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Thoughts on the esoteric teachings of Jesus of Nazareth?

When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the upper as the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male shall not be male, and the female shall not be female, then you will enter the kingdom of God.

Blessed is the lion that a person will eat and the lion will become human. And anathema is the person whom a lion will eat and the lion will become human.

Images are visible to men, but the light within them is hidden in an image. The light of the hidden Father will reveal itself, and his image is hidden by his light.

When you see your likeness you are full of joy.
But when you see your likenesses that came into being before you, which neither die nor become manifest, how much will you bear?

I am the light of the world. The All came forth out of me. And to me the All has come. Split a piece of wood, there I am! Lift the stone and you will find me!
Well it doesn't ring any bells and I can't recall what passages these are from so I am assuming this is from the nag hammadi

It's certainly not the sermon on the mount

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Did you end up leaving you hometown? If so, why, and how did it turn out?
Were your parents upset that you left? Do you miss it?

I'm planning on leaving this year because there aren't any decent jobs here outside of healthcare, and there aren't many people my age (mid-20s) to hang out with. My parents (especially my mom) are against it because I'm basically the only person they talk to.
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>I'm envious of people who had a hometown and grew up knowing everyone for like decades
Eh... I've lived in my hometown for over two decades and I still don't know anyone here. I lost touch with the few friends I had immediately after highschool, and nearly all of our family friends either died or left the state.

The town itself has been heavily gentrified by retirees and WFH yuppies, and is unrecognizable (not in a good way) compared to when we first moved here around 2002
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>Did you end up leaving you hometown?
The first time I did so was for college, the second was for a job across the globe for a year, the third and longest stint was for a job in California.

>Were your parents upset that you left?

>Do you miss it?
No everyone in my class fit into three demographics
I was the odd man out being more of a digital artist. Every time I visited more people had settled down with kids, town sucked.
>I've lived in my hometown for over two decades and I still don't know anyone here. I lost touch with the few friends I had immediately after highschool
I think that's a symptom of the times. No one knows anyone anymore.

When I graduated high school (2004), I still had another year before we had to move again (my parents told me to wait to go to college until after we moved) and I hung out with my old HS friends all the time, like 2-3 times a week until I moved away again.
>everyone in my class fit into three demographics
Same here, except it was

>Every time I visited more people had settled down with kids, town sucked
Occasionally I bump into people I went to HS with, or just people my age in general, and everyone is married and busy with their own lives. Even if I wanted to hang out with them they'd never have the time.
at least you had a friend group i guess

>be me 20yo (f)
>decided to open dating app for frost time ever
>Most of guys are in their 40/30s and youngest one is 32
>Immediately deleted account and app

How am I even supposed to meet men in their 20s if I'm a neet who kinda lives in shit hole? Damn I need to move out and go to university I guess.
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>>Most of guys are in their 40/30s and youngest one is 32
i'm scared of dating apps
>t. anon
Why anon?
>Not op
>Why anon?
i don't want to get catfished. i also can't trust people
yes, i trust my family and friend. just weird to trust people on a dating app
Can confirm. Also millenial. At first it was to save money, but then I stopped giving a shit when my wage couldn't keep up with inflation. I'd rather get dopamine and blow my money then save for a nebulous "good future" where I will be alone regardless.

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If VR gets really immersive and realistic in the future would you mind if your bf or gf uses an opposite sex avatar?
That sounds hot as fuck, would make shit more interesting.
too bad vrchat is slop for kids and trannies.
imagine a no rules vrchat with tech that isnt shit?
Eh, it would be fine if it was a girl bc she would probably VR chat as a fujo bait character and do lesbian things with her girlies. But she cannot get pregnant by another woman so it's all ok. But a dude acting like a lewd anime girl on vrchat? We all know he is secretly a fag who wants dick. Like any dude with an anime pfp, drop them a DM and you see their bussy like 5 messages later.

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>women with tattoos are disgusting
This seems to be the resounding sentiment here, but how do you feel about men with tattoos?
t. man with hand and face tats
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>people with tattoos are stupid pieces of trash
Baseless geriatric mindset.
tattoos traditionally were considered badges of honour to mark some passage. men would get them in the military, in gangs, in prison, on ships or whatever.
tattoos as fashion looks pathetic on both men and women.
better a geriatric than a poor and stupid person
Poor people can't drop hundreds on tattoos ever think of that retard?
lol what are you talking about anon, poor people drop hundreds of dollars on stupid shit all the time, the spendthrift poorfag is a stereotype. not that that's a lot of money

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Remember that one time when Swedish feminists made a video about murdering random men for fun and it's still up on YouTube 12 years later?

What's up with that?

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>I'm not on the same train
That's not entirely your decision to make. The system itself is monstrously large and powerful, it's absolutely set in it's ways and now probably don't even have any real elite or owners at the helm anymore. If the system feels like it wants to go down, then we're going down. That most likely includes you and me, regardless of our browsing habits. I sincerely doubt that a lot of people could survive in a modern post-collapse world. Do you have any idea what it would even mean to have all complex systems come apart all at once? The amount of pollution alone would be insane, never mind conflict and other social issues.
how is this not banned?
someone post this on twochromosomes on reddit
We don't have to be a part of this system. There are many communities that aren't. Some of these communities exist external to it, some of these exist within it but with a protective barrier between it and them. These communities don't have to be in opposition or in rebellion against the large society around it (rebellion at this moment would probably result in those smaller groups quickly getting snuffed out, btw). In fact, these communities can be seen as beneficial/allowed to exist without strife by the bigger system.

