It's truly a cruel joke that the sexual appetite of the sexes are off balance. I'm convinced that if the average level male and female libidos switched overnight we'd have a utopia on earth for a year until things equalized again. >The rampant sexualization and objectification of women>mtf trannies pretending to be girls are much more common than pooners>the greater internet is obsessed with cute anime girls. >Males use female avatars in games or online>never see women using male avatars or profile pictures for eyecandyThe male form is almost an afterthought, even the futa fetishists only care about cocks, crudely slapping them onto female characters.Male sexualization is only reserved for gay guys, and even them most gay guys go for femboys and traps. Barafags are getting more rare by the day.The male or masculine physique has truly fallen out of vogue and it hurts.I need to find me afujoshi who actually cares. Also I don't speak for all guys, but the two times I've been catcalled my entire life have made my day each time. Foids this is a sign to go out and catcall a dude you find physically attractive. This may be the desperation talking, but imo I think society needs more creepy and pervy women.
>>80127337What people doesn't understand is that Women desire men just as much, they just desire CERTAIN men because they have the freedom to be picky about who they want, most men invoke disgust in them.
>>80127337I'm a creepy pervert woman with gross fetishes who likes weird looking men, we exist
>>80127726well this world needs more people like you.
>>80127337Is this the world you want, OP?
>>80127823yes.unironically wouldn't mind.I think for most dudes unwanted attention from any women is better than no attention at all. even ugly, fat, or spindly women. Just a crumb of being desired at all even if it was superficial and creepy would be better than nothing.we are all here seeking emotional validation and connection after all.
>>80127899Creepy woman from before, Im fat can I still hit on you lmao
>>80127907In a theoretical situation IRL I wouldn't mind at all if any girl hit on me. Might not reciprocate due to personal tastes but a compliment is still a compliment and the feeling of being wanted even by someone who isn't your type is better than being completely ignored. I think it's a fact that most guys like being catcalled and like it when women make moves.
>>80127963That would be a no
Women hate being complemented by strangers because women are generally dishonest. Women are never direct nor clear with their intentions, when they tell other women or even men they are good looking, they don't really mean it, they have ulterior motives. Therefore, when a man does the same thing, they expect it to have secret meanings too.
>>80128175Exactly. It's projection. The only time she's nice to anyone is when she's trying to manipulate them into something, so when someone is being nice to her she projects and assumes they're trying get something out of, which is TRUE though, because we are. But she's a cunt about it.
>>80127337it's not because of libido, it's hormones and socialization. if men learned that someone being attracted to them was dangerous, they would learn to fear being desired. womanhood has been fetishized to a point where sexuality is inherent and inescapable, which is why many women go insane these days, it's psychological torture. men are not fetishized of a societal level, and this is why lonely men feel an insane disparity of desire between men and women, while men who have been in relationships do not; men who have dated come to understand the heights of female fetishization are a hollow facade unless you're a saudi arabian oil baron paying instagram models to fuck donkeys in your livingroom, and when you get to a normal human level, things more or less are even. between one man and one woman, there's a relatively equal level of desire, fetishization, goofiness, and turn offs. so i predict. with my mind. i don't fucking know.that's all irrelevant though. men don't say anything like in picrel. those are tame and friendly and socially acceptable cat-calls from 1960. nobody says that shit. it's straight to sexual harassment. straight to "i want to fuck your ass because it's big" or "i can see your nipples and it turns me on" or "come suck my dick in my car" (all translated to modern gangster nigger faggot language that men think is cool of course) because the men who approach are shameless cock-drunk sex addicts and the men who TRY to approach imitate those lunatics too. i've been followed multiple blocks, had groceries taken out of my cart, physically grabbed or impeded, and screamed at, all in an attempt to make me cave and have sex with a complete stranger, because societal standards of appropriateness are in HELL and nobody is working to retrieve them. nobody has ever called me pretty or good looking or asked me to smile. being hit on today is not a compliment. it's a request or a demand i have to carefully defuse and escape from. it's threatening.
