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Will they ever nerf Body Cultivators? As things currently stand there is literally no point in the other two.
I doubt they'll bother with balancing like that given they're presumably focused on the upcoming sequel. hell I was surprised they bothered with new features in the february update
Will they ever fix the dogshit translation? The answer to all these questions is no. We got scammed.
ACS2 seems like an impossible dream. They just fucked off to mobile.
Learn Chinese.

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Who is your /vst/ waifu?
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Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars (2016)
Everybody wants her huge tracts of land after her jobber dad dies.
Very good taste my friend

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Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
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It seems sending diplomats to rival nations is OP because even though they are unfriendly towards me, Hayk gifted me two settlements in Scythia. Almost tempted to stop using it but it's hilarious when it pays off.
Rome killed Carthage off and note Egypt on the Black Sea.
Did you pick up any Rome 2 DLC during the sale? I got the Greek States.
Played Ardiaei. Turns out the Marines and Thureos Spears are secretly over powered.

Both squads carry 5 javelins, have the larger melee infantry sized squads (compared to the smaller Peltast or Velites javelin squads) and are also spearmen so can handily fight cavalry. Once the melee starts you just get every unengaged squad to move forward, surround the melee and pelt the crap out of them.
Late, but yes. Attila has a good tech tree. Many factions start out in late iron age and end in early Medieval. Even WRE ends up as a medieval kingdom/empire by the end.
WRE unit roster is trash.

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I've played Rule the Waves 1 and liked it. I'm considering
>Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts
>War on the Sea
Which one of these is more realistic? I don't mean just weapon and ship stats, but the general idea and feel of battle. For example, the first night battle in RTW1 was a confusing clusterfuck for me, which was a great and realistic experience.

Which game leads to historical ship designs? RTW1, while good, encourages you to design overpowered a-historical ships, like cruisers with 4x4 10-inch guns and superbattleships in the 1920s and 30s. Its system didn't have enough checks and balances in place to punish those gamey designs.

I've tried UAD a couple of patches ago, and while good, I felt that the AI was too easy to beat, not least because their ship designs weren't able to cope with the system's checks and balances, leading to penalties to accuracy, speed, etc

I've never played War on the Sea but have played Victory at Sea: Pacific. Tried to like it but it was way too buggy and unrealistic.

Also played Gary Grigsby's War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition. In fact I modded the game by hexediting the .exe despite its community's weird obsession with keeping the game mechanics and calculations behind veils. It had the realism I wanted but it's really hard and time-consuming to mod, and some mechanics are deliberately not explained.
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Are there any naval games where you play as a captain? I don't mean shooty things like World of Warships or whatever. I mean you sit in a bridge and get information and send out orders. Weren't those old sub games like that?
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In Silent Hunter games you sit in the bridge, especially if you disable the external camera.

U-Boat Hunter for sitting in an actual ship bridge the whole time

I love Nagato's 1944 revision look.
This looks sick desu. If people made games like this and then added in voice commands, it would be perfect.
Dangerous Waters. It's a submarine sim, though. One of the very best.

Is Warcraft 3 a good strategy game?
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>shitter detected
The story was pretty cool, also most guys played it when they were children or in their early teens on here so it left a lasting impression. Atleast thats how it was for me.
Rexxar was based as fuck, just wanted to chill in nature and hang out with his pet bear.
>next to each other
No need. It's about quantity, and for the original RA2 it is a progression of 0.8: 100% for 1, 80% for 2, 64% for 3, 51.2% for 4 and so on. Not just for barracks, all productions buildings.
Low power increases production times instead, from +20% to +50%.
Although I think there is a cap, IIRC building animation or UI animation, whichever is faster.
how the fuck do you not know this? You seriously NEVER just built a massive base? Do you just play through the missions and make what you need to finish them as soon as you can?

