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last thread died
Release version when?
>>1934269 (OP)
the hyper around this game died fast, guess its not a game you can play for 1000h+ like some other titles
Is it worth buying, yes or no?
If you're undecided you can play the demo, it's the full game with no limit, just a couple versions out of date
Nitpick: the UI is shit;
What I disliked is how travel distance translated to in-game time spent on traveling the said distance. In big cities, you can spend half a season walking across (obviously hyperbole) so you gotta have some peculiar layout considerations which rubs me the wrong way.
Another nitpick: "the empire" stage is pretty under-cook.
It's just tourists who watched ssethe
Based game
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What is the best race and why is it the Tilapi?
Post cities you fools
How come no one ever posts snow cities?
My main problem is every workshop being the same.
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>>1934269 (OP)
I'm thinking of learning how to mod SoS.

Do you like the amount of resources that are in the game? I was thinking of how I'd like there to be more intermediate and completed resources (Wood needs to be turned into planks before being used to make furniture or other things, pelts and hides need to be proccessed to be turned into functional leather of lavish furs, etc), as well as a bigger range of war equipment to choose from (more variety in tiers of equipment with different costs, less usage of weapons just to arm a single soldier, etc), and I wanted to know how you feel about this sort of higher complexity to resource-management.

I figured out how to make new maps and retextures, which is simple enough, but the real challenge is in starting to code, or at least learn how to edit other people's code to make it work for you.
damn thats alot of squares
>>1934269 (OP)
(v67 is still not Stable version yet)

https://youtu.be/T3pODHjm1Us [Embed]

>Will be the last patch before the game leaves Early Access.
>This version marks an increased drive in difficulty that won't be so easily surpassable simply by knowing good builds orders and the old strategy guides for the game.

>The event system is being implemented, with more random events occuring throughtout a game, allowing you to pick different solutions to an issue.
>The whole tech tree has been overhauled.
>Changes to the costs of utilizing Aarmy Depots. They now work like import/export depots.
>Unmentioned changes to Hospitals
>Lots of changes to fertility and water. Fertility is less important now. Access to water and irrigation is much more important.
>Dread system is gone. Instead all monuments exude a type of aura.
>Employment overhaul. You can now assign a specific group and social class to work a specific room/industry.
>Administration overhaul. Doesn't work like it used to. Now in the late game industried get "overhead", which is countered by admins.

>First part of the Noble Overhaul. Nobles can now be assigned to a spcecific industry or assigned as governors to a region on the campaign map. Its an option between focusing Tall or Wide.
>You get 12 nobles quickly, and then these nobles can increase in ranks, being enhanced.

>Tutorial has been greatly enhanced. Once completed you have a self-sustaninig colony and the knowledge on how to grow from there.
>More chapters tot he tutorial will be added later on.
>Tutorial Cutscenes

>Combat changes.
>Fixed issues with combat formation pathfinding.
>New stance for ranged units to prevent them from moving closer to their targets.
>Trees are no longer an obstacle for ranged units, but they greatly decrease the damage of their attacks.

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>>1934269 (OP)
>Campaign Map
>Campaign map road generation overhauled to prevent oddities.
>Easier to contact far away factions more easily.
>Campaign map bildings rebalanced and made to work alongside governors.
>Max realm size is tied to nobles.
>Tall is overall more potent than Wide, but certain races will have difficulty implementing this, like Garthim, who should expand Wide to be competitive.
>Organization and Admin is gone, instead Distance is more potent.
>Overhaul to how battles are created on the world map. You can choose to defend a city by standing on top of it, and also join a pre-existing battle to help someone.

>AI Factions
>Threat renamed to Rivalry and unrelated to Opinion now.
>Opinion of rulers is mostly based on emmisaries now, which will have a continued cost to maintain.
>Treaties require an opinion threshold. In case this is not met trying to sign a treaty will resuly in a demand to do so.
>Treaties with different Trade Tariffs. packtreaty allows you to interact with factions beyond another faction's borders.
>If their opinion is lesser than your rivalry you're at risk of being attacked.
>Offensive wars are dangerous as your allies and vasals will eventually tire of supporting them.
>Regions and vassals count towards rivalry. Vassals don't have Rivalry, but will break away from you if their opinion of you is too low.
>Vasal trinutes are decreased. but their armies help you in battle now.
>Tresspassing penalties for moving in non-allied territory.

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>AI Factions 2
>Peace is only called when a resolution is found. No peace simply because they can't reach you.
>When peace is declared it's declared with all enemy factions at war with.
>Peace deals are less powerful and don't instantly allow you to exhort an AI faction. To do this you have to threaten them with powerful armies on their territory.
>Raiders move through all factions territories, and can reach your territory, exhorting you for goods and cash, interacting with the other factions in the way there.
>Factions that hate you will badmouth you to others in an attempt to start a joint war against you.
>Factions that hate you but can reach you can lend their armies to factiosn who can reach you in order to attack you indirectly.

