pay your taxes to the hegemony
>>1959451Oh and I forgot VRI also adds that
>>1959454>VRI>the author openly tells he is on HRT>he turned his named female NPCs into trannies to own the chuds
>>1959106>>1959116>>1959118>>1959122>>1959163he's bulgarian, retards
>>1959571>russo-liberashka rapefugee in europeeven worsehe has to go back before his genes reassert themselves>barely stepped out of sovok and already forgot his mother tongueliberashka superpowers never cease to amaze
>>1959571Eastern europeans are all slavic in origin.
>be Command&Conquer: Red Alert 2>be about alternate history >scenario is no Adolf Hitler so no War World II >game refrences events from... War World IIWhy is Red Alert so bad at alternative history? From technology, to maps to picrel, devs could just simply make scenario "Cold War gone hot" without changing anything and would fit better
>>1945009>Why am I KEKing from this?Because you're a redditfaggot that loves references.
>>1956575You gotta grow up.
>>1942085>Original RA still had those problems, with late WW2 tech and 1990 map of EuropeSo, interwar tech, and emphasis on armor developed by the French, the USSR, and the Brits? Also, without NSDAP Germany, would it mean that submarine tech, chemical weapons, jet tech, and rocket tech would be developed much later like the 1960s-1970s?>bad at alternative historyMad science has always been cool, especially highlights for prism and tesla tech. What gets me is the development of nukes, since the allies, especially the US, were the first to use said nuke weapons. Would be neat to know what are your ideal alt history scenarios for a no-NSDAP alt history aside from "Cold War gone hot" (on that tangent, closest in mind would be World in Conflict.)
>>1952189Welcome back thread misser
So we can all agree that this is the best Civ game, and maybe even best 4x game of all time right?
>>1959081>Generally they game feels designed with the philosophy that more complexity = more fun.One thing that frustrates me when I hear midwit opinions like "game felt empty at launch", "it has way more content", when there's no thought about how those systems interact with eachother, just that there are more of them.I think 6 is a fine game, but if I had to play 1000 hours with all of the dlc, I'd pick Civ5, since Rise and Fall actively harms the game.
>>1959081>yet I still find new things after so many years of playing.Not doubting you, but do you have examples? curious as a V player (with VP)
>>1959203Yes it does.
>>1959081>VI's AI is super passive and boringSo is V.>Religion is bad in VISame as V. You get pantheons, spread it to your core and that is it mostly.>The loyalty system isn't all bad but they went too far with it, making it so everyone has to expand in boring homogenous bubbles.You mean, expand naturally instead of grabbing land continents away?>The world congress or whatever it's called is boringGenerations above v and it boredom congress. Whatever you pick is meaningless and pisses of everybody.>They turned culture into just another tech tree. Wowie so much fun.Social policies started this shit.>Generally they game feels designed with the philosophy that more complexity = more fun. The game just feels overly complicated without a ton of depth.>Shit modabilityAgreed.
>>1959236>So is V.No. Something that immediately impressed me when I tried V again after hundreds of hours of VI was how aggressive V's AI was by comparison. If you disagree then you just haven't played one or both of them recently.>Same as V. You get pantheons, spread it to your core and that is it mostly.Missed the point entirely. The difference is that in V religion didn't try to be anything more than an optional side mechanic that gives you bonuses in other aspects of the game. VI tried to flesh it out and did a crappy job of it. For example instead of making a wide variety of religious combat units with different specialties, they just made one Apostle unit with random promotions.>You mean, expand naturally instead of grabbing land continents away?Right, because in in real life countries never acquire territory that's geographically separate from them? Lol. And in real life countries are always shaped like neat bubbles, right? Forget Chile, Austria, Norway, Vietnam, Greece, Croatia...>Generations above v and it boredom are you trying to communicate here>Social policies started this shit.Social policies have you make permanent meaningful decisions. When culture is a tech tree the only decisions you make are what to research first, in the end you always get the same stuff.
katowice soo-ACK!It's over
it's a fun game idk why it's dying like this
zoomers just play easy games
>>1959068lmao he went to the country with top plastic surgery and cult of beauty and got himself a shriveled dried up hag
at least she can speak english
>>1959422I'm wondering if Blizzard is really gonna waste the Starcraft IP. Boggles my mind
Game:>>>>>>>>> thread >>1937875
>>1959283You get a free raid once you hit a certain rank and before you get a tech to turn it off, right? And the raids are guaranteed score loss, so yeah, being able to switch that off is nice.
