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Zoomers are a malignant tumor. Look no further than this board. TZD.
sounds like you have a midlife crisis grandpa
I hope she wins because I want them to suffer. I hate the youth in America so much. They deserve it.
>Zoomers are a malignant tumor
Pic unrelated?
Voting for her because she's going to destroy the stock market and be the cause of the civil war. Not my fault you don't want things to get better for everyone oldnigger
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Will Madame President actually give Ukraine a full fleet of F-16s and unlimited targeting permissions?
take this thread to /pol/
you piece of shit.
This was bound to happen regardless. Politics is a show, u don't own anything nor matter
bro white people bad so we must get rid of them (the main taxpayer base) because then our lives and infrastructure will improve uhh somehow... vote democrat!
>zoomers want to vote in a way that benefits them directly instead of corporations and billionaires because they aren't so stupid that they get hung up on unimportant social issues
>this is somehow a problem
laughing at the state of (You)
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It's actually hilarious that they believe this. Just look at all major cities in America that went from majority white to minority white. Picrel is another prime modern day example. 20% of Baton Rouge (the white part) decided to break off and form their own city because Baton Rouge was doing nothing for their community despite them being 80% of the tax revenue. Now they are scared shitless that those "evil white racists" are going to bankrupt Baton Rouge (and it will).
Yes, but shit is going to hit the fan even sooner if she wins. I'd rather just get it out of the way as soon as possible rather than waiting even longer for this system to kill itself.
You had 4 years of Biden and people are fucked financially. You are a dumb ass. Voting for a nigger woman likes she is going to do a damn thing. Just like every major city across country
>we just need more nigger leaders. That'll fix it
Fuckk idiot
>they want whiter wealthier enclaves
That's exactly what the rich elites have always done to keep everyone else out. Do they forget what happened when illegals were sent to Martha's Vineyard?
Voting doesn't do shit though. ALL politicians are bought and paid for by the kikes. Even the most republican of states is controlled by the jews and poz'd as fuck.
>>we just need more nigger leaders. That'll fix it
Well yeah, if the current system breaks then we get a tabula rasa with which to build something that won't break in the same shitty ways the last one did
We're actually facing the consequences of the Trump administration's irresponsible economic decisions. Their socialist response to Covid when his administration flooded the economy with 814 billion extra dollars in the form of stimulus checks, or his administration's tariffs which directly impacted citizen's wallets, or his heavy taxcuts to billionaires and corporations while actually RAISING taxes on the middle class, or how he increased federal spending in every year of his term.
Meanwhile under Biden's administration the US is the only country that has managed to keep their heads above water during a global recession due to direct manipulation of the Federal Reserve and interest rates enacted by Biden's administration.
The people you defend are outright lying to you. They are genuinely lying to you about every single topic.
Gen z don't know how to vote
Go post politics on pol
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America is just going to turn into Brazil. The quality of life for the lower classes are going to shrink. Jobs are just no longer be in abundant. Social programs will dry up because simply there won't be enough productive people to leech off of. This has happened in every colony country at this point. I don't see why America will be any different.
nice troll :D
Ironically it is right-wing, corporation-first policies that lead to these extreme divides between classes.
Fuck you you dumb cock sucker. Hows that cum tasting? Sour I bet
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mass immigration is an excuse to not implement UBI.

(((ai regulation))) is an excuse to not implement UBI

everything that they do is an excuse to not implement UBI.

they do not want you to have UBI because they feed off of your suffering
No it is completely racial and you are a dumb ass. Races are genetically different and you just can't contend with that.
Anon if you're a nazi, just say you're a nazi. Don't pretend that you have some sort of legitimate understanding of politics and the nuance of governing.
I'll suffer through a femoid democrat president for 4 years if that means Trump fucks off and republicans can get a real fucking politician to run next time.
Voting to have Larry Fink in government is antithetical to my personal philosophy. Sorry but I can't vote Trump this time around
Generally speaking, Asians are more intelligent than whites they will always out compete them as a group. I can admit that to myself because I'm not an idiot. You are an idiot. You operate entirely based on emotions and people's hurt feelings. You are the reason people suffer. If you could submit to natural hierarchies that clearly exist, you could structure society in a way that would reduce suffering significantly. You can't do that because you are an idiot.
Don't forget how Peter Thiel is using JD Vance as a way to force his influence into American politics. Donald Trump is get played by billionaires with a hell of a lot more money, intelligence, and know-how than him. He's a puppet to the world's richest men.

