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how are you doing my lords and ladies
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>coder plays LOL
>gets pissed off and creates a LOL clone
A tale as old as time.
What are some LoL clones? I only know Ymir dev used to be a big figure.
Where the fuck is it anon!
Is admin going quit now or not?
Should I start writing an eulogy?
It isn't all that good for your player count / revenue to say "feeling cute, might ditch the game later"
>remove building and organisation circles
>redo high nobility requirements so that you either need to possess a certain regalia, have a certain number of unique IPs as vassals or have a minimum number of total vassals (so 3 possible ways to fulfill the requirement)
Admin should run an experiment where he makes these changes and see how player engagement changes. He already makes changes with far reaching consequences on a weekly/monthly basis, so why not shake things up and let the remaining players have some more freedom.

By the will of Kou Shibusawa, the latest Koei thread begins anew!
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No no I understand. I'm saying I don't want to put chinese software on my computer kek
I know its dumb they aren't all malicious nightmare creatures.
Understandable. Then you're out of luck regarding new UW games then, unfortunately.
Seems like that is the case, snes, genesis, or pc the best version? Is there a consensus? Need an "Open Uncharted Waters" port like RTC or TTD so we can mod the fuck out of it kek
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I've only played the SNES ages ago so that's the one I'd recommend. The first and second UW got ported to Steam a few years ago, but it's a straight port from the old PC release so I heard they have a few technical issues playing on modern hardware. So again, I don't think you have much options here.
The gods seek to strike my wishes to the ocean.

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Is this piece of shit ever going to fix infantry AI?
>tell squad to throw AT grenade at tank that is within throwing range
>one guy pulls out AT grenade
>runs all the way to the end of the trench to exit it
>runs along the entire trench again to reach the tank
>tank moves a tiny bit when he's close
>stops in the open, standing straight
>slowly rotates towards the tank that's moving backwards at a snail's pace
>thro- gets shot and dies

>select squad and tell them to attack a trench
>they all run in one big blob or line at it
>when an enemy is encountered they stop in the open field and start shooting from standing position
>even the MG gunner is hip firing his MG
>none of them use grenades to attack the trench unless manually told to do so

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Try installing this mod, I see infantry actually using grenades on their own with it
Thanks anon, but I am sadly mostly interested in online pvp which makes it harder to use a mod.

It also introduces its own issues.
>manually controlled flamethrower infantry stutterstepping left to right while roasting your entire infantry formation which is completely helpless due to retardation
Really wish you could turn off direct control only for infantry. It facilitates so much cheese.
Everything about this game is so fucking broken, it's terrible because this game has great potential but it's buried under awful fucking braindead AI, Terrible pathfinding , GARBAGE fucking coding and the list goes on to a million.

Doesn't help the few die hard followers suck the devs dick nonstop and act like the game is perfect and you are an entitled le troll for daring to criticize it.

Nothing is going to get fixed, the dev will just keep shitting out even more broken dlc to fleece the few retards still buying this broken pos.
The hyper accurate heat seeking mortars the enemy AI use is annoying as shit
The game balance is very fucky. those 75mm and 76mm field guns are so crazy strong and losing 3/4 crew members basically doesn't hurt their performance at all.

Warcraft bros... we're back!
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holy esl
Are the new-new graphics still not good?
They're not good, AND I feel like they're bugged.
Like, the archmage doesn't have a casting animation, in Reforged, he just stands around, and you have to wait him out, or just "stop", you can move him. And sometimes, units don't acknowledge order. They still obey, but they don't say their lines.
You should turn on reforged graphics, I didn't know they are off by default now.
No. They are buggy as hell.

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Any thoughts?

Also medieval 2 modding thread
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This man is about to have some fun.
>first row has pikes out toward enemy
>second row has pikes pointed at the sky (to stab birds?) instead of over the shoulder of the front row
>pikes in second row don't seem to go into the hands of the men in the second row and disappear behind them
I think he probably does a lot of copy+pasting to make the pikes and doesn't want to do the work of putting them in the hands of the men in the second row or make them go over the shoulder of the first row.
>he hasn't memorized every single unit in every autism mod he plays
my hordes of Vratyakshatriya Tomarabharas and Kshatriya Khadgacarmadharas will annihilate your army and sack your city
How do you run this on a pirated version? Just keeps trying to launch steam

Since the entire 8000 hours review story made me check how the game is now, i must stay.
i am impressed with it.
Also /&tg/ is dead because of gatchafaggotry ai bots at /vg/ spamming generals
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I really like games like this & Uprising(2), wish there was at least 1 modern game that plays like those. . .
It is just for the MP tournament that will happen, they are wrestling rebellion to update the game so it is easier to implement this even into SP missions.
The issue is just that Mike Arkin/Revoemag has a bone against the BZ1 community unlike Ken Mates/Ultraken who is the guy who kept the game alive for years with the 1.5 patch.

