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I think I might have PIED
It took me 2 full minutes to get my dick hard (without looking at anything), this feels way too long
Can cardio and noporn for several weeks fix this?
not fapping 5+ times a day daily might help.
>5+ times a day
I like to edge so it's more of a duration problem rather than a frequency problem
Low t
Go to the doctor

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are there any black fembots that want black fembot friends? ones to hang out irl with? asking for a friend....
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I'm also in Ontario! I think I saw you in a different thread a few days ago lol
London/Hamilton/Toronto mostly
Will you let me call you a nigger while I feed you watermelon
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oh wow nice maybe we've seen each other around on here. how old are you? im 20
I'm 19 going on 20 this year :D Are you doing uni/college rn?

Hello, /r9k/,
I am the recruiting agent for a recently-divorced Arab Princess (see picrel) who is actively hiring male slaves! She currently is willing to pay $500,000 for one chad sex slave, and $10,000 apiece for several non-chad manual laborers.
If you are a chad your duties will include having sex with the Princess, posing nude for the princess, and being the sub in various femdom scenes that she will record and send to your female relatives (sisters, mother, grandmothers etc).
If you are a non-chad your duties will include manual labor and also appearing in riskier femdom scenes such as cock and ball torture that would be unsuitable to chad slave.
>Is this real?
Yes, Dubai is well known for its lax labor laws which include, among other things, turning a blind eye to literal slavery.
>How do I apply?
Reply in the comments below expressing your desire to be the princess's slave, and I will get in touch. Be sure to state whether you are a chad or a manual laborer (9+ facial aesthetics, 6'2 and muscular required to be chad).
>Who will be selling me?
You will be purchased from the highest ranking female authority figure in your life, most likely your mother, GF/wife or female boss. If you do not have any such relationships we will arrange to make a payment for you to your government.
>Can I get to know more about the Princess who I will be required to serve?
YES! More details here: https://youtu.be/rpE4UaZFkV4
Alright, that's about it male robots. Good luck on your application!
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hello yes, I'd like to be enslaved in Dubai for 10k please
No thanks, I escaped from such a situation before I'm not going back
Asking for a friend, but how would one get stuck in a situation like that? He'd throw out all of his morales for a cute Arab or Desi woman to make him her slave
lol I doubt that the princess of Saudi Arabia would ask her handlers to recruit from losers on 4chins.
In my case my mom sold me into it, I was an underage boytoy to a Saudi princess. How she figured out the deal, I don't know

i just wanna talk with bigu , but he hates me what should i do chuds?
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bigu is a loser and why anyone wants to be friends woth a sociopath like that is beyond me
Show him your pp maybe

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this fish is tired of being mentally ill. 2 more weeks....
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maybe a cute boymoder is reading all your post
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did boymoder have intercourse with his maid yet?
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gib american citizenship
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boymoder went to watch Deadpool by himself today but it was fucking censored in this shithole
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boymoder isn't interested in intercourse with anyone else except with bigu

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You have been selected to become the groom for Japan's princess!!! You will be unable to leave Japan and will permanently remain there. You will be forced to have 10 children with the princess, are you taking it?
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Of course it is, Ouji-sama
I wish the emperor and his family would commission me. I would love to be a court painter
Based. Sniff time
i love my autistic princess wife
>and many reports say she is weird and behaves strangely.
Wait that makes her sound really cool actually

All you have to do is find out what drugs countries that allow assisted suicide use and order them right??? I don't need a gun. IM A GENIUS.
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>I ignore God every chance I have, the same God who would solve all my problems
>somehow you should believe I'm a genius
god I wish there was more kindred porn
bullet to the head -> your brain gets destroyed instantly so no pain

overdose -> you'll die by being unable to breathe (assuming you are thinking of OD with some sort of painkillers like xanax). You'll practically drown outside of water

imo it's WAY worse method than bullet to the head but more doable if ur not from the burger land

(btw im not encouraging you to anything, just giving information)
OP flaked, anyone else got kindred pictures
...or just find a cliff somewhere

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sometimes i just wanna fucking bang my head into the wall as hard as i can
i wish i didnt get so annoyed so easily
i wish i wasnt so alone
but i wish my family knew when to leave me alone and stop bugging me when im obviously annoyed by something
i might just get high again idfc anymore
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>what drugs do u wanna do

i want to do shrooms/lsd/ectasy mainly


don't most people only get 2 viewers at best? i don't think i could ever stream bc im too boring. maybe i will just try dropshipping stuff again.
Depends on what you stream I guess, plus it takes a bit to get a following unless you get lucky with networking. A friend of mine streams niche fighting game tournaments like 2-3 times a week and gets 50-100 views from that.

ASMR and or Coomer pandering is probably the easiest way to get around 100-200 viewers fast though, but it also boxes you in heavily.
>no i didnt want to
will they not listen or is it just uncomfortable
idk if my replies sound dumb im tired
Can you pick something off the ground and put it where it's supposed to go?
have u ever done them before
i wanted to try shrooms but idk now
idfk i just didnt want to
ig but onlt leave like clothes on the floor but

The real reason your depressed is because you've never lived a single day in your life as a human being. You labor under so many layers of abstraction. Economics, law, social etiquette, bills, debt, money due dates, schedules... so opaque and dense are these labyrinths that you've even forgot that there was such a thing as a real human experience.

