Thread for discussions about self harm and mutual support today's been so nice and warm aaaa spring is coming Hey>How are you doing today?>Any plans for today?>When was the last time you hurt yourself?>Why did you hurt yourself?>Is there anything bothering you right now?
>>80548025>Pretty bad. I've had a stomach cramp.that does sound pretty badhope it goes away >watching an animewhat anume you watching?I saw lucky star recently
>>80548111>that does sound pretty badhope it goes awayIt's pretty much gone now. I just hate being in pain.>what anume you watching?Ingress: The Animation.>I saw lucky star recentlyI haven't watched that yet. I watched Vinland Saga and it was cool the first episode but on the second episode I got bored of it.
>>80546557>maybe you'd have a better time just working your way up instead of going through academics?that could be, although i dont know how difficult and convoluted uni can be compared to what im doing right now...>>80546883tautology>>80546895ywnbaw>>80547325>that's pretty scary, hopefully you manage to find something niceis there a job you'd like to have?the scariest part is waking up and getting there on time. and getting enough sleep>you sure like winterComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Hey, I hope everyone is getting amazing sleep.>>80548106>hellooooooo everyoneHey Sisyphus! It's always delightful seeing you.>somehow i managed to pass 2 classes Wonderful job done.>im still waiting for the results from one :<Hope it's positive news when you get it.>dont enjoy ANYTHING not even people i love, its like they just, existThat sounds hard, feeling totally numb like that is never good at all.
Is there anything more painful than realizing everybody who made fun of you or bullied you was and still is objectively superior to you in every way as a human?
i want to wear fox ears and have a guy i like pet them (theyre fluffy) while im laying on him and have him reassure me when i ask stupid questions and call me his pretty fox. is this too much to ask of moids?
wish I had a femcel gf to cuddle with
>>80548193>"femcel">cute girl
>>80548206Shit like this is why we can't have femcel gfs
>>80548216We're already playing pretend
>>80547539Wheres the version of this where its a boy being choked by a woman
>>80547535Instead of cuddling, I like fuckling
Do moids feel jealous of female sexual pleasure and multipIe orgasms?
>>80546870I'm the same way, except I moan while gooning
>>80546799I always cum 5+ times in a row and I edge for hours on end sometimesI basically don't have a refractory period and only stop cumming when I can't even physically stay hard and I'm actually fatigued even then I still feel frisky and want to be horny and I get annoyed that my balls aren't filled upI want to be pent up and desperate to spurt literally all the time, it's my favorite feeling in the world and when I set up the perfect orgasm and just fucking explode into an onahole while pumping my hips I feel like I'm literally going to pop like a balloon it's so fucking amazing and warm and intenselike I get turned on thinking about how my balls are incessantly filling with sperm and make me desperate to reproduce and it just drives me crazy giving in to my urges and following my instinctsI think I'm actually hypersexual because I'm autistic, I've been cumming my brains out since before I was even old enough to ejaculate at all and I've never slowed down sinceI used to be jealous of girls cumming their brains out and being impregnated and I'd still die to experience that feeling and swelling with babies but ever since I've leaned into having the most explosive orgasms possible over and over again with proper sex toys and everything it's so mind bending I am utterly addicted to raw babymaking sex and I'm so happy I'm a desperately horny male with balls always tingling my brain and making me obsessed with cute girls and their fertile holesIdeally I'd just be a futanari and breed and be bred by fat cocks all the timeI want to be swollen with my GF's babies while I pump into her and feel my children squirming in her with our bellies touching and plapping into each other and our boobs full of milk as my balls swell with potent semen and we take turns emptying ourselves endlessly into each other god I love sex
>>80549245the only* pleasurable thing*, since it can be self-provided.It seems stupid at first to think they would make an agenda out of something so insignificant, but orgasms are a low level subject tied to a very high level issue about the dehumanization of man
>sex and masturbation is the one thing that brings me unequivocal joy>my dick was mutilated willingly by my parents at birth without my consent GIVE ME MY FUCKING FORESKIN BACKGIVE IT BACKI HATE MY FUCKING FAMILY
>>80549293oh yes, and this tooas if the masochistic nature of the orgasm gap agenda wasn't enough of a given, most sex research is produced in countries with high circumcision rates, endorsing the lie that women have better orgasms.It's lie on top of lie on top of lie.
>sex feels good>i want more of itsimple as, i don't need to post spinning recorder girl to prove it
Bus etiquette edition
*sips*remember foot and mouth?
You couldn't kick a blind man in the face.