>I sincerely doubt that a lot of people could survive in a modern post-collapse world
People are more capable than they know.

>all complex systems come apart all at once
I don't believe this is going to happen. More likely a gradual decay.

Sure the apocalypse could suddenly happen and everyone could get wiped out, but then again the worlds always been at the risk of that and it's not really something that can be planned for or that is relevant to the other issues here.
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this is just portrayed violence, women don't even get punished for actually killing men
Wow that's crazy
How about this video of an American 'comedian' murdering a named public figure and giving his address

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>Be on dating website
>The local girls are all 4-7
>Go to escort/sugar baby website
>The local girls are all 8-10 sometimes with OF in bio

Well that explains that.
Fucking kill yourself pedophile.

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>Who filmed this?
>Who funded this production?
>Do they have an agenda?
>What was the selection process for the actors?
>What did it take to convince the actors to do this on film?
>How much creative freedom did the actors have?
>Was there a specific incident that inspired this?
I need answers

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>Random guy I met DMs me
>Started replying incessantly after my first reply
He's gay isn't he?
i think the guy who added me thinks im also gay and at this point it feels like it would be too awkward to say anything

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No matter how good of a boyfriend/husband, there's always someone with better genes than you that she craves
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I somehow doubt that and I feel like you're just being obtuse to prove some point that women are somehow morally inferior to men, when in reality most people in the world are pieces of shit regardless of gender
Assuming this isn't bait, you said that people don't choose partners based on their height alone. I know several cases of men getting girls for being tall, my best friend is such a case
I never said being tall isn't a huge boost when it comes to attractiveness
I said that when women are considering the possibility of marrying a guy and not just dating someone their early twenties, they will take multiple things into consideration and not JUST their physical attributes such as height (which is also a proxy for masculinity, same as the dark triade traits I've mentioned earlier)
Atleast he can get some free counseling from a 3rd world immigrant pre med VA volunteer and be openly mocked in every non boomer right wing cultural circles in existence ad infinitum until they inevitably an hero. Imagine all the Iraqi civilians he fucked over
>I said that when women are considering the possibility of marrying a guy and not just dating someone their early twenties, they will take multiple things into consideration and not JUST their physical attributes such as height
What the fuck do you think 20 year olds are maintaining years-long relationships for?

For how much would you guys hug me? I'm a guy in my 24, brown, normal just a bit ugly

I would really love a lot of hug, but i'm bisexual so i might get aroused and pop a boner, which is very disturbing

How much would you sell a hug service? I don't think anyone would ever hug me or become my friend, so like 10$ for a 15 min hug sounds decent? When i say 15 min hug, it mean 15 min hug, with additional mwah mwah on your cheeks etc
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Thing is i would probably "fall for you" due to the lack of affection and human touche and start acting all clingy and weird, like blushing, acting embarassed in front of you etc it would be hard to hide my intense joy

This sucks and is weird but in a way, i want to do anything with someone, then hug them while crying and then tell me "please don't leave me i will do anything"
I'd do it for free, I basically want the same thing
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200 dollars, hugging someone for more than 10 seconds it is weird as fuck to me so I want money for doing something cringy as this.
to the gas with you
last I check, cuddling services from a professional cuddler is like $80 an hour

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Femcels of /r9k/, why is this your ideal sexual encounter?
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Good thing I'm no longer a female involuntary celibate as I recently rejected someone, I am now a volcel
>can i rape you and kill you?
can i also rape your dead body? do you have any trophies i can take?
I have literally never done anal only vaginal sex. it looks like it hurts
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Well, joke's on you, I won't do either of those. HAHAHAHAHAHA
You will live for a 100 years and never get raped.

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What is Indian speak? Why do they speak some words in English and everything else in Indian? Is it like Spanglish?
Unlike Europeans and other monolingual races where there is only one language for the entire race/continent, they use English as a medium for communicating between themselves because they all speak different languages. Its like how Europeans in the US affect AAVE to communicate with their negro lovers.

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How do I buy sleeping pills on the dark web?
You might want to check out notafedforrealongoddeadass dot com
telegram is a good start
>get tor browser
>pick market from tor.taxi
>do research on potential vendor on dread
>set up pgp, easy to do with gpgfrontend
>buy monero by buying litecoin with moonpay then swapping to xmr using changenow
>buy sleeping pills

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i only jerk off to current or former 4chan users
surprisingly, this is where some of the hottest traps come from

but there is lots of variety, i have like 700gb of random girls i've collected from /b/, /soc/ and /r9k/ over the years
same thing with artists i've followed mostly from /b/, /ic/, /co/ and /aco/

am i the only one?
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There's still time, go post on /soc/ or something
I have a sizable collection of 4chan trans women and femboys
A few years ago /lgbt/ was chock-full of horny ass nudeposting but mods really cracked down on it
>posts this
>no mega or torrent
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>says he jacks off to girls
>posts nude man
what did op mean by this?
both post here no?

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