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What are some good historical strategy games that are glorified excel spreadsheet simulators or just extremely complex with shit UI? By that, I mean games like Aurora 4X, MEIOU & Taxes or John Tiller Software/Wargame Design Studio kino. Not vanilla EU4 or HOI4 slop.
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Because naval strategy is a LOT more niche than other types of military strategy. And it isn’t even close
A lot of that is lore albetitthoughever
like first 30 pages lmao, not that reading manual wil lteach you to play i did that before starting the game and still was utterly clueless. Its good used mainly for ctrl+f when you do not know something
Silent Hunter 3 with GWX3 and 100% realism setting (of that mod, not SH3).
Enjoy doing all on your own with a slip of paper something that in real life was done by an entire watch of officers and petty officers, along with analog machines to speed the computations.
That game is essentially all just applied geometry. Graphics are solely for some mid-00s eye-candy

>check it out on release
>neat idea, but solved game, just get rockets ASAP and sell food into space
>win every time on any AI difficulty

>redownload recently
>get filtered by tutorial "win your first game on your own" mission
>barely manage to win on Assistant (2 difficulty levels below one where you're on fair footing with AI)
>there's a campaign now
Damn, with simple rebalancing this game is actually good now. Too bad they didn't try it at release, maybe it wouldn't be dead. Also, is it just my inexperienced ass, or are Robots and Seneca straight up worse than other companies?
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I could beat you 10/10 times because you are a retard.
Isn't it just M.U.L.E. in realtime?
>hos no real response
>I would win bro

Coll story, next time try with a real reply and not being buthurt.
It's pretty cheap and pretty good for its cost.
Offworld is kinda fun, but mineable resources and energy generally define the game, which means that early game is significantly more crucial than late game.
Only case when this doesn't happen is when prices are adjusted in such a way that fast lvling up is impossible (usually including something like an ioquake which shoots up all prices and destroys buildings)
Generally nomadic=scav>robotics>expansive>science>elite, though if the game does go late, the order reverses

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Nuclear war game thread: Games like ICBM, DEFCON etc.
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Has anyone here played First Strike?
It's basically a simplified and fast-paced arcade version of DEFCON x Risk. I used to play it all the time on my iPod touch. Too bad the devs abandoned it
cloudy with a chance of Minuteman II's
I love ICBM and Defcon, ICBM is one of my favorite strategy games actually
No mention of Shadow President?
i remember enjoying the demo then not being able to find it for the longest time. i didn't forget the name or anything, but googling "global thermonuclear war game" just didn't seem to yield results, i assumed it must have been cancelled or something.

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any /vst/ games similar to sengoku rance? I dont even care if it has porn or not this is fun
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where can I actually get this game?
The Internet
If you want to actually buy it, mangagamer sells it, along with other rance games.
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EraTohoK. It's fun and it's a porn game.

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>resources not used are resources wasted
do you agree or disagree with this sentence?
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it is bad
its unstable system based on constant growth and exploitation
chasing profits destroyed nations and will destroy world
Yes. Use those resources to make more resources so you can use more resources to make more resources... ad infinitum
I always thought the whole point was "there is no tomorrow if we lose this fight" stockpiling as though there is a tomorrow is just asking to be rushed and plundered. The enemy camp will thank you for your donation.
>"If the next generation has anything left that means we lost, screwing over our children is our birthright."
>Actually this is a good thing because mindless overconsumption is perfectly natural. the more I consume the better I am! Fuck the long term consequences and pass me another cheeseburger!
And you wonder why people call you satanic.
Boomer quote lol

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anyone play this? I've very new to it - some questions

1) how does deck building work in this game - how do I get more cards? I've just been playing with the stock decks

2) any general tips? I've found it best to... Recon and Scout hard, and focus on getting Resources - which seem very very tough to get in this game.
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Can I get a general overview of each faction? Is there a horde faction or a technologically superior one? Or are they all the same but only visually different?
Factions seem to be balanced, but different, for instance xenopods require more human resources, machine empire less. Human faction and machine empire have more aircraft options, xenopods have some, mutants have none as far as I remember.
Each empire has basic infantry, elite infantry, basic vehicles and advanced vehicles. Infantry can be upgraded by training and attached weapons, vehicles by attached weapons and technologies.
Technologies are different for each faction.
You can introduce imbalance during deck construction, for example having more infantry cards than vehicles, and heroes specializing in elite infantry plays different than same empire with tank heavy army, which is different than epsionage/assasination deck.
Unironically yes. See Master of Magics remake for a good example.
And the new Master of Orion. That thing was abandoned in less than 6 months
I'm giving the demo a try. Game is good but the UI is really bad. No tooltips of any kind. Funny enough I'm learning from the error messages.

Anyway I built a war college at HQ and it was supposed to give me one extra human resource per turn. It isn't happening and I have no idea why

Total World War 1 when?
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Medieval 2 had the Mongols
nor the 30 years war
I guess in theory there's Empire with situations like 7YW
>they made a ww1 game that was a fairly decent abstraction of ww1 warfare
On the western front? I like it but it's mega autistic and appeals to very few.
do you think CA regretted picking the name "total war", given that it was Goebbels' term?

