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Pic related (6'6, 435lbs) will arrive at your current location in three minutes and attempt to kill you with her bare hands. Would you be able to defend yourself with what you have nearby? You cannot run in this scenario.
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I'm a fat fuck too so we can sumo wrestle rape each other
I have a 12 gauge shotty in the next room
Her vagina muscles will pop your willy like a balloon
I have an AR in my closet

you should 360 no-scope her
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i have a pretty good physique and visible abs and exactly 1 pair of sexy boxer briefs I got off of aliexpress.

going all in on seduction and begging her to just have her way with me, perchance i can get a good roll on charisma

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>crush just saw my phone background

I'm ruined
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I remember that
doesn't seem like five and a half years ago
She didn't react but I'm pretty sure she'll gossip behind my back
Was this your background? Just a genderbent Wolverine?
I'd not worry about it bro, that's a normie tier background.
You're never gonna get with your crush though, not because of your choice of phone backgrounds, but because you're a paranoid weirdo who thinks that any aspect of your personality being exposed would condemn you

Your crush is gonna get with some obnoxious Chad lite, or some mouse normienigger with social proofing.
>social proofing.
what's this mean
My phone lock screen and background are both picture of Ben Affleck looking like he wants to blow his brains out.

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I want to kneel down and open my shelf
And then kill myself
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that's crazy
post your tits
Vod watchers reach ego death and submit yourselves to all-consuming oblivion
>Vod watchers reach ego death and submit yourselves to all-consuming oblivion
huh? what did you mean by this
of you watch twitch you're already into oblivion
If you know you know penguin

Share your favorite album and your fetish
I'll start, pic rel and futa
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brazilian shemales
you know he ain't gonna dieeeeee

pale skin and big, low hanging testicles
Cum and omorashi
I took my bfs virginty to karma police
oddly fitting lol
please be biofem in florida
biofem but near nyc and as mentioned in a relationship, sorry anon

Every time a girl leans for a kiss I think about all the dicks she sucked and wanna vomit
>kissing woman
>thinks about dicks
Kind of gay guy
Wait until you learn about the rate of oral herpes.
You are 100 % a slav and most likely russian. They always do this kind of things, especially in prison. First they ask you if you have ever kissed a girl and if you say yes they rape you in the ass they justify it by saying that it is gay to kiss girls because they have kissed other guys or sucked cock.

>hears parents talking to a family member on the phone upstairs
>locks myself in bathroom
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holy based avoider
>performing my nightly ritual of walking around downstairs listening to music
>someone walks downstairs

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anyone else lmoo
Fat "people" are disgusting and I've never been attracted to them

Gimme a nice, thin guy tho I'd ride n fuck him all day long
who is the girl on the left?
fucking dumb shit
Does it really matter? She looks like generic porn bimbo with fake tits #62635
i like the shape of tits and the way her hips and waist look
imagine being plapped by that fat fuck
taking his seed and getting pregnant (male)
he holds your hand when you give birth to his ugly baby
then he plaps you again

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Why do blackcels all have the same haircut
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Lions don't have pubes on their head. If you don't believe me go look at one up close.
But you're as afraid of blacks as you are of lions.
No thanks im going to enjoy my nice bushy hair while you recede in your 20s as your kind does

Because its the black equivalent of a caesar cut, this guy never goes to the barbershop ever
we be fuckin all yalls bitches tho
I had a friend like this in middle school and he lived in the projects and played a bunch of Smash. He had
5 sisters, all from different dads and he always claimed his dad was actually Japanese and worked at Nintendo. He stole a bunch of my games so that he could trade them in to GameStop and I let that slide for like a a year because I was from a well off family and had white guilt and stupid shit like that.
Then he stole $100 from my mom's purse and I had to drop him after that.
He taught me a valuable lesson.

