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I didn't understand English grammar back in middle school. I thought "well I can speak it natively so there's no point"

Just now I find out about tree diagrams in linguistics. Well. This could have saved me about 20 years of being in the dark.

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Women being jealous of big breasts women is one thing. But explain me why the fuck do some men also get so much triggered with big breasts women.
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and this especially

virtue signaling is the scourge of our modern age
I'm glad someone else is pointing it out. Those fags that complain about shit like this are just being "pick-me"s pinning for female approval. It's disgusting and pathetic.
Big tits means bad personality and they don't share them enough usually kinda stuck up
as a male i get triggered by big breasted women because i am not currently squeezing her nipples and this is deeply offensive to my religion
No. Big tits means so much personality they needed more room to store the personality retard

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I can no longer get hard ever since I have met this girl. She is nice and sweet and tells me that she likes me. I should get rock hard but instead my dick stays mostly soft. Even the usual doujinshi I read that make me rock hard don't do it for me anymore. What the fuck is wrong with me.
stop jacking off, stop looking at porn or anything suggestive
eat proper food
drink lots of water
work out
get some sunlight
take cold showers
also something something women lower testosterone in men when men get into close relationships
>stop jacking off stop looking at porn or anything suggestive
Haven't cumed in 5 days, not looking at suggestive things is hard, especially when she sends me nice pics.
>eat proper food
I am on a diet since 2 months and only eat fresh food I cook myself. I also take vitamins every single day.
>drink lots of water
I do.
>work out
Maybe I should do this, but I mostly get exhausted from it. You mean it will boost my testosterone right?
>get some sunlight
I went outside today to a river, it was nice.
>take cold showers
No they are very unpleasant, why the should they help me?
>also something something women lower testosterone in men when men get into close relationships
It is only online so far. LDR.
Hate to self bump my thread but I could really need some help.

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I'm 19 turning 20 and i'm deathly afraid of becoming a jobless NEET with no life skills but i've done nothing to fix it, ever since I was 17 I would apply for jobs once summer starts but after a week I would just give up and play video games/draw all day (my drawings look like shit), my parents love me and so far have no problem with my life but honestly the thought of me NEETing off them in my late 20s/30s while they're working in their 60s breaks my heart. I know realisticly that i'll probably get a job next summer (this summer I actually have an excuse for family reasons I won't get into) no matter how shitty it is, but this looming feeling is telling me that it won't really work out and that i'll probably have to rely on my parents money one way or another. I also feel like i'm not an adult and I never will be, I still think the same way I have ever since I was 14. I wanna say i'm too young to be thinking like this but once I start saying that i'll probably be repeating it in my head for years until its too late. I'm a 2nd generation immigrant too so that probably makes it feel much worse, knowing my parents had a way worse childhood then me and worked hard to get into a country with opportunities and instead of working hard to make the best of the effort they put in I spend my days jerking off and doing fuck all. Anyway thank you for reading my blogpost I've been feeling weirdly guilty for just being alive as of lately so I just needed to vent a little.
do you have any plas for college?
you get also get certificates and go it

there is always trade school
i'm studing cs at uni right now but, i'm not sure how soon i'll be able to get a stable job (if I do at all) once I graduate. I also just BARELY passed my 1st year, i'd rather die then drop out though.
You remind me of me, being an immigrant, sitting at home doing nothing but jerking, feeling like a child, doing poorly in school. Turns out I had ADHD, my immigrant parents just didn't know/believe in anything psychology related so I never got help until recently

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These threads are not for the faint of heart or someshit like that
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Soon to be 31 years old here, I'm planning on enlisting in the air force. Its that or suicide so this is basically a hail mary for my continued existence. Goes without saying but I'm a virgin with no friends, also poor.
My (only) relationship with a woman (who is just using me and taking advantage of me) is about to come to an end how do I survive without kms at the realization that any woman that shows interest in me just wants to use me and I'll be spending my life alone
hypergamy is just a nice way to say hoeflation anon.
if anything that will make her respect your less, she fucks chad on his yellow mattress on the floor with no sheets
I'm 35. When I was 26 my depression reocurred and I imploded in an incredibly shameful way out of a Clinical Psych PhD program. I was able to claw my way back up and get a Master's in Biology but I sort of failed at my next three research jobs because I was so mindbroken from the PhD loss. I became an alcoholic for 7 years (recently sober). I'm just now trying to pick myself up one last time because I want a family. Any advice bros? I have zero friends, social circle or anything? What can I do to be happy? I guess one plus is that I live in a vacation spot so its nice and sunny here.