>>80128680You are confusing sexual harassment with approaching, you also have no idea how lonely and undesirable the average man is, it is a level of suffering you cannot comprehend because you are always desired
>>80128773nobody (other than vapid attention whores who you should not be paying attention to) is getting all woe is me i'm so traumatized about being approached and asked on a date. those lines in OP's pic are not approach lines. they are very very old cat calls. society has progressed so those are tame to us now but they used to be vulgar and offensive. i'm not confusing the two, the topic IS sexual harassment. op even says he wants to be catcalled.never claimed i understood your struggle or compared us. i'm busy with my own and i have nobody i could even ask about yours.
>>80128812It's not sexual harassment if you want it to happen, Women get so much attention that they get sick of it, men get no attention so it's something that they want to happen
>>80128913wrong. it's not sexual harassment if you openly invite it. crime is based on the awareness and intention of the criminal, not the state of mind of the victim. a woman could have a rape fetish, but still genuinely be raped, if the rapist does not know she is enjoying it. even if a woman liked being harassed, if she hadn't flirted with him heavily and given him positive signs, it's still sexual harassment.
>>80128935>crime is based on the intention of the criminal not the state of mind of the victimno retard, if you want me to have sex with you and I do it that is perfectly fine, if you don't want it to happen then it suddenly becomes rape, the state of mind of the victim is equally important
>>80128985you are so fucking retarded, boy.if you base it off the mindset of the victim, that's where someone can have sex, give all the indication that she's fine with it, then call rape. obviously if you have sex with someone willing even if it's rape they won't press charges, i guess? but morally speaking, the criminal was willing to commit rape because they had no indication the victim felt otherwise. that's what defines it as a crime. knowing something will be a crime or not, intention, is what defines the difference between murder and manslaughter.obviously they are both important but it all starts with the criminal's intentions and expectations.
>>80128680Reading your post has made me realize that if I replace the word "male" with "woman" and "sex" with "free labour" I feel a very similar sentiment. In the sense that I know I that if a random women is approaching me she's going to try to use me somehow, and that is to either get me do something physical demanding or just tiresome or to ask me for money, be it outright begging, asking for charity, trying to sell me something, some religious cult bullshit or something new I've recently experienced trying to lure me into a alleyway so that other men can mug me. I honestly cannot imagine a woman approaching me outside randomly without it somehow being extractive or nefarious in nature. I'd say the main difference is I don't consider them be a outright threat, but I know that she can easily scream and lie to mobilize random simps or that an acquaintance of hers will be there to provide backup thus to me being a violent threat. Women themselves tend not be physically violent, but I've seen countless times women manipulate men into using violence. regarding the aspect of womanhood in your post I completely agree and am jealous of my faggot friends because they get to be genuinely lusted after and much less transactional relationships, but I've been told it's rare for them to date in the firstplace and they mostly have loads of promiscuous sex with strangers. I hate modern society so much. almost every aspect of it is designed to exploit you somehow, it makes you not want to interact or contribute to it at all because it genuinely feels like partaking in something evil, I'm just so tired of constantly being on guard trying to protect myself from being metaphorically fucked.
>>80129167if the victim consents it is just sex not rape stop misusing the word rape, you don't even understand what it means
>>80129214okay. you are a man. you think about reality in terms of distant, impersonal, retrospective truth. i respect that. yes, it would not be rape to an all-knowing entity. however, in the moment, he doesn't know it isn't rape; she knows he THINKS it is rape. the thing they do takes the exact form of rape in every aspect except the intrinsic truth within. i get your point, but surely you understand mine? to her, she understands he's willing to rape her and thinks he is, thus he is, morally, even if truthfully, he isn't committing the act.what you believe you are doing informs who you are, even if you are deceived and are not doing it.
>>80129192i can understand that feeling entirely. i think that's pretty fair. a lot of women are raised to believe being beggars and relying on others for everything is okay. i don't think it is, but it is pretty common. however, as a point, i do not think women's inclination to to this is baked into the world on a base level. many women do not wish to rely on men for varied reasons. the same way many men do not sexually harass women. it's just invisible.women are manipulative by nature. we have to connive to survive, exactly because we are not able to beat men with violence. the healthy expression of that is a conniving wife giving her husband plans within which he can use his brute force most efficiently. it's a resource to be used to defend and preserve, just like violence, and just like violence, it is misused. female manipulation is what allows a small tribe to pretend to surrender to a larger invading force then poison all their food and kill them in their sleep, saving their village. it's cowardly, but women must be in a world like this. that's why we say "i have a boyfriend" even if it's a lie, because it's the safest tactical move.i hate modern society too. life is hell. people are convinced to torture each other for personal gain with no reason to do so other than to create weakness among our collective so a minority can rule us with an uncaring iron fist.