Isnt this amazing xcxfdxxxxxxx
>>80549221bird flu killed it. difficult market. little town full of ittle ppl x
It's actually insane seeing how far the alt-right has came since Charlottesville. Now normies are on the subject of Jewish power, dancing Israelis, white replacement, etc, all of which would've had destroyed politically/socially less than 10 years ago. Now it's just mainstream talking points. Even reaching normie podcasts like Joe Rogan. People I come across in my daily life talk about Joe Rogan's podcast, I mean fucking hell. Talking heads like Tucker Carlson going on about white replacement. It is insane. I don't see how anyone thinks the alt-right lost. If you could go back and tell any of those marching that this would be the mainstream political discourse in less than 10 years, I doubt any would have believed you. This is the mass awakening that George Lincoln Rockwell could only dream of. I think the riots of 2020 and October 7th were pivotal moment in history. Truly.
>>80547281>reaching normieJoe Rogan has always been the most influential right wing pod cast, don't pretend he was ever anything other than this
>>80547512>minorities shouldn't be Careful boy, all fun and games until you part of one
>>80549119>truth always prevails> Religions still a major force in the world If history is to be taken into account, lies always prevail, and some lies are so successful you build entire civilizations on top of lies.You worship one of them
>>80547281Jews are gonna get thrown under the bus by the worst ones with the most power so it looks like the enemy responsible for every wrong is gone.
>>80549119>It's easier to create scapegoats >Does exactly thatYou just demonstrated first hand how that poster was right. You resumed a whole decade of political discourse into one scapegoat. Definitely easier.
Did your life get better? Did it get worse? Do you feel any different from how you felt all those years ago?
>>80548209I haven't celebrated my birthday in YEARS. Hell, I simply bedrot during my birthdays because it's so depressing to grow older. I sleep them away.
My 20s were hell. It's better now, if only slightly. More perspective helps.
>>80548209No it never got better, investments went nowhere and still aren't, still living with my mom in a state with no jobs, still single for more than 10 years.
>>80548209neither. i read something explaining happiness set point theory many years ago and i agree with it, ive had many of the things i wanted in life happen and they never bring me lasting satisfaction. i have been moderately unhappy as long as i can remember, and i think no matter what i will remain moderately unhappy. i have accepted this and i dont mind it much these days. makes it easier to let things roll off of you like water off a ducks back, knowing youll feel exactly the same as if they didnt within a few days or even hours.
>>80548209These pictures are so fucking grim. So many interesting greentexts came from them analyzing the situation, truly, low-status and generally empty and dumb and totally oblivious parents like that shouldn't ever reproduce. It's the most hellish mod of like a male could ask for, a girl can get away with it because gynocentric society but as a male hell is a good word to describe what you're up against. Not just for how the world will treat you but how you were raised, again, empty and devoid of essence. Born to parents unable or unwilling to see the crushing pain and suffering that your sons face does when you buy him a cake for his 25+ birthday...........
I just finished shitting out a python sized log that clogged my toilet after not shitting for two days, my bathroom smells absolutely rancid now
>>80549131I went on a camping trip a few years ago. Didn't poop the whole time. Got back to the friend's apartment I was staying at before going home and the log damn near stretched out of the bowl. One piece. Somehow it went down in one flush and it was a no wiper. Truly my greatest work.
Letter Thread: Eye of the Storm EditionPrior- >>80518995
>>80547450You better not talk about me because I'm always myself on this board. I do self-censor in other environments plagued with SJW with their performative justice bullshit to spare them from being triggered by a slightly deviating opinion based on facts that they so hate to hear.Whenever I hear a biological male with beard stubble's that shot female hormones into his system to larp as a biological female... man, I hate these liars. They are as delusional as comb-over-wearers and are an eye-sore to boot. The truth-bending is the real problem tho.Noone, not even the enablers are buying the lie. The best they can hope for are closeted gay dudes that are "sooo nice" to them because they want to use you to satisfy their kink. That's fucking it. You don't have the ability to bear children so what is this shit about you "simulating" a period using fake blood? What is this stupid shit?And no, I'm not a dead fish like Keanu Reeves who is so defeated from listening to you delusional retards that claim that 1+1==3 or a person can be a woman after switching teams a couple of months prior. You didn't experience life growing up as a biological female so what the fuck are you guys getting out of this stupid larp? Are you aware that this kind of stupid shit is one of the reasons the Nazis are back in full swing? Noone wanted this shit and you ruined it for all of us. Fuck you!
And it goes on, and on. nothing's changed, at least not for me. sitting on the outside and watching them do their things while I'm frozen in a bubble, watching others get the excitement and adventure and caring that I've never deserved. It's me and you. It was me and you from the start, it was me and you before the retard, and it was you that whispered in my ear before the last. I love you, and noone will ever replace you. they can't.
