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>average asian male

Fucking kek. No wonder their women love white men.
Interesting, interesting. Lets see Paul Allen's flaccid penis
asian men should be kept as pets by superior white women
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buy my passu

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I just got back from SEA and holy shit... the spammers here were right

heaven on earth. I was approached, I was matched in the hundreds, I lost my virginity, I went out with more than 30 different girls, all while avoiding hookers

No girl has pressured me into a relationship or even hinted at being a gold-digger. They just wanted to fuck a foreign dude.

I am appalled. Something is wrong with western "women", their hormones specifically. Girls in SEA just wanna fuck like normal human beings and they're not chadonly

Yes. Absolutely. You can cry, scream, or you can go to SEA and experience it for yourself. Holy shit I just wanna go back. Those $3,000 saved since last year were worth it. It was Thailand and no I don't even speak their language and they don't seem me to want to. I suppose they actively look for young foreign men which is rare cuz most foreign dudes are bald beer-belly 50-year-old divorced sexpats so a young dude is a commodity there

I feel like a Chad now and I'm sorry I don't belong here anymore faggots. All I'm saying is, you can do the same.
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based, fuck white women roasties
don't tell me you are retarded enough to bring a girl from SEA and marry.

what's so hard about the idea of going out and fucking multiple different girls for fun for years? why do you need "marriage"? you're pathetic.
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>>while weebs are off banging their jap harem, best i can manage is going to some depressed post-soviet state and getting accosted by local unemployed youths
Saltem secunda lingua tua hominibus viventibus adhibetur
Not great, it's Canada lol

I got a teaching degree, and I'm working as a substitute for a few years so I can save up and try to get a job at a school in SEA
The good thing is that uni is super cheap here and I don't have any debt

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Anyone just not know how to socialize with girls in a cold approach sort of way?
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I can't approach anyone at all to be honest

Anyways ultra rare ICS post
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depends on how and who
i've approached girls that give off a down-to-earth and comfortable energy and have had success

approaching someone you know absolutely nothing about, in a public space, is 9/10 times going to fail - even if you're the giggiest of chads because women are used to being cold approached by men.

the only way to a woman's heart genuinely is through the same way to a man's heart - empathy, friendliness and patience. you also have to be able to handle rejection with grace, not by going full "nice guy" mode and showing your true incel colors - but instead asking if they'd like to remain friends or if they'd rather just go separate ways.

there's always another man or woman out there.
You don't it's not for you.
Cold approaching is retarded unless you're conventionally attractive
literally the only place I can think of where cold approaching would work is at a cosplay convention, where these retarded social rules are lifted and you are free to walk up to, ask for photos, talk, with people dressed as something you like

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Ever tried to go out to a bar solo and interact with randoms?

Turned out as nightmarish as you might imagine.
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>Ever tried to go out to a bar solo and interact with randoms?
Once. Someone reccomended a bar and I went one night after working for weeks. It turned out to be a gay bar. Well at least for that night. Saw a homeless guy who was a regular where I worked. He was deaf and asked for a drink. Then I started talking to some thick Latina. Maybe bbw I guess. She ended up giving me head in her truck while the homeless guy was in my car and stealing things out of my glove box. Then when I asked to let me run to the store to grab a condom she told me no. Either we do it now or never. So I cummed inside of her pussy.

Never saw her again after that..
Nigger what group lol
Yeah. It was shitty the first few times, but I'm getting better about it. Literally just start talking about anything that isn't weird.
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I'm 26 and I've never been to a bar or club
Its like degenerates and cost money

Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support
Hello all o/
good Wednesday morning! I hope all is well!

>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
Bonus question!!
>What do want to have/do the most right now?
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He was an ugly beta she felt bad for an had some drinks with him to talk about how he can't get a girlfriend and give him some tips (including getting a shower).
Once she was drunk enough, he felt confident enough to instead try to act alpha and get seggs. She, however, put him back rightly in his smelly, drunkard place. Now, everyone she knows also knows that you're a sex pest at best and a sexual predator at worst.
To be honest? You deserve it. Everyone who can't READ the atmosphere, the emotions growing between the two sexes, need to remain a virgin for life on a "sex predator list" as their condition invariably leads them to rape women (or men, if desperate enough).
> And no drugs are boring.
UNTRUE MY FRIEND many drugs are boring and when you do enough of something it will become boring everything always becomes boring with enough time and then you seek other things and then they become boring as well repeat repeat repeat

man, no.
why do you have to be so kind, dont lie, dont lie,
man, i might be fucked up, boring high but i know that those kind words are untrue
why do you have to be so kind, so comforting, it almost (hurts)
something like me, that can only be desticbed as (barely) human excrement shouldnt be talking to something so clean and pure
its like coal talking to gold

ill reply proper when sober because you dont deserve to talk to these shizo shit words
its futile and a exercise that only results in you feeling worse, because thats always the outcome of all conversation with me

dont be nice, its not earned or deservered or right
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I want to snuggle and lightly sodomize hooni poster while kissing them.
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>you do enough of something it will become boring everything always becomes boring with enough time
Yeah maybe something on repeat will get less interesting and boring to you, but for me there is no boring drugs.
>and then they become boring as well repeat repeat repeat
That's a dangerous path to go down. Be careful.
>why do you have to be so kind, dont lie, dont lie,
I'm not lying. Your the best.
>but i know that those kind words are untrue
There's no reason why I would lie. Your genuinely a really nice and cool guy.
>so comforting, it almost (hurts)
I'm glad I can comfort you, but I never want to hear you, I just love talking to you and I want to tell you that :).
>shouldnt be talking to something so clean and pure
I am not even close to clean and pure, but thanks.
>its like coal talking to gold
Your definitely not coal and I'm definitely not gold. Your a really good person, you should never put yourself down.