>>1959419They're also less loot, You can get valuable laser weapons from a raid.
>>1959283I'm pretty sure that kicks off when you build a base in Thebes regardless of whether you started there or not. Because it started for me after I put my third base in Thebes.
>>1959265The longterm benefits are only if you're going for the dr. x ending (sky knight armor) or if you go no codex (7 heroes)
>>1959265What makes a path "finished"? What paths are finished?Do any of them offer more meaningful long-term benefits?
>>1959188>maginot fortswhat's that? A bunker with a barbed wire moustache in front?
France just makes sense. This game is set in North Africa. How the fuck are we doing North Africa without Operation Torch? We got DAK Elefants and King Tigers in Italy before we got the french in french Algeria or the italians in italian Libya.
>>1959175scroll up and read the article that was posted a day earlier. also, lets try to be nicer to the people we talk too on this board, its unbecoming to speak in such a way to a stranger
>>1959175they just added a new map like a month ago lol
>>1951767is base game good or do I need to buy dlc too?
I will be hosting a game of Shadow Empire on /vst/. All levels of experience are welcome, the game will be run without the DLC, please opt in to the open beta on Steam. Turns will be done via e-mail.If you are interested, please post itt or e-mail the following preferences for planet generation:>water or no water?>alien life?>hostile atmosphere?>gravity and air pressure?>tech level?>city/army start number?>story modules and epochs?>starting council size?>development speed?It would be great to get a game going by the end of the weekend.E-mail: SEPBEM (at) tutamail dot com
>>1959036oh fug D:>>1959050thank you
>>1959050>t. statist scum
>>1959125Government is such a strong opening, beurcratic push is just a game breaking card if you get a good interior councillor
This game’s economy is weird but interesting. A lot of people complain about not being able to run a positive budget. I don’t either. And I don’t tax my people. I don’t tariff. I don’t implement any cost control measures. I simply run the government as a for profit natural resource business. Mine as much metal, rares, and oil as you can, and dump those onto the market when the time is right to become fabulously rich. So then the question becomes what do I do with $30k credits? With my turn deficit of $500-1000, this money will last me 30-60 turns. It’s ridiculous. The budget is never balanced, but that doesn’t matter because you have so much money. So I’ve been experimenting with pumping this money into my cities. Jack up that public expenditure amount to the maximum, and keep increasing it per turn. I don’t know why the limits are what they are, but some cities can only take $50, others hundreds or thousands. Basically I wonder if by doing this you can supercharge your economy by making your private industry build assets every turn, thus boosting your civilization level through the roof. My new theory is that would beat the money sitting in your reserves doing nothing. We’ll see how it goes, but I’ve never played this game any other way. The whole ‘tax your pops and run a positive budget’ approach has never appealed to me. Thoughts?
People have complained about rarecoin for years and if you read the patch notes it has been "fixed" half a dozen times. Did you find a publisher for that novel?
>Civ 7 is bad>Vic 3 is a disaster>AoE 4 is dull>Stormgate is DOA>CK3 was abandoned>HoI4 was packed full of bloat>Warno still is an inferior game to WGRD after three years of developmentStrategybros, I need some recommendations. Feels like everything that's come out recently has been really pretty disappointing. What's good out there these days?
>>1959455Rule The Waves 3 is the only game currently whichh feels like it was made for a wargamer and not some blue haired trannyFactorio also if that counts.
game so shit even LegendsofTotalWar refused to make what he claims to be his biggest sponsored vid offer after few hours of playing it. When a guy who eats Warhammer slop daily thinks game is too bad to cover i think it might be over for firaxis.
>>1956495>>1956416neither women or coloreds spend money on gamingchinks and sea love spend money on gambling and cheats
>>1959382They already culled firaxis after midnight sun.And chimera squad failed before that.Civ 7 is half of civ 6 numbers, and that means less people to sell dlc to.They are done.And you are retarded if you believe firaxis amounts to anything in 2k financials.