Go out and find it. You have got to get the fuck out of here.

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This is why you need to practice semen retention, phone usage retention, and complete sobriety while going outside. Thou shalt not beat thine meat or be glued to thine phone or do drugs.
I respectfully disagree. The reason I'm depressed is that I have an incurable illness and I'm just waiting for the end of things. I've had plenty of real human experiences and in my own opinion they aren't worth anything.
No, I'm depressed because I got shot in the head, frankly. I didn't get to keep the gift after brain reconstruction IQ enhancement, I was 123iq superior, instead I am a big being phased out retard with PTSD and dead, unloving relationships and retardation and suicidal ideation. I want it all and I can't have it...
What constitutes as real human experience? Should I consume mescaline and run around in the woods or something?
all these conceps to seemingly streamline an orderly society yet people just shake their bodies while intoxicated and fuck whoever doesn't fight them.

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anyone have that neetmaxxing guide screenshot? or any advice on how to neetmaxx in general?
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Rich family or welfare
uncle remus guide to autismbux
Take estrogen and do camwhoring
live with your parents and get on unemployment benefits, give them some of the money each month to placate them and keep the rest. bullshit them, tell them you are looking for jobs but there are no vacancies, if they threaten to kick you out then threaten suicide.
if you can't live with your parents you might have to wageslave unless you can find a super cheap place to stay, but it might be impossible to find a rental if you have no employment history and are unemployed
>collect welfare
>don't work
>you're a nigger now

ANIME edition:
>Your mbti type
>Type any anime character
>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.G. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology


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The worst thing to contaminate your mind with is lies.
You can think whatever you want, have whatever opinion of me you wish. Makes no difference to me. Your opinion is not valuable to me, sorry.
>*tips fedora*
>I don't believe for a single second that describes you in any way or form.
See above.
>You rather come off as insecure and posturing
See above v2.
>Did you miss how your own post:
Am I supposed to care? Am I supposed to be bothered by your opinion, just like you are bothered by mine? Anon, I genuinely give no shits. You can think I'm a toddler, or you can think I'm a literal AI, or you can think my IQ is 75, you can think I'm the devil incarnate, or the second coming of Jesus. It makes no difference to me.
Nope, you're off by quite a large margin.
Multiply your guess by 1.60

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>Name an anime character who is literally you
nana osaki
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mmmm.... well. In that case I might not be 'introverted' under the Jungian way. I simply meant, as you said, that I am very quiet and very much prefer my own company.
So you are dead certain I am a Te DOM?
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>It makes no difference to me.
That's clearly a lie. You wouldn't reply to me if you had no care at all.
Your actions disprove your claims.

Your pretense of being above it all is insecurity, pure and simple.
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Extroversion in MBTI and Jungian typology are the same.

In simple terms, introverts don't want to affect the world or be affected by the world, and extroverts do.
It's an oversimplification, but that's the gist of it.
You asking the thread to determine your type is you being an extrovert.

You're taking something from inside of your head, and putting it into the world. Which is the most basic definition of extroversion. It could be that you're just in an extroverted state at this moment, or it could be that you're just 51% extroverted. It could be a bunch of different things, but the thing you show most when you come around is your extroverted attitude.
>So you are dead certain
I'm alive certain.
>That's clearly a lie.

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anyone up for some vrchat? its free on steam and you dont need a vr headset to play
isn't vrchat made for trannies and furries?
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Imagine this scenario:
You're browsing /r9k/ and suddenly you spot a thread. It's IShowspeed posting, no replies yet, you open up the thread and OP reads '4CHAN R9K, TURN ME UP', since you're the first person to open up the thread you know you will be one of the first posts that speed will definitely read


to grab your idols attention?
This is a separate, r9k centric hangout
join us here https://vrch.at/svev5q8m
you were sound boss, see you again later
chatting at the bar with the fellers

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Discuss, r9k. As someone who grew up with weed and just recently started drinking, I find the effects of alcohol just overall more enjoyable
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i dont like either
weed makes me schiz out and alcohol isn't fun when you're alone
i trip once a week on shrooms instead
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opiate/oid chads represent

Drink a beer and smoke a joint, basically like three of each
Neither. Do Chinese research chemicals.
both suck honestly but id rather have a single drink than a little toke
weed ALWAYS makes me lethargic as fuck when it wears off
just a drink doesnt give me a hangover

lsd is the best drug and everything else is just shit honestly

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You would totally have multiple gfs if you could, don't lie.
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How do you be confident when you're 5'3?
>but I realize this isn't possible after a certain duration
Nah, just want one, and to develop emotional intimacy with her.
Multiple wives? Sure.
One wife and some appropriately treated concubines? Sure.
A girlfriend with an occasional threesome with her friend that she's also attracted to? Sure.
But I have a clear goal, and if you're my main bitch, you're my number one. I would enjoy a harem, but a partner I can be honest with and trust is infinitely preferable, assuming she's not a secret slut (1% chance).
you could develop emotional intimacy with two though.

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take the plap pill

fat girls are cute and soft
I love this meme convince me that being a virgin is not that much a big deal
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>convince me that being a virgin is not that much a big deal

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