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Any of you fuckers playing these niche titles? Just got out of a fun PBEM game. Pic related. We won't have any similar simulationist RTT or turn-based WEGO games centered around the tactical scale of modern warfare until Armored Brigade 2 comes out.
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Slitherine's acquired Battlefront too, so Steve might get off his ass arguing about the war in Ukraine and get to actually upgrading the games to a modern standard, like more options for battle sizes in quick battles or something.
i torrented Shock Force or whatever recently and couldnt understand it too well. it is supposed to be slow and tactical and can be played both real time and turn based? theres too much going on at first glance.
The games easy to understand. It's the god of controls that ruin it.
Fresh Gravi kino just dropped

This playlist will help you out greatly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ6dDlqye9Q&list=PLmW_vcwM_qxukdDjpfUEerpICUzTrTKek&index=1&t=9s
I grew up with close combat so it wasn't that jarring for me, but i can see how it may be a shock to most. Honestly I had more problems with the very old UI graviteam had. Check the forums for some discussion on what order combinations do in certain situations. There's also probably some guide around.
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I picked up Black Sea back at launch, finally got the chance to rope a friend into playing it over the last couple years, and we've started expanding into Red Thunder and Final Blitzkrieg. I don't even have a lot to say, it just perfectly fits my own brand of autism. I like it.
Recently picked up final blitzkrieg and the DLC and have been having a lot of fun on the Koln campaign.
Gravtrannies think they know strategy
shut the fuck up faggot both games are good and you know it.
Is this the tactical wargame general?

Picked this up recently and been enjoying it. The maps / sector detail is especially good, really shines in the huge scenarios. Spotting and LOS also feel sensible and fair. AI seems at least a little better than Close Combat games, but that's not saying much.

Only major qualms are that formation changes (e.g. column formation on roads to deploying into line formation) are very janky, and that dismounted mech infantry formations are quite finicky to control and lacking in detail. Those problems actually become much less annoying in the larger scenarios though. Also no multiplayer.

decent Ukraine mod with FPVs, Lancets, and bricked-up Abrams when?
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Oh, and the waypoint control system for helicopters is absolutely awful. Fixed-wing CAS is fine though.
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Graviteam has one of the best command and control systems I've seen in a real time tactical game, and I've played most of them.

For anyone on the fence, wait for a sale, you can sometimes pick up the base game at 75% off, and just play around in the editor.

EVERYTHING you can think of is simulated, even the viscosity of oil in vehicles, the effects of ambient temperature and what that does to things like turret rotation speed. The drivers of tanks drive. If you could make the tank invisible you would see the driver operating the accelerator, clutch, brakes, steering, gears. Ballistics and damabge modelling is also exceptional, with air temps and humidity affecting trajectories. Every armour plate has realistic properties, projectiles either penetrate or they bounce off, if they penetrate they may break up, the path of each fragment is simulated, damage to interior systems and crew is calculated, even position of vital organs is factored in, to better represent the extent of injuries.

It goes on and on.
Back to comms. wired, radio, signals and voice all simulated. Lines of communication break down very easily during contact, and so the commanders ability to send orders becomes compromised. The units will try their best to carry out the last order they received, but can and will improvise if contact with command is lost and the situation on the ground changes. Experience plays a role here, as does morale and fatigue.

I could go on. I love Combat Mission, it's a game I played a lot, but they are very different animals, Graviteam is a far deeper simulation with much greater levels of realism. Both have their strengths, both have serious failings. But there is nothing in wargaming that can compare with Graviteam when a large scale battle is in full swing. It manages to deliver something that approximates the horror and chaos that ensue during intense combat found in the era of warfare it tries to recreate.
A remarkable achievement.
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First attempt at a webm
Shows a T034 crew being pushed back by an infantry platoon
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uh uh, gt kino spam incoming
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Here's some cm kino (with sound)
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Good editing, nice work. Quick battle on the demo map?
> Graviteam is a far deeper simulation with much greater levels of realism
The soldiers walk on ice skates you absolute tard lmao. Gravtrannies got filtered by CM so they play their fish tank simulator “war game” to cope.

I’ve literally tested it. You can win a battle with not even 1 mouse click. Cope seethe dilate
>make joint thread for the benefit of CM Commanders and Graviteam Generals
>cmtrannies and gravisisters start shitting on each other instead
stop this. no more tactician wars.
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CM is fun and based
fuck it, I'm challenging my friend who is bad at the game again, time to make some more webms of his destruction, unless I get too cocky and get rekt
How to make CM not run like complete shit?
I can run Graviteam on max settings with +60FPS no problem but CM is a slideshow on larger maps.
I really want to get into CM since it touches upon settings that Graviteam doesn't (Western Front 44-45, Italian Front 43-45, Eastern Front 44-45) but the performance is killing it for me.
>How to make CM not run like complete shit?
you can't. The base engine and coding is shit, but now that Battlefront got forced out they're switching to unity
So can we expect engine updates in the future?
Honestly, at this point I might as well just buy the old CM games on GoG for 5 bucks each and just play them instead.
Turn off shaders and set graphics to Balanced. Also any map larger than 2km x 2km will be a slideshow no matter what.
Physics-enabled turret tosses or riot.
Honestly yea, Expect CM to slink off for a couple years while Slitherine makes a whole new code base for it.
Good news is, the next CM might be a genuine step up for the series. Maybe we can finally get some fucking VDV and Marines in Black Sea.
CM chads rise up! Gravtrannies will burn!
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We have begun, 1945 in Red Thunder PBEM game, a meeting engagement over a village in Poland.
I have a Volksgrenadier battalion mostly on foot, but some are riding on some obsolete panzers, mostly Panzer IIIs, but there's also a Stug III and a Panzer IV J. I hope I don't face any IS-2s, if I do I'm gonna need to bait them into panzerschreck/faust range, as these old piles of junk are not going to work very well against anything heavier than a T-34/76, and the early Panzer IIIs can't even deal with that.
I just hope my friend has improved from last time, as seen in the webm attached he was not very good.
The Brother's War
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Hell yeah! USA! USA! USA!
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Based game because I can larp in the Finnish maps, which are a rare thing in games. It accurately details the base I served in as a conscript and its environments. It's like Google Earth.
They're making Armored Brigade II 3D.
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Hans stabilizes the MG with his foot
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Most RTT players start with CM, then a few graduate to GT, most get filtered hard, and they go back to CM full of seething, self-loathing and a deep seated resentment towards GT for forcing them to confront their intellectual limitations.
Update: he has lost 4 BA-64s in the first few minutes, one shredded by a Sd.Kfz. 251/21s triple 15mm cannon and 3 smashed by the Panzer IV J
I liked both. But what im liked in CM thats you can see how terrifying can be sometimes urban battles. But GT its default kino for me there also you can see what kind of fucked things it is to storm forest lines or plantation dunno how right to call it
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Both are good, but CM is very stale and janky.
I would love to see CM actually developed, with an updated engine, some proper AI and real time multiplayer.

As for Graviteam, it's peerless as a single player operational level experience, the turn based operational phase and the real time tactical phase work extremely well, and the fact that you get to play out an entire battle over hundreds of square kilometers and up to several days at 1:1 scale is astonishing, the constant support too, coming from a small team located in the heart of an active warzone is heartwarming af.
I love Graviteam as a concept, the pace of gameplay etc., but even after many hours I still have no clue how to actually play kek
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One of the hardest parts is forgetting everything you learned in other 'similar' games. Of course those other games are only similar superficially, and this results in a lot of confusion and frustration. I know because i went through that myself.

Another problem is that once you've forgotten the things you expected this game to be, and you open yourself to what it actually is, those other games suddenly lose a lot of their appeal. It's an uncomfortable process, and it's no wonder so many get thrown by this horse and refuse to give it another try. Those that persevere however are rewarded with some of the most immersive and realistic tactical experiences available in the digital realm.

It's certainly not for everybody, it's very dry, it can be boring at times, with long periods of relative inactivity. But that's part of the price that comes with realism. Reminds me of Silent hunter III, when you could sit there for hours before you run into a convoy, and then all of a sudden all hell breaks loose, and you are suddenly confronted with some of the most incredibly intense single player gameplay to be found anywhere. And there lies the magic, it dares to let you get bored, it dares to tempt you to just switch it off, because it knows when things finally explode in to life you're going to experience adrenalin and dopamine surges such potent quantities rarely seen in 'wargames' that you'll become completely hooked.
It also tells stories like no other wargame, that isolated platoon that managed to keep a company at bay until you dragged reinforcements across the map through deep snow. Or even the exhausted cable guy who manages to reconnect your Btn commander with those flak 36's, just in time to get them to switch their gaze to the east and those approaching KV-1s.

It really is a masterpiece, although the barrier to entry is high, which is unfortunate but necessary if the game is to remain true to its ideals.
Which dlcs must have in the first place? I think all of them is worth it but still
There are several that are must haves imo...
>Operation Victory - Very unusual setting, Iran-Iraq war, something different and tactically interesting.
>Furtive Spring - Lovely collection of small scale operations which all tie in to form a cohesive narrative. Some interesting toys to play with, mostly small forces with light armour, lovely terrain, each mission relatively quick and action packed
>Under the cruel star - Proper winter fight, challenging for both sides, a lot of tanks, conditions and terrain are brutal and take their toll on men and machine.
>Raid - A classic rescue mission, break through, escort the convoy, load up with wounded and fight your way out.
>Far Escape - The latest, still playing through as the soviets, really enjoying it so far, loads of armour, first impressions are this will be a classic,

They all have something unique to offer, no two are even similar. Great variety of tactical challenges, with different sets of toys at your disposal, and very different environments to conquer. One thing this game excels at is the way it simulates the effects terrain and elements have on your ability to conduct operations.
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An excellent Steam guide that talks in depth about the differences between Graviteam and Combat Mission, as well as other RTS games. Essential reading for anyone considering taking the step up.

>the turn based operational phase and the real time tactical phase work extremely well
lol no it doesn't. You even have to make house rules like intentionally limiting where you can deploy your troops, because the game retardedly allows both sides to start deployed right next to each other.
The operational phase is a black box, you never know what order will make your troops do what and go on which square. You can't even go back to a previous save to test it out.
The AI can usually be beaten by making a big line of your troops and clicking them forward. It makes the hours you spend meticulously placing each of your troops on finicky terrain features feel kind of pointless.
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Perfect example of what we're talking about. You cannot break out of the RTS mindset.

This is a battlefield simulator. Most of the operations place you in the field either just before contact, or even during.

You aren't deploying your units right next to the enemy, your units ARE right next to the enemy, it's an active battlefield, 'deployment' is just your chance to decide how your forces are set up in the space they currently occupy, although this isn't possible at all if you just arrived there, you'll have to sort that mess out after the battle begins because you just marched into the enemy like a retard who thought he was playing Total War.

The 'pause' between real time battles (the operational phase) is only there because the entire operation needs to be split into manageable chunks, due to hardware and player limitations, and the tactical battels themselves are simply small parts of a larger ongoing engagement with no pauses in real terms.

I had all the same frustrations, i do sympathize, the game has to make certain concessions, and those concessions do create issues, but they're mostly non issues when you switch from 'RTS turn based' mode to 'continuous ongoing battle that's been broken up into bitesize pieces with convenient breaks that allow for tactical management at a grander scale' mode.

