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My sock anon

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I finally beat it. I probably spent too much time on it but it kept my attention unlike newer games.
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US. didn't know there was a difference
Now play Rondo of Blood
I played the PSP remake back when but I'll probably get to the original
i bought that caslevania collection, only wanted 4 desu but it would be a waste if i didnt play the others

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Why the fuck does the general keep 404ing addition

talk about your substance use and share vibes with others

URLs n shit
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Plenty of overlap between those groups I'm sure.
>I don't even make any profound insights
What kinda insights are you even expecting? It's not as if the shrooms inject new information into your head. It's mostly just the setting and the expectation that allow you to introspect for a few hours. Obviously you're going to run out of material to think about if you do it more frequently.
>I just chill the whole day, watch a movie and go for a walk
This is fine, isn't it? It's what I always do on psychs. Listen to some music, roll around a bit in bed, go for a walk, have some nice food, and then watch or play some content that is interesting on an audiovisual level. It does get less exciting after doing it a few times in a short period (like a few times in a month), but that just means that I lose interest and unintentionally take a break due to not being in the mood for it anymore.
>Is there any worries of chronic use?
Mostly HPPD. My sight's a bit funky at times. Psychosis I have no idea whether chronic use would make a difference. You need to be susceptible to psychosis in the first place and if you're not then I don't see why chronic use would be that much more dangerous.
You're shooting up in public now? Smoking your heroin right out on the street? Pulling out your little crack pipe on the work floor?
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I'm a meth boofer and I proudly enjoy shoving things up my ass. Not just meth.
why the fuck is this thread so dead? can we get some fucking engagement please?
Yea IDK why it's so dead.

I took a break from kratom I was taking 10g a day, felt really good but it's just a mild opiate feeling, that's it.
I quit and didn't even have withdrawals. Maybe I'll pick it up again in a couple months I do have like 3.8 lbs of the fucking stuff lmao.

Im going to try mushrooms but for real this time. I'm going to do my first 2g trip just waiting for the right time.

I made a vow to stop eating fast food and meat in general because saturated fat and eating meat makes me feel like shit and I want to be in a healthy state before trying. I'm going to go fully into veganism and making all natural food.

Something is pushing me towards veganism a lot lately.
My biggest gripe with this thread lately is all the fags coming in asking the same old questions and who then just don't even reply when someone gives them a detailed answer. So fucking rude treating this thread like their personal little search engine.

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Why do I have a manlet fetish
are you a tall woman?
he probablly saw that gay bait thread then made this post
its so obviously a man
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There's just something so hot about dominating a man weaker and smaller than you. I just want to break a small, dainty manlet and fuck them into admitting they're fags. Just destroy any and all self-worth they have
yeah it is hot. Go build yourself a harem of fags

>100 lbs
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hopefully you can find a femdom gf who is psychopathic and make you her own plaything
must be demoralizing with all this fag posting
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it's over
i love this gif lol
i'm gonna put on a pound so you fuck off
do you have an attractive face? symmetrical?
how is your hairline?

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Ietter thread time
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bitch I'm smoking gas in my chambers like it's a hospital
(you can use that for pt 3 if you want, please do not give me credit for it though)
(please just get up out of my hanger that shit is *very* full)
Montana, I feel like Tony (Montana)
Tony when he was in the club
He was sitting all fucked up
Just before the shootout
Just before the shootout

Actual goat, just fuck off beyond goated
I think more than anything I hate that I don't know who you are. I really wanted to.

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My wife and I recently have had sex maybe once or twice a month max. I would prefer it was more and I've mentioned it in the past. We've been together 7 years. We are both early 30's. No children (yet?).

The sex we do have is not great. I feel she is not very into it, despite my best efforts. A while back she wanted to put something on the TV while we had sex???? I was not on board with that.

Today I tried to have sex but she said she wasn't in the mood. She said she would buy me whatever porn I wanted. She said this completely seriously.

I don't usually watch porn and I have really no clue why she thinks this is something that I'd be down for. It's not that I never have, it's just that I'd rather have sex with my wife. I told her that I don't want porn, I want to be intimate with the woman I love. She acknowledged this and said she'd think about things.

What would cause this? It feels very out of left field. Is it over?

Notes: No, she is not on birth control. No, I didn't get fat. No, she isn't cheating.
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> she's there in you times of need you mean time of need except for the times of need that is being discussed here
Yeah that's what I meant. Thanks for your comment anyway, good food for thought.
Need is present. Need is disregarded. She still loves me she just doesn't want to have sex with me even just a little to take care of my needs. That's a thing right it must be? We got married for reasons besides sex. The hamster spins the wheel and charges up hidden resentments eventually if left unadressed. The thing with hidden resentments is you can only tuck them away under the bed, throw in closet, sweep under the rug for so long. Eventually there's a crack, and when the dam breaks things are said that both parties wish had been kept withheld. That which can't be taken back or unsaid is effectively fuel flooding over the place now. The next crack might contain enough energy to cause ignition. It's a vicious cycle that at some point can't be contained or suppressed because the moments it's putting out everything is still covered in oil and just some number of denials before it reignites. >>77259679
The bait and switch thing sounds manipulative. There could be a cultural element at play here. Japan being a pagan nation sex in marriage may not carry the same weight and understanding of a wife's duty may be beyond her understanding. Could be normal way marriage plays out in her country. In English you're a rude little shit if you constantly interrupt someone talking to you. Over there you're extremely rude if you don't constantly interject with hi every statement she makes.
In the event it's a cultural clash I am at a loss to analyze further. It's either compromise or one side has to accept the culture of their spouse when it comes to the subject of sex within marriage. I read it's not uncommon for Japanese married couples to sleep I love Lucy style. A daunting thought. If the two of you are in America you could appeal to her Japanese values of harmony and going along. There's even face at stake here. Being denied sex is not a western marriage value and would be shameful if others discovered this aspect. Foreigners should assimilate either way.
Can you see if she'll buy you Bullying Messy Puke Slut by ero hime? And share it with me?
Naturally kill yourself, you faggot retard.