As for single player stuff, Redux got a ton of it, BZCC is also more more friendly with multiplayer mods and you can use those on SP too.

As for the rant
this thread has more info with the guy himself explaining more stuff that was left off.
Death to all Scions
Calm your tits Braddock.
From the moment I first laid eyes on a scion lightening tower I knew, all alien rat bastards must be liquidated.

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i'm looking to go through this guide with my brother since we're both tired of Age of Empires II and IV, but it appears to be about 10 years out of date. i'm considering updating it but need some open-ended input from strategy game NERDS like yourselves.

some basic questions to start:
1. is there already an updated version of this guide?
2. is C&C2 actually a good place to start? why or why not?
3. "wait for Dawn of War 3" is an item on this list, which has since released. is it good?
4. why is SC2 in "purgatory"? has SC1 outlived its sequel?
5. what strategy games have come out in the last 10 years that should be added to this list?
6. which games currently on this list should be *removed* from this list?
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would you say the guide was trying to follow mechanics or follow themes?

why would C&C2 be the starting point?
>It's mostly a tracker for the mechanical evolution of the genre.
Not really. Notice how far removed RA1 and RA2 are, for the most obvious example. It's a chart made by anons relying on their preferences with some adjustments made for potential newcomers to the genre back when the thing was made.
>wait for dawn of war 3 like the rest of us
lmao that aged poorly
retribution is great and still has players to this day, only plebs that cant handle the fact that you cant afk while playing it dislike it
DoW 3 is bad?
Probably best to do an overall 'recommendations', grouping them by how they operate mechanically. Maybe different starting points for such styles if you want to keep elements of a flow chart. A plethora of remasters have also hit the genre since, many good and bad.

Yeah, DoW3 is legitimately bad and has effectively killed its series. It's boring as fuck. DoW2 might be polarizing to DoW1 fans, but it does what it sets out to do well, outside of terrible skirmish AI.

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Poor sierra
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you probably fucked up weapon groups or did not install gunnery control to fix the game
this is why i only use mid/long range weapons with ITU/escort package
Why the fuck are modders so often such self important and petty faggots?
>noooo alex forced me to spread malware by not explicitly telling me not to in advance
What's the best way to setup a carrier so it sits in range to send its wings (4000 range) but doesn't try to brawl?
Ex. I have the Capital carrier from DME. If I don't give it any specific orders it sits near where it "spawned" in battle and does nothing.
If I set it to Search and Destroy is flies like a normal warship.
If I set it to escort something else it also gets into direct combat.

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one of the greatest things in this game is how you can start in some shithole in G*rmania and end up migrated to Africa by mid game
nu CA actually hates the original series fans.
are there hidden requirements to subjugate a faction militarily other than them only having one settlement left? I need a puppet state for one of the bonus objectives of my faction's mission line, but for some reason I don't get the option to subjugate the one region faction I'm at war with. Do they also have to not have armies, or do I need to border them? Or can you not subjugate factions that can form hordes? Those are the 3 potential problems I can think of
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I think some factions and leaders will never accept subjugation. You have to raze it to the ground.

Just like real life.
T. Frustrated WRE Legendary player

Thoughts on this game?
Its one of the best I have ever played
Love the real time elements and large mosh pits in battle

I just got a DragonForce song in my head out of nowhere, then I looked here and saw this. When was the last time anyone thought about DragonForce?
hell idk
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In a kingdom of steeeeeeel
Oh woah oh ohhh oh woah oh oh oh ooohhhh

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Damerian Edition
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I did deathwar the Command but it ended in a stalemate, I was hoping to ally Sir but they were permanently hostile to me, by the time I noticed the alliance wouldn't happen the Xia had no troops left so I no-CB'd them in panic. Ended up getting max money and some of my vassal's cores in 1460 and Sir ended up independent but nothing more than that.
Probably should've savescummed the Axebellow spawning point in hindsight, they spawned next to Grozumdihr so getting to the Command took ages, probably did too many expeditions too.
How's the Taychend MT? It was added recently to the repo
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
If you want to cheese it then start as the Command, conquer Rajnadagha, ruin your country with bankruptucy and AE, then release and switch to Rajnadagha.
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it's fine, it all ended up working out