There are also ways to alter how orders are executed, either direct or indirect, which dictates the level of freedom you have during the deployment phase, if you order a battle group to march towards the enemy, and the enemy orders its forces to march towards you then you're going to end up with a chaotic and practically unmanageable situation, because you made a stupid tactical mistake.
your post is so good gravisister however the reddit spacing completely ruins any credibility your eloquence might have so ywnbaw and kys
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All I see in this thread is Graviteam players enthusing about that game, and CM players attacking Graviteam players and spewing toxicity and venom.
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>can play as the italians in fortress Italy
>can use the L3/35 and even the FIAT 3000
Ok, very based
Time to get raped by Shermans and Stuarts
Engineers on patrol
based anon. did you buy the game or get it from a pirate cove?
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forgot pic
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engineers found an american rifle platoon and an at gun battery. waited for tigers to arrive and now we're pushing the enemy
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not much riflemen can do against panzergrenadiers and tiger tanks
You couldn't find a reddit space if it slapped you on the face, election tourist
>stukas shoot at their targets when they climb
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wrong reply and forgot pic
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i think this tiger got alerted to a 57mm gun when the stuka shot at it with its mg
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german infantry assaults entrenched american infantry at night
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this motherfucker really ran in and started spraying with his mg
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the company-sized german attack forces captures captives while illumination shells light up the area
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Engineers stumble into Shermans in the dark!
lol project harder Gravtranny. You got stomp’d in cm so you retired to just watching battles in your fish tank sim.
This. Literally all you have to do is place your troops correctly and attack. Wow such strategy.
And the battle phase is a joke cause you just make a defensive line and camp where you know the enemy is spawning from. Literally can win battles without a single click
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took forever for panzer iv's to spot them in the dark
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you came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker
pirated it, looking forward to seeing if I can beat my friend as the italians
your friend seems to have a very poor understanding of time, space, and firepower
>wins the battle
>no longer has the ammo or manpower to win another one
>crash the entire campaign on turn one
>"I am very smart"
He's getting better, eventually he shall improve. He's actually retreated his forces who were getting mulched and pivoted to another flank, so that's good. Having a non mechanised force with the only vehicles being a bunch of BA-64s certainly doesn't help
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Hans oversees prisoners heading for the rear
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>americans attacking
>its an entire sherman company
oh fuck i only have panzer 3's
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le epic battle incoming
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Engineers successfully brew up a Sherman at night
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>Americans go east of Sidi Bouzid instead of north or west
huh what the fuck
Man, you write all this shit throughout the thread, but too bad that I've actually played the game and know how it works. You can larp like you're a real commander all you want, but the real enemy is the UI and you usually don't need to do anything tactically complicated or interesting to defeat the enemy. It's just a fucking videogame that does some things differently and is more opaque than most.
At least you sort of admit it in that post. I mean the deployment literally makes no sense, you can't see the enemy right in front of you, and they can't see you, but you can shuffle your troops around however you want? Everyone understands what the context is supposed to be, but it just makes no real life sense (which is what the game is supposedly trying to simulate). If I'm attacking a town, I shouldn't have the capability to teleport my army in positions ten meters from it, and still without any knowledge of the enemy positions. On approach, I should begin to spot their defenses and act accordingly, instead of guessing what spot might be a good place to teleport my MG squad to.
And the Napoleonic line tactic really is all you need, lol.
Have you played against someone of your or higher skill level?
Another retard who confuses being able to le right click win a battle but can't finish a campaign
Not in combat mission. It really wouldnt take that much to equal or beat me, I'm really quite inexperienced. Also I was wrong, he retreated, then charged his entire force straight back into the same fatal zone where he'd already lost at least 2 companies, and he is now getting mown down again
Maybe fortress italy, with me as the italians and a dogshit set of of equipment, maybe that can change things.
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the greatest tactician in the world
nigga this fucking hurts to watch
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>i-it gets good twenty hours in!
I have finished short campaigns though.
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>have a 4:1 kdr
>campaign gives americans +200 victory points because they managed to briefly retake the city
I just managed to encircle and destroy the better part of an American armored brigade while keeping my losses to a minimum. Whoever designed this scenario is retarded
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About fucking time, the combat mission devs are the stupidest most schizophrenic retarded dumbshits imaginable. They stalled for YEARS just getting the game to steam and only pushed to do it because their tiny niche braindamaged playerbase of mindbroken stockholm syndrome mental patients barricaded in their forum didn't keep buying the same games for 11th time. They had all the time in the world to unfuck the game and wasted it instead of making patches and locking them behind paywall.

I hope the new owners work those lazy fucks like slaves
>new graviteam thread
>new DLC with '42 focus
Graviteam Tactics, how do you do fighting retreats? I can't stand the campaigns where I need to simply fight and fall back
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Graviteam's tank simulation is so cool
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Death by a thousand squeeze-bore projectiles
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Cool campaign, save for the arbitrary +200 points the Americans got for briefly retaking Sidi Bouzid. I took out more or less the same amount of American armor as historical but bagged 1,000+ more in man casualties. Most Shermans were taken out after they were cut off from their repair and logistics train by day 2, after which they were sitting ducks for nighttime action with anti-tank guns and Panzer III's coming in at close range. My Tigers would have contributed more but I did not fully understand my supply capabilities and this is my first big gravitranny operation. Like an anon said earlier in this thread, the UI is your worst enemy.
I found a torrent for fortress italy (skidrow) but it just CTDs on startup, doesnt look like its eaten by my antivirus or something. Its a shame because its probably the most interesting setting for a combat boomer ww2 game for me.
some reddit fag solved it fortunately, you need to regedit
>Start regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Battlefront\

>Correct the foldername for Fortress Italy so that the name is Combat Mission Fortress Italy. Verify and correct if necessary, the serials for the modules under the now corrected registry folder /Combat Mission Fortress Italy. They should match what is in the file serialreg.txt located in the installation directory, Don't forget the authorized same serial as the base game. No other fixes mentioned in this tread was needed after that.
sometimes those fags know what to do
Hard to watch ngl
Straight massacre
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Infantry simulation has come a long way too.
Take this screenshot.
Even though it's just a bunch of men walking, no two models have the exact same bodily position, it's a small thing that would normally go unnoticed, but again, it's about immersion and realism. It convinces you when you're watching this that each is an individual, you rarely see two guys walking in sync, with weapons in precisely the same position footsteps moving in time. It all looks natural and realistic.

Please try to be specific, no two campaigns are the same, and no two tactical battles within a campaign are the same. One of the great things about Graviteam is there are no formulas for success, you need to adjust and tailor your approach according to the particular set of circumstances you face.

What toys do you have? What's the condition of your units? Where do they need to go? What's the terrain like? What's the enemy got? What time is it? Do you have artillery or air support? Does the enemy? Do you have prepared defenses? Are you in danger of being flanked?

Fighting withdrawals are complex and every element comes into play.
Cool. Now they need urban fighting.
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za rodin-ack!
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playing the same scenario as the americans now. currently conducting a reverse slope defense with shermans against Tigers. god help me
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Shermans in reverse slope positions firing from 300 meters away manage to knock out the Tiger platoon and their Panzer III helpers. Smoke from one of our recon platoons who were running for their lives managed to foul German coordination and target prioritization
What really shat me once in graviteam is i made an attack with panzergrenadiers on some vatniks and decided that i fucked up and wanted to withdraw to fight another day. But because I had hexes behind them occupied my troops had nowhere to retreat to so I lost all 3 companies or whatever it was that were in the attack. Don't know why your offensive formations would be destroyed in that instance, its not like you're encircled and trying to retreat.
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woah, first time i ever got the medal of honor
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its over
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I haven't won that, I have some of the other top tier medals though, I'm assuming the MoH is one of these hidden achievements.
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100th post, have panoramic webm of the first battle in the new DLC.

Very impressed with the ambush the Russians had set up on my way to the objective, multiple tanks lost quickly yo ATGs and molotovs.
Anon, tell your friend that the average infantry squad has a zone of control that extends out to 300 - 400 meters and heavy weapons are deadlier to more than twice that range and that he should be WAY more careful when moving troops around
I'll try
Next battle im stacking the deck in his favour, I'll be attacking him as the italians in hilly terrain on a clear sunny day using plenty of trash equipment and he's the USA. If I manage to succeed I'll be surprised given the absolutely terrible italian infantry. 0 infantry AT is terrifying if he decides to bring a Sherman, because basically no vehicles aside from the Semovente 90/53 can deal with one, and that has a pathetic ammo capacity.
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Playing Fortress Italy with a friend, honestly not sure how you're supposed to do some of these maps in PvP.

Currently he's getting destroyed on Adda river crossing assault, and I don't think I'd do any better.
>terrain that lets infantry guns, snipers, MGs, etc just hit all over the place
>AT bunkers on the hillsides that will delete any armored vehicle they see (and they see pretty much everything other than spawn)
He has tried with 155mm arty and 250kg aircraft bombs to deal with the bunkers but short of a very lucky hit they basically do fuck all (even 250kg near misses don't do shit). He lucked out with one round into the bunker opening so he got one AT bunker, but I have 4 more.

How the fuck are you supposed to attack against this kind of thing? I'm attacking next time so I'd really like to know because he's definitely going to try to get me back for this one.
Also worth noting the AT bunkers come with plenty of HE as well, so you have 75mm of HE randomly raining down and deleting your infantry squads, it's not just tanks that are at the mercy of them.

Massive amounts of smoke arty/mortars?
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Shermans on QRF intercept Panzer IV's on the march
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Nighttime infantry attack against German armor
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And that's a tank platoon destroyed. Nighttime gives a commander great tactical opportunities
Smoke is necessary, harassing bombardment is good, scouts to identify strong points are needed. Attacking Hill bunkers is always very hard, but through a concentrated force and effective smoke use you may be able to punch through into their rear. You can be timid in the build up and scouting, but you gotta go balls to the wall for that final assault. Or don't, I can't say I've done well in those situations either.
Does anyone play cmano? Is it good?
They're on GOG? Cool to know. My CD's have long since scattered to the four winds. Anyone know if these ones fix the "we can't be arsed making CMx1 work on newer PC's" embuggerance?
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>test italian soldiers against US troops in the open at 200m to see how bad they are
>1 wounded burger after 2 minutes of fire
these squads stink
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What did Andrey mean by this?
Is this new?
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erm, hello based dept?
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This is based department. Can confirm based status.
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How can i understand that my brave german infantrymen are capable of handling KV1 or Churchill? And if they can, what orders should I give them to handle this?
Another rather interesting moment with Churchill; some random mg42 bullet hit the side door of the tank, you know, which is at the level of the tracks if im not mistaken. And according to the report nothing more is shooting at him, only this one bullet, and so the tank was captured by me at the end, explain why because of this the entire crew escaped from the tank? Literally 1 random bullet kill the tank?
Tanks can be stopped in many ways, are you sure there was no other factor involved? For example terrain or mechanical?

If the tank becomes immobilized then the crew may abandon it, rather than sitting there waiting for grenades, mines, molotovs, flame throwers, AT riles or incendiary shells to force them out.
Can someone fill in a newcomer to these games about the whole CM vs Graviteam drama happening in the rear?
I'll fill in your rear if you bait like this again. Spergs are sperging, ignore them
Would mechanical damage, mines, etc. be shown in the damage report when approaching the equipment? But in my case, this tank was intact. Doesnt Churchill have a mechanic in this bow compartment, or someone who is responsible for the movement of the tank? But one way or another there was one shot at the tank and then crew abandoned it, maybe a bug, dunno
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Without seeing the specific example there's no way of knowing. When you view the battlefield after a battle and select a unit, you can cycle through different damage types, can't remember the exact options, but I believe it's penetrations vs non penetration. But even non penetration can result in spalling and damage to internal systems and crew.

