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Why does jerking of to 2d art and 3D/SFM not make me feel nearly as bad as when I jerk it to irl porn?
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More tired, like having a light hangover
With 2d this doesn't happen at all, I just crank it out and I'm ready to take on the rest of the day after cleaning up
2D is closer to the platonic world of forms
You talk to much women anon? Ever lay with one? If not then maybe its a sign of an unmet need
jerking it to drawings is not as immoral. it's like a loophole.
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Outside of work and family not really, and I'm a virgin.. Obviously, I'm posting here about porn.

I don't really have that much interest in people IRL, feels impossible to even meet someone I'd even WANT to talk to.

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It's just never happening, is it?
Try something different if what you're doing is not working.

Persistence is key.
Certainly not if you give up anon-kun
It's happening right now

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If you take finasteride you are a tranny. Real men just accept their hair loss.
I agree. Those meds are too risky. I am using topical minox twice daily with a derma roller to basically keep what I have left. I started balding when I was like 17. 30 now and only a third of my hair is left on the top of my head. Its slowly going away because minox wont stop it, only slow the loss over time, but I can stretch whats left until Im 40 or so. Growing it out and learning to cut and style it properly. Looks alright.

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Is this reaction gif used ironically or genuinely? Maybe a little of both?

I have autism I can't tell.
it can be either but youre gonna need a little more context. are autistic people unable to read context clues or something?
Both but it is more likely ironically.
Especially if its used by children who may agree they are genuine but are actually not deep down.
whats with saying zased instead of based?
genuine with an ironic undertone, like the shit is actually based but you are trying to but a bit of cringe to your reply
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The artifacts have artifacts

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I've taken the black pill (black woman pill). Black women are the lowest smv women. It's only logical that currycels date them
We Indians fuck all the best white women and East Asians.
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Post a letter that will probably get to everyone but the intended recipient.
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kms today. hope yourer happy
>kms today. hope yourer happy

Cya retard
I can't believe it took you two whole weeks from downloading discord to turn into the spitting image of a stereotypical discord thot.

Fuck, I thought you were so much better than that.
Ghostwriter feels oddly relevant now
Finally did laundry after the dryer died. Wasted a bunch of time so couldn't complete the primary objective. Family wants me to upgrade my wardrobe and want to take me to some place to pick out a bunch of dress shoes and business wear. Never been much into fashion since I was a teenager. Back then I'd just ask the girls working in the boutiques to help pick me out something. Funny they'd usually just grab whatever was in the window at the time. The current plan is to get 2 or 3 pairs of shoes and a bunch of suits or 2 pieces maybe. I'd like some ties too I think. After this step getting a professional head shot would be ideal. My LinkedIn has set empty for years, despite that someone checks my profile almost weekly, so I'll finally get around to updating that.

I've probably been interview ready for some time now but I'd like to improve in a few areas first before I start putting out feelers. I say that but I know the presentation I gave a week back or so was probably pretty impressive. Too bad magic like that can't be captured and repeated. It was much weaker the next go around. I know why that is now too. It's because the first time you're just in the zone pulling out the info from your mind and translating the ideas into words. The repeats are usually just someone trying to remember what they already said so it's never as good or crisp. If I'm able to deliver something on a similar level I believe it would shut down an interview on the spot. But I can only do that when I'm able to fully understand the vision and approach. It's not easy or immediate.

Would have really liked to go shopping for uniforms but I guess I'll just this time to check off other boxes. Funny. You said you still had a pair of my socks but I think I left two. There's no way I was going to accept your invitation. Makes me think of you Raymond, how you said you're in a cocoon and will hide away until you emerge as a beautiful butterfly. I'm glad I got to know you and see you make it. Wait 4me

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Have you ever fallen in love with a fictional character you've created?
Implicitly or explicitly
I'm thinking about Pygmalion and anima projections
Wondering if people do this more than they realize

Sketching again tonight, you can request but I may not be able to deliver since it's getting late
Hope you anons are doing well
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what is this character called? glegle is better
It's not any particular character, it's just a girl I drew
You may be confusing her for brypink because of the color, maybe
>glegle is better
I find glegle funny and contributed to the variations
I still have a folder somewhere
How was she different? Do you remember anything about her personality at all?
Nothing. But i remember she had beautiful flowing brown hair, and she shone with brilliance. Her face is something i can't describe, but if i saw it in real life, i would immediatly catch it
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I hate being a man and I hate male sexuality. I wish I didn't feel a need to be with a woman at all, because I'll never be able to actually express any of those feelings I have towards women.

