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Has anyone tried this game out yet? What did you think of it?
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I always felt the AI in Old world was very fair and challenging. But nothing crazy where I wanted to rage quit. So of the War I had going on felt intense compared other 4X games.
>My main issue with the game is that the city building is basically a static puzzle.
yeah, i don't like it too
desu there is too much shit and i hate building spam
AI uses forced march a lot, you should too whenever you got Training to burn.
I hate how short and fast it is.
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New update just dropped.
>More kids: Increased chances for leaders to have children
>Permanent improvements: Shrines, Slums, and Estates are now permanent improvements
>AI improvements


need a brewery runner /vst/
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This shit is legit like drinking chocolate milk to me
It's dangerous
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respectable but I prefer carolan's
Thanks, I will try it.
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There he is, bumpfag showed up

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How fares your empire, /ck3g/?

Wandering Nobles is out

Previous thread >>1874266
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They need to rework feudalism, especially the succession
You can keep hybridizing and collect new cultures into a mangled abomination. It keeps adding new hyphens by default.
No they don't. Gavelkind makes perfect sense to show fragmantation of feudal domains between various sons and decrease in land, which was one of the big reasons for the start of the Crusades.
The centralization of land didn't begin until 13th century and it took until 15th to mske substential progress.
What they need to do is expand feudal flavour to actual better simulate the land and fomain managment. Conflicts between high nobility and the King and rise of the low and middle nobility. And make the city and clergy vassals actually relevant as they should be.
And rework the religions.
>especially the succession
I feel like that was mostly fixed with administrative realms.
>Gavelkind makes perfect sense to show fragmantation
Sure but the succession is nonsensical in this game
Just start an early bookmark and see how bulgaria partitions, it's fucking stupid

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No love for Space Haven?
Great ship-building galaxy strategy game with crew management elements.
alien infections, augmentations, research, space battles, resource management. Anyone else play?
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boohoo nigga
>boohoo the devs took a solid game and have made it progressively worse
kek thats a take I guess
it's a 2D pixelshit game you mentally challenged dumbfuck, only autistic pixelcounting retards like you can tell if the game has gotten worse or better
kek you're so mad
All the starts are low effort. I get that they want to give you a blank canvas but they could at least give your 'starting ship' the verisimilitude of a purpose.

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How did Slay the Spire achieve such perfection? There's no way the sequel can possibly live up to this legacy.
And yes this is a strategy game
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>Fight card rewards are weighted towards synergy-enabling cards,
No they aren't. The only weighting is that you're more likely to get rare cards if you haven't gotten offered one in a while.
either the game is a strategy game, or it isn't There are no half-strategy games. Rougelike deckbuilders are not strategy games, they are rougelike deckbuilders. Next thing you're going to say is "but if you cut off your dick you become a woman", guess what. You don't. You're still a man with his dick cut off.
>get explanation to why game is strategy
>reply with "nooo it doesnt count its only a half lalalla cant hear you"
your strategy for winning debates sucks, go read The Art of War
>either the game is a strategy game, or it isn't There are no half-strategy games.
This is just nonsense. Is Warcraft 3 not a strategy game because it has RPG elements?
Spaghetti bolognese is a soup.

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Recently started playing through this, having a fun time.
Currently working through the Expert missions.
Wanted to stoke some discussion on it.

> What are your favorite base units?
<Rangers, definitely. They're fast, exploration-prone, ranged, brave but not suicidal. Perfect early game units.>
<Wizards can become demigods, but 95% of them die before that point. Also you need a keep upgrade to get them.>
<Warriors are shit. They're slow, dumb, and surprisingly cowardly. Even as meatshields, Veteran guards outclass them.>
<Rogues are also undesirable. Sure, they have poison and can serve as pseudo-tax-collectors, but they are so cowardly.>

> What are your favorite temple units

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>Never tried the healers.
OP as all fuck

Other than high-level Paladins (problems of which you've already pointed out), Solarii are the best fighters in the game. It's crucial to get them with the library upgrade for +1 Int, because that's the value they need to know when to retreat.
And to make myself clear: the point of Solarii is not to have a mainstay fighting force, but being the "late game comeback in case of things going to shit". They are strong and competent enough to crank up first two levels even in like day 30, while picking them is purely situational and you can ignore them. Whereas when going after Paladins, you have to dedicate your game to that goal.
Majesty is fun but a lot of the difficulty on harder maps is literal RNG. The expansion helps a bit with this with some of the new spells it specifically introduces, but never really fixed some things, like the tier 3 guilds kind of being a fucking joke
I love the game.

used to play the browser game a lot, lol.

Best is babysitting a mage to when he gets teleport, like lvl 5 or something.
Or something like Solarus, I forgot which one of those advanced temples is OP.

