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Recently came back to this game and I noticed that it's a lot more difficult than before, but I'm too lazy to read the update logs. Discuss.
bumping because I'm in the same position as you are, stopped playing until pace of updates slowed but looks like another major one is on the horizon
read the update logs, you disgusting lazy fucks.
big if true... quick rundown on the update logs?
tried this game but having to replay the same level over and over just burned me out. Can't call it replayability when you basically do the same thing 5 different times.

Today on Bottom Sector:
>I fly a safety overriden eradicator
>Anons struggle to teach newfags basic fitting guidelines
>And the 'cord sets fire to the thread (again)

*thread budget does not exceed 23 credits
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To be fair those image crop are pretty shit, you either sacrifice coom for face clarity, or squint to see the boob on 128x128 resolution.
I did not use it or like it, personally I just use an AI retouch of vanilla portraits, I just think it getting banned is ridiculous.
is there a mods enabling ai to use the gates?
No, closest thing is Nexerelin which gives your Task Force Fleets the ability to use gates if there's one in the system they're currently in and one in the system they're traveling to.
Can you name them?

>trying Civ 6 for the first time
>it takes 40 years for my warrior unit which is in the square right next to me to return home
>you can walk across America in 6 months
Hey fuck this game, gonna uninstall. My autism can't deal with that.
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Cute complains
Is that Jenna Ortega?
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jenna ortega if she real
I'll add it to the list of retarded rants about this game
>*gets filtered by happiness*

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What's the VST Consensus on the Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project?

I have fun with it for a bit but I just can't stick with it on higher than normal campaign difficulty, the AI is so asinine and stubborn and so out to get you that it's borderline unplayable. It's such a shame because I do like it and so many of its mechanics, like besieging having hidden costs, having to crown your ruler (even if I've never been able to get it to happen) grooming your generals and making sure you have one to lead an army, it really is a well designed and put together campaign management mod.
too janky with obfuscated systems due to limitations

after all these years it's hard to believe we still don't have a real competitor to total war and people are still modding the old games

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hopes? dream? if they pull it off it could be one of the defining features of 3
they're gonna mess it up aren't they?
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a cool idea for the DLC would be if after winning a civil war the former byz emperor would automatically be mutilated by blinding and lose claims, maybe forced to become a monk, also these traits should bar a person from becoming emperor in the code
also I hope they give constantinople more of a special status, IRL byzantium worked a bit like a citystate. ex. I don't think you should be able to change the location of the capital as a byz ruler, after a disease outbreak the game gave me a popup-option offering to relocate the capital to naxos
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The mutiliating by blinding would come if you'd imprison the current emperor, and instead of peacing him out, torture him like the greeks do.
Too bad you'd either be force-peaced out(warring invalids is invalid), have to let the bastard go, or in the happy ending, have to fight the late emperor's successor.
yea but mutilation + banishment to a monastery was something of an official mechanism to deal with depsoed byz emperors and unsuccesful claimants. it was a way to show everyone that he was unfit for emperor and that god has made his judgement. I hope the DLC makes this automatic in the peacedeal
right now as they get deposed they just become another vassal

In my recent games byzantium had a sort of death loop, a ruler died and his heir took over. powerful vassals would back a claimant, win after a civil war, then use hooks to lower their feudal obligations
this would make the new ruler less powerful, creating another claimant faction, now needing less troops for the treshold, same result.
in the title history, an average monarch reigned for 4-5 years, one empress in particular were ousted and came back 4 times. feudal obligations were extremely low and the country basically ungovernable
Those succession crisises don't fucking work not just for Byzantium, but overall.
>fight a coalition
>everyone gets imprisoned
>have to revoke their titles manually
>ACKSHUALLY your feudal contract does not let you revoke this title
>ACKSHUALLY revoking another duchy outside of his main kingdom is an act of tyranny, you can't do that
>ACKSHUALLY if the lad escaped from your prison he just continues to be your vassal and you're big bros now
Like what the actual fuck.
De jure system doesn't make any sense.
>I have conquered 75% Scandinavia
>that makes me emperor allowing the same bureaucracy capabilities as Byzantines

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new krimmod update just dropped my lads
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*and pops.
Never understood the preformance argument for various changes in singleplayer mods.
It's fucking vicy 2, you could run it on a fried potato.
I like obliterating Persia as Russia because of its southern ports (and resources), it's easy with the N&I cb after 1850.
It always gets slow after 1900, speed 5 is basically the same as speed 4 for me.
>USA owns all of Mexico
>heavenly kingdom somehow
>austrian germany and rump prussia
>independent alsace
>whatever is going on with brazil
interesting timeline
yes but it's 32bit app thus can't utilize more than a ~2.5gb of ram unless you push it to 4gb with patch which is still low

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What are some of the best (preferably cheap) tower defense games?
I've already played Bloons, Dungeon Warfare, Defense Grid, Sanctum, and PVZ.

Something more traditional. Not really looking for an RTS-Defense hybrid like They are Billions.
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>Defenders Quest
i used to check in every so often about DQ2
>10 years after he first let people preorder it
>still not released
quite hilarious
i dont know why people didnt get mad about it, he basically took their preorder then decided to spend a bunch of time doing everything other than working on the new game
Kingdom Rush is solid. Haven't played any of the sequels except for the Evil faction one, but they'll keep you entertained for short sessions.
kingdom rush
There's that one old tower defence game I used to play as a kid but can't remember the name of it at all.

Early 3D graphics, fighting various spooky monsters, 3 types of tower (AoE cannons, Anti-air magic and universal/poison plant ones) that'd visually evolve and get bigger and fancier as you upgraded them.

