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will the perfect physique make people want me or is it not enough to offset being completely and utterly retarded
pic unrelated
nice balls
and no initial attraction is just half a point, if you are as retarded as you make it sound its difficult. just learn social skills and become a sociopath, its the easier way out

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I'm starting to think Christianity might be the one true religion for no other reason than the most evil people on the planet hate it so so much. It is one thing to be atheist but they take it to a different extreme.
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yes christianity in its purest essence is good but it has been practiced and implemented in very flawed ways. particularly christianity after the industrial age of aquarius

its dogma is its downfall. there are more cultural christains then there are spiritualized christains
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Reminds me of Wiemar.
Yes everyone at some point must realize this. The entire muslim world can be at war with Israel and protest for the destruction of the zionist state yet Jews would still rather side with them and continue to attack Christianity. The only conclusion to be drawn is that Christ is the truth.
Aside from window dressing, Christianity is indistinguishable from most other mainstream religions
We all know that "dressing up like women" is the most evil thing you can do. Not like "calling for the deaths of billions" that's straight normal shit.

>So you're that Anon guy everyone's talking about huh? ...yeah, that makes sense.
and you're those sluts everyone's talking about huh? ...yeah, that makes sense
Nice booba in the background. God I wana suck on some big titties.
>>So you're that Anon guy everyone's talking about huh? ...yeah, that makes sense.
*aggressively makes a duck face back*
How do you even respond to this? Foids are so retarded they'll laugh at anything.

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Fuck, mashing my tiny little shitskin clitty to bleached BWC porn feels so fucking good. Hnnngh colonize her harder. Fuck. White men are so superior. My disgusting dark clitty could never compare to a marble ivory sculpted white penis. Fuck it feels so good...hnnnngh. I love big white cock. Colonize me daddy.
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can you shut the fuck up bro like gosh darn
Why do you guys keep trying to make 'Bleached' a thing? I don't think anyone likes it, not even the people into the nonwhite cuckold thing. Nobody wants groyper shit in their porn
Could you like fuck off m'kay?
Imagine the paizuri
non-whites need to experience interracial cuckoldry too buddy
i will impregnate your brown sisters

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I was canceled, still planning my come-back.
what's the plan?

I find that reading a fellow anon's post out loud humanizes the person, and makes it less likely that you will abuse or scorn them.
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dumb thread, you are dumb, a big brown dummy dumb nigger monkey
>I find that
having effective filters reduces emotional fatigue and you are more inclined to engage honestly with the few threads that remain
>t. Filtered threads: 54 Hidden threads: 96
I tend to be a raging asshole to fellow anons, if only because i find it hard to imagine anyone taking an insult posted on here at all seriously.
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>mfw I say anon's post out loud and imagine them crying before telling them to kill themselves
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I would use filters, but honestly why even bother coming on here at that point? I've just made a game of noticing the ebb and flow of shitpost patterns. On the menu today is cuckposting in blackpill threads and some "femanon" posters for instance.

lel, I tend to enjoy replies the harder they go telling me off. Not even because i think they're genuinely mad. I just like the mental image of me and some anon seeing who can get the most creative in telling someone to go kill themself. Like some sort of autistic internet rap battle.

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Anons with PAWG Moms. What was it like growing up with them?
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I reccomend getting help anon.
Torture, because she was very close with me, inappropriately so, and tended to wear nothing but a loose bathrobe. Constant embarrassment and borderline incest

Fucked me up
Genuine question. Why do Women get this types of Asses so often after becoming Mothers?
>What was it like growing up with them?
Constant urge to slamfuck her shitter before even knowing about anal. You know, perfectly normal feelings for your mom.
Fantasized and had wet dreams like this

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how do i know if im too low iq for college
>inb4 iq is just a number
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You're not, if niggers can get into college then nobody is too low IQ for college lmao.
>low iq for college
if you can read and write, you can do community college
What if I literally have down's syndrome
depends, what do you want to study?
If you go to /sci/ and understand nothing

