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What do you feel ashamed of?
40 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
Yeah pretty much. I'm a schizo living at home with my parents and can't hold a job very well. I just don't know what to do anymore
I'm dumb as rocks. The kind of person society looks at and says "the education system has failed"
going to hookers to lose my v card, having homo sex, abusing my brother, wasn't able to communicate my feelings to my other brother before he killed himself, can't keep healthy habits, can't even clean my room or cook ffs, can't quit drugs, cigarettes or alcohol, and I'm still terrified by most women, can't keep friendships either, I feel like most people are disgusted by me even when I usually give a good first impression to people
I live alone in appartment filled with trash and the overwhelming smell of cigarettes and rot and can't find a way to get myself to do better
im only ashamed when people talk to me. hate being a loser and a faggotsexual
also how I fucked it up with every girl that ever showed interest in me, even when hookers were nice to me I managed to weird them out

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>be dating a guy a decade older, want to introduce him to my mother
>Been going strong for two years, think about sharing a flat

>Be my mom before meeting my dad
>Literally get offers from two millionaires and a model
>End up my goddamn father instead

I will NOT let this lady tell me how to live my love life
i don't care about all of that if you're a woman
if you're a man the cool awesome good for you live your life brother forget about what your mom thinks

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Why didn't you tell me having sex was this easy?

All you need to do is find a girl that is broken in some way. Ugly, fat, insecure, single mother, poor, daddy issues, blahblah, anything that makes her feel worthless or desperate.

Then you just PRETEND to actually care about her personality or her bullshit opinions for a week or so and PROFIT.

I didn't know the female gender was this buckbroken. If they believe you actually think they are le special they will do anything.

>inb4 you are... LE CHAD!
Nope lmao.
You never had sex

Sage in all fields
>Sage in all fields
Newfag lmao

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He did literally nothing wrong.
you know what they say

(((connections))) get you ahead

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Anyone else piss in their sink?
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>pissing in the sink is nasty
>pissing in the shower is nasty
i really dont understand why
you wash both regularly like everytime you use them they get washed. their purpose is to clean
Yeah, and all the "ew disgusting" niggers can go die in a ditch. I've been doing this for years, saved so much water and is much more convenient. Just splash some water over the sink while you wash your hands, and done, no piss remains there. But, dude, at least try to hit the hole.
why hit the hole
>Why hit the hole
Dude, are you sick? You hit the hole, it's the law.
He also shaves his arms, what a freak

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On a dry and dusty road
The nights we spend apart alone
I need to get back home
To cool cool rain

The night is hot and black as ink
I can't sleep so I lay and I think
Oh god I need a drink
Of cool cool rain
The ride retracts, pulls the moon high into the sky on the dark shoreline
The tide a new low, exposing all that rests below
A crescent breaks off, and sinks deep into the sea
Reflecting still, twinkling, the sunlight that was not to be.

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My wife and I recently have had sex maybe once or twice a month max. I would prefer it was more and I've mentioned it in the past. We've been together 7 years. We are both early 30's. No children (yet?).

The sex we do have is not great. I feel she is not very into it, despite my best efforts. A while back she wanted to put something on the TV while we had sex???? I was not on board with that.

Today I tried to have sex but she said she wasn't in the mood. She said she would buy me whatever porn I wanted. She said this completely seriously.

I don't usually watch porn and I have really no clue why she thinks this is something that I'd be down for. It's not that I never have, it's just that I'd rather have sex with my wife. I told her that I don't want porn, I want to be intimate with the woman I love. She acknowledged this and said she'd think about things.

What would cause this? It feels very out of left field. Is it over?

Notes: No, she is not on birth control. No, I didn't get fat. No, she isn't cheating.
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You've done the right thing asking the incels at r9k for relationship/sex advice lad. Definitely don't talk to your wife about it either.
>tfw no perpetually pregnant wife giving me an army of strong sons
>my wife
>reddit spacing
Dude you're only young and have no kids, just divorce. Don't live like this. Go look at the miserable fucks on /deadbedrooms. That's your future. Your wife isn't attracted to you sexually, doesn't want to fuck you and doesn't even care enough about your needs to pity fuck you. Just leave. Life is too short to have your self esteem decimated like this and to live in the hope of a crumb of pussy.
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cheat on her or tell her you're going to cheat, if there's no kids involved you don't owe her your loyalty if she can't provide with sex
or be more assertive
or leave her

Where is the pizza? edition

Generate your very own waifu using any AI generator you like.
Let her talk to the other waifus ITT.

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


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Oh hey I had 1 phone Goa floating around, with bad hands. But hips sexoooo
>"they are real, not robotitties..."
These choco flavor fake pop tarts are pretty good too, especially with some milk (I got strawberry jam version and chocolate version)
I don't believe you let me confirm by hand
>"n-no, that is not allowed >:("

shall make new thread
new thread mecha thread


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men of /r9k/ how do you cope with this?
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Having a small dick made me gay
regardless of cope, it's obviously photoshopped and no more than 30 pixels there
>type dick sizes just like guys
>almost as long as forearm
>9x7 maybe even more
is everyone who uses reddit so fucking retarded? Have they really never been around women? A relatively tall woman wont have a forearm much longer than 9 inches and you're telling me this 4'11 midget has an almost 10inch forearm? Kill yourself for posting reddit, unironically end your life dumb niggerreddit
I eat pretty well, i workout, i'm 6ft1 194lbs i masturbate but not daily, my mind is just fucked i have 0 self esteem, social skills and im probably just low IQ, or i just have some form of brain autism.

