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nothingburger simulator
it's a relaxed, comfy game, yes
solved game
the game gets addictive after a while. once you establish yourself as a global power and play the world as you please
gets boring after a while
ok zoom zoom how about some mobile game full of colorful bright lights and a bunch of coins to pick up?
yes please
try HoI4 then
this is literally a memegame
Would be fun if not insane amount of micro involved with war and diplomacy, especially fighting with influence.
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Victoria 2 thread? Just finished my first game, how'd I do guys?
I honestly find the game kind of frustrating.
It's very fun to play a powerful country. There are lots of things you can do and variety in routes to take. But even a moderately powerful country really struggles.
Like I had a good Japan game going where I ended up as the #5 power. Then my industrialization stagnated, because I could not get iron for years. My factories were all waiting on iron to upgrade. My population grew, and I suddenly went from nearly full employment to loads of unemployed who were mass migrating to USA and Brazil.

Also what >>1911299 said.
Don't know how so many people have this retard take
Oh no I have to ban a country every 15 minutes, this "micro" is unbearable
Maintaining spherelings isn't the problem, it's beating out other GP's sphere, you have to either force them via war which no one wants to do or cheese them out by managing their discredits while steadily increasing your own which is a pain that requires you track dates in a game most people speed 5 in. As a good example try to sphere either Eqypt or Columbia after the AI can build either Suez or Panama, it's so fucking annoying because the AI never seems interested in owning any of their spheres they're empathically interested in you not having it.
Genuinely can't imagine having resource issues, especially iron as japan, did you not steal Korea and Manchuria, have you done zero metallurgy, are you maintaining easy spheres in south America?
someone felt called out.
peak vicky 2 was playing hfm as britain and taking cute treaty ports everywhere and shitting on the french
just like every other game in existence
nah only sandbox games
>If Vicky gets stale and repetitive after a while, it means you must be a zoomershit
>t. actual zoomershit trying to fit in
>lost land to poland
Nigga just don't play.
are you 12?
I have a strange question. How advanced is Victoria 1, compared to part 2. Is it possible to play it with pleasure?
Sir, the Empire of Japan just annexed Italian Kenya and they're replacing the natives, this is very serious....
>promote bureaucracy
>promote clergy once you hit 100
>promote capitalists by not taxing the living fuck out of your middle class and help increase their numbers by again, not taxing the fuck out of your lower class
>sphere minor nations so your goods produced have a market to be sold to and you get premium access to their goods before everyone else
>put in effort in researching culture-industry

