Accomplished striker editionPrevious: >>1905493Avaliable for free at as a paid premium version on Steam or>What is the difference?Both are the same game on the same version (50.15). The free version uses ASCII as a tileset (but you can mod other usermade tilesets and graphic packs)With the premium version you pay for a premium tileset + premium OST + access to beta branches and steam integration (if on steam). >What is the status on Adventure Mode?SOON™Adventure mode is currently in open beta in a near finished state that is officialy avaliable only through steam.Dwarf Fortress has an extensive wiki which can help you with your question about DF as well as providing info about modding and 3rd party tools: you should know aboutDFHack: Therapist: Viewer:>Tutorials :Quickstart Fortress Mode: Adventure Mode: tutorials:>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living: the earth!
How do I make my Human-Goblin child not fuck up my game? How do I go about correcting the skincolour thing that causes the bugs? Whatever the solution it should be the same then when doing dwarf/human/elf-animal an, right?Can I make a Human-Clown hybrid?
>>1931352go masturbate and wait for the Lua update
23rd for Adventure Mode launch
For the unknowledgeable, the Steam version of DF REQUIRES a new gen every RAW change due to mods not being baked into the save anymore.How to remove gays from all creaturesNotepad++open all creature RAWsctrl+H[CASTE:MALE][CASTE:MALE]\n\t\t[ORIENTATION:FEMALE:0:0:100]\n\t\t[ORIENTATION:MALE:100:0:0]Replace in all opened files[CASTE:FEMALE][CASTE:FEMALE]\n\t\t[ORIENTATION:MALE:0:0:100]\n\t\t[ORIENTATION:FEMALE:100:0:0]Replace in all opened filesHow to remove black dwarves>creature_standard txt line 436 replace line with[SET_TL_GROUP:BY_CATEGORY:ALL:SKIN][TL_COLOR_MODIFIER:PALE_PINK:1:PEACH:1:PINK:1]How to remove bald dwarves>entity_default txt under [ENTITY:MOUNTAIN]replace line 862 with[TS_MAINTAIN_LENGTH:100:NONE][TS_PREFERRED_SHAPING:NEATLY_COMBED][TS_PREFERRED_SHAPING:BRAIDED][TS_PREFERRED_SHAPING:DOUBLE_BRAIDS][TS_PREFERRED_SHAPING:PONY_TAILS]
>>1931370>It only took 18 monthsWhoa. Too fast for me Toady, slow down boy.
>>1931352yes, someone in the last thread answered all of this already.>>1928010>>1928011>>1928025
>>1931422dumb spam detector, trying to stop me from linking relevant posts>>1922517>>1922520
>Dwarf Fortress>you don't make a fortress out of dwarvesI want a refund!
Newfag here who just bought the game on steam.How important is DFhack?
>>1931370I can't believe it took 6 years just to reach where we were at before this whole Steam undertaking.
>>1931497shut the fuck up, you spamming moron.
>>1931500Who's spamming anon? Let's keep our posts on the topic of DF
>>1931481You know, I always thought he was a shitposter, never considered that he was the merge shitposter as well.Though I suppose I should have expected as much.
>>1931482It's basicaly a community made console command/god mode/dev mode for DF. It has plenty of uses. Most notably for fixing bugs and peformace issues whenever they might arise. You might never use it, but it could also be something that save your fort or that can give it a few more extra years before the inevitable FPS death.
>>1931561Yeah, just by casually browsing the archives, it appears like he is a pretty virulent shitposter despite being so low effort.He even tried to stir shit in /rlg/ and /indie/
>>1931561>>1931564Imagine spending 5+ years trying so hard to destroy a general only for it to amount to nothing because the site admin is too much of a gacha shill fix /vg/lollmao even
3x3 stairs yes/no?
>Added mythical animal populations to mythical sitesWhat is dis?Only one way to find out I guess
>>1931370So only 11 months after the original release date it was promised for lol. After the adventure mode debacle last february (where kitfox basically had to publically admit that Toady had been straight up lying to and bullshitting them) I predicted that adv mode would need another full year. Some of you doubted me. Seems I was a month off, but still close enough.
>>1931664>After the adventure mode debacle last februaryWhat debacle last february?
cheesed to meet you
>>1931705>pet rat on the tavern drinks spilled beer>"its on the mouse"
>>1931666well satan, if I had to hazard a guess I would probably assume he is talking about how Toady's idea of soon, is different form most normal developers.
>>1931482You will want it when some fucking retard on top of a tree lags your game trying to pathfind 200 million times per frame.
>>1931920>dwarf accidentaly gets trapped on the wrong side of a floodgate>computer explodes
>medium region>north and south pole>250 yearsThis is all I need
I made a fortress after a year without playing, the river froze and my dwarves died of dehydration. Made a second fortress, successfully built a well but I think it overflew and drowned half my dwarves while they were eating.
>>1932080I hope the next one I will start today I will finally manage to solve this problem. Can't wait to have them all die in some other ridiculous manner
>>1932069you know dwarves aren't supposed to drink water unless they're injured or in prison right
so what's next once adventure mode is out?