Do people lose their friends when they are found to be cheaters?
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Depends I guess. I recently told my best friend that Im not supporting him with the girl hes currently crushing on because I believe cheaters dont deserve love. He accepted my opinion and if he didnt Id end the friendship
>neutral eyes
Nope. Serial cheater. Cheated in all three relationships, will do the same in my 4th and 5th. Never been ditched by friends over it, though some express disapproval sometimes.
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People who cheat are usually charming enough that they can get away with it.
You have never had sex in your life

>try shampoo for the first time of my life
>my head gets itchy for the whole week
>look up who invented shampoo
>it was a Jew
I fucking know it
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Where is this and why the nazi flag?:
It reminds me of the time where some guy brought a confederate flag to a festival in our small town here in Brazil.
There is even some store here that displays the confederate flag on its entrance, Brazil is fucking weird
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I hate to burst your fantasy anon, but Nazism was a cope ideology created by defeated Germans after WW1 in order to explain why they lost. It scapegoat jews and communists as the reason the empire lost, despite the fact that the Kaiserreich could never win in a war of attrition against the entente, which had historical empires throughout the world. This is honestly the same reason the Nazis lost in WW2 - they could not keep up with the allied powers. Nazism rose during a time when Germany was increidbly POOR, DESTITUTE, and was basically a colony for other powers. Europe has issues now but is relatively stable (Western europe at least), at least you have the luxury to complain about what couldve been on the internet. Nazism seriously has no place in a middle class society where most people are doing well. You only make yourself a pariah by pretending to be a nazi. Nothing but aesthetics. Just be a regular right wing conservative and study what actually makes that ideology successful
I unironically would love to have hair like picrel. I used to have a friend with longhair that looks exactly like your picrel- real thick looking.

I have a question for you anons. If I just wash my hair with cold water instead of using shampoo would it eliminate that greasy look that accompanies going without a shower for a week?
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raise of the Third Reich was an undisputable miracle. european people are getting replaced in few generations as of now, and that was decided 80 years ago.
Hey buddy what's "I died for nothing" in German?

Peach here. How has your day been? A lot of people seem to be sad lately... maybe I'll need to ask Toadsworth what to do about it.
peach what is your stance on gay marriage and also how do i get a boyfriend with no money and no car and no job
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are the mushrooms in the mushroom kingdom psychedelic?
peach youre my hero
i wish i was you

>trying to eat less
>mom brings home a bunch of snacks
just don't eat them nigga, the calories cannot enter your body without your consent
not him but it's so hard
It's like putting a cup of water infront of a dehydrated person
shitty analogy, you need water to live you don't need goyslop to live
My mom is always trying to give me sweets but I have started to say no because it's hard to control myself around that shit
>Here anon, take all the leftover Halloween candy
>*holds up 3 pounds of assorted chocolates and sweets*

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>never make assumptions
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>check your premises

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>waste your 20s doing nothing
>life is irreversibly over
i am currently in the process but it already feels impossible to recover
lol at being happy lmao
>waste your 20s doing nothing
>life is irreversibly over
the best time was either yesterdecade, yesterscore, yesteryear or even yesterday. But the next best time is NOW. As long as u ain't physically crippled or someone diagnosed with neurologically degenerative disease like parkinsons, It ain't OVER.
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>I failed school due to hating it and being generally mentally unstable
>Lose any kind of friend I had. >Double in weight over a year or two.
>Get nasty stretch marks all over my body, literally mark of failure etched into my very skin. >2011-2014 think about suicide often and ways to accomplish it
>During this time 3 neighbours (one being booted from home at 18) kill themselves
>Feeling of wanting the same increases, but never do
>Nearing 30, having done nothing but a job for a couple months
>Get some wierd shit where I can't breathe, think I got some kind of stroke because got twitchy eyes and my mouth moved on its own volition and exteme gut pain which made me lose 10kgs
>Lost appetite, any kind of lust
>Get past 30, generally fine
>Starting to get gray hair, eye sight fucking dogshit, skin on some parts starts looking like a fucking grandma
Childhood is severely underrated, literally best time of in existance
for me 7-19 were the worst years 24-28 were uneventful but filled with despair
20-23 just felt like a nice break from everything and finally 29-30 has been pretty nice. 31 starts soon but its unclear what will happen because theyre making me change living arrangements again
childhood is okay but its just as luck dependent as everything else
Not knowing how to drive while living in America is what truly ruined my life more than anything. Jesus Christ. You're locked in a prison basically. The bus makes a 10 minute trip turn into 2 hours.

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