Idg why people here find this game piss difficult to play. It's extremely easy to game the system if you knew which POPs to promote.
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>mfw I crash the pigskin prices by allowing Qing to westernize and this causes the global economy to collapse leading to France having 270million radical rebels while I have autarky as my GroBgermanium(100% german pops)
He still has time to save it
>game is easy when you know how to play it
Thanks bud
>saying cute
The crisis system is great for reinforcing the nothing ever happens principle
If it gets boring, try a different mod.
>it's another "all your armies implode due to rebel revolts and now you have to manually cycle through all your armies, figure out what regiment types are missing from each one, recruit them, re-merge all of them and - ayyyy lmao it happened again"
I get that its supposed to add depth and create scenarios where your country is liberal but your soldier pops are fascists who overthrow the government but it is so fucking annoying to deal with to the point where I'd prefer the EU style of just having replenishing troops and a global manpower pool or at the very least being able to create a template with a feature that auto-recruits and automerges incomplete armies if they suffer losses.
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Well maybe they will improve the warfare and political mechanics if they ever make a sequel to vic2 :)
Play crimeamod. This particular problem has been addressed and rarely happens anymore.
warfare could had been better but it was a step on the right direction. Small wars in vic 2 are manageable but war with russia or central europe is too much macro and losing troops because you were to concentrated in another battle.
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Very grob my fellow anglo saxon brother :)
Do you know what specifically was made to fix it so I could just steal that one particular fix instead of playing a whole overhaul just to avoid the problem?
Seconding this
Liquor is an essential good. Idk why people keep restating this meme.
Is total world conquest in this game even possible? As in conquering every last province with no puppets or allies left in existence, painting the entire map in only one color?
Thats what I liked about EU3. TOTAL WORLD CONQUEST!
Why yes, that meant granting my vassals independence and then wiping the fuckers out. Yes, it means betraying allies who had fought by my side for centuries. Yes, it meant leaving the papal states to last and then claiming TOTAL WORLD CONQUEST when I wiped those fuckers out and annexed the Papacy. Then I would giggle and stomp my feet in a little dance and proclaim myself to be the world's greatest military leader of all time.
It was fun. All I did was speed runs, trying to improve my times. But then one day I achieved TOTAL WORLD CONQUEST with France by 1567 AD and knew I would never be able to beat that record.
So is it worth trying the same gamey shit in Vicky 2?
Yes, world conquests in Victoria have been done many times, but they require more tricks than doing them in CK/EU. I've never done one myself but I've skimmed through AARs of people doing WCs and from what I can recall the biggest hurdle to overcome boils down to diplo points, if you don't manage them properly then you literally can't declare enough wars, sign enough peace deals and add enough war goals to conquer the world before the timer is up. Once you are strong enough infamy becomes a non-issue in V2 so I think the strategy just boils down to "take parts of China early for infinite money and manpower, give up some cores (or start as a nation that's missing a lot of cores like Greece) so your revanchism is sky high allowing you to rapidly add wargoals in wars. Not particularly enjoyable, but if you're looking to do a WC as a challenge then Vicky will be the hardest Paradox title to do it in.
>then Vicky will be the hardest Paradox title to do it in
EU3? HOI3?
It's not that hard to do a WC in EU3. To be honest I didn't give HOI that much thought, I don't know that much about the series but since it was a pure wargame and I've seen so many screenshots or a massive blob covering the entire visible screen in that game I just assumed it was both possible and not particularly hard.
In Vicky 2 you have to actually engage with the game for things to happen.
Welcome to the grand strategy genre.
From the wiki on military spending
>This is the amount of money that a nation pays its Soldiers and Officers POPs. At 100% funding, soldier POPs will promote to 5% of the population, while officers will promote to 0.2% of the population. This indirectly affects leadership points since officer POPs generate leadership.
This is wrong, right?
I always get over 0.2% officers with way less than 100% military spending.
Any thoughts on minimum wage?
I know that healthcare and education social reforms are a massive net positive, and that unemployment benefits and pensions are also good.
I also assume that reducing work hours and safety regulations are bad because they make factories less profitable.
But what about minimum wage? The expenditure on wages is a small proportion of a factory's upkeep, the biggest expense is raw materials. Does the fact that craftsmen get better wages and thus can buy more goods counter the negative effect of the higher wages?
Also, I don't know if this only happens to me, but in my experience I get far more tax money from lower class pops and upper class pops while I barely get any tax income from middle class pops.
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Brvtal moggings
bta, Brazil still has 250k slaves in 1936 lmao
Small-brain issue
Larger wars are where strategy actually becomes meaningful
Otherwise in small wars, esp early game it's just "Throw all your troops into battle. Whoever has more troops/better dice rolls wins whole war"; some Vic3 level dice rolling

All they needed to do in Vic3 was remove the tedious micro of putting units into meta-stacks, rework influence and some QoL stuff
But instead they ripped half the game out
Yes it is very possible
Look at this youtuber https://youtu.be/npn2gZXvKdo?
I've heard that atleast the first tier of min wage is usually good
If you're not laissez-faire theres no reason to keep your rich people rich, you want to siphon their money away as much as possible to get higher buying power and standards for other pops so they promote more and buy more etc
It's good because some pops don't get paid enough to get basic good grom the market, but I don't know if the higher tier is good.
It's of course way worse than education and healthcare.
Since Vic2 doesnt simulate different prices for the same good and pops always buy from your internal market (plus sphere) and only go to the world market if they cant find what they want, wouldnt it be best to set tariffs at 0% and just tax pops?
Taxing pops takes money away from their income (right?), while tariffs makes the goods they want to buy from the world market more expensive. This is specially important for factories. And tariffs affect all pops the same, you cant discriminate according to class.
Factory wages formula takes into account the cost of inputs, so if inputs are very expensive they pay lower wages (defaulting to minimum wage according to reforms).
A system with high tariffs would make it so that factories are unprofitable, craftsmen/clerks get little to no wages and then capitalists get whatever profit is made and pay whatever tax on income is set.
A system with 0% tariffs would make factories more profitable so wages would be higher. Factories would be less likely to go out of business. Lower and middle class pops could import goods cheaper (wheat tends to be my biggest import in lategame high population games). You could compensate by taxing rich pops more, and that would take from the profits factories made, instead of being a bigger expense making the factory not earn any net profit.
Seems like a better system. Obviously if you need more revenue you could set tariffs during war etc.

