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What do anons think of 3D printers?
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Luv me 3D printed WH40K models, dont want to shill out and support games workshop being so gay and woke
Weird things about opinions. Everyone has a different one.
So you can take your opinion and stick it up your ass.
they don't need no plastic gun that will break in 1-2 shots, they got plenty of illegal real ones.
It's legal to make a gun
isn't the whole process of 3D printing in itself a hobby? If you can't make your own models or designs for different things you are stuck with what? figurines and illegal gun schematics that you have to pay a lot for?

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All they do is just make bait, attention whoring, male hate threads, and have nearly turned /r9k/ into an e-dating site. I can tell their foids by the way they think calling you a troon is going to effect you in any way and theyre always mad for some reason
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>This is exactly opposite if being "chadsexsual". Moron
Be slutty WITH INCELS bitch. Lower your standards
Nah that's 110% projection bub. Women are cool, but I like sucking cock instead. Faggot.
Because I had a weird childhood and don't know how to make normal human connections
Easy. Just start by talking online and then move to talking irl once you feel confident enough
I don't see many women here, just anonymous people on the internet claiming to be them

No tits/timestamp=not a woman
Stop being newfags

AMBF is very wholesome. That's it, that's the thread.
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What country/state do you live in?


Do people actually think like this?

Do you really have kids based off of red pill ideology?

I mean my reasons not great purely horny really but the way you're thinking is weird.
It's extremely racist, I think my son would be pretty handsome actually for some reason. I think I have chad genes
Blasians are less deranged than wasians. I have interacted with them surprisingly
Toronto Ontario

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I've been playing The Sims 2 for around 3 days now and I've got to say that, despite me actually liking the game & having a lot of fun with it, it's making me feel guilty about a NPC that lives in the town where i reside. (The results of too much free time)

Her name is Rose Greenman (picrel) and its married, with one children.

My sim has been having an affair with the before mentioned since the day i moved him to town, and both are having a fucking blast; so much so that, if it weren't by the fact that I have to use cheats, I would have already killed the husband.

I find the prospect of cutting ties with her not only pointless at this point, but also devastating for both fellows.

My sim could deal with the ex husband of Rose hating him, but i don't know about the child; that thing is fucking ugly.

Share your thoughts about the situation and share your own experiences too.

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We as a society should all switch to rule 34/ hentai.
>No human trafficking
>No toxic simping
>No funding a crack whores addiction
>No ruined lives
>No more enabling whores
Just art. Your money would go to an actual artist instead of some drug addicted slut or a literal monster. Imagine...
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Do they like lolis?
no sorry in my experience it's social suicide to tell anyone you like loli, hell they're not ok with any "underage" character being sexualized period even if that character is thick and could easily be mistaken for an adult woman
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Based as hell anon.
Yeah to YOU maybe they don't have value but to millions of others seeing their favorite r34 artists post makes them feel amazing. I was so inspired that I actually taught myself how to draw the type of stuff I adored. If inspiring others to pursue their passion isn't contributing to society I don't know what is.
Women shouldn't know what you masturbate to anyway?
Kek. Good luck with that

This Kris Tyson shit has me thinking something. Essentially, a lot of people say that even if a trans person does horrible things, you still have to respect their pronouns. So would it benefit the trans community if they had a way of "excommunicating" people? Like, do something bad enough, you don't get to identify as trans anymore?
Idk the first thing about transgenderism, just a thought.
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Being born a man however, does. HWNAW.
I'm so happy I never dyed my hair. Trans ruined that shit immediately. I may dye it if I make it to old age (60+) I like seeing grannies with colorful hair.
yeah but the trans community doesn't believe that, so what would their basis be for excommunicating him (her)?
Because he showed how the sausage is made, that fags and trannies love to diddle kids at enormously outsize rates, kind of like niggers and general crime, and he is yet another example of a troon getting caught.
>Four separate men
Highly doubt that

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i was supposed to work on a ton of shit today as im behind schedule but instead i just browsed the chan all day. i also have been trying to quit weed but i left my house 3 times to go buy some but changed my mind and went back home. now its 9pm and im thinking about saying fuck it and going to get weed and indulging. someone try to talk me out of it please
You're gay if you smoke weed.
those craving will go away

all you have to do is outlast them
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im so bored/restless man i want to smoke. i know its not even worth it and a lot of times when i get high all i want to do is lay down so id be even less productive but i cant stop wanting to go buy and smoke.
i quit for a long time before and youre right. it goes away and then you dont give a single shit about weed. i wouldnt say what im feeling now is a craving its more a mental itch i feel like smoking and then just lazing around and doing even more nothing.
>i quit for a long time before and youre right. it goes away and then you dont give a single shit about weed. i wouldnt say what im feeling now is a craving its more a mental itch i feel like smoking and then just lazing around and doing even more nothing.

yeah I understand

I used to have a weird dependancy to weed. I always felt like relaxing without weed was never going to compare. So would go out of my way to always have weed.

