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>go on the internet
>see white women being whores
Why are they like this? Do white men not feel embarrassed their women are constantly displaying themselves for the world? There are tribal men out there who's first sighting of a white woman is her getting blacked on pornhub. Wtf.
What tribal man is going on the internet?
Yeah I don't like it but what am I supposed to do about it?
I hope to get a Muslim gf Tbh
elon gave internet to an amazonian tribe and the men stopped hunting to watch porn so they had to add time limits

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I didn't pursue girls in school because I was insecure about my penis(4.5 inches).
ook . that sucks man maybe like ... don't be insecure about your ... dick
look here, shrimp dick. by the time she sees your shit the deal is sealed, dont take no for an answer.
>dumbest insecurity
such poetry
Dumb to you since you have a massive one.
If you get smaller and skinnier it might look bigger proportionally

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shark edition

share nice art, talk about your day, be cozy and chill. there is no test so don't even ask.
dolphin shorts are the sexiest shit women can wear
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they're so sporty.
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anyone watching the medalist? is it good?

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>tfw you remember something from the past and you are filled with happysadness
Ah being alive is such a gift.

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Trump is chosen by God. Everything he says, and everything he does, we must do. He is the chosen one. He is probably the greatest man that has ever lived other than Jesus Christ. I love Donald Trump. I'm even going to frame a portrait of him in my home. I would follow this man to the end of the earth and I believe we need to do everything in our power to make it so he can have a third term.
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>ear injury
>miraculously healed
Uh huh
You worship a false prophet. He himself won't even swear by the Bible. Yet you "skeptics" are all eating this up. Prepare your anus for the RAPE of a lifetime.
He is literally everything promised to be the antichrist, you fucking jew.
>False acts of (((good)))
>Promises to end wars
>Promises hegemony and an end to suffering for Americans
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>other than Jesus Christ
Loser. No room for poor wishy-washy immigrants in Trump's America. He didn't even get reimbursed by his followers for the last supper , total financial loss, what a lousy businessman. The more I read about this little Israeli guy the more I think he wasn't a good capitalist, we don't need losers like that telling businessmen what they should and shouldn't do. Praise King Trump, Praise Vizier Elon. May they earn a trillion dollars.
>Trump is chosen by God.
I'm not religious, but it's hard to argue against this. He was literally inches away from getting shot in the face. How else would you say to people if you were God that you saved him than by making the bullet hit the friggin tip of the ear?

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Do white fembots get angry at seeing happy black woman/white man couples like how we get angry at the BBC spam?
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White man colonized the world. Nonwhite women in western countries are the most likely to use social media, which leads to almost all pairings, where both populations interact the most and have the capacity to upload to western internet services, tend to have a >50% white European admixture
The ethnic tribe the black people come from changes how they look.
White guys don't like black women.
i dont get it either. as a wb i need my bfs (female) chocolatey not like chocolate milk but chocolatey like chocolate syrup.
women dont have the same issues as incels

a black woman who is not obese or smelly could get a white boyfriend any time she wanted but most of them prefer black men

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So normies are just straight up lyin ass niggas 24/7 or whats the deal?
that's how it is on this bitch of an erf. You'll find out that /r/obots are liars too. Half of them just want to whine, they don't actually feel the emotions they're bitching about.
most of the people here arent even incels just asocial men expecting a gf to fall into their lap

Dear friend,

First of all, I must say that I've been meaning to write to you for a long time. For years, actually. This letter has been in the making since I was a teenager. I'm about to enter the second quarter of my century, and I thought if I didn't do it now, I'd never do it.

I've been feeling very nostalgic lately. Every day I reflect on my life, especially on my art. You know I like to write. And I think about why I write. What is it that moves people to do anything?

I think it's love and pain. I believe that humans were made to escape pain and protect love. I say "protect" and not "seek" because love is inherent in human beings, contrary to what cynics might say. To be alive is to flow with love, and as proof of this I can show you the history of humanity: eras of pure misery, suffering that transcends generations, the worst of the worst. Would we consciously choose to continue an existence plagued with endless evils, if there wasn't a reason to do so? Don't you think we would have decided a long time ago to put an end to all evil forever, that is, to voluntarily extinguish ourselves, if we thought that was the most rational thing to do? What makes our small and insignificant species not choose to self-destruct is what makes it not so insignificant. It's love for life that moves the world, my friend. It may be subconscious, it disguises itself, it changes shape, but it's there.

