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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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shark edition

share nice art, talk about your day, be cozy and chill. there is no test so don't even ask.
dolphin shorts are the sexiest shit women can wear
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they're so sporty.
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anyone watching the medalist? is it good?
I scored 69420 points, I am a grand wizard and mog all of you
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Art? Cozy and chill?? On r9k??? Are you out of your mind? This is the INCEL board, we talk about tfw no gf, wallow in self-pity and worship fembots 24/7, there is no room for cozy discussion. Here's a nice illustration of Suika though, for your trouble.
another general to die within 10 replies
americans cannot handle this truth nuke
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God I want her to stand up with her legs spread with her tight...
Her little...
Her shark anus pointing at me as I sit on the floor, cheeks spread, hers not mine though if she wants to go fiddling around in there I'm all ok for that, you know, strap-on a massive strap-on and go to town and aggressively peg me until I'm shitting blood, that's cool I'd like that make me hurt a little babygirl bite me and scratch me I love it, but we're getting sidetracked here so back to the original train of thought of her cheeks being spread while I am staring directly into her anus, and eat out her ass with such vigor that she pisses herself and all over my cock as I jerk off with her golden shower trickling down my chest and chin while I tongue her hopefully clean shitbox in a session of anal eating like I had brain worms

I'd drag my testicles through used syringes for miles just to have her fart up my nose and piss down my throat
I scored -69420 points, I am an irredeemable normalfaggot and mog all of you
/asg/ - autistic sperg general
I would permit her to bite me with those. It would hurt and I might get an infection but it would be hot.
The Masonic trip-dubs have spoken.
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how big is your art folder?
several gigabytes. when i'm done shitting i'll show you.

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