lazy to make a new thread.

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>/pol/ posted one too many AOC deepfakes

/ai/ never
Least schizo /v/ user
not necessarily a happening but wtf was this thread? started as an e-celeb thread, then went into gossip about his personal life, and then someone just started spamming ai art
/g/ is a total waste of time. jannies check in like 3 times per day

someone put it well recently in a hackernews flashback thread. /g/ is among the least competent of all boards in its respective subject field. actually can't think of any other board that is filled to the brim with so many blatantly, confidently wrong stubborn autists mixed with actual babies into a cesspool to this degree
the situation is so bad that there is completely unironically only like three (3) actually good posts per week on average

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If you take finasteride you are a tranny. Real men just accept their hair loss.

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Femcel, why don't you just make videos like this? You could get an army of simp paypigs in no time.
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you know that chick isn't attractive right? it's literally just the hair
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she's more attractive than me still, no matter what haircut i get.

i've only gotten made fun of by guys (and stacies). i dont think there's anything i can do, and the blackpill is too depressing to think about
She needs BWC badly, she said she feels "empty inside." If you know, you know.
God I want to simp for a femcel
i audibly sighed when i saw this pop up in my recommendations

Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support
Hello all o/
good Wednesday morning! I hope all is well!

>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
Bonus question!!
>What do want to have/do the most right now?
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>that's a picture of me
Holy fuck, youre so beautiful!
>do you think it'll be an easy fix
yeah took me lik 15 minutes, im animating the rest of the hair, hands, and body now, hopefully can get a rough sketch in before i head to bed!
>im trying to but it sucks. i get headaches when i dont have it.
Same, there was store that old coffe drinks in a can in pack of 12 for 2.50 USD PER PACK! And now im addicted to caffine. It sucks but i have alot, probably enough for 2 months or so.
Lmao, hows the resonance cascade treating you?
good night yuanon <33
i put it up to 69 F which is a little warmer than i like..
>Didnt think r9k wouldve pushed me into the right direction
depends if you are on the rigth place within it :>
or anywwhere really
if you wanted someone to make you FAR worse than you are you can look elsewere (not telling you where)

>they're so arrogant they'd rather get squished by a truck or run over by a car
survival of the fittest
if you are the most vulernable and you act like you are in a fucking heavy tank you kinda deserve it
i value my life enough to not do dumbshit like thta and hate riding on roads
>so maybe should yield priority to bigger vehicles
priority order here goes like this
tank, tractor, bulldozer, truck, bus, anything else
basically biggest and heaviest vehicle goes first lmao

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mmm gonna sleep soon

>and it's been months and there still very visible.
it usually takes a couple of months for them to start getting purple then pink and then white
>haven't been on one in a month, I really should though.
yupp ^^

>its not falling apart yet :3
good job
> so i have to ignore my laziness
that's a good motivation
>you cheeky fucker
hehe >:3

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How can I consume kratom powder? I tried swallowing it dry but it made me cough it up. I tried mixing it with water but I threw up after the first sip.
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>How can I consume kratom powder?
Hoop it
roll it up and smoke it
one time i rubbed it in my ass and got a boner
>did you use opiates before or something?
No I just heard that Kratom helps with relaxation and isn't addictive

I don't plan on doing it on a regular basis

What do you mean?
mix it with some juice and honey

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