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AoE Online private server has just released an entire new civ: The Indians! Anyone playing?
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The new PVE stuff that the devs added are pretty good. Very difficult to do by yourself.
AoE4 is the best Age of game and the DLC coming out in 2025 will outsell all games in the franchise yet again.
unironically though, AoE4 is good and I am pretty happy with the game.
Indians are a ton of fun. Elephant archers have pretty huge AoE damage. A bit disapointed with the campaign though on how short it is but it does have some decent verity. Thinking about going back to leveling up the Norse once I hit 40 with Indians.
Halloween event is live. Anyone wanna do some quest?

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Manly tears, the game. If you don't cry while your people are enduring the last stretch, well ... you have no soul.
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btw I live about 30 meters from where the guys who had implemented it usually operate, I usually see them going out for lunch during the lunch time
Did you turn the generator on?
No. You can only play the game once. Get Anno 1800 if you want a game with infinite replayability. The ice level in that is one of the weaker ones but it still knocks Frostpunk out of the ring.
go fuck yourself
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>released last year
>already forgotten
In this thread we remember the disaster that is relic entertainment
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Are you really just this retarded or is Relic paying you something at least?
look at this retard and laugh
Im looking at you and laughing, what now?
No good story mode means I no buy
> p2w slop
no thanks

base game comes with like 3 good divisions, 2 of them being soviet
actually thought about buying a DLC (because of the army general) but I am not going to watch a 30 minute guide on how to buy one without getting screwed over

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Time flies, say something nice about it.
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>But, by some mystery, these games are far more popular than RTW and M2TW ever were.
Normgroids don't care about the simulation aspects whatsoever, they're only interested in flashy aspects like unit animations and placebo "unit diversity"
>So you can fight Samnites and Etruscans n shit?
those will probably only be emergent factions
>me in the middle dying happily
They need to reduce the settlements to about 100 or so
Their focus on bloating with animations ruined it's simplicity.
I did find it fun just seeing roman units gradually wrap around phalanxes and winning that way

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is it autism?
Probably since I would click on it
rts fans will do anything but play the games
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Thing X fans when you tell them to actually interact with the thing X instead of watching lore videos or reading wiki
Why is this and the Mobile Radar Jammer 2 different units at all?
Also why didn't the MGG return for the sequel?
not sure what your zoomer memebrain is trying to say with this but if you're asking why someone would make a video about this, it's because they ran out of content to make a long time ago. As for why someone would watch it, I have no idea. Same for 98% of the videos on youtube.

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Command & Conquer status??
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will we ever get a mod like MO that isnt super difficult cause gooks cant make something that isnt made for esports scene
Every time I try to do the Rising Sun campaign, Pearl Harbor is such a bitch. I hate that damn level.
>yuri was the yuri all along
MO on casual is piss-easy

I need the most meticulous, tedious, complex /vst/.
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Eve Online (don't play)
>start a game as a shithole country wanting to fix it
>immediately overthrown game over
Those damned frogs release the same game every year and it has the same bugs every time. How do they keep getting away with it?
Try AI war. It's extremely difficult and fairly unbreakable, it might tickle your desire for a game that will kick the shit out of you.
Is the first edition a) Actually decent (like SP2) and b) Can it even be found somewhere?
Has anyone ever found where to purchase for free any of the Wargame Design Studios boomercore? I've only had a fleeting glance at the usual locations and havent seen anything.

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Age of Empire 2 campaignbros, we're eating good.
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Stupid NPC. You're supposed to think of your units as chess pieces, metaphorically. When you make a Long Swordsman, you aren't actually training a single unit with an arming sword (not a Long Sword by the way) and a shield. You are training an actual unit (a bunch of guys) equipped with lower quality armor, hopefully a shield, and a similar cutting weapon. The complete ahistorical naming convention of the Militia line was kept that way to make you think.

Like the fact that Men-at-Arms isn't the first stage of heavy cavalry, and is instead some low tier foot soldier with shit equipment, that alone is far more offensive.
Nope, until they make cultural skins DLC I won't touch those civs.
They should make "cultural skins" but not as DLCs but as hats in Dota 2, to milk stupid retards like you who cannot think metaphorically.
Like god intended.
Is that supposed to make me want to play boat missions?

Why aren't there more games like this? I want base builders that are actually fun and challenging not just micro managing shit mindlessly.
Age of Darkness is my personal favourite.
this game sucks balls doe
Diplomacy is Not an Option and Cataclismo are similar too

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I've been thinking of getting this game. Is it worth it? General thought on it?
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>Other than that, the game is great, a worthy successor to the original.
Really? Tell me more.
Yeah, that's because the damage mitigation stuff from the first sins of a solar empire has been replaced with durability.
thats what im waiting for
i dont like the way tec sops look compared to the first game :(

you can bomb planets until the populations are wiped out, at least in the first game

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>Get the urge to play SimCity 4 again
>Think of all the mods and dependencies you need to keep track of
>Don't bother
Anyone else like this?
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Based ending.
Aftermath of the sim city summer of love
>captcha TAXHN
Have a bigass riot in a financial district next time that sounds funny.
I need this in my life.
That looks like a fun drive.

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draw your dream units for RTS games with ms paint or something similar
fantasy, historical, sci-fi, whatever
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the game?
yeah you just lost it again
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the /vst/ lore deepens
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Sorry, Danes and Polacks, we have to put the Chinese in AoM while it still has a playerbase
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>Ching lee Chong
do you prefer aoe 2 or 3?
Wasn't even an independent country until the 20th century. Everything there was fully under the British crown. America and Mexico make sense because they rebelled against their colonial progenitors within the game's timescale. Canada is like Australia in that it was fully controlled by Britain until they decided to grant them independence. And I don't see how a Canadian civ would look different enough from the British to justify it.
>I don't see how a Canadian civ would look different enough from the British to justify it
bears with capes
moose instead of horses
wood based economy
units say "eh" at the end of every spoken line
units say "sorry" when you repeat command in a few second span
putin special shipment that gives some early food boost
tons of chinese, black, arab and tranny-themed shipments
I could never get into 2 wholeheartedly, and I prefer 3 which is like AoM but a lot crazier somehow.
The things I like about 3 are: less pointless busywork, the combat is not as gamey, the civs and maps are actually varied, and the units stats are much more legible.
2 on the other hand, has better unit handling - the army movement in formation is more responsive and less buggy.

post dem cities
sittin at just over 12k bugmen
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I think it changed and is more retarded now. You need to select the haul pile as a pull resource, I don't think your warehouse workers just grab it but i may be wrong.

Works great with animal transport. Pull from the haul and push to your maim warehouse
Is there any advantage to building apartmetns vs longhouse or houses now that privacy is removed?

How do they work? I've never built any.
why can't my citizens raise babies on their own, are they stupid?
They're property of the state
Read the Republic by Plato. It will all make sense.

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The first thing I'm gonna do with that new DLC is overthrow hitler and start indiscriminately bombing the US
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overthrew hitler and put his girlfriend in charge.
>Why overthrow Hitler?
Because funny, doing wacky stuff is how you keep the game interesting.
american history and culture was destroyed, what we have now is a corpse long since decayed.
>not playing as the big guy
he would have trouble overthrowing a table

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