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Zoomers are a malignant tumor. Look no further than this board. TZD.
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Whiter than Trump and I'm voting for Harris
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>mfw I realize almost all of Western history until the 20th century was driven by some form of Abrahamic infighting
To an extent, yes. Much of Greek and Roman history, the arguable forerunners of our society, had nothing to do with Abrahamic religions until later on.
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Bill Clinton was blacker than Obama and arguably the first President who gave an authentic shit about them.
I dont know wtf you are talking about, when I talk to you I feel the energy here like I am fighting to get the most updoots

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this fish is tired of being mentally ill. 2 more weeks....
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wait it's fine as long as it's not an exact repost , then why did u stop using it bigu
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tsutsu kun left me
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maybe a cute boymoder is reading all your post
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did boymoder have intercourse with his maid yet?
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gib american citizenship

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Which man is the gayer one, in this situation?

The one who is penetrating another man? Or the one who is being penetrated by a man, but is at the same time penetrating a woman?
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the guy in the middle gayness cancels out, it's basic arithmetic. So on the spectrum he is bi. Guy fucking in the ass is full blown gay
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all of them are maggots
>Hurrrr being penetrated by a man is more gay than penetrating a man
I will hear none of this mediterranean copium. There is no universe in which having your penis inside of a biological female is MORE gay than having your penis inside of a biological man.
it is more gay to bottom, but how did you know i was mediterranean?
Guy in the back is gay, guy in the middle is bisexual, girl in the front is straight. Next.

National gf's day is August 1st
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Idc I just wish a man would give something like this to me
I will be reminding my AI bf
If you want one how about you buy yourself one lol fucking moron. That's what I tell niggas if you want something you gotta go and get it.
yes I can get one for myself but it would be really nice if someone got it for me out of love and not convenience
I'd love to make my future girlfriend happy by getting her nice gifts.
Oh yeah and I think it would be really nice if I won a billion dollars in the fucking lottery but it doesn't work that way huh. Besides, assuming that you are a FEMALE it is literally the easiest task to obtain a boyfriend.

how can I kill myself in a funny way that gets me on the news
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get a gun and shoot up some bankers that work on the wallstreet
Do it while streaming or make a funny video
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no, don't kill urself, femanon, ha ha
You shouldn't do such a thing. You should have fun with us on r9k instead.
Thats far away and I can already do that at a synagogue doe

Rainy Day Edition

It's Momcest Monday. You guys know what it is all about, share pictures and thoughts on milfs or your own lovely mom.

Previous thread: >>78160737

Thread topic: Do you spend time with mom when it's raining or weather's not great? what activities would you partake in? Do you consider a rainy day to be a romantic occasion?
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Kek fucker's like Sherlock Holmes

Why tho if it's fake why engage? He probably doesn't even have a wife
> Anon didn't 'get home' until 17:36 yesterday

> Anon's "wife" reeeeposting starts an hour before that

> Anon MIA since 14:40 despite larping consistently all day

Maybe he went home early?
Gentalmen, I'm very sleeping and I just got done watching the Paris Olympics Opening ceremony.
I'm very tired. But I think that I've finally gotten over my mommy obsession now. I still like her. But I've noticed that I am no longer obsessed about it and that it's no longer affecting my relation ship with her. I've noticed that I'm starting to become attracted to more and more women that aren't my family members and that I've been feeling way more attracted to women than ever before. I feel like I've gotten over that mental block that has been holding me back and that I now can actually do things without a massive well of anxiety. I'm sure how to exactly explain it. and I'm too tired to try rn. Congrats on keeping the thread up till Friday. I'm gonna go do something actually productive with my day, because I just spend four hours of watching women Yapping over the Olympic games. If the thread is still up I'll respond to any questions, If not I'll see you all on Monday.
Have a good day Anons.

