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How's that summer job coming along? You feel the weight of an honest day's work already? I bet that hot meal and cold beer after work feels mighty great.
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dirty jobs is a good show, he puts in a lot of effort to be part of that
he walks the walk, but hes out of touch
did you ever watch his other show "somebodys gotta do it" how was it
>lose great job of eight years because of business closure
>find new job a month later
>it closes after a week
>find another new job a month later
>two managers quit within a week and a half of starting
>it's an actual mismanaged hellhole
>likely have an interview coming next week
I just want to have steady income.
He also does so for at least10x the pay
Worked for 2 years and never bought anything, i have no reason to have a job

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I kind of want a woman to hit me and be mean to me. Not in a smug, superior way, but in more of an angry and vulnerable way.
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No, I don't want to hit her back. It just makes me feel nice when a woman is willing to be so open and real and animalistic. She still has to apologize to me afterwards though or else I'd start to feel disrespected.
My bf lets me hit him when im angry its a good stress reliever, and i never actually hurt him
I had a fembot beat the shit out of me and rape me, and then have an emotional breakdown afterwards sobbing about it
I would prefer a healthy relationship dynamic characterized by the absence of interpersonal abuse, personally speaking

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I think im never leaving the house again other than for buying food but never for socialising
I just give up on women and the future of my country and family or whatever
I don't even have to buy food from the store i can just order it
I see no issue with this lifestyle
>he thinks he has a country
okay fine i don't, but my family doe? Or the family i'm expected to have? not happening

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The Indian centuries are upon us. Now is the time of Indian rising to become world superpower. The future it will not be America or Russia it will be India and China who are the globe leaders.
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Love this one it gets often posted on /gif/
there are 20,000,000,000,000,000 ants in the world
there are 8,118,904,030 humans in the world
yet humans are dominant over ants
imagine if we gave ants social media and taught them to use 4chan
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Chinks can't speak english and indians are illiterate, now we just need to get rid of the americans and the internet will shine once again
>overwhelming us dominance during "shining"
>somehow americans are the problem
yeah bro i'm sure brazilians, nigerians, and russians will be great company

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Drake's middle drill verse on family matters was the best thing to come out of this whole beef. People don't give it the credit it deserves simply because he was addressing multiple other people instead of just his biggest opponent, Kendrick.
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Can you at least post this normalfag pop culture shit on /mu/?
Because theyre richer than you and better than you and fuck more bitches than you nigga
Drake is mid. I stopped listening to drake and all those other rappers when I hit my 20s. They make music for teenagers. Like Young adult novels of music.
Nigger vs. nigkike? Who do you pick, goy.
I'm not the biggest celebrity gossip fan, but this was quite a big thing unless you were literally ignoring what was going on around you and forcibly living under a rock

what do you like to talk about anon?

mid but very easy to listen to. "pacifier music" as kendrick said. however, the drill verse is still the best bit of the whole beef

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pls b my gf ami i love u miss u why did u go
sometimes i think i'm a loser but then someone else always manages to demonstrate that i could be way worse

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Are most sex havers like this?
I think they must be, something like 80% of adults are overweight or obese
average looksmatch in 2024
no it's two fat people dumbass
i will occasionally sex fat women if i am desperate but generally i only sex healthy weight women

Is it just me, or does the WWII arc feel like it was supposed to be the series finale, and everything that's happened since has just been post-script seasons with the writers pulling stuff out of their ass? The Cold War arc was kind of neat, but it never really went anywhere. Then there was that filler arc of the 90s which didn't really do anything at all. The War on Terror arc was fine I guess, but it was kind of lame to end with the protagonists just giving up. Now the main focus seems to be internal conflict in the United States along with shit in Israel & Palestine and Russia and Ukraine? It's obvious that the writers have no idea where they want to take this season.
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Yeah, the show is getting a little boring honestly. They keep teasing us with potential awesome story arcs, but they never happen. Maybe they don't have the budget for it? Or maybe they're too scared of changing the show's status quo?
They'd better do something interesting eventually
ww3 will be next, creating a satisfying trilogy to the human-war phase. at the end of ww3, aliens invade and all of humanity must unite against them. stay tuned.
If they make that the series finale I guess the show will have been worth it
lmfao you have no idea how common this has been for several decades now. The "useless overeducated barista" with a gorillion buxx in student debt has been replaced with the class chudjak.jpg when people think of "history majors". In some company, it's not even safe to admit to remembering things that happened more than 2 weeks, or a news cycle, ago.

I have been in so many talking stages and early relationship stages that I dropped because none was what I expected it to be, 2 people supporting and caring about each others, I think that at the end of the day, German Incels from past centuries were rights, the relationship between the 2 genders is a struggle and exploitation over SEX not a romantic dream

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Are you worshipped like a God?
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>Bby jurl you so viewtiful
The more popular sex tourism becomes the more likely it is that you'll get killed by a group of jealous raging pajeets. No thanks I'll stick with white women.
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East Africa is an untapped market.
yeah i remember when some average looking italian chud impregnated like 1000 african kweens. why are they like this, women are all sluts
I remember an instance when I was there, of getting a cab ride from a local lady and she asked for sex as payment for the fare. I asked if she wasn't worried about getting pregnant for example and she said she was hoping for that.

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>sun GOOD weather, cloud BAD weather
>why, because... well...
>hot weather is... le good!
>cold weather is... le bad!

why are normies like this?
>London BAD because rain
weather is bad because it is a psychological phenomena of having confused thoughts
Normies like hot weather because they're cold-blooded lizard people. Humans like cold weather because they're warm-blooded mammals.
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>SoCal has the best weather in the world, bro.

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>You catch my girl legs open, better smash that
>Don't be surprised if she ask where the cash at

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Fembots I'm not gonna lie, I want a smelly neet fembot in her mid-late 20s or 30s and I'm not sure how to get one.

Any tips?
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>It is a virgin fetish.
has to be, outside of the humiliation thing i can't see how someone who's experienced being intimate with someone that stinks would desire it
there should be like a cat adoption agency, but for female NEETs. then their parents could give them up to be adopted my willing gentlemen who would take them home and keep them as pets.
As a non-virgin, none of these are true. I had a g/f who would skip showering for my benefit. There's no logical reason for it, it just gave me a boner.
>has to be, outside of the humiliation thing i can't see how someone who's experienced being intimate with someone that stinks would desire it
it is glorifying any and all intimacy with a woman.
well then, you're weird. kys. idc.
nta, i could understand it to a degree considering i have a sweat and natural scent fetish. if possible I'd love to date a neet fembot who doesnt use deodorant and shit like that, but actually still showers so its not bad.

Is she built for violent, degrading sex?
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Yeah it's my deepest desire to do a facialabuse type throating, slapping, pissing, fucking to a girl. I want to touch her all over and feel her body go limp as she dissociates resigning to her use, you know?
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Has she ever shown her butthole on her OnlyFans? I been dying to see her asshole since I first heard of her. I don't even know what she's famous for. I want to see her anus.
She used to be a Disney star, and was passed around by execs and rented out to the Arabs when she was underage.

Now she pimps out girls looking for the same fame and money
awa (all women are)
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She needs some painal

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Anyone here ever do something gay out of sheer desperation and touch starvation?
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Where do I find these pale 'sissies' everyone keeps talking about? I would kill to dominate cute trap asses like these
very gay post op
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lgbt and soc. Them fools thirsty.
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May fire and brimstone fill ya battyboy arses
I like women but I fap while thinking about fucking traps/femboys/sissies/feminized males too and write smut about it sometimes

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