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Can this mod still be saved?
If through violent or esoteric means, (You) attained full power over the development of Anbennar - what executive measures would (You) take to save the project?

Thread theme:
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Balrijin and Feiten look interesting. I'll try them, thanks.
Jaddari and Bladebreaker.
Astraport in yet?
Still in systems review unfortunately.
Unrelated, Rubyhold is in the process of getting a MT, here are the current mission themes.
It's the ultimate Jewish experience

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Why yes, I do enjoy getting maximum glamour from my missions. How could you tell?
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I think the most satisfying system would be the tech tree itself being a research topic, and getting to see more of it based on getting certain topics or facilities done. This would have to be combined with a procedural research tree, so the these techs aren't rendered useless by meta-knowledge. However, all this is obviously outside of the open Xcom's capabilities.
all you'd really need is some way to limit visibility of research topics and linked articles. for example you can't view a topic if you have less than 30% of its pre-requisites, and you can only see all the pre-requisites if you have more than 50% of them.
but the brainers *are* mass copying from their surroundings. they aren't reinventing electronics, for example, from scratch they're reading textbooks and tinkering with shit to figure it out themselves. that's why the research costs are on the order of days-to-weeks for brainer teams rather than months-to-years. consider the other anon's example of car thieves. the car thieves will sell to anybody with cash to buy and trustworthyness to not rat them out to megapol, but you first need to find out that car thieves exist and get somebody to give you their space-phone number.
>but the brainers *are* mass copying from their surroundings. they aren't reinventing electronics
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. On one hand they find some electronics and just ask the merchants how soldering works, on the other hand they manually climb from black powder weapons to modern/futuristic firearms, even though that can easily be skipped with some second hand knowledge and modern materials.
>you first need to find out that car thieves exist and get somebody to give you their space-phone number.
Explain how Rank makes any of that happen.
Rank is an abstraction of the pirate queen's notoriety and criminal reputation

Is technology too advanced in the game?

Image related is the UK in WWI.
The game considers steam traction engines, steam threshers, are something you get at around 1850.
Now I can find a lot of knob jockeying from internet articles saying that everyone and their pet dog owned a steam thresher by 1860, and then all had diesel tractors as soon as 1900 cropped up. But every documentary I've seen says farming was shit in the world wars and that's why mechanisation, and more importantly, women, were forced into work, though where all the farmhands went, probably on a holiday in France that would be over by Christmas, is oft unmentioned.

It feels really weird. You can not only industrialise with a few decades of infinite growth, you need to because later on keeping up with IRL tech is a ballache that requires a fully automated ga- feminist space comm- consumerist country to fund, and you can neither afford nor can you physically build an equivalently sized army without that massive GDP.
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>Waiting until 19-fucking-20
What are you DOING?
Getting that dumb Amish Paradise achievement as British Columbia. Point is Independence wars are usually pretty easy because stats for 90% of the games are skewed towards defense but this doesn't apply to the brits at all currently.
I think it even took 15 years to get enough liberty desire to declare a war. They were owning 50% of my GDP at some point and I had 0 anti-overlord lobbies to help with it.
I'll try again tomorrow to speedrun Canada and see how easier it is to get independence early on. I'm still worried about Newfoundland being a open front though.
Also did you guys notice how Convoy Raiding doesn't kill army supply lines anymore? In 1.0 up to 1.2 I vividly remember being able to starve armies with good navy play but the lowest I got one of theirs was 95% morale. It used to crumbles to 0% if you could keep their army isolated from supply routes for a few months.
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Its time
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This stuff is brand new
I managed to rush Political Agitation in 1887 as Japan. Got ONE character that spawned Fascist (fucking Shinto Monks) and died right after. I give up trying to get the cool flag.

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Build trains
talk about trains
appreciate trains

Also, how tf do I optimize this station better? It's a major bottleneck on my network but idk what I can do. It's already huge, my only idea is to try to squeeze 4 more platforms in.
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Anyone got any clue why ATrain 9 5.0 is sperging out like this? The further I zoom out the more tiles get turned either pitch black or pitch white, I would assume that it's intentional to reduce performance drain but this is way too fucking severe. Got the latest version, decent specs, tried both fullscreen and windowed, compatibility mode, changing all the settings, yet it did jack shit. There's no draw distance settings or anything like that either.
Nvm fixed, don't even know how but I managed it.
that’s just the host, simutrans-extended is actually british
RT3 was released in 2003 and had way more superior cargo/economic system
why openttd/simutrans can't implement something similar?
I only played RT2 back in the day and I loved it. What did RT3 do?