Ranges lvl up and play super safe, but are useless beyond scouting.
Rogues are just the worst and will always die needlessly.
Which maps did you guys enjoyed the most and which one was the most frustration?

Is there a modern strategy game that caused more damage to the perception of historically accurate medieval combat?
>bows are inferior to crossbows, the latter can easily penetrate steel armor
>if you put plate on, you move like a turtle
>pikemen don't use pikes
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Definitive worth playing if I already have HD?
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literally what autoclicker that would work for this game? also is there a mod to just straight buy siege weapons instead of the painstakingly manual clickings
I wouldn't say it's definitive worth, but if you bought HD then you should at least try it
Fastclicker works.
The celts invented stronghold actually, not the brits

Hello /vst/, 2 years ago I made a post asking this board what an ideal Grand Strategy game would like. Because of my exposure to paradox games, namely Hoi4 and to a lesser extent Victoria 2, I approached the question by proposing a game that combined the merits of both of these two games. I still hold this perspective, and after a recent renewed interest in this subject, I propose a game that could successfully do the following:

1: Combine the military aspects of Hoi4 with the economic aspects of Victoria 2.
2: "Easy to learn, hard to master'- a low learning curve while still allowing complexity, variety, and difficulty in gameplay.
3. An actually functioning ONLINE multiplayer
4. "Better incentive player creativity"- As in, make modding easier and add in game customization as well.

To expand on these points:
1: I'm not proposing that this hypothesized game should simply mash Hoi4 and Victoria 2 together. What I am saying is that this ideal grand strat should be just as engaging militarily as Hoi4 is, while also being as engaging economically as Victoria 2 is. I believe this can be achieved in a way that isn't conflicting.

2: Grand strat games tend to have a high barrier to entry for new players, both in terms of learning the game and also affording it (think of the many DLCs one would need to buy to even begin playing one of these games). This can be remedied by automating the gameplay via "bureaucrats" (i.e. characters) and having the player learn by un-automating and automating functions as they please. This might sound stupid, but in practice it would be very effective in getting players to feel comfortable interacting with the game at their own pace without the fear of messing something up and having to restart/wanting to give up.

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I think the trade part from his post is kinda already doable
I think you're spot on about vic2 being great and hoi4's warfare being overcomplicated, but I still feel that Vic2 can learn a lot from Hoi4. Vic2 would be greatly improved if it had Hoi4's unit designer and army frontline toolbox thing.
My competition is millions of people that are all smarter than me I am literally never going to get a job.
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Interesting thread. May I chip in? Might be a bit off topic, I wouldn't want to hijack it though.
I think most important part of strategy games are agents. Something akin to this perhaps, https://web.archive.org/web/20201108093636/https://sote.miraheze.org/wiki/Agents.
I really looked up to this project. Although my fears came true. Where I think they failed is that instead of focusing on important stuff, they started whole world from scratch. They literally started with world generation. Tectonics, climate, bedrock and all this fluff. See for yourself. It sounds good, and it is good. But it is not important. Not then, not now, at least yet. https://web.archive.org/web/20201109023512/https://sote.miraheze.org/wiki/Climate
Complex game doesn't necessarily have depth. Instead I'd rather focus on emerging complexity from relatively simple and straightforward behaviour. You could have bunch of coloured boxes in a square town and it still could be fun and complex strategy game if these boxes could 'think' for themselves and would try to attain their goals, perhaps even cooperate with each other or even player.
I've tried to wrap my head around this and how to implement it for several times, still nothing. Maybe you or anyone in this thread can chip in too? What do you think about it?
>The most important aspect of any game for me is the player, without the player the game might as well not exist.
You and me might view this differently. I am more for simulation kind of stuff. Where there is practically no difference between AI agent or player agent, or shouldn't be. Then the world is practically a sandbox. And it might exist, even without a player. Because who is player, than just another unfortunate entity in a cruel world you invented?
This could be the breakthrough you are looking for.
This is a really good comment, I'm going to have to think about and read into this a little more.

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Desertic. Climate. Kino
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many authors remark how the brahmin caste always had monistic views while the larger part of population clinged to polytheistic practices in india. that this happened in mesoamerica too seems to shows a tendency
Does it use the random-walker gameplay mechanic? I'm just not fond of that style anymore, although I do appreciate why it's used.
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God this made me kek hard
Word to the wise, don't try to beat this game on very hard. Dealing with the actual city building aspect is manageable, but anything relating to combat is double-nigger aids. You can avoid the majority of combat situations/missions granted, but not all and thats where the game fucks you sideways.
Am I wrong to think Zeus is the best? It was the first one I played and I also have a soft spot for Greek mythology so that's my bias.

