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We should bully paradox to release source code
Nobody cares
Clearly you do, there's also an open source victoria II community which is the same engine
HOI3 is dogshit. Darkest Hour and HOI IV are miles better.
God I wish. Maybe then I wouldn't have to fear the game crashing on me whenever a month passes by.
tranny take
HoI3 was the first big game on that version of the engine which is why it wasn't a big success, Vicky had limited modding support but you could still do enough, meanwhile HoI3 is completely barren of any functionality, there's like 3 big mods and making something complex like HoI2 could was totally out of the question.
And those guys making open source Victoria 2 are very much incompetent so there's no hope for anything. Even if they weren't, they're only interested in recreating the Vicky mechanics, there wouldn't be anything related to OOBs or supply
Hoi3 was peak because it was an actual strategy game and didn't try appealing to the visual novel crowd
The gameplay of dh with its fuckhuge provinces is a joke, plays like a boardgame, and if you actually play goy4 kys
Use v2winfix and set the game to borderless fullscreen/windowed. Stops all crashing, even on BICE.
I want to kiss you. Thank you so much, bro.
Truth nuke
Stop projecting
DH gameplay is pure soulful kino and if you can't vibe with it you are filtered lol
Yeah hoi4 is casualized normalfag shit but it is actually playable unlike the autistic nonsense that is hoi3
can someone fix this AI bot? it's just spewing nu-speak.
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>xim is AI! xim is AI! xim is AI!
All I ever wanted from HoI3 was a place to read total & cumulative casualties as well as prior casualty counts for battles, then I'd never stop playing it.
>Heckin kinorino and sovl! XDDDDDD
Your favorite game is dogshit. Come back to the strategy board when your mind is capable of understanding real strategy games.
>playing any other iteration of hoi than hoi4
normalnigger thread
>Darkest Hour
>and HOI IV
Nah that's a bad take.
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what mod is that?
Didn't Johan threaten to commit suicide because this game bombed so hard?
Hoi 4 has great logistics and narrative potential. Hoi 3 has the way better battle mechanics and strategy.
My dream game is to mix these positives in order to create something great.
This would be great.
I have mixed feelings about being responsible for this image.

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