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You will never get to experience young love again.
It's too late.
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Plenty of asexuals still long for companionship and touch.
Get a young gf problem solved.
You have it backwards most people here are 28 and up.
>Implying being 25 is young like pic related

While still young I dont consider people older than 22 to be "kid" young. Theyre young but pretty much blend in with other adults.
what happened to this board

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>ex gf
>clingy attention slut
>extremely bratty
>bratty to the point that shes into shit like orgasm control/edging
>slut gets spoiled when i cum for her whenever she tells me to
>lets me cum for her feet/socks

I didn't recognized her worth at the time.
Dumped her because my antisocial autism couldn't comprehend the needy sluts that drain my energy like vampire.
I miss her guys.
I still jerk off while imagining these.
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Damn it can be that easy lmao
>impure relationship built on perverse rotten lust
Everyone in the world has sexual urges retard

With good looks + little bit of luck, yeah it's that easy
>this just in
>things end
nta but dont bother brat taming unless you can lay hands on that ass at some point.
the more empty threats the more their eyes wonder and you will just be a phase.
Im specifically talking about in person. You cant own them without being able to drink their body fluids.

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why do red flags look like green flags half the time?
because you're colourblind
because you view people with rose-tinted glasses

Recently I found out my gf adds her menstrual blood to the things she cooks for me.
When I asked "what the fuck?" She told me that's a ritual to ensure I wont leave her she learned from her mom.
When I asked her why is she so afraid I will leave her she told me she "looked into the future" and that "I will soon meet a grat temptation". She does this all the time. She even has a special room im not allowed in where all the witchy stuff lies. I peaked inside once to make sure there is no corpse of her ex, but it's just books, some bizarre amulets, dead plants, and what appeared to be a massive wooden dildo.
When I thought it was too much and wanted to leave her she started laughing and told me she already has my blood, hair and seed and will perform a ritual so that if I ever leave her I will die soon after. I don't belive in this but she was so sure about it I decided to stay.
Now I am the one who does all the cooking and I can't even have sex with her anymore because every time I see her pussy I remember that weird aftertaste the pancakes had. She is very angry about this btw (but at least I get some blowjobs)
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>what appeared to be a massive wooden dildo.
Go on...
You missed my point
I don't know, I never asked her it's just a phallic wooden thing with runes
This is what you girlfriend haver sex havers fckn deserve
I dont care that you cant handle a witch, faggot I want to eat that food.

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femanon wishes she had this
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hahahahaa jews stole your foreskin, how does it feel like not being able to feel anything and needing lube for jerking off?
penis envy is rampant in the current generation of young girls
That depends on who you ask to many people they would consider that a small penis.
that really is a painfully mediocre penis with no exciting aspects whatsoever. it's been cut too. too bad, so sad
I wanna frot this with my underdeveloped pp

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You're fucked if you want a cute girlfriend. Unless you're actually good looking, it's just not going to happen. Being mutually attracted is then just out of the picture. I'm going to neglect the element of luck here, since luck is an unmeasurable force. But face it, why would they choose you over someone more attractive to you? That's not an unreasonable turn of events. You can chock it up to natural selection. Suffice it to say, ugliness is simply the bane of attraction.

Even if we look at someone's personality one has to look not at what makes the individual likeable. For this is a standard of human behaviour to possess. Akin to etiquettes in a social environment. In order for a personality to transcend the wall of looks. One must be as diligent as natural in the process. A rare combination but also one an individual cannot learn. Such as with looks, one has to be born with them. An outstanding personality is as much a privilege as looks.

Luck is both unreliable as it is invaluable. No amount of learning or skill can out reach the hand of luck.

The seemingly impossibility of finding a cute girlfriend may be breached by luck. However as stated formerly, it is a unreliable, unmeasurable force. For one it may take 5 days to arrive, for another 15 years.

So here we have arrived. You cannot expect to simply get the cute girlfriend without holding your end of the bargain. Which are looks or an extravagant personality.

It's over for me. But perhaps it's just beginning for you.
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I'm ugly as fuck and did date a cute girl and we lived together for a few years. Probably never gonna happen again but it was nice. Yes she was crazy, but the kind I could handle.
> Probably never gonna happen again

There's the luck.

