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was he just a spoiled brat?
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she didn't deserve it. god makes a lot of mistakes. Hopefully she will be reincarnated as a poor Vietnamese rice farmer with no legs.
He was very dumb, a 21st century village idiot. I feel nothing but pity for him because he didn't get the help he needed. Legitimately should have had a handler. The guy blew thousands of dollars on lottery tickets thinking he'd win and even crossed the Arizona Stateline to buy some.

As if incel, Cho was literally rejected by a hooker who ripped him off. No wonder why he incel rage'd. He even made a VHS tape, but ofc it being the 2000s we will never see it. Rogers at least loaded up his manifesto before going on his incel rampage
with his money and resources and good looks, I could have ended feminism forever, by myself
holy feckin roastoid
you know she was a massive degen too

It happen again, today after seeing a guy with a girl (probably friends) near my workplace I couldn't help but want to punch them both. Why do they get to be happy and I don't?
Probably the most stereotipical thing you've ever heard but couples and friends in general make me angry, because they get to have what I don't.

The worst part about it is that it pains me lately because I've been trying so hard to get out of the gutter.
You have to try so hard to fit in, and you still pass as a weirdo, while for some people it's effortless what the fuck.
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Could've still been step siblings you never know these days
it's not just you. getting a relationship has gotten significantly more difficult for men
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l am just happy for no reason
>Why do they get to be happy and I don't?
Well, if you're reaction to seeing couple is to want to punch them, then you probably have the emotional maturity of a toddler. That might have something to do with it.
Op here, probably didn't emphasize this point enough but it's not just the fact to not be in a couple that bothers me, though it bothers me the most. It's the general feeling to not belong anywhere.

That male and female I've seen were probably friends, or maybe a couple but that's secondary, I get similar feelings of envy when I see group of friends.

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Anyone else realising the civilisational ponzi scheme isn't worth continuing anymore?
it's not. drop out, stop working for the big man, work only for yourself, stop giving in to theft of your work for his profits, who cares if you're homeless, it's more dignified than being a cuck wageslave childless consoomer ewhore addict
>>78027896 Listen carefully: https://youtube.com/shorts/D8vEZ2azbSQ
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realizing implies present tense and not past tense
get on my (fucking) level, scrubs
>stop working for the big man
become the big man yourself

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You will never have childhood wonder again.

You will never be able to enjoy any video game set in front of you, purely because it was new.

You will never look at things with wonder and awe like you once did.

You will never fall in love with a girl you barely know who speaks to you ever once in a while, like you did in school.

You will never ask your friends if they want to go build a dam out of rocks or catch lizards down at the creek.

You'll never ride in the bed of a truck to go fishing with your brother without even checking if you have line on your rods, then getting in trouble because you were fishing with a native american kid on land only they're allowed to fish on.

You will never jump out your 2nd floor bedroom window at 1AM to get away from your abusive mother and spend the night sleeping in somebody's bushes because she called the cops on you and you couldn't make it to your dad's house.

The only new experiences left to enjoy in life cost more money than you will ever afford, so spend the rest of your life repeating the same day over and over to pay rent and taxes, eat garbage food because you can't afford real vegetables, and then die.

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the real crime is not the course of nature, but the fact that we have been made to believe that life is something that it is not. after having been fed lies about what life is, it no wonder that you will be disappointed
sigh... I never got to experience any of that shit bro, my parents were the biggest dicks on planet earth who never let me go out on my own ever until I was 11. I will never forgive them or let that go. All the memories I could have made, all the friends I could have made. Nothing ever happens in this shitty little village anyways
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Do you really spend the whole day rotting in front of you computer think "You will never, You will never, You will never"?
Why are you so gay?
Just do some mushrooms/acid/mescaline/what ever psychedelic.
It's like hitting a reset button and makes the world feel fresh and full of wonder again. Like 1-2 times a year is all you need
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>allows you to see the world through the eyes of a child once more, albeit temporarily

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im a noid (nonbinary)
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No, you're not. You just like to think you are.
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I wiII avoid you.
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noid noided
I stay noided
Has anyone actually managed to get alt-girl pussy by claiming to be non-binary? There was some guy in one of my college classes who was clearly just a man with dyed hair that insisted he was NB and demanded that we refer to him as "they" and I feel like he was just trying to score some weird girl pussy.
Hahahaha I was literally coming here to make the same reference.