>New sprites for blood and dirt on portraits
>>New icons for titles

>On the future of the game
>Next patch after this will leave Early Access (Early Access meaning that the experimentation phase of the game development will be over).
>New systems/features will be added, but eill not overhaul the way previous systems worked/will not be controversial.
>Some of this hypothetical Post-Early-Access systems might include: Ports, Sieges, Pets, Races, more Rooms, a Campaign and more.
>These are plans, not promises.
>Game will increase from 25 USD to 30 it leaves early access since sales have been going on that werre previously unplanned for.
>Plans to partner with someone to help in marketing and sales for the game. Maybe a publisher.
>No intentions and a promise to never release "Cash-grabbing DLCs or other shenanigans". This is merely to help promote the game.

>Things planned to come in the 1.0 patch:
>Water wheels to boost industry productivity.
>Farmsteads to boost agriculture.
>More monuments. More, prettier roads.
>A 'Park' room
>Police building.
>Medical research facilities.
>A new, compact version of pastures.
>Meaningful fortifications.
>Planned to come before the Summer solstice

Seems like a pretty good list of changes, but I'm a dumbass and only started playing recently. I hope things like ports do come along eventually, building more coastal cities sounds fun.
Well, supposedly the tutorial was improved, even if it's not yet completed, so that could probably get you started on learning the latest version of the game.
Yeah, I just mean that someone more experienced might have a better idea if some of the changes suck. More tutorial is nice.
Right now I'm kinda stuck trying to balance getting new citizens and trying to keep diseases down, figuring out health care and all that.
couldn't get the new tutorial to progress past foraging
You need to enable a slot on your storage for the apples, and eventually when you get the "You have too many commands enabled" disable the foraging command.
I did that tho
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The actual Steam post detailing the new content in v68:

What step are you stuck on? hovering the mouse ove rthe Cretonian's head tells you the next step of the tutorial.
Not sure if it could've bugged out.
I will give this game a chance, once my provider delivers.
You can always try the demo. Completely free version of the full game; just a few versions outdated.
The game is probbaly very different by now but it should give you a general idea of the gameplay.
>The old boost to knowledge from libraries is scrapped. Instead Libraries have their own separate tech point system.
Its over.
Beta v68 seems to have some crazy fast season changing/duration with the highest speed. I cant even fully harvest the wild food.
Yearly check in. Do I still need to put my entire economy (to the point of starving) into crafting chairs for my researchers to sit in so they don't forget how to craft chairs?
what changed
>archer forest dweller race
>archers are dogshit in forests
They're better in v68
I stopped playing because I'm waiting for the release.
>you need to research tool usage for each workshop and farm type
>each is around 20 knowledge to learn
>2 labs with total 48 workers only get around 50-60 knowledge
>theres also prerequisite research levels on the basic starter knowledge for them
What the fuck man...
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Why does the water spread 13 tiles into the empty field but only 2 onto the farm?
Archers were already disgustingly OP to the point it's a waste to use anything else, or is that fixed now?
>>Lots of changes to fertility and water. Fertility is less important now. Access to water and irrigation is much more important.
I don't really get the point of that since fertility is liked to water access.
You have to ruin your economy to get by making everyone researchers to get anywhere.
>Fertility is liked to water access.
Not anymore. They are more or less different things now.

>Woodcutters, farms, orchards and pastures now operate on base fertility, and will instead get an additive boost from sweet water.
>Fertility changes. Fertility now goes from 0.5-1.2 in bonus. Irrigation goes from 0.5-1.0. So irrigation is mandatory for all maps. You get free irrigation close to natural water places.

Looks more like a bug than anything else.
How diverse do you make your cities? Do you stay homogeneous or try to max out the racial bonuses for jobs?

