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posting gifs until i'm not
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what is missing in your heart?
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red hot coals for souls
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we live in a world of temporal illusions
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How does this not get banned for spamming but two Poopano posts in a row does?
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Poopano x This Anon 4ever

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>be 18
>decide to use dating sites for hookups
>a homely milf messages me
>right off the bat flirts with me and wants me to meet up with her
>soon find out that she's married with 2 kids
>tell her I can't have sex with a married woman
as much as I like older women this is not worth the risk and the bad karma
im 19 and i cant get any good matches fug u imj elly of u
you say this but because of my looks 40% of my friend requests and messages and shit are from fags, so it's a double edged sword

>actually, unironically, and irreversibly called a woman in real life a "femanon" in a work setting
>employer wants me to visit outside of working hours to "have a talk"
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>called a woman in real life a "femanon" in a work setting
Fake and gay, nobody here has a job!
But yeah, we need context OP. How did this bizarre turn of events come about where you called a co-worker "femanon"?
>employer wants me to visit outside of working hours to "have a talk"
Make sure it's on the clock, otherwise refuse
why would your employer even know what this means? if he does then he has to also be a robot so you got a new fren
The dumbest thing about it is that a femanon is rare cos there are less female posters than male posters so being so delusional that carried with you to the outside world where 50% of people walking around are female is hilariously bonkers
Never go to work outside work hours, those fuckers want you there then they better pay for it

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I think the sexy girl that sat next to me in a class dropped that class. I will miss staring at her bare legs.
I would have done her homework and let her cheat off my tests just for her to continue to exist. Dumb whore.
(this is college/university level by the way)
she probbaly dropped out because she didnt like a creep sitting next to her getting a boner and staring her up and down
congrats bigot, you just caused her to give up on education and open an onlyfans instead (and no, you'll never find out her username)

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>ate again
I give up
I was a good boy for 3 days, then caved and got Five Guys. It's not a race, brother. We will get there soon.
baka baka baka. dont you get it yet? you HAVE to eat. starving yourself as a means to lose weight is stupid and pointless. get on an actual diet, and start to exercise. and remember, you CAN enjoy unhealthy foods still. just not a lot of it. one donut isnt going to completely ruin your weight loss journey, for example. just make sure you stick to your diet and exercise routine. you got this anon, i believe in you.

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How do I get an anal only gf?
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>Do you think getting a blowjob is gay too?
Unironically yes, unless you are touching uniquely female things such as boobs or pussy at the same time.
How I did it was settling for someone older and less attractive than me, gaslighting about it being tighter/feeling better, and birth control drugs being bad for health. Kind of getting tired of it but the fact she's anal only makes it hard to give up. I might monkey branch if things work out that way but for now her butthole is the glue that has kept us together for so many years. Took a while to train her into accepting that sex means getting fucked in the butt. It probably would not have gone well had I insisted on it from the start.
Fuck that's so hot, I need to do this. Warping a girl's brain and body and turning her into a anal only butt slut to satisfy your own perversion. Kino.
>My ex fucking loved it and I indulged her maybe twice in the three years we were together.
I do not mean this in an insulting way, but it's no wonder you aren't together if you weren't sexually compatible. There are men who'd relish the opportunity to have a girl that is very into anal. Though, you said she was 'psycho', so maybe it's for the best.
>why the fuck do people like anal?
Mental aspect for me. Concept-wise, it feels more like domination and someone submitting/fully surrendering to me. Only thing that may compete is full-on baby-making, cum-inside and leglocked baby-making breeder sex or something. That comes with its own obvious problems.
Hope you don't monkey branch and just treat her well, but at the very least, appreciate you have an anal-dedicated woman to pound up now.
Colon cancer has nothing to do with anal sex unless maybe you're hpv positive. And if you take it slow and use plenty of lube and no ridiculously sized toys, the risk of damaging your sphincter is not that high.

Degradation fetish or masochism maybe?