Eventually I stopped smoking and its all just the same XD

Did he deserve this?
Why was she so angry?
absolutely fucking deserved response after that absolute basedfaggot paragraph

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Here is your zommer asian gf bro! Cutie huh?

Crying on tik tok how she was "purchased" by evil white people to America, after her long stay at chinese orphanage were her fate could be much more horrible.
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She is a victim of a evil white yt people how the fuck you don't understand
Monkmaxxed noodlewhore?
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She likes black people!
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Western universities obviously should to be stopped
The liberal arts courses they are peddling to 17 year olds who don't have the intelligence to make financial decisions on that level for themselves are absolutely mindbreaking them to the point of no return
Leftism really is just the destruction of anything beautiful. Look how it brainwashed and corrupted this poor girl. Jesus Christ how does no one else not see how evil this ideology truly is.

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i just want to sniff a girls panties
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A girl? Don't you mean a "woman", anon? Or are you a real pervert?
>tfw no facesitting transgf
>tfw no femcel in heat getting all hot and bothered by my manly scent and spreading her pussy for me to get plapped full of babies
i want to inhale their stinky assholes haha
>i want to inhale their stinky assholes haha
same lol

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this fish is tired of being mentally ill. 2 more weeks....
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did boymoder have intercourse with his maid yet?
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gib american citizenship
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boymoder went to watch Deadpool by himself today but it was fucking censored in this shithole
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boymoder isn't interested in intercourse with anyone else except with bigu
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bigu wake up

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>men have to change every aspect of their life and become a new person to escape inceldom
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I'll never get tired of trannies coming on this board and posting stuff like this
Yeah... its trans that pop out like this. You need women to keep being privileged so you can be privileged too. You invested too much into the system
>Moids don't need to do much (except drastically change themselves and their lifestyles to the point where they'd be entirely different people).
>All that effort will only elevate you to "bare minimum" btw. Otherwise, you're garbage.
Yeah, you can fuck off with that BS.
>don't be fat
>don't get tattoos
Wow that's really difficult. You must be a tranny who think he's a woman. You're not. You are a mentally ill man twisted by hormones and surgery.
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you have to do that to survive in current day anyway, the pussy is just a bonus and it's not by any margin guaranteed which is the real problem of the whole ordeal

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invited a guy over and he never tried to make a move. Why cant moids take a hint?
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All women want a real man. You could try looking like a little boy and finding a shotacon. She will do all the work and make you feel attractive. But that won't last because you will get too old for her to want anymore. Those are your only options. Grow up and become a man, or use what little beauty you have left to try to attract a pedo woman who won't stick around
this is 2024 sorry, women have to make the first move because if the girl actually doesn't want to fuck well this will destroy their friendship and she'll probably post on social media how he tried to rape her
Because the overwhelming bulk of those standards are literally congenital traits you cannot work on or change.
If by a real man you mean someone who is sex obsessed to the point he lets women walk all over him just to get pussy, lol. I guess you are digging your own grave.

How come it's possible to train men not to rape and be violent and civilized, but we can't train women not to be cowardly and selfish?
It's just an excuse to hold onto all the privileges of past societal standards while also getting new privileges from the new standards.
A real man is one who initiates first. Not one like OP is talking about. Who you spend months with and he still won't touch you because he doesn't know how

too much complaining about fat bitches and not enough architects coming together to appreciate them

>best body part?

>is your gf fat herself?

>any belly type you find most attractive?

>fav song right now
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I wish I had a belly gf
>pics and webms itt
all deserve to be worshiped by me
I like how much material is required just to cover her giant ass lol
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i got moa
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fat asians >>> anything else

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Porn addict

Looking for a dad figure
Son first of all you need to turn off the porn and take a shower, good mental health starts with cleanliness
But I love porn
I know you do sport but you'll find other things to love
But dont worry champ you don't have to quit cold turkey, instead let's use porn as a reward for meeting daily goals
Is there a way to enter without a account?
Get better taste than fat tatted mystery meats.

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