>>1932441another few years as he finally gets around to finishing Villains prt 2 and then eventually Myth and Magic.really wish there wasn't a 6 year time period where no progress was made except for half of what we already had but with a new broken carpal tunnel inducing GUI
>>1932441Lua beta has been promised as the next big thing on the menu. For propper content we will most likely be seeing assorted things from vIllains part 2, overworld armies, magic & myth, and world gen rewrite as per Toady new model of just doing stuff and releasing instead of big thematic updates every 2-3 years
>>1932454>Lua betacodelet here. How useful will this be ?
>>1932501easier to make certain kinds of mods, other than that, ehh
>>1932501Currently all you can normaly do with DF code without using DFhack, which iirc alters the game code directly in memory as it is running, is feed it parameters throught the .txt files. That is how for example, you remove gays from the game, you say say that the chances of every creature becoming gay is 0% in the RAWs and the game will use this value when making the gay roll. For making more complex mods like some old mod that added magic to DF, you had to do some heavy workaround with DFhack so that it could juggle running DF code to do complex stuff.The idea behind the Lua is that a good deal of the DF's code, that is currently very hard to access, will be gutted out and put in accessible and moddable Lua files, leaving only a core of DF code that will act like the game engine and hold it all together. What does this means and how useful it will be will mostly depend on how far does Toady and Putnam goes with the whole thing. In one of the last Future of the Fortress Toady was asked about bringing back the old interface. He answered that maintaining two different interfaces simultaneously was a no no, but he would look into making so that the Lua update would also give the code support for changing the interface code so that people could themselves mod the old interface back, and mantain it if they wished to do so. But at least with Lua files you will be able to change planty of how certain things work in the game other than just changing parameters and also make new things. With what we know so far, you will be able to, for example, to completly change the way that vampires work, or make new types of monsters that behave unlike everything else in the game since you will be able to actually change and introduce new code to game instead of just building things from what is avaliable on the RAWs. And the same will applie to lots of other things like surrounding, interactions, items, buildings, etc, etc...
and how do you drain your rivers
>>1932525carve fortifications on the edge of the map and let them flow into the negative space of course
>>1932526yes but how do you go about opening the flow
>>19325252-3 Water/wind powered pumps that feed a tunel-pipe directly to a my fort cistern are enough to halt a small river or stream. All the excess flows down to the caverns, they may feed waterfalls inside my fort if Im feeling fancy but ultimatly it goes to somewhere down below.
whoopsforgot about them completely
>>1932542How could you
is Dwarf Fortress on Steam worth it over the free version?
>>1932419Yes. I had no drinks and they were dehydrating.
>>1932633You have one job in dwarf fortress and that's maintaining the alcohol industry. Everything else is strictly optional.
In fact Toady should add rioting over no booze/low value booze/poor booze variety.
>>1932634I know I know, I'm just getting back to playing after a long leave so I'm learning everything from 0 again :D
>>1932636Toady should add a lot of things to the food/alcohol industries. As is, it's piss easy to fulfill Dwarfen needs. The game, as a whole, is actually very simple, it's just the shitty UI and poorly explained mechanics that create the illusion of difficulty.
>>1932636Tantrum styles pretty much are riots.
>>1932619>>1932798no worries
>>1932419why cant they use alchohol to sterilize wounds instead of water is a mystery
>>1932507Finally, the loverslab boom of Dwarf Fortress
What is the best way to commit goblin genocide? From what I've read the strategy is pillaging/razing goblin sites and ask clowns to surrender. Has anyone here actually tried it? Also, is there a way to reconquer hillocks and killl goblin populations, while keeping the dwarves? Or do I have to be merciless and also slaughter them for goblin-free world?
>>1933334>What is the best way to commit goblin genocide?Unfortunately conquer & occupy is the winning strategyGenocide will require tens of raids with half a dozen squads per site
Say I want to incrust a statue instead of a door when selecting incrust furniture, is there a way to select the furniture I want?
>>1933511no you can't select a specific furniture although you can link a craftdwarfshop to a stockpile so the only encrusted object will be the ones in the stockpile
>>1933511Linked stockpiles with very specific filtersIt's a pain in the ass and the item will get encrusted 100 times because lol active job
I have generated a world with only humans with different biome and ethics tokens, and yet, there is not a single war going on (apart for that single rouge faction that is always present for some reason). Is there another token that forces humans to go to war against each other? I feel human wars should be a default feature but they are very rare...
>>1931666Ok, I looked up the old posts and it turns out I was misremembering and was off by a few months. The steam adv mode beta released in april, not in february. But either way the debacle I was talking about was that kitfox had to write an official apology post one day after release when they found out that Toady had been lying to them and had not delivered the features promised by him and then kitfox to the players. It was such a fiasco that even redditors started to complain. I'm so curious what Blind thought about the whole thing. Obviously he can't say anything in public, but I wonder how he took it that Toady was bullshitting him so shamelessly to his face lol. They haven't done an interview since, I think.