I'm not sure about negative tariffs. That would effectively be a subsidy on factories that rely on foreign imports so you'd be incentivizing over production of goods which wouldnt be profitable without that subsidy, lowering the margin for the whole market. At the same time you would be increasing the demand for goods made by other countries, enriching them.

Thoughts? 0% tariffs and the just taxing capitalists and aristocrats more seems good. Also middle class who are getting their income from the government budget so you'd be getting a return on your expenses
Literally all Victoria needed was the automation that exists in Imperator Rome. I:R flopping means nobody pays attention to how much it improved combat conpared to EU4. Vic3's solution to micro was extremely excessive.
having high tariffs is only if you can't make enough money with taxes. Theoretically it would be best to have no tariffs and no taxes but you're never going to be rich enough to do that. Taxing capitalists is bad because they won't have money to build factories, the optimal thing to do is to have the lowest amount of taxes while still being able to make a profit.

The way you should prioritize taxes is poor>middle>rich, basically if you need money raise taxes on the poor if you still need money raise them on the middle and only raise them on the rich as a last resort.
The thing this game lacks the most is a macro builder for units.
Having to manually pick the same 4 inf 1 tank 4 art 1 plane in the late game gets annoying.
Iirc tanks arent a no-brainer like planes, which are a straight upgrade to hussars in every way.
Tanks have a siege bonus which is less relevant than a recon bonus and their combat stats arent strictly better than infantry, they do more damage on the offense but less on defense so it evens out, and they are way more expensive.
On defensive battles planes are actually the best unit in the game, even stronger than arty, although they are worse than arty on attack (still better than hussars).
Also armies with full tanks on the front rank are a meme.
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That's true for vanilla Victoria II unless you play very proactively. I hate to encourage Paradox's scummy business practices but I honestly think the game needed one more DLC's worth of content.
Unfortunately you need mods to make the game truly engaging but most of the historical mods are railroaded and bloated as shit. Divergences of Darkness is where it's at. I have ideas for an alt-his mod of my own but the more I think about it the more I realize that any ideas for what I think would be fun to play has been implemented to some degree in DoD.
Engineers are backline units. They take the place of artillery while being much less combat effective.

The way it works is that hussars (recon) are frontline and engineers (siege) are backline.
Later this switches, with tanks (siege) being frontline and planes (recon) being backline.

The main advantage of tanks is having a frontline siege bonus so you can have more arty in the back.

5 inf 4 arty 1 plane is the most effective combination outside forts.
Recon only applies for offensive battles (and the siege boost).
If you know you're going to fight purely defensive war with no need to siege/unsiege a lot then 1:1 inf to arty ratio is the best. I often use these stacks to just bait the AI into defensive battles over and over where they always lose hard then siege their lands uncontested after they've been drained of manpower. It's also a lot easier to organize and you can just build nothing but arty and rely on mobilization for the inf.
Planes are much better on the defense than arty. They are slightly worse on the attack but the massive bonus to recon is essential.
The only downside of planes versus arty is price. If that wasnt an issue then 5 inf 5 planes would be optimal.

5 inf 4 arty 1 plane is the best generalist army comp for attack and defense.
5 inf 5 arty can only defend and cant really attack entrenched positions and takes 3 times longer capturing territory, all for a minor decrease on supply cost. Using that comp forces you to have dedicated defense armies and dedicated attack armies.
Even in a defensive war you want to capture territory for the warscore so that you can end the war sooner.
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I always thought it was silly that this game had the so many different types of cavalry that were used in pre-Napoleonic-era warfare when most of the game's timeline is when said cavalry types were becoming or have become obsolete. The only reason people use hussars is because of the recon stat, maneuverability as a stat becomes functionally useless because combat width decreases with tech and only applies if one side has a wider combat width than the other.
They probably could've simplified it down to two types of units: light cavalry to represent irregular cavalry, hussars, and dragoons, and then heavy cavalry for cuirassiers. Honestly cuirassiers maybe even shouldn't been in the game since they were only really used by the French and weren't effective due to aforementioned obseleteness.
The idea is that you got one crappy cavalry for uncivs and then three alternatives for civilized

Best combat stats, no recon
Middle ground
Worst combat stats, best recon.