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how will the knowledge of jesus christ help me in a street fight?
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His name was written in Greek, Jesus not this "yeshua".
Wouldn't take advice from a guy who lost to a nail gun
so I don't get dominated and look like a bitch to my family and friends?
streetfighting is all about who gets hit in the nuts first
btw this is an 18+ board, only underage make this kind of thread
That's why you always wear a cup with spikes pointing outwards

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>everything bores me
consider meditation
boredom is caused by a hyperactive mind
simply do not think
You wrote way too many words for this to catch my interest.
i grew to enjoy my adhd ngl.
i love that i can't get addicted to stuff, like food,sugar,nicotine,coffee,weed,and a few other drugs. did them a few times then got bored even tho it felt great. also can't get fat.
the only time i took my meds was when i learned to drive cuz i was doing my best to not crash and i couldn't remember the instructor's commands like 2 seconds after hearing them.
but i only took them for like 3 months until i felt connected with the car. still can't drive and talk at the same time tho
It's a really helpless feeling. Medication helps a lot, but I'm constantly thinking about ways to do things in new and better ways
I suggest engaging in risk seeking behavior. Try googling dangerous things to do in your local area

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discuss mbti and related things here
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Unless you can harness and hone that emotion into the most powerful strength of yours. I'd recommend practicing a stoic mindset (not in the sense of cutting yourself off from emotion, but not letting it overtake and cloud your judgment)

As side note, does it suck being fetishized as an INFJ, at least within the confines of the typology community?
>just want an INTJ gf
Same. I want either an INTJ, INFJ, or maybe an ISTP. Very hard to find any intj girls though. Every intj I ever meet is a guy though.
There are a lot of INTJ e-girls in discord gaming communities I've noticed. If you can stomach that (I can't)
>discord gaming communities
Which ones?
daily reminder that mbti is gay and fake also entp master race

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they are a hostile, aggressive bunch of people who have the means to establish 1st world security yet decide to wage war with random countries instead.
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Russia should just join the European Union. It will have to wait until every Soviet dinosaur is finally gone.
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I am russian and I really don't feel "proud" of my nation being composed entirely of alcoholic weak-willed retards and their slavedrivers. All great russian scientists, writers, etc were prosecuted and sucseeded in immigration or despite of regime's efforts. "The joose" is a retarded scapegoat. The chud western delusion unreal.

It's funny that the libberast-progressive russian stereotype is like a rainbow-headed woman, but I am an able-bodied white russian dude who just seeks to build a family without the threat of the govt yoinking my children to die for it's benefit. I'll take american gay parades and inclusivity over a sword of damocles above my neck any day of the week. It doesn't get more "traditional values chad" than being able to actually enjoy the fruits of my labors without a bald faggot taking them away and endagering me and my family.
Damn, I just realized that in the long term keeping Russia thinking that it's a global superpower is 100% aligned with America's economic interests. The more Russia keeps wasting its meager economy on war the less economic competition the US faces. Same with the two Koreas, if they were allowed to unite in the long term that could have taken a big bite out of the US economy. I would not be surprised if somehow America has managed to neuter every potential major economic rival by pretending to be their enemy but secretly feeding the ego maniac dictators that hamstring their countries/regions.
>Russoid with Putins dick down his throat thinks people being able to be themselves is the same as marching to your next door neighbours country on a genocidal imperialistic campaign.

The best of you died in WWII and unfortunately all we're left with are low IQ rapist Russian apes

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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

A new beginning edition.