>>1933541Is there a token for making for making civilizations evil kind of like how goblins ways are in vanila DF. Maybe making everyone evil by default should do the trick, since goblins in vanilla are aways at war with some. Than that I dont know since I dont really have any experience modding civs, maybe ask on the forums if people even still post there, or maybe even ask Toady on FotF about the dynamics of war during world gen
>>1933659Yeah, I added all the relative "EVIL" tokens typical of the goblins and nothing changed.I made further experiments and in the entity_default.txt I literally copy-pasted two human civs, one with the dwarf ethic and the other with the gobling ethic. As explained in the wiki this should have assured a constant battle royal between several civilizations, and yet...they kept going kumbaya for hundreds of year (they literally built a single road from pole to pole spanning multiple civs!) with sporadic wars that ended almost immediately after a single battle. Goblin are simply programmed differently. I really need a developer or modder assistance about this.
>>1933526>>1933516thanks guys
>>1933560Yeah, that was weird and felt more like some botched marketing ploy forced by the canacucks than something Toady would actually do imo. Sadly it didnt cause Toady to break away from Kitfox like when he went mental on his first job.
finally, 200 hours later i finally have beastmen visitorshad to create a new world for that
>>1933925Look at those cheeks!
>>1933699I dare you to build a tavern and open it.
I have a hurt yak inside my fortress that my hunter was killing. It is terrifying everyone, stopping them from doing tasks or going up the stairs to where the bolts are being stored, so the hunter has no more bolts. This has been going on for a while. How can I kill this yak?
>>1934207It's too late. Several dwarves have died of dehydration since the food and drink ran out and the terrified dwarves couldn't get to the main stockpile.
>>1934207>>1934217You can designate kill orders with your military on pretty much anything
>>1934217>whole fortress jobbed to a fucking yakKWAB
>>1934221didn't have military, i just had 15 dwarves, two seasons with 0 migration
>>1933179>Turning DF into a monstergirl collection gameFuck, I didn't know I needed this.
>>1934264Any dwarf can be throw in a squad, you can even give them pickaxes as a weaponAnyways, this kind of bullshit is the reason why I play this game
>>1934345technically you can already do that
Hopefully this time wont walk in circles and get bonked like the last time. And all the other previous times I tried Adventure ModePlaying as "Ithbi Tirineslo" a human guy from not!FinlandHe has a pet rat and a large silver maul
>>1934414*Ring Ring*~~Moshi moshi god desu~~
>>1934030No, fuck them. I just decide to genocide all the people of wrong color.
>>1934418Talked to some people Including the local Baron, who got angry at me for talking too much and asked me to go kill a bronze colossusThere seems to be heaps of trouble in this g*blin infested shit hole: kidnappings, talk of insurrections, war, skulking vermins, horrifying creatures, stolen treasures... But what do I know about this? The priestess I was divinely encouraged to talk to wants me to go somewhere nearby and collect some stuff
>>1934217ha ha
Want to use minecarts as public transport, because that's more fun than moving the entire fortressRollers could be arranged with some difficulty, have water wheelsAny ideas boys?
>>1934524Do dorfs even use minecarts as tram for locomotion only, like going from a bedroom to a tavern? I know they will use for hauling shit and you can order then manualy to ride one, but will they do it on their own and to go from A to B faster on any circunstances? I dont know I it is possible yet. You might as well be doing ground breaking dwarf science here as far as iknow if you manage to get it working
>>1934529>I know they will use for hauling shit and you can order then manualy to ride one, but will they do it on their own and to go from A to B faster on any circunstances?No, they aren't smart enough to just hop into a minecart to go fasterThat's why I'm asking for ideas
I took a break from the game, are cave dwellers still spawning by the dozens until you either suffer FPS lag or get crushed by the accumulated hundreds of them?
>>1934537I think you can toggle them off or remove the scaling off invasions on one of the configuration options
>>1934537They fixed agitation which might also extend to cave people
>>1934515Arriving at place I found the entrance of a dungeon (where as the last time I played thare was it was just mcguffin laying on the floor in the middle of the wildness). I imediatly get a skype call from my godess telling me I should get ready for enemies. ...Maybe I should have brought companions.Opening the door, I am immediatly attacked by at least two goblins and what looks like a dingo.I dodge two crossbow bolts from one of the goblins and smacked his head with my maul. ...Maybe I really should have brought some companions.
>>1934567A stupid goblin with a bronze scourge exploded my kneesAfter dodge competion where neither of us could hit each other because I pressed the wrong key and he got me good, crippling me to the groundMy patreon god intervened by stunning the goblin which is kind of cool but too little, too lateIt allowed me to break his hand and cripple him down to ground too. But after that he got me with his bare hands somehow and fucked my arms with a strong hand shake, after which I feel unconscious and got beaten for 50 rounds and died
>>1934588Whips/Scourges are OP
>>1934594are they still op?used to be whips were handheld HEAT charges that could penetrate literally anything but I think that got changed?
>>1934595I've seen skulls explode from a bronze whip through a steel helmet
>>1934264you can designate military immediately after embarking and dissolve it after you dont need it anymore, dwarfs can kill many things even without training especially if they have weapons in hand like a pickaxe
>>1934217the way to prevent it in the future is cage traps at the entrance. Wont work against flying creatures tho, perhaps a more elaborate entrance will prevent them from pathing their way inside your fort, not sure.
