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Is it true that fembots from here who've ended up in jail spend their time getting buff and bullying inmates who are in jail for abusing their boyfriends?
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>teasing boy-crazy fembots
lmao come on now
Also I don't think they get put in jail for stuff either
This is awesome I don't even care
I would say the same thing if it were reversed btw
Do you think it is hot when you are taller than a guy and look down on him?
They get put in jail for stealing boys' hoodies.
Don't get too excited now
You're not supposed to beat them, you're supposed to let them fuck your brains out

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Arab and Persian beauty is wasted on Islam forcing them to cover their bodies. They shouldn't be punished because muslim moids can't control themselves.
that is why they come to western yurop and drop everything religious once they move away from their parents
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Women are happier when they are subservient and abused. Why do u think 50 shades of grey exists???
>doesn't understand what bdsm is
>They shouldn't be punished because muslim moids can't control themselves.
Yeah, that is why the hijab exists, kek. Arab and Persian women are the hottest if they are not a product of incest.

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Long story short, I have been suffering from heart palpitations for like over 5 and a half years now and I had episodes that were eerily similar to svt or afib. None of my docs were concerned but after all these years I found the fucking cured.

Potassium, that's right. Fucking potassium. I decided to go on a monkey diet and eat a fuck ton of bananas and potassium rich foods. I usually get palpitations every day and now its zero. My heart doesn't feel weak like it used to. It's back to it's old self and so do I feel like I am back to my old self. I can fucking run and jump happily again.

Those docs should be wearing black robes because they never mentioned potassium, they kept telling me anxiety. She was a jewish cardiologist "greenstein" so that probably explains it. Dumb kike, Hitler was right.

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>Mexican neighbors are having a party again
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enter the party screaming hola cucarachas and then shoot everyone
I would like to "party" but only ironically with amusing stereotypical music and vibes.
which part of the US are you in?

You see what you incels are doing to females right now? They are lonely now, they are scared to be harmed or killed by the types of you.
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It's not being forceful, it's just being assertive. You assert your intentions and actions firmly but you can still take rejection.

It's kinda like when you kiss a girl and she pushes a little back but you still keep going and then she kisses back. It's having the will to assert your will, but if she still doesn't want to keep going after that then it's a rejection.
They just bitch and moan on social media all day. If they actually had hobbies or interests then they'd also have a boyfriend and friends.
Still these reddit bints are something else. They act intensely paranoid and irrational but unlike men who are labelled schizos for this, you're expected to accept their utterly delusional view of reality as valid and don't you dare call her an idiot
>someone- anyone
this highlights the whole problem with women to me. they don't want any specific guy, they just want "a guy" and will settle for pretty much whatever guy pays attention to her. women don't actually want or love men as people, but they expect this treatment from men towards them.
>you're expected to accept their utterly delusional view of reality as valid and don't you dare call her an idiot

everything a woman says she wants is a shit test and if you try to give her what she claims to want, you've already failed.

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Anyone else feel so lonely it hurts?
I just woke up from a nap after college, I woke up to darkness outside, complete silence from my house and no texts or messages from anyone again for the 3rd week in a row. Anyone else experiencing this? How do you cope?
i dont have friends who text me or anyone really
my narcissist mom is already telling me to go find someone i can leech off of
i distract myself with youtube mostly sometimes mobile games
it hurts sometimes
>How do you cope?
I usually occupy my time by chipping away at my sanity by questioning and doubting myself, although sometimes I spice things up with a bit of existential dread and the occasional hour or two of self loathing. If that stuff gets boring I always have painful memories of the past to obsess over.
>no texts or messages from anyone again for the 3rd week in a row
Those are unironically very very low rookie nunbers, i would say you're a normalfag at this point
You might as well be a normie. A lot of us don't get anything for years.

Would you fuck a nazi girl
>after you cum she tells you about "hitler wasnt that bad after all"
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well seeing as I'm puerto rican I don't think I would
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I would turn her to convert to Judaism and finish it fucking the antisemitism out of her while she raise an observant Jewish family of 12
I'm not white but we can bond over our shared hatred of kikes. Only problem is I'm a red-blooded American patriot so if she can put with me rightfully hating totalitarianism then we'll be fine and I'm possessive.
No sex til we're dating for some time with the prospect of marriage. Honestly, I'd like to say I could wait til marriage but if I found a girl that liked me enough to put with my borderline misandrist personality (I just hate anti-Americans) and possessiveness I'd quickly fold if she wanted to fuck. I'd need to tie her down with intimacy at that point. She can't leave.
Hitler was dumb, invading Poland? With communists? Just stop invading European countries. If you want to invade anyone wait for the USSR to invade someone they're itching. Let that country of kikes kill itself.
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I'd probably start planning my proposal.
My dream woman. I'd just cum again.