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===post your build orders===

I'll start:

2Land1Air no hydro:

>2 PG
>2 Mex
>2 PG
>2 Mex
>3 PG

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>new DLC just came out
>no thread
is this game really that dead?
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Do the controls differ, going from one game to the other? Or is there some way to easily control units a la aoe2?
What the fuck?
What is this clown shit?
What's next, announcing new Wargame sequel?
Controls-wise both games are really similar at basic level. Warno has some more "advanced AI" and complex orders but your mileage may vary - stuff like automatic counter-battery and automatic artillery in general works decently but trivializes a previously important layer of the game, while stuff like "Seize" or "Defend" orders rarely work because the AI is too dumb to mount attacks and set up good defensive positions without having the typical singleplayer advantages of superior numbers and knowledge of player's every move.
Warno has some minor quality of life stuff like the often requested line of sight tool - sometimes it might not be obvious what an unit can see and what it cannot especially when height differences and urban enviroments are involved, so Warno has a tool that lets you preview all lines of sight from a specific location. Otherwise I'd say the UI is worse because it's much less readable, which is weird because they pretty much got it right with Wargame.
For the most part someone familiar with Wargame can very easily find their way around in Warno. It's pretty much a sequel, although who the fuck knows anymore since Eugen is releasing a DLC to a game that's over ten years old at the time when they were complaining they don't have enough developers to put out content for their newly released game with extremely similar gameplay and setting in timely manner.
I'm torn because on one hand Wargame is a better game with a better UI, better deck system and generally is superior in ways that matter to Warno, Warno is much newer, has better graphics, has made some minor long-requested changes (smoke screens, 4+ weapon slots, EWAR, etc.) and has a much higher chance that the Holy Grail in the form of mod tools and (ESPECIALLY) map editor will be finally released, etc.
But instead of them fixing Warno or releasing Wargame 3 in first place, we get Warno and Wargame DLCs. French people are schizophrenic.

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Do you really think you need high APM to win? Isn't high APM just a justification for shitty foresight and planning?
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you need both micro AND macro. you can't just be good at one
>Isn't high APM just a justification for shitty foresight and planning?
"No Plan Survives First Contact With the Enemy."
Humans are dynamic and flexible, you never have 100% perfect information on everything and real life has randomness. Plans, no matter how genius, can always be predicted, circumvented or preemptively thwarted.

>Do you really think you need high APM to win?
If you are in the top 5% of the best of the best then yes at that point the game has been pushed to the limit and the most effective strategies and their relations between each other are known by everyone, so you cannot outplan your opponent within the framework of the game. if you are in the 95% of below the top best then high APM can get you a slight advantage but it is a high cost and minimal gain compared to overall experience in the game flow, game state awareness and flexibility that can change from moment to moment.
good news:
there are genres catered specifically for people like you. why are you trying to turn every RTS into a turn-based strategy game?
>multiplayer dies because people who treat RTS as a single player tower defense mode vs easy AI are too scared to actually play online against others for fear that it will ruin their "I'm such an amazing tactician" fantasy
good riddance
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Situation changes and overall lacking in programmable ai for the detail simulated.

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Anons can add like 3 hexes to the map or anything else really
As a quick rundown, the setting is inspired by old pulp science fantasy

Previous thread:
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I remember from the first thread there was the idea that the equator went diagonally across the map through the jungle and desert area. So the top right is near one pole and the second pole would be some ways down in the bottom left.
might be a good idea to put that on the map somewhere (like a compass so people see north, south etc)
otherwise the climate is going to be random and nonsensical
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I'd rather there be playable land than no land at all.
Isn't Mediterranean weather limited to the western side of a coast?

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literally the best RTS of 2024, i dont even need to play the slop that gets released this summer
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I bet you haven't seen Gates of Pyre; its lite too. So many good RTS games this year.
Dead cope general
horrendously obnoxious units, easily the worst part of the game for me
Nothing personel, meatbag!
>kamikaze dives at you when you engage something else
>regular-ass random Spider wiping your super-expensive Founders infantry squad you've been babysitting since the start since they got unlucky

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This thing is in a Humble Bundle right now. Hadn't heard of it before but seems to be a HoMM clone. Is it any good?
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Play or nay?
Play. Its got issues, it's not perfect, but its one of those few games that looked at HOMM's gameplay and tried something new and was actually fun.
Though I'll admit I'm looking forward to that weird HOMM type game with the mole people.
>I'm looking forward to that weird HOMM type game with the mole people
What's the name of the game?
Had to find it again. Silence of the Siren, has a demo.
It's just the "I can't draw but I also can't afford to hire someone who can" pixelart style endemic to indies. I don't much like vampire survivors, but it definelty looks better than this game visually, since it has "I can kinda do Simphony of the Night sprites" art

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Is it any good? Was it worth the wait?
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Keltering on my krieg rn
>there's no real idealogical struggle anymore
Like there wasn't during French Revolution? Come on man
>for an althis Cold War mod Entente/German victory does not work nearly as well as Int/Russia victory
Int/Russia would be boring because it's just irl cold war
>and it's not like Toronto Cuccords are made up of staunch anti-monarchist republicans
They are, see France
>what are they fighting over? Pure realpolitik stuff in the fucking 50s?
Old order vs new order, continentalism vs atlanticism, monarchy vs liberalism, empires vs nation-states? There are a lot of themes that could be explored that are beyond copypasted irl cold war with ebil savinkov and wholesome syndies.

