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would a femanon from here actually fly out to my place and take my virginity? am 23 and from eastern europe. my birthday's gonna be in september and honestly all i want is to lose it in a cool and memorable way with a girl from here
>This slave from serbia or some shit thinks he's entitled to sex from a femanon
morbidly obese western tard hands wrote this
romania, transylvania region
So some girl is supposed to pay thousands for a trip to some random country she might get murdered in order to fuck some random incel she met on /r9k/ for his birthday? KEK.

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Just lol, this is the modern gop lmao
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She's gorgeous. Would.
Been imagining it every day for the past week. Either kamala gets elected an opens the floodgates, or I work remote in India. Either way, I'm going to drown myself in that sweet curry cunt
Should I go to India and marry a pajeeta and bring her back, or find one here? (Going to make way more than 5 kids)
Also, how's life with the wifey? Are Indian women as difficult as Latinas or Filipinas?
He played a game of Melungeons & Dragons and lost.
That may be true. But you're forgetting one thing.

What do they smell like?

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I thought you incel 4chan guys wanted to have sex but apparently the news says you don't?
Please explain.

>why won't you devote 18+ years of your life catering to us ?!
if I could go back and tell my younger self to completely disregard whores and live my life freely I would have been so much better off
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Nice spam buddy
real women aren't offering sex to the men who aren't having sex, but it is true that most men today just don't want sex with the average modern woman.
I'm not an autist incel like the rest of this place. I actually want to die a virgin. Sex is the most humiliating act a person can put themselves through.

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>be here in 2015
>nearly 10 years gone
>still neet
>that "gap year" is no longer a gap year
>no savings
>no employment history
>no apartment
all I did was blink and like that my 20s are over, the formative years of early adulthood - wasted. Time somehow slowed down for me and I'm aware of this now
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you guys suck at wasting your life, it only took me four years to find out i either need to kill myself or find a definitive reason not to
Have you found a reason not to as of yet? Or is it time to pull out the family suicide shotgun?
OP stop being a fag I was a 30 neet that lost a bunch of weigh and am engaged now, I'd rather be that than dead or in prison
Same thing happened to me. It feels like just yesterday that I was a teenager in high school reading /r9k/ and knowing deep down that my life would end up like the older guys posting here, it is shocking to me when I remember that it was ten fucking years ago. Now after dropping out of college and being a NEET for half a decade, my twenties are nearly over, and nothing meaningful or worthwhile has happened. My health has gotten worse, I have only gotten more depressed and given up even more on my hobbies and passions and goals, opportunities have continued to dry up, and there is nothing left to look forward to in my life.
I would at least get off of this awful board full of awful people if I knew where else to go instead, threads like this that I can relate to keep somehow making it worth it though so I inevitably come back.
30 is still young enough that you can train for a new career and its still believable to tell people that you got tired of your old job. 2008 absolutely fucked a generation of people.
I don't really know what you do, I was a neet that parleyed the pandemic into getting a job.
I've seen it happen with several people I knew, you get laid off and then the interview goes bad and then they see your unemployed and they don't want to employ people who are unemployed because they think you'll be some lazy bum. Hopeful interview and 2 weeks later say they didn't get the job, over and over again.
I think if you really want a job go into something like nursing.

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I just want to feel close to someone, human warmth?
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Why do I get soo affectionate when drunk man?
What? No hot women, I love hugging and comforting them
Yep, this is why I hug my mom once a week
Me too, but specifically from a cute female around my age who loves me.

Balloon juggers.

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Trying to get off of abilify has led me to climaxing 24/7. It fucking sucks because it makes everything uncomfortable.

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From one generation of Frenchmen to another.

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If you were the 47th President of the United States of America Donald Trump, how you end the Russhit occupation and war against Ukraine in two weeks? You aren't allowed to cede territory to Russia, and you can't use nukes.
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Solid thread m80
Can confirm. Met a Ukrainian girl who had me thinking she was the one, but when my money was drying up and I didn't have a job lined up, she dumped me. The sad thing is l found another high paying job 2 weeks later.
I still miss her. She was so fucking pretty
Your post is predicated on the assumption that ending the war is in the best interest in the united states. A weakened Russia means they will be less of a threat, and if they can no longer afford to maintain them you can likely get them to a nuclear weapons deal that will reduce there stockpile while also freeing up some US recourses from its nuclear deterrent.
>You aren't allowed to cede territory to Russia
Then you can't do it. That's the solution though, that's how you end the shit: you give Russia what they want, or at least some of what they want. Easy peasy, shouldn't take 2 days let alone 2 weeks
>implying anyone is a threat to the United States

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Ever tried to go out to a bar solo and interact with randoms?

Turned out as nightmarish as you might imagine.
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interact with? absolutely not. I enjoy just being round people sometimes, though, even though I hate trying to directly interact with them. I like to sit at the local bar and soak in the atmosphere for a few drinks before walking home with a nice buzz.
Trust me. I went to this bar in particular many times before anybody talked to me. If it's any consolation I'm still a virgin but I'm stealthing among normal people now. It took a long time. And I feel I feel good for it.

I've made great friends going solo, getting high was the key for me, hell, although social interaction still scares me a bit I gotta admit it also has it's benefits
Hey, baby steps. Fake it till you make it. Pretty soon, you'll be it before you even know it.
What did you say to her?

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Walk with me to the land of Wumpagonia.
Nah, it's kind of boring there.
DO NOT interact with wumpagoniacs, they are the most deliberately evil group of atheists/wrongdoers who seek to cause harm to others for no reason other than their own sadistic pleasure. Hide wumpagoniac threads, report wumpagoniac posters to the police.
Every wumpagoniac I've met in real life has been a junkie coomer freak, I don't understand why this stupid internet club has gotten so popular.

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would you be friends or like a fat slobby NEET who draws fat art and sonic art while being fat and stinky?
also i have maple syrup on my blouse right now along with waffle batter (i did indeed eat my burrito with mozz sticks. then 3 hotdogs then a waffle. vbery full and happy right now)
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Chickn is retarded and I hope she gets the Bianca treatment for continuing to spam this board with shitty threads.
OP is this your art? Do you have a gallery or something to see it?
This is chickn? Im not that surprised she moved here though. Shes been such a pain in the ass on /soc/ that most people avoid her like the plague.
do you know how to make pancakes. this is essential to my answer.
Chubby/fat women don't like me so no i guess.

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don't mind me!
just shit-posting!

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>Stop having depression you fucking FREAK! Just be FUCKING normal!

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if you never allow yourself to be hurt because of your fear of it, you will never learn what it is you truly have to fear and so utterly guarantee that you'll be blindsided by it.

Make mistakes while you're young.

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