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Imagine having a 1000 children.
That would be cool
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infinite money glitch
wt they giving money to people for making kids??? shit is scandalous, why they dont give money to me? i didnt consent to being born and yet im stuck here
I'm from the future. This is the plot of the most popular franchise in the world in 2028.
It's likely not enough to actually care for them, but they do that welfare thing in most first-world countries. They also have no fault divorce laws so the mother will just cut you out. Unless you have some strong community, then you can just defraud it like hassids.
Gog and Magog is that you?

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Is it strange to cuddle with your sister?

>be 21
>sis is 26
>we both still live at home
>we still sometimes go to each other's room and cuddle on bed
>usually it's spooning and I am always the "smaller" spoon because I am younger
>never groped each other, did it without clothes or anything like that
Nah not weird that's just sweet god I wish someone loved me
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This is cute but also weird. My big sis also still lives with us but she pisses me off to an unimaginable degree so we never cuddle. She wants frequent hugs but I bully her regularly

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>hate trannies and fags
>on hrt for 2 years
kill me bro
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Pretty boys aren't even close to femboys
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I know for a fact that if I wasn't a refrigerator-built man who's 6'7" tall, I would have caved to tranny propaganda.
What the fuck are you doing? If you're worried about aging horribly you are aware there's ways to avoid that without blasting straight estrogen?
>Pretty boys aren't even close to femboys
What's the difference
At least share it with the homies.

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What are the benefits of learning French?
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You can get TOPPED on le Grindr
There are none. It's a pleasant sounding language but native French speakers are dickheads, and their countries are infested with muslims.
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>Enslaved Algerians
As if that's possible lmao. These creatures are Like niggers but smart, it's horrible to live with them
Franco-belge comics were like the western manga scene. Or any french books like Houellebecq the chud king

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i think it would it be better to just live together as husband and wives without signing any legal papers

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nat bryn frankie and stardust
Don't waste your time on THOTs
protip: her pussy stinks

and not in a good way

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>opened up to my aunt a few days ago
>overheard her talking to my mom and grandma about how she wants to have me admitted to a psych ward
last time i ever open up but she...cant do that right? im an adult so wouldnt i need to consent to get sent to one of those places?
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>You don't ever tell anyone stuff that indicate you are harming yourself or you are suicidal. Ever.
well i know that NOW
oh no i think its cool that guys jerk off to my pics it makes me feel like my body actually isnt worthless for a bit but yeah i guess ur right like sure im a whore online but theres a clear difference between my irl self and my online self
Well to be honest I posted my pp on here a long time ago hoping to get affirmation someone could like me or something like that so I get it. I just think you're a massive cutie pie I really hope stuff gets better for you soon
aww thnx dude honestly im developing a small ego but it fluctuates constantly
like on one hand i know im cute and guys want to plap me but on the other hand there will be days were i just look at myself in the mirror after a shower and just break down in tears
but yeah i hope things get better even though i already know they wont since i dont want to put in the effort to make a change and im just going to let life pass me by pretty much
alright i think im gonna go to bed i just cant stand being awake anymore gn anon it was really cool that u recognized me
>i may have let it slip that if i were to lose my job then i would try to off myself
Yeah that will get you warded even as an adult, lmao. You are a bit silly, nonny.
goodnight cutie, you're still pretty young so don't give up hope yet you never know when you might change your mind <3

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Women piss me the fuck off. I am so angry that I have to exist along side women.
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Non-newtonian sex is fucking hot

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if I were to have sex again, it would just be a soulless power dynamic porn type of sex that is deeply unappealing and unromantic to me.

The internet is turning every single women into the same thing and I can't help but think it's intentional

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What do anons think of my gf's tight pussy?
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I want to nibble on her little cunt
I want to see the poo come out.
Are you fucking that ass? If not, I will.
she should clean her disgusting nails
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Such a yummy girl

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Paternity testing is illegal in France. How cucked is that?
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>how much of whores the French women are
you have proof for this claim?
Complete insanity
Bro, have you ever heard of the french revolution?
You are retarded.
Yes and what else?
Nta but my mom moved to Paris when she was young and she told me the minimum partners a woman had was 30. But it was during the sexual liberation so it was a different time.
It's not like that in all of France obviously.

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What would you do if you walked in on me doing your mom like this?
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Ask if I can join in for a threesome
Honestly depends on how much she likes it. If you have the stamina to keep going and she moans a lot, i would make popcorn and watch. Maybe goon.
My kind of fetish
why is the asshole so close to the pussy? gross, this woman is disgusting
Unfortunately, due to my history of vaginismus, I cannot have PIV intercourse like this without it becoming painful.

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>it is Sunday all around the world
incorrect. it is still saturday in howland island.
Yeah and it hate that this board sucks during weekends

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Having sex with a female dog is probably safer in terms of STDs than the average woman.
Do you have a source for that claim?
It's quite common in the United States
About 5% of men and women partake in it
I'm not an animal and can control myself, but if you cannot I'm sure man's best friend would help you anon
>tfw no knotpilled gf
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Objectively false. Dogs are stinky.

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What is it like to have sex? I have never had it. And I think sex havers need to be punished for this.
Feels like a bag of sand.
It doesn't feel as natural as you'd think. You'd think that the penis is made to go inside a vagina, but it actually feels awkward, and it slips out.
it's like masturbation but worse
I cum from masturbation much quicker than sex. It's because with your hand you know exactly how to get yourself off, but with a vagina it's just rubbing.

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goodness i sure hope i don't get shot dead haha. hiii~
Hot, I hope he kills me last so I can watch him shoot everyone else first.
I'll suck off your gun for 20 bucks
>climbs out window
>goes to lunch
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I've seen how most here are, I doubt I have much to fear

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