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I was told that this is like XCOM but with big mechs so naturally after a 2 week long xcom2 binge i decided to try it. It took me some time to get adjusted cause oh boy is that game in another universe in production value, animations are janky, music is forgettable, almost non existent voice overs and when there's one it often sounds like it got recorded with a $5 mic in a garage. Abysmal performance is also a paradox for me (get it, cause it was published by pdx), game looks like something from 2008 yet constantly uses 70++% of CPU/GPU even when theres nothing on screen, every menu lags, its fucking 2d text window but opening it has noticeable delay, i just started the game theres nothing in the hangar, wtf. The only good thing about that game was 2min intro with lore, seriously can someone explain to me why this pathethic excuse of a game has such a devoted following?
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>Says the fucking main screen which doesn't even have the option to play the campaign.
What does that have to do with the game? The game doesn't say to play with those overhaul mods.
Rifleman 2x AC5 2x AC2 rape rape rape (In mechwarrior online, I don't even have one yet in my BTA save)
I still don't get why I didn't see a single UAC my entire story run. Not on the black market, not as a drop from fancy mechs.
Rotary AC in based as fuck. You can get some serious firepower with those.
You could always replace the kikesharter portraits with your own, it was drag and drop. I swear they just ran the pictures the trannies sent in through a few filters, they all look like dogshit.

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The cooking fest is steam official, this one is third party. Steam offical ones always get priority.
Turn based just means you are a shit game dev/designer in the modern age.
I will not waste money on a turn based "Game". Real time or fuck off.
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We're baiting people by acting like retards? Sounds fun, let me try
uhhh shit sales look at all these fucking deckbuilders not real turn based games
Can you filter these somehow in steam? I ignore them as I come across them but I'd rather not see them when I look up genres to begin with.
Princess Hunter has cute visuals. However, it also looks like a vaporware art project that won't be finished in this century.
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New beta is up
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Spotted the dude that didn't play the game, all the voice lines are fun to hear and one of the things the game gets right.
If your going to complain about something, I think the MTX design should be the thing that's scrutinized the most. Let alone that it kinda is a neutered experience compared to almost any other rts in existence.
>all the voice lines are fun to hear and one of the things the game gets right
too bad the gameplay is dogshit and the game is ugly as sin
>I think the MTX design should be the thing that's scrutinized the most
its just another nail in the coffin. If you want MTX in your game, the game needs to be good and attract players first. But this gook retard in charge begins by shoving an invoice in your face when the game isnt even fully out yet, it deserves to die and go bankrupt out of principle.
Retards behind Homeworld 3 also thought they could sell MTX, they lost their jobs instead lmao
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>too bad the gameplay is dogshit and the game is ugly as sin
Gameplay honestly not bad bro. It's mid at worse, but it's honestly perfect for getting friends who don't typically play rts into the genre.
I personally have been playing this with a friend and it's simple enough for him to get the idea of what he's been missing. I'll see if I can play something else with him like bar.
>But this gook retard in charge begins by shoving an invoice in your face when the game isnt even fully out yet, it deserves to die and go bankrupt out of principle.
I really fucking hate battlepasses, and I hope to god they cool off with that shit.
They better just do a sc2 and make it mostly cosmetic shit. I don't think the average rts player is willing to put up with that.
I can easily go and play bar, halo wars, Dow1, and aoe to name a few instead if I want to play a competitive rts. Let alone the new shit were getting a ton that hopefully won't suck ass.
>Retards behind Homeworld 3 also thought they could sell MTX, they lost their jobs instead lmao
God dam what a mess. I have kharak so that's a def next for me, and i'll play cataclysm later probably. Heard good things bout both.
>want to play
>bother to get a code from a streamer
>website craps out and code gets used/was already used
>don't want to ask for another code
And that's how I lost interest in trying to play Battle Aces.
you dont have to be so tsundere anon

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A decent game completely ruined by the most garbage fucking worker AI ever created
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wait what? For real ? Damn...
but enough about age of empires
>wanted to play this game
>read through this thread
>don't want to play it anymore
Every time.
>A decent game completely ruined by the most garbage fucking worker AI ever created

I fucking love Per Aspera, but only because it's the only planetary terraforming game that's actually about planetary terraforming and not say civ management or making money or something. They not-campaign mode has been a great toy.
The campaign and story is fucking dogshit, they probably wasted a ton of money on voice actors, every criticism or complaint anybody has of this game is 100% correct.
the worst thing is that you can't even make your own story. At some point the AI asked me something about human and i choose the "skynet" answer just to be corrected by the same AI. What is even the point?

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