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I was born in 1994. Not a lot of other kids in my neighborhood, but we'd still get together and hang out in the woods or church parking lot, or play video games or Yu-Gi-Oh cards together. But when we became teenagers, that wasn't fun anymore, so we stopped. Then throughout and after school, they all vanished completely.

I've spent the last decade working and trying to find new friends and a romantic partner and had zero luck. Most of my coworkers are decades older than me. Hobbies and social gatherings spots don't work either because again, everyone is either old as fuck, already has a pre-established group, or just stares at their fucking phone. Apps and meetup sites haven't worked either.

So now, I'm stuck at home playing video games ad browsing the internet alone. I want to socialize with people my own age and do shit with them IRL, but I can't find them anywhere. I'm tired of being alone and doing nothing but work. I want to live. There has to be more to life than this. If things don't turn around soon, I'll probably kms. People in my situation usually don't make it past 65 anyway, so it's not like I'll be around much longer to begin with
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I don't want to be a streamer or any shit like that. The internet stopped filling the void in my mid-teens, I need IRL friends.
They play rocket league and spend time with their families.
ok i cant help you then
What families, most people 30 and under are unmarried and childless
Can't find anything like that here, events have terrible turnouts

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this thread is for porn addicts/gooners who are fully aware that the shit they jerk off to is fucked up

here we discuss/vent about it
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>jerk off to certain, let's just say bad things happening to people
>someone I care deeply about has that bad thing happen to them
>I feel immense pain on their behalf and do my best to support them through it
>still become physically aroused against my will when I think about it happening to them
I fucking hate myself why am I such a disgusting gooner incel pervert retard freak
Odd but not really fucked up, I'm getting turned on by foot-focused art lately when I used to just find it weird. But it makes sense, as I already love gawking at legs and legwear.
I wouldn't say I goon, but I look at porn a lot (gooncaps as well when they're not depraved), either fapping, edging, peeking, or spending a lot of time searching for porn and saving it for later. It scratches that collector's itch to find new artists, kinks that are already in the same vein of stuff I like, combinations of kinks, etc.
Its a great year to be a pedophile
Is there any wholesome goon porn??
gentletoons if you're a mommyfag

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Let's see how prosocial you are.
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I believe realistically everyone would take the red pill to avoid dying and the result would be that no one except people intent on being contrarian for the sake of it would die.
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This is an IQ test. If everyone picks red pill, everyone lives. if you pick red pill, regardless if the majority takes blue pill you live. There is absolutely no reason to not pick red pill, and anyone who doesn't it is just their fault for not seeing the fact everyone lives if they do so too.
I take the blue pill because I want to die.
of course you pick red. Only retards would pick blue so obviously the downside of red wouldn't even be a big deal if it did happen.
I remember there was a reddit thread on this and at least 40% chose the blue pill. This test is a perfect representation of leftist delusion. Picking the suicidally retarded "good" "selfless" sounding option without actually considering the practical implications or what's needed for it to actually work.

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Yandere thread? Yandere thread.
Codependency is cool edition.
Last thread: >>79640202

Are/do you:
>Obsessive with love?
>Overwhelmingly needy?
>Possessive of your special person?
>Want to be attached at the hip to your special someome?
>Extremely jealous?
Then this thread is for you!

Thread question:
anderes, How manipulative are you willing to be to end up with your person of obsession?
If you are manipulative, do you do it consciously or is it instinctual? Do you feel any guilt about it?

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There's a balance of course
If I knew you IRL and you were doing stupid and dangerous things I would try to advise you to stop
But I think too many people today are on the other side of that balance where they are just paraysed and don't even try
Oh wow quads
i do tend to freeze up at times. im more of the person to keep my friends under control and make them not do stupid shit. i get embarrassed easily in public
>1. I am insecure so an obsessive love would boost my self-esteem and make me feel safe
I can be insecure too, but I don't think I'd need something obsessive, and I don't think obsessive love would make me feel better more than temporarily. I would probably get doubts if she's so strong about it, and then I'd be insecure again. Just knowing she's there for me and spending time together, even if it's just her being near and not saying or doing much, would be a relief. She could be very mellow about it and I would be content.
>2. I lack experience so i have very romantic idealistic idea of a relationship
Same, I guess I just don't take it as far. I daydream
about those lovey-dovey moments, but from day to day I would be happy with the calmer stuff I mentioned above.
>3. I am into femdom so i'd like my woman to aggressively initiate sex
Same, but I wouldn't need it to be aggressive, though that would still be hot as hell. Subtle initiations like beckoning me to her or leading me to the bed, and other little ways of taking the lead and asserting herself, would go a LOOOONG way. It's the difference between force and irresistible charm and suggestion.
>4. I am mentally ill so i think i would get along and understand a mentally ill girl better
I don't know if I have such problems or what kinds, but that's fair. A woman with all her screws in likely won't be interested in me. I just fear her being a control freak or having mood swings I couldn't soothe.
I mean, imagine a woman who's clearly insanely attracted to you, who keeps complimenting your body and your virtues and character and says you're the best man she's ever met and she's never felt this way and she can't live without you...
I guess my big difference is I would find such unprompted intense adoration misplaced or malevolent. Maybe if she started slow I could be taken in by her.