My first proper game was human-only, but as early as it is I'm really enjoying my Dondorian fortress + Cretonian farmers game now.
>first try at a city
>try to make diverse city with all 6 races
>end up getting constant supply issues from trying to create super diverse diets
>people are mad
>people start getting hurt
>get annoyed and cut back on all amenities except for humans and the lizard people
>stop punishing crimes against the other races
>whenever one of those races commits a crime, arrest a random other one of them and execute them as collective punishment
>retool the old houses turned ghettos that are now abandoned after fantasynacht into cheap housing and communal areas
>eventually end up with nice city where lizardmen work by the docs and fish and humans work more inland
Not enough content to go over ~100 hours. Combat and diplomacy needs a lot more work, hopefully the modders don't die off because it needs mods for longevity.
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Only diversity comes from slaves. If they get uppity, they get eradicated.
Human main race. Small amount of Dondorians who I let live wherever they want among the common citizens since Dondorians are good at crafting.
Everyone else is slaves. A small ghetto for my lizaardmen who I release a small number of so I can recruit them into my military and use as a disposable shock troop unit. The rest are in the slave pens.
I'm not the fan of new research on top of retarded maintance costs and irrigation
Dev is going to ruin the game and remove all fun before full release
How did he change research? Irrigation is probably going to be a pain in the dick, but I can see why he'd want to move away from dry farming. Personally, I think research should be a rolling average based on population, species, education, and employment. I think it's kind of stupid you can master an industry without having anyone working on it prior.
>Early access game goes into an autistic difficulty spiral because the dev uses the experiences of people who've played nonstop for the better part of a decade to decide game balance
Many such cases
Tilapi and because I want a ranching Empire
Few races like it cold
Research got worse?
>can't just mindlessly dump research into whatever looks convenient at the moment and have every industry super efficient by 2k pop
it's like i'm having to come up with long term strategies to make the best use of limited resources now. fuck strategy games i just want to click button make better go faster bigger constantly.
>can't just mindlessly dump research into whatever looks convenient at the moment and have every industry super efficient by 2k pop
you couldn't do that in the first place
you could if you were good at video games. but your not. don't talk to me hater.
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Hard take, I don't think the player should be able to obtain every single tech on the tech tree on every playthrough, not even in Human-Only playthrough with their tech bonus.
Cities should work to specialize themsselves depending on their geographical, demographical and geopolitical situation to make each playthough slightly different from the previous one.

New tech values need rework, but we've still got several months before release, and dev is constantly taking input from the playerbase. You just have to give your own as well.
Tech should be based around what you're good at doing, instead of this abstract "invest tech to get bonuses in industries you've never had before." I think having workers in an industry should give discounts to tech costs for that industry and related technologies.
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>Tech should be based around what you're good at doing
That would be quite limiting in many ways to more varied gameplay for each race, but the feature is already in game.
The Balticrawler Breeding Techs work like this, being locked behind not just tech points, but also how many Garthimis you have in the city, because Garthimi are more or less the only ones who can work on Balticrawlers Breeders efficiently.

Locking too many techs behind species limitations would railroad the player into very specific playstyles for every species, every time.
It would be interesting if there was a backend discount over time on research based on the amount of workers you have in that industry. eg having 1000 workers in husbandry for a certain amount of seasons lowers the research point cost it takes to maintain the husbandry techs and it increases in cost over time if I lower the worker count. Otherwise I'd just put a few thousand in husbandry, research all the techs and then put however many workers I actually need.
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On v68 so far.
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>if there was a backend discount over time on research based on the amount of workers you have in that industry
Since citizens can actually gain experience that will make them more productive in an job after they;ve been working it for some time, I think it could be based off on that (Number of workers on a Job with a certain Skill Threshold on that Job), rather than purely time.

I think the best way to implement it could be using the new Events system. The player gets certain events that could help them decrease the costs of certain techs if they take advantage of it during the period of time the event is available.
For example.
>Event can trigger once you pass a certain amount of experienced workers in an industry.
>"A talented worker of X industry believes that they can develop an advancement in X industry with enough time and money."
>Make a full investment on their idea Option.
>Make a partial investment Option.
>Make no investment Option.
>Depending on choice you'll get a large or small tech point discount on the tech. Investment cost could probably depend on the points deducted.
>Event will usually end with a neutral or positive result, but there's a chance things might go wrong.
>The idea was a dud.
>The idea caused an accident in the workshop and the worker or other people died.
>The worker has disappeared from his workplace with your money. It was a scam. You have small timeframe for finding and arresting the worker to get your money back, and then decide how to deal with them.
>You can later decide for your own will to punish or rewards the worker depending on the result of the event, but that's by your own volution.