Had a campaign where the first map started you in a city, then the fields outside a castle's gates, then a series of increasingly magical and bizarre places. I'm fairly sure you ended up on a bunch of floating islands and an ice cave at some point.

When you reached the desert map (I think) you got access to a hot air baloon that'd automatically keep on dropping bombs on whatever location it was parked over.

Does all this ring any bells to anyone?
Cheers to the Gemcraft guy keeping it up since Newgrounds. Had fun with Frostborn Wrath even if it was a step down from the previous one.

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>try ck3
>no idea what is going on
>quit after half an hour

>try koh2
>everything is much simpler
>having a blast an hour in

do you think it's because the map of koh is simpler than ck?
the map of ck being split up into a million pieces might have fucked me up, or the ui being insane as well
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Paradox games rely on game mechanics being intentionally vague and unexplained. Once you learn everything after about 50 hours 1 of 2 things happen

1) if you are intelligent you realize these basically amount to several layers of cookie clicker with no actual strategic thought. The systems allow for no variance of strategy or dynamic stories, hence whey every game has some sort of “mission” system where you click a magic button (provided by a $20 DLC) to do something that the game would normally be incapable of doing


2) You are a low iq chimp person, who is easily entertained by this sort of thing. Typing a really big number into a calculator would likely give you the same pleasure
... but enough about HoI4, time to go back to the subject of KoH2
i dont know about koh2, got bored after an hour
CK3, from what I remember, is mostly a more barebones CK2 sidegrade. CK2 is not that complex, so I guess Koh2 is even more barebones then?
>I guess Koh2 is even more barebones
Pretty much. It's an extremely streamlined version of Grand Strategy which intentionally puts a hard limit on the amount of characters you can manage (1 king + 8 knights), which in turn limits the amount of actions you can take at any one time, to make sure the player never has too many things happening at any one time. Doesn't help that realistically most of your knight slots are going to be taken up by Merchants and Marshalls by default, while you can often get away with having only one or even zero Diplomats, Spies and Clerics.

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Darkest Hour is 2€ right now on Steam.
Is it worth those 2 eurodollars?
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>You don't need to fight the war, let the AI-controlled countries fight for you!
Learn to play the game, retard
not engaging with a retard sorry
I never told you to masturbate, anon. I told you to learn to play
If you need to ask then you are too fucking stupid to play it.
>You can’t put the game on max speed and AFK like 4
I put a small part of my army under AI control and it landed in india on its own when I wasn't looking. Not even hoi4 is like that.

Tempest Risers we're winning so hard...
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>I learned to not get baited by "made by the makers of x now with their own studio"
everyone should learn to do that. stop overstating people's accomplishment. that shit leads only to complacency
>"made by the makers of x now with their own studio"
a lot of people in gaming industry had just 1 great idea and thats it, not only that but its almost never 1 guys work but entire team of talented artists, music, story writers etc who make game special not a single guy who was managing all of them and often is credited the success.
>cheap chinese copy of C&C
The devs aren't Chinese.
Finally, people begin to reject the cartoony shit und start to embrace more mature/sober looking game.
I hope they also add an uncinventional fraction in TR

Worse, they’re eurocucks.

Will you finally buy it?

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>Yeah even if you are wrong, they shouldn't be wasting time and energy replying to you. They shouldn't even be reading that shit.
As a matter of fact, they shouldn't even be making video games! Who the hell told them to do that? They should get a real job.
>Sins of a Solar Empire II on Steam
>Will you finally buy it?
>my dick is in my pants, will you finally suck it?
What do you say to a /v/tard that's screaming 'rts is dead' ?
I tell him he's right to make sure he never discovers the ones I'm still playing.
Haven't played Sins2, waiting for full release. If trade is the TEC's unique mechanic what is the Vasari's?

This is one of the worst RTS I've ever played, why are so many people saying it's good?
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Retarded nigger bait thread.
>This is one of the worst RTS I've ever played
how come?
>why are so many people saying it's good?
because it has a mix of features from Civilization and AoE, some of the most popular RTS games
also, nostalgia I presume
>You can't do meaningful raids or flanks or feints.
Cavalry archers would like to disagree
Shame they ran out of budget and half the campaign missions were generic
>conquer this base in 90 minutes

The Vinci and Cuotl campaigns are like apple and oranges for the depth/effort they put into the Vinci one
Rise of Nations is decent, but I’m more into Rise of Legends myself. I’ve got a strong feeling Gates of Pyre is gonna be next-level.

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>Steam summer sale starts Thursday
What are you hoping to get?
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Just use Epic's generous refund policy to request a refund.
Or does only Steam have a generous refund policy?
I fuck my gf for free
anon knows any neat city builders
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Ok, but are they also strategy games?
>i hope to convince my friend
I'm already hyping my bros to gear up for Gates of Pyre once it's out of Beta.

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I know know hoe logistic works
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>"heaven of calm" creates mostly farmer minors
>"more dangerous regimes" creates mostly hunter and raider minors

What's a good way to get a balanced amount of minors?
>no way to share seed
this game is to much junk that be kino jank
both at once
Playing against yourself? Might be fun, actually.
I only play with myself.

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Do people still play this? The modding community is kinda dead. And the game updates from the devs are very slow.
What gives? It's a good game.
Also, I get why province resources are randomized to give replayability, but I would prefer it if they were fixed.
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>live service games bad
>games done on release bad
Yeah, agreed. The crusades update was good but after that it's just been QOL and balance fixes. That's acceptable, but where are my new mechanics? New questslines, nation flavour, new units etc?
... how many more near-identical KoH2 you plan to post this week?
>Bad game bad
Plus - KoH2 isn't "done", which is part of the problem
It's definitely not me dude. I don't hang out in /vst/ alot. Just started desu to get some news on paradox games

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