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Why don't we have SC2 generals? People still play this game. We're not dead, right?
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i play with my wife coop missions and arcade custom games. we like tower defense shit and survivals i guess this game is good for that
normies/normalfag only play competetive.
e-sport, do not see it as a "game", they see it as sports. They play it like a sport, they do not play it for fun.

community = custome games
sc2 custome game community died, thats why

they play there sport on the weekend and then go back to work.
People keep repeating this meme even though if you actually play the game you'll realize how bullshit it is.
SC2 is one of the most forgiving traditional RTS when it comes to micro. Pathfinding and targeting AI is good enough that you can have efficient fights just issuing occasional attack-move commands. You can focus entirely on producing more than your opponent and building the right units for the situation, and you might even climb to diamond (top ~20%).
Even in the most sweaty environment, 1v1 ladder, strategy is far more important than micro. If you're in a lower rank and you think you lost a game because of micro, most of the time it's a macro issue because better resource management and production could've won you that game.
Here's a short, non-exhaustive list of things that can do to improve your gameplay way before learning MLG Marine splits:
>Properly build up economy
>Get appropriate tech and upgrades in a timely manner
>Scout and react to the enemy (build counters, prepare for cheese or timing attack, punish greed)
>Learn different types of strategies (early rush, mid-game push, full macro) and when to apply them
>Do any sort of economy pressure (ground harass, drops)
>Get vision across map, react to enemy movements
>Split your army into more than just 1 huge blob, do multi-pronged attacks, bait, etc.
And mind you, you can still just do none of that shit and do whatever the fuck you want, because the matchmaking system exists to place you with other people like you where you can play at your own pace. You can chill in Silver and build pretty bases with evenly spaced turrets, and win 50% of the games because your opponent is doing something equally silly.
These comparisons with high skill play is stupid. Top level gameplay is like that in ANY game. Look up competitive gameplay of AoE2, WC3, any C&C. Do you think those games are "gookclick" as well?
WoL was kino but the stuff they added in the two expansions was retarded and ruined the game for me
Thoughts on getting 100% achievements on everything except the Lost Viking minigame?

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>Incredibly dense gameplay whilst allowing lots of room for creativity.
>Has the highest learning curve and skill ceiling out of every genre ever made. Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers and nu/v/.
>Heavily tests the full breadth of the mind, such as reflexes (APM), spatial perception (micro-management), logical reasoning, etc. You'll get quickly punished if at least one area of your mind isn't in tip top shape.

How can any other genre even come close? RTS has pretty much everything you need in a genre.
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no, it's mid-IQ
multiplayer is like
>autistically learn build orders and the meta
>just click faster than the other guy
>any deviation from the meta (assuming equal skill level): lose game
>any skill difference between players: absolute mopping the floor by the better guy

singleplayer boils down to abusing dumbness of the AI opponents
yes they require both the most brain input but also the most output in most cases. it's limited however, games like StarCraft and apm based games are clearly for gook clicking. meanwhile games like supcom and coh/real time tactics as a whole require you to read the field and react, even auto battlers like mechabellum require that
Yes they are complicated games when you think about it.
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Op you are just stupid. Puzzel games are way harder then RTS. (zoomer are to stupid for RTS, thus they play MOBA like LOL)

and puzzel game with timing are the hardest games. like Big Brain Academy, link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brain_Academy

to think about it, competitive leetcode is maybe even harder. not to brag, did you u know i have completed over 300 leetcodes.
For me, it's TBS

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Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
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Played Ardiaei. Turns out the Marines and Thureos Spears are secretly over powered.

Both squads carry 5 javelins, have the larger melee infantry sized squads (compared to the smaller Peltast or Velites javelin squads) and are also spearmen so can handily fight cavalry. Once the melee starts you just get every unengaged squad to move forward, surround the melee and pelt the crap out of them.
Late, but yes. Attila has a good tech tree. Many factions start out in late iron age and end in early Medieval. Even WRE ends up as a medieval kingdom/empire by the end.
WRE unit roster is trash.
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I've really started to steamroll factions now. I'm friendly with Hayk so that gives me space to start getting towards the Mediterranean
I always want to grab Rome II on a sale, but this shit is stupidly expensive even at 75% off. It's a 11 year old game and it still costs like $50.
Are any of the DLCs actually worth having, maybe I'll just get the standard edition.