>>1959420>Civ 7 is half of civ 6 numbers,But it sells for twice the price.
>>19593822K are megajews even worse than EA, they'll just move all the firaxis devs to other departments or studios and just shut down the studio in all but name for later use on other projects with none of the current devs
How would you make asymmetrical warfare and playing as small nations without expanding work?
>>1957601alliances and loans like IRL
>>1957962Do you think 2 is better than 1.
>>1957962>The only war possible is the modern one, where the currency of the warring countries and their economy are build on fiat moneyFtfy.It's literally the only option where war is cheap(ish). If you have any other kind of currency, you simply run out of it, and then so do your creditors, and then you either wrap up the war, OR you go bankrupt in the middle of it.In other words: how this shit played out until about WW1
>>1958641It tends to come down to political organization. Many of the small polities (e.g. Afghanistan) are easy to conquer for the same reason they're hard to occupy, because they're literally ungovernable.However, when there is political unity, the morale boost isn't as fictional as you make it out. Local coalitions have a home-field advantage, and morale is a thing there. The Greeks fought off the Persians after they formed a temporary coalition, the Dutch BTFO'd the French, the Spanish, and the Austrians, and the Scots beat off the English at Bannockburn despite being heavily outnumbered.
>>1957601I think you'd just need to make a game where asymmetrical warfare is a central concept / mechanic and the focus of the game. In a typical GSG or 4x game it just doesn't work except as like bad modifiers or debuffs. It's just too orthogonal to standard typical interstate wars.For example the Hearts of Iron series has always struggled with this. IRL so much of the Chinese theater in WW2 was about small unit and asymmetrical warfare, pillaging behind enemy lines, partisans, etc. but that is very hard to model in a standard game of "Army takes province" and "Army fights army".They try to "simulate" it with just like debuffs or random enemy units spawning behind enemy lines but they just don't work. But if you did try to add some kind of 'insurgency minigame' it would be a huge distraction from the core gameplay.
How would you change legends, if you were the absolute monarch of the CK team?
any way of speeding up the initializing game time?it legit takes around 6 minutes for it to get to the start screen
>>1943868i would stop spamming the fucking notification for onethen make them cheaper or to use a different resource other than gold
>>1955837whats the point of working on mongols without having china
>>1946127The issue is that if you have a Clash of Kings update you have to have Qarth, and on top of that everything between Westeros and Qarth. I asked one of the devs about the lack of book start dates a while back and that was response.
I thought everybody said road to power was great. this is kinda boring
ITT: strategy games that you and only you have ever played
>>1956660inline replying, thread watching, notifications, themes, pass support, filters and a whole lot more. But that's not important right now.
>>1956636I loved this game when I was a kid. I'd leave Will Scarlet at camp to fully train up and then use him like a wrecking ball to demolish enemies.
>>1956636Almost has a Commandos look to it. I like the aesthetics.
I got a few>this game sucks
>>1959457Oh yeah also this one>This game also sucks
*is good now in your path*
>>1958256I'll give it a try if they change the name to something less retarded.
>>1958278The LOS tool and being able to queue up your opener moves before the game starts The division system replacing the nation system is more up to you, depends on your personal taste
The AI kinda sucks thoughbeit
>>1958274yes? I prefer it to RD but some people do not. I'd watch some youtube, or just refund it after trying the SP for a bit.>>1958278in my opinion, yes. I feel like the QOL and graphics advancements are worth it. I happen to like the setting (germany only) and the divisions, but for some those are the most divisive parts, so your mileage may vary. The rest of the game is very much just an upgraded and polished red dragon, that maintains the same comfy feeling with some minor gameplay tweaks.