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Robots, what does it mean when a friend says that they'd be okay taking your surname? (both adult males)

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Have you ever thought about joining one of those active clubs to make friends? They probably don't care that you are weird because they are all operating outside of the mainstream.
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I knew a fat chick who had no friends and had no boyfriend but then she joined a nazi group and now she has many orbitors and a boyfriend
Non-Christians have nonwhites and homosexuals. By definition if they accept these things they can't be Christian. I'm talking about the real Christian church, not whatever ghetto catholic or strip mall satan worshippers you are thinking of. Christian Identity is distinct from non-Christians heretics.
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First I'm hearing about this Tbh. Seems like MMA gyms for white guys only. I don't see a problem with this.
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>Mainstream media tells poor whites that they're too privileged
>Meanwhile Jews and Jeets are never mentioned
This actually peaked my interest because I looked into getting into BJJ before but it was all spics in the class. I was out of place.

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Why do Zooms keep lumping Y2K Futurism with Fruitnigger Aero?
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Some of it was cyber goth but some of it wasn't (i.e. iMac G3 had nothing to do with goth)
because they don't know any better
millenials did similar shit lumping late 70's stuff in with the 80's

windows vista and 7 are explicitly frutiger
xp feels a little intermediate but the applications that ran on it were definitely Y2K, look up xp era winamp skins
Like how they speak of "80s disco throwback" even though it wasn't called disco anymore in the 80s.
It was an aesthetic that emerged from the optimism of the future of tech at the time
Win 7 is the epitome of frutiger aero
XP is in a weird place, it's like a precursor to frutiger aero but not quite there yet
>thats racist.

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Why do normalfags say that school shootings are terrible but turn around and say that bullying should come back?

I never been bullied but that's retarded, if you want to bully people then be prepared when they bring a gun and kill you
the only way bullying can come back is if they stop punishing self-defense in school.

The obese HR mammies don't like that though so they'll just let some ape bully everyone since little timmy can't do anything without being suspended (and then beat at home by his land whale whore single mother who takes school punishments as moral gospel).

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How do you develop a personality that girls like as an introvert with no social skills?
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At the gym
force yourself to spend time with people
ideally funny and goofy people
simply observe how they communicate
try your best to copy it
simple as
Nah this sounds miserable. The actual best solution is to give up and goon to anime girls instead
wasn't the goal to develop a likeable personality?
why would you give up on such a dream?
Changing immutable traits you were born with is easy. Have you, I don't know, tried showering at least once a month? If that doesn't work try weekly. Just be yourself and it's easy to get a gf.

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I think ugly people should die. Honestly why wasn't I born handsome I don't get it
why didnt you carrotmaxx as a child?
Left is covertly gay and right is overly gay
>>78870974 i was told looks don't matter

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Something is fucked up with this app, theres no way I'm getting this many likes (10) naturally, it has to be full of bots.
>Something is fucked up with this app, theres no way I'm getting this many likes (10) naturally, it has to be full of bots.
I have only gotten 2 likes from women and like 8 from men over 2 weeks.
The women were one black and one asian...it's all over. It's actually all over with dating apps for me. I either have to go outside or die alone.
I got like 12 likes but all from south america, africa and asia. Not a single local woman liked me or matched with me. They are all verified. But doing this shit ltr is just impossible.

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What does r9k think of Scorpio Moons?
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Looks like you're 20. Maybe born around March 15th (give or take 1 day depending on the city you were born in and time of day). Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in Pisces, mostly in 3rd house for your local neighborhood connections, trine Moon in Cancer 7th house. Probably you'd have an easy time with friends and romantic relationships. Mars in Aries 4th house (using equal house system) would imply passion for your home and family which tracks with you calling yourself a nazi earlier. That passion squares your Moon so possibly it could sabotage your romantic relationships that you'd otherwise have an easy time with. You might want to avoid discussing politics with women.
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Postin b4 thread dies
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Additional image for posterity's sake
The audacity to think your insignificant life is in any way related to the position of planets in our solar system! Wow, this is some Supreme Gentleman level shit.
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>while Pisces is the sign of imagination, letting things go, and being on drugs.
>and being on drugs.
that last part felt like a personal attack
oh well, fuck it, we ballin'

(disclaimer, drugs ruin your life. Do them only if you are a retarded Pisces and you have nothing else to lose)

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Why is this so common? Are white males really that pathetic?
absolutely did not read all that but im gonna assume you have some fetish
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please see pic related and also stop trolling, el tardo

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