> Yes she was crazy

And there's the trade off.
I'll take crazy hot any day. I have infinite patience.
NTA but I would happily give you her number if I knew you.
But all those women you think are hot are actually like max 5/10 at home in private when all the makeup n bullshit is off

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I'm jerking off to stories of people on reddit having sex again
>be me
>put my penis into the vagina
>partially pull my penis out of the vagina
>push my penis back into the vagina
Stop torturing yourself
evil chud
no it really turns me on
I can't help it

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I want to eat a vagina
Me too. But I'm not attractive enough for any woman to want me to eat her out.
I do recommend, very delicious.

i wanna have lovey dovey hapa sex so bad

All I want is to be able to keep somebody entirely to myself. Is that really too much to ask for?
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>him but where do u live??????
new york
wish u luck.
>But you can not expect this person to not to talk with friends (of the same sex) and with family.
But I can do that so why can't she?
just get a pet dumbasss
that's it wierd
just get a bunny

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When will science allow wombs to be implanted into men?
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looks like it, i do wonder if AI generated loli porn will stop pedos fiddling kids or make it easier for them to be exposed to it to begin with
i don't think we should be implanting wombs into men. i think we should be selectively breeding men for alpha/beta/omega traits so we can have slutty omegas dripping slick and begging to get knotted and knocked by alpha cock on here. just my two cents
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I think it seems like a good way for them to sate their urges. Personally I can't think of any rational reason for it to be b&.
>um what do you think it's trained on?
Feds say the reason CP is criminalized so heavily is because the kids in it feel humiliated and exposed having it circulate. Even if it's trained on real shit, better than having the original material shared around, no? I also don't think access to CP makes people more inclined to act on their urges / desensitize them et cetera, it seems like it's just a way to satisfy their desires. Like watching adult hardcore doesn't make incels more likely to rape, just gives them something to jerk off to. Well the govt needs a social class to pile shit onto like 1984 2 minute hate and pedos are 'it' at the moment so they will likely try to instate new laws pertaining to AI CP like they did with loli hentai in Australia and such. Hard to enforce when people create it locally but whatever. Obligatory 'not a pedo' comment before moralfags seethe. I just have an objective curiosity about how society handles this stuff.
faggots are dysgenic
>newfags doesnt know Mara
pic is from like 20 years ago tho

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- In the clouds Edition -
To post here you must score <59 on this test (ignore the iceberg)
(help us create a better test!)

>be nice
>ignore bait
>no normalfag discussion
>optionally post nice pics

>Why do we need a robot general?
To provide robots with a shelter from the normalfags that ruined this place
>Okay, but what do I post?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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yeah. Next I want to add some big popup at the end telling you your title like robot or normalfag. also I need to figure out where to put the instructions
anyone lurking? what are you goys up to tonight?
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I was kidding, I hope you enjoy your break anon
Journaling takes quite a bit of effort, doesn't it? I've tried it myself but I can't keep up with it, having to write things down as soon as you wake up is tiresome, not to mention how some dreams are too convoluted to write down, or so embarrassing that I wanna forget about them. Thanks for the input though, I might try lucid dreaming sometime.
There's a question that says ""Normalfag" fetish (see iceberg chart)" right at the end. It seemed pointless to bother with it only for a single point, but here it is if you're curious
Woah that was fast! Thanks for making this anon. The test will work differently though, there will be some additional math behind the questions, for example the age will act as a modifier for certain questions: still living with parents will give more points at 30 than 18, unemployment is also affected by age, and so on.
Someone suggested me to give the website a 2010s aesthetic but yours looks very modern. I suppose we could make a poll to decide what it should look like.
OP is still slacking off...
I just woke up so not much yet, what about you anon?
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Hope your day is going well anon. I just got back from the poker thing. We didnt end up using any money but I still had a good time. We just played with chips as if it were real money. Was my first time playing but I got the hang of it.

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>has a beautiful wife that loves him
>has a baby who looks just like him
>has a nice house in japan
>won't ever have to work in his life since he youtubemaxxed
>is aging like fine wine
>still loved by billions of people
He won at life didn't he?
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Gion is closed off to tourists too lol. You'll only get in as a tourist if you have an appointment
It doesn't mean his kid will win at life.
if youtube is still around by the time the kid is actually concious he'll have a major kickstart just from being pewdiepie's son. So at least he'll have the money down.
He is 5'7 but his wife is 5'3 so it does not matter he towers her, do you think she views pewdiepie as a manlet? that's cope
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>I couldn't get excited for a wife with a flat chest
marzia is not flat she might have small boobs but she is not flat

I want to jerk off, but I'm not in the mood.
thanks for the info anon definitely needed to know that

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Im finally embracing being a NEET after trying and failing at getting a job ever since I was 16 and freshly dropped out of high school. Now, how do I spend my time all day? Ive just been scrolling on my computer for the past 8 years, but since my permanent NEETdom is official now I think theres better ways to spend infinite time. I have no friends.
Where do you get the money?

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