Its perfectly feasible in the early game to use cuirassiers instead of infantry if you have the money and want to pack a punch in the offense.
As infantry improves cuirassiers become useless. And between dragoons and hussars the reality is that the difference in combat stars is minimal so the betger recon wins.
>My population grew, and I suddenly went from nearly full employment to loads of unemployed who were mass migrating to USA and Brazil.
Use NF to promote clergymen early to quickly become literate.
But what pop should be promoted later? Craftsmen, clerks or capitalsts?
Promoting capitalists can be good if you to build a private sector, but you'll need to subsidize or build factories on your own for them to get a profit from and they shouldn't be more than 1% of your population at most. Promoting craftsmen is pointless since you'll get plenty of them anyways. I find that even when I promote clerks I can't seem get enough of them anyways so I don't bother with it. If you haven't gotten 100% admin efficiency in most of your states yet then you should promote bureaucrats.
Probably the best pop to promote is soldiers simply because having a lot of manpower is always useful. You can easily compete militarily with the great powers if you've been promoting soldiers all game and are up to date in military tech.
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You should always tax your pops at max unless you want them promote (which you shouldn't). Lower class pops are the most useful with laborers, farmers, and craftsmen making the bulk of your economy. And of course having lots of soldiers is essential in this game. You generally don't need that many capitalists to invest in your industry for you and education/admin/military funding can keep your clergy/bureaucrat/officer population up. Clerks are the one useful middle class pop that can't be artificial propped up but they come with having a good economy.

The second big reason why you should always tax all your pops (except maybe the upper class) at max is because the fucking banking system in this game is bullshit. When your (non-capitalist) pops have enough spare income they'll loan it to other countries, which is the "private investors" you see when you take a loan. The thing is though, when countries go bankrupt, what they can't pay off just gets deleted. Your pops are deleting money from the economy when they loan it to shitty countries that go bankrupt all the time like Greece and Argentina. That money is more useful in the hands of your government where it will get spent subsidizing your million liquor factories and killing millions of Chinese soldiers.
Keep in mind I'm talking about income taxes on the social strata. There is an argument to be made for keep tariffs low or even not having any at all because having cheap imports can be good for industry.
Correction: national banks are the money that your pops loan, not the mythical "private investors". The private investors is just magical loan money that appears out of thin air, probably from the jews or something idk. The rest is still true though, if your national bank loans money from your pops and the country they loan it to goes bankrupt, all that money is literally gone. Please save your dumbass pops from making retarded investments and tax the hell out of them.
Yeah so eliminating tariffs and compensating that with a higher income tax is better than a low income tax and high tariffs.
Missing soldier pops?
Lmao just play china lmao
Thoughts on best tech schools?
Business schools and corporative industrialism
Merchant marine
Traditional academia
what if I don't want to play the country that becomes the #1 just by westernizing and can easily stomp everything to the point of making the game even more boring than it already is? they're just another britain
traditional academia should be S, all the best techs are from industry, military, and culture and you will also need naval tech for colonial races, economic tech is least meaningful of the 5 and is mostly worth going down just to unlock certain factories and oil
No, all the tech schools except for avantgarde intelligentsia have a net bonus to research when you add up the modifiers.
The economic schools (business ane corporative) have a net +5% while the military ones (mic and sea) have a net +10%. Anything you lose researching a given field you gain more researching the specialty of your school.
However, even if the net bonus is smaller I still believe the econonic ones are superior due to the fact that naval resesrch isnt all that important, you just need a few techs for colonization and can leave others for later. So the -10% the econonic schools have on naval isnt that big of a deal.
The most important tree is culture, followed by industry. That's why business schools is the best (other than op Junkers), plus research to culture means that you get the philosophy and education techs earlier so your research becomes even faster sooner. Industry bonus means your economy improves sooner, etc.
In the early game being able to field a bigger army with artillery earlier is more important than any single military tech. Later on if your research speed is faster you can very quickly catch up even with a malus.
>you dont like looking at paint dry? youre a heckin' adhd zoomer!
Oh it's been a while since I've played so I didn't know that all the tech schools had a net bonus, I always thought they equaled out to zero. That makes many of the tech schools much better.
I do think you're underestimating military tech though, it's very important for countries that will be fighting peer wars early like Prussia and you need military tech to withstand the hordes of chinese if you want to colonize China. But you are right that in general industry and culture techs are the best especially early for the pop growth and research points.
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I think most of what makes this game boring just comes from the map of the world in 1836 and not really the mechanics themself. Most of what people find fun like blobbing is heavily restricted in Vicky 2 and there's only a few formables that are practical and possible. Other fun historical things like the Boshin War and Taiping Rebellion are represented poorly. Obviously mods fix most of these issues but vanilla really could've done with more expansion options for certain countries, I've also would've like more diplomacy options.
Its an economic game about growing your industry, not really a war game.
Badboy makes it so that blobbing a lot is really hard until you fully outpace everybody else. Also there isnt a dynamic supply system where you can cut an army supply lines like in HoI.
To be fair this wasnt a time of huge lasting territorial changes in Europe (save for the Ottomans and AH imploding). Being able to fully annex other countries is ahistorical so it makes sense that the game isnt geared for it.