I think bug is unlikely as this series is built upon tank sim foundations, and shit like will have been resolved years ago.
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Moving leFH's around the rear to get a firing position. Treacherous conditions making it tough going.
It was literally all me, I used to go shit talk Graviteam threads, call them Gravitrannies
I did it because I was bored. Now people are picking up my slack because I stopped.
Toxicity seems to come easy to CM player desu.
Which CM game do you guys recommend i start with ?
the WW2 ones are the best one's to get a good handle on.
Honestly, I'd grab one of the old engine games off gog for cheap to see if you even like how they play as a wargame
AAR reports only show shell impacts, not explosive damage, even though there's an option to show explosive impacts in the UI. If any hatches were open you know the survivors bailed out, if the hatches are closed you know they died inside. Every round impact lists what the shell did and who/what it damaged or DESTROYED inside.
There's also some limit on how many hits are stored in the AAR as I've found tanks with clear impact markers but no impacts showing up regardless of how I set the filters, but you certainly didn't hit that if you found any hits on it.
My guess is that it got stuck, tracked or otherwise mobility killed, or so heavily bombarded with AT grenades (which only show up in the AAR if they explode in contact with the tank) that the crew panicked and bailed or some combination of the two.
Cope seethe dilate Gravtrannies
Whichever war interest you the most
CM is actual military software and has a professional version for armed forces to train personnel. Graviteam is some slavicware junk made for autist who got filtered by cm and like to play pretend.
>and has a professional version for armed forces to train personnel
Please oh please get me a video of Tyrone, Pedro Hernandez Jimenez, and Jadiamond playing these advanced military simulations
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Gravtrannies completely BTFO
>zogdog thinks those Brands(tm) have the same clout as they used to
lmao still waiting for the video of the brown brainlets making their attempts at this
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New Armored Brigade II footage and news:


>3D, but based on the original engine
>new C2 system, spotting information is relayed similar to CM
>no multiplayer for now, if it happens it will be turn-based
>improved waypoint system, fixes the problem from the original of not being able to control unit formation changes automatically
>improved and expanded unit database, more accurate to historical OOBs
>beta starting soon
>November release
>no multiplayer for now
So never.
The developer is still retarded, so the sequel is gonna be trash once again. Pity.
>i need to have my heckin gook click competition with all my epals and watch my favourite streamers!!!
Fuck off multifags
How is Slitherine so bad at publicity? If I was an indie dev that signed with them I'd be furious with how poorly they've marketed games like this that should have broad appeal with both hardcore wargame autists and the WARNO / Regiments crowd.
Compare this to how much better nu-Microprose is at marketing.
I've been getting into this game. Its pace is much faster compared to graviteam tactics. So far its fun, though it seems like you need to keep a closer eye on your units compared to GT. I have the same issues moving formations, sometimes setting shit to free movement makes things easier but its also risky. Also, trying to make the infantry to mount again is pretty tedious
Apparently its supposed to appeal to the steel panthers players with its dynamic campaign but I have yet to try it.
Feels strange to play in this setting though, I wanted to try the WW2 mod (AB1943) but the updated version is locked behind the steam workshop
The short of it is:
>be fat autistic retard and/or tranny
>play Graviteam which is single player only
>pretend to be a military genius compstomping retarded AI all day
>CM has multiplayer
>have to test my "military genius" against actual humans
>get absolutely stomped
>cry, piss, and shit
>run back to Graviteam and screech at CM and any mention of it
What's the point of a complex military simulation if the other side is in the hands of a retarded AI that can't do shit? Of course, a lot of people won't like their little imaginary military mastermind image being crashed by reality.
Case in point, Gravitrannies are the kind of person to use "toxic" unironically.
How vibrant is the CM mp community
This makes sense, zog dogs love CM because it makes them think they're actually capable of winning a war. They blindly hate Graviteam as a result simply because the game was made by a russkie
Retard, this game was made by the Ukrainians, and while there is a war here, these guys nevertheless continue to update this game, its impressive a bit.
About CM vs GT thing i will not say anything, both games are nice
>Retard, this game was made by the Ukrainians
Zog dogs love Ukrainians because it makes them believe they have the willing manpower to fight Russia
>made by a russkie
Graviteam is made by Ukrainians. Which turns your retarded delusion on its head because if anything zog dogs love Ukraine.
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There is one game that both Gravitrannies and Combatchuds must kneel to...
>WW2 mod
Anyone willing to upload it?
gravtrannies on suicide watch
I love this game. Had plenty of fun with the Operation Herkules scenarios
Girls, do we think they'll ever release the VDV update for black sea? It's the only thing I want. That, and more expensive maps.

I can't believe those hypocrits would rubbish it because of the war, yet were happy as anything to shovel out content for shock force.
Theyre happy to shovel out content for sf2 because you fight Assad and he isnt a fan of hat and nose people
Last I played this game it was a buggy mess and individual companies needed handholding and extreme micro anyway just like CM. In CM you're every nigga from corporal and upwards, but in CO2 you're every Captain shuffling fire platoons around, or every Major shepherding companies.
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CM is like some 90s shitware, clunky UI, slide show animations, looks like sprites, might be really badly done 3D but if it were my game I'd claim they were sprites. The AI is non existent, units have absolutely zero common sense, they will follow each other into machine gun fire because they were ordered to lol.

If I ever meet a CM twat irl I'll curb stomp him
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krauts on the march
ratings on the new graviteam DLC?

t. not haver
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Halfway through playing as the germans, strange scenario:
Race to meet and stop the enemy advancing through the gap between two lakes. on the way my armoured spearhead was caught in an ambush, AT guns, molotovs mainly, which was actually effectives and I suffered some losses.

During the ensuing skirmish stukas arrived, quickly followed by il2's, so the skies were alive with 2 squadrons of ground attack aircraft, this actually happened according to sources.
Forced our way through to the objective, forces bringing up the rear will have a clear run to the defensive line. But the enemy is closing so not sure if they'll arrive with time to take positions, or if it will be contact on arrival.

Not fair to judge the DLC until i completed at least one campaign, but so far it's a blast, and unlike any other scenario I played.
GT Chernigov-Poltava operation, im still learning the game and so far this campaign pretty chill as a Germans. Defense, sometimes attacks pretty nice for learning. But now i starting to feel a problem, some of my soldiers, at guns and also tanks didnt get ammo resupply at all. I cant fight red horde without ammo. Plz explain what i need to do to deal with this problem. Also need to add thats i add some tanks from HQ on one flank and 2 tigers on to other
Got cold war during the sale. Is fun, but I still have no idea what I'm doing, and set up takes so damn long.
Check ammo supply on the forces screen.
Bring HQ closer to the unit.

It might be you ran out, which happens, you can use modifiers to preserve ammo.
1:35 why would unit distance increase the amount of time for them to receive information? Wouldn't they all have radios, but if not, I doubt the game simulates runners or motorcycle couriers or something lol.
Did for example Tigers belong to the specific HQ, or the now part of the company were they was attached? Because i see 4-6 different HQ, like trucks symbol, tanks, arty. Im a bit lost with this part
That's the difficulty on that operation. You don't have enough bullets for every Soviet. You need to ration from turn 1.
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Slapping two infantry battalion HQ's and one tiger company HQ together for an ad hoc kampfgruppe HQ because CM doesn't simulate regimental nodes for information sharing
The game is best experienced with human opponents. Just note that every single one of your guys is his own weapon system. A rifleman can project power up to 200 - 300 meters away, and a tank at over 2km away using cold war technology.
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This is from an ongoing overbudget PBEM match against a human opponent. We gave ourselves 12k points to play with, with me playing Germs and him playing Germs. I have two fusilier battalions and six tigers. Fire support is both battalions' full complement of 81mm mortars and one battery of 150mm artillery which frankly isn't enough to saturate the entire battle zone.
>The game is best experienced with human opponents
Isn't that every single wargame? Is there any game where the AI is actually good?
The one exception is >>1860998
All my battles from turn 1 starts with turning on "conserve ammo" for all.
Im on turn 5 now and just hope thats ive already defeated most of vatniks tanks but now there is night so no clue about thats but last turn they almost dont exist in battles
>12k points
Damn, big battle
Im trying another against my friend, fortress Italy wouldn't install for some reason so its back to Normandy, me as the SS and him as the Brits in a valley, I'll probe attack him and hopefully he does better than previous, maybe the smaller battle size, difficult terrain and defensive mission will help him.
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>me playing Germs and him playing Germs
sorry I meant he was playing Brits. I probably have a brain tumor or something. First contact was finally made after 1 week of giving marching orders. Each .ema file is 100MB on average lmao
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wow, i knew that you can take enemy inf weapon for example but this something new for me. After one of battles with soviets. in some way unknown to me, captured two of their tanks, I just destroyed so many of them that i don’t even know how it happened, completely fresh tanks with almost full ammunition, which couldn’t have come at a better time, because I was never able to replenish the ammunition in any of my tanks, as a result, on 7 out of 12 turns, survival begins, although it is still night, so there have been no serious assaults yet
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The battle lines are starting to draw themselves. I have five line companies forward, and one company held back in reserve. The map, cut down from a master map, is so big that my infantry companies are unironically marching with one platoon ahead and two trailing behind, for a frontage of roughly 150m - 200m and a depth of 700m for each of them. A "hello" barrage from the Kampfgruppe's battery of 15cm guns is starting to be sent out.
I was playing road block scenario as the USMC in CMSF2, theres those Syrian sand niggers trying to ambush your convoy but you get wise to it and stop and the scenario starts from there, well I keep everyone back, send the AAV, TOW and thermal humvee in front as a base of fire, keep the trucks back to protect them, send a dismounted squad up the mountain side to protect from flanking, and send 2 recon Humvees forward to draw fire, but in a depression so they're covered and they can be fired on only from some postions, I get fire from the hill opposite the ridge you start at, if you played this scenario you'll know theres a recoiless rifle, ATGM and around an infantry squad or 2, well I take ranging shots from the recoiless rifle so I make the Humvees run back to safety, then I pound the hill with around 50 rounds of 60mm airburst and 2 Apache runs over the course of 25minutes, in the meantime the second apache had other area missions around the map, I also use them for recon bc I assume they'll see infantry or vics with their thermals pods, the apaches shot some bursts of 20mm on the hill, then they arent shooting at anything on that hill anymore, so I assume it's fucking clear, now comes the nice part, I send the squad I had on the ridge to clear the remnants and make sure everyone's dead, well turn out NO ONE is fucking dead and get suddendly gunned down out of nowhere, only 2 survived
NOW, I refuse to take any blame, I did what was tactically more sound, discovered enemy postion, pounded with IF and CAS, assume the fucking apaches can fucking see with their pods so if they're not shooting anymore when I task them it means theres no one there, on a barren fucking hill with no cover besides a couple bushes, even had 2 recon Humvees push forward since I had observed and shot possible enemy postions and theres was no one there, so they went to a SBF position with the 50 and mk16, only for one to get one shot sniped while moving from 600 meters by a recoiled rifle that ofc hadn't been destroyed by 2 Apache runs and 60mm airburst that landed in the correct area where he was. what the fuck is this bullshit, I take blame if I fuck up but in this case all my preparation fires were just useless for no reason at all, when these guys should've been rekt.
to top it off the game crashed exactly while this was happening
no dude the lart about troops getting deployed next to each other and needing house rules is true, the other guy is a hater but that part is true
Using captured equipment is one of my favourite mechanics, i just wish there was a way you could have more control over it. There's some battles where you start off with PzIIs and you're fighting BTs, ive captured BTs and would always prefer them over pzIIs
im looking for someone to play with on CM black sea and shock force 2, I always play single player but want to test myself against a human, never tried it how do I do
>got my two retard friends to play combat mission against each other
this should be fun to watch
Gt bros how do i resupply ammo in Chernigov-Poltava operation. At turn 8 night is over and comrades started red wave again but my troops don't get any ammo, my tanks are empty, i move closer all my HQ but still nothing. At least they lost almost all their tanks but still dunno how to keep up, im already starting to lose some territory coz no ammo on part of my army.
But overall pretty fun campaign, terrain easy to navigate, i even successfully carried out a surprise attack
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You may be out.
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retards fixing their tracks after breaking them on a log
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I hate the fucking rocks in Tunisia for this reason
rocks in Tunisia + the janky ass pathfinder AI = everything is decided in the initial positioning phase and you cant maneuver AT ALL, nice for a tank based game, now ofc if in real life you've got a boulder you cant drive over it so that's fine, but theres small rocks that will randomly track you and it doesn't make sense
>janky ass pathfinder
One of the most frustrating things when it comes to GT and it's vehicles
in one Iraq Iran scenario, dont remember which, I had ordered a tank platoon to move across a ditch over one of the designated fording places, they almost all but one or 2 fell into the water and got stuck or penetrated the map polygons and disappeared as if they sunk
Combat sissies our response?
Years ago I was pretty new to GT mius front, I recall receiving a long artillery barrage, the road got hit. It wasn't too bad, the main target was a nearby forest and there was a long path next to the road almost untouched by the artillery. I think I had to move 4 marders and 2 panzers through that area to mount a defense against a bunch of t34s, I preemptively set the way points to go through that untouched area knowing the road was damaged. What did they do? They dived straight into every hole they could find on the road.
3 marders and a panzer got immobilized there. It's a great game, don't get me wrong, but this really drove me up the wall and made me drop it for a couple of years.
Yeah this is frustrating with those missions, the fords almost always claim about 30-50% of the tanks i try to send over them
other times I order vics to move like 600m and they're stuck in place for 5 minutes, turning left and right undecided on where to go, then move 50m and stop again, so that it takes 5/10mins for them to move 600m in open terrain
CM is an actual sim, nobody is repairing a tank anything in the time window of a CM game.
actually they were hammering that shit until the battle was over so yeah(they were the enemy so no clue if they actually fixed it after)
Honestly its insane kino seeing your troops use captured mortars and guns 10~ turns into a campaign. Wish more games had a capture mechanic
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>he deployed armoured cars in static defensive positions
my friend is truly big brained, a real general fantastic over here. think that's what I'll call him from now on. My SS Panzergrenadiers with some motley armoured support are advancing on his mysterious lines, the only shot being fired thus far from him being a 37mm round that bounced off my single tigers gun mantlet, as it repeatedly smashes his armoured cars that are sitting in a treeline 600m away. The panzergrenadiers are slowly running forward, making their way across the hilly ground with little resistance thus far.
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the tactical situation is however not entirely in my favour, i gotta go a long way, only 37 min to capture these objectives, moving out of the tiny corner i could deploy in was difficult, luckily he didn't realise I could only deploy in the top right, otherwise I'd be under a lot more fire.
If I can smash enough of his forces and take the bridge VP, I'd be happy with that, but obviously I'm going to have to get a move on if I want anything else.
How do I tell your friend that one or two mortar barrages will completely stop your advance and obliterate your infantry?
general fantastic is too busy moving his funny cars around to listen
I do need to spread them out more, but I could only deploy in the top corner, meaning I started extremely bunched up. Luckily most of my infantry should be hidden from view, given the hills and forests they are in.
I do expect shells to start raining on that tiger soon though, better get sprinting away from it
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Really wish Combat Mission had more than 1v1s, pic related would be perfect for a 3v3 or 4v4.