>>1934588DamnThis mf just wont die. And it managed to kill my companion by strangling him despite being all fucked up I'ma grab it's trunk and squeeze it to death
An entire elven caravan just got massacred by some capibaras living outside my fort...
>>1934638>most bellicose elven party
>>1934638Giant capybaras?
>>1934635well, I either cant or dont know how to yoink its trunk off.
>>1934642AND it grabbed me and killed me
okay time to test the trap
It appears to have worked
yes, the only problem is that dwarves are unreliable with pulling the lever
getting sieged every season, its tiresome
>>1934740im not even near the goblins
>>1934709Cool drowning chamber, what's with the graves though?
>>1934765died during constructioni think i finally learned how to dig vertical chambers now, it should be stairs, not channels or regular dig orders.
>>1934766What do you mean, you still have to channel it out.
>>1934856but dwarves can get up to each individual tile safely and will not start digging it in a way that will create a cave-in
>>1934859I think I get it now. You staircase out the entire room layout and then channel layer by layer from top to bottom.
>>1934766>>1934856I think dig up ramp is more convenient
>>1934524Nope. I tried that for an entire year and it was immensely disappointing. Dorfs will simply ignore carts, and if you add zones/airlocks/traffic designations etc they will keep pathfinding into the rails and getting horribly crushed by incoming carts.
>>1935008What's more rollers can't be used for two way traffic, so it's unpowered minecarts that lose velocity quicklyI'll try a 4 lanes rideable minecarts with wait 1 day condition
>>1934614>>1934617taken into account. Hopefully next fortress my dwarves are aware of the dangers of wild yak hunting
>>1931722I like this joke.
Has anybody successfully killed all the clowns in the basement? A lot of my dwarves have divine metal weapons and steel armor, but right now I'm on 10 melee dwarves and just one archer. I'm thinking of getting a full 10 archers, giving them steel bolts, then having the clowns go down a narrow hallway on the other side of fortifications and having the hallway full of weapon traps with sawblades. Idea being that the archers cause the traps to fire if they make a clown lose the ability to stand. Is that still a thing? I was certain that was a way to do it in earlier versions.
>>1935187People have colonized hell before, yes.Easiest way is to simply bait the circus into a space that you will seal off permanently, you don't have to bother fighting them.
>volcano embark>it's not actually a volcano>it's a gaping hole on the ground that goes all the way to -126zCool.
>>1935338That is a textbook volcano definition. A vent in the crust that allows volcanic ash and hot magma to escape. It does not have to include a mountain.
>>1935351neeeerdwe still love you anon don't worry about it
This might be a stupid question, but did Toady ever explain why animal people don't build civilisations and tend to live in wilderness?
>>1931418What an absolute king.
>>1934372Yes, but the animal people becoming sexy animu kemonomimi would make me very happy. Is it so wrong for wanting your fortress to be full of cute cat/fox/wolfgirls?
>>1935433I dont know. If he ever said something about this, it would have been, or will be on the FotF replies if someone asks.Most likely it is just another thing on Toady's big bucket of unfinished ideas.
>>1935433because they're furries
>>1935433why are niggers
>>1935626I apologize for nothing. But I will fuck more exotic monstergirls too, my hard cutoff is that I they all need to have a human face & vagina. Absolutely no snouts, muzzles, or horsepussy.Coming back on topic, what's the most significant thing to happen to DF in the last 8 years or so? I think the last version I played was right when they introduced multi Z-level trees and the ability to make taverns. It seems like the Toad has made even less progress than usual in the last decade, has it all just been figuring out how to bring the game to Steam? Did that turboautist really spend 11 fucking months trying to add adventure mode back to the game?