The logical improvements for a Vic3 would have been deepening the economic simulation, adding stuff like different currencies and different prices for commodities across the world, plus a combat system more like HoI.
>plus a combat system more like HoI.
are you interested in playing a hoi 4 mod that adds vicky 2 economics and time period into hoi 4
Eh depends on how faithful you mean Vicky 2 economics. Hoi4's economics are so wholly simplified and abstracted that a lot of work would be needed to replicate whats on Vicky 2.
The econ developer is adding in the entire vic 2 economic system. (hes even adding in elements of vic 3)
Hes still working on it.
There is no more kino campaign than Nejd into Arabia into unifying the midxle East and keeping Euroniggers out
I hate this kike gayme you are railroaded into becoming a capitalist/jewish goycattle and importing shitskins into Europe the gayme penalizes you for keeping your nation pure and leaving the forests safe there should be some extra power to your infantry or irregulars that you lose as you industrialize to signify the power of rural ancient people versus industrial weak grain mulching diseased cucks
The start date should have been 1816 right as Napoopleon was BTFO and Spain lost its colonial empire.
There should be a kill natives button like in EUIV (unless parajews eliminated it, haven't played EUIV in years).
Is that GFM? Didn't the cucked modders remove the genocide button?
Hi i'm new to the game i click my soldiers to go into water so that i can take them across the sea but nothing happens is my game bugged??????
it's a perfect game to make le germany le bigger
Its actually better to make Sweden bigger but you are too much of a nigger nafo tranny glucker to see it
did you put transport boats in the water?
Everytime i play victoria 2/3 i make sure everytime i see germans in any form or shape i always enslave them,genocide them and take over their land
I put one transport boat on each tile between my coast and the coast I wanted to attack (im playing as sweden and I want to invade prussia) making a bridge like in the tutorial but it doesnt work
you need to have as many transport troops as there are units in the stack, so you'll want to build more transport ships.
the better thing to do is to put you units on a tile where a transport boat is docked, then there should be a button that will allow your units to embark onto the ships. but in your situation i would try to get military access from denmark and/or russia instead of trying to cross the baltic sea
>attacking prussia as sweden
good luck
nta but Sweden is the strongest non-gp (at start) nation, by far. It's basically a gp-lite.
Why getting sphered nukes your economy?
Think about it for a moment, c'mon, you got this.
Getting sphered puts at least half your goods into the internal market of your spherelord meaning you lose at least half that revenue you would otherwise get from sales on the global market, and the percentage of goods that go into the internal market of your spherelord can go up to 75% if they've invested a lot of money in you.
Not only do you lose revenue from global trade but because your internal markets are shared in a sphere you also lose tariff revenue, i.e. pops and factories don't pay tariffs on 50-75% goods purchased from spherelings or spherelords.
Being sphered can help your economy in some situations though because of the shared market. If there's a global shortage of a raw good (iron usually) but the sphere market has no (or less of a) shortage then you will be able to buy that good cheaper from the sphere market meaning the factories that use that good will make a larger profit. But this generally doesn't happen.
Because you built your economy around tariffs and becoming sphered makes it so that goods produced within the sphere don't pay tariffs.
>It's basically a gp-lite.
I believe those are called "secondary powers"
Most secondaries slurp semen. Sweden has a very straight path to becoming an industrial powerhouse and wrecking Russia and Germany.
No square flag means not GFM
>Didn't the cucked modders remove the genocide button?
Yes. Because the mod leqd dev is a jew and the dev team is full of crazy leftists.
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This but unite them under one flag (mine).
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It's still there Roi.
I think puppeting is really underrated, at least if you're a great power and keep them sphered because you'll be getting your puppet's RGOs and industry anyways in that case, but you can also command their units during war. You basically get most of their industry/resources and their entire army for a fraction of the infamy and warscore cost and you won't have to worry about crises and rebels.In fact you'll probably get more army from having puppets since they can mobilize more of their accepted pops. You can also colonize from your puppets lands.