>TL;DR - if the setup of your mod is boring it doesn't matter how good everything else is
That's not true at all, I found pony setup to be boring and cringe but I still played it because everything else was good. Kalterkieg sucks just because it was poorly made
nothing ever happens simulator
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Considering how gigastrong Germany is and how weak the Entente are in KR, this scenario just seems retarded. The Reichspakt just clobbers everyone into submission.
>world war every 20 years
>every single time Germany just absolutely rapes everybody
What could have been, the thousand year reich that we deserved.

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>Divine Dragon
>Can't even use a Dragonstone or be an actual dragon
what's the point?
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No? When you think back mercantilism the main reason that was even the case was because of the relationships between colonies and the colonizers heavily favored the colonizers. In reality the ones with the raw materials have complete control and can set the price at whatever they want. The ones producing the finished goods mark-up the price. This is why it was so common for countries to fight over raw materials to begin with. This wars were either for control over the source or control by proxy. And all of this is just ignoring that Brodia can likely produce its own finished goods.
Relationships between colonizers and colonies favored colonizers because, barring very few contemporary examples (the US, Mexico, and Canada), most Colonies would die in misery if their colonizers sent military interventions
That's my point.
It doesn't change the fact that, if all other things are equal, the guy selling the raw good will make less money than the guy who produces the finished good.
Brodia probably relies on war plunder to pay its soldiers.
Y'all hate fun, engage is a blast

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which strategy will break FM25 first?
new game will be built on the unity engine, leaving FM24 behind on whatever it's built on.
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Yeah, unlike the current game which is completely free of ten year old bugs.
but UI in unity is pixelated and clunky lmao. take for example unity slop like among us, genshin impact, only up, crab game etc. also even a simple ui was so bloated performance wise last time i used it in 2021
for a game with 90% of the time being a UI gameplay, it'll cause nausea to look at
i guess by re writing their stuff in unity. they'll benefit from graphics (obviously), considerable match engine performance boost, way easier scalability and familiarity for new employees and naturally more employees would be eligible to hire, "game juice" for their ui, c# modules and addons, way easier to push an update or a patch as well as publishing in literally any platform
bonus point: oh well this is a major blunder and a dub for us bc it'll be easier to decompile an unity game and it'll be a great learning material for cooders, football database for other purposes too, and people will finally see how the game (match engine) actually works
anybody done an academy challenge?
which mod for regen portraits?
newgan manager
it's a whole ordeal to set up but once you do it it's pretty easy every year.
you have to add an unemployed manager to get all the newgens, then filter and save a report, then run the program.
zealand has a video on it

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Sign up and play Aphrodite's game from Friday through Sunday every morning, your goddess commands it!

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To produce more workers, more workers = more resources = more army
Atlanteans are in, Egyptians are out for the stress test.
>Lets you produce more workers quickly
Yes you are capped at 100 Villagers, but it takes a while to get there. 20s per Vil. A second TC lets you train more (assuming you have the food input) allowing you to grow your economy quicker. A second TC early is an investment to get your economy up and running quicker
>Higher pop cap
Once you have built all your houses, only way to increase it further is more TCs
>Map control
While not as good as a Fortress, TCs are still chunky buildings with arrow attacks. Fighting under your own TC is an advantage, so taking one of the middle ones can help you control the map
>Better trade routes
Other settlements are often in a better position for maximising trade caravans compared to your starting one.
1 hour left to the first test!
beta was supposed to be 3 hours but it's still going

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>words cannot encapsulate the hatred i have for your kind
>you're a stain on this galaxy, you disgust me
>enjoy these 11 titan class warships with plasma cannons you piece of shit
>your entire fleet is now destroyed and your civilisation is doomed after 1 battle

this game is hard
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There's no rule 34 of Klackons and I am VERY upset about this.
>people complain about the new humanoid silicoids in the new MoO
>this is what previous looked like
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They looked better in MoO1.
I remember reading about this guy's experience with MOO3

>start game
>try figuring things out
>suddenly a race he never saw before said they're sick of your insults and declare war
>few turns later they show up again begging for peace
>uh okay
>soon after the game crashed

Can't say I'm thrilled to ever give it a chance

Bulrathi also became awful in 2. They went from bears to pigs
Dumb faggot. You lose the privilege to call anyone else a retard when you can't even figure out how to reverse image search.

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