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You self harmers are fucking retarded. My life was worse than any of yours. My dad was a serial killer and a drug kingpin who beat me literally every day and I dont self harm. I accidentally dug up his murdered girlfriend when I was 8 years old and saw him blow his own brothers head off in a delusional rage about shit that never happened. Pfft, I'm not going go into any more details than that but its the tip of the iceberg. Yet I am "selfmaxxing" not "self harming". If I self harmed, my piece of shit demonic father wins.

I can't believe we about to have our first gilf as president.
I don't think I will make it during No Nut November bros during the debates.

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Why do incels troon out when they could just date respecters of shy nerdy guys instead?
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incels are stacy only and she doesn't like shy guys
Incels just want women who are respectful and nice and not prudish trad bitches
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nice fan fiction
should have added a fat ugly homo bastard behind the glass instead
If you said this to me I'd get on my knees and beg to eat you out. I want to be blindfolded and leashed while you're getting drilled. I want to cuddle and massage you after you've orgasmed and he's left. I want to kiss you and get an erection when you tease me in public. I want to make you smile and have another man make you cum.

ANIME edition:
>Your mbti type
>Type any anime character
>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.G. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology


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>Every INTJ is actually a mistyped extroverted judging type (ExTJ/ExFJ)
Yes, we all knew that already.
are you the anon saying every introvert is secretly extraverted
As an INTJ I'm always the first to admit when I'm wrong, all these Asperger's and normalfag must be compelled to drive off cliffs, I hate every one of them
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>It's not like you would ever admit to that, either.
Everyone cares about what other people think about them. That's a completely normal human experience. It's something any social animal can relate to. You pretending to be above it only showcases how insecure you are.
yayyy I got Izaya and Edward

>feeling lonely
>finally decide to download a dating app
>all the girls have tattoos, own a dog (dogpill), or are just flat out ugly
>delete account
what the fuck happened to women
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feminism and (((media))) poisoning
keep in mind the very thing you were on, the dating app, is an abomination, so you got what you deserved really
So where do you meet a girl? It seems like they are either in relationships or on these shitty apps
no idea, i haven't talked to one in years. good luck!
you get suggested people with roughly the same elo as yourself, anon.
decent women don't use dating apps, if the girls on dating apps are hot they're just using it to get attention, compliments, and free dinner. the girls who are actually looking for relationships on dating apps all have some sort of baggage
normies find gfs at house parties and other social events, sorry but that's just how it is

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I know this chart is a meme, but are the 9s and 8s really that good looking, or should they be below the 7s?
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How do you get baited lol, it literally says in OP it's not real.
Bottom one looks like those fugly creatures from spy kids
whyd you crop out my face at 10
This boy could get me over my trauma induced disgust towards men and penises any day...
Chalamet IS overrated tho

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do robots fall for fembots with larger noses? Is it black magic?
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How do you know that she's Polish? She just looks like a yid with blonde dyed hair to me.
She looks so cute and pretty. I love her smiling eyes. Make me want to cuddle with her and make her feel nice and loved.
>cystaline iris
>sharp stout brows
>rounded eyelids
she might be Polish Jew, but she's definitely Slavic
>vid related steals your foreskin
What do (you) do in this situation?
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she's dreamy and her face looks perfect

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"Hydration" Edition

Previous : >>78260596

Ignore impolite moids

>How much actual water do you drink per day?
>What is your favorite thing to drink?
>Coffee or tea (pick one?)
>Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?

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if theyre truly evil you can never pay them back, you just have to kill them.
oi berries, muh daddy done sold his foods and they took me bloody job
womp, womp
9/10 times now I write a post here and then close the page before posting
Copy and paste it in a notepad and you'd have your own journal
I actually have done that more than a few times. I don't reread them or anything, but it might make for a nice time capsule if I decide to revisit it years later

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what games do you play when youre lonely and bored with no friends?
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isn't it cucked to hell and back? unless you do some retarded bypass. i liked talking to my waifu erping bypassing the filter with cyrilic letters, still not worth the hassle
good job janny, keep it up
it is cucked, blame prudish credit card companies
play mainline SMT then
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I don't enjoy videogames anymore

we cant let women know that man turds are like 18 inches long and 4 inches wide

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God likes humility.
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bro sorry I'm a retard I read humanity instead of humility
then why is the world shit?
also something something untold suffering in nature makes no sense cuz no
>muh plan
Oh yeah? Well God is dead, what's he going to do about it.
God doesn't exist you stupid nigger. Stop worshiping a kike
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im telling you god doesnt like humility you can deny it and get fucked if u will but the truth will continue to be the truth even if you deny it

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