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Is it more likely to find a woman or a femboy that is willing to suck my cock?
If the latter, where do I find a femboy to get sucked off?
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I would imagine that would be a woman, especially if he would have to be pretty and not like a man. Do you live in a large city?
eh, its not small but I wouldnt say large either. my thought process behind the question is
>there are more women than femboys but the femboys might be less picky or hornier or more desperate idk
But yeah he or she should also not be hideous
>femboys might be less picky
Its the opposite. Top tier femboys are pickier than the most picky women. That being said, they might have a niche preference that doesn't necessarily align with stereotypical chad. Tho if youre just an avarage guy it is propably easier to find a woman.
>Its the opposite
Wtf god send us femboys so they would suck us off when women wouldnt do it. This wasnt part of the deal
>if youre just an avarage guy
eh, below average if anything. Its over isnt it?
Become a femboy and you've found him. The real femboy was in your heart all along. Isn't life grand? I don't quite understand why you'd pick a femboy in your heart of hearts instead of something cool like a warrior or a wizard. It's your Tuesday evening after all, I suppose.

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Magic Potions edition

create waifus and talk about them

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>"Not if I see you first"

Goa night Goa
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Rare purple eyed Saeriah from when I first tried to get her eyeshadow purple instead of red. It took some adjustments to prompts and loras to not make her eyes red too like in
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Purple/violet/whatever is a pretty nice color on her
night night goa goa

uooh I think it looks pretty cool :0
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I'm making baked beans.

I wonder why the people that impersonate me specifically try to get close to people I've interacted with.
who are u faggot ur not important probably

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>Know I was raped/molested as a kid
>I can remember the taste of his cock.
>I can remember the feeling of his pubes against my face
>I can remember how the cum tasted
>I can't remember who did it

Life is suffering, and death is the only escape. I will never heal from this. I don't care what MD professionals believe; they're wrong. Nothing can ever "heal" what has happened to me and the damage it has done to my mind.
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You're not wrong. I did it and never told anyone. I accepted the pain and the person who did it will have their reward in full.
also got molested, can remember, it was a family member, went public years later, they got everything they ever wanted in life and I think about killing myself daily, I don't have any close friends, no s/o, both parents are huge narcissists so they don't so much hate me for me as they hate me as a matter of course for being living proof that they're shitty people and parents. First thing my stepmom said when she talked to me about it is "we didn't tell (abuser) because they had a test and really need to focus on studying" can't make this shit up.

Stay angry. Use it. Don't fly off the handle like a retard. That's all the advice I have for you. If you don't have a job get one, if you don't have a plan to get educated and pursue a career start drafting one now and don't let anyone or anything dissuade or deflect you.
Seconding this OP. I think you were asking for it.
Knowing who did it doesn't make anything easier. I was molested by a family member and have never been able to move on from it, I can't even talk about it in therapy. I'm going to kill myself soon.
People like that are why I'm misanthropic. I'm pretty sure my father was raped as a child (Probably at church or relative) and that's why he's such a emotionally stunted narcissistic retard covered in shitty tattoos (body shame) and a alcoholic. I have a hard time feeling sorry for him because he refuses to admit what happened to him and actually work on his issues. Atleast you guys admit it and are trying to heal and move on. I stopped talking to my father years ago because he's so toxic pathetic, delusional and hopeless. I can't wait until he and his parents finally die and are just gone and done with. His fat fucking retarded trump cultist parents just rot in their house watching tucker carlson all day. 91 years old and still won't fucking die. They're horrible people and severely messed up all 4 of their children. My grandfather has both shoulders, both knees and both hips replaced and he has only one eye left, is on oxygen and the dumbass still won't die. My mother has FAS also a narcissistic retarded petty asshole. Just focus on yourself guys and try to heal and move on how you can. As you said use the anger to better your situation.

It's hot during the summer day, but when it gets cooler at night, I wish for cuddles.

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>tfw finally get a like on a dating app
Can't wait for you to post your plapjack moment op, don't leave us hanging.

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Bugged out kind of day.
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Our lord and savior Aisus forgives even the most depraved of souls...
wth well just so u know i don't forgive you for urs meaniesu
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That's okay. I have already forgiven myself, love.
Evening dose of good boy sex with Aisu.
add this to the npd mantra "it's ok if u don't forgive me cause i forgave myself"

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