It could be handled with a third party PBEM program in a hacky way, I guess.
Assuming he's playing on higher difficulties like he should, mortars take a long time to call in (artillery even more so).
map looks like it was made in minecraft by a retard
>>Assuming he's playing on higher difficulties like he should, mortars take a long time to call in
A mortar strike covering a 150m radius will stop a platoon in its tracks and cause considerable casualties. You just need to time it
>make arguably the best engine for tactical wargaming of all time
>only use it to simulate relatively obscure 1942-1943 eastern front engagements and the Iran-Iraq war
Is Graviteam retarded? The WWII western front would be an easy cash cow, and they probably have most of the assets do it already.
>Graviteam's pathfinding
>in anything but an open field
If I recall correctly the dev wanted to model a bunch of stuff from the eastern front until he's satisfied, I'm guessing he wants to cover bigger things from there, before he moves to the western front. This is what I vaguely recall from reading his random replies on steam years ago, at least.
I hope he does Kalkin Gol next
>gorillion 1944-45 rts games
>no 1939-1941 Combat Mission
Nothing pisses me off more.
What is it with the 1944 obsession ? Is it so they can have shiny toys like panthers and tigers 2s ? Imo the early war is way more interesting especially with all the captured and refitted vehicles before they became obsolete
>What is it with the 1944 obsession ?
For one it's like you said, everyone gets their popular and fun toys. The other half is the frank reality that a good portion of people have the following perception WWII
>Poland/France immediately surrender (nothing interesting)
>Pearl Harbor (too limited for a game)
>Stalingrad (good enough for a movie but not a full game)
>D-day/Normandy campaign (yeeeeeep, that's where the war really got going)
>nukes (fuck yeah)
Its the effect of the hollywoodisation of history. All normies know about ww2 is D-Day and the holohoax
agreed, I hate it
I want to play the invasion of Norway, or the winter war, or the invasion of Poland, or anything in China. Fuck it, give me the goddamn Spanish Civil War, come the fuck on and stop doing the same thing 50 thousand times. I want to use the Neubaufahrzeug to crush some stinky Norwegians, is that too much to ask?
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update: he appears to have brought an entire company of armoured cars and is attacking me over a river with them straight into woods (I am supposed to be attacking him). I can see at least one bogged down armoured car that attempted to cross a river ford.
I'll admit I was quite surprised, and a few men got killed, but at the loss of at least 4 armoured cars in 2 minutes, with many more now discovered and escape routes being cut off, he's in trouble now. I now realise that some of them can't resist 8mm Mauser at <100m range, so that's extra bad for him.
I don't think I can fix this man
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Oh no no no, i fuckin lost, but it felt like i had winning the entire campaign.
This is all because from turns 6 to 10, i couldnt figure out that I needed to move my HQ closer to the front line to replenish ammo, dammit. In any case, 6k soviet dead (and they have about 25 thousand more kek) and - 100 tanks.
What other interesting campaign would you recommend, preferably one for defense?
>not using NATO symbols
>using the symbols of an obsolete, defunct boomer alliance
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The entire Kampfgruppe is now engaged along its front of around 1.5km in width. Five out of six infantry companies are committed and one is held in reserve. My opponent seems to have brought 150mm artillery and is using it to control the approach towards the center town. Also one of my panzerschrecks has managed to knock out a stuart on the first shot.
Ranges from trannies in the official discord to chuds like you and me to boomers in their 50's who all these years still take a hit to their ego when you kill one of their vehicles. Most people though do not have a developed understanding of the relationships of their weapons systems with time, space, and firepower, and begin even small matches by ordering their men to march slowly and calmly into position. Experienced opponents without an ego are a gem and should be treated with love and care.
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The first proper attack plan after first contact is formulated. I plan to have 2nd company of 2nd battalion make a full-sized attack utilizing all three of its platoons to take the orchard on the right side of town in order to give two tigers firing positions from where they can project power towards the buildings on the far side of town. If conditions are favorable, I could have fusiliers run through the open central square and try to take the buildings marked with dotted lines. The attack will take 10 - 15 minutes to organize, hopefully less, and will be supported by mortars and/or artillery. I'll do the fire planning later. Frontage will be dense at 250 meters thanks to rough/urban terrain. My opponent has been setting up a lot of vickers MG's in the area and my fusiliers are starting to lose fire superiority. To help us rectify this before the attack, 1st Battalion's machine gun platoon is going to be released from reserve and delivered to the front on trucks, though they'll have to dismount partway and go on foot in order to evade harassing artillery fire. To the right side of 2nd company, 1st company is providing flank defense against at least a platoon of British riflemen.
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I believe they are working on that now. There are whispers that a Falklands DLC is also on the cards
the problem with bigger scenarios in CM is that you've got to micromanage to the squad or fireteam level on a battalion sized unit so it gets longer to play
for GT it's not so micro but the bigger scenarios have bigger maps with more units to control, more engagements per turn, and more turns, so its exponentially longer, like those 27 turn long ops are infinite
>the problem with bigger scenarios in CM is that you've got to micromanage to the squad or fireteam level on a battalion sized unit so it gets longer to play
This is why playing against a human opponent is the only sane way to play CM
but you still have to do that even against a human, just that you've got to wait for their PBEM to come back so its diluted
I personally like the breaks in between turns. It's like playing chess

I agree with you. Graviteam is the closest real time simulation of what combat is actually like. Soldiers IRL aren't automatrons that spot enemies the moment they come into view.

They get scared, distracted, hide etc. It's very well done.

My only criticism is the UI. Yeah the learning curve is steep due to the type of game this it but the UI doesn't ever bother to help you.

My on-map mortar battery won't fire. Why? The game just won't tell you, and it could be any number of reasons. The sirelink broke, the spotter is jerking off, he can't see, he's suppressed etcetc.

If the UI just told you why a certain fire mission can't be done, the game would be much more approachable.

As it is I used to just use on map arty batteries as cannon fodder to root out MG positions for a while before I checked a youtube video out on how to actually use them.
Far Escape for German defense in 1941. Soviet attack to try and free Soviet armies encircled in Kiev. Soviets have endless men and tanks but it's the 1941 Red Army. They are pretty trash, but vastly outnumber you.

Bird Grove is another German defense one.

Strong point is excellent. Germans defending a river crossing, infantry only. 2 scenarios with that one. One in 1942, another in 1943. No tanks for either side though.
Oh i completely forgot dday even existed. Thats it gotta give the burgers attention they wont play it otherwise
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Haven't played any Graviteam Tactics before, but I have sunk quite a few hours into pic related, which uses the same engine. I likely never will play Tactics though, because the disconnect between the operational and tactical modes is SO FUCKING BAD.

In several campaigns I would wipe out an entire enemy force and capture all the objectives on the tactical map two or more times before the game finally decided that I occupied them on the operational map. The campaign mode becomes aggravating to play because so much time is spent clearing the same village and occupying the same bridgehead you did last turn.

Tactical mode is great though, only big complaint is that AI spotting at night is awful. I've had M60s roll up on T-55s 50 yards away and not spot them even with their IR searchlights on.
Tried Bird Grove and it's pretty fun. Also it seems if you control whole river from your side, soviets cant do much damage to your army. But one things is hard to me to understand; why in one turn my dudes dug in and second turn same fighting place but now my army not in trenches, wtf? And now i must look in the fuckin forest for places were trenches was last time, and thats kinda hard to find
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I agree about the UI, it doesn't give you enough info and often assumes you read an obscure post on a buried steam thread, where the dev kinda explained what something means, in a way that only prompted more questions.

Personally that's not game breaking, and the fact that I am often confused adds something to the experience. It might be a cope on my part, but I assume these kinds of engagements were incredibly messy and confusing, and so I frame it as simply being part of the experience.
I like that many mechanics are really opaque, in fact I play it as a tctical RPG. and don't want mechanics to be too gamey or exploitable, I'm fine with not understanding exactly what every single combination of command radial modifiers does, I know the basics, and some of the more advanced stuff, but tend to keep things simple anyway.

It's the close thing we have to a real-time battlefield simulator, and I take it as it is, warts and all.
Known trenches are highlighted as circles on the map (press F2)
You don't keep getting trench deployments anymore because people could trench creep across the map over a period of hours as combat happened in the same area. Need the same amount of free time to dig in to get more trenches.
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Enemy artillery hits 3rd Company of 1st Battalion, bracketing an area around 300 meters wide and 100 meters long. Luckily for us the one platoon it has in the area is already inside solid stone buildings, but now they are suppressed and the remaining two platoons supposed to be marching to the front are now halted until those guns stop. Also my opponent confirmed a mobility kill on a Stuart, which he was happy enough to divulge because he'd never seen artillery detrack a tank in CM before.
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Meanwhile, 1st Platoon of 1st Company, 1st Battalion holds off a veritable bayonet charge from their British counterparts in this orchard. The fighting is very sudden and I'm certain neither me nor my opponent expected this particular exchange. My men have the advantage of defense and I think I have fire superiority enough to maneuver three fireteams around while the platoon leader calls in mortars. Return fire from the British is sporadic after they ate no less than a dozen grenades from a couple of my fireteams who, rattled from all the close-up shit flinging, decided to run for more covered firing positions behind them. I'm ordering them forward once more. There are probably like 10 or so dead British soldiers directly behind the hedgerows I can't see just yet.
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ok general fantastic has lost many vehicles, but his one tactic which might work is charging a poor bastard onto the bridge in his M3 Half Track, which then got absolutely nuked by a 105mm HEAT round.
I presume that I now cannot cross this bridge with vehicles, but I wonder if infantry can. They should be able to, but I am concerned.
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Panzer grenadiers moving through woodland to flank an enemy AT company. A great thing about this game is the way LoS works, but what a lot of people don't realize is soundwaves are simulated too. The dense foliage and trees deaden the sound which assists with remaining undetected. Other sounds closer to the enemy drown out distant sounds, so by running tank engines close to the enemy, and by using a kilometer deep section of thick forest we are able to stealthily maneuver two companys to a surprise attack position that makes absolute sense tactically.
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You need to be careful, there may be enemy positions out here, so we send a small recon force ahead to draw out any enemies. They only see what you show them, and will report that and only that. If they see 2 half tracks then the enemy may react accordingly, of course 2km behind the 2 halftracks are 12 more with Panzers and 200 men.
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Up above plains search for enemy positions. Of course the pilots are not in direct comms with your ground forces, but they do report back to HQ what they find, and the information does eventually reach the Battalion commander. It all takes time, but it's worth waiting for, intel like this can make or break an assault.
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Once you have your units in position, and have the reports from aerial recon, you can plan the assault.

