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Favorite tower defence games?
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They actually out quite well if you have multiple avenues where your long range can hit across different paths. The main issue here is that it requires a fair bit of planning with paths and if its flyer heavy its gonna be a bitch.
I entered this thread hoping for a PvZ thread, severely disappointed but that raises a question.

Would one thread dedicated to PvZ be allowed at least for a while? There is actual new content, PvZ3 China edition released a new beta and it adds actual unique art, trying out a completely new levelling mechanic for plants (which is trash desu, levelling up plants outside the yard defense gameplay loop is retarded imo) and new plants that don't seem annoying. Also the card game finally got updated after years, and the card game was really good.
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>Dungeon Warfare is good, shit graphics but good gameplay.

Seconding Dungeon Warfare. I think even two is better.
What I liked about this is the variety of towers. They're not all damage type towers that simply shoot projectiles at different speeds.
There are traps that pull, traps that teleport, traps that yeet... it opens for a lot of environmental kill strategies that aren't just present in other TD games.
Bro are you me?
Loved Alien Shooter TD, bought 2112 because I thought it looked the same but it's not on the same level. Hated those enemies that disable your towers. They're not even that difficult to kill, just unfun to deal with. And the game spawns them regularly.
Be the change you want to see anon. I doubt it'll keep up too long but if you wanna gauge interest you can always toss up a thread.

ITT: strategy games that you and only you have ever played
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Robin Hood the legend of sherwood, playing as robin hood with his band of robbers and stealthily getting inside medieval english castles.
What's clover do?
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inline replying, thread watching, notifications, themes, pass support, filters and a whole lot more. But that's not important right now.
I loved this game when I was a kid. I'd leave Will Scarlet at camp to fully train up and then use him like a wrecking ball to demolish enemies.
Almost has a Commandos look to it. I like the aesthetics.

Been playing this game a lot recently and it hits the spot like nothing else.
> play as the Gizureans (insectoid aliens that fuck like crazy)
> set the tax rate to 3%
> watch the population explode
> mfw 30 billion bugz
> go ballz deep into research
> raise tax rate to 20%
> 100k cashflow
> construct huge motherships with hundreds of fighters and bombers and nukes
> find the nearest civilisation
> nuke the poop out of their colonies
> gain "diabolical" reputation
> everyone declares war on me
> state of eternal war and suffering
> killed like 100 billion lifeforms

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It would such a huge qol improvement if you could set rules for ship design instead of the binary system of full-automation or full-manual.
Look like in beta patches auto design should at least keep used types of weapons when upgrade.
Will see in next stable version.
>there aren't that many mods for this game and the ones that exist don't change the game that much
The Star Trek total conversion mods?
Made this rudimentary Game Setup guide several years ago.
Maybe someone still finds some use for it.
Too bad we'll never get Star Trek total conversion mods for DW2.

how are you doing my lords and ladies
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tell me the lore behind nekos vs arborea
Death to tilea
>There is nothing new this week
hon hon hon
>wood won't go into store
>oh well I'll bring a cart over
>cart only carries 9 wood
>oh well better get started then
>please wait 45 seconds
this is why nobody else plays your game and I'll have to drop it as soon as simmerfagging is over and uni goes back
why not just call it Land of Time Wasters, fucking retard

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Tried that. Didn't work. I was preoccupied tard wrangling Galia and Septimania and Celts trying D-day several centuries earlier while Huns effectively chipped down my eastern allies one by one.
need to make babies with her
Gods of the afterlife, spare /vst/'s arse
Is there a mod to turn the obnoxious "alert noise" off? That stupid sting really pisses me off.

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how do I fix the economy?
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That's the thing, I captured it no problem last time. The issue is that I left it to go deal with their invasion. Next time I'll just keep my army there.

Anyway, right now I'm trying to take over Ming. For some reason the "Mandate of heaven" CB doesn't seem to exist even thought they definitely have it.
>What the fuck am i supposed to do now?
Build galleys retard
Do you still border Ming and don't have a truce?
Ignore that shit for now and dev colonialism so you don't fall behind in tech like last time
I ended up just going to war with Ming and nabbing a bunch extra provinces. Renaissance spawned in Beijing, which is great, but it's taking a while to spread.

Anyway, what i'm trying to do is keep invading Ming as often as possible to get as much money and territory before they break. I even did stuff like vassalizing Tibet, which apparently formed when i wasn't looking. And took a bunch of other tibetan minors as tributaries.

Anyway, this time I don't have to worry. Korea isn't a threat and i'm not in some war-fueled debt spiral. All i need to do is keep invading Ming until i can do the 'form Yuan' mission, then all the hard parts (in east asia) will be over.

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I liked VI best for the way they implemented districts and the unique feeling a lot of civs had that changed the way you played the game. My favorite part by far was planning out cities dozens of turn in advance and figuring out how I was going to build everything. Filling in every tile with efficient district and improvement placements is incredibly satisfying and really cements that feeling of seeing your civ develop. I know the art style is controversial but I don't really mind the cartoony leaders, and the map itself looks very colorful and vibrant which is much more important imo. By comparison V felt dull to play and hideous to look at.

