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These threads are not for the faint of heart or someshit like that
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bro you dont need money to be happy
even if i had 0 dollars i would be doing exactly what im doing now, because ive been there and done it.
stop putting some funny money made up pieces of paper with fake value attached to it on a pedestal , anything you want is possible .
your little baw posts about you getting a free ride from your parents and seeking pity is beyond pathetic and detached from reality. you're in a hole and you need a reality check because you're a fucking idiot getting your piece of paper saying your a good goy isnt going to suddenly guarantee you a high paying job lol
Soon to be 31 years old here, I'm planning on enlisting in the air force. Its that or suicide so this is basically a hail mary for my continued existence. Goes without saying but I'm a virgin with no friends, also poor.
My (only) relationship with a woman (who is just using me and taking advantage of me) is about to come to an end how do I survive without kms at the realization that any woman that shows interest in me just wants to use me and I'll be spending my life alone
hypergamy is just a nice way to say hoeflation anon.
if anything that will make her respect your less, she fucks chad on his yellow mattress on the floor with no sheets

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>Know I was raped/molested as a kid
>I can remember the taste of his cock.
>I can remember the feeling of his pubes against my face
>I can remember how the cum tasted
>I can't remember who did it

Life is suffering, and death is the only escape. I will never heal from this. I don't care what MD professionals believe; they're wrong. Nothing can ever "heal" what has happened to me and the damage it has done to my mind.
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You're not wrong. I did it and never told anyone. I accepted the pain and the person who did it will have their reward in full.
also got molested, can remember, it was a family member, went public years later, they got everything they ever wanted in life and I think about killing myself daily, I don't have any close friends, no s/o, both parents are huge narcissists so they don't so much hate me for me as they hate me as a matter of course for being living proof that they're shitty people and parents. First thing my stepmom said when she talked to me about it is "we didn't tell (abuser) because they had a test and really need to focus on studying" can't make this shit up.

Stay angry. Use it. Don't fly off the handle like a retard. That's all the advice I have for you. If you don't have a job get one, if you don't have a plan to get educated and pursue a career start drafting one now and don't let anyone or anything dissuade or deflect you.
Seconding this OP. I think you were asking for it.
Knowing who did it doesn't make anything easier. I was molested by a family member and have never been able to move on from it, I can't even talk about it in therapy. I'm going to kill myself soon.
People like that are why I'm misanthropic. I'm pretty sure my father was raped as a child (Probably at church or relative) and that's why he's such a emotionally stunted narcissistic retard covered in shitty tattoos (body shame) and a alcoholic. I have a hard time feeling sorry for him because he refuses to admit what happened to him and actually work on his issues. Atleast you guys admit it and are trying to heal and move on. I stopped talking to my father years ago because he's so toxic pathetic, delusional and hopeless. I can't wait until he and his parents finally die and are just gone and done with. His fat fucking retarded trump cultist parents just rot in their house watching tucker carlson all day. 91 years old and still won't fucking die. They're horrible people and severely messed up all 4 of their children. My grandfather has both shoulders, both knees and both hips replaced and he has only one eye left, is on oxygen and the dumbass still won't die. My mother has FAS also a narcissistic retarded petty asshole. Just focus on yourself guys and try to heal and move on how you can. As you said use the anger to better your situation.

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>have to write essay
>want to write a good one
>realize this would require me to read at least 1000 pages worth of literature in the subject and countless hours reading and thinking, as well as perfectly choosing a good topic BEFORE i even read everything (otherwise i would be reading irrelevant shit) so that i have to know before I begin study what the topic of my essay would be which is a logical impossibility (you cant know of a good topic before you studied the topic)
>otherwise you would have to study every topic connected to your essay in any way and then after that choose the topic and then read more on the specified topic
>churn out some generic, semi-coherent shit instead and call it a day

It's hot during the summer day, but when it gets cooler at night, I wish for cuddles.

**Friendship Simulation Edition**

Feel free, friend, to answer or ignore as many questions as you like, or even ask your own. Truthfully, they're there as an appetizer after all.

1. When is it OK to betray a friend's trust?

2. Are you petty? What's the last thing that you did that you knew was petty? How did it make you feel, and do you regret it?

3. Do you believe it's ever OK to doxx someone? Under what circumstances is it OK?

4. Would you consider yourself a bad person or a good person? Why? What do you think most of your closest allies would think?

5. Is it possible for rape to occur inside a marriage between spouses?
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Why's everyone trying to be good? Where are the lawful evil and chaotic neutral types?
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What do try do to be a better person?
>You've been planning this for years, and you think it's funny
Planning what? How do you feel about these plans?
>"do unto others" framework, which is more annoying than anything
What's your issue with that? Do you believe in something different, such as might makes right?

>But I also question the sincerity of your pro-social emphasis along with why I should even care.
Why are you suspicious about that? Do you think I want you to care?
>In the end I would probably just remove myself from their lives.
You wouldn't consider getting even or revenge?

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>tfw finally get a like on a dating app
Can't wait for you to post your plapjack moment op, don't leave us hanging.