>>1935461>>1935659Furries go on the >>>/trash/ board, sir
>>1935657Doesn't apply to DF
>>1922517>>1931422>hacking in cross-breeding is possiblehuh? is it really cross breeding as in there's traits from both or you just create a child from a the mother and the code arbitrarily says "this ID is the father"
>>1935783>(df operates on the TES offspring system, with the child being the same creature as the mother)it just uses the gene tokens of the father if applicable, IE you need a tail for tail genetics to mean anything, you need blue eyes as a genetic option to have blue eyes.for instance, I manually rearrange my creature entries I want to crossbreed with the colorgenes I want in this generalized specific orderhair 1skin 2eye color 3other \/ 4+for instance, These are some of my human's color tokens [SET_TL_GROUP:BY_CATEGORY:ALL:SKIN] [TL_COLOR_MODIFIER:FAIR:70:PALE:65:WHITE:1] [TLCM_NOUN:skin:SINGULAR]and these are some from my elves [SET_TL_GROUP:BY_CATEGORY:ALL:SKIN] [TL_COLOR_MODIFIER:PALE:70:IVORY:60:WHITE:10] [TLCM_NOUN:skin:SINGULAR]Despite the modifiers on the skin color being different, because they are in the a same order as my human's, if you force breed them, then they will use those values.Example: a human has pale skin(gene/order = 1) and an elf has white skin(gene/order = 2), their child will have either pale skin or white skin.But say there is a creature with more colors in the same listed order, say as if dwarves suddenly had amethyst as a skin color. [SET_TL_GROUP:BY_CATEGORY:ALL:SKIN] [TL_COLOR_MODIFIER:TAN:75:BEIGE:65:IVORY:1:AMETHYST:1] [TLCM_NOUN:skin:SINGULAR]anything that breeds with an amethyst(gene 3) dwarf and has less genes(white is gene 2) for that particular part can cause an error, as in when you [l]ook at them your game commits harakiri due to seeing the unknown.TLDR, the mother produces another instance of the mothers race, just with possibility of using the body token modifiers and color modifiers of the father IF THEY ARE IN THE SAME ORDER AS EACH OTHERS ENTRIES.if they are not, then dfhack gene surgery(changing easy numbers) is required via the gui/gm-editor interface under pregnancy_genes prior to the child being born, though you can do so afterwards it is usually better to so once
>>1935850>anything that breeds with an amethyst(gene 3) dwarf and has less genes(white is gene 2) for that particular part can cause an error, as in when you [l]ook at them your game commits harakiri due to seeing the unknown.>TLDR, the mother produces another instance of the mothers race, just with possibility of using the body token modifiers and color modifiers of the father IF THEY ARE IN THE SAME ORDER AS EACH OTHERS ENTRIES.>if they are not, then dfhack gene surgery(changing easy numbers) is required via the gui/gm-editor interface under pregnancy_genes prior to the child being born, though you can do so afterwards it is usually better to so onceso * it's phenotype only* works by hacky happenstance* requires manual fixing on most cases
>>1935659This is what i needed to hear for motivation, another dwarfanon with nice taste, i could make an addon to the mod that makes everyone be able to be nude and have sex (search in loverslab) the future of the monster girl fortress looks nice...
>>1935930>it's phenotype onlyyeah more or less>works by hacky happenstanceyeah>requires manual fixing on most casesnot if you just rearrange the bottom contents your creature entries.
Give me one reason to not disable werebeasts
>>1935990They're fun
>>1935990It really depends on you, anon. If you are an autistic-perfectionist-sperg-maxxxer who wants no surprises in his finely planned walkthrough, then go ahead. But if you play DF as intended by its developer (as a story generator) then don't do it.
>>1935338Decided to build the fort at around -104z which is the 3rd cavern layer and just above the magma sea.Deep forts are cool, too bad about cave adaptation though.
>>1935850I wish my retarded ass could understand this. Could you explain the method like if you were talking to a retard?>>1935949What does it mean to rearrange the bottom contents of your character? And what does the order of color-genes mean and why does it matter matter? If I understood it correctly shouldn't all creatures have their genes ordered the same for ease of reading?
>>1935659Toady is a moron in terms of development because he does "putting the carts before the horse" development. He wants REALLY BADLY to implement new stuff while ignoring things that should be fixed or completed before proceding ( see:villains update). So what happens is that he keeps adding broken code on top of broken code instead of fixing current code, so he ends up with an entangled esoteric mess of unfixable code. I hope the adventure mode/myths and magick is the last content update for awhile and he instead works on fixing shit thats already in the game but dosent fucking work. kicking the can down the road when it comes to coding is a fucking TERRIBLE idea and creates a shitton of problems when you try to write new code on top of it, thats why DF sometimes goes on these long draughts, its 100% on the devs. Toady keeps trying to fix dinner by cooking more spaghetti on top of already burnt spaghetti and dosent understand why it tastes bad. Toady is obviously very inteligent but he lacks wisdom, if he was wiser he would take a director role and hire the DFHack people to do the acual coding, too bad hes autistic and paranoid about people "stealing his baby".
>>1936476Meanwhile, people have already stolen his baby a hundred times over by now. There's been plenty of DF clones by this point, with Rimworld being the king of them all.
>>1936476>Toady is obviously very inteligent but he lacks wisdom, if he was wiser he would take a director role and hire the DFHack people to do the acual coding, too bad hes autistic and paranoid about people "stealing his baby".Well, Putnam is basically doing that and he's on *very* good terms with the DFhack project lead
>>1935659>Absolutely no snouts, muzzles, or horsepussy.what about tentacles, cloacas and faceplates?
How do I assign bedrooms to my tavern? I'm following the official wiki guide but my citizens keep taking those beds even though I have more than enough regular rooms.
>>1936531>>1936480So we have to wait for toady to die to have a new golden age of dwarf fortress... killing armor for the sake of the dwarfs...
