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Will you let your gf beat you?
Yes, and I'm all of those things she listed. Unfortunately I'm not Chad so even crazy women will never accept me. *sigh*
I really dont care dude i just want a gf

oregano posterino
why does the girl in the op look so familiar
chad wouldn't let a girl beat him
you can beat me up if you want tranon
I need a tranny to beat me after being transphobic
My with beats me and pegs me wherever I upset her. It's really crazy but I know she loves me
>WiLl YoU lEt YoUr Gf BeAt YoU?
but only a manly tranny would be able to beat u...
I wonder what they mean by that, spanking? slapping? restraining and punching?
Why, she's the fine young lady who groomed Chris Chan into fucking his mom, of course. She's also known for lesbian rape, boiling hamsters, abusing puppies, and having moldy toenails.
I would absolutely physically beat my boyfriend if we weren't long distance. Just to assert dominance.
dont care
I deserve it
he must be a real wimp
He's intelligent, successful and looks good. But I feel I'm more male-spirited than he is because I am selfish and violent. He's soft and romantic.
sometimes I think I would want a gf like you, but then I realize I wouldn't actually like it because most of you are too crazy
only if she's taller than me and has big boobs
You're gonna end up with a 6'2" tranny whipping you or something
>You're gonna end up with a 6'2" tranny whipping you or something
extremely hot
i got free pics from some girl on that subreddit who said she was ovulating that was pretty cool of her.
No she will love me very much but beat me if i say anything transphobic
with a super deep voice...
of course she'd love you a lot, that's why she has to beat you. it's because she loves you and wants you to be good for her
bet it would sound hot next to my sissy moans
so you're just a little whimpering sissy slave, huh? who needs a strong, dominant tranny to train you?
>who needs a strong, dominant tranny to train you?
idk maybe
why else would you be whimpering
probably because im dumb and stupid
No, I had an abusive ex in the past and that shit was terrible. She would hit me, throw things at me, and do other shit. Also, with one of my exes grabbed my phone and wouldn't give it back to me so I grabbed it and she hit me. I grabbed her by the shoulder and neck and pinned her against the cabinet and told her I could fucking break her if I wanted. I wasn't putting up with that shit again. She gave me my phone back. I didn't hurt her at all but easily could have. So many girls get away with being physically abusive because their bfs won't do anything when they could absolutely destroy them.

Also, related to another post I made. You can tell I'm not blowing smoke up your ass when I call someone beautiful. If there is something wrong with their face or something that makes them look weird or not beautiful I will let you know. I'm not shy about being honest. is she still incredibly beautiful? Yes. Is she dangerously close to bogging herself? Yes. If she stops now she'll be fine, if she continues down this path then there will be no going back and she'll look like a weird sex doll.
dumb, stupid and probably lazy too...most of you sissies are very lazy. it's not good
>probably lazy too.
nuh uh
My bf lets me slap him in the face, slap his ass, give him twitty twisters and pull on his balls. Also make him cry all the time. He loves it
I am doubting it..!
how do you make him cry?
whycare you not trusting me :c
cause I think most sissies fap and then lose interest and that's not good.
Randomly going really mean and accusatory and refusing to accept his explanations, critiquing his sexual performance
>lose interest
If you'd pit me in your basement it would be pretty hard for me to loose interest tho
please tell me you're not trying to cuck this poor boy...
not true if anon takes estrogen to even the odds
I mean you would be chained up always at home, maybe not in the basement.
>I mean you would be chained up always at home
don't spoil the surprise, anon!

obviously I can't trust a wild sissy like you, the chains are important. especially those chains that go around your ankles and make you take little dainty steps as you prance around for me!
well too bad that you're probably murican and i suffer as a yuropoor
I am an American, of course. what kind of europoor are you anyways?
Yes, preferably to death
I can probably defend myself if it gets bad. Unless she is too tall. Also are you getting off from this?
yes, but she has to be a gf
uhh you can't defend yourself you have to take the beating and learn from it
Why would you defend yourself? It's okay if it's from her, she loves you.
I let girls beat me in wrestling.
like high school wrestling in the tight little onesies?
Yes or PJs. It's pretty fun. You should try it sometime.
yes i can
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