You seem upset bud, you should take a break. Maybe go on a walk?
>Generally speaking, Asians are more intelligent than whites
Agreed. That's why they hate the Rethuglicans.
this was always the end game. you're telling me you were voting for trump without believing in the right wing technicracy?
No I just didn't vote last time because I don't believe in democracy, but now I might because project 2025
Sir, I believe you mean technocracy. Which is something that Trump and his campaign ARE NOT in support of. They specifically are trying to pull experienced and qualified people from government roles in favor of "outsiders." Almost all technocratically inclined major politicians in the US are Democrats lmao. During Donald Trump's term most of his cabinet were actually underqualified and inexperienced in their particular role. You want a technocracy? Put a fucking Attorney General in the white house. Put a tier one operator in the Secretary of State's seat. Put a governor in the VP spot. You know, experts in their fucking fields? Shit that Kamala Harris will likely do?
What a fucking moron.
Mass migration just means cheap slaves and more blacks suffering. I don't like blacks so I don't give a shit. I got my bag. I'm hedged against inflation.
not into politics
whats wrong with her? other than being leftist
>4chan regularly having a melty about immigration when the Biden administration tried to pass a republican written immigration bill that would have tightened the border but Trump demanded republicans vote no so he could use immigration as a campaign focus
trumpers are so fucking dumb
Literally nothing. She's closer to Republican than most modern Republicans are. Very moderate on economics and law and order. The only thing the average 4channer might not like is her pandering to LGBT citizens.
oh wow i didn't realize she was pro-borders
>>4chan regularly having a melty about immigration when the Biden administration tried to pass a republican written immigration bill that would have tightened the border but Trump demanded republicans vote no so he could use immigration as a campaign focus

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Young men in America need to stop giving a shit. This country is done for. 80% of every dollar in circulation was printed within the last 4 years. Think about. Stop stressing yourself over it.
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She literally flew to Guatemala and infamously had a speech in which she told migrants to stop coming to the US.

Now post the other age groups retard. Republicans are a minority.
>She literally flew to Guatemala and infamously had a speech in which she told migrants to stop coming to the US.
Fake news. She actually told them to stop cumming. It was a sex thing.
oh I'm gonna cum
>Which is something that Trump and his campaign ARE NOT in support of.
his running mate is in the pocket of the silicon valley right. an uneasy alliance between christfag retards and tech billionaires are trying to take the country.
Yeah JD Vance is owned by Peter Thiel. Calling the Heritage Foundation "christfag retards" is really underselling it to. Theocratic zealots is a better description. Their goal is to make the US into a Christian Arabian Peninsula.
They are politicians without the intelligence and charisma, just the herd instincts, a result of growing up on corporate slop social media
>a result of growing up on corporate slop social media
Still better than growing up exclusively on disneyslop and star wars grandpa, you're getting old
Thats the legacy from the older generation that you broccoli faggots still open up your mouths and beg for more from
> vote democrat
Indeed, if you don't want a felon and a compulsive liar to be president.
I'm sure another 10% tax cut for the billionaires will fix all of the social issues.
I see war on the horizon and I do not want white men going to die for Israel. So I'm glad she is winning. Trump just makes them think they have a chance at saving their country.
Acting as if they didn't cockfeed you their bullshit when you lived in their houses, voted for their politicians, and listened to their music for however long you've been alive for. Don't care, not going to vote for Trump because I don't give a fuck about your stock picks nigger
>Yeah JD Vance is owned by Peter Thiel.
no coincidence all the donations started showing up shortly after
>Their goal is to make the US into a Christian Arabian Peninsula.
what they can do is far worse. it's funny how the script has flipped. now that blackrock and the surveillance state are on their side, they're ready for oppression beyond anything any lesser authoritarian nation could even dream of.
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You haven't looked at her husband yet, have you?
No, I think there will be war. I just think the far right is going to be far more active in swaying young men away from serving if she is in power. They will flood the internet with cuck memes. They will mock dead US soldiers. Anyone who goes is a tranny liberal. I see it.
You haven't seen Trump's Treasury Secretary pick then either... we're pretty much boned either way desu
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I hope so. As a Christian at least I'd finally have a casus belli against the fundamentalists who have never read the Gospels, Acts, and Romans, at least. Trust and believe no one hates these fucks more than the quiet Christians.
If Project 2025, which JD Vance contributed to, is successful we will likely have CCP-like surveillance and social policy within ten years. There has been a blatant take over of the Republican party by religious extremists and they're riding the populist train because the average voter is genuinely too unintelligent to realize that they're being lied to. Trump has nothing to do with the plan other than serving as a catalyst and martyr for the revolution. They're likely promising him financial benefits that will cement his family into the top tier of billionaire wealth, something he is completely incapable of achieving and watching multiple billionaires accomplish far more than him from far less has likely made him extremely insecure about it, so he's willing to take the now literal bullets.
No I dont want feminism to become more powerful
I do. Man will kick the knee off your neck or perish.
It's bizarre that we're looking at a future that might contain religious bloodshed again. We're going to make The Troubles look like a kindergarten naptime given the right catalyst.
"problematic" fiction and mean words aren't oppression. just be anti-authoritarian.
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fourty seven white male presidents but the first woman president is gonna be black
white woman literally cannot go five seconds without getting anally RAPED by loss dumb ass roastie cunts
It's going on in Israel right now. It's what the US carelessly fueled for the last twenty years in the Middle East. The Spanish inquisition before that, and the Crusades before that. Abrahamic war isn't the exception, it's the rule.
That sounds like a stupid reason to support feminism if thats the point youre trying to make. Feminism has over stayed its visit and is starting to become more harm than it is beneficial. One of the divides in America politics is the gender divide and feminism has been fueling it for decades now in order to stay relevant and in power

