any RTS games with a higher degree of customization? I want something badass where you can select the unit roster for your faction. or something where you can mix & match the properties of different units creating something new. I know the game amazing creatures or whats it called, but i dont like it
warzone 2100
>>1951662Impossible Creatures
>>1951662>I know the game amazing creatures or whats it called, but i dont like itIt's Impossible Creatures. But yeah for how much everyone loves to jerk off over its creature combining gimmick, you'd think more people would remember that the actual game is complete ass.
>>1951662>select the unit rosterThis is more of a thing in tactics games. What you usually get in RTS is branching tech paths, like the different minor gods in Age of Mythology that give you different myth units. However, CoH had some units you could swap, like the Cromwell for the Kangaroo. Magic & Mayhem had you swap out alchemical ingredients to get different units. I think Tooth and Tail had you pick units for each tier in multiplayer.>mix & match the properties of different units creating something newHybridization is a really rare mechanic reserved for occasional gimmick units like the IFV in Red Alert 2 or the ghetto gunships in SupCom.
>>1951662Warhammer: Mark of Chaos. No basebuilding but you get to pick the units in your army and there's an army painter mode where you can fully customize every unit
Am new to the RTS/ GST genre, but I am very interested by the prospect of becoming autistic. What games would you recommend starting off with in the Genre?
>>1950872The game is split into server regions, the Koreans have their own server. On top of that, the community is so large that there are still many, many noobs to face in the skill-based matchmaking.
Play Rise of Legends buddy boy . There's romance and steampunk italians and sexy desert lady and there is soul in that game
>>1950870If 1 is about leading armies then 2 is about leading squads, practically different genres with utterly different appealsI heard that it's good tho
>MultiplayerStarcraft 2Age of Empires 2Warcraft 3>SingleplayerWarcraft 3Starcraft 1 & 2Dawn of War 1 & 2HomeworldAge of Empires 2Age of MythologyCommand and Conquer (Any other than 4)Company of Heroes (Any)World in Conflict
>>1951663Will be checking all of these out. thanks anon>>1950928sounds like an interesting change>>1950899downloaded this, i remember seeing a video about it a while back and thinking it looked fun
What are all the features you wish hoi4 had?
>>1946273Drafted populations dying when they're killed in combat and this affecting state populations.It triggers my autism that these places aren't hit but millions of losses.Also, getting back the reserves system from HOI3 would be neat I liked that one.
>>1946273An economy.
>>1946273Paradox should stop being pussies and implement forced labor and ethnic cleansing to my WWII sim game >B-but the wrong kinds of people might buy the game!!!Fascists and Commies already flock to these games like flies on shit. Just stop being fags and give us the full experience
>>1946273A relatively competent AI.
What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
>>1949852I occasionally go look at the discord, you can just come in and plop down your observations in the apposite bug report section (named "bug-hive_092").
>>1950162I think I will because its a real problem that should be mentioned. For all the changes and balance suggestions that get made im surprised nobody has conplained about it enough for them to do something about it.
>>1950212I think people used to complain about ai merc spam quite a few times. Has to be some kind of integral part of the mod teams vision or something given that it's still in.
>>1948594I like alot of what that sub-mod does, the minor factions to The Protectors add alot of flavor and the skill trees are cool but stuff like the upkeep was always annoying and I am glad this mod removes it. I just wish I could have more Hero race combinations, like Bard on Knights or Empire. Does anyone know if its possible to edit the files to allow for more Hero/Race class combinations?
>>1951043Probably not. But if you are good enough at programming you might be able to ask the author for the source files because I think that's the only way you can edit it.>>1950848It wouldn't be so bad if they either put the ability to hire merc later in the tech tree for certain factions, priced the mercs more in line with the amount of units you get meaning making the prices much higher, removing dragons from the roster of mercs because that is just pure cancer trying to stop a fucking dragon in the first 3 minutes of the game with a hero who isn't level 50+. I don't get it either, but I get the feeling that it's because the game is being balanced around very high level heroes that people only have because of trainers and XP farming maps.
How to marry doll waifu
>>1948065I know. It doesn't help.
>>1948037Compared to GFL1 this one is more simple and easy to farm stuff
>wanna play fun strategy games with cute anime girls>it's all gachafuck my life
>>1952972I never understood this complaint. You can just try it for free and leave if you don't like it. The games are designed to be played by free players and funded by the 5% of paying players.
>>1952980i played a few and every single one had barebones grindy gameplay that, along with literally everything else, steered you towards buying shit to skip the grindso yeah, no. i'd raither cry about not being able to play with cute anime girls than spend a single minute enabling this behaviour
>don't make a new thread>lol it's on page 10 but don't make new thread newfag it still has a long way to go>what are you STUPID we don't make new threads until it's too latefine here you go. anbennar thread. for gay EU4 fantasy bullshit
>>1954545what if I start at the edge of the continent and can't feasibly participate in the revolt
>>1954996Esthil>isn't magic-alignedWell shit I don't know.
