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Redpill me on a-train.

Is it really the dark souls of economy sims?
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I've been playing this scenario for 35 hours. I have 280k population and will continue until I reach 1 million to earn the achievement.
Once you've built the most expensive subsidiaries, the money is basically infinite and you're free to do pretty much whatever you want, as long as you keep about half of the profits every year to pay taxes, and something for the shareholders.
well if you have time for it in scenario
generally time limits are quite strict
Ahhhh, superior 日本インターフェース道
This series is the next best thing after the SimCity games (I know, different scope... But the setting and atmosphere is very similar).
do roads get built on their own in a-train 9?

I haven't played Enemy Within since like 2015 and I wanted to try out Long War for the first time. Can we have a thread about the nu-com games please?
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>xcom 2
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my squad when the chosen shows up
What a nice group, so charming

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hopes? fears?
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We already have a mobile version.
Why is this art so much better than the art for AOM Retold? What the fuck is happening?
what is this, 2009?
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>mfw when i realize that there's a group of people that uses burgundian as an adjective irl
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i dont even form my germaniums anymore since it would be so op, i prefer fighting france and russia 1v2 as just prussia
The real potent bomb is saying Hitler was evil.
Now that riles up all the lil incels
oh yeah i live in northern germania that's probably why
is that northern germania as in groBdeutschland which would include the northern tip of the scandinavian peninsula or are you a blue pilled cuck from the modern day german lowlands
boys, get back in the coal mine, the gdp wont dig itself

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What's your go to set up?
I've recently become a fan of garlic/spikeweed/gloom shroom.
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Drag and drop download, look up how to install on YouTube there's a full guide by the devs.
chomper and hypno-shroom, also i like to plant on the back lines when i asap so the first line sometimes is 4 sunflowers and a peashooter, not having simetry takes me back to simple times
there's nothing like hypnotizing a jock
PvZ 2 looked so fun and then it was a mobile game that strung out the levels by the hundreds.

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Never played 7.62, should I play vanilla, hard life or bue sun?

Is the previous game worth playing first?
Do the original and then hard life imo. Only issue is that the AI is simpler in Hard Life.
Don't play Brigade E5. 7.62 is the mother of jank already, now imagine that with a bunch of QoL features removed.

Play with BSM I would say. Cringey as hell writing, but not like vanilla is any better. At least this way you have a few more quests. Vanilla is a bit barren.
Just play which ever looks cool. 7.62 Hard Life has the most mod support, yet it lacks a mod that allows the player to toggle the scaling. The other ones have mods for that which are a must when learning to play the game.
Be ready for anything.
Save often
The safest option is to run win7 on 4:3 resolution. I had a 15 year old rig and it provided me by far the most stable gameplay ever. On modern systems, save every half n hour due to memory leaks with model buffer. (That's why it takes so long to load up a shopping screen, and that's why if you click or mouse over every gun a shopkeeper has you can crash your game). Hard life and BSM may say they fixed all the glaring issues and bugs but
>its not true
>its even worse than in vanilla
>it can corrupt entire save files
If you have any of the following, be ready to roll back to your latest save file:
>global map is black, white, grey
>shopping screen is white
>you can't leave the area after combat
>insane loading times for a character voice line to come through
>merchants disappear and/or can't be interacted with
Since every action that follows after this is 100% crashing your game. For example.
You see your map turned pitch black for some reason, you press the "Map" key again - game crashes instantly.

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It's jank central, but the amount of options and tactical planning you can get out of it are pretty nuts when compared to jagged alliance, also it has an unfathomable amount of gun autism.
Be prepared for an insane amount of jank, do not shy away from guides as the game is not very clear with it's objectives, controls, quests, and overall functionality. One of the roughest gems I've ever played.

Asked about this in TG in the Warhammer fantasy thread and no one engaged. I get that everyone hates Total War Warhammer and shits on anyone who brings it up (though not sure why - it’s a solid game and revived square bases at Games Workshop).

Has anyone tried it? It’s free to play. I’ve been kicking around on it and am absolutely in love with what the dev did here. Not only is it by far the best adaptation of Warhammer fantasy to the PC, it’s a solid game with a beautiful UI and plays well.

Would love to hear opinions and thoughts on this one.
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Anyone want to play? Made a throwaway email. tomoarresito@gmail.com
just go on the dev discord, they wont bite
Doesnt have one.
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what happens when you press the discord symbol on the title screen?
it spawn black orcs army outside your room, they challenge you to armed combat, you can't refuse

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Why didn't any non-real time strategy game succed in being a competitive one?
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it's actually an Advance Wars ripoff by the devs of Starbound, called Wargroove. it's addition to the AW turn based battles is SupCom style commander units that can be killed as an alternative win condition, but also their CO powers affect their local area instead of the whole battlefield. its pretty neat and had some potential but not much was done with it and now the sequel is out and it's more of the same eh
So it's a AoE2:DS clone then?
tmy initial joke was how the NintendoDS port of AoE2 was an entirely different game that's basicly a medieval AW(2)
It would suck
Every TBS is full of gimmicks and shortcuts, so much that experienced players always have to challenge themselves on each play to not use those exploits. Also, I have yet to see one that's balanced and doesn't have at least one OP faction.
Man, I loved playing AW:Days of Ruin

What's a game I can play on my android?