Why would they want to do this? Because feminism is a cult, just google of the signs of a cult and feminism directly expresses most signs
You are a young man with a utopian vision. Anti-authoritarian has never existed, ever. If there is power to be wielded, someone will wield it. Better it be you than your enemy.
>fourty seven white male presidents
obama counts as 100% white now?
Whiter than Trump and I'm voting for Harris
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>mfw I realize almost all of Western history until the 20th century was driven by some form of Abrahamic infighting
To an extent, yes. Much of Greek and Roman history, the arguable forerunners of our society, had nothing to do with Abrahamic religions until later on.
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Bill Clinton was blacker than Obama and arguably the first President who gave an authentic shit about them.
I dont know wtf you are talking about, when I talk to you I feel the energy here like I am fighting to get the most updoots
the heritage foundation is christian in name only.

>is successful we will likely have CCP-like surveillance and social policy within ten years.
potentially worse, and in less time than 10 years. the US already has the tools to create a surveillance state, and vance is backed by the heads of that surveillance
>because the average voter is genuinely too unintelligent to realize that they're being lied to.
the average voter wouldn't believe a claim as big as "technocrats and religious fundamentalists are going to create an authoritarian surveillance state"
even with project 2025 people are coping that it would only affect certain states
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You are a low IQ retard who doesn't know how organic societies work. There is no multiracial workers of the world unite bullshit. Kill yourself your bourgeoise LARPing tranny.
At least this nazi isn't trying to hide it.
>imports 100 million plus of foreigners creating innate Darwinian racial conflict where it mostly did not exist before
>tries to spin this as a good thing, even though it has created nothing but problems and turned politics into a corrupt racial head count/spoils system that everyone except the founding stock population gets to play with
>durr hurr just don't be racist nazi, I am smart. Support local tranny LARP and give me money to cut my cock and balls off, this totally isn't a luxury belief system
Kamala is actually fairly right-wing with immigration. You're just talking out of your ass because your entire personality can be shut down with one word: nazi.
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calling someone a nazi is the closest they can get to making a convincing moral argument because this site is reddit and you dont want to be called a heckin bad nazi
My favorite animal is the /pol/tist trying to recover the thread after it was absolutely ran through by educated people by spamming facebook tier nazi memes and wojaks.
Chuds won, midwits and trannies lost
chuds aren't winning if project 2025 goes off. only people winning are the ruling class
you're voting for big tech and blackrock and they're gonna throw you in the same pods as the minorities
I don't know anon, your demented bag is falling in the polls faster than Howard Dean after a weak scream.
Anon, Trump voters ARE the midwits.
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The post quality on this site is the main concern itt
The problem is you think you're the guy on the right, when in reality you're the guy on the left. You will not be afforded the benefits you think are coming to you. You will be shoved in ghetto blocks, forced to work menial labor, and forced into religious submission just like those you believe are below you.
Let's say I'm a LITERAL NAZI. So fucking what. What is your argument against what I said, you dumb nigger.
You literally haven't made an argument, so there is nothing to respond to other than your character.
Voting for Larry fink to be your treasury secretary is something for people with sub80 IQ to try to rationalize

