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Why have men on 4chan given up on the dream of marrying and making babies with a beautiful white woman?
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>lil bro im not beans im rice
hopefully korean?

Women will fall for the social contagion.
I don't want to pay child support for 18-25 years in my country you pay till 25 if they are still in education and I doubt i would make a decent father in the first place even if the relationship lasts.
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>women ruin the appeal of marriage with unfair divorce courts
>Women ruin the appeal of children with unfair custody courts
>>Why do men not want marriage and kids???
EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. How many times do we need to explain this? what part of it is such a difficult concept to grasp? If you ruin something, people are less leikely to want to engage in it. You dumb bitch
We'll all go into hyperinflation within the next 5-6 years so it's not that bad. Global economy will get fucked when the US defaults or WW3 hits.
because this board has become ever increasingly brown and despite all the propaganda they're wising up to the fact that white girls don't wanna date outside their race except for literal 0.01% percentile of said demographic and usually aided by some internalised racial self-hatred, white saviour complex and social posturing so she can show her friends and social media how not racist and good of a person she is.

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I just came back home and found my 23 years old son like this.
I have no words.
Told him to pack things up and leave and now he's crying in the bathroom.
I didn't raise no son to be a loser faggot, internet has ruined him.
is this a fetish of some kind?
let the man femme out a bit, so long as he acts like a man in his public life who cares
you white boys are so fucking funny and you bitch you have no virgin gf. wonder why
Larping fag this never happened
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Cute nail polish OP
like father, like son

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She said chud!

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>wake up
>remember I am not a virgin
>instantly better than 99% of r9k
and people say its not a good life

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What do you feel ashamed of?
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same here anon, except i dont feel shame about being trans itself, i feel shame over every tiny little thing because of it
I'm ashamed of my looks
Being a burden to my family
Being the disappointment of the family
Being a mentally ill disaster that just brings misery to anyone I try to be friends with
Having dreams about being raped because the only way I can be useful for anyone Is by being rape meat
pretty much everything

34, virgin, no friends, never gf, live at home, don't drive, low paying job even though i have a degree, student debt, 10 kg heavier than i was 2 years ago, feel like the only hope i have to a life i actually like is either winning the lottery or being medicated enough to kill all the anxiety/depression i have
Yeah pretty much. I'm a schizo living at home with my parents and can't hold a job very well. I just don't know what to do anymore
I'm dumb as rocks. The kind of person society looks at and says "the education system has failed"

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A lot of hot white girls are going to Palestinian protests . Is it worth it going to them so I can cuff one or get laid easily
it might be if youre somewhat attractive and/or black
Why can' these kikes stay out of everyones business for once?
they had a pretty big one at my uni yesterday, i tried hitting on one of the girls there but she was lesbian I tried again with a girl who was holding a sign saying "NATO is the fourth Reich". it didn't help that i was completely out of place, i was the only one without those scarfs they wear or chanting there slogans.
like anything, it depends on your relative social status. If you're just another protestor, no. If you can work your way up to being a leader, then yes.

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Ietter thread time
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nigger and .. jew?
Just shut the fuck up, stop making excuses, and mail me my owl like I have asked you to multiple times now. It's a reasonable request, so idk why you're still going narc mode over it and playing immature games trying to argue etc. I'm not interested in arguing with you. Mail the fucking thing and stop talking to me. Please and thank you.

Otherwise it's clear you just don't want to.
Didn't listen. I'm not going to within earshot of her. Mail the owl, please. It's the one show of good-faith you could actually make and not just talk about.
*uses wind bomb glitch to glide rapidly over to those mountain tops*
>we were planning a surprise party! actually *this* is why you don't have a gf.