>started Rogieria game>converted to half-elf nation because that seemed based>get option to convert to half-orc nation, go with it because the thought of invading the Empire and purging humans and replacing them with half-orcs sit well with me>25 years later my country forces me to adopt "Rogierian" (human) as my primary culture. Half-orc is gone completelyWHAT THE FUCK
>>1954996>rapedthose women lost duels>killedthose were duelsremember that orcs NEVER kill civilians just ignore all those empty holds in the serpentspine or the lack of human minorities in Escann
>>1955166Big human cock wins
which is better, and more importantly, which has more SOVL?
>>1951313that's that 20% of them actually doing new things and not really since that tiger model was also ported from mowas1
>>1951320>>1951403Careful, don't hurt yourselves.
>>1951460Nah I‘m fine mate
>>1950349Men of War is better strategy, CoH is just click fest shit for retards
>>1950349>Do you like apples or oranges more?Those games are completely different things, why the fuck would you put them side by side?
anyone still remembers this game? what are some other obscure strategy games that you were grinding back in the days?
>>1951783>We have to be 3 steps ahead of everyone else at all times or we'll get genocided again.fucking take the hint then.
>>1948723Why else would people spend so much money on that kind of """art"""?
>>1951572>I ethnically am PolishWhat the fuck that's even supposed to mean? You're American, plain and simple. You speak Polish? Went through Polish education system, so it gets drilled into your head to masturbate to misery? No? Then you have jack shit to do with Poland, periodBe glad
>>1952588To spite youYou would know, if you were a real, red-blooded Pole. Everything is a result of spite, personally aimed at (You)
>>1952765As in that's where most of my family is from. The rest are Ukrainian.
Since a new game is out of the question, what do you think of AWBW?
>>1912479I may have been that kid.
>be me>after reorganizing the tournaments (basically cutting the number of players per division in half) relegated to the babby division>"oh, well, in this case I swipe the floor with those noobies">lose in STD within 2 rounds>lose in FOG within 2 rounds>STD guy procedes to the finals>FOG guy procedes to the finals>STD guy faces FOG guy in STD finalslol, I fucking swear it's always me facing those 1050 elo guys with a record of 12-1 who could easily be 1300-1400 if they started playing regularily
>>1936511I only see Warside being sue-able. The design is too similar and could be calles copycat. The other two are too different.
>>1952655cute panther
MEDIEVAL 3: TOTAL WAR:Timeframe: 1066 - 1700Thoughts on that timeframe?You start with early middle ages stuff, move over to high and then renaissance era early gunpowder pike and shot stuff, then we get to the end of it all and the pike and shot stuff just transitions into ETW's early period roster. Sounds good or should it be earlier?
>>1942939The peak of the Reconquista as an actual struggle was done in the High Middle Ages, specially the 11th century when El Cid lived. After the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212 Christian victory became assured. For the following two centuries Muslim powers in Iberia existed mostly as vassals to Castile which had no hope of ever taking back ground.So really the early 13th century is the end of the Reconquista as an actual struggle.>>1942977>1066>the end of viking BritainThat would be 1042 with the death of Harthacnut. Hardrada's invasion was crushed almost immediately and nobody would remember if it disnt precede the Norman invasion.Also nevermind that these vikings were all Christians, so quite different from what people think when they hear "viking"Pagan viking England ended under the reign of Eardred, younger brother of Aethelstan.
>>1949299Long timelines force the devs to make one turn = one year or, dear god, several years.The most that is reasonable is one turn = one season and even that is exaggerated given the range of movement of armies.Otherwise you end up with rome 2's retardism of a boat trip from spain to Italy taking 10 years.
>>1951026Going forward I think CA is no longer going to do the broad +300 year spans of something like R2 or Medieval (1070 to at least 1453, possibly even to 1520 with kingdoms). Rather M2 would be split at a minimum into 1070-1200s (Reconquista/Crusades to Mongols), 1300s (Black Plague), with Mongols a candidate to get their own spot and no Pike and shot = some 1500 game (Even if in that case better to do pike and shot as an attila). My vote if not M3 is still for Pike and shot, starting around 1510-ish. There's big changes in the playables at this time but with the right date you are given an insanely sense campaign map situation (Colonial empires, Reformation style realm divide happening 20-40 turns in, Shia/Sunni war, Sengoku Jidai, Babur invading India, Kalmar union falling apart).Run it like WH1-2-3 like so, roughly speaking:>Total War: Shot 1Chock full of factions people wanna play>Total War: Shot 2A bit of a weaker candidate as European wise it's just Portugal and Spain (Moving date up for France and others means losing Aztecs or Inca). However Africa was not all bone-nose-mtumbu at this point. Can't really expand it to India unless you tilt the map such that you can get Central Asia in.>Total war: Shot 3Sengoku Jidai Japan (So basically a mini Shogun 2, although not during the more famous Nobunaga era), Ming blob, various literally-whos in SE-Asia but you can again have Spain and Portugal to anchor players who are a bit uneasy about it - same way Kislev and Cathay did for WH3. And you can have DLC that moves the date up to bring other Europeans in."Modern Empires" combined map = selling point of the first total war to include nearly the entire world.