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Indie tower defense / voxel base-builder just released into early access. I tried the pre-release demo and it seemed fun. Camera is a bit janky but I like the gameplay concept of building custom fortresses. Anyone tried this one?
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Waiting for it to be finished.
Custrom fortress building has always been my pet idea, so I'm excited for it, but I wonder how much it will really feel like designing a fortress, rather than just a wall, because enemies can attack the walls.
>i have never played a tower defence game
you build during the day, assign your troops to positions on the fortress, then the wave comes at night. time passes in realtime but you can pause to take as much time as you like to build. I don't think you can build at night but you can reposition your troops.
I'm not autistic enough to build fortresses brick by brick. Very unpleasant to place starway pieces especially. I'm not a fan of this depressing color palette, either.
Looks interesting, but I'll wait for it to get out of early access.

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Multiplayer RTT developed by the same guys who did Syrian Warfare. Currently set to release in February 2025.
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NAFO btfo again.
just say no to big pharma, kids!
Lakhta / Internet research Agency
Are /k/ and /pol/ really not enough for your slavic bumfights
Hilarious how one irrelevant Eastern Euro oligarch war is enough for the goyim to forever let their preferred side and their opposition live rent free in their minds on a daily basis.
I wish units would enter buildings through the side they are coming from instead of predefined entry points. There are plenty of windows on the ground floor to go through.

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>Incredibly dense gameplay whilst allowing lots of room for creativity.
>Has the highest learning curve and skill ceiling out of every genre ever made. Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers and nu/v/.
>Heavily tests the full breadth of the mind, such as reflexes (APM), spatial perception (micro-management), logical reasoning, etc. You'll get quickly punished if at least one area of your mind isn't in tip top shape.

How can any other genre even come close? RTS has pretty much everything you need in a genre.
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RTS games are literally the best; I got so addicted to Warcraft for years. I might move to Gates of Pyre soon once it launches; it has similarities with Warcraft.
>high IQ
>best way to play is to copy other people's strategies
Does believing X thing you like make you feel smarter? Then yes
what about autistic german production management games?
RTS is peak gaming. It’s got the strategy, the intensity, and that sweet, sweet brain workout. FPS and RPGs are cool, but nothing beats the adrenaline rush of outsmarting your opponent. Gates of Pyre is shaping up to be the next big thing, can't wait for its full release.

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Let's talk about the most ambitious FERH game ever.
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is this porn?
Nah, it's a GBA fire emblem sacred stones rom hack.
levels are cool, writing is embarrassing. tries to hard to be epic cool
How did you come to that conclusion?
Buy an ad, Mangs

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Is this game just RNG? It feels like the magic poinst barely do anything
>create new clan
>pick all of the war-oriented saga choices
>invest 3 magic into war
>go raiding, sacrifice, brings a lot of army
>still just BARELY win
>next season i get raiding and get my shit pushed in

What's the strategy for this game? I don't get it.
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>bully targeted clan so much that they say fuck it and just pack and leave
also beware of the duck
>roleplay a fantasy iron age viking leader
.... wrong game, then?
>muh vikings are murderous war machines only made for raiding
lmao, even
No. All you need with weaponthanes is to have like 8-10 of them, and just keep rolling. If you do the guaranteed raids, then they will never be unhappy, while their existence will discourage other clans from ganking you.
You need to stack blessings, especially on Hard. The difference is night and day. If you can't afford temples, don't build them, but still sacrifice for the blessings.
Don't listen to that berry picking faggot. Raids are a great source of resources.

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Will there ever be a good 4x space game that has good diplomacy and politics?
I don't know about you guys but I think sci-fi lives on the interaction between alien races, espionage, intrigue and politics.
The usual war stuff is fine but it doesn't bring much joy or stimulation anymore and I am not sure if we are there technologically to have an AI with good diplomacy.
What do you think? Am I just jaded or retarded?
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4x game can have space opera elements, they do not exclude each other
They do not necessarily include each other, thus this is not a thread about that.
normalnigger genre
what else is there? Gookclick or another nazi larper in HoI?
One day hopefully

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Has anyone played this? Its free on steam. Warhammer Tabletop + a Roguelite
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Most likely. Adding new factions is mostly a matter of adding a bunch of stats and AI-generated portraits anyway, so I can't imagine it takes more than a day's work. I wish he added mod support so people can add stuff themselves instead of having to get overpriced DLC.
> I wish he added mod
He's gotten a steady base paying him for low effort dlc that is stripped down WHFB armies and AI art. He's never going to let people mod.
I heard there's a Battletech game out there thats just tabletop battletech but with modern 3d graffix
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All I can think of is the HBS Battletech game but that's definitely not the same as the tabletop game, even with mods to make it more accurate. There's MegaMek of course which is great, but it looks like this and doesn't have 3D graphics.
Believe it or not SOVL is baby’s first Warhammer. Actual tabletop Warhammer is far more crunchy.

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this is more fun than Starcraft and AoE combined. Is it doomed by the rts genre alone, or is it niche because of it's still early development? BAR succeeded where Supreme Commander failed, so I hope to see it grow further beyond it's current scope. It feels way more approachable than it's predecessors, especially with the more reasonable scale, QoL controls, visual readibility.. and it being FREE.
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>why don't you just play it now? it's free, who cares? the game has robust ai to play against, too.

How do you play? I'm hyped to play it on Steam, right alongside Gates of Pyre. It's still in Beta, but the video looked epic.
It's available outside of steam, just look for the big download button on the official website.
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There's a lot of console refugees on Steam. They don't play anything that isn't on Steam because they think everything is a virus or just can't be bothered. Steam is like the Playstation or Xbox store to them.
I will wait for it to hit steam to, I have several games lined up on steam already, Gates of Pyre and Frost Giant. I can't wait to dig in

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