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I know a woman who becomes enraged by the phrase 'more than friends' because she believes friendship is just as deep and meaningful as romantic relationships and that society shouldn't elevate romance above platonic friendships. Is she right?
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If this opinion were coming from a man I'd respect it, however a woman said it in your case so she's probably just reciting platitudes without any actual original input of her own. Friendships and romantic relationships are different, but can have incredible depth and meaning in different ways.
>Is she right?
no she is a retarded female who should learn her place and know that she is a retarded subhuman and never speak her braindead opinions
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let it never be said romance is dead cause its the only think occupying my head

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>she wrote an entire song about how good his dick was
How do you cope with never knowing that feel?
no idea who these peopIe are
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that's just cause she loves whiteboys
>who's dick?
don't answer, don't care
I miss the old Doja. Bring her back


>Stacy do some anti men shit, fucks chads, act cunty
>This hurts feelings of many men, because only stacies are visible to them
>see random average, non stacy fembot on 4chan, with probably shit life
>You fucking whore!! YOU'RE doing this to men!! How fucking dare you! Alright, guess what, I'm becoming redpilled incel, fuck you roastie this is what you wanted! God I hate subhuman foids!

When will men be honest with themselves and accept the fact that they are all stacy only and that average women aren't visible to them?
Or even better question when will they finally stop attacking us for shit only stacies do? Go attack your favourite stacy instead, moron.
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no they arent
if that were true we wouldnt be in the situation we are in now
simple as, you are just stupid or lying, so which is it?
women are the biggest incels of all
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I know right, this retard isn't even subtle with the bait, that's what sage is for
There's a phenomenon going on right now where manhating stacies and radfems claim to speak on behalf of all women, e.g, all women have experienced X, all women think of men as Y, which plays so perfectly into the victimhood metagame of the West that both men and women get silenced if they speak out against it.
I damn agreee thank you Kona

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Honestly I don't want wife and kids. I wouldn't be able to handle my frustration and pain from watching my own son falling into the same dredded traps I used to fall into and still do. Being a father has to majorly depressing for those failed normies who managed to get a family.
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she'll be calling someone else her daddy in no time
How will you cope with watching your daughter grow up to become an incel-hating slut who worships tall aryan Chads and gets spitroasted by niggers at paries?
don't answer this question, fatheranon.
none of this ever happens.
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I consider myself a top tier hater but this is unnecessary.

look at the no-life losers rush in to heap salt, because they are in hell

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>Four goon sessions, anon? Four? That's insane.
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Is it? Or are the so-called normal people mad for not constantly gooning? It's free pleasure after all.
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Dude's here have energy to spare.
I hate days like that, thankfully they're rare now that I'm in my thirties. Twice a day back to back is more than enough usually. I could probably even reduce it to twice every few days.
I'm 30, anon. You're just low test.
Actually it was just one massive goon session with a few intermittent breaks so I don't get cramps.

Who is your fav fembot?
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second post close second
the one who got her name banned for being too cute
Pedo ewwww kys
You just gained 100lbs and grew a 10 inch long roastbeef.
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I only liked her. Even if it was an act, she really made some roasts go berserk.