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some faggot deleted the last thread edition
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the game is good and everything but i cant stand the retardation of unit positioning after movement on the operational map, i told a company to move into krasnaya polyana bc i knew the soviets were going to attack through there and wanted to set myself up for a successful defence, instead the unit got sent in the open (zone 1 picrel) bc the node i sent it to had been occupied by the attackers during movement phase, so instead of just stopping earlier in the city and fighting from there they fucking started the engament im the open and i had to rush them into the town under fire and couldnt set up defensive postions beforehand and suffered heavy losses for a fault that isnt mine.
then proceeded to attack with 2 companies against the 2 ski inf companies that held the hills and half village, took it all (up to point 2), killed almost all of them, AAR map shows all the map is blue, yet next turn my fucking units are still where they were earlier (point 1 for the retarded incident, and point 2 for the starting position of the reinforcing company) and half the village i still the enemie's, altought there no units there, so now i cant move there because im not close enough to use advance and can only use move command, so i will have to rush a uit forward just to keep some possession of the village bc the enemy will move other units in otherwise, will have "arrived" status and will be spread all around and take losses, all because the game is fucking retarded, i spent alot of resources and men to take the village and hills bc they overlook an empty flat area with little vegetation thats much easier to defend, and yet i find myself fucked over bc its as if i didnt do shit and will have to take losses for the 2nd time bc of a broken mechanic.

blue line is the frontline after the battle on the operational map according to the game, i actually took all the village and beyond (deeper than point 3, coming from the west)
This one will probably get deleted as well. Using the word "edition" in the subject line of thread outside /vg/ is a pretty easy way to get it deleted. Very simple to avoid.

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Anons can add like 3 hexes to the map or anything else really
As a quick rundown, the setting is inspired by old pulp science fantasy

Previous thread:
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here you go buddy
Here anon, an actual serious contribution. Is there anything that's actually established other than the map? Who's responsible for actually making the mod?
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I forgot to attach the map
>Is there anything that's actually established other than the map?
I don't think anything has actually been established other than the setting, but the previous thread had a lot of interesting ideas
>Who's responsible for actually making the mod?
That's a very good question

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Just optimize it, fix the late-game, do a bit of balancing and add more flavor to railroad it towards historical borders and wars and it will be better than Vic2.
It's like 3 patches and an HPM mod away from being good. The base mechanics are all very solid and an improvement over 2.
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>guy who united Grobgermanium looks as if he shat his pants
This is why people hate 3d portraits in Paradox games.
I am running on low graphics but yea, 2d models would have looked much better
Reminder that only reddit fags like this game
>I'm a multicultural, anarchist, secular land!
>how does this help you build a nation?
I wish having nothing unifying your nation actually hurt you. Authority loses its value the more developed you are and does not work well when you have a normal amount of states.

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Should I buy the Astral Planes DLC for Stellaris? Is it worth it?
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Man the new menu music is a fuckin banger.
Granted, it feels rather out of place in a game like Stellaris, but I don’t particularly care because I dig it.
illustrating >>1750699
The last one sucked balls and they suddenly realize they have to put a minimum of effort if they expect people to pay their shitty subscription (they won't, but maybe they can still sell the damn dlc)
most profitable =/= most played

HOI4 is their most played game, but that doesn't mean "most profitable" when even the /vst/ catalog shows most people are playing the overhaul mods which don't require DLC.

Considering Stellaris has only a bare handful of total overhauls and that these overhauls only have a fraction of the followers as KR/TNO/KX, this supports the idea that Stellaris is in fact their main cashcow, not HOI4. Which backs up what >>1750784 and >>1751314 are saying, that they are focusing on the game making them the most money, why they fired their CEO and brought their old CEO back, and why they are suddenly giving Johan full latitude to develop whatever game he wants at Tinto.

So the likely option is indeed the first.
Official data shows that Stellaris is their second most profitable entity
And the first is end of the cycle

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Where should my people settle?

I think im done with rp'ing as a band of violent gypsies and britain was not as welcoming as i had hoped. Preferably somewhere we wont btfo by other migrants like the saxons
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The cute woman can settle in my cock, the man can fuck off to a slum
good morning sir
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you declare war on a nation and non-reinforcing troops then if you win all your previous titles are destroyed and you take over the kingdom title you declared war for
time for jew rp now that the game keeps crashing on that save
woah you can modify culture in this game? damn that's cool, imagine the possibilities for fantasy races in mods.
Someday I will get a computer that's not garbage.
Is CK3 worth it for this mod ?

