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Originalfags still exist today or have they just killed themselves?
where are they now?
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I'm an Oldfag, dude. I've been here all summer!
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fuck didn't think about that
for the purpose of not getting axed, i was inferring that i started browsing here in 2019 not that im under aged :)
if i get the vacation im going to be so pissed
Would be more accurate if 2003 to 2007 had pictures of child porn and gore under them.
>if i get the vacation im going to be so pissed
Way to show how much you don't belong here. Imagine saying "i started browsing here in 2019" and not having been banned at least a dozen times since. What a niggerfaggot you are.

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>this is somebody's son
getting folded like a pretzel and sexually pleasing another man. jesus.
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this is someones son LMAOOO
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You can't get this kind of organic humor anywhere but in this godawful place. Good going you weirdos.
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A very cute son. Would kiss.
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this is someones son right now lol
>thread full of trans girls and femboys
i *just* fucking jerked off an hour ago thinking about emptying my nuts in someone like that, come on.......sigh....

*unzips dick*

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Why haven't you gotten into BDSM yet, /r9k/? It's fun and you'll meet girls.
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A lot of fatty fat fatfats. I'm involved and enjoy it, but it's all almost entirely converting normies, everyone openly in "the scene" is almost always a disgusting pig
>I wanna abuse you til you cum
>I want you to abuse me til I cum
Don't try to tell me what's normal anon
>I'm involved and enjoy it
are you a dom or a sub?
i would like to, but considering no girls have taken an interest to me normally I assume I won't ever have success elsewhere. same reason I don't try online dating and the like. no point when you have little offer.
Worst girl.

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Why do chinks have such estrogenic, dainty bodies regardless of gender? Their men are so soft and feminine. The lack of body hair, the soft skin and hair, the adorable little puffy nipples, the subtle curves... Even their personalities, so shy, so cordial, so demure, so relenting and obedient. It's as if they're just begging to get absolutely manhandled. What's the evolutionary benefit?
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im asian and none of that is true
Being an asian in the west made me a sissy
no it didnt being a massive faggot did that
Same, these people are just weird.
No i just realised i couldnt compete with other races so naturally the only option was becoming a bottom

Another day, winning as a volcel.

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someone has been putting out the creamed corn lol
big fat fuck
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hey do you wanna see my

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how bad is it that my towel i use to bathe with also functions as a very big cum rag
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Not that bad, I have a pair of boxers which I can prop up against a wall they're so stiff.
It's fine anon, I usually just use my t-shirt and don't take it off when I go to take a shower. No idea how to get the cum stains out of my rug though.
you're all subhuman, time to die
i don't know nigga
i nut on my fucking blanket so there's not much to say
It's a little weird but fine if you wash it, but I know your nasty ass dries off with dried cum

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>Hey so how do I get girls?
"Self improve!!"
>Did so, what now?
"Go where the women are!! Put yourself out there!!"
>And where's that?
>Finished it
>Only men and married women
"Bars, clubs and music festivals"
>Yeah those just sound like places to meet drunk whores, I'm trying to find more than a hooker

Why are they all so retarded?
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Most retarded shit I've read
>you know how you get women?
don't care didn't ask
if youre still acting like this and you think you're improved then ive got some bad news for you there bud

why in the fuck would anyone want to be with somebody who acts like you're acting right now?
this dude knows where its at
basic shit is all i have as a poor person, and ive found amazing women because of it
>amazing women

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do you have any strong (nonhorny) desires you want fuflilled before you die, robots? i just want a hug. a real hug. the loving warn affectionate kind where the person truly cares and loves me. i dont care if its a man or a woman hugging me anymore. i just want a hug before the lights turn off.
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I am outside of the house still, but I will. I have a Goodyear blimp, a Hindenburg and a Hot Wheels Gulf Oil blimp.
Nothing much bimpa, hbu?
Nothing intimate, that's gay. I want a couple of pizzas, a couple of beers, some juice, and hella money.
>do you have any
I want a pet cheetah
Get spitroasted by some big black NFL linemen
yes, emotionally

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Why is it so impossible to find good date rape porn now? Just wasted half-conscious sluts being used at a party. I don't want some fucked up violent porn, just wanna see several friends sharing the holes of a girl who can't resist.
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>me while the male suicide rate increases
you are a white male thoughever
actually that's too generous for here you are probably some shade of brown male i do apologize
you can watch drugged asian on motherless but that's all I know of
you can find videos of guys fucking escorts in third world countries online. a lot of times the women never consented to having their videos uploaded on the internet.

