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Let's fire one up, shall we?

Draw your own stuff, take suggestions, all that jazz.
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Are you the artist that likes Rin?
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a drawthread again, it must be christmas

oh i like this, you got the shirt to look very natural and baggy i like it. good draw

Nice more fur stuff.

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Its ver hard to find a girl without baggage
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How can you even compete with those guys?
The women are used up, and you will never be on par or similar to the studs that banged her lights out. That is how women break up with you because you are too nice and will find someone better .
you dont you either follow the script live like a western cuck or convert to islam straight up
everyones going to get bored and dissatisfied with their partners now because of the internet. it's not because women or men are inherently horrible, it's because they keep getting shown that the grass is greener on the other side.
the real difference is just that women have 1000x more opportunities to cheat and have fun
This is so bullshit and unfair, women can date n fuck top tier guys and then how am I going to measure up? How do the other guys measure up to anyway near that? I dont have charm, charisma or anything to remotely compare. All that is left is used up women that is talking to ten other guys besides you

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some black lady smoked near me and i inhaled some of it now im sweating, feel erratic and feel weird

what do i do

im scared and it didn't smell like weed
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Yes when I bottom for my hung black daddy he smokes meth as I suck him off and he'll invite me to smoke and then he'll use my butthole like a pussy for 4 hours then I go home
show us ur meth pipe
Its not mine it's my tops he gives me meth, poppers, weed or gbh if I want at his place but I prefer to stick with weed the others are too synthetic
post proof of this? post ass
I'm a hairy latino male with a male ass I'm not going to have to show proof if you believe or not that's up to you

This Kris Tyson shit has me thinking something. Essentially, a lot of people say that even if a trans person does horrible things, you still have to respect their pronouns. So would it benefit the trans community if they had a way of "excommunicating" people? Like, do something bad enough, you don't get to identify as trans anymore?
Idk the first thing about transgenderism, just a thought.
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Not all trannies are like th-ACK
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Being born a man however, does. HWNAW.
I'm so happy I never dyed my hair. Trans ruined that shit immediately. I may dye it if I make it to old age (60+) I like seeing grannies with colorful hair.
yeah but the trans community doesn't believe that, so what would their basis be for excommunicating him (her)?
Because he showed how the sausage is made, that fags and trannies love to diddle kids at enormously outsize rates, kind of like niggers and general crime, and he is yet another example of a troon getting caught.

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>my roblox gf found out about my minecraft gf

it's over, i flew too close to the sun
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did they meet at hs orientation
die painfully normalnigger
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Show your roblox acount op let's be roblox besties

roblox obbies are the best
never had a roblox gf but many faggots tried to hit on me in that game

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If you take finasteride you are a tranny. Real men just accept their hair loss.
I agree. Those meds are too risky. I am using topical minox twice daily with a derma roller to basically keep what I have left. I started balding when I was like 17. 30 now and only a third of my hair is left on the top of my head. Its slowly going away because minox wont stop it, only slow the loss over time, but I can stretch whats left until Im 40 or so. Growing it out and learning to cut and style it properly. Looks alright.
I'm using ancient secret chinese herbal remedy with a scalp massager. Thinking of styling it to signal status, but probably just gonna shear it off again since it gets too hot under a cap.

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Explain to me how two 13 year olds having sex with each other is fine but its suddenly wrong if one of them is 20
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No such thing
When you have sex you brain releases chemicals made to promote permanent bonding.
Casual sex really fucks with that shit.
not gonna lie, same.

I never understood the concept where suddenly its consent if a person over 18 fucks someone 13 its unacceptable but two 13 yearolds fucking is suddenly morally acceptable?

well unfortunately legally its not acceptable and theres been cases where theyve gone to juvie for it but that actually requires parental intervention.
it's not from a moral standpoint but laws don't care about moral dictation
this is why its bad
if low value males understood just how much they are missing out they would collectively chimp out.
So they make it illegal so it's a fair playing field for everyone.
Same reason why despite older men knowing that young boys want to have sex with older women and say "nice", it's illegal because it screws up the mental development of all the boys who don't get chosen.

You can already see this happening with MGTOW, incels, blackpill, redpill. Men becoming increasingly aware of how massive sluts women are and how so many men are only blind to it because women find those men disgusting so it's like an entire hidden world to those men.
>So they make it illegal so it's a fair playing field for everyone.
lol so you gotta hold everyone else back because some faggot can't handle the truth? That's like saying no kid in the class gets to move to the next grade until every single kid is passing. Suck my mother fucking dick, you're HOLDIN ME BACK

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Why do people on this site get asshurt when you say god isn't real?
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I don't care about religion but people without beliefs are the most degenerates fucks in the world, and I don't like degeneracy, so automatically I don't like them
I actually somewhat believe this considering how evil "Jewish" people are. They are uniquely evil people that spread despair and misery in every society via their influence in media and banking.
Because shills unironically get paid to defend jews and Christians are the ultimate good goys
>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
even if God existed, at best he would be a retarded nigger, even I would have done a better job

