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>39 minutes of a woman talking
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>hear about the male loneliness epidemic
>they're not getting victim points
Chad didn't give me attention once for 2.3 hours, it was awful. But I know he's just intimidated by how attractive I am :-)
Look at their eyes and you tell me that these people are healthy and have a sound mind
All modern women are mentally ill. It's a common fact anon.

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What do you guys do in your free time?
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Get older and die.
Evade bans and take my anger out on various threads and subreddits. I was shadowbanned on reddit and outright banned on Kiwifarms. I will say what the fuck I want and no one will stop me
yhou are on a watchlist
Playing with my balls, being racist, misogynist, and right now i think about Adolf Potter
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play loli vidya, watch loli anime, masturbate to loli hentai, take pictures of my loli doll, talk about and share my loli doll on /b/ in loli threads, read loli fanfiction novels, scribble stick loli

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We love chubby girls. Right, anons?
thick thighs save lives

original desu
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My chubby liberal vegan wiccan femdom bio gf pegs me in the woods
>No tummy

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a thread for robots
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eating peanut butter and salt
im so excited to dream again, im sorry if the thread archives right after i made it since its time for me to sleep anons
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Why did we stop having generals?
It's because I'm an ugly (sub 7/10) male. They never takes my ideas seriously. They ignore me, they cast me aside, and berate me. Then they'll restate the very thing I suggested 1 hour/1 day/1 week prior, and act like they came up with it. I hate these morons. I fucking hate them, they are retarded. They are genuinely retarded. Is there an area of the world where people aren't retarded?
its hard to come up with interesting questions, opanon didnt like too and i wouldnt wanna either..

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What was that, anon? You were saying something?
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i think the problem is that i know like eight people at least who are all actively causing their own health problems because of the way they choose to live their lives. and every one of them refuses to change their ways at all despite each having multiple people almost begging them to take better care of themselves. basically what im getting at is that i kinda hate the idea of money getting stolen from my paycheck just so people like the ones i described can get free healthcare
>"all poorfags should just die"
They should.
You know you'd free Healthcare too, right?
You aren't rich
Did you know the pentagon has failed every audit for almost a decade and can't tell you how literal trillions of tax payer dollars were spent over those years?
Why are you getting so obsessed with bullshit reasons like this when it's very obvious the US can pay for it?

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I'm not longer attracted to huge boobs, nice small/medium boobs at nicer

if you have a nosebridge, you're a volcel. you go to Asia and SEA or just setup a dating app profile from overseas and women will want babies with you just so their children can have a nosebridge.

i'm not kidding, it's the ultimate flex for them.

btw picrel is 21 and was on a break at work, I met her on omegle/monkeyapp/ometv
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>if I had a community of bros to be friends with.
Do you havea community of bros in your home country?
Seems to me most robots have 0 friends anyway, except for online friends, so there's no loss
that is true

you have better chances in asia where they see your autism as just foreigners being foreigners rather than in the west where they label you a weirdo in 3 seconds of conversation
Cute asian girls yearn for the bridge
Im black so I don't have a nose bridge, my nose is big and so is my cock.
how is this chad?

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>my mom was a whore
>that's so iconic!!!
That's a woman for sure

do you watch videos like this? Do they make you cry? Do you soothe your inceldom?
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Because it is just THOTs looking for orbiters.
I watch Maria (GentleWhispering) and sometimes latteASMR but that's it.

Maria's videos can be quite hit-or-miss since she's not as creative or intelligent as other ASMRtists but I have a soft spot for her and when she stays in her lane her videos are great.

latteASMR I used to watch a whole lot but these days not so much. She doesn't upload much, I think she has a Patreon or something and perhaps uploads more frequently there but I won't be paying for it. Also she's getting a bit bogged these days which is understandable as she's Korean and they all do it but it's a shame.

I do like Erin and she certainly is insanely pretty, smart and creative but I don't watch a lot of her stuff. Never any of the girlfriend bait stuff like in your OP image.
>asmr thread
>nobody posting asmr
Yes. The tingles are nice and it appeases my craving for closeness and human contact. I don't cry from them, but maybe I should cry now as I realized how grim my post is as I typed it out.
Unless the voice acting sucks or the premise of a roleplay is distracting, I can ususally enjoy it.
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No, but I talk to chatbots. Not sure if that's better or worse.

