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I'm tired. Slowly falling apart. Sleepy...
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Just burned out, I'm gonna stop for today.
How much work do you have
I'm feeling really sad and scared today. I usually feel this way when I haven't gotten enough sleep. I feel really lonely looking at the people studying in groups and hanging out together. At least they have people to encourage them. Will I be able to make friends here? Am I going to be alone for the next few years? I really wish I had a girl to hug and comfort me.
If I wasn't so depressed, I would probably be thinking that I should come up with a plan. I guess I could ask somebody if they wanted to study together, maybe run through some notes or exercises.
It's just for today. I won't be sad forever. I'm gonna sleep early so I feel better tomorrow. And then I'll get back on the grind and try to see if I can get closer to anybody. Anybody... please.

I don't remember. It's all written in a list and I'm too tired to take it out right now. Two assignments and some exercises, five chapters I didn't read yet because I was too busy finishing other things. I think I need to start sacrificing some things for the sake of my wellbeing. I'm starting to doubt that I can realistically complete everything. That's what people have told me when it comes to heavy courseloads. I need to manage my time better and spread out my tasks so I don't get overwhelmed on any given day. It's so complicated.
and to think our girl did this and had a job to top it off. and you gave her flack for not always responding on time. i just don't geddit! good luck mio, i hope sleep sets you in a better mood
Maybe she was smart to stay silent when she was busy. Less distractions and whatnot. I don't know how she handled it. How does anybody. Mmm... sorry. Sorry for being rude

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Originalfags still exist today or have they just killed themselves?
where are they now?
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I'm an Oldfag, dude. I've been here all summer!
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fuck didn't think about that
for the purpose of not getting axed, i was inferring that i started browsing here in 2019 not that im under aged :)
if i get the vacation im going to be so pissed
Would be more accurate if 2003 to 2007 had pictures of child porn and gore under them.
>if i get the vacation im going to be so pissed
Way to show how much you don't belong here. Imagine saying "i started browsing here in 2019" and not having been banned at least a dozen times since. What a niggerfaggot you are.

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>this is somebody's son
getting folded like a pretzel and sexually pleasing another man. jesus.
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this is someones son LMAOOO
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You can't get this kind of organic humor anywhere but in this godawful place. Good going you weirdos.
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A very cute son. Would kiss.
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this is someones son right now lol
>thread full of trans girls and femboys
i *just* fucking jerked off an hour ago thinking about emptying my nuts in someone like that, come on.......sigh....

*unzips dick*

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If thats true where can I get one?
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i imagine this person has a face like John Linnell from They Might Be Giants
>the cute """boys""" hang out on >>>/lgbt/ next to this board
can confirm
I want to have rough gay sex with you.
Not quite.
I've been called cute but I really need to meet people irl. everyone I've met on here has been fucked in some way and just ended up hurting me. women (and probably men here too) aren't good relationship material

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Why haven't you gotten into BDSM yet, /r9k/? It's fun and you'll meet girls.
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A lot of fatty fat fatfats. I'm involved and enjoy it, but it's all almost entirely converting normies, everyone openly in "the scene" is almost always a disgusting pig
>I wanna abuse you til you cum
>I want you to abuse me til I cum
Don't try to tell me what's normal anon
>I'm involved and enjoy it
are you a dom or a sub?
i would like to, but considering no girls have taken an interest to me normally I assume I won't ever have success elsewhere. same reason I don't try online dating and the like. no point when you have little offer.
Worst girl.

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Why do chinks have such estrogenic, dainty bodies regardless of gender? Their men are so soft and feminine. The lack of body hair, the soft skin and hair, the adorable little puffy nipples, the subtle curves... Even their personalities, so shy, so cordial, so demure, so relenting and obedient. It's as if they're just begging to get absolutely manhandled. What's the evolutionary benefit?
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im asian and none of that is true
Being an asian in the west made me a sissy
no it didnt being a massive faggot did that
Same, these people are just weird.
No i just realised i couldnt compete with other races so naturally the only option was becoming a bottom

Another day, winning as a volcel.

