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What am I in?
Warhammer 40000: Gladius - Relics of War
DLC lol
Enjoy 1/10 of the game without dlc.And no, cream doesn't help because the dlc has drm.
ok, let’s suppose I know how to pirate a game,
It's alright, maybe a bit bare bones of a 4x that is carried almost entirely by being 40k. The factions do feel quite different to one another though which is a bonus.
Having played this quite a bit its actually quite decent even without the DLC though the DLC changes things quite a bit.
Generally the factions are all quite varied and even within them you can go down multiple paths for conquest. Generally the most vanilla are IG and Orks being the closest to actual 4X factions while SM plays an enforced one city challenge while Necrons require specific tile setups to build new cities.
>And no, cream doesn't help because the dlc has drm.
good thing you can just text edit a file and unlock all of them then
That only works for the first 7.
Civilisation (or any 4x TBSG to be honest), the 40K edition:
>there's no diplomacy
>there's no economy
>there's no culture
>there's only war
and a shitton of DLCs
Here, enjoy the DLC files. Just unpack them into "Data" folder
Should unlock them all.
whats the best way to learn this game? there's barely any youtube content and the in-game tutorial if it can be called that sucks
Just play a game or two on the lower difficulties and read the tooltips. There's a few guides on steam you can pull up while you're in-game too. Once you learn the combat rules and how your faction's gimmick works there isn't much else to learn.
I find resource management frustrating
>You need resource A to make new dudes
>Make one dude, now you barely get res A, so build building to get more res A
>HOWEVER now population goes up, res B goes up, and res C goes up too.
>Ok, build building for res B, but this lowers both res A and C again.
>And so on
Look like you need to be really careful and follow one specific path if you don't want to soft lock you early.
>2kb file
the fuck
Yeah basically there is a straightforward optimal resource path that also renders a lot of units obsolete because they don't fit cleanly into the growth curve. It helps that each faction uses resources differently so they all have a different optimal path, but learning a faction just means learning that optimal path for them and following it with only a little wiggle room based on your starting location and local resources.
The DLCs are already in the base game and just need a text file with the license to activate, but the license files are unencrypted so you can just copy/paste them.
Well that sucks, did zephon solve this?
>The DLCs are already in the base game and just need a text file with the license to activate, but the license files are unencrypted so you can just copy/paste them.
Solve what? This has been the studio gameplay loop since pandora.
>16,000 bits
Let me guess, you think you need more?
No. I got a full GoG version from my friend and copy pasted the DLC files and it just works.
A game that doesn't know what it wants to be.
I just finished a match as necrons on medium difficulty without reading anything, no tutorial and nothing. And it was boring as fuck. Enemies pretty much offered no challenge, I just slowly rolled over the map and didn't even bother with the "story quest" it was dumping on me.
Maybe I was just lucky with how the enemies were placed. Eldar was stuck on a little peninsula next to me, Admech was getting stomped by Orks. I killed them in that order. Even though Orks had a lot of units, they still didn't amount to my higher tier higher level stuff.
Then I pressed continue and did the quest, but man that ending is such a fucking boring dogshit. Enemy units were just randomly spawning on the map and slowly one by one walked over to my cities to die. And fuckton lot of them, very slowly. Felt like an hour just do finish that last part.

I'll give it a try on a harder diff and maybe a harder race like DEldar, but maybe it's just better in multiplayer.
The AI is incredibly stupid. The only difficulties that require you to optimize in order to stand a chance is Ultra Hard and Impossible. Also, the Necrons are notorious for absurdly noob friendly to the point a lot of newer players think they are OP.
the sad thing its still miles better than 95% of other 4X games
100s of shekels dlc because you now have live 10% of the game tops.
yeah, and DE units are made of glass while my necrons regen'd HP each turn...
I played a game with IG and Tau and those were easier than DE.
>Yeah basically there is a straightforward optimal resource path that also renders a lot of units obsolete because they don't fit cleanly into the growth curve.
A better game would not make units obsolete and would instead upgrade them to keep up with the power creep... like how you don't use clubmen against apache helicopters in Civ.
The real problem is the game is advertising GW's models so it has a hundred units and half of them are useless even if you got that shitty magma field, desert or arctic start.
>Also, the Necrons are notorious for absurdly noob friendly to the point a lot of newer players think they are OP.
They have ridiculous armour, health and damage, and that's before you notice their regen. And that's before upgrades.
Other factions like IG are shit out of the box.

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