I only played a bit of IV as a kid and I was much more into the spectacle that Total War games offered back then so I can't really comment much on that one.
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Civ III Boomers, I wanna give it a go.
Tell me if there are any essential community patches or mods, that let it run smoothly on modern systems

Also where is the best place to get mods? I need a mod that adds switzerland as a playable nation. This is non-negotiable. If there is no such mod the game is unplayable for me
There are some things that need to be patched up if you buying the steam edition https://youtu.be/Y6qzO_bh-2U as for other mods that's basically down to personal taste.
My Rec is Worldwide, Anno Domini, Expansion Mod, MEM, Rise and Rule, MansWork, The Ancient Mediterranean, and Maybe Civ III Conquests Plus. You should know that many of them will need to have a label .txt fix.
Only thing that I really liked about 5 was hexagons. Those were nice. Great game in general, probably the last good one. Don't know if I'd put it on the top spot though.

1 has a special spot in my heart because my dad played it a lot and I liked watching it. Made me the nerd I am today.

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Is it any good?
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This seems to be along the same vein, but more Rimworld-y and (you) are some AI trying to corral a bunch of human colonists like they were children
>more Rimworld-y
In what sense? Space Haven already more or less is a standalone version of the Save Our Ships 2 Rimworld mod, except the space mechanics are tailor-made rather than adapted from RW mechanics.
Oh shit, I can be Shodan?
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I just got my refund of Civ VII because it's obviously souless and unfinished.

I want to wash the taste of shit game out of my mouth, so suggest me a soulful and complete game (even if it has a bunch of DLCs).

I never player Grand Strategy but I'm willing to try. The only 4X game I played is Civ 6 (complete edition) and I like it a lot. Please compare the game you're suggesting with Civ 6.
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AoW4 is in a realy good place right now , if you care for fantasy 4x
>He bought?
>Activate ze DEI protocols

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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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Reason why Dante wasn't allowed to kill her despite him being more than capable of it is that if Dante killed her himself he wont be able to revive her because that effectively terminates the contract
I do like LoB, but its a completely different game compared to LoR it does give me Speed Rupture Sweepers and thats cool
Where was this stated?
LoB is the anti limbus
>Where was this stated?
Simple facts
My Manager level is over 120
by offence level difference alone all my clashes against her would always be dominating
I like burn

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which is better, and more importantly, which has more SOVL?
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Careful, don't hurt yourselves.
Nah I‘m fine mate
Men of War is better strategy, CoH is just click fest shit for retards
>Do you like apples or oranges more?
Those games are completely different things, why the fuck would you put them side by side?
>Do you like apples or oranges more

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Got this game on Switch (thank you RCM jig) yesterday and I don't even know how to describe how empty it feels. Like I'm pouring hours into it out of a desire to beat it but I can't say I'm having fun like with 5, 6, or Beyond Earth. There's like a billion fucking civics and technologies that just make yields increase slightly or give you a building that makes yields increase slightly, the XP for units is gone, the unique civ identities are gone, the multiple difficulties are gone, and all the Special 6 modes are gone. Who asked for this?
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Imagine they made a civilization game where every time you advance to a new age you become dumber and the game regresses and becomes more unplayable. Welcome to CIV VII. Civilization itself is regressing. Art imitates life truly.
An RCM Jig is a piracy device. OP didn't buy it.
>Who asked for this?
the board of directors, larry fink, baphomet, etc
There hasn't ever been one since the announcement of civ5 became the personal vietnam for an entire generation.

>"Oh, aye, it were me cousin—aye, me cousin, not me, I swear it! He seen a feller, bold as a badger in a henhouse, swipin’ up a piece o’ armor so grand it gleamed brighter than moonlight on a frost-kissed night! And wouldn’t ya know it, off he scarpered leggin’ it straight for the mountains yonder, to the northeast, sure as me ale is warm!"
>go there and fight camp
>legendary equipment is a light 130 defense "famed" armor
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You can get another one during a destroy barbarian settlement contract. I don't think they're repeatable.
In my experience, settlements close to sea, settlements with "raided" situation and southern arena city have higher chance of generating them. They're still quite rare. Check the wiki for more info.
Lol. Do you happen to play the Sellsword updated submod for legends?
Never tried it, looks like a lot of shit to add to mod that already has a ton of shit desu
I gut that lindwurm like a fish and then dance around in its skin. 1 or 2 lindwurms are easy pickings. The only time that I think twice about taking down a lindwurm pack is when there are more than 4 of them.

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What should I do with this boyo?
I casted Divine Name on him because it sounded stupid and fun.
Thug poorly-defended provinces with your high-mobility chaff-squisher.
collect afflictions
empower it in blood
That's what I used to do with juggernauts.

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dang, I somehow never reached the town limit in my games before.
Didn't know 99 was the max.

How's Master of Magic (2022)?
How's Caster of Magic for Windows?

Had very little interest in the CoM mod, but the standalone has more wizards available and presumably less issues like town limits.
Shame the developer misunderstands the magic realms and makes the spell distribution less interesting.

Last I checked MoM 2022 couldn't replicate the MoM from the 90s and it was a buggy mess, but never tried it.
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I'm not surprised considering they weren't qualified to make the game to begin with.
Because that's what dead means.
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here's a picture of how it happens

he examines the game exe in a disassembler

how is it even possible to create something like disassembler you ask?
because when an .exe is run, another program can try to capture its code while it runs and write it down

only parts of the game logic will be revealed this way but often at least something which will then help in further discoveries
death certificate or you are just echoing online rumour
>t. zoomer

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