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OSHA violation edition.
Generals now unbanned edition.
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>If a caravan has arrived at your trade depot and is unable to leave for about two months after they finished packing up their goods, the merchants and animals will go insane. This can result in a bunch of merchants attacking your dwarves, or just standing around moping until they starve to death. It is not known for certain if this hurts diplomatic relations, but most likely it's the same as any case where the entire caravan fails to return home.

That is the only thing I can think of. If this aint the case, or it aint some sort of loyality cascade, then it looks like a extremely unheard of bug and and you best pack your save and send it to toady if the situation hasnt sorted itself already.
I belive that there is a command on DFhack for checking for loyality cascades and solving them if you have DFhack running. It might be worth a try since it wont cost you anything.
That's what that faggot ghost gets, should've haunted someone else loser.
Do they ever become useful? All mine do is hog the tavern and consume my resources

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I see the possibility of exploiting this part of the tree by fully mobilizing your army. My intuition tells me it's cheaper to make a full infantry army of 30w motorized infantry with 2 motorized artillery and a support company of super heavy artillery (which is just art 3 but more expensive). This allows you to get all the benefits of the infantry bonuses while maintaining the speed of motorized warfare. You could either go down the motorized infantry branch of the mobile warfare doctrine or go for grand battleplan. Missing 2 -50% doctrine bonuses isn't a big deal. Mobile warfare will give you helpful speed bonuses, even better because motorized infantry get huge bonuses from percent increases. 10km/h + 10% is huge, and that stacks with other bonuses in your tree. Or go for grand battleplan for the big stat increases.

Definitely add on a logistics company, a helicopter hospital company (because infantry takes lots of casualties on the offensive) and a maintenance company. Go for minimizing fuel usage and production cost in your MIOs.

I'll be trying this out myself soon. See how it goes.
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>Prussian Legacy
>30w motorized infantry with 2 motorized artillery
14+4 is just so much fucking better

Frog DLC dropping withing the hour

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Yeah, it feels like there's a space for at least one more dye building that doesn't suck, one resin building (or counerstone that allows planting resin trees in all types of farms/greenhouses), one brick building and at least one more usage for scales.
Yes, it is a puzzle game. If you expect a settlement builder it will fall flat.
I don't want this shit polluting my copper veins
fuck still like a month until the update
I used to love harpies because coats were easy. Now i hate starting with those whiny birds.

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Any of you fuckers playing these niche titles? Just got out of a fun PBEM game. Pic related. We won't have any similar simulationist RTT or turn-based WEGO games centered around the tactical scale of modern warfare until Armored Brigade 2 comes out.
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>shitposting about reddit spacing
fuck off both of you
>Game 1: SS vs USA meeting engagement, stomped him completely, but that was largely a practice game with both of us not knowing how to play effectively.
>Game 2: Wehrmacht defence vs USSR, took a few losses to mortars, but smashed his forces in a trap objective, obliterated his tanks and overall won easily
>Game 3: Wehrmacht vs USSR meeting engagement, completely defeated him using Panzer IIIs and based volksgrenadiers (love those sturm squads). Took minor losses, for an easy victory.
>Game 4: Wehrmacht attack vs British. He took an armoured car squadron on the defence for some reason, easy win, especially when he counterattacked into forests with cars.
>Game 5: Italians attacking USA, very effectively used the terrible italians on the attack, his lack of AT hurt him quite badly. Easy win again, but quite fun.
>Game 6: Current British vs Wehrmact meeting engagement, I have a massive force penalty and he brought king tigers, so should even things up.
he also fought a different friend of mine and got soundly beaten, so he's 0-6 at the moment.
once again who wants to fucking play 1v1 black sea or shock force 2

>paragraph posting
1. You sound rather insecure, and indentation vs. blank lines is completely tangential to this discussion.
2. Paragraphs may be separated with either a blank line and no indentation, or an indentation and no blank line.
3. “Reddit spacing” is when anons use a double line break after every sentence because they’re used to the first line break not doing anything
4. The post in question >>1897985 consisted of three short paragraphs of two, one, and four sentences separated by line breaks, and so is not actually le “Reddit spacing”, which is why it’s funny that it’s used as a complaint by overcompensating newfags.
>maneuver? unchecked
Is there some setting I'm missing here to make them maneuver? My commander just detracked himself 25 seconds into a battle. It was fast movement in a column. Just wanted to get him on a road. There was a single massive fucking rock in the field I overlooked and he ran right into it.
Never mind I found it. Time to see how useful it is.

Just bought this.

Any beginner tips you got /vst/?
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Ask again in a year. That's just how the rimworld development cycle works.
This game is just a stepping stone to dwarf fortress.
>brings /pol/ and /mlp/ together
Why /mlp/ ?
It depends on your autism level. RimWorld is entry-level shit for normies and for them it's all they need.

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defcon bros...
we're going home
Holy fuck this looks fun
Buy an ad already, faggots. Your company is just tiresome with this shit

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