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Chinese women and white men are interacting on this new platform and the shit is honestly so hilarious. Chinese women are pajeet tier and Chinese men are not happy about it
>Send condom size and balls, yt
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just don't wanna waste my time on yet another dating app, this time with people i cannot even remotely meet anytime soon with an added language and culture barrier.
like, if i'm not completely swarmed with nudes and money and marriage requests for even existing on that app, I'm not sure why I should bother
I don't have a big dick...
Asian women consider 6 inches big, bro.
women here are NOT less horny
It's five inches...

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>70 iq mouthbreathing lolcow is now the shadow president
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He's smarter than you and anyone in the entirety of 4chan combined. That's why he's rich and you aren't. Cope. MAGA
I'm a janitor at a hospital. You have no conception of how dumb people with 70-90 IQ are unless you have worked such a job. Trump is at LEAST 105, Musk probably 120+.
You meant MIGA. Post hands, we know you won't.
Why do u want to see my hands? BTW hamas is calling for peace already lololol. Trump isn't even in office yet and more good things have happened since he got elected than the entirety of Joe bidens presidency.

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As a white man (the game's main audience), I can't wait to play as the great American leader Harriet Tubman in Civ 7
>As a white man
you shouldn't be playing bideo gaymes, but rather practicing science. If you have time and energy to play games, you can do project euler problems instead
President Tubman's election was legendary
sorry libtard but the age of the amateur scientist is over, you need billions of dollars of equipment and machinery that weighs more than 15 M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tanks just to make a small discovery now
it's a video game it doesn't have to make sense

>another grumpy & depressed day
>pretty much do nothing all day
>there a few things to take care of
>but they can wait another day or two bleh
>mom asks me to build together a pair of coffee tables she ordered
>not the first time I assembled furniture for her
>about to be finished with the bigger one of them
>notice that it seems like I made a mistake
>really not up to remove & reassemble the two parts of the table to fix the issue
>give up for now
>holy shit why can't I just die already
>just send me to my cat I don't want to bother with anything anymore
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>finish the third table too
>parents are happy
>psychotic fatass lil bro does mentally ill style exercise around us
>has headphones
>mom is like wow at this rate he will go to the olympics
>..to the paralympics
>I really wanna go to japan for a month+ during the cherry blossom season
>parents want me to take over the family company so they arent happy with the timing of my next travel
>I guess I have to delay it fucking damn it
>but if they want me to be efficient I do need a time out after all these happenings at home
>I just want a new Animal Crossing game to be desu
>another Luigis Mansion too please
>but one thats more like the first one
>2 was meh
>3 was great
>but the first one is still too great compared to the others
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>some neonazi who has go to jail for denying the holocaust made use of the new trans laws
>has a female surename now and by is a woman
>they are confused now what to do with that person
>by law they have the rights to be send into a woman jail
>has to go*
>by law*
>fuck my esl the lighthouse model is exhausting my monkey brain too much
>made it to step 300
>1400 steps left
>40 more pages til I can use the instruction pdf 2 out of 4
>I need food desu
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>do nothing the entire time
>psychotic lil bro comes into my room
>tells me if I want he would transfer the family company to me
>since he believes he wasting his potential by just making money
>he wants to go to the uni to proof his delusional theory of everything
>oy vay I dont want any of this
>but I have to desu
>still not sure if this means rip japan in spring
>but I probably have to wait for it til summer or next spring FUCK
>welp I still have to debate the details with dad
>tell dad the best thing to do is to hustle monays a few years
>and then be like farewell germany
>I better enjoy my less busy days
>ofc I will feel too bleh for it wont I

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I'm so fucking stupid. I haven't programmed in 6 months and I've forgotten everything. I haven't touched math since taking calculus in 2020 and I've forgotten everything. I have how how I just forget everything I learn. What the fuck is even the point if I'll just forget in a couple years without doing it.
You didn't actually forget it

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Twomads 1 year deathversary is coming next month. Went out like a true chud all things considered. Rest in spaghetti never forgetti

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> find my dentist's Instagram
> hit her up and ask her snapchat
> sends nudes
All of this while using fake chad pictures.

No way it's this easy. Are all women whores?
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why are people getting mad at the woman in the story?

like seriously if a hot person messaged you and got sexual wouldn't you reciprocate
>are all men whores
Most are. If an above average woman send message to single men 90%+ of them would be interested. The only ones that'd reject are closet gays, the ones that don't believe and think it's a scam, religious guys(true ones) and some rare few that have standards
>Are all women whores?
i got banned for a few days after posting a few days ago that all wh*te women are wh*re
i knew it i were not wrong
>the man I'm saving myself for I'm 99.99% won't be from 4chan lmao
I know. Women who say they will save themselves never do for a man who says the same. They will all settle with Chad once he finishes pounding teen puss and will continue to do so after marriage. You don't care because you'd rather share a Ferrari than have a Honda to yourself. Women never have self respect, you will never be your man's first and you know it.