>>1936533>what about tentacles, cloacas and faceplates?Yes but not for dwarf fortress I've been thinking in making a rimworld clone with /xeno/s nothing humanoid unless is something human derived ala engineer/space jockeyNow I just need to find time to learn to code and well do the actual shit and make it more than concept art and such>pic from /xeno/ not mineI just absolutely despise the LETS MAKE A FURRY GENERIC DOG BUT (x thing so it's not the normal rainbow dog) it's so lame, I could draw the line with something like avali but that's too much anyways
>>1935990Everyone wants a creature skulking in a pit or sealed behind a wall.>>1936540IIRC it doesn't work and doesn't do anything. Presumably there's no actual code for caring what a bedroom is associated with.>>1936395Not him, but think of the game's internal workings like a retard making a cake. It doesn't know exactly what it's doing, so it'll blindly grab ingredients in order and then assume they're right. If you have two creatures defined the same way with the same number of options, it'll work by sheer coincidence. If not, you'll get crashes or unexpected behavior, like skin color being applied to eyes.In his example, he sets the tags defining hair color first (among heritable color traits like this) across all creatures, so that any time he tells the game to make a hybrid cake, it blindly grabs what is coincidentally hair color, and coincidentally has the same number of options for each one. Then it grabs skin color and coincidentally those options line up fine as well, and so on.If the traits themselves are out of order, it won't realize those are wrong and try to apply skin color to hair or dick size to earlobe fusedness. If the number of options is different, it'll look for an option that doesn't exist and crash, like asking for "the fourth book from the left" when there's only three on the shelf.>>1936549Don't try to do it all at once. Five minutes a day, work your way up. Regularity is more important than raw time, you'll burn out if you try to grind through it in a hurry.
something went wrong i think
>>1936540Visitors don't need bedrooms
>>1936624>Don't try to do it all at once. Five minutes a dayThanks anon, I would love to have something to show in the few years, as they say there's 2 great moments to begin a project, before and now
>>1936685>in the few years It's 5am and it shows lol, also to not derail too much our little Dwarven threadAny anon with fun adventure tales of the new dungeons?
huhit turns out that coffins will not contain corpses in the terrifying biomeswho knew
>>1936708Yeah it's a bit shit how they can rise straight from the grave
>>1936710bridge treatment it is thenhim and all the animals for the good measurecan vermin raise too? should i kill the cats?
>>1936708try with a sarcophagus made of rock or metal
>>1936713I haven't tried metal but rock certainly doesn't contain zombies
>>1936683Visitors that you granted residence do. That's what the tavern rooms are supposed to do.
>>1936708Dump the bodies in magma.Engrave slabs.
First dragon in many months of play. Hope I can capture it.
>>1937122I fucked up and had to kill it.There goes my dragonfire corridor for sieges. Fuck man this is depressing.
>>1937122if your goblins are strong enough they will have them as petsmaybe you could capture those
>>1937219You're thinking of cave dragons
>>1937228Dwarven pate machine?
>>1937229bridge treatmentcures all your potential zombie problems
>>1937233Do butchered animals come back in your biome? Mine is very selective about what gets resurrected
>>1937237probably not but im just making sureim constantly under attack by animal corpses that come from edge of the map
>>1937239I have giant zombie albatrosses but they forgot how to flyAnd a bisected elven horsie from an ambush that decided to go swimming in my water wheel
is that mine? probablynot skin and bones coming back tho, fortunately/unfortunately
>>1937240oh yea, i didnt think about the fact that i will have to do cleaning after raids, damn
nothing been going onoverwhelming amount of citizenship requests including a beastman, for the first time everthinking about restarting in a new location. Shame about the beastman, would love to make him a mayor or something
>>1937297i wonder are they unable to do labor at all or is it empty because hes not a true citizen yet
>>1937297Disgusting human fortress, pull the lever Urist
i never seen so many requests beforeits rather curios17 out of 55 are starting dwarfs and normal immigrants.
holy fuck
>>1937367Big boi
I have built the comfiest tavern-fort possible and yet 100% of the visitors are stinky elfs looking for a job. How do I increase the true visitors who just want to relax? I am in the middle of the land trading routes of the continent...Is this connected to overall wealth? To the served food? To the booze? To the service?
>>1937380im a big noob but i think its outside of your control, just have to hope for the right world generation
Nice first fucking raid, oh well, time to gamble it all away in a battle
>>1937398the fact that i dont have any metals but gold doesnt help eitherwhy cant i brute force it to make armor out of, who cares if its suboptimal
mighty army indeed
it was less over than originally anticipated
>>1937409uh oh
>>1937219Nah man goblins have Cave Dragons and those don't breathe fire.Regular Dragons are worth a king's ransom because of their dragonfire, not even bronze colossi can resist the temperature.And I fucked it up.
My fucking Jabberers reeeeeeeeeeeee
on my current fort i've assigned only two stockpiles: one for food/drink and another for weapon/armor, everything else is stored in the workshops they were crafted and it seems like it's working very wellassuming hauling isn't an issue, is there any downside in doing this? i'm wondering if dwarfs with the need of acquiring objects will try to pick up crafts in these workshops
>>1937969It's not optimized at all. Store materials next to relevant workshops and crafted output where it makes sense.The "master" stockpile should have nothing but leftovers.
