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I love to read bad news, i am an ugly dicklet manlet incel, i enjoy seeing other people suffer
I believe the germans call this schaudenfraude
You don't have to be like that, anon. Everyone can change.
im very ugly, there's no hope for me, im glad palestinian kids are losing their limbs
>im very ugly, there's no hope for me, im glad palestinian kids are losing their limbs
that's an evil thing to say
bump for exposure

The Asians understand this.
So did the West, once.
Why is the modern western woman obsessed with displaying her giant fucking forehead?
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in fact iof anything plebbit is a great barometer for what not to do
i had bangs for most of my life and can confidently say most men dislike it. there are guys who are very into it but these tend to be weebs of some sort or otherwise obsessed with the whismy gf archetype.
"Muh lived experience" doesn't count for much
When i have them they just go wild. They just show off my forehead anyways
eh, certainly counts for more than reports from your personal fetish.

They're either into them or not. There is no "maybe if our personalities click" route to be taken. She is either on the asian-guys YES side of the fence or NOT. Almost like homosexuality, you either like dick or not. And just like with homosexuals, women into asian men are like 1-2%, I always felt hitting on girls in my social circle is like a gay dude hoping one of his beer pong playing straight bros changes his mind about dick.
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any from the developed countries(China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, etc).
The small dick stuff isn't true in these countries because the people can get enough food now
Jel zivis na moru ili samo radis sezonu
>Never called myself a femcel as well
Now get the fuck out
Zivim, ti
Nuh nuh 4chin is addictive
ne iz hercegovine sam ali dodjem u dalmaciju radit
Tucepi, Podgora i tako
gadi mi se more i sve to ali trebam pare

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Where do people in their 30s meet people at? I turn 30 in a few days and have spent the last decade working and trying to find friends or a girlfriend. No luck. Apps and social media don't work because no one responds to me.

I've tried getting my family to introduce me to people, but no luck. I've been extremely lonely and depressed since my early teens and despite going to therapy, taking medication, and trying as hard as I can, I've made zero connections.
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most peoples friend groups are either so cemented or non existent that they dont really have time for a loner to come into it.
why should they have to wait for someone to acclimate to their group or change for a new person.
Not only yhat but to most people a loner or a drifter at 30 is gonna be a massive red flag

you're here forever
accept it
personally the only "people" i care about meeting are women for sex so i use dating sites simple as
The people at my job have little in common with me and I prefer for my job to stay separate from my personal life.
Im 31 and last Saturday I got invited to join a men's group that a guy in my mother's church is starting. We'll be working out together and reading books and going on hikes and bonding over stuff like that. It's kinda a religious group, so not everybody's thing, but I'm excited to be a part of it.
A loner is someone who likes and chooses to be alone. That clearly doesn't apply to OP.

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Does anyone have them anhedonia and subsequently find sufficient happiness in life?
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I cured it by deciding not to have it
Drink the exact precise amount needed to achieve the stimulant effect without the depressive effect. Probably 3 drinks if you're a fat or just tall man. Then once it kicks in play some music like this.


Then drink no more, that's it. You had your moment of happiness, in that moment your worries went away. Keep that with you. Tuck into bed and go to sleep. When you wake up you will remember this and maybe have a less worrysome attitude about everything, your chores and toil and disappointment will be less charring.
change your hobbies dude
doing the same thing for 30 years will do that to you
yeah I did heroin and now I feel great
I just want to know if anyone has managed to cure anhedonia without drugs. I've looked at lots of posts about it and no one has managed to cure it. I didn't make this post to talk about myself.

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Well well well, it seems fembot has fallen into our little trap...
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It's over for me, frens
Food service but I feel extremely anxious working any job, the closest I have gotten to being ok was retail at a clothing store but it was seasonal
What is it? A shocker?
The collective size of all their penises added together. I don't know if she'll be able to handle it
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Nah just like a thingy

Gen for women who have anime husbando.
Be nice to eachother
Post your husbando
Who is your husbando
What do you like about him the most

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What do you think of people with alternative life goals? My goal in life is to look like a teenage or anime girl (I have a feminization fetish) through surgical intervention and anti-aging procedures. In the back of my mind I feel all roads that arent backed up by human nature or history (like starting a family) lead to poor endings. Do you also have a weird life goal? Pic related is how I look at the current moment.
Can we date when you look like an anime girl?

Tell, me. Literally, why?
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gonewild isn't even good anymore, now it's all onlyfans shilling
back in the day it used to be whores who did it just for the love of the game o7
For a sec I thought it was about people go living innawoods uncle Ted style.
I dislike Reddit because the functions of the website itself (upvotes and downvotes) actively encourage echo chambers because the retards that use the website are braindead and think of them as "like and dislike", and if you have an opinion or just say something that people don't like you can be buried and suppressed from being able to comment on certain places and are restricted from posting.

People will become hateful and violent over anyone who doesn't fit into the norm on Reddit (ie anyone who isn't a vocal leftist) and act almost like cultists with how fervently angry and even violent they get over dissenting opinions. Redditors seem to have a mindset of "if they aren't with us, they're against us", and their worldview is so warped that they believe at any moment someone is going to break down their door with a gun and say "HEIL TRUMP HEIL OUR PEOPLE HEIL VICTORY!" Despite how much they claim to be open-minded they also actively shit on and stereotype people that don't hold their beliefs.

