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it's actually crazy that most anons will die without knowing what it feels like for a woman to be excited to see them lol
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Sure thing Miguel.
she's danish
The average boomer or gen Xer isn't even able to conceive of the idea of a relatively normal man being unable to have sex. In their time, that only happened if you were egregiously mentally or physically fucked up. It was almost as ubiquitous to them as having a family.
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My mother was very happy when I was born.
Yet another suicide fuel thread? Yay

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Miss Jakuzure
whats wrong with her voice? couldnt she speak normally?
her voice is the best part about her
it assaults my ears

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Why haven't you gotten into BDSM yet, /r9k/? It's fun and you'll meet girls.
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Worst girl.
You don't need to learn anything fancy. Just the standard knot is enough to tie someone up. It's just the bdsm redditor types who need validation from thousands of people who learn all those fancy knots to impress strangers online instead of the girl in front of them. And people who do it for art learn fancy knots, but that's like saying that you don't want to write because you don't want to learn calligraphy.
I am more or less reffering to the rope body suit styles of BDSM which require more than just your basic shoe tying knot, fishing knot, etc. I just don't have any interest in doing shit like that where the woman is tied up in essentially a rope body harness. General hand tying is fine. Using bed posts to keep legs spread/taut? Totally fine. I could even do a hogtie. But, rope really isn't a big draw for me regardless.
Yeah shibari and karada type stuff. The only reason you need fancy knots for that is to have pretty looking knots. If you're not going to be posting pictures of it online or printing them off to hang in a gallery then any knot will work.
I'm just not going to do it so it doesn't matter.

today i learned women have a "cnc" fetish, i havent got a clue what to make of this.
what do yall think?
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fuck you are cute, holy smokes
>return her panties and try to get a fistbump off her.
you can't just tell a story like that and not finish with the after math. what was the result of this? what happened afterwards?
The guy didn't get in trouble. The woman was pissed at him, but it made her feel better knowing why she got raped.
im not
doing this
you fucking
im not
going to
fucking prison
you mother
fuck you

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why did God make women so hot???? ARGH! I can't handle it anymore!
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it represents the female shape pretty well i think
you need to take a break
most women do not look that good.
i even have to scour porn sites for ages to find a one that looks that good
thats what a lot of futagooners and trannies want to do to you. i dont really understand it, but it seems like a weird projection thing.
i guess its also interesting that it actually works on some people
i meant to write scan* not scour.
>why did God make 2D women so hot????
FTFY, but I know, right?

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Have you considered a mina punjabi?
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isn't the point of a hajab to not show off beauty and arouse other men or something? Doesn't it kind of defeated the purpose if you cake up you face in 10 layers of makeup? This bitch is going to the boiling pot or whatever Muslims believe.
I don't care about race I just want a woman that loves me
> people commenting on her makeup completely ignoring lack of proper body coverage (abaya)
Kek, as if woman's face matters
Yes, I want a Pakistani gf.
most of us could only dream of fucking her

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someone has been putting out the creamed corn lol
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You are arguing with a prolific tripfag. You have nothing to gain by continuing.
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No one is arguing this is a very cordial conversation..
>its symbolic
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Here's what y'all should do.
Does that deer have thyroid problems? Look at his tiny legs.

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Destiny (who fucked Nick Flutes) is going to jail. How many debates do you think he'll win in jail robots?

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today i suddenly stopped hearing clearly on my right ear. its like its under water. am i going to die?
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Don't do this, it will summon a futa succubus who will enslave you with her cock.
>Nah don't do this, those things are usually scams.
nvm I was thinking of those candle things that don't work. Yeah u can buy that but u can also just go to a doctor
>>I don't think so
>Okay, any medical conditions like diabetes, diagnosed vertigo? Or anything else out of the ordinary?
not really
but since i got covid or whatever ive been having a tinnitus in my right ear every like 2 months for 10 seconds
>Okay, can you elaborate on how you scratched it? Like was it deep in there with a sharp nail?
no just blunt on the outside
but liek the outside was like affecting the inside since its soft yknow?
so i didnt really sscratch it i just used my finger joint
ok ty
i dont watch porn or drink alcohol

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the hydrogen peroxined will make a popping sound in your ear
so dont freak out
Hydrogen Peroxide kits work great, they're cheap as fuck, and way faster than sitting around at a walk-in clinic waiting for an opening.

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Are there girls who dont have smelly farts and their ass never stinks? I want a girlfriend but I dont know how Id keep attraction to her if she farted in her sleep and it smelled rancid. God forbid if she got comfortable enough to do it on purpose. I also want to bury my face in her ass but I worry that in real life the butthole would radiate a bad smell...
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Are there really no brapfags on r9k?
Absolutely not. Its so gross
You sound and think/type like some underrage 15 year old faggot.
You need to be 18+ to be on this website, either that, or stop being a fucking retard.
Women are just like men, if men smell like shit in their butthole, so will women. Unless they wash their ass 4 times a day , good luck with that.
had a girl accidentally poop a little during sex because she orgasmed so hard and it smelled terrible.
I was super worried and kept thinking about it amd was afraid I'd never be able to get it up around her or want to be close to her ass ever again.
next time we fucked I ate her ass and didn't even think twice bro. don't worry your monkey neurons will take over and let you procreate in the most degenerate ways possible
>asians don't need deodorant
dude there's no way you actually think that

Is it possible to get a sexy gf that accepts you (me) as a certified pornpilled gooner or is it over?
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"gooners" didn't exist 15 years ago
Porn is a really unappealing hobby for a man to have. Sorry hard pass.
women hate men watching porn in genertal, let alone a gooner.
you can get a pooner ftm gf
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jerking off 5 times in one day to porn compilations definitely existed 15 years ago

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Why can't w*men keep dick out of their mouths?
which begs the question, what does sucking dick have to do with finding oneself
they do, when i finish nutting inside her mouth and after she sucks out every last drop of cum from my cock.
>be me
>constantly contemplating which movie i'm ryan gosling in
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females like sucking on genitals

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Man I hate white people but boooy do I love pawging it out.

Steven your sister has some good pussy.
Yeah, Jayquan, I know she does.
Haha chud already fucked

erm my name is timmy
Lol he tried not to blush after walking off.

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Comfy Poker night. Join if you want :)

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A lot of hatred and negativity, but have you made any art out of it?
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Made a synthscape playlist because I like falling asleep to these songs and there wasn't a good playlist anywhere else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw8lF68TH-A

I like this shit. More intense than my typical taste, but the base is solid.
thanks a lot! i cant really record things too loudly in my apartment but i agree, i would sound nice if it was heavier

one more quick one for tonight, good night anons

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well i wrote a long post giving feedback to all but it got marked as spam so sorry guys I did check out everything tho and I liked seeing it all comic anon in particular interested me
Here's a song created from a jam with another anon this is the first take all made up on the spot


and a solo song about losing touch


If you really want to see what I said about your post hit me up with a reply and I can type it dno why it got marked as spam

Appreciate any subs or feedback! Even if you just listen that's cool with me :)
Does this thread accept anything as long as it's creative
Over the last 3 years I started a shitton of projects (webcomic, homebrew tabletop rpg, animation, vidya), and although none of these produced anything satisfactory, I can always try to find my old files

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