>>1958256I want to like this game and I am not one of the psycho Eugen haters. But Warno is really a disappointment. It's been out for three years and there are huge chunks of the game that still feel half-baked, like the awful UI and voice work and some of the key mechanics like infantry design and combat. The division system is annoyingly exploitative but even more important it makes the game feel awful because so many of the interesting units are packed into these otherwise really forgettable cookie-cutter divisions and probably the most interesting part of WGRD - deck building - is essentially done for you. To say nothing of how mushy the unit responsiveness feels and how half the maps feel like they weren't designed for proper multiplayer. I really want to nolife this game but it's pretty meh overall.>>1958278It has both objective QOL improvements over WGRD (Good), it plays and 'feels' quite different from WGRD (Your mileage may vary), There are some systems and mechanics that are straight downgrades from WGRD (Bad). It's a mixed bag. It will ultimately come down to your preferences.One thing is for sure is that it has many more players right now than WGRD does.
An awful thread for devs and no-devs to post their awful ideas for strategy games that will never see light of the day, etc.
>>1957026thanks anon
>>1909726I feel like game design is the hardest part.Currently, I'm looking to create some sort of relationship manager to mimic short of Byzantine experience:>player assigns troops to generals and orders them on expeditions in order to push back barbarians>success is based on the number of troops assigned, general's hidden skill, and RNG>if you give the general most of your troops you might get deposed in a coup while troops are away>if the general is successful he might expect a reward>if player grants him a reward, it will be expensive>and every time he wins a new victory he will demand an even higher reward>if the general is denied his reward, he might hijack the army and rebelThe idea to focus on pragmatism, if player relies too much on one general it will backfire, but if they keep rotating generals, eventually some incompetent general will cause a military disaster.
>>1958250>I feel like game design is the hardest part.imo you have to focus on the core gameplay/feedback loop and not get distracted by supplementary details. it sounds like you have a pretty solid loop envisioned but have it out of order.>create army > select general to lead army > fight battles against barbarians > if army loses, nothing happens > if army wins, general gains experience & influence now you have to consider these factors: what is the reward? is it money or power? if money, where do you the player get this money from? if provinces or cities, you will have to model this. perhaps you have a number of provinces that generate set values of tax revenues which is why you are defending against barbarians in the first place which is a key missing part of your equation.>have 10 provinces > player has authority/influence value > each province generates 0.5 gold per turn > it takes X gold to levy a new army > it takes Y gold to hire a new general > create army > hire general > fight barbarians to defend provinces > if army loses, nothing is gained, it must wait for its forces to generate > if army wins, general gains an "influence" value and demands Z gold related to their influence value > player must choose between levelling up their skilled army & general and levying new green armies with zero influence > barbarian armies also increase in level in battle, have no influence value > player can hire barbarian armies as foederati at the cost of influence rather than gold to balance their forces > if a general reaches player's influence/authority value they rebel, create new faction
>>1958353If barbarians win, they settle in province, which will reduce tax revenues and allow them to launch deeper attacks.For setting I'm thinking 802, beginning Nicopherian dynasty.Essentially, the empire being attacked by the Serbs, Bulgars, Arabs, and the Lombards.
>>1909726I want to make a game that's kind of like a Wargame: Red Dragon type RTS but with Command and Conquer Tiberium universe type units and with a visual style akin to the Defcon games. Would be 2D and faster paced.I will probably never do this because I have not programmed a thing in my life but in my head its a cool game
How do you have more than one fun playthrough in this game?
I always fall asleep midway point, haven't finished a single campaign in the five years of owning this game after multiple playthroughs
>>1958151I wish Stellaris was more RP focused like CK2 or CK3. I'd play it more if it was. Is there any good games like that?
>>1958820I've heard this game is CK2 in space. Not sure about the "good" part
>>1958847has some good ideas but it's pretty jank. feels like a gameplay demo
>>1958151>>1958791I really would like someone to explain if I am missing something with this game. Because I have this same problem. It's kinda fun in the initial exploration / colonization phase. But then when borders get solidified and expansion stops the game slows to huge crawl. Not made better by how dull the war is and how lame the implementation of casus bellis / wargoals are (This may have changed, I haven't played in like a year). But in sum, after about 3-4 hours it just feels like the game stops being fun. I don't get what there is to do that's rewarding when the only thing to do is war and war is not fun. Spending like 30 minutes slowly killing fleets which are zipping around playing whack-a-mole and then you can only take like a handful of planets.