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Seriously they're just repulsive to look at and smell like ass. Its only met one Indian woman and we became friends. We barely talk though because both of us are busy. But you see pajeets in groups at the markets and they just look so rapey and violent. Theyre hairy like animals too.
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My family were sex havers who also were drug addicts. That seems to be the peak in this reality, that's what rich and attractive people do. They owned different properties, had lots of children, ect. So, this is actually being used as a way to justify their humanity. That they're real people like me. Because my life, was not at all like what these people did. I actually made contact with aliens. The funny thing here is that, everyone around me seems to be totally enchanted by the aliens, but they never talk about it. They let the aliens use their mouths whenever the aliens want. The aliens are actually torturing me. If I walk past a construction site, the workers actually comment on what I'm wearing. That's obviously not normal. If they say "hat", what that actually means is, that's Jesus bullying me, for being too poor for a hat. And he's also saying that's why I don't have sex. It's a gaslighting comment, to say the word hat to somebody wearing a hat. So that's why, this story about my family doesn't add up really, unless I try to be jealous of them. Because, nobody around me seems to be aware of the aliens. And the best way to answer why that is, is actually by telling them Jesus is using their mouth. But what happens when we do that actually is, we get arrested and imprisoned. So we don't do that anymore. I guess the world just doesn't need to know.
All memes aside most Indians I've interacted with were normal and I had no problems with them.
Jesus is actually extremely sexually violent. We see that happen with powerful people in this realm, it makes sense that Jesus would be too. What actually happens at that point, when you're omnipotent, is you start to rape men. So rape as an act has always been more about power, than sexual release. Jesus is raping men. And that's how I've decided to explain it, because it seems like the truth. So what we have is actually a really bad place to be. There's even a level of wealth beyond what we've witnessed. And, he's using it to rape men. He also uses humiliation tactics. So the aliens are inside our brains basically, and they feel us when we're humiliated. That's a way to inflict severe violence without killing somebody.
Jesus has tons of jokes I guess. One of his methods is to actually guide us to participating in dangerous authoritarian systems that shouldn't exist. So these systems are pretty rare, and for that reason, they're totally retarded. He only knows about them because he's watching these guys take a shit. So he might tell us to post a specific picture of a meme. And the reason is, it's to trigger somebody who is reading it. And, this actually creates a violent situation, but it's in a really insignificant way. It's really funny I guess. He also does this irl with property. So there are actually places where you can be, but shouldn't be, and that's because of property ownership. So, he might tell us to walk somewhere. And, it's totally legal and safe. But, it's very obvious that were intentionally being put into a violent situation based on land ownership rights. Thats another example of a weird authoritarian system that doesn't really add up in 2024. Essentially this joke is based on experiencing an unreasonable power structure with minor implications.
Some guy on the street just told me I was in hell. The thing about that is, it seems like it could be true.

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>*Use FaceApp to add a few millimeters of bone to my profile picture*
>*Suddenly girls accept my friend requests. No one calls me creep/stalker/rapist. Everyone says I have a great personality, I'm funny, I'm a dynamic and resourceful go getter. We need more people like me in the world. Everything I say now has "confident energy" even though I'm literally saying the same exact shit I was saying back when I had my creepy profile pic.

Hey what's really going on here? Why did the normies, capitalists, self help niggers, and psychiatrists lie to me? They told me the discrimination was all in my head.
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If the chin is the only issue why not get surgery instead of whining all day
Moneymaxx and bogpill yourself
They were not saying any of that shit to you lmao.
because normies like to ignore reality. were you born yesterday?
The point of plastic surgery is to make it look you never had work done. Lots of Israelis have had nose jobs. But chin jobs are much harder to pull off
Koreans usually do it right
I would risk it with western surgeons that probably have more experience in making neovaginas than aesthetic face surgeries

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im 19 and never had a gf or been in a relationship people around me constantly ask if im talking to any women atm and I give the same answer every time which is no ive had girls tell me im not unattractive and im like 6 foot 3 which doesnt even help as much as some people think it might if you have zero social skills i get that its harder to get women if youre short but it doesnt make you a chad that gets women all the time like some people think i even once had a girl tell me she would never have sex with me because of my personality
Well if you're short people don't even bother asking you if you've got a gf or you're talking to any girls and you can't even get close enough to a girl for her to reject you for your personality
I feel bad for low ego guys, tall or short. I'm 5'4" and it's a curse but also a blessing and people realize that. Being short means I gotta be more manly mentally. I HAVE to cocky and aggressive occasionally. I'll get written off if I wasn't. Because of the insecurity, a short man has to pump up his ego. Or at least should.

On r9k you see a lot of short men give up and become trannies or what not. Shame on them, but it couldn't be me. I forced myself to get a GF that was taller than me and I forced her to know I'm the man in the relationship. The alternative is to be depressed and mope, who wants that?
This is true, you have to assert your dominance in any interaction right away otherwise people will trample all over you. It's impossible for some guys though because they've been pacified and pushed around all their lives, they barely have their own direction or desires, they're just drifting

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