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Western (((elites))) made sure you will be an incel by pushing feminism. They didn't give a fuck that your life would be shit and miserable. They want you to suffer. They want you to live in pain.
Now they demand you to fight against Russia, Iran and China while the "empowered" women sit at home, spit in your face and fuck only chads.
They want you to sacrifice your life for the same people who made you an incel and treated you like shit your whole life.
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origino origino
Russia can't win, which is a kind of victory for the much smaller Ukraine, but the point now is that russia is fucked and there is no easy way out, it's a lose-lose. If russia gives up, it will get mocked and, likely, a civil war will break out. If russia doesn't give up, it will kill hundreds of thousands more of its working age men and waste tremendous resources to achieve nothing,
I will not be fighting for either side unless we are conquering and subjugating women.
Why am I not an incel then. Russians are all fags btw
I actually like they are using ski masks because it's cold and that's proper kit, not because they want to look le badass.

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honest idiot here:

why do women keep telling them to seek therapy? How exactly does theraphy help here? Ok, lets say you could learn to talk to them as "people"; not be nervous, but what all about the men who have plenty of female friends and still no one feels attracted to them sexually? What does theraphy fix here?
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Oh yeah? Then I'll prove it to you. Go ahead and post your tits, and I shall feel aroused by them.
Do you mean that guys simp, or that guys start woman-hating?
Because both things happen, but the prior is also done by guys who get laid.
The latter is also done by guys who get laid, just in private though lol.
Simps do not get laid you're retarded.
This guy simps for every woman he gets into contact with hard and gets laid easily.

Simping works if you do it right, women like feeling desired, same reason why love bombing works.
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Yell, smash your desk, accuse, twist the knife, it matters not. We are past the point of no return.

>when someone says something so furniturephilephobic you gotta hit them with that couchfucker stare
I'm more of a pillow or mattressfucker myself
any port in a storm!

Every game i play mercy is someones best mercy game
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sir, this isn't /owg/

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Everytime they invite us over dinner, they always cook something pork related like its supposed to offend me. We dont hate pigs, we just cant eat them. Why are white parents like this?
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because 99% of muslims in the west will engage every haram indulgence except pork for whatever reason
Just eat the pork. It tastes very good. Much better than beef.
You supposed to keep it on the down low, people drink more in a Muslim country than in the west. But not openly.
muslim is not a race
Pork is under $2 a pound. Have you been to a halal grocery store? The chicken is $6/lb and not even deboned. The lamb is like $15/lb. They are just poor. You could buy some good will by bringing a dish next time they invite you over. A bottle of wine is a more traditional gift when someone invites you to dinner but poor people don't really do that as often for some reason. Either way you're supposed to give something to the host when you're a dinner guest. Even if it's as simple as a bag of zucchini from the garden.

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I'm tall (6'2) and well endowned (7.5x5.5in). Can a femcel please make a voice recording saying i have a great body and telling me she would like to have my dick?
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You have a pretty nice voice yourself anon! and thank you!
Falukorv looking ass
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7 inchers are dicklets. Anything below top 1% is subhuman
wtf why do moids have such sexy alluring voices........ i love moids now

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How do I make at the very least 1.5k within the next 24 hours online? I have no profitable skills and no brain power or physical energy left. And I won't do prostitution. I'm desperate, but I'd rather die than do that. Serious replies only please. I'm in a desolate situation.
First you need to realize other people and normies especially are just NPCs and if you kill them they drop loot
Why do you need it in 24 hours?
should have leaned how to play poker, blackjack, trade crypto or options. But even with the possibilities to make that much you'd need to risk more than you can afford to lose.
I'm facing eviction, I'm on my last leg and my landlord told me if I can at least pay the last rent and this month then I can stay another month while I work it out, otherwise I have to leave monday

>captcha: GKMS
>next 24 hours online
Take out a personal loan

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