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Tfw you realize that your college dormmate fucking his girlfriend while you were in the same room technically means you were a cuck or at the very least a voyeur
>tfw op got cucked by a girl that wasn't even his
Next time don't wake me up RONAN
why are other people having sex in your room retard
The rooms weren't separated, they were built like a dumbell shape without a door separating them so you're technically both in the same room with a little hallway in between your halves.

Made it hard to sleep when my roomie fucked people on the other side.

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>use bumble for 3 weeks
>4 matches
>set it to men
>80 matches in 2 days

Why is it so hard to get women
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so not only do you have to pay to take these girls out with the hope of fucking them, you have to pay to even be visible to them in the first place and this is all hundreds of dollars a month

at that point why not just pay for a proustite? guaranteed sex

and obviously dating apps are not structured around serious dating so using it for that is dumb, too

but unfortunately they seem to be the #1 way to interact with the other sex by default at this point, current society has made so many other modes of interaction essentially obsolete due to social and cultural pressures (e.g. hitting on your co-worker is always risky)

the people running these countries must be doing this intentionally and maliciously, the incompetence rate is too high
Yep. We need this. Hopefully with advancements in AI, technology and all that, we live to see this come into fruition

Yeah. Its hidden behind a paywall unless you just swipe enough times and eventually come across them

Yeah no joke. These apps suck major dick. Even some above average looking men might struggle on them
AI and Gene Editing might legitimately make women actually irrelevant in 100 years or less.

By that point they'd be begging to be made property again.
>so not only do you have to pay to take these girls out with the hope of fucking them, you have to pay to even be visible to them in the first place and this is all hundreds of dollars a month
Exactly, and if you can't afford it there's 75 other daddies in her inbox

>at that point why not just pay for a proustite? guaranteed sex
1. These ARE the prostitutes. The hookers are all trying to scam you and sell you their onlyfans, too, and they're literally the same people as on the dating apps 2. Current rate for just a handjob if you don't want to bang a crackhead is $120 3. The prostitutes are all trying to run deposit scams and there is zero legal recourse 4. Streetwalkers who WOULD do it are gross

>and obviously dating apps are not structured around serious dating so using it for that is dumb, too
They're there. Honestly I see adult film stars escorting on Tinder all the time

>but unfortunately they seem to be the #1 way to interact with the other sex by default at this point, current society has made so many other modes of interaction essentially obsolete due to social and cultural pressures (e.g. hitting on your co-worker is always risky)
I unironically don't see pretty women in real life anyway. They only exist online and I can't get them there anyway.

>the people running these countries must be doing this intentionally and maliciously, the incompetence rate is too high
Never attribute to incompetence what is clearly malice
There are talks about curing or even reversing aging too so we could live until 100 and beyond if things go well. That would mean the best part of our lives is yet to come. Just have to stay alive and survive until then. Or at least, thats my cope anyway

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How did you stop being depressed? How did you learn to appreciate life?
amphetamine salts baby
How hard is it to get Adderall anyway? Is there a street market for it, I don't really like doctors but drugs are cool.

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As a 33 khhv is it possible to go to South, or perhaps Central, America and get a sweet gf?
if you have the money, sure.

i think my hairline is advancing as i get older? it's almost down to my eyebrows. what do? pic unrelated

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>too autistic to be famous for zoo porn on 4chan
>too pathetic to even be a lolcow

It's sad when even the haters don't care anymore. My fifteen minutes of fame ended a long time ago...
Upload more videos I need to jack off
As the years pass it's looking more and more unlikely

>Got into my first relationship last summer.
>A German chick.
>Recently had a severe ear infection in my left ear that was bothering me.
>"Well, instead of going to the doctor, I'll get some ear drops and pick out your ears."
>She had me lay on our bed and she started cleaning my left ear with an ear pick.
>Shit was crazy good, and I felt super happy.
>Went on for 10 minutes.
>She then did the right side.
>Fell asleep on her lap and later woke up wrapped around each other.

Shit was fire anons.
Oh thats Great. Im, hapPy FOr You ANon

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>be depressed slacker for entire life
>no close friends
>decent working-class job acts as the one thread holding me above the status of a subhuman
>lose job

tell me your stories boys
>be me
>study in uni
>not the smartest, but i tried
>work minimum wage job since 17 to afford uni
>its painful physically due to chemicals but i soldier on
>massive depression
>somehow get a degree
>cant find a job because need tons of experience i cant possibly have had
>even more depressed
>lose minimum wage job
>lose friend
>feel so so isolated and miserable
>give up

this was me for a while. i just had nothing. i just lost all desire. it wss constant too, job failure after job failure

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I have never had a job.
Based (i only had 1 job, now im again a neet, 26 btw).

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Should I finish my cs degree or do something else

if you're walking your dog and someone asks to pet them, is it cuck behavior to say "of course, he doesn't bite"

I mean it's YOUR dog. YOU got that dog for YOU. Why should anyone else get to pet him? They can get their own dog. Or go to their weird fucked up degenerate dog-petting swinger parties where they all pet each other's dogs... fucking disgusting.
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I wish I were a mans property but nobody wants to keep me.
Its cuck behaviour to have a dog that doesnt bite.
>I wish I were
Youre a man.
Ive found something peculiar. there is something in peoples speech that can reveal their gender. Men use (I wish I were) while women say (I was I was). Therefore, you are a man.
I never let people touch my dog, when I had one.
I don't want someone's shit-stained hands on my dog. With that said, I don't stop people from doing so.

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People who enjoy manga and anime are emotionally regressive infantiles, prove me wrong.
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This requires an obscene amount of pixel trimming but it's making progress, much like my all new invention the thinglonger. I don't tell you what it makes longer because I know if you try to guess you'll reveal the fact that you are in fact all about the ecchi.
you are a nigger

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That's so dark.
Woodblock printing in japan really died out after ww2
Porn is evil. If it were banned I would have a boyfriend by now.

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Do anime men really look like this?
I am an anime man and I look like that except taller and more muscular
Real men are warm and cuddly. Anime is cold and unfeeling. I wish I had a real man.

The racist gooner incels shall inherit the earth
If you read the old testament racist gooner incels were gods true chosen people. But then they racemixed because they were too horny and everything feel to shit.
Cheers, I'll goon to that bro

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>neighbor is screaming at his PC about anonymous posters talking about their neighbors on an image board
Please try again.
>Neighbor is angrily posting about how neighbor is screaming at his PC about anonymous posters talking about their neighbors on an image board
Does it make you worry what people say about you when you are unaware? I worry.
>screaming at his PC about anonymous posters talking about their neighbors on an image board
kek if true

ik marathoned history matters and started noticing the ads i was getting while watching it were increasingly for male enhancement products.
i dont know for sure if guys who watch history matters have small dicks, but the google algorithm seems to think so.
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>still getting ads on youtube
I like history matters if you disagree with me you're a nigger
They're ok. Some aspects aren't fully explored
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I'm grateful that there are still plenty of retards putting up with ads just so they aren't forced to crack the whip too hard on adblockers (at least not yet)
>the ads are targeted towards YOU
then why i not get the ads before this?

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