Artillery is called in, smoke screens too, and the armoured flanking force is free to break cover and advance out of the forest onto the confused enemy force.
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Finally the enemy understands what's happening, but their response lacks coordination due to their unpreparedness, and the speed of the assault. Already there are signs of panic as they attempt the difficult task of redeploying under fire to face a threat from an unexpected direction.
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High explosive shells and incendiary ordinance make light work of the enemy, who are now desperately attempting to fall back into the trees.
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A Russian scout car, attempting to lay down some covering fire, takes a direct hit, the machine gunners vital organs are sent spraying across the crew.
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Another direct hit follows and the shrapnel tears through the occupants like a hot knife through butter.
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Fuck. British 2" mortars are fucking this platoon up. Might have to retreat from this area.
>Chinese playing Combat Mission
Huh, not the kind of game I expected to find a Chinese player in, or Asian in general for that matter.

Anyway I wish my current PBEM match was interesting enough to write reports about. Right now it's just been me sitting on my ass for 50 minutes while the other guy has to work for every inch of ground. Not entirely his fault, this map (Adda river) is absolutely disgusting to attack on.
>Graviteam is the closest real time simulation of what combat is actually like
Kek, see >>1860713
your soldiers literally walk on ice skates lmfao.
One is a professional military grade sim used by actual militaries the other is Slavic junkware.
Hello, what game is this please?
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Opening contact of my current game - British paras meet a German platoon at close range
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Tigers on the move
one day a game like CM will have modern graphics, that is the day I will play.
CM3 will be Unity, they have already confirmed this. Modern graphics? Probably not, but at least it won't run at 15fps while looking like an ugly PS1 game.
>Unity is shit
Regardless it's a thousand times better than the engine they are using now.
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The fighting is incredibly close up and bloody
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And I really do mean bloody
The game has a sort of convenience thing where you can traverse through a wreck but it takes ages and fucks your tracks up. Infantry should be fine though.
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>is fucking worthless in you're path
yeah i've experienced the dreadful italian troops, good to see hapless doing a video on them.
you see these massive formations of troops and expect some firepower, then you come up against a platoon sized element of US troops and they put as much firepower out as an entire company of yours. Then of course a stuart shows up and rapes everybody at close range because lol no AT
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More knife-fight engagements. British troops are highly motivated and are attacking individual houses despite 2:1 casualties.
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Now that the tigers have arrived and we have some semblance of fire support (81mm mortars on a Light mission are firing), 2nd Company of 2nd Battalion now launches its attack on the orchard. At the top of the image you can see 1st Battalion's machine gun platoon on the outskirts of town, moving up to their positions.
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For the Fatherland!
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Beautiful fucking shot
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I had a good one too just now
1400m shot with the StuH 42
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and effect on target
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and he has surrendered
disastrous battle for the armoured car squadron commanded by the greatest general to ever live
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>73 casualties and 21 vehicles lost vs 24 casualties
Damn, I recently finished a PvP one myself and thought pic related was one sided, but it's nothing in comparison.
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CAS giving it to Saddam's boys
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Choppers taking damage ground fire
Armour lays down fire from the canal crossing
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Then the big ground offensive starts
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The Shah's bois going all in
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Iran Iraq war is fun
I think Iraqi 15 year olds tought the same lol

>electrified waterlogged fields
why do they suck?
>then you come up against a platoon sized element of US troops and they put as much firepower out as an entire company of yours
semi auto garands + BARs ?
He's not actually Chinese, he's just an autist who thinks it's funny naming his screenshots with chink characters for whatever reason.
>semi auto garands + BARs
Don't forget rifle grenades, bazookas and thompsons
The italian troops have 0 radios at company level, so that platoon of US soldiers can call artillery on you, while you can't do shit except use your 90% Carcarno armed troops, with a few Breda Model 30s for support and maybe a Beretta Model 38 if you are lucky. And if those US troops showed up in a half track, the only options are hit the exposed gunner or close assault with grenades. The battalion level support weapons also are pretty shit, the Breda 37 is worse than the US M1919, and the Brixia mortar is far worse than the US M2 mortar (no smoke is especially terrible for a force that cannot consistently establish fire superiority for an assault)
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2 Coy, 2 Bat's attack fails because there were 3 vickers machine guns I didn't account for and mortars are tearing them up. An order to retreat is sounded. We'll have to find some other way of gaining fire superiority.
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womp womp
>the shah
Pervez, get the crane
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I love it when I win tank duels
GT Rumyantsev operation 1 of 3, which take place in literally only forest it seems. How i fight there? My units was killed pretty fast if they start close combat against vatniks. Even flamethrowers dudes cant see another day. What should i do with my infantry there how i need to place them? I dont get it. Also how i can start to use nibel-something? I mean nazi multi-rocket launcher. If my fire platoon commander dont see a shit in this deep forest plus there is no link com. Holy shit, thats operation is pretty hard. Also SPG dont see anything too, why nazi even decided to place them in this shit hole in real life?
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It's a defensive operation.
The Russians do come at you hard, but they struggle to see you too, you have so many opportunities to spring an ambush, do not set everyone to fire at will, wait for profitable opportunities.

To get the best out of the nebelwerfers, place commander forward of their position with a decent line of sight as you can find, covering the soviet advance. There are several tracks in the woodland, a likely approach route for enemy armour, and there are small clearings and exposed rises in the terrain that you can exploit, although as you would expoect in a dense forest location you'll never be able to see much.
Picrel shows one example, my commander can see down the track immediately in front, plus he has eyes on an area around 300x150m 700m beyond that. This is directly on the enemies expected approach vector.

Not great but you won't find much better in this section. With luck the enemy will pass through this territory, but there are no guarantees. This unit will also receive reports of enemy movements via
meant for
Look at the Gravtranny thinking he’s a strategic mastermind against brain dead ai. Hop on cm multiplayer and get stomp’d kid.
Thanks, definitely gonna try this, but it seems hard manually give order when to shoot. How i know if my soldiers see the enemy? I mean one group for example see them but other no, and how i know this? Also started for now operation 2 of 3 where you defend big settlement (i wish there was more similar maps) with this amount of equipment this is kino
Ah yes, CM, where your pixeltruppen
have no object permanence and forget where a static bunker is once theyve lost visual
A lot of the underlying mechanics are obscured, it can be argued that is down to poor design, however personally, I think this is the devs intention, it creates a much more realistic experience.
To know who can see what, use the tools at the top of the UI.

>Target reticle - shows which squads can target specific enemy units
>LoS tool, self explanatory
>Line of fire tool - shows whether an enemy unit or area is able to be fired upon with selected weapons team
>Drop down menu (4 white bars next to binocular icon) - Command hierarchy - shows who is in contact with whom, and which way information flows. Use this to check if third party sighting of enemy units is possible / likely

The devs philosophy is to minimize the visual elements of the UI as much as possible. Any information that a commander wouldn't have had access to at the time will be hidden from the player. They really don't like gamey tools or mechanics, and even though the toolset is very powerful, the ability to make use of it is in some instances limited by design.
Personally I like to set up my battle plan during the deployment / initial orders phase and then experience events from the perspective of the various units. Using the map only to give me an idea of where I need to go, I use the camera lock to I jump from commander to commander. I try to keep interventions to a minimum, and if possible keep a reserve force available that can react to unexpected situations as they occur. Playing this as a traditional RTS with gods eye view etc both kills immersion and can lead to click fest temptations, it's easy to get suckered into micromanagement as frustrations grow when your units don't see what you can see from the sky.

The time to micro is when an enemy spearhead comes within range of a prepared ambush, it's great to be at ground level when it rolls into the kill zone, enable fire at will for the AT guns and watch your plan come to fruition.
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>14 satchel charges
>45mm mortar
>9 man "assault section" that cannot be split
>separate lmg team with dogshit firepower
God I love Italy's bizarre force compositions
It's effectively WW1 equipment and organization
I wish CM modelled field telephones, I want to play the Italians, but the complete lack of all radios except in FO teams and a few terrible tanks is horrendous. Those little 45mm mortars and shitty machine guns quickly become the only on-map assets able to provide flexible fire support, on-map indirect weapons are useless without TRPs, as they dont have radios, so that FO better be in talking range to call any fire.
>give Armored Brigade a spin
>krauts vs slavs, heads on engagement on a dynamic campaign
>they rushed through the middle, an open area, with a gorillon APCs and no screening
>move leopards to intercept them
>AI lets my leopards play duck hunt with them, wave after wave, instead of retreating
>once most of its APCs got destroyed, some tanks showed up but it was too late
>most of the losses I had were during the clean up since some infantry units remained hidden at very close distance in plain areas
>next map, the enemy is defending and most of the map is fucking forests
>AI doesnt move its forces until I got all of the capture points, not even to pick on the unsupported troops
I dont think the AI is the brightest one out there. I wish I didnt forget to take screenshots.
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"fps killer"
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Let's fucking go
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Our boys manage to catch the Brits off-guard. My opponent loses a Vickers team and the better part of a squad's complement this turn
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Taking a long way round flank maneuver at night, through dense woodland, not to attack the enemy, but to cut off their only available escape route. This trap will shut in 3-4 turns time. That's what sets this game apart, the way they manage to make 48 hours of operation lay out in smaller slices, and to be able to make moves like this.