Check this out. Imagine being so shit at memes.
I know I'm insane to you. I always was. insane, rude, hurtful, but you never bothered to see what was under that. actions speak louder than words and your actions prove how much k meant to you. thank you for showing me now. thank you for showing me that a random dude who you didn't even meet irl could replace me instantly. thank you for using our issues as "trauma" for you to tell the next person I put you through, like that lying pos did. thank you.
When I was about 6 years old, my dad took me four-wheeling through the woods. I sat in front of him with his arms around me on the steering bar. It was exhilarating. We dipped down into an alcove onto a dirt path that led through a portion of the woods, bringing us to a clearing on a hill. As soon as we entered the alcove, we were immediately assaulted by horseflies.My dad quickly whipped us around, gunning the engine to escape the shade of the forest trees and get into the sun of one of our fields, only to find the horseflies were still attacking. Without hesitation, he slammed on the brakes, ripped off his jean jacket, and covered me to protect me from the bites. We drove all the way back home, and even though I couldn't see the flies, I could hear them buzzing around.When we got back inside the house, I looked up at my dad, and his body was covered in bites. Not a single one had gotten me, though. He had protected me the whole time.
foids, what does a moid have to do or traits for them to be loveable to you?
>>80549019no you might be a murderer freak
>>80549007Ur mentally ruined from those discord sessions
>>80549044Ohh okay anon D:
>>80549105ive only had esex with one person>>80549129sorry anon
>>80549214I will just go hold hands with someone else >:(
I declare war against the lolicon and plan an operation against robot head quarters. We invade against tranime users and bring glory to the /qa/ lords, heed our warning r9k. ADULT FETISHISM WILL BE NORMALIZED.
>>80548319saaar I can't take itcht in heir to many tranni-ACK ESTROGEN OVERLOAD
>>80548319Theyre not even real moral faggot>>80548346Welcome
>>80548319The sharty has done more damage to real children than lolicons could ever dream of.
>>>80548319 (OP)>The party has done more damage to real children than lolicons could ever dream of.
>>80548805>>The party has done more damage to real children than lolicons could ever dream of.
Damn, probably got cancer.
>>80548946well it's really easy to jump to that conclusion but sometimes but there's always multiple things that could be confused for cancer. stay calm brother
>>80548955the vax is in the water it's over for all of us
Joseph Murphy cured himself by manifesting good health. Just like Emile Coue did to his patients. Just act like you're in great health 24/7, override your mind, and fall asleep feeling like superman and you won't even notice it go away because you'll be convinced you're already in great health.
>>80548956>stay calm brotherAlready over most of my worry. Mainly just waiting for definitive answers so I can move forward. If it is what I'm thinking it is, I'm hoping I still got a bit of time left. Need me a few more years to try and sort things out so hopefully something good can finally happen. Thanks for being nice, anon. I appreciate you.
>>80548946Many time cancers around the throat are caught only when the tumor is big enough to start causing these issues and you start feeling differences in the flesh, hopefully, everything is good. Unfortunately, seems like your cancer has progressed to a point where you may not make it out the other end alive. My Grandma had to have her lower jaw removed because of the cancer spreading but they caught it before it went all over. But she was a monster after that
Escort strippers massueses whatever. > inb4 it doesn't count if its with a condomIts a myth you have to always wear condoms and hetero STDs are a meme. > They don't love youDo you think normie women love you. > They won't do girlfriend things have your children ever do it for free etcNot at 1st but if you're a regular and you can give them any sort of decent fucking you'd be surprised. They generally actually turn out to be cheaper than a normie girlfriend for regulars.
>>80546728I only fucked a hooker when I was able to fuck a normal girl.The hooker looked like a prime Sara Jean Underwood so it was worth it. But most are either overweight or fucking ugly.
>>80546728ive only ever fucked hookers. never had a gf. had one escort who was my regular. it sounds like bullshit but truly what makes sex special is having mutual feelings towards each other and her WANTING to have sex with you. i only experienced a very tiny piece of that with my regular escort but she passed away and havent had that since.
>>80546728>and hetero STDs are a meme.This is retarded advice and you kids will get hpv genital warts and herpes thinking like that. Don't say nobody warned you. It'll get to you in your 30s when your immune system is weaker as you're aging.
>>80546728>hetero STDs are a memeYeah dude only faggots get AIDs and every other infection you can possibly get is nothing to worry about just because it's not AS BAD as getting AIDs Hey, at least a prostitute can't turn you down for having syphilis scars.
>>80546728Paying for sex is worse than paying for bottled water that probably came from the tap in a bad area. You're just directly funding the clown show, it's bad enough they get as much money as they do.