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>Make a board where everything you say has to be original
>It becomes the incel/loner board
>Slowly overtime it stops being the incel board and instead becomes another degenerate porn board.

Fuck you normalfaggots for ruining ANOTHER board fucking christ.
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which path modern chan board
>porn board
>political board
I've been putting in admin suggestions for a blue /b/ for ages, but instead they just keep adding new video game boards. Fucking morons
Make the threads you want to see retard
Yeah, I'm starting to think Hiro will never delete /r9k/ until everyone, including the BBC cuckoldry spam trannies, goes away and leaves the board alone, with the last thread being from one month ago.
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Actually I am a prolific porn poster on this board and I am an incel/loner. In fact I was here in the gentleman era predating incel. Try to be considerate and don't unnecessarily slander any of the good people here.

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>go to a restaurant
>buy 300g of medium rare steak with fries and salad
>want one again but the restaurant is already closed
To live is to suffer, truly.
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why would I do this
i dunno dude, are you hungry or not?
starving europoor detected.
In America you take home LEFTOVERS
God appreciates patience.
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>in NYC you could get a slice of 'za at 4am

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Now that 'transitioning' has been debunked, what do we do with all the ones that already got hoodwinked?
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Why is nearly every white "tranny" some mentally ill porn addict that hates the white people?
Meme them into becoming castrated men for shits and giggles.
You could also plot it by time.
The more years go by, the less pirates there are, therefore passage of time directly causes less pirates!
That just proves it: we need more pirates.
Because your sample population is exclusively reddit memes and troonjak posts

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are you pretty and can you sing

prolly not on both ends

cant sing
not pretty but i dyed my hair blonde and it makes me look not horribly ugly
>i dyed my hair blonde

you got tricked into doing that


what a dumb girl
is this your fetish lol
tricking people isnt a fetish

its a power trip
i only trick the girls i dont like

i like emily though and would NEVER do such a thing to hurt her, i only want her to succeed and be my gf

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I don't even want anything anymore.
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maybe he doesn't have anyone else that will listen to him?
can you give all of your stuff to me then
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all i want is boobs in my mouth
same. i am living out of obligation at this point. i feel like a robot
isn't that nirvana or something? congrats OP

I'm not good at thinking so I want someone to finish these thoughts for me.

Have you ever noticed how quickly people can become ungrateful? If something becomes the norm we all take it for granted and only look at what we don't have. We don't appreciate all of the good things because they become normal. Whether that's a loving family, a beautiful girlfriend, a pc with lots of games, the ability to walk, being able to see beautiful scenes like the sunrise.

I don't believe this is a human only thing. I think even animals are like this too. Have you ever forgot to feed your pets by a few hours? They start to throw tantrums even if they're fat. It's not like they're starving and the funny thing is, if that animal were out living in the wild it could go days without a meal. Its the same for humans too.

Why is it so hard to appreciate what we have?
You have had it. That's it. No more of that. This is all that life has to offer.

This is what you describe. Share your Samsara with everyone. If you become enlightened and stay in there, nothing will change. You know the game and that all of this is a game but play along and help others understand too.
If you want a normalnorm answer, there's chatGPT.
The Fable has a scene where a guy says he regularly revisits the forest to remind himself of what living with nature was like, and to keep his skills sharp. Biology likes to throw away anything it doesn't think it needs, kind of like how "if you don't use it, you lose it."
I've been in a psych ward a few times, and it really pounds it into you how fucked up 24/7 internet access is. Not even that, but a handheld device that you bring with you to bed, to the toilet.
because they are not new to us, and we do not get dopamine for it
our mind is useless. it does not care. we're a mistake of evolution. god's greatest mistake
>you want a normalnorm answer, there's chatGPT
Chatgpt doesn't have SOUL. In addition, we are helping to clean the catalog of terrible threads.

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Did you buy a 4chan pass, anon?
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No i feel so poor and lost in the world
i love niko!!
no i need to save money for hoi4 and anime figurines
No. I'm not getting my debit card canceled and I don't know how to buy crypto.

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>no tx2 bf

I am literally a quirked up emo girl and I am 5 2 so 2 inches shorter than him therefore I deserve him sm h
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Ya hehe
I could manhandle you with one arm
Cap rap
Muh king I kneel
Ugh Deppression made me not enjoy music anymore

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I need a girlfriend with nice feet NOW
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cat lady roastie incoming
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If the cat lady has nice feet, I am alright with it. If it's the one that doesn't, well...good luck.
How bad? Worst case we can spend some money, and get them looking nicer. Not like that's not normal anyway? Spa days, pedicures, salon trips, etc.
manly. not gross. i shave them tho so not hairy
A guy truly in love won't mind if your feet are a bit boorish looking.
This is a commonly repeated explanation, but has no actual conclusive evidence.