With luck there'll be no fighting in this battle, only the planned artillery designed tocoincide with our arrival at the closest point to known enemy positions, to drown out the trundling and squeaking. No contact at all will be a serious win in terms of my strategic goals. Some would call it boring, and I imagine for anyone with attention deficit it would be excruciatingly boring. But when you know there are enemy forces just a couple of km away, and they might hear you or see your lights and react, the tension is up there with Silent hunter 3, when that destroyer is pinging sonar when you're at max depth and already taking on water.
Show us the both maps, battle and strategic would be nice
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Bros, I don't get it. Why a draw? I literally rolled the Soviets.
Anyway, the 2nd scenario of Operation Rumyantsev is a kino. I played as the Germans, and their amount of equipment is huge. Something interesting happens on each part of the map. First you defend against the red horde, and then you have opportunities to counterattack. First i encircled part of their forces on the right side of the settlement and then i eventually push them back with help of allied forces. After, along the same track, pushed them further and further, and the same blow to the left flank was done, only slower. The center practically did not move from its place, only was captured by me Kommunar, and this gave a very big advantage in further defense.
And on the 8th and 9th turns it was just a beating of comrades, almost all their equipment was destroyed or captured, mostly battered infantry remained. On the 10th turn the left and right flanks were close enough to the center to completely destroy it. This is what came out of it. Now i thinking, is it even worth it top start scenario 3 coz it looks almost the same as 2? Also first operation take place in dense forest this one i was not able to give a good fight, still no clue how to fight in such terrain
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This is fucked
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The battle between new and retarded has finished, my two friends facing off in a field thunderdome.
Overall: General Fantastic (Soviet Guard) was a very defensive infantry formation, mostly submachine gunners, with a battery of ZiS-3 for anti tank support, and an SU-122S for heavy AT. The new friend used a motorised Panzergrenadier formation, with an attached Panzer III N and a King Tiger. Newfriend didn't quite understand how the line of sight worked, and as such lost a few trucks early, luckily most passengers were okay. General Fantastic failed to cover the one main road passing through the map, inexplicitly having 0 sight or cover, so while the SU-122S fired at trucks that were being deployed by this time as bait, passengers already deployed, the King Tiger drove at full speed through the map completely alone and without support, appeared 200m from General Fantastic's lines, blew up the SU-122S that was busy taking pot shots at trucks, blew up several ZiS-3's (one wasn't even unlimbered yet) and then proceeded to machine gun many soviet soldiers while being slightly annoyed by PTRD fire, then the Wehrmacht showed up and shot the soviets from outside of SMG range, before being fired on by friendly mortars and taking many casualties, still not enough to prevent soviet collapse.
Overall, they both aren't great, but newfriend has potential, certainly is aggressive. Now I'm assaulting General Fantastic in Fortress Italy as the Italians against his Americans, we'll see how it goes.
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More enemy artillery collapses one building I've been using as a machinegun nest. Lucky enough the panzerjager team didn't die, but the MG is knocked out for good.
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CM isn't an RTT game, it's WeGo.
In GT what is the optimal setting for battle length hours?
Depends on the battle. Personally I'd much rather have too much time than not enough, so I set it to 3 hours.
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given how bad the tiger did at first, some initial recon certainly would have resulted in the ISU-122S getting the first hit.
>firing the gun while slamming the brakes and putting the round into the dirt
>missing over from less than ~250m
>finally put one in the side
rookie mistakes, but still, the King Tiger's surprisingly good mobility is a real problem to fight against sometimes
that tank commander definitely plays world of tanks
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Advancing against my terrible friend now as the shitalians, moving up a ridgeline for an all out assault after preplanned bombardments, while simultaneously engaging several other strong points with tanks, machine guns and light mortars. I hope he doesn't have much of a rear slope defense, otherwise im in trouble when my poorly armed retards come up against the might of the USA at close range.
thus far:
>italian tanks are horrific, but if the enemy only has bazookas and you keep them out of range, a riveted box with a gun is still quite effective against infantry. All of mine have radios, which isn't realistic, but fuck it these need every advantage they can get.
>47mm AT guns used as indirect pieces are near useless, which I expected when I saw them as an option, but they are very cheap. the 65mm infantry guns on the other hand, good cheap arty
>Breda 37 machine guns are mediocre, but certainly are good for ammo conservation, several minutes of continual firing and they're all still pretty good on ammo.
>Brixia mortars are great fun, but when the M2 60mm starts firing back you remember what real mortars can do
>no radios continues to make me sad, TRPs have been incredibly useful
overall, still think I'll beat General Fantastic, but with a few more casualties than usual.
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CQC with the R35 on the ridgeline, as tactical as it gets
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Hundreds of artillery rounds later, my side of the town is completely fucked. It's currently 64 minutes into the match.
How the italians play makes me feel like the CM engine can probably be used for some ww1 type scenarios, even if theyd mostly be a grindy gimmick. Sometimes some infantry intensive hedgerow scenarios almost feel like it.
WW1 scenarios could be fun, the classic charge across no mans land with artillery barrages would be interesting if properly represented with all the fun stuff needed to knock out entrenched machine gun positions, from light infantry guns and rifle grenades to early tanks and light machine guns. Of course battles in the Middle East, Russia and the Italian alps would be great to see, especially the early usage of armoured cars would be represented pretty well with the CM engine.
Now all we need is a sufficiently talented autist to crack open this fucking game and let us mod it, that'd be a goddamn miracle if it ever happened.
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US Rangers surrender and flee from the area towards the built up town, as 45mm mortars and machine guns mow them down from atop the now firmly in my control ridgeline.
Attacking that town is going to be difficult, especially now that my mortar and support artillery ammunition is at critical levels, but he is also completely out of heavy support, with several mortars knocked out or out of ammo, the tanks are going to be very important, as long as I can keep bazookas suppressed that is.
most aware syrian soldiers
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Alright faggots, the final gambit is here. I'm committing the reserve company to the front and formulated a plan to break this stalemate and get the ball rolling again. Three infantry platoons have been earmarked for an attack that'll give us more angles on the enemy (in particular his 17pdr tanks) and hopefully destabilize his defense. A fourth platoon will play left flank security and an understrength fifth will make a 'hello' attack on the right side among the orchards. The red platoons will mousehole using breaching teams to get into the soft underbelly of the British line. They will be covered by liberal usage of smoke, mortar fire, and 150mm guns to distract and suppress the enemy. Right now they are infiltrating into the staging area through concealing terrain (it was much more concealing before arty blew up all the walls). I'm already seeing spotting rounds from enemy arty so it's gonna be a gamble for the last platoon to get there before the sky falls down on us again in roughly 2 - 3 minutes.

If this doesn't work, the very final thing I can do is use 2nd Fusilier Battalion's MG platoon as riflemen and do something with them in coordination with Tigers playing peek-a-boo or something.
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In order to support all of this, Hauptmann Defarion and his Tiger are released from Kampfgruppe HQ and ordered towards the front. He is one of only three units in my entire force that are Elite (the other two are the fusilier battalion hq's).
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>Brits managed to capture and reuse a tiger
>flips in 4 seconds into the battle on a ditch
Tunisisters not like this...
Lead dev is a mega-autist
Its a great DLC, one of my favourites because of the mixes of equipment
When armour and ATGMs can reliably kill anything they can see, sight lines become incredibly important-- in the WWII campaigns I would usually find myself creeping my armour forwards so that they could MG infantry down more effectively, but in Operation Victory I have to play like a total coward unless I have a real numerical advantange
You didn't beat them hard enough I guess
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The attack goes off rockily as we lose two fireteams trying to cross the orchard in the main effort area, but we build up fire with 6 MG-42's and manage to suppress the Brits enough that we can have fusiliers sprint across to (relative) safety. During the attack we manage to spot opportunities for maneuver and move the front line forward by taking the central objective church. The fighting is nasty and brutal, often involving our guys mouseholing into houses and killing stunned Brits at point blank range. We also discover that the Brits have left a big gap in their line, and now the final reserve platoon is called in to exploit it.
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Hedgerows and orchards make for bad sight lines, leading to ridiculous scenarios like pic related. I hope these guys honor the Fatherland next turn.
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Fusiliers pay in blood for every house taken
What are your computer specs?
you can tell both these games kind of suck because the players would rather spend time online arguing in circles about games they know maybe 15% of the ecclectic mechanics of instead of actually playing them.
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I haven't had the time to sit down and play anything since mid October.
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After losing 3 tanks in two turns, my opponent has decided to surrender
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at least 200 men now are surrounding the town, piling on fire as they advance in bounding assault through the quite open ground. The volume of US Ranger return fire has dropped to a trickle. A small unit is even moving up to Casa Vittorini along the ridgeline, but took a few casualties to a mortar and has stalled. Still, my position continues to become more and more advantageous. I think General Fantastic's morale is low, the Rangers may surrender to the might of the Italian forces.
god panzerfausts are so based
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I started with 946 men in two Fusilier battalions and one-and-a-half Tiger platoons while my opponent came to the field with 770 men, of which 491 became casualties, so that's 60% of his force eliminated. Of his 9 tanks destroyed, 4 were Stuarts. Throughout the match it seemed to me that he always had the same amount of bayonet strength as I did at any given time because most of his infantry were Veterans with +2 leadership and were performing better pound-for-pound than my guys. Casualties on my side are 299 men killed or wounded, making for a casualty rate of 30%. Two Tigers were also destroyed (only one fatal casualty among the crew though). The rough terrain of bocage and town, plus the tenacity of my opponent's British riflemen, obscured the fact that I probably had a 2:1 K/D ratio the whole time. By the end of the game, my opponent's force was severely depleted thanks to continuous brutal CQC fighting, leading to large gaps in his line and contributing to the success of my final assault.

This game started in the middle of September and lasted two months, more or less. GG's all around.
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The final disposition of forces
Excellent battle, I want to do something like this with my regular opponent but I fear he doesn't have the spirit to command much more than a pair of companies
very nice Oberst, not that common to see a regimental scale game
those save files must have been pretty big
Thank you. Yeah they were around 90MB on average.
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Rangers having a bad one, I've pushed them into the back corner of the map, almost every artillery round has been expended, machine guns have expended thousands of rounds, and the formations are in a complete mess. Mortar crews are currently acting as infantry rather than mortars, only 6 45mm rounds are left in the entire battalion.
anon the bayonet is for opening cans, not fighting
That may be the case for the germans, who have guns that kill the enemy, but the italian spaghetti launchers are less effective. At least my R35s still have plenty of ammunition (because the commander/gunner/loader/radio operator is a little overworked), surprisingly including canister shot, which is something I was not aware of.
forgive me, I'm roleplaying as italian reserves
>decide to try out game
>get tunisia
>finish tutorial and start a campaign
>immobilize 3/4 of my tanks .01 seconds into a battle driving over some pebbles
I'll get it one of these days.
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it's over
final impressions of italian forces: terrible but fun and makes me want more early war stuff goddammit
Italian tanks are useful fire support platforms, but as I faced no opposition AT beyond bazookas and rifle grenades, not that surprising. The most useful were the Carro Comando M41s, while their ammo load wasn't great and several ran out of 13.2mm, they were actually capable of spotting the enemy thanks to a 4 man crew and decent optics, the R35s, L3 and L5s were basically blind. Ammo loads were a problem all round really, these italian vehicles didn't carry much main gun ammo. My artillery was very effective, despite being shitty 47 and 65mm guns, with one battery of 81mm mortars as well. That's more his positioning and the usage of TRPs than their actual effectiveness normally though.
Breda machine guns are not great. At least I had a lot of them. If he had a single sherman, things would have been a lot harder for me, even a Stuart would have been a tough opponent. AT guns I could have dealt with over time, but armour is terrifying. The Semovente 90/53 was on station to respond, but with no enemy armour all it could to was lob 3 90mm HE rounds into a building once the threat of his 60mm mortars had gone away, then it was completely useless.
At least captain fantastic wants another battle, can't get this guy down. Time for a much larger one, I'm thinking Brits (me) vs USA (him) for some good blue on blue action.
>At least captain fantastic wants another battle, can't get this guy down.
You have a good friend.
The AI will also rush tanks through such rough terrain in the operational map (lol)
i wish the games were $60 fucking dollars still its just ridiculous
Luckily the devs got bought by Slitherine, so hopefully they will force some changes on the game. Instead of just reskinning the exact same shit for over a decade
If you continue completely stomping your playmates you may eventually lose them
>movement? fast as possible
>maneuver? unchecked
It's go time
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i like graviteam got 600h between that and tunisia but fuck its got some retarded shit sometimes, im the same guy that got fucked over in the raid campaign by conquering the same village 3 times in a row and the game giving it back to the soviets for no reason after every tac battle
now im doing a shorter campaign (furtive spring) and:

>every tac battle the 3x3 square cuts out the company entrenched on the hill to the west that has the mortar spotter, on map mortars, and 3 or 4 105mm guns, purposefully placed in that company due to its postion, as you can see in the pink square (picrel), vs selecting the yellow square which is what would be appropriate, this way i get lose my idf and half my at capabilities + spotting enemies in advance + mg fire