Americans want a show, not a decent leader. they don't care about the personss actual policies as long as they promise the world.
I did, which is that multiracial countries do not work and are cesspools of corruption that inevitably turn into racial head count-based spoils systems, and that your communist ideological LARP isn't the real world and that finally, you will NEVER be a woman.
Democrats made an anti immigration bill, republicans blocked it because they need boogiemen to convince their retarded voters to give up their rights for no fucking reason.
Such is sad reality of a fascist underling: you get fucked for capital you don't own and you like it.
I don't care about your partisan politics dog and pony show. All of the major parties in the western world in general are bought out by/run by kikes and have no intention of doing anything about this problem. Whichever one is playing the good cop (immigration with a speed limit) vs. the bad cop at any given is irrelevant. Continue claiming that everyone else is the tool of capital while your meme ideology is shilled by megacorps, retard.
Now THIS is a level of brainrot you hate to see. I feel bad for you buddy. You're shouting at clouds.
"Both sides" chuds when one side is literally Hitler about to draft them for WWIII
Yes, both sides are controlled by the same people and agree on the important policies, but since you are a mentally ill tranny who takes experimental sex hormones and mutilates your body because of system propaganda, you have not the intelligence to figure any of this out. I'm sure The Workers which you totally care about as you bang on about your boutique luxury beliefs are really helped by the constant flow of immigration you retarded nigger. I bet you think the iron laws of supply and demand when it comes to wages and the cost of living magically suspend themselves because uhh, uhh they just do ok otherwise it makes me feel bad.
>want dead slavs
>want the shitskins OUT
Either way I win, either way I lose.
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Dubs but have you considered not trying to label everyone who disagrees with you as some tranny caricature? It'd help you appear not as unhinged.
But he's right, you come across as someone that mutilates one's own genitals
Itt newfags use the shit posting site as their highschool debate club
Cool but kids don't vote.
>egoistic thinking
>using reddit type shaming methods where it is ineffective
>small political thinking
egoism is the main thing, I couldnt care less about any of this retarded shit when my country is being invaded by hostile biologically low iq tribes, impossible to ever be equal with me from biological differences, are being agitated against me, or otherwise are easily able to be agitated against me, destroying my culture, and replacing me as a voting block while voting under the name of communism
90% of north american degenerate faggots are genz what do you want
Let's be honest, Republicans are kind of seen as "the incel party."
Let's be honest, Republicans are kind of seen as "the tranny party."
>anyone who doesn't vote for the same person as me needs to die
November is going to be fun
>Breaking news! Zoomers are mongrels, anchor babies, and brown ethnic aberrations!
Nothing new under the sun, just consequences
The next 50 years of America will suck ass unless you are very a very wealthy white person sheltered from it all.
I thought it was the racist degenerate party.
Yea you're retarded, the south and appalachia is home to millions of lower class white people. Do you honestly think they'll be invited into these enclaves simply because they're white?
>dumb ass retard doesn't know what a bell curve is
Cletus may have less IQ points than teeth, but race mixing is dangerous.
White birthrates are plummeting in every western country except Israel. It's happening on purpose and they're the ones doing it.
I say all of this and will be voting for Kamala in November. Jews are simply not you're friend.
>Dumb ass retard quoting a 40 yo study conducted by a literal white supremacist eugenicist.
>r*ddit politics board
I totally trust the fine folks at Eglin AFB to deliver honest, unbiased political opinions!
She literally has zero chance. She was the least popular presidential candidate in 2020. Most probably don't even remember that she ran, because she literally didn't even make it to the primaries because she was so unpopular. Even Amy Klobuchar made it to the primaries in 2020. I wonder how many dems even remember who that is. Every positive little news jews media bit about her ever since the internal party Coup d'etat to force Biden to drop out has been painfully obviously manufactured by the top-down astroturfing establishment.
>It's happening on purpose and they're the ones doing it.
Tell white men to stop marrying asians and latinas en masse then
>black people are super intelligent, bro. They are no difference in IQ between races that evolved in totally separate parts of the world over thousands of years. Just trust me on this. It isn't measurable in any capacity in the real world!
I'll never in my life vote for the left after what I see them doing on the internet. They are fucking evil people.
Men choose women. If women aren't worth choosing, men simply won't choose them. Men don't have to settle in this regard because they can just go be a passport bro, and many men will literally just spend their entire lives ignoring women and playing video games rather than even entertain the idea of pursuing a woman who isn't worth it. White women will have to "woman up" or be replaced by a hapa master race. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
>race mixing is dangerous
Is it dangerous if I get a harem and fuck 100 half white kids into Desi and MENA chicks? Still going to do it regardless because my dick is doing the thinking here, not my brain
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>import violent 3rd worlders
>left continues to demonize the police
>criminals are emboldened
>women are continuously assaulted/harassed
>because of the leftist mind virus, they don't address who is attacking them
>they just blame men and become even more closed off to the native men
>they hate you
That's what actually happens. It has been happening.
I'm voting for her. '03 GenZ. Trump is ancient and not competent, his policy, or lack of, is a joke. What happened to seperation of religion and state.
So its dangerous for women to miscegenate, but not for me is what I'm hearing >:D
If there's a flaw in my logic please tell me, so that I can double down and act even more passionate about this, please
way to out yourself as a retard, retard.
His religion is worshipping the Jewish state, so I guess they kinda just combined into one? Idk, Trump is basically a Jew, and KH is married to a Jew, but at least she isn't putting Larry fucking Fink as the Treasury Secretary. I swear, it feels like only a a few people can read the fucking plot going on here
Doesn't matter
>biden didn't campaign
>biden is a corpse
>pence beat harris in the debate
And he still won. Apparently 4 years of inflation wasn't enough to convince normies to vote red.