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>This is the murderer women are thirsting over
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this guy seems gay honestly.
The Vaginal Jew is poisonous
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Luigi is gay
so we're back to debating if Italians are white now?
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Women on twitter are gonna be like:

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How come no one is calling the murderer an incel?
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He's not a chad he's just an average guy. His features aren't anything remarkable
Doesn't matter, existing or not that's the guy that they show us, so that's who those girls are lusting after.

Let's see your face and abs, anon, since you sound like you mog him!
>They're trying to pull the wool over our eyes again
>Only care about women
I'm just answering OP's question you weirdo.
Women aren't attracted to men. They just love this guy because he killed another man they disliked even more. Women see men as faceless, soulless brutes who fulfill their need to be dominated and act as meat shields

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>go outside to touch grass
>see this
>what do
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absolutely over for gingers
Can't you sue for discrimination?
It just began for gingers. Gingercels rise up.
>ginger crying and screaming into a headset
Looks like the guy from the Bully game

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Why would someone so smart do something so dumb
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>Why would someone so smart do something so dumb
He planned out an assassination on a powerful figure. That's not dumb. The retards go do school shootings.
Yeah, but Ted did it 30-50 years ago when there was much less surveillance, and even then he only managed to kill 3 unremarkable people
What's the likely hood that a BBC will tame him?
> funny math guy dislikes society
Good enough.
>Retards. Not Ted or this guy, but people questioning their reasons. Its very simple: violence is the only way to make change because our reality hinges on it. The only reason you have individuals with billions is because they have no fear of violence from fucking over many. The little guy in a factory breaking his back for chump change has no reason to fear violence, he should enact it. Because he is being taken advantage of under the guise of civility and the threat of laws (all upheld by individuals with plenty of money)
nice slop. noone gives a fuck. you do not win against the system this way. you integrate, become successful, and try to enact change.
but he's a first world moron who grew up in the age of the internet, it's not like he'd get that.
you don't win a ohsyical confrontation against the government and the police + military or corporations with tons of money to influence the aforementioned government.
snap back to reality.

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im now 28 when is life supposed to get better?
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whenever you decide to make it better
>Go to college
Yeah I don't think anyone here has 20k-50k in dollarydoos just laying around they can use to afford tuition and board.
For me, It was realizing which things are wastes of time that I don't actually want to do.
Like, I played a lot of MOBA's like league of legends in my down time, but I came to realize that I just don't find it fulfilling.
What I do find fulfilling is practicing my various skills and hobbies every day. Its hard, it sucks, I hate looking at my terrible art, but I'm trying to improve, so I have to. Despite my frustration, I find trying to get better at drawing infinitely more of a reason to get up in the morning than gooning or playing some shitty addicting live service game. And when I discovered this, the reasons why I found my life dissatisfying before began to make sense to me.
When you earn enough money to buy your freedom.
Every year gets worse

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With how often all of you talk about """chad""", one could think you aren't even attracted to women and are rather fags attracted to some imaginary dude.
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>No, but that's besides the point
Then why are you idolizing a manwhore?
I am not. It's the women that are sleeping with them.
Then why are you ok with his behavior?
>inb4 women enable him
That doesn't excuse degenerate behavior
It's not about accepting his behavior. It's that outright condemnation would fall on deaf ears and sound like sour grapes on my part. He's not looking for male approval; he already got what he wanted.
Just trying to explain the demented female mind, that's all. I had no idea women got butthurt when their Chad obsession got exposed. Now that I do know, I'll be sure to do it more often. Thanks for your unintentionally valuable insight.

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You get these... urges ...running the business and all ... Oh, and I hate myself for it, I do. You know what I mean? Terrible, really. But I can see you'll forgive me. You're alive, after all, and that's what counts, right?
I used to hate this cunt but he redeems himself in three
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And a fine Dark Soul to you!

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Why do white women dress like this now
They're bums who charge phone and eat hot chip.
it's what black guys like

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the worst thing about this website is the anime
pretty much 90% of the cringe I see here is anime.
Sure there are good things out there but most of it is gay ass copypaste consoomer shit for actual low iq retards.
I'm not asking for anything else than a hero leaking all animeposters IPs and for a second hero to spend all his cryptobucks to go door to door and shoot their brains off.
This would spare us valuable time hiding threads.
Fuck anime posters. I'm pretty sure that the cringe coomers are also anime posters. Got nothing against porn but this shit always is cringe af you know something is not right with the poster like it's not regular porn or shock images it's a guy who really wants you to know his sick mental disability everytime.
I once thought that I might be autistic but I'm nothing like these dejects kill them all for all I care

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I ordered fried chicken
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Everybody is talking about McDonald's because of the shooter, so I decided to get some big mac with chicken nuggets
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how are the 2 related? I got back from work and everyone's saying its this based Luigi guy
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He was caught because he went to a McDonald's.
oh? its the same guy confirmed or just a suspect?
I'm pretty sure it is confirmed the same guy

Regarding the healthcare shooter, many women are saying he is hot. We should shame them because commenting on superficial things such as looks is misandry. Men are more than eye candy for creepy women.
Have only seen homosexuals doing it desu
You can try that, but no one will take you seriously unless you also look good. Otherwise you just seem like the male equivalent of an ugly feminist.

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