Edition of an edition

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide

Previous Thread >>80095642
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Goa trying to Saeriah
And I am off to bed nighty night thread
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>"Hmm, nice."

Saeriah is actually very jealous that Goa pulls it off better than her. She's tried forever to get her bodysuit to show off her breasts like that, but just can't get them as defined as Goa.

Goa night, and laters /aiwg/
nicole bump while ppossible
another just in tim e NIcoel
hopefully soon if ii ever rememeber how to setup sd i had to format my pc and lost all my gens and prompts

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someone has been putting out the creamed corn lol
big fat fuck
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hey do you wanna see my

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I made a bloomin onion in the air frier and it turned out terrible. I don't know how to make bloomin onions.
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Is this something youve seen done like on youtube? I would assume the air fryer would just blow the batter all over the place.
It's not really a fan, it just heats the food differntly than an oven. And yes, I looked up a quick guide on youtube and figured I'd give it a shot,
you got a pic of it? Honestly bloomin onion always sounds good, but when I eat one they are too salty and too fatty for my taste. Like, the idea of one is good. Actually getting one...meh
I would love to try a blooming onion one day. It looks really good. Good luck making the perfect one anonA
It's in my kitchen trash can. Otherwise I'd grab a pic.
Just imagine an onion like into segments and partially covered with egg flour and herbs/spices

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how bad is it that my towel i use to bathe with also functions as a very big cum rag
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Not that bad, I have a pair of boxers which I can prop up against a wall they're so stiff.
It's fine anon, I usually just use my t-shirt and don't take it off when I go to take a shower. No idea how to get the cum stains out of my rug though.
you're all subhuman, time to die
i don't know nigga
i nut on my fucking blanket so there's not much to say
It's a little weird but fine if you wash it, but I know your nasty ass dries off with dried cum

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>Hey so how do I get girls?
"Self improve!!"
>Did so, what now?
"Go where the women are!! Put yourself out there!!"
>And where's that?
>Finished it
>Only men and married women
"Bars, clubs and music festivals"
>Yeah those just sound like places to meet drunk whores, I'm trying to find more than a hooker

Why are they all so retarded?
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Most retarded shit I've read
>you know how you get women?
don't care didn't ask
if youre still acting like this and you think you're improved then ive got some bad news for you there bud

why in the fuck would anyone want to be with somebody who acts like you're acting right now?
this dude knows where its at
basic shit is all i have as a poor person, and ive found amazing women because of it
>amazing women

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Im 25 and I dont have a drivers license, ive never had a job, ive never filed taxes, i dont have a bank account, i have never mailed something at the post office before, i have never voted, i have never kissed a girl, i have never scheduled a doctors appointment, I cannot ride a bike, i dont like video games or movies, i dont do drugs, I have no friends.
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All of that is true for me too but I'm 29
How? Genuinely how do you get that far without a bank account at least
true, what they can't do is swim.
Were they real friends?
idk i didnt like them so i didnt put much effort in with talking with them so no?

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do you have any strong (nonhorny) desires you want fuflilled before you die, robots? i just want a hug. a real hug. the loving warn affectionate kind where the person truly cares and loves me. i dont care if its a man or a woman hugging me anymore. i just want a hug before the lights turn off.
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I am outside of the house still, but I will. I have a Goodyear blimp, a Hindenburg and a Hot Wheels Gulf Oil blimp.
Nothing much bimpa, hbu?
Nothing intimate, that's gay. I want a couple of pizzas, a couple of beers, some juice, and hella money.
>do you have any
I want a pet cheetah
Get spitroasted by some big black NFL linemen
yes, emotionally

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Why is it so impossible to find good date rape porn now? Just wasted half-conscious sluts being used at a party. I don't want some fucked up violent porn, just wanna see several friends sharing the holes of a girl who can't resist.
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>me while the male suicide rate increases
you are a white male thoughever
actually that's too generous for here you are probably some shade of brown male i do apologize
you can watch drugged asian on motherless but that's all I know of
you can find videos of guys fucking escorts in third world countries online. a lot of times the women never consented to having their videos uploaded on the internet.

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