>terrain is awarded to the enemy even tho theres no enemy there and im still holding the position realistically, so next turn ill get enemies spawning in my ass

its annoying as even if i made the correct decisions and held my ground i still lose it anyway and am put at a disadvantage even tho its just bc of the retarded engine
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ah yes also forgot that as you can see my company retread for no fucking reason as the barely made contact last turn yet the other 2 that got into heavy fighting and took heavy casualties didnt (rightfully so)

in picrel you can see how theres no enemy in the red area and i even have manned trenches in there from which i repelled some enemy probes, yet i lose the ground and my company retreats
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thats the operation
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operations stats

i did well considering they have a tank company and a shitton of infantry that outnumbers me and ive got almost no at, destroyed almost all their light tanks but 1 or 2, and the t34 are still alive, also destroyed a platoon of light field guns and a bunch of men, i also didnt have any mortar spotter due to the above resons, my 2 105 guns got blown up straight away so they didnt get a chance at the t34 and the other 2 never saw combat bc they were excluded as i said, so yeah overall given im at a disadvantage i think i used my light inf batallion pretty well, took advantage of entrenchment and reverse slope and nerded out on the best fields of fire with the los tool, lost some motivation on continuing due to the stupid penalties but its just 2 turns more so ill see it through
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soviet platoons have like 6 or 7 squads so head to head in the stats when you see the number of platoons its as if it was double
I am aware, hence why I threw him a softball of playing as the terrible italians on the offense. I didn't realise until I entered the town and encountered almost no resistance, but dozens of dead men that I didn't see until then (still, if he'd retreated his smashed up squads into the centre of town I'd have suffered a lot trying to get them out, but for some reason he chose not to do so, instead running from the town entirely into an orchard). I hope he does better in the next battle, but that's on him. Currently planning a blue on blue game in Final Blitzkrieg, me as the brits, him as the US, hopefully he can do a bit better, maybe I'll give myself a force size penalty.
any negros wanna play combat mission 1v1? I consider myself competent but I've only played vs the AI.
I got black sea and shock force 2 steam version
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Okay, I have a limited amout of cash and I'm thinking buying Graviteam with some DLCs, or the complete Combat Mission Red Thunder since I want the Eastern Front experience

what do I do?
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ok im done with this bullshit

the south africa angola and iran iraq ones are noice bc theyre the only ones with modern shit in them, for the ww2 ones idk theres a ton ive got 3 or 4
Do you have friends to play multiplayer with? Get CM. No friends? Graviteam.
I dont have those, I have the WW2 ones, and I pirated those (I really should buy at least one, to support the devs)
pirate both, decide on which one you like, buy that one
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What was he thinking in this moment?
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Is Black Sea now proven to be true to real life since we've seen vatniks do even worse things than pic related?
What's a good campaign to start out with for Tunisia?
Hey, I'm wondering. Is there a game like Close Combat but gives you campaigns and scenarios from a more modern warfare?
I'm not up to date on games. But I really used to like Close Combat and thought it would be cool in like an Afghanistan setting or something.
Check our Combat Mission Shock Force and Black Sea
Chewey Gooey if you have zero fucking clue how to play, either side
Cactus Hill as the British is also good but a little tougher
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>Ukraine gets bombed
>probably tried spamming gore on /pol/, /k/, /b/, whatever to easy his butthurt
>didn't work
>comes to fucking /vst/ to try to soothe his aching anus
Fuck off retard, keep your slav wars shit to the relevant boards. No (You)s for you.
There is a Combat mission Afghanistan, but it is a bit old and it's the soviet-afghan war, not the most modern. Otherwise, shock force and black sea like the other anon said.
Dear Retard and most probably vatnigger, this is a game dealing with Russian and Ukrainian forces fighting, released pre-Chimpout. The sheer shitshow of some of the things I've seen happening there, reminded me of the things I've seen in game.

I have no opinion on the conflict beyond supporting whoever is fighting of an aggressive neighbor.

I know that in your shizo mind everything is a coordinated effort. Please take it as such and please. please stay mad. I'll even post some more when I get to it.
Don't even indirectly reply to these fags. You see what happens.
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>reddit spacing
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>enemy is using schwimmwagen to position his spotters
the next anon vs general fantastic game has begun, i've taken a massive force reduction to even things up, I have a well understrength British Parachute Battalion with some random light armour and a pair of Comet tanks, he has supposedly brought "multiple king tigers" along with a whole bunch of panzergrenadier. I do hope that 77mm APDS will save me, if not then I need to hope that PIATs can do the job. I have confidence however in my heavily armed paras to deal with his infantry despite being outnumbered, it's just those spooky king tigers. I hope several is less than 4
t. hohol
“Paragraphs are Reddit” is one of the more amusing psyops of our time
Armored Brigade 2 is out
Finally. Now we wait for the first batch of patches. Hopefully managing the mechanized infantry is a bit more comfortable now
>supporting whoever is fighting of an aggressive neighbor

lol what a retarded NPC
you dont support a war based on that stupid moralistic shit, that's the propaganda to get ignorant plebs on board, the reasons why you support a country/war are geopolitical, what are the implications of this event, does my country benefit or not from it? what actions should I take?

the muh aggression on muh sovereign country is retarded, if it was convenient for your country to invaded another it should do so, if it's convenient for your country to contrast that invasion it should do so, none of the 2 is wrong
While the logic behind it is faulty, reddit spacing is not "paragraphs". Reddit spacing is unnecessarily adding a line between paragraphs. Sometimes getting as extreme as a blank line in between every sentence. Allegedly has something to do with reddit formatting forcing you to hit enter twice to start a new line, thus causing redditors to insert a blank line as that does not translate to 4chan. It is unnecessary and faggy, but I've been around on the internet long enough to know that people have been doing it for longer than Reddit has been around.
How many games is this now and which is the closest he's come to winning?
Yes, that’s why it’s funny to see newfriends describe short paragraphs, with multiple discrete sentences ending in punctuation, as “Reddit spacing”
>describe short paragraphs, with multiple discrete sentences ending in punctuation, as “Reddit spacing”
Does your idea of the written word come solely from YA novels and advertisements? Since when does a "paragraph" implicitly include an inserted blank line. I also generally don't think of a single sentence as a paragraph, especially when there is no thematic difference between it and the sentences around it. I have attached an image of paragraph formatting as it has been understood by the English speaking world for centuries. I can find some nonfiction examples if that would better show you that you're writing like a fag.
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>shitposting about reddit spacing
fuck off both of you
>Game 1: SS vs USA meeting engagement, stomped him completely, but that was largely a practice game with both of us not knowing how to play effectively.
>Game 2: Wehrmacht defence vs USSR, took a few losses to mortars, but smashed his forces in a trap objective, obliterated his tanks and overall won easily
>Game 3: Wehrmacht vs USSR meeting engagement, completely defeated him using Panzer IIIs and based volksgrenadiers (love those sturm squads). Took minor losses, for an easy victory.
>Game 4: Wehrmacht attack vs British. He took an armoured car squadron on the defence for some reason, easy win, especially when he counterattacked into forests with cars.
>Game 5: Italians attacking USA, very effectively used the terrible italians on the attack, his lack of AT hurt him quite badly. Easy win again, but quite fun.
>Game 6: Current British vs Wehrmact meeting engagement, I have a massive force penalty and he brought king tigers, so should even things up.
he also fought a different friend of mine and got soundly beaten, so he's 0-6 at the moment.
once again who wants to fucking play 1v1 black sea or shock force 2

>paragraph posting
1. You sound rather insecure, and indentation vs. blank lines is completely tangential to this discussion.
2. Paragraphs may be separated with either a blank line and no indentation, or an indentation and no blank line.
3. “Reddit spacing” is when anons use a double line break after every sentence because they’re used to the first line break not doing anything
4. The post in question >>1897985 consisted of three short paragraphs of two, one, and four sentences separated by line breaks, and so is not actually le “Reddit spacing”, which is why it’s funny that it’s used as a complaint by overcompensating newfags.
>maneuver? unchecked
Is there some setting I'm missing here to make them maneuver? My commander just detracked himself 25 seconds into a battle. It was fast movement in a column. Just wanted to get him on a road. There was a single massive fucking rock in the field I overlooked and he ran right into it.
Never mind I found it. Time to see how useful it is.
Holy shit these Stuarts are performing embarrassingly. Guess I'm going to have to be a bit more clever with them
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>mfw I have spotted 4 king tigers, a jagdtiger and an Ostwind
Fortunately one of the mighty Comets engages from a hull down position at 1000m and punches a hole through the lower side of one of the king tigers, knocking it out. Time to flee and find a new position, although I reckon that will be hard to repeat, as the king tigers are currently sitting and lobbing 88mm shells at scout teams, stubbornly refusing to advance into my PIAT traps
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Results of a match I recently concluded. Ran a semi-mechanized Sturm/Panzergren force, but modified it so as to have a platoon riding in the 20mm armed halftracks to try and emulate modern IFV tactics. Worked reasonably well, I was able to arrive in the central town objective far before my opponent as he had taken few halftracks of his own. He made a valiant effort to claw onto the objective but with MG-42 and 20mm support his casualties mounted increasingly high and his forces collapsed back from the town. Artillery accounted for roughly 50-65 of his men as well, by my estimates.
Good luck anon. PIATs should be able to handle those King Tigers.
Does anyone want a match in Barbarossa to Berlin or Afrika Corps?
Sure, why not, don't care which one because I've got neither. Never played either of those, just the new ones, if either of them allows some early war fun I'd like that, too much Final Blitzkrieg and Red Thunder makes me want for the early days. Where should I get it, so we have the same version.
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Thus far no they have not. Not due to effectiveness, but apparently every british PIAT operator is a blind and fat retard. Not a shot has been fired as they continually spot tanks, aim, then lose sight of them for no reason, crawl in a circle, then fail to spot the vehicle again. And when I tell them to move 20m they immediately become exhausted and useless, while all the regular troops around them are just a bit puffed.
He's got a juicy jagdtiger exposing its fat side to me, I am in a perfect spot to shoot it, and Mr. PIAT's crawling around searching for his contact lenses despite being ordered to stay still and blast the barn sized beasty. Infuriating, especially since I bet the moment they get a good line of sight he'll move the fucking thing in a nonsensical way but it'll foil my plans somehow (it's happened twice already with other vehicles)
What causes machinegun operators to drop their guns in graviteam? I was playing a battle and had 5 platoons drop their guns within a minute or two. Never saw that before.
Cursory research says that it's either a bug that happens on uneven surfaces or suppression + exhaustion. I was a bit worried that I had yet another unit that was easily disabled by the mighty Tunisian rock field. If I control the area where they dropped the gun by the end of the match, I get those back right? It didn't seem like they were destroyed, just abandoned.
come on anon, give me a link or something, I'm down to play. And need a link to some method of communications. Don't leave me hanging.
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well the battle is over. I had a last gasp assault that failed, but I realise I truly psyop'd myself once I looked at the end of the game, if I'd kept pushing I'd have won easily, his men were fucked up and morale was mostly broken, but I agreed to a ceasefire when I thought the objective was too well defended for my small british force to defeat (it wasn't, and If I'd had the courage to charge his King Tiger, I'd have found it completely unprotected and vulnerable, but once again I underestimated General Fantastic's ability to fail at basic tactics). In the end, the PIATs failed me multiple times, only firing twice, and both missed (he was promptly executed by an 88mm HE shell). I only lost one armoured car, killed by some wack vision from a King Tiger seeing through multiple trees somehow. Overall not bad, but so many moments of terrible luck meant I snatched a draw from what should have been a win.
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Update: it would have been a minor victory, but my objective didn't count because I forgot to put a man there to secure it, fuck. I parked a truck, but I dismounted and that didn't count. Fuck I'm retarded. Oh well.
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Huge battle, 3k men including 400 allies vs unknown russians. just waiting for the arty to soften up where I believe the enemy [positions may be before sending everything forwards.
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Finally managed to Cactus farm without taking a defeat in TWT1943
In my previous attempts I kept fucking myself by calling in my reserves-- like an idiot I didn't realize keeping them intact was a victory condition. Critical to the success was seizing the big hill, and the actual cactus farm itself, during the nightime on the first turn-- not ideal, because the churchills weren't yet available, and a lot of my rifles got caught out by mortars in the open. A preliminary bombardment of the farmbuildings was enough to soften them up for the actual assault, and securing the hill and crossroads were relatively painless, being only held by a few squads. Only 110 casualties to the German's 90, not bad for a bumrush. Next turns were just mopping up fractured kraut attacks; I only encountered tanks on the last turn-- they were deep in the trees, and after a successful recce, I sent in my Churchills leading to some real Girls und Panzer shit. You get some air support on this mission, three American-built Havoc bombers, but they all missed their targets by wide margins.
Of note, Colonel Doherty's tank took out the two tigers without a single scratch; one of his crewmen, I presume his gunner, received the Military Medal for his efforts.
This came at the cost of a single Churchill, which got penetrated through the driver's hatch by a Tiger, with only one survivor, and two crewmen from another-- friendly fire in the chaotic, point blank tank battle.
I enjoy sending Jerry packing as the British, it's a shame we will not see more DLC with them-- most exotic thing we might get from GT is Khalkhin Gol, but if I could wave a magic wand I would want a "Canadians in Italy" kind of campaign.
Good luck
I think von Boch once wrote something about the fact that he preferred to command understrength divisions, because he could focus more on individual units-- I like long campaigns in Graviteam but man if I have too man guys to command it turns into a shitfire
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> if I have too man guys to command it turns into a shitfire
I loved Achtung Panzer/Op Star for this reason, much small scale so you really gotr to know each of your units, even individual platoons and squads, and could follow their journey through the campaign, no chance to do that when there are so many battlegroups.