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Bugged out kind of day.
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Our lord and savior Aisus forgives even the most depraved of souls...
wth well just so u know i don't forgive you for urs meaniesu
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That's okay. I have already forgiven myself, love.
Evening dose of good boy sex with Aisu.
add this to the npd mantra "it's ok if u don't forgive me cause i forgave myself"

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What if you stopped apologizing for who you were? What if you stopped trying to conform? What if you truly accepted yourself? Inside you there is a bird, and no matter how long you keep it caged up, that bird will always want to spread its wings and fly. It's time to let it go anon. I know you feel like you're protecting it, and you were for a time, but it's time to set that bird free. It's time to fly.

You don't have a bird inside you you fucking retard. Do you really think a bird could live inside a human body? Stupid faggot

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social hierarchy captured on camera.
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Why the fuck is bullying such a big issue in china??
someday she's gonna fuck with the wrong person and get stabbed 47 times while her "friends" sit around and watch in fear
I would save her by beating her bullies up, then offering if she needs help just let me know, for I will protect her again if necessary.
> God why am I so pathetic
Reread everything you just typed and theres your answer

This is just mean girls bullying an innocent girl situation
Hard agree, for all we know the person getting smacked could have said a lot of vile shit.
Still not something that should be solved through intimidation and violence though.

Why are artists mad about ai art? Art was always about passion if you like art then why are mad about a machine who you proclaime to be soulless making art? Doesn't real recognize real?
>It's taking our jobs
So art was about the money? What differentiates u from the ai?

If you're pissed at Ai art u never loved art to begin with, I'm happy all artists are losing their jobs, they don't deserve their jobs. I hope Ai continues to obliterated the modern art scene, atleast know we'll have something to actually look at

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this is the second time this fucking account has stolen a post i've written here. i want my fucking reparations. i remember this shit only got like 12 replies.

to "@tulapilled" since I know you're reading this:

FUCK YOU FAGGOT! you could never match my wit and shitposting prose which is why you have to lurk here like a fucking faggot stealing other people's intellectual property. FUCK YOU. how does it feel knowing your salary comes from MY work? I hope the twitter blue engagement pennies were worth it, FAGGOT. post this one to twitter pussy.
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That guy is enjoying a burger with our sweat, blood and tears.

His head will roll.
Elon is a clown and X inflates views way too much, partly out of the desperate need for advertisers.
I hope you win your court battle op.
intellectual property is stupid and should not exist
you spelled @tulpapilled wrong...

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I hate most of other men and often think of killing them. I am a legit turboautist and all the piece of shit males always immediately hated my guts and were aggressive after just looking at me. Anyone knows that feeling?
what makes u think u are even capable of killing other men
No officer I have never experienced homicidal ideation

Having a gun

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Form anarcho collectives

Infinite organically equal leaders with infinite dimensions of will/progress/perspective/ideals/standards

Having only one leader is a weakness or a trick
Any DPH users here? Not interested in doing, but genuinely curious on why people do it. I always think to myself "the upsides must be INSANE" but I've VERY rarely heard anybody explain what a good time on it even looks like.
I used to be so into drugs when I was younger. Always chasing down different subtances to try. Now i have access to pretty much any and every different thing imaginable but I generally have no interest in taking anything. I don't even care for drinking these days. Coffee and tea are pretty much the furthest I get from sobriety. My past self would be so mad that i I waste the opportunity. Its not even that I had many bad experiences either. Most of my trips went okay or neutral at worst, most everything else was highly enjoyable. Yet I can never bring myself to dose anything these days. Ill buy it and then it sits on my counter untouched forever. Maybe one day I'll change my mind and it'll be nice to have massive stash of every drug
For trip killers, would you pick clonazepam or xanax? most vendors sell both and I mainly intend on getting benzos as trip killers.
Idk. Depends on what you're tripping on. Prolly xanax for shorter duration and clonazepam for something like acid that lasts longer. Ime the effects are pretty much identical but clonazepam lasts longer iirc

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this is your new gf, say something nice
I enjoy her ears. I want to caress them while my cock is inside of her throat
built for kisses and gentle missionary
elf sex comment original

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>one solitary chance at life
>inherited a skin condition from one side of the family
>the skin over large swathes of my body breaks out in red patches that produce white, flaky skin
>started in my teens, only got worse as I got older
>my legs and back consist almost entirely of these patches, arms have a ton too
>can't wear anything that shows any amount of skin without getting stares
>hair issues caused by patches breaking out on the scalp (there's a visible line running my forehead where the scalp issues begin)
>have to grow my hair out to a long length purely so those patches aren't visible
>all of these patches itch constantly
>everything i own is covered in a visible layer of dead skin, no matter how often i clean myself or those objects
>absolutely nothing my country's shitty socialized healthcare offers can do anything about it, because they don't deem it to be "severe enough"

Just remember anons, if you think your issues are bad, they could always be worse. Unless you're terminally ill.
Well I have chronic seb derm, chronic constipation, severe seasonal allergies and even more severe allergies to food, not to mention asthma, fallen arches, obesity (5' 6" and 180 lbs) and I am effectively a 3/10.

Anon, shut the fuck up and bite the bullet, no good in being a whiny little shit. Maybe you will get stage 3 cancer, then that will be terminal illness, but until you have cancer quit being a LARPing niggerfaggot.
>he believes in the genetic theory of disease transmission
Couldn't be me
ur a fag kys

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