>just create more nigger slavecattle

Might hebrew of you!

This anon >>77258688 is also correct. Just get fucked you feebleminded tradlarper. Bet you worship the jew on a stick, too.
Lol, try something less extreme and it might happen!

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finishing this up tonight but I got work in the morning
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Sounds like a good time. What do you have in mind?
First paycheck at the new job, late first meeting tomorrow, I'm six IPAs in. This is all gonna go perfectly
idk probably just play melee or somethin
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>I'm six IPAs in
Not a big fan of IPAs but I like this one.
What do you do for work? I'm a salesman at my uncle's car dealership
Market research, fully remote. Did over a decade of it in a local mom-and-pop company that went under during the pandemic, took me forever to find something new. Got real sick of unemployment. Can't complain about anything so far. Working with satisfaction surveys for all sorts of brands.

AI generated art will shut down art schools experts warn
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They are both neural networks dumbass, just one is millions of years of with a steady slow evolution and the other is a decade old with exponential evolution.
Whats funny is that unlike most online artists, the Ai won't have a mental fucking breakdown and just not do any work.
OP im gonna need more gens like this
why do people say stuff like this about online artists, does that actually happen? I've commissioned art a bit and each time it was <$50 and done within a few days with no issues. what kind of artists are you people working with
why does this shit exist?

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>See everyone around me as brain dead normalfags who can't even comprehend the simplest things
>Also hate myself for being a retard who can't do better and I always look down on my own achievements and accomplishments.
Can any of you Anons relate to this or am I the only one like this?
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seems like you judge yourself and others too harshly. Maybe quit one and the other will follow
I tend to look down on everyone around me as most of them are retarded but then I realize that even if I am better than them in some aspects I completely lack social skills while they can compensate everything by having a ton of friends and being overly confident
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ahh, the old inferiority-superiority complex dialectic. I bet you call yourself smart but lazy to cope with the fact that you never really try because you're slightly above average intelligence.
its funny how normalfag rhetoric about qualitative difference and diversity etc. is meant to prepare them for this, but it doesn't.
This comic is such a meme. It assumes that vanity is at the root of not wanting to go up to a random girl and asking them out.
I was that kid in 5th grade who had a crush on this skinny cute girl. I was also the kid that girls would dare each other to ask me out as a way to bully me. I didn't ask out my first crush because it was obvious I would have been rejected. Me doing the obvious calculation and not wanting to crush my fantasy wasn't vanity, it was self-preservation.

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What would you do if your gf suggested adding a second girl to your relationship?
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I'd break up with her, that's not something I want.
first id think its a trap, and if she was genuine id ask why she would want half as much attention
>Get two girls
>Neither of them have boobs
Based, small = best
I actually had a double relationship before. I met a girl on soc from that adopt a neet thread and her and her friend were homeless. Took them in for around a year during 2020 and it was the shit . At first I was just interested in the girl I talked to originally but after that her friend was interested in me and we decided we wanted a 3 way relationship .
However though I have no idea these types of relationships work considering for me , it was expensive as fuck. I make good money but taking care of 2 young women is really expensive . Only reason why we broke it off was because they weren't really interested in something long term for all 3 of us . As in one of them wanted the usual marriage while the other was more interested in just partying and enjoying.
We pretty much all broke it off but I would do a relationship like that any time of the day. Having a gf already makes you feel like a man , but having 2? I was feeling like a fucking king .

>opening a beer bottle with a pill bottle
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>opening a beer bottle with a driver side door latch

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Accept your situation in life and make the best of it. No more complaining, life is certainly unfair, but choose things that make it better.

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>Edgy middle schooler that watched gore daily
>Tgirl that cries over sad kitten videos
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sQytan posters... not like this...
feels wierd to imagine you typing this post with a grin in your eyes, desperate to validate the feministion of your brain. you were a poser in middle school and you're a poser now. there are some things that don't change, like the enjoyment of a cup of hot chocolate, because they were always felt genuinely.
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i wish i could cry, the last time i remember crying was 10 years ago
i endure hardships everyday, im fucking tired of everything but is kinda funny how shit keeps happening in my life, im not even able to cry i just do the clint eastwood face
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Except when you do it you look like picrel
im not fat thank god

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How does one differentiate between a girl that is being nice to you and one that is interested in you?
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When she farts when youre near that's a sign of butterflies in the stomach
By learning to recognize body language signs, and responding accordingly. Treat women you aren't even interested like this, and just get some data to start noticing a pattern. As in, if you actually wouldn't date her, still test and see if your hunch is correct or not.
they both look the same cut up in your freezer
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pretty easy, just assume they just nice and never interested
you never really know unless they are extremely into you. if they are, you can literally see the sparkles in their eyes and the amazement in the corners of her mouth. not sure why that happens because i am no way attractive.

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