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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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Haha is that supposed to be Tarn his brother and their wife? Cute art
>he instantly compliments the shitty art
Nail on the head apparently.
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That's what I do but it's slow and tedious to do that multiple times
True, but that is unfortunately the only way.

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Will this be good.
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If they incorporate the beast or at least acknowledge Cataclysm in the story then it would be at least worth playing.
Well they re-cannoned it with the mobile-slop so there's a chance.

Given how the beast originates from hyperspace and how HW3 is based around Karen opening the hyperspace gate network it's wouldn't be unusual for the Beast to make an appearance. If they really wanted to make a kicker of the plot, we know Karan has disappeared and "The Anomaly" has started to wipe out the galaxy. If "The Anomaly" turns out to be the the Beast and it has subverted Karan we'd have a nice bookend where you have to defeat her in combat in the form of your old mothership.

But in true mary-sue fashion they'd probably pull some bullshit where Karan willingly sacrificed herself to the Beast so she could subvert it from within and allow your forces to take it out.
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>Will this be good.
Pic related is the only answer you need to know
so yes
why is the mothership banana flying sideway?

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Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
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I play CnC3 through EA and it works well
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I like Nod because they're more fun to play as. GDI has better aesthetics though.
>GDI has better aesthetics though.
Excuse you?
Nod's black and red colour scheme always seemed kind of corny to me. GDI's units and buildings look a lot more sturdy and functional. Plus they get blue lasers and I like blue lasers.
>Nod as a faction are a bunch of perennial backstabbing losers
As opposed to a bunch of glorified mall cops who can't even stamp out said losers for good despite controlling most of the world's economy and technology?

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Have you played any country in the Lake Federation in Anbennar?
If so which and what path did you go?
Recently Sunjalla, the monarchical splinter and the incipient Kalsyto(standard unifier) MT have been added to the BB. The latter is far from done but some of the mechanics are there already AFAIK.
The Steam update is releasing in mid June, so for the next month incomplete content will be fleshed out but little new will be added.
Also why the fuck do Triunics dislike mages? so unrealistic baka
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why is sentence that associated with Indians?
*that sentence
lurk more saar
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The inofficial anthem of Luciande:

Post a tag and post a theme and quit talking about discord faggots, faggots
Tag: A1751621
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S280Pqq3T_w

Counterpoint: The Serpentspine exists, so the Forbidden Plains cannot be the worst region. Every problem with the Forbidden Plains is only a problem because of the Serpentspine

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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I’ve thought about making a sub mod to cut out some of the autistic bloat but figured I want be able to complete it without save scumming first. There’s a lot of cool changes but things get autistic fast
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I wish syns were less rare...They're so good
And I wish codex specific units appeared only if you chose the respective codex that can use them.
I have no use for Jim in a red codex run!
That anon's mod about fighting crime syndicates/warlords in the dark future with no aliens, maybe?
Just cheat a bit so the slog isn't as stressful
Better than just dropping the campaign altogether due to burnout

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One of the harder SRPGs I've played in a hot minute
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Finished Chapter 1. One thing bad about this game is that there's really no incentive to search for replay content before finishing the story, because it just makes the next chapter easier as you level up.
He's an unimpressive weapon's scientist. The suit he made Oleg was a complete dud, it's just an oversized piloted AA with emp hardening. Shrikes also kinda suck as a military force, killing cities can be done easier even if nukes don't exist in this setting (not sure if they do or not but the lack of nuclear war makes me think they aren't a thing). I'd rather have more tanks or thermobaric warheads. I'm with that one chap who was unimpressed in the files, a man eating monster isn't that useful. I also suspect making your own war dead into zombies is going to kill morale and cause problems next conscription cycle.
If you missed any confidential files it's heavily encouraged to go back and grab them since you need them to unlock chapter 5.
Roger, but you don't need the chain symbols right? Just the paper/files ones?
It takes less than 30 minutes to pick everything once you're done, no reason to do it before completing ch4

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hello mtg players I hope to be able to find people to play with on here or simply all talk mtg, share your decks, duels etc
Trying here instead of /tg/ or /vg/ (the latter already has a general)?
hi im sorry i didnt know thank you !!!

