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Pretty popular girls have life on the easiest baby mode in the fucking world. I am so jealous holy shit. Tfw I will never be a beautiful blonde extroverted Stacy. Everywhere I go other women mog me.
Instead I had to be born as a troglodyte, deformed looking thing with no redeeming feminine qualities where your only options are men who settled for you and will just hate you and resent you for it. Why should I reproduce?? What is my purpose. Im not strong so I cannot work a job like a man can, and Im not smart enough to go through college. I get treated like a man and I have to use websites like these to ever feel a sense of belonging. Its over. No one could ever love a monster like me.
>inb4 the same slop about how women have it easier in life
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Not even a Jeet would want me anon. Life is brutal for truly ugly women.
Oh yeah that makes sense. I'm sorry. I hope they leave you alone now
My brain told me I wanted to reproduce, and as a man I am not as discerning when it comes to who I put my penis in. I have had sex with plenty of women I would never date. Most women don't have sex with men they wouldn't at least date. But yeah, that is a good question. Some of the uglier girls are way more enthusiastic. One even stalked me. I don't believe in manipulation or leading them on. I was always upfront that I didn't have feelings like that for them. It complicates things since I am also BPD. Also, I don't want to come off like I am some gigachad. I am only 5'9". I have just been blessed with a really good face and I am quite charismatic. Perhaps I am a chad by this board's standards, but I don't see myself that way really. I am just very aware as to what draws women to me.
Genderbent Eggman can get hundreds of likes and matches on dating apps. The juggernaut effect is real, I've seen 3/10 girls get more attention than 10/10s many of the time because some guys mistakenly think it's easier. You all live life on easy mode, but want to desperately convince yourself otherwise. I guess being lonely is just a fashion statement for you
I am uglier than her. Ive seen the post.

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long time no see friends! i have been ill for the past little bit, I'm feeling pretty weak and tired but I wish to do something with my time

rules are simple! share one thing that cheered you up or that you're looking forward to this week and I'll draw any request you have to the best of my abilities :)!
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hehe guess i'm in the 'poorly drawing' part right now, but hey your art looks so good so it all works out, mmm what parts do you enjoy specificially ? ahh for me i'm just studying same old same old pharmacy, ive been thinking of dropping out since ive been working in the industry for like 2 years and studying for a year but i don't think i'll do well in this industry so yeaa!! :D

how about youu studfy wise?

she's so pretty with her lil robo leg:D, but yea i guess it does take a while, with all the anatomy being correct guh...
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me are winnar
me jartycuck btw
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hyuna is gorgeous. i absolutely adore her <3 have a pretty ivan. drawing is something that you can only improve at with time and practice, as tacky as it sounds. its very therapeutic to me though!

you need to wait for the rest to submit their art so i can choose a winner
do we vc esex if i win?

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Is there anything more painful than realizing everybody who made fun of you or bullied you was and still is objectively superior to you in every way as a human?
Getting stabbed in the stomach is probably more painful but yeah, that shit sucks man but you are superior to them in a way, you are more empathetic so that makes you better

It might not be possible actually
>You are empathetic
Does it really? It just seems like a disability then anything else. People playing with your emotions and then using you because you thought they felt something. Most people are corrupt evil narcissists
yeah, realizing it way too late to do anything about it.
maybe one day you'll meet good people, they will care about the righteousness in your heart

most people are evil yeah but that doesn't mean you should also be evil, inherent kindess makes you better morally

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manlets have it so hard.
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who are these?
I really hate this Normie shit of people using the word King for guys. Fuck off with that shit. Only retarded fagots use that terminology
is that her brother? no way, way?
>when I remember that I am a psychopath and that I like to dissect girls.
Did you know I'm literally insane?
You're right, king.

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I got an online job interview coming up, is this background fine for it?

Any tips on the interview?
oh, you know, just bee yourself
Try beeing someone else, like someone who would ace the interview

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I have a body like this
what haircut do I get to make the tomboys lust for me?
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I have a body like this and I haven't had a haircut in like 2.5 years
Did you post your hands? Because if you're who I'm talking about you should post your shoulders again
No it was just a joke, idk the majority of women don't like that I guess. Idk best of luck
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I actually done have many pics with my shoulders :/
does this count?
Yeah it counts. But it seems like you aren't who I'm talking about sadly. Nice abdomen though

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>mom wants me to get a job
>get night shift job
>she starts getting mad that I'm asking people to be slightly quieter during the day so I can fall asleep
>not working out
>leave job, no jobs closeby and she won't let me use her car to drive to them.

so... did you have any savings from working? why can't you just buy transportation? why did you quit before having a plan?
Sleep deprivation lole

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where can i find faggots like this? how are they like in real life?
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not possible
the one guy who I thought might actually be that is the one who blew me off more than once after I painstakingly shaved my entire body and everything and I never even met him
at this point I don't even feel gay enough to want to be with a guy anymore, I want to use my penis and put it inside girls and that's not possible so I just sit alone in my room rotting away from the world
Nigga I implore you to kill yourself
No you can't. I went on there once
bring a knife and we can have a fight to the death if you're so desperate for me to die
we'll see who comes out on top
i would date you... if i could

Anyone here have any experience starting a cult? I picked a truly shit thesis for my paper, "how do people not draw the connection that the group they're in, is just like cults they've heard about?" probably going to end up starting some shitting discord cult to learn myself, but thought I'd ask you degens first.
>pic unrel, just a lust provoking image to get gooners in
Narcissistic abuse is employed by cult leaders. The types of people who end up joining cults tend to have had abusive childhoods themselves, and so do the leaders who tend to be extremely grandiose and controlling charismatic master manipulators. The cultists are unconsciously seeking out abuse that they recognize falsely as love. This is because children learn how to relate to others primarily from their families at an early age. If you're not a bastard momma's boy with a God complex at heart, you will probably have a hard time as a cult leader.
I had an aunt join a pseudo-buddhist cult.