Think stuff like this would make the game more engaging, like with the serial killer events.
I just want the research cap to be visible.
>>1934269 (OP)
Songs of Sex
>Ports and Sieges
Glad these are at least planned for. I want ships and trade.
4 guys rioting destroyed the fucking workshop walls all over my city. How do you find the rioters anyway? Cant see shit and the event alert has no info on where they are.
The little shitheads pop up as yellow on the overmap.
Draft your armies, set them to chase targets individually
I only do that only when the "weapon stolen" pop up event, else they seem to die out by themselves but v68 made rioting pretty harmful, good thing so far its just the walls.
I put down riots always since rioting goons are unhappy. Them being in a graveyard makes the population happier
Why is the populace too dumb to have sex without my permission?
Because they were too stupid to stop having sex without considering the city's current carrying capacity
Syx has no maternity leave. Both men and women need to keep working the fields before and after pregnancy because that's what the Despot commands.
Instead they raise kids communally. So your citizens know that if they have sex without a Nursery no one's gonna take care of their kids and they'll die.
Question about shit like that and serial killers,
Do I have to micromanage all that every single time or there's some sort of automation in place? Like public security threshold where shit like that just doesn't happen?
I just want to solve my little problems one at a time and eventually scale without being lost in dealing with bullshit.
My serial killer problem went away after I build more guard posts, not sure if related. and ignoring the killing feels like it kinda affected my immigrants rate too, had year(s?) long immigrant drought from it.
Is Songs of Syx woke now
So, some races think square buildings are gay.
How should I arrange my buildings to please these...creatures?
Phallus-shaped buildings
Will that work or are you pulling my dick?
No, there's no gay alternative to not breeding other than slavery.
I tell you, it is true
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Go to Map Overlays and select 'Shape'.
Here you can see here how the walls of this mountain are shaped.

Depending on the shape they have the wall will exude either 'Roundness' or 'Squareness' that will affect the citizens perception of them when they get close.
Blue aura is Round. Red aura is square. You can tell 'Squareness' is exuded by lines of straight, consecutive walls, while 'Roundness' is exuded by 1-block corners of them.

This applies on the same way to any artificial walls you build.
So Phallus shaped buildings should work, as long as you don't make the shaft too straight.
round houses are gay
gay houses are round
What kind of corrosive mindslop have you ingested that inspired you to broadcast this stupefying combination of words, my brother?
Idk I'm ngl like I just randomly ask that about the most non-political games I play to see what people say
Fair enough. I mean to be honest, in the modern discourse, where everyone is a Nazi and everyone who isn't a rabid nationalist is a traitor, you can basically just do whatever.
Dondorian influence.
some buildings dont emit roundness but will emit squareness, which is gay
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no i think i'll decline
Pigman firewater no good for honest tribesman who embraces the worship of Crator.
The most important part of the game is making your city attractive to immigrants and the elf species is gender neutral, so yea
The gender neutral people are racist, slaving, people eater's though, if they lived underground they'd be chuds.
Is there a reason population of (race) hates slavery of its own race, but it hates emancipating them even more?
Does SoS have z level?
Why? Flat surfaces just don't make worlds believable.
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Probably because it'd be a pain to code and figure out how to visually represent and give it a clear gameplay value.

Height on the campaign map is represented by impassable mountains.
That and access to Sweetwater determines the fertility of an area. Tundras, Deserts, and Steppes which have less fertile lands will appear on the right side of mountains (against the world's rotation), in places without sweet water), and more commonly in Hot or Cold regions in contrast with temperate regions.

Mineral resources like deposits of metal, gems and coal will be generated near these mountains.
On the city map these resources often spawn near cliffs or inside mountains and mountain caves.

For city-building, height is represented and comes into play in the form of Fortifications (castle walls) which troops can climb using stairs to give ranged troops an accuracy and range advantage.
If you wanna build "underground" this is made by digging into a mountain or building inside of the naturally ocurring caves.
Other than that houses can get cellars/basements and attic upgrades represented as 1x1 stairs and trapdoors to increase their size/pop capacity.

This is all the Z-Level simulation you need in a game like this.
It's not an isometric game like Stronghold where height can be easily represented visually.

If you just want a Top-Down city-builder with Z-Levels you can just play Dwarf Fortress, but DF can't simulate tens of thousands of citizens/soldiers in a single map like SoS does, precisecely because it also has to calculate for things like Z-Levels and how the physics of water and other entities behave on them.
Can someone tell me at what point researchers stop contributing more progress? Is it 100 researchers?
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why is it so fucking expensive
im 1000 citizens in and i cant even have one trade agreement with the civ that is right next to me
I got mine early, just click on the barter button down there and it will auto request stuff from your stockpile.
From what I understand, Nations will be more ruthless in negotiations like this if they think they can extort you like this because of the power-difference between your nations (Power of your arnies).
Stronger nations will demand more from you, will weaker ones less in trying to negotiate.
I just get one as early as possible since most factions will want one for like 25k from you
They are more mercufully early on: it is based on a function of your wealth, so selling like 80 furniture and livestock to get trade rights may be worth it even if it hurts
Shit, you are kind of right. I doubt it's intentional, but multiculturalism is the winning strategy in Syx.
immigrants stop coming after 500 pop, my last games ive been playing bug men only, laying eggs and buying and releasing slaves
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that one cheevo after 1500 citizens tho
thats quite a boost at the start
Is that the one where you don't just start with 10 citizens? I think that should just be the default start after you beat the tutorial one time.
I have four races in my 400 pop city and I probably would've been at 500 by now it weren't for the constant race wars they've been waging against each other. Mixed districts are convenient but require substantial graveyards.
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god damn i just love the fact that i can do square buildings and be done with it, after raping my brain for >>1945144 30 hours trying to make everything round its such a relief
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Same, Im too impatient to build nicely.Right now at 900ish pop.
looks like an actual city, very cool
Is it weird to have big pasturelands?
Probably, if youre using canal for fresh water bonus, I just stop giving any fuck on size now mostly. I think the canal gives 7-13 squares water bonus on both sides, farthest from the canal will get lesser bonus.
No bro I mean i got like a 4x4 of 20x25 pastures
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im addicted to making tumor like apartments absolutely everywhere
>making cross-shaped buildings to get extra floor space without making the ceiling big enough to need supports
damn that's a good idea
i dont know if its a good idea, i just make random shapes
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dev said in one of the videos that all industries are equal as a source of export value but i think its completely wrong
Not at all. Multiculturalism only works with heavy segregation or slavery.
>10 workers boosts accident chances.

