I literally screamed at god like a wild animal. hes not letting me relive my life or help me in any perceptible way. My life isn't salvage without divine intervention.
>>80129647OP I wholeheartedly agree. I want to believe in God so badly, but I've never heard God or felt God in my entire life. How do I get a message from Jesus? I watch Christian testimonies every single night, I want to have a testimony someday just like they do.I have intense depression. I've wasted so much wealth, so much health, so much potential relationships. I have ruined all three. I have no potential for happiness. I was bitten my a tick at age six and got Lyme Disease twice around then, this permanently destroyed my life forever. I cannot believe in God. Why would God allow a tick to live for 24 hours longer by sucking my blood, yet in exchange it destroys my 77 years of life? 77 years utterly ruined in exchange for a simple mindless tick to live one more hour? There is no God. My timeline is permanently corrupted. My life has been 99% misery, loneliness, anguish and depression with 1% happiness at absolute most.
God will compensate you for your suffering in... le afterlife