She had a normal childhood, but her home life eventually hit a low point as an adult. All her kids had grown up and left the house, her husband was/is a bastard (for example, he'll say the most outlandish shit, provoke arguments, play dumb when pressed, and still wonders why nobody likes talking to him. Also, he really likes corporal punishment), and all said kids dislike her because she never protected or supported them from their bastard dad. She has as much spine as a blade of grass. When she went to her siblings for advice, I suppose she didn't like what they were saying bc she sure as heck isn't blameless for her situation. At this point, she went all "spiritual" to fill the void of social support and found a group that gave her the answers she wanted to hear.

The cult does follow some buddhist traditions, although they're on the extreme side. For example, no meat, no fish, no onions, no garlic. But they also do some non-buddhist stuff like asking for donations for the leader. The leader is supposed "free from all wordly things" and as such doesn't work or buy things. Instead, the followers buy whatever the leader needs. This included a house, which I'm told like a hoarder's house. To me, this is stupid as hell, but my aunt thought the leader was the bee's knees because it helped her cope with her life. Did I mention she has zero spine?

Last I heard, my mom convinced her to leave the cult but the damage has been done. The biggest part was going vegan without knowing how to be vegan. It's not like Indians where they know how to avoid meat and still be healthy, she just stopped eating protein for years and is now frail has heck. Her ankles look like they'll snap at any moment. Her hair in thin. She often gets seriously ill . She can't stomach meat anymore, and can barely handle fish. And because she gave a lot of money to the cult, she's lost a lot of respect from her kids and other family members
From what I've seen, cults usually don't do much to convince people entering the cult of their beliefs. They usually pick a subculture or some fringe belief system that people already believe in and target the most vulnerable of people. People with trauma and people without any support system are easy targets. Make them feel valued in the group. Turn it into a pyramid scheme and form a cult of personality around the leaders. Let sunken cost fallacy and whatever threats and blackmail you can come up with keep people inside the group.

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Wats up u cunts, 18m sexually frustrated virgin, was too much of a coward today and missed my chance at fucking a sexy midget. How was ur day ?
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Looks smelly and gross I want to lick it
Delicious looking penor would give you everything I own for a piece of that
If you wanted attention from sexually starved homosexuals, boy you came to the right place
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ur willy cut or uncut?

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Ugly foids are subhuman.
I hate humans, so for me they're perfect
>pic is of most beautiful woman I've ever seen
i prefer subhuman to being ran through
Being with a girl you like and respect, but have a hard time looking at, is not a good feeling to have about yourself.
if someone is ugly but i like them, theyll be attractive to me

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It's Momcest Monday! You guys know what it is all about, share pictures and thoughts on milfs or your own lovely mom.

Topic: Being too excited for your mom
Lets be honest guys, we've all been there. When the time comes many of you will not be able to handle your mom's pussy right away and that's completely fine! It's good to be excited for mommy
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What do you all think is the biggest mom fantasy other than breeding her?
We cucklords will wage a war against you momcest freaks. Be warned.
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Titfuck probably, sliding between the milkers that fed you seems like heaven
>Waging war on anything
They'd have to ask the bull to do it.
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Mommies doing fit checks

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So, what happened to /r9k/ this past year. Why are there so many femcels (probably men pretending to be femcels). Did crystal cafe close down? If this board really is filled with femcels and incels, why do they just try to date each other at this point?
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>Is it better to be alone forever than it is to be tormented by some BPD chick
rightoids went full bore on their recruitment efforts. they're on every board trying to get people to join their side, and they aren't stopping until they have the critical mass to move to the next stage stage of their plan
Real women are infinitely more likely to fantasize about rape to get off than they are to actually get raped.
>move to the next stage of their plan
uninformed rightoid here, mind elaborating?
Most femcels want someone to take care of them, which is impossible for (most) of us to do

Thread for discussions about self harm and mutual support

today's been so nice and warm aaaa spring is coming

>How are you doing today?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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>maybe you'd have a better time just working your way up instead of going through academics?
that could be, although i dont know how difficult and convoluted uni can be compared to what im doing right now...



>that's pretty scary, hopefully you manage to find something nice
is there a job you'd like to have?
the scariest part is waking up and getting there on time. and getting enough sleep
>you sure like winter

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Hey, I hope everyone is getting amazing sleep.

>hellooooooo everyone
Hey Sisyphus! It's always delightful seeing you.
>somehow i managed to pass 2 classes
Wonderful job done.
>im still waiting for the results from one :<
Hope it's positive news when you get it.
>dont enjoy ANYTHING not even people i love, its like they just, exist
That sounds hard, feeling totally numb like that is never good at all.
bump apple
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lonely nights without injuries can be peaceful, but never as euphoric. i can already sense my lust for it returning

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Recently someone in my apt complex got raided for being a drug trafficker. He was some Asian fella as well who seemed nerdy and lived near university campus. Kinda weird that 20 yr old guy was doing something like that while going to uni classes. Idk the specifics but he sold on dark net and made his own drugs
sounds like a chill dude i would try his homemade substance

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