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why am i afraid of asking for help
because when you were growing up, those that you looked up to refused to help you, or actively punished you for asking for help. thus, asking for help became something bad your lizard brain avoids to avoid pain
It makes you look weak which is a fate worse than death if you have a penis
Because if you ask for help to those interested in destroyiing you, they will try to fool you. Also you're an atheist/disbeliever/wrongdoer that has no faith that God will protect you.

Fuck project 2025.
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>Replace government with workers with employees more loyal to conservative ideology
It's very likely, the game is actually even more rigged than that. Which is crazy considering its rigged to lose for me for some reason. What we have evidence of, is Jesus sending messages on the jumbotron at baseball games. What that actually means is significant. That means you need to stay away from baseball, because it's cuckolding. It's being used as a way to communicate with non human entities. I have no desire to witness their awful magic anymore. Disgusting waste of resources to do that. Imagine if instead of doing that, he sucked all of our dicks? How about that.
Basically turn America into Russia or North Korea and make Trump king, also the ban on porn meaning porn addicted retards and simps will finally die off. Based.
Lol, if they ban porn I'm just gonna join the wumpagoniacs and start raping bitches.
They wont just ban it but they want prople who make and distribute it imprisoned and labeled as sex offenders.

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I jokingly threw a candy bar at the back of my friends head but i threw it full force and accidentally knocked them out. I feel terrible and they are not talking to me because they are still not awake yet, should i call someone?
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anon, you murderer, you killed your fren with your candy bar throwing skills...
nigga your friend needs to see a doctor he got low blood pressure or something because a candy bar should not be incapacitating nobody
a candy bar? is he made of sugar?
why did you rape your friend anon?

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If you can identify all 4 of these women, you spend too much fucking time on the internet
>top left
Hawk Tuah
>bottom left
that person is not real
Op is mad thet Hawk Tuah doesn't support Trump.
0/4 recognized but ive spent 12-16 hours on the internet per day for the majority of the last 7 years
>0/4 recognized but ive spent 12-16 hours on the internet per day for the majority of the last 7 years
me 2

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took 40mg of valium, feeling nothing except a little tiredness and a slight drunkenness

how much am i supposed to take to feel any sort of high?

guess im going to take a few drinks but being drunk is lame on your own. i dont feel the benefits from alcohol either. its just slobbering around. its only useful in social settings
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yrah exactly, raided the cabinet and thought i hit the jackpot because i vaguely recognized the suffix for benzos. i imagined they give this dream like vibe which i always thought would be co to witness

now im just pissed because thought i d feel at least SOMETHING

if i got into cocaine or speed that would realistically be the end of me
How much do you weigh? That's like 20 times more than a normal sized person should need to take to feel good.
>feeling sleepy and a bit drowsy is a high
type of person who does benadryl because it's something to do
it's literally a drug every other woman was on all day in the usa for decades before ssris
they called it "mommy's little helper" like were you expecting acid?
cool to witness*

according to reddit sub about it people do report a high around this dose and someone even favour it for recreational purposes. hence the point of making this thread.
if at least i feel sedated i wouldnt start the effort into creating a thread. again im just annoyed i dont feel anything

cigarettes mog honestly. i think ill start smoking again once i stop grinding sports
redditors are retarded and a useless source for anything contraband
cigarettes are goated fr as fun as other stuff is nothing can quite compare to a good smoke

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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Happy Sunday!

>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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hi yuanon, good to see you.

>rise and shine! (^-^)
its rainy outside, you bet your sweet bippy im wide awake and watching it.

>it's getting a little late for us euros
would it not be afternoon for the muricanons? japan and such would be morning by now

>maybe a nice breakfast to start the day?
yeah, ill start that soon. coffee and toast as always.

>nice. any toppings?
ive been working on a caramel pancake recipe recently. going to try and get that working with some choco chips.

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>best of luck with that exam, my friend.
Thanks man
>not a question i feel qualified to answer over an anonymous image board. i usually have a good time talking to you, but we can have some pretty weird conversations here that you probably won't be able to have anywhere else that easily. ^^'
I let me worse and best sides come out to the tip of me finger at each post I write. So yeah, stupid question that one I asked lol
But anyway, glad to hear you folks don't think of me as a complete and useless nutjob 'cause of the stuff I post :)
>that's something. maybe she'll turn up.
That we'll see tomorrow. Imma get there tomorrow morning, send her a message and just wait.
>i'll listen to it later. i'm in a rather chill mood right now. lying in bed, listening to some asmr.
Yeah, you definitely shouldn't listen to drunk thrash metal when you're just chillin' lmao.
I mean, I do, but that's me lol
confirmed bachelor is a perk in fallout that basically makes you gay :3
>you bet your sweet bippy im wide awake and watching it.
sounds comfy. i'm usually a rainy guy myself, but this hear has just been way too much of that already. a little break would be nice.