Absurd timeframe, has to decide if it's medieval or early modern. A pure medieval game should be roughly 1000-1500. Once the new world gets discovered it makes no sense to be the same game because they're not going to add other continents for colonization with a game starting in 1066. Maybe a medieval one with a 30 years war dlc focused on west/central europe
>>1942424>MEDIEVAL>1700>Thoughts American education sure is shit
Talk about new mods, mods you're hyped for, etc.CTS:
>>1950849>Am I supposed to hate this?i never said unhinged is a bad thing
>>1951395My bad for incorrectly assuming, then.
>>1950820Gay nazis are kino, but I also love the idea of the POD, and how it could be expanded upon. I can totally envision future mods focusing on all these weirdo local races and how they gradually shift American politics, maybe eventually culminating in a mod focusing on a presidential election where you play as a surprisingly strong weirdo third party.
>>1948349At the very least he made two or three other mods in the interim.
I wonder if they're still making this
How come Broken Arrow is the only war game that decided to use a modern day setting, instead of a cold war gone hot scenario
>>1949211Not really, they also love to interfere and set all sorts of bullshit rules on how you can and cannot use their licenses which actively hinders development.
>>1944320Because if they tried doing cold war they would end up being a Wargame/WARNO clone that would fail just like all the other ones. Also, it's technically not modern anymore it's set in an alternative 2010s where Russia started going crazy with their military budget, many of the weapons in the game are no longer in use or obsolete. At this point, WARNO is the single cold war game of this kind that you should play, the others fall short.I think another reason why is exactly why Broken Arrow failed before it even launched, modern stuff is just not fun to play with in a video game.
>>1949157>All of this by 80s-90s western units/k/, please.Every other months zelinsky get a new wonderweapon delivered, that always make a wet fart as soon as it reach the frontline.
>>1952044zigger, pleaseevery other month vatniks keep devolving, their gear getting closer and closer to 19th century tech
>>1952386The noble donkey is a timeless classic.
living example of graphics over gameplay. it's a simplified banished with combat.>no ai lords>no castles>no breeding>stupid anno market mechanic>no random maps
>Game STILL doesn't even have knights at the bare minimum despite being shown all the way back in 2021Schizo anon, I kneel
>>1949288>Tries to call others on cope>"It's gonna be great in few years, you will see"TopFuckingKek
>>1947980I love this game, I don't see why this board has to hate on everything.Bought in on release and still playing, can't wait to see what they do with it. They just need upgrades for the manor, make trading between regions easier and a late game after you take all the regions like a big invasion by the French or Hungarians or something. Maybe even let you raid and battle other players
>>1950248>I don't really know how large scale food production is supposed to work; 8 farmers + 1 miller + 3 bakers can't seem to feed themselves2, 1.0 fields over 50 and up fertility will achieve this easily.It is really hard to make beer last. I think it's really important to colonize other regions, especially the fertile ones. I don't even build past 15 or so families until I conquer a fertile region.Multiple farmhouses help too.
>>1947980>with combat. sold
Full release is out now. What is the verdict?
>>1946114Battle Realms was awesome 20 years ago and still is. That said, I'm not gonna buy the same game twice unless they added new content.
>>1946376The devs have talked about considering a possibility of maybe doing a campaign for the Lotus clan if the Zen Edition is successful enough, but I don't think how likely it actually is.
is it just a remastered version of the old game?
>>1947142>remasteredNope.It's a community patch that integrates steam. I've seen people claim that GOG version is still better. Haven't compared myself though.
>>1946296you may actually be the first person in 20 years to think wc3 looks better than battlerealms>>1946532dev is notorious for promising the world and delivering nothing, don't hold your breath
I finally read the rules and apparently we're allowed to discuss MOBAs here. Do you also have any unsolicited opinions on Malzahar being a braindead autowin champion for over 10 years you'd like to share?
>>1951237Ashe is love, Ashe is win, Ashe is the mainstay of the game
>>1951237What's a MOBA?
>>1951260I'm not google.
>>1951237>Malzahar being a braindead autowin championthat's why he has a 100% ban rate in pro play!
Dota is better.