So question, at what point do you NEED to get libraries
There is now 2 kind of tech resource in v68, innovation (lab) and knowledge (library). You need both to unlock stuff on the tree.
So does knowledge unlock the library? That 9000 price tag is a lot.
getting further each attempt
2300 dwarfs, mono race
trying to rely on importing food and exporting crafts but could never make a profit, dangling on the brink of starvation all the way through
Always grow own food
no i think i just need to boost mining or conquer my nearest settlement to get more trade partners. There are shit ton of gems on this map.
the issue of conquering is that the moment i declare war on him i'll immediately starve, so maybe some alternative solution is needed
stockpile more food?
Your city is very pretty looking
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is v68 still in beta?

here's my last city, amevians in v66 iirc
things were going smooth but I stopped playing at 1k pop
will someone please tell Jake to stop worrying about the goddamn balance
Fucking delete the tech tree at this point. It adds nothing and half the time between updates is spent arbitrarily "balancing" it as if this wasn't a singleplayer game
Price tag? Anyway, it depends on what youre going for in your city. Build a library when you need the knowledge to unlock the tech.
yes its updated every other day
I'm playing this game for the first time. I have some questions:
- I have a population of around 150 orcs or so. But I see some of you reached the thousands, how do I scale my civ to that point?
- How does science work? Is it based simply in the number of researchers or do science points regenerate when I spent them? It looks right now that, if I want more points, I need to hire more dudes.
- I can train guards and build bows, will they automatically grab the weapons when the right time arises (for example, uprisings)?
- Is this all the game can offer? So far satisfying my people wasn't that hard, and the only thing I'm doing is recruiting more immigrants and farming more food. But it is getting old.
>- I have a population of around 150 orcs or so. But I see some of you reached the thousands, how do I scale my civ to that point?
cretonians are shit at everything except farming so they fall off a cliff as soon as you start industrially developing your town
at 150 they dont have any demands but houses and food, thats nothing. Further you play harder it gets, the ultimate goal is to reach 10k, each attempt you will realize that your planning sucked ass from the start and you need to restart. Variety comes from different races and conditions you play at, prioritizing different things.
Ensure happiness stays high, you'll get more immigrants. Also Nurseries and slaves.
You need to slowly add additional people into labs to acquire more, which comes back to attracting immigrants or buying/getting slaves.
In your city view, you'll need to muster your troops to fight hostiles as a formed unit, they will grab weapons when you muster. In the world view, you need to organize armies and supply it appropriately.

Have you:
engaged in diplomacy?
Started trading for shekels or products you cannot make?
Fought raiders, mercs and other cities?
Managed your kingdom's vassal cities?
Modified your town to be as kino and comfy as possible?
Sounds like you've barely scratched the surface.
damn I really want to play v68
not at the risk of more game-breaking bugs like the last time I played a beta thoughverbeit
Do it faggot.
tumors are soulful, Keep going
>In your city view, you'll need to muster your troops to fight hostiles as a formed unit, they will grab weapons when you muster. In the world view, you need to organize armies and supply it appropriately.
How do I do that?
>engaged in diplomacy?
>Started trading for shekels or products you cannot make?
Every now and then I trade to get seeds of food I want to grow, otherwise my relations stay unchanged so I don't bother with my neighbors.
>Fought raiders, mercs and other cities?
Yes, once, outside my city, and I won.
>Managed your kingdom's vassal cities?
>Modified your town to be as kino and comfy as possible?
I do that from time to time.
Thanks for the hints.
Can you make money buying a low level product and selling the industrial output
Eg gemstones to jewelry or clay to pots
Yes, but it depends on your local market.
How do I gauge the market's needs?
I'm currently on 5K people in an extremely multicultural city with 84% happiness and no brawls or any other issues
Lucky. I can only do enclaves where people I import live near the job I brought them in for
Look at the prices.
Tbf I also have a giant empire and am obscenely wealthy, that probably helps
I'm just regular wealthy (floating hundreds of thousands at sub 2K pops)
Its a great city builder with hidden depth. Gets sloggish at expand and empire stage but yes, great buy
Human main pop, no slaves. Dondorians co exist no probz but are needy fucks. Lizards generally keep to themselves, don't keep them as slaves either. Pigman are 50/50. They don't really rebel or cause shit