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Just optimize it, fix the late-game, do a bit of balancing and add more flavor to railroad it towards historical borders and wars and it will be better than Vic2.
It's like 3 patches and an HPM mod away from being good. The base mechanics are all very solid and an improvement over 2.
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I love communism
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Oh god that flag
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Got lucky for Russia to be complete backwater by passing no reforms
You're not lucky. The game is just badly designed.
nah Russia can be strong, I've seen it

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Who is your /vst/ waifu?
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Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars (2016)
Everybody wants her huge tracts of land after her jobber dad dies.
Very good taste my friend
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Move over, plebs

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what's the best/easiest TW game to get into?
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I NEVER play more than 1-5 battles on any total war, i'm here for the macro
Shogun 2
If you're not a zoomer, then Rome 1 and Medieval 2, the classics, are the best choices. They are the reason people still talk about TW. If most of us could 'get into them' as kids and teens, you will be fine as long as you aren't brain-damaged.

If you're a zoomer and will shrivel into a peanut and crumble to dust if you're forced at gunpoint to play a game older than 12 years, just go for Rome 2. It's the most accessible of the new-engine games.

Empire is cool but the land combat is kind of ass and the world map can be overwhelming for a newcomer because they're a lot to manage. Napoleon is pretty accessible but also quite unlike the rest of the series.
Shogun 2 is weird. A good primer to how combat works, but its economy is totally broken and the campaign feels like shit to play until you realize how to game its really poorly thought out systems and then it's trivial.

So once again, Rome 1, Medieval 2, Rome 2. Those are your starting points. If you enjoy those and want more, look into Fall of the Samurai and Attila. They're a little harder to pick up and benefit from having prior knowledge of the series, but are also very good.

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Does the singleplayer campaign still hold up after all these years? I just realized I have RoC+TFT discs from more than 15 years ago yet haven't played the game except for a few matches at an internet cafe.
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>awakening of stormrage on hard
how tf did i beat this one as a teenager
i just built nothing but archers
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Thoughts on this custom campaign?
No, it's dogshit. It wasn't even good back when it was released.
bro wc3 is absolutely bussin i played it for the first time like two years ago and ong it's dope af deadass made me like the horde which i never did in wow and so true they did illidan dirty in tbc a king deserved better fr

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the War Effort Patches continues....
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that said, some of the model based design and production like tanks, ships and planes can be done well. infantry/support equipment production is pointless and also the thing that the AI fails at the most because of it's fixation on WW1 style broad front offensives. artillery production is kind of an AI sabotage system as well unless paradox introduce an actual artillery combat system, not just requiring support artillery for meta reasons.
>I tried playing this game for the first time in years and there are way too many things to micromanage. X alerts always popping up to give me shitty little bonuses I don't care about
That's the EUIV experience. The AI isn't even meant to be able to use the DLC-added disjointed UI boxes and buttons properly either.
What's the point of the AI building capital ships if it's just going to dripfeed its navy to you in screen-only taskforces?
The ai barely builds capital ships if at all. It typically has a bunch of small destroyer fleets on convoy/raid and then 1 or 2 main fleets with all their big ships. But since they don't have spotter ships patrolling, their big fleet will only tend to fight if it joins an existing battle where you're killing its screens or convoys.
The point is that making the AI work with all the systems delays DLC development. The secret is that the average player wants to win anyway, and is liable to quit early if they run into any serious trouble. If the AI were competent, these games would not be as popular, and the DLC's would be costlier to make. There's no incentive for Paradox to look at the state of the AI too hard every time they change something (which is often).

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