It won't be until the end of the millennial and Gen Z's lifetime that we might see a return to how things were but that's after we go through several years of peak Weimar America. Despite what is said, we're not there yet.
If your goal is to make children and not just casual sex, yes.
You should want your kids to look like you so your race goes on. If you're already a mutt of ambiguous parenthood, then who cares? But if you have something to be proud of, you should hold on to it.
Seriously, on a global scale Harris isnt even that left anyhow, like immigant issues which seems to ve the only issue worth talking about with these people are voted against anytime the left brings them up because the republicans need someone to point at and fear monger. They dont want to fix it, they want to use it as a platform.

I just cant stand Trump and what hes done to the minds of half the country. I seriously don't get the liking of him. Maybe he just really appeals to guys that grew up disapointing their father or something.
You know rich people paid like 90% taxes on money they made past 400k during the 50's, right?
That's why America was prosperous. Had nothing to do with nuclear family and shit
4 year of inflation brought on by the massive mismanagement of the pandemic and in turn the huge spending the government did to try and fix their incompentence. It would have been bad, probably worse, if Trump was in for 2020-2024 aswell.
Hey, retard, the state no longer needs your tax dollars. They can print money out of thin air and they do. American was prosperous because it was productive and the rest of the world was recovering from all out war.
They dont have any arguments to make, and they dont read anything, they just make reviews about the author to try to give you the ick for them because they are cattle brained
PSA: >>78293675 This is the type of person who is voting. Are you?
You are the biggest retard if you think trickle down economics works.
>at least she isn't putting Larry fucking Fink as the Treasury Secretary.
Neither is Trump. Holy shit how susceptible to the most obvious propaganda are you.
>Had nothing to do with nuclear family and shit
everyone during the 50s was considered "rich" by today's standards. guess who's not rich today? shitters who didn't have an intact family growing up. guess what nearly all the elites of today had growing up? intact families. the nuclear family unit is literally one of the core pillars of all western civilization. if this weren't true, then the people trying to destroy western civilization wouldn't have targeted it so hard.
I dont think you know as much as you think you do about the 50s
Wtf are you talking about? 80% of the money in circulation was printed within the last 4 years. They print money to spend and that is form of tax on you via inflation. They don't need your income to spend money.
Trump wants to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, which is considered occupied territory by the UN, so he can be closer to his zionist masters
I'm not sure if you're aware, but a lot of Republicans are Bible thumpers who genuinely and wholeheartedly believe in the "Chosen People and Promise Land" fairytale. See Mike Johnson, the most powerful republican in government today.
1/3 of hapas (white+asian) suffer from mental illness
Most congenital problems are more common on mixed-race babies:
Prematurity and Low Birth Weight are a lot more common in mixed-race babies
Mixed-race people have the highest mental illness rates:

Teenagers who identify as mixed-race have greater health and behavioural risks than those who identify with only one race:
Mulatto teenagers show much more anti-social behaviour than both black and whites teenagers:
States with little diversity have more democracy, less corruption, and less inequality.
Borders, not multiculturalism, reduce intergroup violence.
Ethnic diversity causally decreases social cohesion.
Ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods are beneficial for health.
This is how I decide who to vote for.
>flip a coin
>heads: trump
>tails: harris
>best out of 3 wins
>trump won
I don't care nor have time for this crap so this is how I am choosing to do this. So I am voting for Trump. I genuinely don't care if my vote does good OR bad. I don't care at all. This is the best you are getting out of me.
Have you noticed that the left only brings up disadvantaged Southerners and Appalachians when they want to dab on the white race or whatever the fuck? They probably think it a good thing that they have no economic opportunities because the "muh slavery" rich fuckers engaged in 400 years ago. To fuck over poor btw. Slavery fucked over poor people just like mass immigration for labor fucks over poor people.
please just dont vote
bruh who is dabing on the white race.
Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.
Genetic analysis supports the traditional racial groups classification.
Human genetic variation is geographically structured and corresponds with race.
Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.
Race can be determined via brain scans.
There was minimal gene flow between archaic Europeans and Asians.
96-97% of Whites have no African ancestry.
97% of Whites have no Black ancestry whatsoever.
Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning.
A substantial amount of the human genome has been subjected to natural selection since the races diverged.
Numerous human population genetic studies have come to the identical conclusion that genetic differentiation is greatest when defined on a continental basis.
100% of Chinese researchers believe race is biologically real.
Read race intelligence and behavior by j Phillippe Rushton
Races are human subspecies.
Race can be determined from fingerprints.
For 99.86% of individuals, genetic analysis of race matches self-identification.
Predefined ethnic/racial labels are highly informative about genetic identity.
The concept of race existed in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, China, India, and Arabia.
Or, you can put in even less effort than you already did, and just not vote. Unless you want the cute little "I voted" sticker ig
Some diacritics removed
In Europe, culture corresponds closely to genetic group.
Jews, Blacks, and women were instrumental in turning the scientific consensus against the validity of race.
Academically, the average poor White male does as well as Blacks who aren't in poverty.
Only 12% of Black eighth grade males are proficient in math.
Only 12% of Black fourth grade males are proficient in reading.
(aitch) (tee) (tee) (pee) (colon) (slash) (slash) (double-u) (double-u) (double-u) (dot) nytimes (dot) (cee) (o) (em) (slash) 2010 (slash) 11 (slash) 09 (slash) education (slash) 09 gap (dot) (aitch) (tee) (em) (ell) ? (underscore) r (equal sign) 0
Very poor Whites are about as intelligent as very wealthy Blacks.
The White-Black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
The Black-White IQ gap still exists and has not decreased in size.
http://emilkirkegaard.dk/en/wp-content/uploads/The totality of available evidence shows the race IQ gap still remains.pdf
Blacks have lower emotional intelligence than Whites.
Students of all races perform worse in schools with more Black students.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQ scores to Black children in Black households.
Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.
The Black-White IQ gap is heritable.
Human evolution is not merely ongoing but is in fact accelerating.
Human races are diverging into separate species, not mixing into one.
15% of the human genome has been under selective pressures since the races separated.
Nearly every reliably measured psychological trait, especially IQ, is significantly influenced by genetic factors.
Human evolution took place as recently as 500 generations ago.
Pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals.
Darker pigmented people average higher levels of aggression and sexual activity, and lower IQ.
diacritics removed
The world's thirty least intelligent countries (except for Haiti) are all in sub-Saharan Africa.
Colder climates selected for higher IQ populations by imposing more complex survival requirements.
Haiti, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Guatemala and Qatar are the least intelligent countries outside of sub-Saharan Africa.
35% to 50% of sub-Saharan Africans are inbred.
(aitch) (tee) (tee) (pee) (colon) (slash) (slash) ieet (dot) (o) (ar) (gee) (slash) index (dot) (pee) (haitch) (pee) (slash) IEET (slash) more (slash) pellissier 20120526
Germanic/Nordic people have lower time preference than any other group.
http : / / papers . Ssrn . Com / sol3 / papers . Cfm ? Abstract ( underscore ) id = 1481443
Native Americans have an average IQ of 87.
The average Gypsy has an IQ below 80.
Muslim counties have an average IQ of just 81, 7.5 points lower than non-Muslim countries.
Arab countries have an average IQ of just 84.
Skin color is the best biological predictor of IQ.
Recent research in genetics demonstrates that certain racial, and also ethnic, categories have a biological basis in statistically discernible clusters of alleles.
The average African IQ is estimated at 75.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The average Black has an IQ score 1 standard deviation (15 IQ points) lower than the average White.
Blacks are more prone to psychopathy and less capable of empathy than Whites.
Blacks are 80% more likely than Whites to neglect their children.
Blacks have less moral understanding that Whites.
Blacks are more reckless than Whites.
Blacks are twice as likely to subject their children to severe violence than Whites.
Black women are more than twice as likely as White women to abuse their husbands.