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Years ago, this board was a lot whiter and it wasn't filled gay porn. This board is fucking disgusting. Every other thread is some obsession with trannies. Andrew Tate watching faggot incels.
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Dumb nigger, this entire catalog is gay porn. You are fucking disgusting. Andrew Tate is lying to you when he coddles you and tells you are not a faggot for having sex with men because that man is in a dress. Get a fucking grip
is there something wrong with your reading comprehension? he's saying that this board has been full of degeneracy for a long time which is true.
Hispanic isn't a race, retard. It's a US government category that literally means "speaks spanish", regardless of race.
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sure, but people will flip their shit if you use the perfectly reasonable racial classifications of criollo, mestizo, zambo, castizo, and further sub-classifications. so hispanic is now short-hand for a central or south american that is almost always phenotypically different than one of northern, central, or eastern european extraction. nearly nobody is going to call a Spaniard "hispanic". you're right, but we live in reality and sometimes must adjust our usage of terms to fit this reality even if it is retarded.
Waow I was counted in that survey!! :O

Would you fuck his wife?
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women are property, and it's not my job to protect the property of a weak man who lets it dress slutty and cocktease other men in public.
She is very attractive but i don't think she would ever wants to fuck me :()
>Inject T right fucking now! If you wouldnt use this tight little cocksleeve

Post her asshole.
I would if I had any pics of it
>Why do that?
don't know. Feel like it. I'm a loner who was always insecure so didn't get with any girls back that age, then suddenly realized ones like her were attracted to me the whole time but i never realized. Don't really have a lot of respect for institutions, family, or anything of that nature (fucking hate my parents) so maybe i'm just morally broken when it comes to kinds of things. I know it's "wrong" but don't really see why I should care either.

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I'm straight but I want to suck a cock
This particular cock looks so delicious I'm salivating here
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trust me anon I know. It's so painful. I'm willing to do so much for her
I wonder if she has bottom dysphoria. That would be ironic.
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she takes too many pics of this cannon to not like it
What the??? That thing is huge. I thought trannies had tiny cocks from the estrogen and castration drugs?
American trannies, south american trannies are just extremely gay and get plastic surgery for most of their looks. They don't stay on hormones ether.

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I'm addicted to porn where the woman is roleplaying as the viewer's mom
i'm not exactly addicted but I've got into some of that too. The plus side is that it ensures I''m not going to accidentally run into underaged shit which will get me v&.
On the other hand, it's degenerate as fuck.
So I dunno, OP. Maybe go for 'stepmom' of a wholly different race? then if you're caught you can just say 'dude, there's no way I'm fantasising that Maserati here is my mom, are you retarded'
>Maybe go for 'stepmom' of a wholly different race?
Then the taboo is completely gone
Who cares about fucking your stepmom
She's not even related to you

mechawaifu edition

Generate your very own waifu using any AI generator you like.
Let her talk to the other waifus ITT.

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


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Goa mommy
>ejaculates loudly
Goa mommy in cloths of casual
Nighty nighjt thread, see you tomorrow
hopin nemu is fixed tomorrow
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Goa night Goa

If Nemu doesn't get fixed, do you want me to show you how to gen on pixai without spending any credits?
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Off to work now, good morning to Nicoleanon and hi to Hana-anon in advance

Laters /aiwg/

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anybody still know otto

the one with the incel slava z discord
and who larped as dark lord sauron on twitter

i didn't realize how good it was till it was gone

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in almost every case, whenever i see a woman attractive enough for me to say
>this woman is truly pretty in a simple, effortless way, not just somebody attempting to be "hot"
it turns out to be a 17/18 year old high schooler
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Yes, i actually had a crush on a cute tomboyish girl who played in some band that performed almost weekly in my town last summer. Then i found out she was 17 (i'm 20) so i killed those emotions and took it no further (turns out i knew her mom from church choir).
That's not an age gap you fag
How? I'm in college, she's still in high school (well, graduating this year).
So basically you guys are both in school and not living in the real world. No gap. Fucking loser. Zoomers are such petrified little cowardly losers
Even if i did agree with you, my peers don't. I would be fucking torn apart if word got out that i was dating a high schooler.

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Anyone notice how jank women's legs are?
Like this is an average woman standing straight like any normal person, yet her legs are going inwards.

Imagine spending evolution points on this crippling condition just for aesthetics.
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she's knock-kneed it's fuckin sexy
Women have wider hips than men
Joke's on you I discarded your trolling and saved your girl.
Women are at increased chance of hip and knee injuries because of their wide hips. Literally over physically for women at birth, I love being a man.
that's a man, you know that, right?

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