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By breaking, I'm talking about making Nia work with me on a constitution that is out of line with her views in order to ensure the best outcome for Bluds, not fucking her. Also:
>This is a political game, not a porn one
So the door stopper Smolak gives you can't be used on Lucita?
>So the door stopper Smolak gives you can't be used on Lucita?
Obviously its for Pabel
Really? Last time I went red after the worst thing I think I did was sealing the border for bear trap I got yelled at on the march.
Ah, I see. I reject OBT to get better foreign reputation and be able to impose sanctions on Rumburg. However I do think I did accept border turn-around before the new version and it was fine.
Honestly, I think 6/7 fucks the Bluds over more than just disolving special zone. Ultimately, its just a legal definition, but they rat out and sacrifice the BFF to get it, splintering their own people, when you can easily reconcile with the BFF.

I already own and love Napoleon and Rome 2.

What other games should I grab with my $90 helldivers refund?
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Dunno, been at work all day. I'll get to try it tonight.
Well now I'm curious about pharaoh for the first time.

It's honestly impressive how Sony manages to fix that up so hard. Doesn't help that switching the terms of service means steam tends to be pretty gracious when it comes to the refund.

That's called wearing socks
>What other games should I grab with my $90 helldivers refund?
hellchuckers is fixed now, hope u kept ur moneys
>spending 90$ on fotm, mtx battle pass slop

>Release june 2024
Actually, someone care about this game?
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the whole shadow empire game design is like worst ideas done ass backwards in worst possible way
its not even that they are bad(they are), they are also fucking dumb
>Lmao but also fuck you.
you know that I am right
Nah I love a lot of what Vic does. It's raw but all it would take is someone slightly less autistic to make it excellent - like unit design. It's a bit too tedious in SE but it's a really cool idea.
When I'm fucking around I'll try to 'roll' an near perfect unit base.
most of mechanics in SE are bloated and pointless at the same time
it have some charm and desu I don't even know how they are able to somewhat work but still you really need to have very limited tunnel vision to enjoy his game
i had soem fun when I was elarning it but when I actually get good and learn how it work it just become meh and most shortcomings became clearly visible
but well, enjoy when you still can
Might try it. Slitherine always manages to surprise me with how enjoyable their games are.
That said, Empires was held back by being shackled to FoG II's lackluster combat system.
What I really wish they'd make is a sequel to Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun with more GSG elements.
>being shackled to FoG II's lackluster combat system
Can you explain this? Empires has its own resolution system and optional integration with FoG2 was a major selling point. Also how is FoG2 lackluster?

ITT: The hardest RTS campaigns you've ever played
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Not sure about hardest campaign but I really struggled with Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty: In Utter Darkness.
Always wished that we could have played as the Hybrids, even if for just one mission.
Of course there is. Some scenarios are either badly designed or put the player at a massive disadvantage so they need to work extra hard to win.

Fun fact: on the Steam forums there are people asking how to beat the very first mission of one of the three campaigns of >>1722256
Men of war: Red Tide on hard difficulty
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>ITT: The hardest RTS campaigns you've ever played
Not the campaign but this particular mission where you have to storm Pig's castle and clean it up from defenders on timer. It filtered me incredibly hard, I had to read up/watch manuals to get past through it. It's like the middle of the campaign but nothing later on comes close in difficulty.
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This, M2 was one of the worst offenders but M4 and M6 were just as bad, if not worse.

dominions bread
hopes/dreams/fears for dominions 6?
total list of known (so far) changes in 6: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2511500/discussions/0/3807281445020039925/
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Keeping fire gems for next game I guess
Master of Magic kinda if we follow >>1734831 line of thinking.
Press d
Hold down +
If the bad men are really strong, script mages to cast 'summon fire/air elemental'
There ya go, you're undefeatable+
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I haz a speedy mummy

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I'm very curious if Pink Panzer has learned anything since TNO. Has he finally learned to respect his players' time by not bothering them with unnecessary text in a strategy game, or has the new game given him new opportunities to spread his unbridled need for graphomania?
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The ncr fag has no clue what goes on in the legion. The former legion boytoy says that his master was going to kill him because he would have been put to death if the other legionaries found out about them.
>Also it would be rather ironic
The man's whole life is already just a really long joke.
Mongols with pseudo-Roman aesthetics are based. I'm sorry.
>le sun is a COP
Stealing from Sunless Sea/Fallen London, are we?
>Is most well known for making a mod for a Paradox game
I would rope myself to be quite honest

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>Incredibly dense gameplay whilst allowing lots of room for creativity.
>Has the highest learning curve and skill ceiling out of every genre ever made. Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers and nu/v/.
>Heavily tests the full breadth of the mind, such as reflexes (APM), spatial perception (micro-management), logical reasoning, etc. You'll get quickly punished if at least one area of your mind isn't in tip top shape.

How can any other genre even come close? RTS has pretty much everything you need in a genre.
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no, it's mid-IQ
multiplayer is like
>autistically learn build orders and the meta
>just click faster than the other guy
>any deviation from the meta (assuming equal skill level): lose game
>any skill difference between players: absolute mopping the floor by the better guy

singleplayer boils down to abusing dumbness of the AI opponents
yes they require both the most brain input but also the most output in most cases. it's limited however, games like StarCraft and apm based games are clearly for gook clicking. meanwhile games like supcom and coh/real time tactics as a whole require you to read the field and react, even auto battlers like mechabellum require that
Yes they are complicated games when you think about it.
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Op you are just stupid. Puzzel games are way harder then RTS. (zoomer are to stupid for RTS, thus they play MOBA like LOL)

and puzzel game with timing are the hardest games. like Big Brain Academy, link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brain_Academy

to think about it, competitive leetcode is maybe even harder. not to brag, did you u know i have completed over 300 leetcodes.

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