Black youth are two and a half times as likely as White youth to have raped someone.
Blacks are more likely to kill their spouses than other races.
Blacks are 50% more likely to cheat on their spouses than Whites.
Blacks have less perseverance than other races.
Blacks are more likely than Whites to be narcissistic.
Blacks are twice as likely to be schizophrenic than Whites, even after adjusting for income.
(aitch) (tee) (tee) (pee) (colon) (slash) (slash) ije (dot) oxfordjournals (dot) (o) (ar) (gee) (slash) content (slash) 36 (slash) 4 (slash) 751 (dot) short
Blacks are 90% more likely than Whites to be psychopathic.
They will just pretend they didn't see it. These people do not care about the truth. They do not care about making society better. I wish people would understand this. They are programmed to think a certain way and nothing will change them.
The coin has decided this country's fate. If white men are to die in Israel then so be it, have fun. My empathy reads E, buddy. Maybe if Americans exercised a little bit of empathy and didn't all act like niggers I wouldn't have flipped my coin. Enjoy orange nigger instead of poo nigger.
Black men are four times more likely to beat their wives than White men.
Blacks are overrepresented among child abusers.
Blacks are four times as likely as Whites to murder their infants.
(aitch) (tee) (tee) (pee) (colon) (slash) (slash) (double-u) (double-u) (double-u) (dot) sciencedirect (dot) (cee ) (o) (em) (slash) science (slash) article (slash) pii (slash) S0191886901000290
Myth Buster: Radford University Study Shows Since 1990, Blacks Have Been Majority of Serial Killers in USA
Blacks are overrepresented in serial killings, and this overrepresentation is increasing.
http://maamodt.asp.radford.edu/Serial Killer Information Center/Serial Killer Statistics.pdf#page=3
Blacks are just 13% of the American population but have committed half of all murders for the last 30 years.
Blacks are 600% more likely than non-Blacks to commit murder.
Young Black men kill 14 times more often than young White men.
Blacks are seven times more likely than Whites to commit murder.
Over 100 White women are raped or sexually assaulted by Black men every day in the United States.
I have my own free will and I decided that none of this is worth reading because I don't care what other people do.
Im getting tired this is my last one, you can search any of these lines on 4plebs to find the rest
Black men are over a hundred times more likely to rape a White woman than vice versa.
Despite making up less than 12% of the US population, Blacks commit 1 in every 3 rapes.
Areas with more Black people have higher rates of crime.
90% of interracial violence between blacks and Whites is committed by Blacks. The ration should be 1-1.
93% of Black men who are murdered are killed by other Black men.
Blacks commit more violent crime against Whites than against other Blacks.
Blacks are several times more likely to commit a violent crime against Whites than vice versa.
Blacks are three times more likely than Whites to commit White-collar crime (fraud, bribery, racketeering, embezzlement).
85% of crime between Blacks and Whites is committed by Blacks.
Blacks commit 56% of all robberies, despite being only 12% of the population.
Blacks commit 50% of all murders, despite being only 12% of the population.
The percentage of Blacks in a city, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime.
You know, I can't even fault you on this one, I'm just banking on a civil war by voting for Kamala because I'm tired of being a jew-owned slave. Thanks for being honest with us though anon.
the damage is already done biden was a walking corpse and a puppet that shit with the border has doomed us to end up like Paris or other European countries with nothing but browns raping children and shit
Trump promised a dictatorship and said he's not Christian today
>Christians, vote for me and you won't to do it anymore. It'll be fixed.
>I love you, I'm not a Christian
It's pretty clear language, but go ahead and lie for him anyways
Can you post a link to all the information? I had a nigger friend and he at first seemed well-spoken, but lately he comes across as lacking in empathy and overall being a horrible person.
>he comes across as lacking in empathy and overall being a horrible person.
What did he do
>Blacks are more likely than Whites to be narcissistic.
This shit is 100% true. You would think they are all super models the way they talk about themselves on social media.
I know tons of people who are white trash that think they'll be millionaires and act like they already are
idfk this is the best I care to do 4plebs archives
https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/ you can search for strings such as
Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups
or anything else and look through the posts, it is a copypasta
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Yes, it still is unless you are jewish then go ahead bro.
>destroy the stock market
Trump was the one who fucked the economy in the first place. She can't do much worse than him.
Watching the trumpfags who were fantasizing about sucking his cock a couple weeks ago foam at the mouth over this is just fantastic. You brainless swine are finished, go back to your holes and stay there
yeah it really isn't. That's likely a confirmatiom bias on your end as it doesn't reflect reality. Reality being social media has inflated a lot of normie egos, not just one race.
No I'm not gonna fuck someone who speaks in moon runes, I'm either going to fuck a sand monkey or a pajeeta. Also I thought that when people make kids the children get 2/3s from one parent and 1/3 from the other. Don't worry though, I'm going to bleach the brown countries so hard, that you'll think you went up to heaven in the middle of the winter
I saw a poll a few days ago showing trump leading young voters over harris by nearly 20 points. my first reaction to the poll was, wow thats obviously an anomalous result and not accurate. my second reaction was, wow i can't believe the pollster decided to publish this obvious anomalous result and not immediately recognize they had an error in their methodology and discard it and try again. but instead they published it and had the nerve to say the margin of error is "2%"