>>1937969>assuming hauling isn't an issue, is there any downside in doing this? >i'm wondering if dwarfs with the need of acquiring objects will try to pick up crafts in these workshopsI am mostly sure that the trigger to fullfill that need happens only when a dorf is hauling things to a stockpile, which is when they decided take an item as theirs.Other than that, it works... But it might lead your dorfs into spending more time commuting instead of working in some instances and depending on how your workshops are placed; you wont be able to store things in bins which might make trading to caravans slower; and for certain heavy things like ores you wont benefit from wheelbarrows to haul them around. But then its not like trading and highly optmized production is a quintessential part of your fortress survival (sadly). So, if not using them brings you joy somehow, feel free to continue not using them.
Is there any good advice/videos on how to structure my stockpiles for somewhat efficient use? I am kind a new and my stockpiles always end up either a mixed up pile of shit or split into so many subcategories that the space the individual stockpiles takes fucks up both the aesthethics, space and efficiency for hauling. There must be some rule of thumb or general advice that the old dwarves can give.
First fortress failure:Accidentaly drowned 13 dwarfs by messing up redirecting a river
>>1937993The most important and basic thing you should do is keep one(or more) input stockpile for your workshops(s) and areas where they items will be used like for example booze on the taverns and food for the dinning halls. For example: a furnace should have an stockpile for ores and one for fuel if it isnt powered by magma. Alternatively, if most of your fuel comes from wood, then keep the wood burner workshop close to your forges/furnaces and give it a wood stockpile instead. For question of space, most of newbies fail to use 3d in their designs. I ways dig too rooms, one above the other for workshops and use one of them for the stockpile and the other for the workshops.A more advanced usage of stockpiles would be to use it to control items that are feed into the workshops and give them an exclusive pool of items to use. A simple example would be to set a stockpile close to the weapons and armor workshops to accept only military grade metals so that they dont get clutered with other metals. Another example, if I had one stockpile for wood then both my wood burner and carpenter would be competing for the wood, and lets say that set a carpenter to auto produce forniture and forget about, it could end up eating all the wood that need for fuel. One way to safeguard against this would be make two woodstockpiles and use the link system so that they will give items only to their specific workshops.
>>1937398>>1937408>Gobbos bringing cave dragonsYou're so lucky
you know what i think?that im not playing on hunted biomes before i figure out how to remove teeth from the game as an object entirely
>>1938038or how to make them never fall off, which would be better
>>1938038Just dump the teeth in trash what's the problem
>>1938051okay so the solution is apparently to remove [SOCKET] from the line about teeth in body_default.txt
>>1938059the problem is that each tooth takes a job to dump on top of all the other garbage creatures bring with them
>>1938067OK then hide the teeth instead of dumping themIf you can't see it it doesn't exist
>>1938068yes this is totally a better solution than removing this problem through modding
>>1938070>problemWhere's the problem? Teeth are just another body part. Next you'll complain about severed noses, ears, cartilage, nervous system etc.
>>1937969Workshops will eventually get full and this will cause production to slow down. This isn't a big deal if you're producing and then consuming in moderate batches, but it becomes very noticeable when carving hundreds of stone blocks.>>1937993For somewhat efficient, especially if you're new, cluster things into industries or production chains. You don't need to flawlessly optimize every single step, but if you keep your metalworking or food industries clustered then they'll mostly use the same stockpiles.Other than that, bear in mind whether you want a given stockpile to be readable at a glance. If so, you'll want to limit it to some useful measurement, like fuel or drinks. If not, you can combine anything that goes along with the general area, like clothing-related ingredients or everything you're making out of stone.>>1937998Impressive! If you're gonna fuck up, fuck up spectacularly.
i have no water on the surface or undergroundam i fucked? they cant clean wounds of give drink to the wounded without water right?
>>1938143Look for aquifersHave you uncovered all 3 cavern layers?
>>1938145>Have you uncovered all 3 cavern layers?yes>aquifersnone
>>1938147it snows on the surface but you cant gather any of it, without a magical dirt tile specific to rivers and ponds, right?
>>1938147Did you specifically embark on aquifer: none like a big noobie? Crisscross the entire map on the first few stone layers>>1938150Rain water will collect in pits but if you're in a tundra maybe you can try magma shenanigans with the snow or something
>>1938147I've never heard of such a thing. I guess your wounded are fucked.Aside from using DFHack, the only harebrained scheme I can think of would be to overlap your tavern and hospital in an attempt to get innkeepers to forcefeed unconscious dwarves alcohol. I don't think it works that way, but it's the closest I can think of.
>Magma running under snow-covered ground will melt it, but unlike ice, molten snow doesn't turn into water.
>>1931490Wasn't some other stuff added? When Adventure mode releases, we will be ahead.
>>1932501Current raw modding: adding things using existing functionalityProperly realized Lua modding: changing functionality
What will be the difference between the current Adventure mode Beta and the full release on the 23rd?
>>1938312I dont know. The last beta patch (10 days ago) was most likely a build from december which they didnt upload due to christimas + new years eve and it was quite beefy since all the pieces are falling into their places. They will had at least 15 days to finish everything that didnt got approved for release in last beta plus whatever content they can get in which I dont think there will be much. But the end of the beta will also be a merge between both branches, so it will get stuff that was added to DF main branch after the beta branch started, which was mostly technical and visiual stuff. Maybe some more variations in those new primoridal dungeons or more magic items, and a more beefy god support hotline? Who knows ?
