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why are blue haired girls always singled out as wacky
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It's the way you could end up
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sweden frog ac btw
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Honestly, it's pretty pathetic that you're spending so much time in your life evading bans just to be a transphobic, homophobic pedophile piece of shit that can't stand people not liking THE EXACT SAME THINGS THAT YOU DO. It's pretty obvious by now that you're even evading bans just to be off-topic and try to force your own agenda on the rest of the site, even if it has no place on whatever board you're evading on. Chances are that if your life had any meaning whatsoever, you wouldn't be spending so much time trying to make yourself appear better than someone else and changing IPs just to be a complete detriment to on-topic discussion. On the off-chance that you pop in a thread not to shit on furries or gays or traps or trannies, it's usually only to talk about how much you want to rape the little girl characters, and not actually discussing the mechanics of the media that they pertain to. You're not even trying to make this site a better place for everyone, since you're always going after furries, while always being biased towards 2d pedophilia, which both are covered under GR3, not to mention that posting on blue boards hasn't stopped you from spamming NSFW garbage on them in the past. Of course, you'll never specify why you think you should be justified in spamming that, because an argument trying to justify why one form of abnormal sexual activity is more wholesome than the other would be completely flawed and illogical, and it would completely destroy your credibility for your continued spamming. You're not really better than the people you're railing against, especially since you have to evade bans every day just to do that, and your posts sometimes get deleted before theirs do. You're wasting your time trying to tell everyone your own sexual interests, and you're wasting other people's time as well. Everyone loses. Let people live their own lives, and most here would agree that this place will be much better off.

Inside a coffin

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Why does the system try so hard to pretend ex-gay and de-trans people don't exist?
Because they're not useful to the current narrative.
The same reason the Quran says to kill apostates who abandon Islam.
It doesn't it's just that more often than not the most prominent examples of "ex-gay" or detransitioners are people who say "yeah I still think abot sucking dick 24/7 but I know that's not what jesus wants for me" or "I still have dreams every night about being the opposite sex and wish I could dress in those clothes and act like that but I need to be a good christian parent instead"
i.e. they're lying and were bullied into it by family members
It doesn't? Frankly I wish I got to live in the world reacfionaries think we do.

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Is "breaking" a mentally vulnerable girl a valid strategy to make her completely docile and dependant and attached to me?
Any foids mind chiming in?
dont do that, its mean
get into ddlg instead and be her daddy so shes dependent on you
its a very good strategy desu, she'll be yours forever just re assure her and bend her into your will. Make her an extension of you, make her think like you do ect but do that only once you've made her feel comfy and safe
>Is "breaking" a mentally vulnerable girl a valid strategy to make her completely docile and dependant and attached to me?
i am male
a valid strategy is to tie her up in your basement and only give her drugs and only let her orgasm when you are allowing her to. Then brainwash the bitch with the drugs and mk-ultra type films and boom you got an obedient little cum whore all for you own.

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Am I the only one that is absolutely obsessed with cute, aryan teens???

Every time I'm outside, I only ever check out pretty, white teens and fantasize about stretching out their little pussies. And these girls are less than 20% of the foid population, so I think it's safe for me to say that I'm simply not attracted to sub8 women. A lot of sub8 foids have also catched me looking at these teens and they always give me death stares for it, which is so fucking funny I love pissing off sub8 foids by being a creep like that.

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Shes fucked in the head going around spitting on people with herpes sores. She probably has AIDS too from all the heroin she injects. Where does she live Ireland? She is gutter garbage trash and needs to be locked up.
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Lol she's jewish + a young woman. Good luck ever punishing her for her actions.
thats what I dont get apparently shes been doing this for a long time and no cops ever even question her? maybe she is some sort of alien.
She would get immediately killed spitting on people in America
If she spits on you and you go to forcefully detain her then you'll get jumped by a thousand nearby simps and then arrested for a hate crime (she's jewish).
I doubt it. Her time will come. Nobody can get away with this type of hate.

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How common is it for men to have both racial and gender dysphoria
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personally I want to look like this
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I want to be an Eldar. Being human sucks.

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You shouldn't be allowed to become a trap when your cock is horsecock-tier.
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good thing this image is edited (obviously)
fuck....i... should probably refuse i am still straight in theory
not in a bad way, like... i found it funny... a very girly guy with a nice cock with the name "HybridHuman"
who said I al girly eheh
troon bodies are always so unfortunate. his face looks passable, the tits are realistic, but there's always that wide fat male gut with nonexistent waist.
i'm curious tho... if/what did you use to bleach your asshole? i used the Intimate Lightening Serum from dermalmd and it worked but i needed like 2 weeks of daily use

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I want to suck a long uncut orange scandinavian dick so bad! While he speaks in viking. Where else can i find one without traveling to scandinavia?
they tend to be pink
i found mine on here anon. i dont mind sharing but you have to be cute and pink yourself
You sound really fucking homosexual
Pink sounds gross and i am not pink but im still curious to see
>You sound really fucking homosexual

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I've been experiencing an intermittent pain in my balls for a while now. It really hurts and it's kind of annoying.
But I stopped freaking out about it when I remembered that I would never have a chance to build a family. So, worst case scenario, it's either cancer or infertility, neither of which mean anything to me.
I wish it mattered to me. I wish I cared. But I really don't give a single fuck if I die or not.
>intermittent pain in my balls
lol same, and it's always the same ball
my right nut likes to contort in the shower and my left nut has slipped up into my body (once)

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''hey anon you have woken up... what? what Trump? me too psyops? Covid? lockdowns? tech censorship? cancel culture? what the hell are you talking about?! you must had some crazy dream... anyway lets fuck''
Extremely cringe thread

sadly I was born a big ogre negro of europe
asians got small cock and small brain simple as

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scorpio is the worst sign and it's not even close
aries master race
why? i like being a scorpio
Nah it's the two faced Gemini. They are the worst.

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Who are you voting for this year, /r9k/?
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she was predicted to win because the left is just that out of touch and the system is totally corrupt
>Won popular vote
>Single digit % electoral difference
>"you have to be so out of touch to think she'd win"
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if i gave a shit about voting: biden just so I can watch things get worse.

it don't matter. im just going to go to work that day and collect a paycheck. that'll do more good for me than vooting ever could.
Everyone here who is admiting for voting for a third party candiate is publicly admiting they are a rettard and it's sad.

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I love to read bad news, i am an ugly dicklet manlet incel, i enjoy seeing other people suffer
I believe the germans call this schaudenfraude
You don't have to be like that, anon. Everyone can change.
im very ugly, there's no hope for me, im glad palestinian kids are losing their limbs
>im very ugly, there's no hope for me, im glad palestinian kids are losing their limbs
that's an evil thing to say
bump for exposure

The Asians understand this.
So did the West, once.
Why is the modern western woman obsessed with displaying her giant fucking forehead?
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in fact iof anything plebbit is a great barometer for what not to do
i had bangs for most of my life and can confidently say most men dislike it. there are guys who are very into it but these tend to be weebs of some sort or otherwise obsessed with the whismy gf archetype.
"Muh lived experience" doesn't count for much
When i have them they just go wild. They just show off my forehead anyways
eh, certainly counts for more than reports from your personal fetish.

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