polling is kinda bad these days but harris clears trump because she's way more palatable than hilldawg, who barely lost against a stronger and more enthused trump base and a stronger and more enthused trump.
No, the so called "border security bill" that would cost 100 billion dollars actually would only give 20 billion to the border. 60 billion would be sent to Ukraine to fund the war, around 17 billion to israel and the rest to support random african countries, their LGBT programs and their student loan costs.
That's like passing a bill called "human rights bill" but actually it's a bill about killing every nigger in america. How the fuck are you still stupid enough to trust NBC news at face value? Oh right because you are a fcking nigger tranny fake shill. Kill yourself. Christ is King.
Yes of course, the data must be wrong because the voice in your head told you so
bro Trump doesn't lead Kammy by 20 points among zoomers are you actually retarded

I was him to win too but come on
>do I vote for the guy who appointed Mnuchin cabinet secretary or the attorney general who took bribes not to prosecute him?
they work for the same people and voting for either makes you a brainlet
Trump used to give Harris campaign contributions lmao
Like 60% of zoomers don't know where Massachusetts is on a map, how the fuck do you think they even know who kamala is? She pulls in less than 1% in polls and primaries lol.
>Like 60% of zoomers don't know where Massachusetts is on a map
Nigger I have played enough grand strategy games to know the exact alley where your mother pays homeless men to run a train on her
>t. Zoom zoom nigger
Even CNN debunked this. I'll try to find it and screencap.
Here you go. https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-data-guru-young-voter-support-kamala-harris-not-there-internet-memes?msockid=0fc9d4d2eb9860871677c765ea3261b2
Shills so easily defeated by facts.
why aren't zoomies voting? unrelated to the pollingn just a general q

if this election is so important why do they seem to not care?
Zoomers are scared to make a phone call and order pizza. Do you honestly think they are going to vote?
Young people never vote. If Trump was smart, he would be focus on white boomers instead of pandering to people who will never vote for him because they're NPC democrats or because they don't vote at all.
>why aren't zoomies voting?
Blackpilled. Zoomers are already aware nothing ever happens.
Is that what happened when Tsarist Russia broke? A blank slate? Really?
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I'm sure the government raising taxes on rich people even more will fix all the social issues.
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I thought western governments around the world experimented with UBI and contributed massively to Inflation
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So can Kamala Harris expect your support or will you just be sitting at home on election day?
Last time during the Democrat primaries she got last place. Her getting this seat was anything but Democratic. Nobody voted on her she was chosen by elites in backrooms
Imagine unironically being a trumptard

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