I wish I wasn't born in the generation of total social isolation. Outcasts existed before the 2000s, sure, but never has loneliness been such a massive issue. I wish the internet was illegal for minors so I wouldn't have had my development permanently fucked forever. All I want is to feel the touch of a real person but I will only ever know edating
At least zoomers get edating. Most gen alpha will have their brains too melted to read by the time they get to the age where they'd be edating
i wish i could edate
I spent my teens isolated with no internet

vidya was my only fren

>I wish the internet was illegal for minors so I wouldn't have had my development permanently fucked forever.
videogames would have fucked your social development, OP. I should know, I got addicted to my Wii and DSi and never had any friends.
>All I want is to feel the touch of a real person but I will only ever know edating
Fuck an escort if you want it that badly. Some anon will tell you to go to a "cuddle professional" but it is all old as fuck hags who only give their services to other old farts.
I like it. It feels like everyone is dragged down to my level.

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Simon from gurren langan is the dumbest mc in history of anime
>awakens the spiral
>kills the spiral king who was the only person protecting humanity from antispiral
>fights antispiral despite learning spiral will eventually lead to destruction of whole universe
>doesn't even try to negotiate or ask antispiral for help after gaining the upper hand against them
>kills antispiral who was only trying to save the universe from the spiral
>killing antispiral wipes out entire civilization of innocent nonspiral life including his wife
>claims he did it because he could protect the universe from spiral self-destruction without antispiral
>doesn't use spiral powers to make himself immortal like the spiral king which is the only possible way to protect the universe
>gives up his spiral powers (for some reason)
>gives up his empire (for some reason)
>gives up his friends (for some reason)
>grows old and dies forgotten
>the universe is left with nothing to protect itself against the spiral that will eventually destroy it
He took the most balanced approach. Humanity isn't gonna bitch out and live in caves while fake animal men rule over us, but he was also responsible enough not to allow his power to cause catastrophe. Its a boring ending though I agree, I wanted him to be king of all the universes and fight God or some shit.
You are the faggiest OP in the history of 4chan.
The whole universe is doomed because of Simon, antispiral was the good guy.

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Sorry NEET bros but your time is up, your neet bux won't cover vidya expenses anymore.
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I don't get why other than the switch is made in China.
Japan didn't get hit with tarrifs and if they just ship the switch from china to Japan the terrifs get removed.
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I've never paid Nintendo a cent but have a Switch and 20+ games on it. I'll do it again if the Switch 2 has anything decent.
Those are rookie numbers.
Uh oh looks like you triggered the seething pirates with this one lmao
yrw resetera is the driver of the gaming industry
This. Hopefully Trump goes all out at eliminating media piracy for good.
>b-but it's not available on my platform or any modern cons-
Don't care, stop pirating
>the game is not available in my reg-
Don't care, stop pirating
>I don't wanna give my money to le evil corporati-
Don't care, stop pirating
>corporation refuses to remake/port the game to modern cons-
Don't care, stop pirating
>you're destroying game preserva-
Don't care, stop pirating

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So, what happened to /r9k/ this past year. Why are there so many femcels (probably men pretending to be femcels). Did crystal cafe close down? If this board really is filled with femcels and incels, why do they just try to date each other at this point?
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>Rape is a myth and you wish you were raped because it's the ultimate status symbol
Oh? Oh is it now?
Well then, come to Mama and let her shove her ultimate status symbol straight up your asshole, fag. No lube either. Make you gape, take it rough. Take it raw.
>Is it better to be alone forever than it is to be tormented by some BPD chick
rightoids went full bore on their recruitment efforts. they're on every board trying to get people to join their side, and they aren't stopping until they have the critical mass to move to the next stage stage of their plan
Real women are infinitely more likely to fantasize about rape to get off than they are to actually get raped.
>move to the next stage of their plan
uninformed rightoid here, mind elaborating?

i've decided that i will ropemaxx in 365 days, and i guess i just want to find a way to pass time and in the mean time do something that'll be kind of fun for myself and that people will be able to look at and know why i did it and the way my mind works i guess

i think writing a diary is gay and cringe, but posting videos on yt would make things a bit too on the nose i guess, pls help
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>make any connections
Bless you, glad I'm not the only one that does this.
These times are not being particularly friendly with life yknow

Hopefully i won't be here for long neither
wowuahh pipebomb, so kewl, i wonder what happens if i

well whatever your seeking to do with anon besides the lil brain understanding part i wish ya the best for it

HOLY SHIT ANOTHER OBSIDIAN USER, GOD BLESS YOU, i use to use it a lot since i use to make like lore trees for indie games since i was a fag with too much time
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>since i was a fag with too much time
kek that's me atm. I frequently use it to make flowcharts of whatever projects I'm working on/studying.
Incidentally realised that it was good for tracking my mood and all the variables that seem to influence it.
i'm a fag that spends all my time rotting till a day before exams or assignment, my only achievement this 2 months is taping cardboard and foil to my window to blot out the sun and actually go and get docs prescription, but yea you can do crazy shit with obsidian, really helps seeing what correlates and what actions influence hwat

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I wish like fuck someone, anyone, could just be like "hey bro don't worry I got you for rent while you figure shit out"
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remember when rent was cheap but you also got paid less? hah
>what not tighten your bootstraps does to a mother fucker

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