Obviously you'll get more from outright conquest if your would-be puppet has a lot of your accepted pops and it's still better to conquer uncivs so the pops and RGOs living their benefit from tech bonus. There's also the fact that the AI is trash and your puppet might not boost literacy and have shit industry/military from lack of tech. You'll also lose out on naval/colonial capacity limit if you chose to puppet a coastal state instead. And you should only puppet countries that have no chance at becoming a GP otherwise they'll break free. Also there's no point in puppeting if you're not a GP, you'll just get more from outright conquest.

Some good countries to puppet would be: Portugal, as you can easily colonize much of central Africa starting from their lands; American minors/secondaries, especially if they got a lot of immigration because then their industry and military will grow; most westernized countries in Asia. I suppose Denmark could also be a good puppet as they have an African colony that they rarely get to expand further but if Sweden becomes a GP and manages to sphere Denmark then you'll lose your puppet.
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But your color won't get bigger on the map.
I've recently been playing the Divergences fan fork as Illyria and now have formes Yugoslavis with all my cores + Albania. None of the GPs are going to war with each other. Nothing is happening and I'm to small to make stuff happen.
>you lose at least half that revenue you would otherwise get from sales on the global market
From the tariffs you mean ?
Cause aside from that wouldnt your goods still be sold to the sphere master, therefore still giving revenue to your factories and pops ?
Anons what would be a good strategy to industrialize in a way that doesnt screw up my artisans before they convert to clerks ?
Should I focus on building factories that only make primary goods like steel, fabric, lumber, and let the artisans focus on the consumer goods until most of them promote themselves out of existence ?
What is the best Victoria 2 mod nowadays
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Divergences of Darkness (not the fan fork) if you don't mind alt-his.
Project Alice fixes this by the way.
Isnt that still being made ?
Yea I tried it. Seemed interesting.
What's the population looking like?
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Why is the UK lagging on industry ?
Immigration pretty much only goes to New World
I play this game and then immediately go bankrupt

The only way I don't go bankrupt is by not doing anything at which point i lose my prestige ranking