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>a place for weirdos and loners
>people are more thoughtful and kind
>people have interests and hobbies
>people aren't spamming the boards with porn
>preferably anonymous posting but it doesn't HAVE to be
Does a place like this exist? I'm tired of 4chan but it's the only place I have. I don't want to keep browsing this place I just do it out of habit.
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>I'm not setting the bar very high
your subjective opinion does not negate that it is objectively high. There are very very few places to begin with that are welcoming to
>weirdos and loners
these same people as a result of their circumstances are often not
>thoughtful and kind
the ones with meaingful
>interest and hobbies
will stay within the respective communities serving those interests and hobbies
>porn spam
is a solved problem with advanced AI NSFW filter that look at images and hides them to simply disabling images from rendering in your browser which shows a lack of creative thinking on your part
>anonymous posting but doesn't have to
which this site has with trip codes. The internet today is largely barren, more so than before because weirdo/loners today have the alternative to speaking with chatbots which give them greater social fulfillment than parasocial online connection that carry high risk as that weirdo/loner spaces are riddled with drama with real life reprecussions
I didn't read any of that, sorry anon.
the good people you want to interact with are not rotting on internet forums, they are doing shit irl and enriching their lives with real experiences.
Of course it is. It is a video. Videos are proof that the thing in them exists.
I'm hiding your posts without reading them. It's fun.

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>can't take care of myself
>apartment is a mess
>rapidly gaining weight
>no friends or relationships
>no romantic prospects
>shitty job
>spending money faster than I make it
>no motivation to engage in any hobbies
>on internet 24/7
>all of my peers are more successful than me
>starting to dissociate from reality
>severe depression
>severe anxiety
>considering going to mental hospital but not sure I can afford it
stop drinking alcohol, all your problems are made worse by drinking brain poison
I can quit drinking for a few days at a time, but I always fall back into it. I get so bored. And it makes me stop thinking about all of my problems. I genuinely think if I had something to distract me and make me happy, I wouldn't be so dependent on it, but right now I have no shot.
Clean your shit and get a hobby even unproductive one is OK
Start drink tea

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I need sex. NOW. I need a fembot with a rape fantasy I can fly out to my place and ravage you

You may end up getting pregnant because I'm going to use you all night and it may as well be consensual rape

I own my house btw so if you get pregnant no big deal
I'm offering the same thing, fly you out, you live in my house, you get pregnant. Except no rape and we're gonna get married before we have sex.
You let me know if this works out for you, OP.
make your own thread you lazy nigger
fembot here and I'm not interested
what would it take to change your mind?

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The older I get the more I realize that my favorite fetish is simply lesbians (the hot kind) doing lesbian stuff and licking each others ass and pussy
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>Angelic girls with petite bodies are top tier lesbians
But this is what I'm talking about. I agree girls are hot. That's not the issue. It's the lesbianism in itself that doesn't add anything.
It does add something anon, because am I supposed to watch some dude lick another girls pussy? That is beyond gay. I have videos of myself eating pussy and I barely enjoy watching that, but only give it a pass because it is me.

The idea that they may or may not be real lesbians or girls who are bi or just sluts who do it for money, degrading themselves, also adds to make it hotter
>watch some dude lick another girls pussy? That is beyond gay
I agree. Porn used to be that you watch some dude fuck a girl. That's just gay and I don't watch any porn where I see the dude.
I don't know, I don't recall seeing pussy licking that's hot. I watch it POV. VR. That's hot.
Hmm interesting POV is only appealing for to me when I am watching POV homemade sex vid of myself, other than that I like to the wide angle shots and lighting on skin

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it's actually crazy that most anons will die without knowing what it feels like for a woman to be excited to see them lol
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I had this but broke up with her because sex was absolutely awful no matter what I tried.
I don't know. Personally I don't get excited to meet anybody. Don't get me wrong, I like certain people but I much prefer isolation to the company of others. I would never get excited to the point where I literally jump into someone's arms like this. Perhaps I'm just jaded by life and too nihilistic to care anymore.

When you think about it what could this guy do to make this girl this excited to see him? To me this screams red flag like she's trying to act overly enthusiastic to cover for something. There's always an ulterior motive behind people's actions.
you talk like a fag lmao
Probably just playing it up for the camera. There's a reason why they're being recorded, obviously.

It's pretty normal for a dude not to want to act like this, especially in public. Meanwhile, the girl in the OP is quite feminine, so acting in a childish manner is more acceptable.
Bald guy probably has kids older than that chick.

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