>>80129770Not any of those anons. Really good points. I'll just settle with I hate life. I'm too tired for nuance these days.
>>80129770Can you help me understand this:MOST men do not abuse violenceMOST women abuse manipulationWhy the disparity?
>>80130012the men who made the world made laws to control fellow men. violence is power. law is power, enforced by violence. it's fighting fire with fire.women have been dealt with using socially entrenched manipulation. further, the nepotistic jewish billionaire pedophiles who run the world view women as playthings. we are to be toyed with. that's why women's fashion always varies insanely widely year to year, why the female ideal is always at the front of society, why women are always somehow in charge of social movements ever since we got rights. this was a grand plan. women have been lied to, made paranoid and isolated. the same way a manipulative man would isolate and undermine a woman to control her, it's happening on a grand scale. now we're meant to be so individualistic we are completely alone. ripe for the plucking. men are not playthings for those in power, unless you're manipulated too, thus faggots.tldr; they want to be the ones to abuse their power over women, not the common man. it's a grand level cuck-rape. like berserk.
>>80128680>>80129770this is a really interesting read femanon thanks for sharing. this puts a lot of things into perspective the way other schizo rants i've seen really can't.frankly one of the worst things I glean from that post and what I see is this: The most vulgar and despicable men are the ones who often approach women the most, they're the ones who manage to still have the most sex and have the least respect for any higher ideals, but because they socialize the most due to having no actual sense of introspection and barely being ""human"" at any base level THEY'RE the ones that form social culture. When women think of men they think of the lowest-caste most disgusting brownoid lobotomized rapist because THAT'S who's approaching people the most in an age where most men who have sense and something to lose get paralyzed due to the permanence of ANY kind of approach these days.Sorry for going on a tangent about that in particular, you said a lot of other valid things, but lately I've just been thinking about how the people who push the most change these days are the people who care the least. And it's infuriating to see that the men who get picked the most and who form women's views of men the most almost always tend to be people who don't even have a capacity for basic reasoning let alone seeing women as human, same way it's infuriating to know the richest people in the world these days aren't the ones who are the most intuitive and savvy like they would've been 100 years ago, instead millionaires are born every day from pretenders who beg for money and deliver nothing.It makes me so, so angry. This modern world is a miracle, it's given us comfort, wealth, and choice beyond anything KINGS could've imagined just a couple hundred years ago, and it's wasted on a culture driven by people who want to leech off it from above and below and erode everything that made this age great. We're in a spiritual hell. I am full of wrath when all I ever desired was love.
>>80127726what fetishes and what kind of weird looking men?
>>80127337Women are far more sexual than men, they get so horny that they lose control of themselves and try to have compulsive public sex in the nearest place out of direct eyesight, but they only get this way towards extremely attractive men. They secretly find most men sexually repulsive, including most of the men they date, marry, and have passionless transactional sex with. Modern young men and boys are finally becoming aware of this.
>>80128680Just move out of the ghetto or whatever hellscape you live in.What you described probably doesn't even happen and you're just seething because men other than chad express desire for you. If you had to switch places with us, you would BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF. Imagine being totally unable to have sexual intimacy with any man because they all proudly says the most outrageous and shallow shit you can imagine.>"Ladies, you must be 5'10" minimum to get on THIS ride.">"Girls, if you have anything less than 32J, please move along."You would put a bullet through your brain within a year.
>>80127823Is this video supposed to be a bad thing?
>>80127337If both men and women desired each other equally there would be no natural selection
>>80131379Im into guys fartingI like guys with soft jawlines, patchy facial hair, bad skin, who are short and greasy
>>80127337It would be dangerous. Think about all the diseases that have spread because gays simply cannot stop fucking each other.
>>80131561Most gays are mentally ill self-destructive hypersexuals who went insane because they got child molested.