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I want to see if i'm doing better than you
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>around 1k converted to dollars
i'm a thirdworlder so don't expect much
85k in savings/investments
about 26k
- 28k student debt
- another 5k in BNPL services


could pay it all off by the end of the year though but noone really counts student dept as real debt here, plenty of people think they will never pay theirs off
If you're going to spend it on something, I would normally advise silver and gold, but those won't be of much use, at least not for some time. Eventually I expect them to regain their value and widespread usage. I think you should invest in something, as cash is also practically already dead and will soon be taken out of circulation. Keeping money in banks is a terrible idea today and you will lose it that way as well.
As for your question, the answer is 35, 20M.
nada nilch besides a few hundred in crypto

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why are 90% of girls on all the dating apps im on either:
1. the fattest human known to science
2. ratchet black woman with 3 inch talon nails
3. ratchet black "woman" with 3 inch talon nails
4. "hi polyamorous couple looking for a third partner"
5. asexual

its so fucking over bros
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>t. a faggot who is just a pussy-less and touch starved as i am
you admit to being pussyless and touchstarved and then project that to randos on the internet? Sweetie.. you really dont wanna so that. God forbid you come across someone like me who is superior to you in every way and you get your delusional ideas creeping in again
ladies and gentlemen, we got em
yea I will call you sweetie or sweetheart if you prefer. It is an endearing term I use for the supple youth regardless of gender (I know what a touchy subject that is for you). I will definitely not call you sir or bro because I do not respect you or see you as an equal. You are lesser than
very interesting bait tech. people on this site definitely dont want to fall into the zoomer archetype so implying they do could make them defensive

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Femanon standards.
Femoids, post your standards for your bf. Would you date someone you met here? Post the standards for a robot bf.
>dick size
>extras (anything else you think is important).
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This is not /soc/ lmao. I want to study PhD. I'm into electronic/alternative.
Oh I do not want to date you, lol, you live far away. I am just curious. Ah what field? Are PhDs necessary? Else it is a bit of a time waste according to my academic friends
STEM. It is still a waste of time but the most reliable option for immigration.
It has nothing to do with turks appearance or whatever but it does have something to do with language and i think persian language is one of the beautiful language i ever heard despite me not knowing what they're talking about. So that's that
Lady's, I am 19m,
> 6'2
> skinny-ish (75 kg)
> dark-brown wawy hair
> 6.5 looks, 7.5 if u have daddy issues
> 7'5 inches
> play piano,
> learned 7 languages, know 4 fluently
> like anime & games; have creative hobbies
> introverted personality with extroverted behavior
> have domination, anal, and ear licking kink
> the only downside is i'm a mentally ill neet
Would u date me?

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It been 3 months since I stopped vaping. I stopped because I felt like I was dieing from chest pains and I stopped breathing when I sleep. I feel perfectly fine now, but I am craving a hit of vape. Do you think it will be fine to start vaping again?
No, just no anon.
I too am addicted to the gangweed vape but I've switched to tinctures. No more coughing for me

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Tummy turning kind of day.
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I remember caring that buge gets medical attention felt so nice. She's just a smol girl at the end of the day.
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This boy is very gentle and doesn't deserve the rapesu title.
gentle rapesu
Stupid fucking nigger kind of day.
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I remembered yesterday's threads as pretty comfy thoughbeit reading yeah I was pretty cringe. Maybe bath salts will cure my tummy.

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im taking estrogen cause i hit the male wall
I've made up my mind and I'm doing the same. It's time to prettyboymaxx
why would you do that AFTER you hit the wall
i don't think i want fat mounds on my cheeks and chin

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>dad was calling my mom fat and disgusting
>she's been awake longer than usual
i wish i could do something
tell her that she's beautiful and have sex with her
no not sex

Where is the pizza? edition

Generate your very own waifu using any AI generator you like.
Let her talk to the other waifus ITT.

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


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This image has a very cool split in it wonder why i never posted it
tadaima I had to do some stuff in the outside world


the g in 5G stands for goa
I wonder what Nicole's favorite thing to cook would be, I'm guessing it would be something homely and comfy
she kind of looks like a nurse in some of these
the return of mecha Nicole?

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