>cavern dwellers disabled>economy: hard>embark biome: haunted forestYep, it's gaming time boys
>>1931305I haven't played DF in years, I played it for hundreds of hours until I got fed up with >playing for a long time and my fortress never getting attacked, my dwarves never getting unhappy and having tantrums/fights/tantrum sprials/riots, generally nothing exciting/interesting happening. the motto of the game is "losing is fun" but I never lost>FPS death forcing me to start a new gameIn the latest version are things different? Does the steam versions UI/control scheme save time when doing things? I remember the UI in the old version being extremely tedious (you have to do 8 key presses to build one wall)Do the steam workshop mods work well or do they just cause the game to crash?
>>1938668It's too troublesome to list you what changed since the steam;dr more stuff happens, they added multithreading, optimized a ton of the code but fps death is still real because of cavern dwellers
>>1938684And people thought multi-threading would cure it.
>>1938668>generally nothing exciting/interesting happeningIn DF (You) MUST find the fun. Build a mega-structure, build a cathedral, build a new Library of Alexandria, build a skyscraper with a fishing pool/aquarium on the last floor, start a war with a necromance tower, dig too deep, start a megabeast breeding program, start a werebeast zoo, start a vampire fortress, or just follow the peaceful life of few selected dorfs. Your imagination is your only limitation.
9800X3D bros, how does it handle dorf fort?
>>1938684>>1938719rule one of optimization is to not do operations you don't need toDF is pretty much nothing but those operations
>>1938719DF is an open ended game, FPS death will aways exist while we dont achieve computational singularity. There is no solving because it is a fundamental limitation of any program, the more shit it has to calculate the slower it becomes. Any improvement would just means that people will push the boundaries further (play for longer on the same map, use larger maps, increase the pop cap, etc) and go back to complaining about FPS death killing their 50 yo 10x10 fort with 600 dwarfs.
>cancel all other tasks>make sure that nothing is set as forbidden>create custom labors only specifying this exact action >dwarfs still refuse to clean the bodies from inside the fortress and haul the animals t the pasture zonesAAAAAAAHHHHHH
>>1938719There is no cure to fps death on a simulation this autistic, this isn't necessarily toady faultMy only complaint in that previous post are cavern dwellers, they spawn too often, have no hard limit to their numbers and spam path requests and line of sight checks which kill your fpsMoreoever some variants of cavern people spawn with fucking steel gear lmaoPretty much everything else about the steam release has my approvalBesides the lack of a caravan accessibility menu, of courseBy the way pathfinding is not the culprit of fps death most of the time, it's line of sight checks Therefore the popular X-shaped main staircases are really bad for fps, it should be a + shaped wall with 4 stairs in the corners>>1938795Check your standing orders and/or orderlies labor configuration
>>1938795can they access these areas are you in a siege
What parameters should I use to generate the most chaotic world possible? i want huge civilisations at war with eachother, preferably on a small, cramped map
>>1938936Hard difficulty + Modded races There are tons of cool options on Steam to build your Warhammer fantasy style slugfest world, and the answer which lies deep in our hearts as true, is to fill your world with as many separate races as possible.I’ve done this and have ended up with “Battle of Five Armies” style meatgrinders where the armies of Ratfolk, elves, orcs, bugmen, demons and dark elves have all shown up on my doorstep and are currently throwing their massive armies at each other to see who gets the right to attack my fort and steal its riches, and I’m left wondering how on Earth my three squads of soldier dwarves are going to hold out against the 400 survivors
nice to see this thread has finally stabilized
>>1938959Those threads are fine. What do you mean? The last Song of Syx thread was almost an year long despite being shilled by Sseth, and on the other side you have /gsg/ which looks like a bunch of broken spam boots >>1938006
>>1938795Just create a "garbage day" labor and set it to exclusive
>>1938979did you misread?I'm saying we are now past the ripple effects of the steam release
>>1936531>he's on *very* good terms with the DFhack project leaddoes that mean they're fucking? isn't putnam a tranny?
>>1939014>did you misread?>nice to see this thread has finally stabilizedWas pretty ambiguous to me
>>1939113Yeah that really could mean anything. The successful move from /vg/ to /vst/, for example.
>>1938777really badly i'm struggling to get over 5 fps
>>1938789>>1938900Fuck off toady. Optimize your game so we can decide to play with more dwarves or larger forts or heep our forts as is and get better fps. Our PCs are several times faster since last two decades yet your game performance at similar forts remain same. Hire a better programmer if you can't do it.
Where are there naked people in my temple
>>1939327Their clothes probably wore down into tatters and didn't have any replacement clothing. Might want to pick up a few bins of cheap leather next time a caravan comes around and put your leather workers to work making dresses and robes
>>1939327Are those visitors? they have a tendency to show up naked for some reason
>>1931305do I just wait till the 23rd for the full release, or does the current beta have everything for adventure mode?
>>1939352>3 days away from the releaseMight as well just wait