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i think i could win against >>>/i/780406
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>the /int/ sticky
there are really anons out there judo chopping and waiting to sweap my leg?
scary :c
get ipppn seoi nage'd
The overwhelming force of UOOH will spare me no ability to fight back. Or perhaps my erection will violently eliminate my foes. I am unsure.

lately ive been crying myself to sleep every night and i dont know why or wats wrong. im hurting so much and im having another episode but this picture calmed me a little, does anyone know what the name of this fox is?
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>his name jeff?
I bet you want to rape that fox you disgusting faggot
rope nigger you are a furry faggot who sees a silly looking fox and thinks of rape
tell your problems/stresses
Dave. His name is Dave

Just blew my nose on my bedsheets
>tfw no fkin giant titted gf
I hope that's snot where you're sleeping tonight.
I don't know everything, but I nose that it's probably a bad idea to sleep on them with your personal brand of windshield washer fluid all over em.
i just blew my load on those big teets
I too wish to expel my nostrils on an ample-sized female frontbutt.

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I got a can on Monster stuck up my ass for ten minutes last night. I couldn't get it out for ten uninterrupted minutes. I was panicking like crazy. almost had to go to the hospital. this isn't the first time this has happened but usually when it does it scares me enough to swear to never put anything in my butt again which I usually make good on for a few months before caving and doing it all again only to get the same result like a fucking retard. last time it was a shampoo bottle and before that, two baseballs. I can't stop shoving household objects up my ass, it's an addiction at this point. I know not to put anything without a flared base up there and I have toys dedicated for this purpose but it's not the same. I can't cum unless something's fully up in there. idk what to do anymore
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I can't, I've tried. Longest I've ever gone was 3 months. I always cave. I cannot reach orgasm without it and I have a really high libido all the time.
stop being a fucking faggot coward and get a dildo anon its more safe than shoving a whole can of monster up your ass like a deranged faggot
>football inside it
Genuinely curious do you ever have issues with incontinence? Is your asshole permanently loose now? I can't imagine it would ever be tight again if you did this on a regular basis for several years
just get a dildo with some balls or a flared base dumdum
op sorry to tell u this post is extremely homosexual

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White men make the best women.
I as a white lan do not agree
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That's an Asian male.
this is gross and i hate it
the worst kind of faggotry
I cannot stop thinking about pinning down traps/femboys/sissies/feminized "males" and having rough, animalistic caveman sex with them until I shoot my seed deep inside them and they're quivering with pleasure, leaking from their tiny girldicks
Grossest sissy I've ever seen, if that's you then you should KYS

Comfy edition

Previous : >>78016912

Ignore impolite moids

>Which season is the coziest to you, and why?
>Do you prefer planning a spa day/self care day, or just going with the flow?
>What old movie, cartoon, or anime do you prefer winding down to?
>What interior aesthetic makes you feel the most at ease? Attach an image if you want!


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174 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
>xey are
She is*
Otherwise thanks.
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okok, my friend needed help with a drawing, she had trouble with the proportions and angles and everything, so i just streamed over discord to show her what i was getting at

here's a screencap
on the right is what she drew with a bit of sketching i added ontop of it
on the left is an example of what i was trying to communicate to her about angles and mass and weight, perspective and proportion and all that

i didn't want her to change her style, im not going to be an a-hole like that, but working with what she presented, i offered my best advice on these things (while trying to keep things close enough to her style)
>okok, my friend needed help with a drawing, she had trouble with the proportions and angles and everything, so i just streamed over discord to show her what i was getting at
>here's a screencap
>on the right is what she drew with a bit of sketching i added ontop of it
>on the left is an example of what i was trying to communicate to her about angles and mass and weight, perspective and proportion and all that
>i didn't want her to change her style, im not going to be an a-hole like that, but working with what she presented, i offered my best advice on these things (while trying to keep things close enough to her style)
hello whore post your tits
>The only one I'm fond of
Aww. I was hoping you're fond of me too. How are you holding up?
>She is*
Yikes! That's very problematic THO why are you such a bigoted chud?

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