The only way I've been able to reconcile my attraction to women with the reality that I'm a creepy autistic weirdo who grew up with a religious mother who didn't want me dating anyone is to fall in love with fictional women instead. I have an imaginary woman in my head who's been the object of my thoughts and feelings for the last decade, and I've spent enough time thinking about her and having feelings for her that I don't think I can feel the same way about anyone else anymore. I'm going back to college and even when surrounded by attractive young women at my dorm I'm not interested in any of them because they're not her.

I will probably be alone my whole life and spend the next 30 years in an empty apartment passively living off inherited investments until I kill myself. Or I'll marry a woman who I don't really care about who already has a child from another man and just go through the motions of having a normal life but I don't care because it's not with her.

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>dark complected Japanese girls with big eyes, no surgeries
Name a cuter sight.
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Her nose it too fat and wide
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The nose makes her cuter.
It's just white guys letting Asian girls get away with being less than ideal, obviously. Nothing new under the sun.
I only want the lighter skinned ones that look more like the Ainu and other ancient era natives (more European-like facial features). I can't justify racemixing otherwise. It does not activate my monkey neurons and fire up my boner.

Since you all keep obsessing over him, how does he actually look like? Post some pics.
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>it's whatever makes women wet
and what makes women wet?
definitely a chad if i ever saw one.

look up what women find physically attractive in men.
>look up what women find physically attractive in men.
You are trying to weasel out of the task i gave you, pls post a pic of such men
i answered your stupid question.
I also said post some pics, which you failed to do. Now post some pics

I know he's a degenerate POS for leaving his wife and son to go be a tranny, but what's the story with the kids?

He talked to a 14 year old online and a few risque memes were exchanged but didn't fuck? What's actually the big deal there? Texting has nothing to do with fucking, even Chris Hansen has acknowledged this principle.

Is there more to it that I haven't heard?
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Puts him on par with Vaush. I still don't see how it's news
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>Puts him on par with Vaush
>I still don't see how it's news
It's only new because the audience of mr beast is huge and the main demographic are young teenagers
Idc he's a tranny and should get fucked over
Kris is just a degenerate. Even the kid he was talking to is defending him: https://x.com/LavaGS. People nowadays are really bored and try to find people to accuse of various things (especially pedophilia since it's so terrible). His leaving his wife and child to troon out and fulfill his depraved sexual fantasies is much worse than this.
i'm not defending him, think what you want

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Let's fire one up, shall we?

Draw your own stuff, take suggestions, all that jazz.
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'kochi on the 'og
Are you the artist that likes Rin?
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a drawthread again, it must be christmas

oh i like this, you got the shirt to look very natural and baggy i like it. good draw


Tell your wife to go catch fish and watch her react edition

create waifus and talk about them

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide
OR (currently dead)


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Goa and Saeriah are both kinda clueless, and vibe well because of that
Just watching them be absolutely clueless and vibing together sounds cute

Also i am trying to gen random things but instead I am getting stuff like Goa licks her neck fashion accessory thing
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Goa is making silly faces even though i did not ask her to
Such a goofy goober
Goa is goofing around, and I am off to sleep, nighty night thread
heading out early today because I am heading to town for my favorite roti canai stall

goa nighty night goa

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Why do men and women have such unrealistically warped standards for one another?
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get medicated or something, driving is not hard
>get in the giant dangerous heavy vehicle and go fast with other retards who could kill or mangle your body in an instant
sounds fun uh huh. i guess normgroids all have a death wish.
If you can avoid bumping into people on the sidewalk, you can avoid bumping into people on the road. Hundreds of millions of people do it every day.
those people are not me, it will happen specifically to me someone will end up killing me or mangle my body if i drive. that is my luck. nothing good has happened in my life and driving will just bring me further misfortune.
You have to kill your competitors and create a pile of their skulls in your farmhouse estate like farmers from that period did, until the Chariot Chads show up and kill you and take all of your women

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i have never inserted my erection into a vagina
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I have done so and will do so again
>i love god, i am a big fan of god, i love his work like the vagina, he really made it very cunty for us
That's just wrong. Good parents can raise any child into a man who marries and founds a family. Stop blaming people for being unlucky.
>I didn't choose the incel life, the incel life chose me.
If you're a parent you can create the most mentally Ill adult on earth as a sort of human experiment. An adult who has every single mental illness. This has been done to many people.

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Femcel, why don't you just make videos like this? You could get an army of simp paypigs in no time.
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you know that chick isn't attractive right? it's literally just the hair
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she's more attractive than me still, no matter what haircut i get.

i've only gotten made fun of by guys (and stacies). i dont think there's anything i can do, and the blackpill is too depressing to think about
She needs BWC badly, she said she feels "empty inside." If you know, you know.
God I want to simp for a femcel
i audibly sighed when i saw this pop up in my recommendations

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