>would it not be afternoon for the muricanons? japan and such would be morning by now
sounds about right. either way, it's 2:00 am for me. time for bed, soon. ^^

>coffee and toast as always.

>going to try and get that working with some choco chips.
do tell and share when you've nailed it. sounds like something i need to try at some point.

>Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.
never heard if it. i'll have to look it up. the others as well. guess it's a genre i'm not paying much attention to.

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>it was more of a rhetoric one anyway, wasn't it? still good to ask to get the sentiment out of your mind. or at least make it smaller.
Yeah. Sometimes it's good to get things of our chest. Of course, without disrespecting others.
>i know the phrase gets thrown around a lot and got a rather negative connotation for a reason, but this is a safe space in that regard. this is the place where you're allowed to get things of your chest without being chastised for it.
That's really good. I've said this before, but this place's been a huge help to me.
Just saying the stuff I need to say and have people to talk to me, that's really great. This place is awesome.
>just don't forget to have yourself a nice time, even if she doesn't show. ^^
Imma bring me 2DS with me. I'll be playing either Final Fantasy 6 or Dragon Quest 7 while waiting for her. If she doesn't show up, I'll keep playing.
Either way, win for me :D
>we all have our own ways to have a relaxing time for ourselves, it seems. ^^
We really do. Now I'm chilling with some cigs and heavy metal.

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i legitimately don't even know if newfags are aware of this fact
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Is not the 2000s anymore. Anime/Japanese culture is not this niche cool thing for outcasts
>it has to be cool for me to like it
Woman brain
4chan is still an anime website
that's like saying rym can't be a music website because music is popular
neither is 4chan at this point
reminder that 4chan is a K-ON website!

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I love my sweet baby trans gf and I will protect her from transphobic chuds! <3
i identify as transphobic please respect my identity bigot
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omg anon that is so funny

hello summer sir
I feel like we have gone in circles, I remember mewing ALWAYS involved having something in your mouth to chew while holding your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
this is now a mastication thread
mike already told you to do this faggot

the easy solution to inceldom. desu.
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just like 100% of this board. desu
fucking BOOGIE has a gf. everyone here is a volcel. every incel is a volcel.
going from incel to cumming inside tight sea pussy must feel so good!
you have been completely demoralized in this thread lol
Tell that to the skittish 3/10 hapa girl I've had a crush on for over a year.

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Do you support her biracial children born out of wedlock?
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You mean do I support myself? Yes why wouldn't I?
The traditional family should be better understood as what is called the extended family, which liberalism has for the most part destroyed. Ideally, our kinship network should be more than just your immediate family and form an extended support network. The nuclear family isn't traditional in any sense. It is only an ideal unit of consumption
>Do you support her biracial children born out of wedlock?
I don't give a fuck about it. Why would I?
That has nothing to do with what she is saying though.
ruining the extended family was simply the first step. That's why they pushed the nuclear family so hard in the post war world. Normalized moving all over the country instead of staying where your family was. Now they're after the nuclear family.
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You're going to have to pay for NPCs' demonspawn through taxes/societal consequences whether they go to prison or live on welfare or steal/rob or whatever. You have to care about what happens to them since it affects all of us, though obviously we should encourage nobody to be born out of wedlock, discourage casual sex, etc.

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Alltta - A little lower than the angels
haven't found this ambiguous "discipline" yet
You rack discaprine, rite boy

If a hot black guy doesn't give me a suck I'm going to jump.
>If a hot black guy doesn't give me a suck I'm going to jump.
do a flip faggot
>This is what millions of white zoomers find to be humorous

How's that summer job coming along? You feel the weight of an honest day's work already? I bet that hot meal and cold beer after work feels mighty great.
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dirty jobs is a good show, he puts in a lot of effort to be part of that
he walks the walk, but hes out of touch
did you ever watch his other show "somebodys gotta do it" how was it
>lose great job of eight years because of business closure
>find new job a month later
>it closes after a week
>find another new job a month later
>two managers quit within a week and a half of starting
>it's an actual mismanaged hellhole
>likely have an interview coming next week
I just want to have steady income.
He also does so for at least10x the pay
Worked for 2 years and never bought anything, i have no reason to have a job

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I kind of want a woman to hit me and be mean to me. Not in a smug, superior way, but in more of an angry and vulnerable way.
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No, I don't want to hit her back. It just makes me feel nice when a woman is willing to be so open and real and animalistic. She still has to apologize to me afterwards though or else I'd start to feel disrespected.
My bf lets me hit him when im angry its a good stress reliever, and i never actually hurt him
I had a fembot beat the shit out of me and rape me, and then have an emotional breakdown afterwards sobbing about it
I would prefer a healthy relationship dynamic characterized by the absence of interpersonal abuse, personally speaking

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