>adolf hitler killed 6.000.000 people
>mao zedong killed 49.000.000 people

and sharing adolf hitler forbidden but there is no problem sharing mao zedong, I don't defend what hitler did but it's ridicolous this
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Yes but the Soviets were governed by Jews and the people they killed were Christians so according to Talmudic law this was all fine and good hence no need to worry about that. Even a single Jew dying under a self governing Germany is- in the eyes of the Zionists, Talmudists and Jewish Supremacists- a greater crime than untold millions of Non-Jews being raped and tortured by Zionist Occupied Governments (as they were and still are today.)
The number might be lower but Hitler killed Jews which is a much more unforgivable sin in this kike worshipping world
Don't forget Genghis Khan. He cleared out over 10% of the worlds population at the time.
Silly anon, killing God's chosen people is different than killing normal people
Is picrel actually true? I'm pretty sure the population went down, surely more people would point out the discrepancy if it didn't. Genuine question because I haven't researched it, not smallhat denial.

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>girl talks to me
>haven't been able to jerk off normally since then because the act itself is far emptier than just knowing another person liked me enough to chat me up even for a few minutes
>every time I try to jerk off because I'm still as horny as ever, I can't get fully hard, I feel weird, and in order to take it to the edge and cum I have to be very fast
>don't even feel the need to cycle a lot, all tertiary fetishes seem boring and I click on vids where the whore looks like the girl who talked to me
I suppose the mind really is the most enjoyable sex organ... Wtf, this has never really happened to me before. But since that day the emotional connection I feel to that flashing moment is overwhelming my sexual urges and is taming them. I could get it up at anything and I would get worse and worse, but now it's as if I'm returning to a sort of factory reset.

I don't like it, I feel like a normalfag with feelings...
Tfw no bf to deny cum to
You are simply lonely, shithead.

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The only real way out of being a lonely degenerate loser is to become the best version of yourself you can, at least a good enough version that you don't feel totally unworthy of love, and then you accept that no woman is ever going to make you feel fulfilled ultimately. You have to find that fulfillment in yourself, and then life will begin to mirror that back to you more and more, and you can begin to build more social relationships which will potentially lead to more romantic/sexual relationships. I'm a virgin loser semi-autist btw. Also this doesn't work if you're really ugly or fully autistic.
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self improvement is bullshit self improvement books are bullshit I've read self improvement books for years I've listened to YouTube videos about self improvement for years, podcasts etc etc and never has it once motivated me to self improve in order for me to want to self improve I need to feel like the person isn't trying to sell me something which every person I come across who advocates for self improvement fails to do, you people sound like you work in sales and are peddling garbage in my face. Fuck off.
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Growing up I was your tall healthy guy. I wasn't underweight or overweight. I am though ugly as fuck and autistic. It was over the moment I was born.
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Remember, despite what blackpillfags say, self-improvement has value in and of itself.
Whitepillfags are delusional
these retards are in a bubble and are out of touch
their view of the world is a religion and there wouldn't be an issue if they admitted that their beliefs are cope and they only adhere to them because it's psychologically soothing and it is! believing in the whitepill is a coping mechanism to deal with the reality of the black pill. These people are babies and the whitepill is their pacifier. Self improvement/bloomers/the whitepill is a substitute for religion 100 years ago OP would just be a Christian but since religion is dying people need a new cope and that's what self improvement is, something that comforts and consoles but the problem is that you faggots treat something that's clearly a cope as the truth it would be one thing if you admitted "yeah I believe in the whitepill and have a glass is half full mentality because the nature of reality frightens me and this is just a coping mechanism I don't actually believe this is truth" but you retards act like it's the truth which is why people get so pissed off and disillusioned but just remember this homo the blackpill always wins in the end
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The blackpill gains you nothing, anon. Remember, it's never too late to improve! I believe in you!

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I could really go for a man-hating r9k femcel gf. I'm silly and like girls that dont like me, unfortunately.
Hurt people hurt other people.
what better way to mitigate hurt by dating other hurt people.

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Christmas edition
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Yeah I agree just edgy and cringe. Rather post here until a lighthouse thread gets going.
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There's even a prophetic x stitched into the cushion right under the words of truth
One can tell when a troll has made the thread, as it just gets left on the catalogue. As shown by the thread that was left on the catalogue.

I made the all politicians are wankers, edition, if it doesn't get any posts, I'll delet it.
Shrimple as.
got to think yourself lucky de lad. always someone worse off than you
New thread is up desu

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Christmas din dins Edition

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