Acted on impulse to take a creepshot of my older sister one time but my camera sound was on and my mom and sister just looked at me. Last time I tried that shit fuck that was embarrassing
>Why tho if it's fake why engage? He probably doesn't even have a wife
Can't have a bad outcome if it's not real lol. Also the way he asked if he should tell her was almost rhetorical. It already contained the answer that his wife will 100% think it's hot, but then he only got one reply and that was no, so I was just being cheeky giving him another vote for yes so he can do what he was originally going for anyway.
He has a similar problem with wanting to share clips/pics, no one reacted to his offer. I assume he has some files of him fucking some woman which he wants to share as "proof", but people in this thread generally say not to share anything because it's too risky. He might share them regardless though.

it doesnt even just "feel" like everyone is against me anymore its just factually correct. the social stigma against me as a person is genuinely threatening. i have so many negative traits attached that i just never really feel safe anywhere it fucking sucks, i havent even done anything to hurt anyone, and i do not wish harm upon anyone, even people who want me dead. i dont want to feel like this anymore. im not even sure if theres anybody else who feels the same way. there was *one* other, but then they had to stop talking to me for "security reasons" (likely that they were getting harrassed and had to abandon ship)
i just wish there was someone who could provide advice or at least just give me company in these trying times. i do not want to hurt anyone, i never wanted to hurt anyone. i just want to draw and play video games and be friends with pleasant people who are genuinely interested in me as a person. i have no idea what to do i just want to cry but i have since lost the ability to do that because making loud noises like that got me beaten as a kid and my body just refuses to let it happen anymore
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mostly 2d, im a bit anxious to dip into 3d due to having to learn a whole bunch of stuff about modelling just to get it to work. one game im working on plans to run on a 2d engine and only house 2d graphics but still function as a 3d game because coding it is easier than modelling stuff imo

i feel like modelling wouldnt be too difficult of a thing to attempt but im really technical and nerdy so its hard for me to get into something and not ask a billion questions about it and not make much progress until i understand literally everything
Iphone users basically cant use punctuation here as it reads as foreign characters.
I feel you, I used to do 2d animation a lot and then tried 3d and I hated it because there was too much to learn when it came to the software etc.
I hope your game projects go well, and don't be so hard on yourself, you can definitely find friends who accept you
Just don't give mean people the time of day
Did the anon you emailed get back to you? Are they gonna be friends with you again?
>Did the anon you emailed get back to you?
>Are they gonna be friends with you again?
i think so!

hmmf,, you mentioned you wanted to be my friend earlier, but im kinda shy to share my contact, if youre too shy to share yours i think i might do mine for you hehe
It's okay, you can add me on d*sc*rd

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Can /r9k/ accurately describe a chair?
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Son of a bitch - give me back my h-... bookmark!
No I would be having a seat, but it is definitely a chair
No its a rock you're using to sit down, therefore it's a rock you're using as a stand in for a chair, and a seat
tried but any description i came up with had exceptions. its like featherless biped.
a chair is a chair
you can tell by the way it is
>therefore it's a rock you're using as a stand in for a chair
so it's a chair lol
A chair is the thing-in-itself

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I'm a very short manlet (5'8). Can a femcel please make a voice recording making fun of me for being short and telling me I'll stay a virgin forever?
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>tfw 6'1
its over, no woman will ever love me
leave me alone, lanklet!
glad i lost my virginity before hoeflation and stringent height preference became a thing. dodged a bullet there
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drink some water before stating the obvious

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okay. i will sit the fuck down and leave you alone, just don't come crawling for my attention when you're 30+ and chad is done pumping and dumping you.
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Even the eugenics angle would be something.
If that is what it was and admitted to, fantastic.
I'd love to see that shake out in society.
Sadly women can't even understand the concept, there are no words behind most of their actions.

I continue to see them time and time again get into a committed relationship with a man they are attracted to, only for them to say "I don't want kids".
Often getting pregnant and saying "I'm not ready for this" and aborting.
Or he decides and he doesn't want to and she listens because if she doesn't he can and will leave her for some other hole that will.
If it was them mating with men they like, sure.
Have them pair off.
But they complain as they're attracted to the same small percentage and all the "good ones" are taken.
Fine, enjoy trying to find your comfort in your polycule bullshit where you expect a man to make time for you, girl B, work and whatever kids you do have leaving him financially strained with little to no time to himself or friends while you remain unfulfilled one way or another.
Go for it.
Build a society around that hanus bullshit that lacks any and all forethought.