But when it comes to art, it doesn't matter what moves the world; an artist is an individual, and the human mind must be analyzed in terms of its uniqueness. What can move an artist who has never loved, or who has never felt pain? Where can his magic... his inspiration come from? Where is an artist's love born?
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Damn, good letter. I should look into The War of Art.

>What I mean by all this is that art fulfills a function, one of the most selfish ones there is. It helps the artist to be happy.
This line really snuck between the ribs
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to long
did read doe
What illness afflicts the poet?
This sounds as if you had a specific poet in mind, then. Myocarditis is a very specific disease. One wonders if your poet in mind typed in all lowercase or had proper grammatical sense.

Loneliness isn't a real issue. Just masterbate. If you don't know yourself, nothing will fill the void, you will always feel alone. Sex, intimacy, the warm embrace of another will not cure you.
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I have to plap my balls until I cum?
your prostate is inside and unrelated to your balls
>don't feel less lonely, just less horny
>have a IRL community where I feel like I belong
>don't feel lonely, still desire intimacy and the fulfillment of a paternal role

Stop trying to groom people, anon. Keep your gay shit to yourself. Jerk off to release the tension, and go on with your life, nothing extra.
the point of prostate orgasms is to not have tension, there shouldn't be any tension in the first place. I didn't tell you to fuck men, I said masturbate better

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e sex tier list (adults)
f tier
d tier
group chats
c tier
group chats only women
b tier
women who have bfs now who i wont mention (i only esex women who r single or dating me)
empythchan vore sabu transbians who dont pass
a tier
ami amber alina mew
s tier
peachtea goth bbw from iceland strawberry blond milf from penn transbians who do pass

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ami would be s tier if she had more esex with me and stopped acting like im a cuck
>transbians who dont pass
I've done it with one of these and it was definitely A-tier

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Trump literally turned all American men into transfems, legally.
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Because then leftists will start cutting off babies' genitalia at birth to justify their insanity.
retarded and tranny

the genitals have the same structure, egg carriers [test/ovaries] and the seed exporter [penis or vagina] it starts off blank and the master sry switch determines the gender as soon as the allele strands bond with one a other
Why are you two trying to reason with dumdums?
It's fun watching them seethe as they struggle to come to grips with reality.
because I'm fucking tired of seeing retards in positions of power that appeals to the masses instead of common sense. We have qualifications but not competence leading our society ending up on the downfall of our civilization. It's either between pop pseudo science or retarded conspiracy theorists.

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low key this is a bop fr
She's going to whore out soon and get fucked by a saudi prince, it happens every time

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Is money everything in life? Should i make sure to do everything to have a lot of money? Whether to live well, take care of my family or just in general?
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If money isnt everything then why do people try to become famous so they can be in the entertainment industry, because actors get paid well? I hear people talking about all the time, 'its about money, im doing this just for the money' They do it to make sure their family is taken care of.
>Is money everything in life?
>Should i make sure to do everything to have a lot of money?
>Whether to live well, take care of my family or just in general?
the truth is, you can't do anything without money.
>Is money everything in life?
you need enough money to be able to afford a criminal defense lawyer for when if you ever get falsely accused and enough money for an emergency fund to relocate during a natural disaster. If you can afford these two things you have enough money, but unfortunately this is considered
>a lot of money
the less you have to think about money the better your life will be. If you have too little money, you have to think about it a lot because it only takes a little carelessness before you can't afford to keep the roof over your head. If you have too much money, you have to think about it all the time because the money is tied up with a lot of responsibilities and obligations. Ideally you have enough money in where you're focused on the work you do, and you have a lifestyle which does not require more money than you earn. You can set all your bills on autopay, including the bill you charge yourself to save for retirement. In feudal Japan, managing the household finances was woman's work, so the men could focus on the manly things in life. If a man wanted to do something, he asked the woman if he could afford it, the woman came back with some options for tradeoffs (i.e. you could afford it if you cut back on XYZ) and the man made the final call. I think that's pretty based.
not "everything" but if you wanna be happy you will know that you can't when you don't have it

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what do you mean you are just going to cut my foreskin off?
>what do you mean you are just going to cut my foreskin off?
Yes. For hygiene purposes.
Aye matey, next is yer arms, yknow, so you ain't gotta wash your pits.

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i like the duroc pig the best, it looks funny
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Which one makes the best bacon?
Mangalica is pretty cool
Pot Bellied Pigs are sweet but I couldn't eat them.
Durocs are good for that though
I want a Mangalica, but it has to be small.
The kunekune because it sounds like cunny cunny.

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