Any subreddit for alternative thought is nuked. Also shadowbans are retarded and annoying. The website itself is complete shit and to even comfortably use it at all you have to use the old website, which is bloated to hell and doesn't work half the time. Also faggot "Snoovatar" avatars which are basically like NFTs for Redditors make the site look even worse and more retarded. I'm pretty sure most of the website is just bots.

Most of the "good" subreddits are dedicated to hobbies or music, and even then they are often still shit.
Gonewild is one of the few subs that doesn't allow OF shilling
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just hate normy bullshit in general, and r*dditors are like turbo "virtue signallers", anything that goes even slightly against the mainstream gets le downbooted while the most cringe cookie cutter "opinions" get updooted, no original thought allowed and I'm not even sure what the fuck they are "offended" about half the time

it is not that bad if you find a subreddit where only nerds who genuinely give a shit about a topic would ever go to, but otherwise it is cringe

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What happens if for an essay about an author you just copy every idea from a secondary text? I already read 100 pages of this shit im not gonna read another to pointlessly compare them or whatever the fuck. The secondary text constantly references primary texts and gives very in depth explanations why wouldn't I just copy what it says in my own words??
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What do you mean as secondary text? Like 100+ pages shit or just some website article or whatever.
Any text that analyzes the primary text. The more information you have to work with the better it'll turn out, but it's your essay man, read what you want.
makes sense. i got like 5 hours to work wit.
plagarism is overrated
hbomberguy doesnt like fallout 3, hes an immense faggot
cite your sources
other than that cheating can get you expelled and you'd have to appeal to the board of your college/uni and the department of education in your state.
in reverse order

hope you like working outside anon because hnless you go get certified in IT there isnt much you can do if you get expelled

You people are unironically demented. Modernity fucked ya'll up good
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I will start up by saying, I recognize the initial reason for why your lack of self worth has come about. Your childhood experience has been the spark for this issue of yours. You have created this entity in your mind, that constantly asks for higher and unreasonable expectations.
>You can do better == therefore you must!
You believe that getting closer to this, what I would consider pathological and sadist, ideal will get you that worth you desire. Believing getting the praise by your peers, rivals, and idols that you adore will finally make you not feel inadequate. However realize the meaning behind those words, and the process. You believe doing X will make your mind change to Y, which is a roundabout method that you cannot even be sure will give you the results you want. Rather than just get Y to begin with. Love yourself.
>dude just stop bro it's that easy bro just be happy
retard gorilla nigger
I know it is hard to change your perspective, but I hope that this thought will be a seed to a change in a few years
if you actually think
>dude just love yourself :)
is either a new concept to anyone or something they never contemplated before then you're a colossally self absorbed asshole
No, but I felt that it was perfectly apt thing to respond. I don't believe something has to be new and shiny, for it to have value. Still, if this comes from a place of hurt, I am sorry and I hope you'll get what you are searching for

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Are you having fun playing with your genitals?
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No I feel depressed and ashamed
I finished doing that earlier this afternoon. Please pay attention.
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I do not want to watch you masturbating
hi sheldon
you do any bazingaing today?
Then why did you go out of your way to ask me about it? This seems inconsistent.

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A lot of you guys probably enjoy making us gingers the butt of the joke (and yea, TBF a lot of gingers are fucking ugly) but at a point all of this shit gets really depressing.

Most of us will never be able to find a partner of our same phenotype, which is only going to speed up our extinction, and what a lot of people dont factor in is YOU NEED GINGER GUYS TO MAKE GINGER GIRLS.

Most ginger girls are either sluts, coalburners or both. Being born with red hair makes you over 2x more likely to go into porn than being born with brown or black hair. A female ginger friend of mine growing up admitted to me that she lost her virginity to a complete stranger at 14 (in a public mens locker room) simply because she felt like it.

We're also rare AF. Ginger girls are under 1% of the population, so a ginger guy like myself has essentially no chance. It does not matter that I lift, It does not matter that for a ginger I have straight hair, it does not matter that I have a healthy body fat % (idk what it actually is, but I have had visible abs since my mid teens and they have not gone away so whatever), Im not tall, but I'm also not short, and I have a big Celtic dick (celdick lmao).

Even if I do get lucky and find a girl at all, it will most likely not be someone who looks remotely like me at all, and if she does she's going to have well over a dozen bodies.
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a visual aid for the learning impaired (OP)
i wouldnt blame em for genociding us back
I could
they lost, fair and square, and we still let them live
Oy vey. Race mixing is wrong
>t proud Aryan
translating for soulless OP: some people have recessive ginger genes without being ginger. if these people have babies they can have ginger soulless daughters even though they are both ensouled.

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What are some media where the she only wants chad?
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Titanic I guess

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What are some jobs suited for former neets? I recently ended 4 years of being a neet and got a job in food service and am incredibly stressed having to deal with customers and co workers. Is there any jobs you have had that have not made you want to kill yourself?
>Is there any jobs you have had that have not made you want to kill yourself?
nope. sorry

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