Very, very, very few free elves, bugmen okay small numbers but generally, elves and bugman and pig slaves.
I usually do Tilapi and the LIzards or the Cretonians.
After I play the tutorial I should just start a fresh random map right?
Can you stick multiple pumps together to extend the canal range further? For example, four pumps to reach a range of 4000 tiles?
Yes, so long they are connected by the same canal system.
my new city in ea68, sitting at around 2000 amevians, i need more sources of income atm
>love interior decorating like in the sims and this game sort of
>cities always look awful
I like it, but why is it so spread out?
Maybe you should play something else. Modded Rimworld, perhaps?
Related to Amevian man:
He probably built 'oblasts' around resources.
Like stone town, claytown, gem town, etc.
I got some questions for y'all fuckers.
How do I future proof so when my citizens are like, "I want a cock sucking machine on every fifth corner!" my grid design won't have fucked that up.
>I like it, but why is it so spread out?
yeah its this >>1948219
i usually start with a central city for the more important goods (food, furniture making, wood and stone) and then as i get more pops i slowly set up little outposts around the map that i expand as time goes on, usually having each of them focus on certain types of industry related to the resources gathered
by the time i get up to 5-6k pops itll be all merged together
I love this idea but whenever I try my cities sputter out because of sparse ammenitirs
The trick is to centralize amenities as much as possible. For example, if stone town and ore town are within 200 of each other, try to slap a stage in the middle.
But like doesn't that mean that the little resource outposts bits will be kind of like little ghettos because if how the housing system works with having to live where you work?
Yes, but citizens will walk a certain distance to amenities to get them.
If the oblasts are close enough you can make housing between them
If we have to 'research' something, how do citizens know it exists to complain about it not being here? If you know shit ain't right, why don't you drop the plans off at the city office, bitch?
Tilapi really are one of the easiest races to please. If you hang a guy every time you notice happiness is dropping, they thank you and go back to being good subjects.
Bro that looks like india
I will try a bit more of this then next time
Thank you
jake knows how to code, that's it
doesn't know anything about game design and keeps getting stuck in a cycle of balancing an unnecessary tech tree because uh...............difficulty is good
So I don't even really care about that. I just dislike that research arbitrarily stops working at a certain number of researchers, and this information is not readily available to the player.
Isn't he coding this in Java or something? How the fuck do you learn Java? Don't most people start with C++ or Python?
>a cycle of balancing
This shit has ruined countless indie games for me.
I reckon it's deliberate, because it creates an illusion of work being done.
I want to just ask someone for their save file of a really big city to watch the city run itself like an ant colony or like the Sims
I dont actually like building the city most of the time in these types of games, I like the breaks between where I can just fantasize about and watch the game go
Previous versions of the game usually came with dev-made cities that allowed you to see how a city of several thousands should be structured in most cases.
This isn't the case for current versions though, since just loading those cities allowed you to easily obtain the game's Achievements and Titles early without having to work for them.
How hard would it even be to flag the saves to not unlock titles or achievements on a load? Devs do it all the time.
Probably just not something the dev wants to work on right now, since they do want to work on custom scenarios and campaigns eventually.
If you didn't make the framework for that to be a thing...
pretty good writeup hidden in the discord

check the songs of numbers thread in the suggestions-feedback
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even better
i think i gonna restart and try to have two races for the first time, dwarven elites and pig slum people for farming, separate districts
>How the fuck do you learn Java?
The same way you learn any other language? What is this question?
Yes. I bought it today after 20 hours of playing the demo.
Any sex mods?
Uhhh...... There's a mod that gives gender dimorphism to Tilapis, and... uh... another that gives Nurseries to Dondorians, and.... a custom arachne race with big boobs.

Thats about it.