Making factories and fighting wars? forget about it, there goes my economy again

The economic system is like theoretical physics to my mind

t. retard
fewer home states
Alright I have been putting this off for the entire time you've been doing this, over a month now, atleast. I am really fucking annoyed by this meme. Victoria 2 is a great game, by far the greatest grand strategy of all time, in no other game can you manage an economy, your pops, your diplomacy, your taxes, your army and your sphere of influence at the same time. Victoria 2 takes every element of every game and makes it great. Your pathetic fucking mana/dynasty/OoB/insert single issue game simply can't compete. I've tried playing them, believe me. They are pathetic. You play them and you only have to manage one, maybe, two things. Hah, what is this mess? It's a botched job. A complete write off. And sure, if you like that sort of purile simplistic shit then more power too you, it's not my job to kick down your sandcastle. But why must I spend my time arguing this with you? Just because Victoria 2 is too complex for you doesn't mean it is for everyone. And when challenged you crawl back into your same abhorrent memery, because that's all this is, you don't have the slightest clue what you're saying or who you're messing with, because if you did you'd stop. Go back to playing your blob simulator, little man, because this general belongs to us. The true strategy gamers. Not your lame, disgusting casual shit. And you know the worst part? We can't even meme back. Hell, I'm sure there's some really overpowered trade good in EU4, but we can't say "hurr durr naval supplies" or whatever because the simple fact is nobody has played your favoured game since EU3, back before they dumbed it down for people like you. So well done, my friend, you made an intellectual victoria 2 fan MAD. You've achieved your greatest feat since you formed grossulmiums, mark this on your wall as a victory for your abysmal existence because I can tell you now, kiddo, this is your peak.
I really wish this game had a better financial system especially regarding loans, even ignoring the massive bug that makes loans straight up delete money from your pops, the rest of the loan system isn't extensive enough. Being able to take out a loan of up to 2000 pounds (barely enough to build a factory for basic goods) is bullshit when nations oftentimes took out massive loans to pay for military. Also it's kinda dumb that you can't give money to other countries but some mods (mainly multiplayer ones) fix that, it would've been a good way to increase relations/influence in vanilla and help your allies with their shitty economy.
*consumes cement*
Are you maxing out your taxes? Did you encourage bureaucrats so that you actually collect tariffs? Are you building factories for goods that aren't in high demand or require expensive inputs?
It's normal to run a deficit in wars, as long as you don't go completely bankrupt you can pay off your loans after the war is over and you've cut down on military spending. The best factories to build are liquor factories because every pop is a chronic alcoholic and making liquor is dirt cheap. Don't bother messing with anything in the trade screen, the game can be played without it.

Alternatively just ignore everything I've said and day 1 justify conquest on Johore
>mmmm wtf guys it's 1932 and the great powers haven't had a single war ever since 1918?????
>why aren't the armies of the biggest empires of the world mobilized every other year??????
here, have your (you)
Might as well ask here, I heard there is Divergences of Darkness and that it has some fork or something that is better to play. What's it called?
>Divergences fan fork
How do you guys unify Italy without getting fisted by France and Austria early game?
Last time I tried I managed to become a GP but all the cores were sphered by one or the other. Guess I also got a little unlucky since I sided early with the Prussians but they got absolutely wrecked by Russia and France in a shitty Belgian war for something.
I have over 3,000 hours over the last 15 years and have never gotten bored desu, it’s my favourite game ever
Italy is EZ mode, it’s really suited to defensive wars. If you’re playing as Sardinia then against France in particular you can just park your guys in the Alps and wait
The best way to form Italy is to just play as Sardinia-Piedmont and wait for pan-nationalist rebels to spawn. There's a strat where you day 1 justify war on Two Sicilies and just defeat their army and siege them down until the rebels spawn, then move out and let the rebels siege down Two Sicilies, you form Italy in a few years that way but it takes some cheesing of the AI.
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Oh, forgot to mention that I'm playing as Two Sissies, not S-P. In my current run, it's the 1870's, I'm the 5th GP and all that is left is getting Lombardia out of Austria.
My current problem is that Austria is Allied with the british, so I'll have to wait and see to make my move.
But in the meantime, I got some stuff on Africa. I have colonies on most of the Nile and Tunisia. I'm even thinking on releasing some countries to free up some colonial power to get some more protectorates on the scrambe.
Also, wierd thing that happened this run is that USA went for the Marrocos and now they are going ram on the scrambe.
I just find most of the game tedious. Managing your sphere is literally spreadsheet clicking, its war system is extremely boring, and the research is completely contextless +% improvements. I have no idea how people recommend this game so much when it does almost nothing of interest.
Okay Wiz
I thought there was an exclamation mark on the country name for a second
Crimeamod is the best Vanilla-like experience IMO. If you like having 300 different cultures in Africa you might not like it.
>Crank Tariffs
>Make thousands instantly with basically no penalty
Simple as
>Plate spinning simulator.
Fuck off.
latrinobros... our prestige
Any mods that don't completely screw up the economy? It's already pretty bad in vanilla with the chronic deflation and iron shortage but every other mod I've played exacerbates those problems.
> destroying UK military and prestige so hard that they spend 30 years getting shat on by every other GP
Feels good, bro. Give them brits the French treatment

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