Having said that, the spectacle of several thousand men battling it out in 1:1 scale, and the aftermath is at times breathtaking.
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ive never heard of any of this game, seems kinda cool, wich one should i pick?
They are all the exact same game with reskins. Just pick whatever setting you like the most
depends what you are after
the issue is that while combat mission and graviteam tactics are both detailed simulators, they have different goals and ideals in mind0.
If you intend on multiplayer Combat Mission is the only option, if that helps.
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One of the more modern CMs if you want to try out CM
Tank Warfare Tunisia if you want to try out Graviteam
I've only played two of the graviteam games, but as everyone else has said it's mostly setting. Tunisia does have a lot of maps where your tanks will throw tracks if they move an inch, because there's fields of rocks. Mius front has had far more interesting and less frustrating terrain from what I've played. Actual mechanics of the games are pretty much identical.
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If you have friends to play with, get CM. Otherwise, Graviteam.
I have the combat mission one where you are fighting Iran and Jihadis. Is that a good one?
It is Syria and Jihadis. Also whether it is good or not depends on whether you like Combat Mission games. It is the same gameplay as all of them but in a modern middle eastern setting.
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>no loyalist vs anti-hitler civil war alt hist kino
Damn got me excited
It's jap loc so prob a weeb. Also you are big wrong about that human (worst china) chinese and japanese love this stuff too, I can't speak for koreans and vietnamese but I asume they'd be in a similar vein.
Fuck that, give me more autism simulation, smarter ai and larger scale. I want one of my scouts to get caught out cause he had to piss from the vodka he drank the night before to cope with losing his brother when they stormed an entrenched position.
Would be cool. Some SS vs Wehrmact scenarios could definitely be work
I just want some optimization at least. Ideally Slitherine will force these retards to actually improve the game
This is a retarded thread but somehow this might be the most retarded post of all.
Best Graviteam DLC to get during the sale? I mean Mius I have all the Tunisia ones. I'm definitely going to grab some of the more modern campaigns, but what are some good WW2 ones?
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A nice christmas present for general fantastic, who finally has beaten me after many defeats.
I took a -30% force modifier, so I had a single company of Fallschirmjager infantry, and a company of support weapons (a few machine gun teams and two recoilless rifles). He had an entire battalion of machine gunners, more vickers guns than I could count, and the map was quite one sided. I caught his guns in the open and killed a shitload with my mortars and recoilless rifles until they ran out of ammo, but a single company of infantry has no chance of pushing through a valley against dozens of vickers guns. His victory was assured at force selection, which is fair enough.
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he certainly needed a win after this one (hull down tigers at long range bodes poorly for pretty much anybody, my only total loss was a Nashorn that I blundered into the open)
Depends what you like: Long campaigns or a bunch of short ones, early or late war-- if you like early war stuff Furtive Spring is pretty good, if you like infantry stuff Croatian legion is, if you want lots of fucking mid-late tanks Against the Tide is good
Does anyone have a method for adding the CM DLCs to a legit steam install? I want the late war ones for the ww2 games but the $$$ adds up and it's more then I'm comfortable spending
Damn what a shot. Was it radio corrected or sth?
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just pure luck, first shot at 1400m, and the commander had previously got his head blown off
I got hooked on Graviteam, which DLC do you recommend the most?
Operation Victory
But don't play as those filthy Shiite Iranians
yup I ended up with that one and the operation Blau pack
Good luck
Everything is accurate and there is NO cover
but it makes for an interesting campaign
I can also reccomend Against the TIde
bought the angola shit too, got some steambux late
so far Im having the most success with the WW2 stuff but I love the system and am looking forward to diving into the modern stuff
>normally play with good to fanatic morale troops
>try some lower quality ones
>men panicking with 0 casualties, constantly cowering, broken morale from one or two casualties
jesus this is difficult, keeping the retard brigade together and combat effective is hard, especially when attacking an enemy position. I miss my Fallschirmjagers and SS assault troops, these Kriegsmarine men are equipped like it's 1941 and have as much fighting spirit as the Afghan National Army. At least if more of them had automatics I could win the suppression fight against the Soviets, but 8 man squads at most an MP40 and an MG34 (some squads don't even have an MG, which is horrendous) is woeful in 1945.
does once again make me wish for more early war combat mission titles. Give me Poland or France dammit.
Still should win, but morale has never been such a problem before
>there is NO cover
Cover is gay and cringe, that's why I like Tunisia.
>play eastern front mius campaign
>oh boy I'm excited to try this cool equipment and these cool vehicles
>get into battle
>map is an almost entirely flat forest
>spend the next several hours slogging through the forest killing soviet infantry, or shelling them
Maybe I'm doing it wrong. How do I get flamethrowers to fire? I don't think I've actually seen them used once. I want to start a forest fire to smoke these fags out.
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I love the smell of burning Iranians in the morning
Child soldiers? more like child smolders.
Nah the forests and big villages SUCK ASS|
>How to get flamethrowers to fire
I have no fucking clue
I've never gotten an actual flamethrower operator to fire it; he'd always get too suppressed to use it before getting close enough
Smoke shells from artillery can also light trees on fire if you are desperate for that, but good lucking getting it to spread quickly
Glad you're having fun; it doesn't click with everyone but its pretty intuitive once you figure it out
Yeah, high morale is essential for defending and absolutely a requirement when attacking. Also those winter uniforms look sick.
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Completed my first operation and it was a mild success
Im hooked on this game right now
Congratz anon
>Mild success
good job!
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What is the "proper" limit battle radius setting
I have a beefy PC if that factors
>I can also reccomend Against the TIde
I checked it out and saw it had the mid/late war tanks and bought right away
Got some christmas dosh to burn
>its pretty intuitive once you figure it out
I tried combat mission first and I do like it but this system just clicks with me so much easier, I think its the deployment system where you can easily see sight lines, its a HUGE help
No limit, 3 hour battles
They certainly do look good, although some white painted stahlhelms would probably be better.
My enemy has agreed ceasefire terms, he is retreating from the objective and once he has we shall ceasefire. Seems like a victory for the Kriegsmarine is in order
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the sailors win against general fantastics soviet army
>he'd always get too suppressed to use it before getting close enough
Flamethrower tanks were a thing right? I haven't seen any in the game, but no idea if any were used by the Germans/Russians on the eastern front.
Both sides used quite a few flame tanks, including converted heavy tanks like the Flammwagen auf Panzerkampfwagen B-2(f) and the KV-8 and plenty of medium/light tank conversions as well.
the Counter Blow campaign for Mius Front has KhT-26 flamethrower tanks, which are the poorly armoured T-26 chassis with a flamethrower in the turret. Not nearly as cool as the heavy flamethrower tanks, and a lot harder to get in close without being murdered by AT rifles, but still very effective if they are well used.
>limit battle radius
Does it limit the actual size of the battle area or does it limit the units involved? Realized I've been playing on limited and there has been some jank with getting units into battle that looked like they should be.
Can somebody explain how does the on-map arty work in Graviteam?
I have a unit that consists of mortars, a commander and a telephone cable laying crew. I get that the telephone crew lays cables to connect something with the mortars. But the mortars never shoot. They ever shoot when the opfor is within line of sight of the commander. Can't the cables connect to commanders of other units?
I've heard of people having situations where every requirement for the arty to shoot was met, but for some reason it didn't. Whether it's some aspect of the simulation we're unable to see or a bug I'm not sure. It is supposed to work like that. As for the wires I believe they have to be within the command structure of that unit and within a certain distance for wires to be set. Also I've had situations where they won't lay them if a unit is under heavy fire.
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Poor tactical decisions
and thats why god invented the satchel charge
I wish there was a way to get men to throw grenades over walls or up/down slopes without line of sight, that's exactly the situation where some lobbed grenades would be very useful prior to going through even if you didnt have any breaching ability
Can I use tanks in forests at all in mius front? I played Tunisia first so I'm used to a column of tanks all throwing tracks on a single pebble, but I saw some medium tanks go through woods just fine. Will they fire or is visibility/LOS too fucked?
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They won't throw tracks nearly as often (I sometimes go whole 7 turn campaigns without a single accidentally thrown track) but visibility will be a massive hinderance
best to stick them to treelines rather than right in the forest if you can help it; and make sure they have a means to escape if they get caught
best practice is sending some infantry through first just to make sure the forests are clear
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>start campaign
>tons of reserves and troops on the way
>this will be easy
>victory condition
>advance 500km to Moscow in 5 turns
>don't lose any troops
>don't use any reserves or incoming bgs
Does anyone know how in depth the devs research is? I've heard he bases troop organization and strength off of official records, but I don't know how true to life any of this is. A bunch of the DLC maps have some kind of historical writeup with them, so I'll check those.
>I sometimes go whole 7 turn campaigns without a single accidentally thrown track
I have played a couple Mius campaigns, just ones without a big focus on forests, and the only immobilized vehicles I had were one or two that got stuck in trenches. Every other immobilization was from taking fire. I understand that in Tunisia I shouldn't be sending tanks into terrain that is crammed with boulders, but it was bullshit how often they failed to maneuver around areas with only a few small rocks. Past a certain point I stopped trying and my tanks became static gun emplacements in some maps.
>best practice is sending some infantry through first just to make sure the forests are clear
I'm mainly wondering if they'd actually be useful attacking with infantry in the woods. I just need to try it out and focus on the fighting while it's happening.
>Past a certain point I stopped trying and my tanks became static gun emplacements in some maps.
Yeah, terrain is the number 1 enemy in Tunisia
except with Churchill tanks, I played Operation Longstop and they climbed every hill
>I'm mainly wondering if they'd actually be useful attacking with infantry in the woods. I just need to try it out and focus on the fighting while it's happening.
It's gonna be a shit show
depends on the composition of the enemy
Bros I fucking love the Ratel
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A picturesque armored attack to cut Ivan's escape route and communications
Just picked up CM: Fortress Italy, what am I in for?
rough terrain, ambushes and suffering (especially as the italians)
>Croatian legion
>rout Soviets
>destroy ever single heavy weapon and piece of armor they field
>occupy every node on the map
>minor defat
>appear to do better than what happened IRL according to the map updates
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Now this is a battlefield. I'm tired of all these fucking hills blocking my line of sight and forests providing cover.
Graviteam is awesome. But I really really fucking wish it offered mod/workshop support. I mean the ability for custom units and maps would really keep it fresh. Obviously Andrey would never add such a feature because it would impact sales. I want more terrain and units.
Disappointment. For some fucking reason the devs decided to set the game in Sicily (where only reservist/rear guard Italian units were stationed), meaning that you don't get the Italian medium tanks that could actually feasibly stand somewhat comparable to Shermans and the like. Instead you only get L3/33s and marginally modernized interwar designs.
ill play a battle with you if you want, i also just picked it up
I'm just getting started since this is my first CM so I'll probably try to get used to it before I start playing multiplayer
Favorite Mius Front campaign? Any side and any time period, just looking to see what people consider the best. I have a few DLC and have played about half. None of the different time period ones though.
With the mortar platoons should I be using the heavy weapons squad commander or the firing platoon commander? Does it matter?

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