I guess it wouldn't be impossible to make a Room that doubles as a brothel.
>Can designate certain race or only slaves to work in it.
>Provides satisfaction for the people sating their needs there at the expense of the happiness of the workers.
>Ocassionally results in an injury or death of the workers.
>Can serve alcohols, opiates and similar goods for extended recreation.
>Side effect that it increases the population boost of Nurseries or something of that sort.
I like this game but around 2k population shit really slows down and i get bored and just start a new one, what am i doing wrong?
Isn't the massage parlour already supposed to represent a brothel?
What country speaks Java?
now im up to 3100 amevians, i currently have enough through taxes to buy out my needs as they arise
>>1934269 (OP)
how is this different from rimworld?
someone shill it to me
Rimworld is a colony manager with a world map, in which in most colonies you'll have 12 guys and sometimes a minimum of 3 or a max of 50 all with highly simulated preferences and needs, and you more or less can give individual orders to each of them to do stuff.

Song of Syx is a city-builder with a grand strategy campaign layer where random factions all doing their own grand strategy thing,. and the size of the cities you build can hypoethetically reach around 20,000 citizens. Their simulation isn't as complex as those of Rimworld Pawns, but it does track individual needs and preferences on a smaller scale, with some shortcuts.
You cannot control any citizen/slave directly, but you do are able to 'draft' them into formations very similarily to Total War, and use these armies both for defense and offensive campaigns against other factions and raiders as well as conquering more territories you can tax for resources for your expanding empire.

It's a distinction of Micro (Rimworld) vs Macro (Song of Syx)
>There are multiple kinds of fantasy races, all which their own general dietary, architectural, professional, and societal needs. Racism is a thing you might have to deal with eventually in certain ways depending on how you build your city and its demographics, unhappinesss riots and pogroms can occur.
>There are four different religions dedicated to 4 fantasy deities, and races have their specifc preferences to some of these and some religions will clash with others.
>Justice systems allows you to punish criminals in different ways, from corporal punishment, jail, enslavement, gladiator arenas, sacrifices (to the religions that like it), and exile or mercy. It also allows you to prosecute certain individuals or even whole races of people in your city unjustifiedly so, for reasons.
>Nobles are appointed officials who can boost your industries or serve as governors, and eventually will be able to do their own intrigues against each other and yourself.
>Very moddable with quite a few mods on Steam Workshop.
>Free Demo is an unrestricted, outdated version of the full game.


Test it out, and if you like it you'll probbaly like the newest versions even more.
You can check the patch notes to see what has been added so far since the current version of the Demo, and what's on the Dev's pipeline on the next updates.
>Seeth's vid, if you care:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oucHl9NM97g [Embed]

That's all I got on me. There's more videos of the game on Youtube than you'd expect, but I guess Sseth's vid it did attract more people, even if most of them are not consistent players.
PS: Quite a few stuff has been addedd since Seeth made his video, and quite a few of the exploits got fixed already.
actual question, im right now grinding out the usurper achievement, and the only other one i have besides that is protector of the realm. are invasions when enemy bandits actively come into your home region and try and besiege your capital? if so doesnt the new update make that stupidly difficult to get as its not all time stats like usurper?
So Mono-Tilapi Ethnostate makes me happy.
So if I set the radius to 1%, they will go no further than 1% of the map away...right?
Can a mono-race town do good or is multi-culturalism the fate of every good town?
I love Songs of Syx as a concept. I'm not sure I love it as an execution.
OKAY, can soemone tell me if serial killers can be detected practically or of it's just a guess?
Mono-race can do good, but you're gonna have to specialize in that Race's proficiency.
Multi-culturalism can also be present in the form of one, free race, and having slaves of every other race you might need to do something else.

Kind of a guess, but you can eventually identify them through events I think,
for me, it's Cretonian slaves doing the farming and human citizens doing everything else
>Human citizens
>cretonian farm slaves
>mass breed garthimi to sell to slave trader, use excess as janitors/warehouse workers
>Small Amevian "slave" quarter where I raise them as slaves and just make 100 of them citizens in a shitty ghetto so I can use them as shock troops (SLAVE ARMIES FUCKING WHEN)
That is the extent of my multiculturalism. I think in my last city I let in a couple of Dondorians but not enough to matter
But slavery is bad, anons.
Anyway how do I get enough alcohol to actually feed a tavern?
>Librarians can use tools
Okay I downloaded the demo and I nolife'd it during the weekend. This is based. I will buy the full game.
One question though, what's the relationship between your settlement and your state? on the world map? Especially the population. What does 25k mean when there's like 10 people in the town. Is your settlement the capital of the world map state? In which case is the population of the state assumed to be people living outside the capital? I don't really get it cos that's such an extreme difference
Can I still take over the entire world with an army of mercs funded by spoils of conquest?
I think they made it harder since Sseth exploits usually get fixed by the devs of a game he covers. But you can use money to cover up for shortfalls in economic or military development.
mercs got nerfed hard
I'm mono culture guy, I made the Tilapi mono city into a cretonian and Amevian city, with human slaves.
It has pretty low replay ability. Only difference is between the races and the only difference is what makes them happy, unless you want to be giga autistic/roleplay and make circles for tilaps. It would be cool if there was more variability in how the races played like access to different types of workshops or techs.