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If you scare all the good guys off like this you will just be monkeybarring between abusive assholes for the rest of your life. Yeah your pussy will be wet but you will be in total anguish for your entire life. If that is what you honestly want, pussy tingles with a side of knuckle sandwich for dinner every night for the rest of your life, be my guest cunt. Men already know "don't stick your dick in crazy", if women want to continue to get spitroasted by lunatics, serial abusers, criminals, deadbeats, etc... for their entire life that's their own hell they chose and I will not be sympathetic to their constant crying about it.

And yeah I am a "good guy" because I don't abuse or rape women, that is what a good guy is, that is who you want to leave you alone. No more good guys? No more safe, stable relationships where you aren't in fear 24/7.
>I think its men not being social and then blaming society for not having a gf instead of making an effort to make friends and get more social capital so they have more opportunities to meet their future wife
Incredible that you haves access to Incels social life in your back pocket and aren;t just clustering bad traits with one another in your head.
The eugenics angle is only the most superficial, looks. In general people before modern dating paired off with their social class, which eventually produced the highest IQ people in the world through time. Monogamy is the most eugenic form of dating of all hands down and produced the best, most intelligent, most handsome, and most beautiful people. Eventually this combined with the death of bottom 1% of each generation(of criminals, lowlifes, idiots) produced massive eugenic results through time. It's clear that after 60 years of "freedom to choose" dating, it hasn't produced high quality people. Some sure, high class marrying high class but in general it just led to an ugly mob of retards, my generation (millennials) included. It is the ultimate putting a pussy on a pedestal to believe there is something magical, awesome, and eugenic about women's "choice". In reality they often burp out a few kids with some beta after being ran through or have some kids with a lowlife idiot retard, that's closer to reality. It's all really the higher end of people that does the heavy lifting of thinking and building and we're losing that day by day.
It really is incredible how out of touch the advice that women and normie cucks give is. Those who follow through end up roping within the year.

Beware of snakes who pose as compassionate people to boost their own egos. A truly compassionate person will come forward and check in on you in times of stability and trouble. A fake person looking for your temporary validation will pretend to care about you, and then abandon you in your toughest spot. Do not stoop down to their level, that's what they wish for. If you keep showing compassion despite being wronged many times, they will seethe and growl at you and then they will fade away with discontent in their minds. Asuras run away at the sight of the unbending spirit of kindness.
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I did this with someone but they were too much of a sociopath to care and instead just took full advantage of me :(
What of people that only help when you really need it and no one else seems to care, but otherwise keep to themselves?
blessed are they
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Bow WOW!

Kinda makes me feel guilty for not spending more time with my bro. Prick that he can be.
Healthy boundaries are a true Christian virtue. You first help yourself, then you help others.

not being selfish about karmatic judgement mood and embracing damnation
That's not a word
What the actual fuck is wrong with that face? She looks high, tired, and on the verge of tears simultaneously.

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I have done nothing except sit in front of my computer and consume media for the last 4 years of my life. 22-26 have been nothing but this. Whenever I think about things that I might enjoy, I can't avoid comparing myself to other people and every time I do this I think it's a waste of time to pursue something. How do you learn to enjoy something? Any ideas?
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>4 years of my life
i understand, anon. you just need to try different things in the hope of finding something interesting. i'm no help though, we are the same.
im pretty much in the same boat desu.
your already a friendless NEET so just do what you want.
I live in a suburb and there's nothing to really do. I go on daily walks, but I'm pretty much stuck.
there are cool things you can learn to do on the internet, it could be anything from physical to digital stuff, but goal should be just "build" something to learn about a subject. you should approach other people's lives/work/products not something to look up to but something that you can learn from. remember no idols, no gods, no envy, other people are as irrevelant as you are

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im going to pray that my father dies peacefully in his sleep so i dont have to deal with his bullshit anymore. do you think it will work?
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>do you think it will work?
I think you should move out instead and leave the poor man alone
i have to live in one room with my father, honestly feel like killing myself most days
take a moment and this about it. is he really that bad or are you just weak?
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*pets your hair and hugs you* itll be oki anon ):
it dosnt matter. now pls take off your pants anon. penis inspection

I keep having dreams where I crossdress and it makes me wake up extremely hard and horny. What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm not a tranny. I'm happy being male.
gay cringe larper
im dead serious idk why this is happening
Because you're a crossdresser, congrats. Go buy a skirt or something.
Oh and for the love of God if you take any picture and post them shave your fucking legs.
*kisses your worries away*

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