For all discussion of drugs and drug usage.
>Community-driven substance encyclopedia.
>Virtual tripsitting and drug combo information.
>Drug discussion board, trip report, library, and other informational index.
>Non-profit org for drug discussion, research, and harm reduction.
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NEVER take shit from the guy with adhd i feel like a retard
A higher dose means you're more likely to have a bad trip since you'll be overwhelmed, but the easier way to simulate that is to get a ton of weed and green out. Mixing with deliriants will also give you a bad trip but since they are literally deliriants anything you'd learn from them would be meaningless schizo shit. Psychedelics are suggestive, so you may be able to invoke negative emotions by creating uncomfortable situations, such as listening to uncomfortable music or watching horror media, taking the drug in an actively dirty/messy space or having flashing lights etc to overwhelm you (if you're not prone to seizures). Maybe you should just get a more challenging psychedelic though, look in to 5-MeO-DMT, which is basically DMT's evil cousin.
took two of these on a half-empty stomach, let's see
On average expect any substance to last a week, and potentially longer if you consume it more than once per 3 months (rough estimate). Opiates I'd reckon would be 1-2 weeks (assuming non habitual use).
Certain analogues of amphetamine can have slightly different effects. Additionally, Ritalin is methylphenidate, a distinct chemical. It is still possible to use for recreation, but is not always preferred; it depends on the person.
Read more here: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Methylphenidate. From the pharmacology discussion (based on the sources provided on the wiki), amphetamine is considered more of a dopamine releasing agent compared to methylphenidate.
I hope you enjoy it all anon! I haven't had too many mixed drinks before, other than that one, are there any other one's you think are particularly good?
Idk if it means anything, but occasionally I'll give myself a shift in framework by imagining an anon or autistic guy (as a stand-in for myself) who isn't me, and then thinking "What would I want them to do for them to be happy" or "What should that person do that would be cool" or something. A similar practice is to imagine what a genuine friend would be like and wonder: "Would I want that friend to be feeling this way" and then reflect it on yourself. It's not perfect but it has helped me a handful of times.
I hope it can help you too anon, iktf.
Watched 'the basketball diaries' and 'requiem for a dream'. Holy shit, depressing stuff. I won't be going near heroin ever. or speed for that matter.

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>dark complected Japanese girls with big eyes, no surgeries
Name a cuter sight.
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The nose makes her cuter.
It's just white guys letting Asian girls get away with being less than ideal, obviously. Nothing new under the sun.
I only want the lighter skinned ones that look more like the Ainu and other ancient era natives (more European-like facial features). I can't justify racemixing otherwise. It does not activate my monkey neurons and fire up my boner.
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I don't say that though. Wide noses can be cute.

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Why does jerking of to 2d art and 3D/SFM not make me feel nearly as bad as when I jerk it to irl porn?
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2D is closer to the platonic world of forms
You talk to much women anon? Ever lay with one? If not then maybe its a sign of an unmet need
jerking it to drawings is not as immoral. it's like a loophole.
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Outside of work and family not really, and I'm a virgin.. Obviously, I'm posting here about porn.

I don't really have that much interest in people IRL, feels impossible to even meet someone I'd even WANT to talk to.
It adds a extra level of escapism and disconnect from real women and yet still fulfills your needs in the intended way. It's no surprise rendered porn is becoming more and more popular. Once AI gets a lot better it will probably be the mainstay of the industry and 3dpd will plummet in revenue.

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Why do men and women have such unrealistically warped standards for one another?
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>get in the giant dangerous heavy vehicle and go fast with other retards who could kill or mangle your body in an instant
sounds fun uh huh. i guess normgroids all have a death wish.
If you can avoid bumping into people on the sidewalk, you can avoid bumping into people on the road. Hundreds of millions of people do it every day.
those people are not me, it will happen specifically to me someone will end up killing me or mangle my body if i drive. that is my luck. nothing good has happened in my life and driving will just bring me further misfortune.
You have to kill your competitors and create a pile of their skulls in your farmhouse estate like farmers from that period did, until the Chariot Chads show up and kill you and take all of your women
nobody has those standards
literally nobody

Would any of you fembots give this incel some pussy to stop him from roping?
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No way SN would just fucking kill you instantly. You'd choke for air and suffer before lights out. Ask me how I know you're a gay nigger.
Typical female, hates equality and respect and genuine love. You just want to fetishize existing power dynamics but with you on the other side.
someone doesn't spend much time on sanctionsuicide
No, because I'm not a homosexual crying for attention. Now explain how Sodium Nitrate can kill you "quickly " or shut the fuck up forever. Nigger.
I have a 1000mg of diazepam, 600mg of an rc benzo, 700ml of vodka and get 650mg of methadone tomorrow. I didnt pay rent to buy the rc benzo (which im already addicted to, I just bought a larger amount) when I was having my monthly suicidal episode. Now im unsure if ill be able to do it and am worried I wont be able to get another benzo since this one just got banned without a replacement on the market yet. I dont know why I just wont do it. Probably because my family has been so supportive and organised a bunch of different therapy for me. I dont want to hurt them but at the same time they dont understand how deep my addiction goes plus I was suicidal before touching drugs with a few have hearted attempts.
I wish I could get pure fent like back in 2017, I ODd and it was like flicking a light switch... such a peaceful way to go...
My brain is super fucked from the benzo abuse, way more than opiates (which I can get legally now even if it's shitty methadone). If I dont make my suicide soup im going to have to have the will power to taper the benzos myself since my family live too far away to restrict me.
I guess we ll see how Sunday goes.

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Men dressed as women in the Olympics? Is this what is happening right now?
Yes. Welcome to the post WW2 Jew controlled nigger cattle society. It's all downhill from here. Be sure to spit on your local veteran for being a fucking Jew lover.
I am not condoning or encouraging certain current events happening in Europe, but I believe that they are doing nothing wrong.

how can I kill myself in a funny way that gets me on the news
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hydrogen cyanide in a public place
I enjoy the videos of people tying a rope to their head and jumping out a window. The crowd stares in horror as their head flies off.
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Trying to kill Trump definitely did the trick. Maybe light yourself on fire in front of a court house in NYC like that one schizo from Florida did. I like>>78291382
idea drive your car into a building or cop car or politician or something just make sure you're going fast enough to die. What if a truck had bum rushed trumps rally do you think he would have got away? I worked construction for years and some trucks are really hard to stop once you get all that weight moving at high speed. Good luck spacecowboy

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