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The situation continues to deteriorate with time. You'd think that things couldn't get any worse at some point, but no.
They weren't kidding when they said it's downhill from here
Downhill and only downhill indeed, not even a bump.
Yeah. That's what happens when you're an atheist.
the situation is on the constant upward slop, AI girlfriends literally exist now. The fuck are you still sad about
Beware of false prophets who will perform great signs, believer

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>white guy with blue eyes but even Asian women have zero interest in me

You know you're ugly when you can't even JBW max
Asians like White Guys because they are taller and larger.
Have you considered growing taller and larger?
Not op but hgh makes your face grow sideways so much it looks uncanny just compare Sam Hyde's old and new phots hgh ruined his face and he looks ugly now

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Took today and tomorrow off to spend all day cleaning up my depression piles and refresh everything

Kinda hate wasting leave just to do more work, but I'm kinda proud of myself. Tomorrow I gotta finish my bedroom and vacuum. Then I'll be building a little bit of ikea furniture and throwing away all of my dead plants.
Hope I get it all done and get to enjoy my weekend.

Take care of yourself friends, before you let it get too bad.

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I wish I was gay. At least I would have sex.
being gay is a choice
why is black on black homosexuality so funny?

What motivates people to commit mass shootings? It it Juice?
very rough estimate. ~95% of "mass shootings" are gang-related. the ~5% being from retarded schizos (who should've all been taken out years before).

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I watch the cultivators spend hours rubbing the sticky out from the bedeviled shrub atop my pagoda. I pay them in Tibetan bullion coins.

I smoke the shit that comes out of Northern Bharat.

Took one puff of my alter ego's hash, commanded him to kiss my Berluti's if he didn't want me to make him eat his dirt.

Do you see my Smith & Wesson? Fuck no, I already capped you.

I'm so good with words, I gave a motherfucker a cordon bleu and made him tie it around his neck.

God excommunicated me from the Silver City after I shat in his potted salvia, so I made Lucifer give me the keys to his domain. I sent his ass crying back to Daddy right after.


This shit ain't nothing to me, man.

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She'd take the world off my shoulders
If it was ever hard to move
She'd turn the rain to a rainbow
When I was living in the blue
Why then, if she's so perfect
Do I still wish that it was you?
Perfect don't mean that it's workin'
So what can I do? (Ooh)

When you're out of sight
In my mind

'Cause sometimes, I look in her eyes
And that's where I find a glimpse of us

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Forgot to link the emotional and heart wrenching video.

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it looks so ugly.
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Not gonna lie, when I saw an old Jew sucking the blood off an infant's baby-dick I almost vomited inside my mouth. It's so disgusting on so many levels that it blows my mind that such a person isn't getting punched into pulp by the bystanders. But they're all like: muh tradition, muh religion.
Ok bud, maybe your tradition/religion is shit when it says it's ok to suck on baby-dick but that's just crazy old me I guess.
At least there are many normal Jews like Ari Shaffir, so the ones with more than two brain-cells find their way to enlightenment I guess.
The only normal type of Jew is Eric Clopper

There is no normal type of Jew or Muslim beyond those that hold similar views as this guy's spergout meltdown
Your German father raped your Jap mother. You are the product of Asian woman fetishism.
It's even worse.
I'm pretty sure my father is such an NPC that he copied John Lennon in taking a Japanese chick as his wife.
It get's even worse:
He unironically quoted StarWars to some child from another family. Maybe it was even an adult, my memory isn't very clear about that. And it even was a Joda quote.
I just smoked a tiny bowl and realized that I work on many assumptions without probing for actual real life data. Something that is second nature to me when I work, I somehow totally forgot to ...
oh shit, I think the glowies are orchestrating this weird timeline.
Please, someone tell me that someone is messing with my internet provider and is showing me fake content.
This is the scary thing about Hollywood. They can "show" you things that never happened that way or cropped in a certain way to benefit their own goals.
A VGA resolution is all you need, friendo.

Is this word really so verboten? Is it because it implies fault?
I don't know why women hate apologizing when they did something wrong. For me, it's always a relief.
Some people get annoyed if you say sorry too much because they think you don't really mean it.
Most people don't care either way.
i have no idea why but whenever i say sorry it legitimately feels like a part of my soul just died
Seems like something that would happen when you're not the one at fault

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