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Anyone playing this?
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>fuck around with my save file
>discover that you can actually find the location of all tarkhans in them
They're easy to find in game though
>take one of the spare stripped down scouts you started with (you did start with spare dirt cheap scouts right?)
>put on a fire control radar
>enable ground scan mode
>fly around the likely areas
The hidden cities show up on your ground radar
>game files contain the data of the things in the game
True if Big.
It's definitely their bullshit armour and the 3 Vamps
Just noticed that their command bridge is very close to the bottom, only protected by a single square with a vamp
Most dangerous to least for small light ships
>100m proxy
>other proxy
>Normal artillery
A gladiator with proximity rounds will drain my fuel like a motherfucker

Any bros played this?
Turn based strategy with squad compositions and perma death. Story is generic and rubbish, but gameplay is good.
I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. Game is a bit easy even on hard though, clearing most missions with S rank and no casualties.

A lot of cool units, although its weird how much dragons suck ass. Foot archers, Samurai, Light Infantry(Other than Swordsmasters) also all seem like traps.
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But most importantly, it just felt like a slog. I was pretty bored from missions pfft 12-26, which is 10+ hours of gametime.
I was dogsitting at a relative's house playing this on my surface without much better to do besides painting minis, else I would have dropped it.

Diana, the big blonde lady, was so awesome for the first 2/3 of the game, and once she turns into a giant she looks awful, what were they thinking.
i enjoyed it, great game imo
storys a bit vanilla but i wouldnt call it bad. desu it felt like i was playing something from the good old days
trannies complained about inclusivity so unfortunately the 2nd one will be full of niggers and faggots
horrifying, but that seems to be the way with so many sequels that I've grown accustomed to just playing the first entry in a series
I think one problem of the game is unit variety and they stop evolving into bigger ones too early. It's always more fun to play, when you're working toward that next big upgrade or have obvious additions to make to your squads instead of "uhh I guess I'll just add one more of those guys" which you do toward the end. Also again a bit more variety. Upgrades would feel more satisfying, if a dragonrider didn't do exactly the same thing as a dragon whelp but bigger and better.

>storys a bit vanilla but i wouldnt call it bad
Personally I wouldn't necessarily call it boring, but extremely poorly constructed.
unit variety felt good to me, some more wouldnt hurt but at some point it would be bloated. i got exactly what i wanted out of this game, which was something resembling ogre battle. they hit the nail squarely on the head as far as im concerned. i played it 4 or 5 times and i'm looking forward to the next one even though i suspect it will not be as good

post your aesthetic germanias you formed in vic2
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You know the person who made this is brown
>fuck grobgermania memes!
>plays le epic ottoman empire conquest all of india spain and austria for the 20th time
>weirdly coded AI colonization behaviour makes it possible for me (Mexico) to get both Oregon and Oklahoma and delay the US so long in Idaho that I am able to build enough ports to compete with them over Washington and cause a colonial crisis just 5 years into the game
>they pussy out after the UK sides with me
heh, nothing personal, amerifats
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If can somehow find yourself being insulted by this, anon, you're taking things too seriously
>if can somehow
good morning esl
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Fuck, I've lost this battle by forgetting to include a (You)!

Am I stupid or is the pathing in this game kind of nonsensical?
I have lost like 3 runs because before my walls are set up my soldiers would flat out refuse to move through a housing block to where they're needed, instead they'd opt out to move around the mountain which results in people getting eaten before theyre there and the situation snowballing to hell
I'm still on the first survival map in the forest because I bounced off the campaign years back, it seems so slow
Units can't move through the buildings. Usually there's a free space between the two lines of houses, since you can't place buildings adjacent to one another if it blocks building access. But you can place a power pole or a wall there, and it still blocks movement.
>Am I stupid or is the pathing in this game kind of nonsensical?
It's crappy (was never fixed even after all the success, EA games, m'right?), but there's also plenty of room for user error.
Regardless, a cool game even if campaign is a bit undercooked.

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I'll start.

>Play Sacrifice as Stratos/Persephone/Charnel/Stratos.
>Years later, try replaying it, thinking I would try some of the other ones.
>Basically do the same with small differences in the middle.
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Literally nothing stopping someone from creating a virtual LAN using OpenVPN and hosting a Battlezone game.
im waiting for gog to put that functionality in for me.
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