A lot of stuff still doesn't work (alcohol, restaurants) and the UI is a pain in the ass to navigate.
>retarded maintance costs
Thanks for reminding me why I put this game down.
Alcohol and restaurants work. Alcohol is very expensive, and not worth doing until you've done pretty much everything else, but restaurants are actually super good, far more than eateries.
>unless you want to be giga autistic/roleplay and make circles for tilaps.
Isn't this the entire point of citybuilders?
>but restaurants are actually super good
Have they been changed recently? I've never found the benefit they provide to be worth the hassle. Food stalls seem way more efficient.
There's no real hassle. They're exactly the same as food stalls, except you also need a fuel source but they give significantly more happiness and they can entirely replace eateries. Try making a few giant restaurants and you'll see what I mean.
I'm almost the same. The bulk of the population are Humans as citizens, a small number of Dondorian citizens for crafting and refining, a small number of Tilapi slaves for ranching and orchards, Garithimi slaves for mining.
What IS the best master race?
Unironically humans since they're good at admin and research AND also okay at everything else.
Amevia because love me fish ate
foreigners, simple as
Question. Is it possible to make enough money to just buy people out without fighting them? Alternative question, at what population number should I consider keeping a large body of unemployed people to serve as replacements for casualties of war?
I haven't playes since .66 when they changed warehouse ranges.

Can anyone give me a tldr about the main changes in the last main updates? Any thing I should know?
I gave up and just decided to make the Garthimi into a bizarre underclass/overclass that exists to be happy, raise their own meat, and march off to war to die.
>Finally got 'The Mad' title, so now I can finally treat the schizos.
>we want to attract the Factorio audience
HOw do you get this view? I want to give people on this website some tism.
Look for super screenshot in-game.
>just decided to make the Garthimi into a bizarre underclass/overclass that exists to be happy, raise their own meat, and march off to war to die.
I didn't find it.
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Found it. So mine has the icons instead of just showing the buildings.
Quite impressed with the pace of development by just one guy who even has a family
To be fair, passion is a powerful balm for most ills. I mean the troons developing Caves of Qud managed to dodge the 41% chance of self-deletion to get to 1.0.
>>1934269 (OP)
Just bought this game, it's really great, why does /v/ never talk about it
/v/ only remembers things for a short period of time, anon.
Well I love that the game reminds me of Caesar III but way more deep and complex, I was searching for a successor for a long time
>I mean the troons developing Caves of Qud managed to dodge the 41% chance of self-deletion to get to 1.0.
Quite sure is just one boomer who has nothing going on in his life except devving.
Nah the team has pronouns.
Everyone has pronouns anon.
>Everyone has pronouns anon.
Yes. He/Him.
I fucking love monoracing lizards

It might be autism but watching dozens of lizardmen fishing by the shore is just so comfy
Monorace Amevia is very comfy.
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only good resource on this map is gems and turns out they are middling price on the market. Going to furniture max, might bring in Dondorians to squeeze everything out of the carpenters and might bring into Cretonians to sell food/rations
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Is it worth it to go join the beta branch.
Early game seems a bit easier but later unlocking research and the tech tree is harder because there is 2 type of resources for unlocking stuff.Go for it if you feel like current version feels meh.You can always revert to stable.
Makes sense to me. I'll give it a try. Thanks.
Research in this game fucking sucks.
what's the point of trading using import/export depots rather than just doing it manually in the diplomacy screen? It seems very slow
It's much, much less work than doing things manually.
Lets you set a limit on what value you spend or get for each product: ensures market stability.
how hard it is to mod an entire new race in to the game?
It's more annoying than anything. I learned within a few days and some research to update and improve outdated race mods. The games' file structure is logical but obnoxious, as is fiddlefucking with all the text files. Fortunately the debug mode is great for catching errors.
The easiest way would be to copy a racemod that works on the latest version as a foundation. You can unzip the game's data files to reference other parts not within the mod (like vanilla sprites, or room/resource files)
After that, it's a matter of the quality of spriting you're willing to accept.
I mean, you have to use Java.
why do archers randomly kill themselves while firing? It happens literally every time I use them. I thought it was some kind of friendly fire but even if I put them in a single line some of them will still just randomly explode. A unit of 50 archers will legit get reduced to ~35 by end of a battle purely from this
according to the dev, the game isn't mean to be fun

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