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Accomplished striker edition

Previous: >>1905493

Avaliable for free at https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/
or as a paid premium version on Steam or Itch.io

>What is the difference?
Both are the same game on the same version (50.15). The free version uses ASCII as a tileset (but you can mod other usermade tilesets and graphic packs)
With the premium version you pay for a premium tileset + premium OST + access to beta branches and steam integration (if on steam).

>What is the status on Adventure Mode?
Adventure mode is currently in open beta in a near finished state that is officialy avaliable only through steam.

Dwarf Fortress has an extensive wiki which can help you with your question about DF as well as providing info about modding and 3rd party tools:

Utilities you should know about

DFHack: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/Utility:DFHack
Dwarf Therapist: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/Utility:Dwarf_therapist
Legends Viewer: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/Utility:Legends_viewer

>Tutorials :
Quickstart Fortress Mode: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Quickstart_guide
Quickstart Adventure Mode: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Adventure_mode_quick_start
Other tutorials: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Tutorials

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

Strike the earth!
How do I make my Human-Goblin child not fuck up my game? How do I go about correcting the skincolour thing that causes the bugs? Whatever the solution it should be the same then when doing dwarf/human/elf-animal an, right?

Can I make a Human-Clown hybrid?
go masturbate and wait for the Lua update
23rd for Adventure Mode launch
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For the unknowledgeable, the Steam version of DF REQUIRES a new gen every RAW change due to mods not being baked into the save anymore.

How to remove gays from all creatures
open all creature RAWs


Replace in all opened files



Replace in all opened files

How to remove black dwarves
>creature_standard txt
line 436 replace line with

How to remove bald dwarves
>entity_default txt
replace line 862 with

>It only took 18 months
Whoa. Too fast for me Toady, slow down boy.
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yes, someone in the last thread answered all of this already.
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dumb spam detector, trying to stop me from linking relevant posts
>Dwarf Fortress
>you don't make a fortress out of dwarves
I want a refund!
Newfag here who just bought the game on steam.
How important is DFhack?
I can't believe it took 6 years just to reach where we were at before this whole Steam undertaking.
shut the fuck up, you spamming moron.
Who's spamming anon? Let's keep our posts on the topic of DF
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Here, apply this curse to yourself and end it all.

[IS_HIST_STRING_1: cursed ]
[IS_HIST_STRING_2: to be a parody of a real woman.]
[SYN_NAME:Gender Dysphoria]
[SYN_NAME:Gender Dysphoria]
You know, I always thought he was a shitposter, never considered that he was the merge shitposter as well.
Though I suppose I should have expected as much.
It's basicaly a community made console command/god mode/dev mode for DF. It has plenty of uses. Most notably for fixing bugs and peformace issues whenever they might arise. You might never use it, but it could also be something that save your fort or that can give it a few more extra years before the inevitable FPS death.
Yeah, just by casually browsing the archives, it appears like he is a pretty virulent shitposter despite being so low effort.
He even tried to stir shit in /rlg/ and /indie/
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Imagine spending 5+ years trying so hard to destroy a general only for it to amount to nothing because the site admin is too much of a gacha shill fix /vg/

lmao even
3x3 stairs yes/no?
>Added mythical animal populations to mythical sites

What is dis?

Only one way to find out I guess
So only 11 months after the original release date it was promised for lol. After the adventure mode debacle last february (where kitfox basically had to publically admit that Toady had been straight up lying to and bullshitting them) I predicted that adv mode would need another full year. Some of you doubted me. Seems I was a month off, but still close enough.
>After the adventure mode debacle last february
What debacle last february?
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cheesed to meet you
>pet rat on the tavern drinks spilled beer
>"its on the mouse"
well satan, if I had to hazard a guess I would probably assume he is talking about how Toady's idea of soon, is different form most normal developers.
You will want it when some fucking retard on top of a tree lags your game trying to pathfind 200 million times per frame.

>dwarf accidentaly gets trapped on the wrong side of a floodgate
>computer explodes
>medium region
>north and south pole
>250 years
This is all I need
I made a fortress after a year without playing, the river froze and my dwarves died of dehydration. Made a second fortress, successfully built a well but I think it overflew and drowned half my dwarves while they were eating.
I hope the next one I will start today I will finally manage to solve this problem. Can't wait to have them all die in some other ridiculous manner
you know dwarves aren't supposed to drink water unless they're injured or in prison right
so what's next once adventure mode is out?
another few years as he finally gets around to finishing Villains prt 2 and then eventually Myth and Magic.
really wish there wasn't a 6 year time period where no progress was made except for half of what we already had but with a new broken carpal tunnel inducing GUI
Lua beta has been promised as the next big thing on the menu. For propper content we will most likely be seeing assorted things from vIllains part 2, overworld armies, magic & myth, and world gen rewrite as per Toady new model of just doing stuff and releasing instead of big thematic updates every 2-3 years
>Lua beta
codelet here.
How useful will this be ?
easier to make certain kinds of mods, other than that, ehh
Currently all you can normaly do with DF code without using DFhack, which iirc alters the game code directly in memory as it is running, is feed it parameters throught the .txt files. That is how for example, you remove gays from the game, you say say that the chances of every creature becoming gay is 0% in the RAWs and the game will use this value when making the gay roll. For making more complex mods like some old mod that added magic to DF, you had to do some heavy workaround with DFhack so that it could juggle running DF code to do complex stuff.

The idea behind the Lua is that a good deal of the DF's code, that is currently very hard to access, will be gutted out and put in accessible and moddable Lua files, leaving only a core of DF code that will act like the game engine and hold it all together. What does this means and how useful it will be will mostly depend on how far does Toady and Putnam goes with the whole thing. In one of the last Future of the Fortress Toady was asked about bringing back the old interface. He answered that maintaining two different interfaces simultaneously was a no no, but he would look into making so that the Lua update would also give the code support for changing the interface code so that people could themselves mod the old interface back, and mantain it if they wished to do so. But at least with Lua files you will be able to change planty of how certain things work in the game other than just changing parameters and also make new things.

With what we know so far, you will be able to, for example, to completly change the way that vampires work, or make new types of monsters that behave unlike everything else in the game since you will be able to actually change and introduce new code to game instead of just building things from what is avaliable on the RAWs. And the same will applie to lots of other things like surrounding, interactions, items, buildings, etc, etc...
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and how do you drain your rivers
carve fortifications on the edge of the map and let them flow into the negative space of course
yes but how do you go about opening the flow
2-3 Water/wind powered pumps that feed a tunel-pipe directly to a my fort cistern are enough to halt a small river or stream. All the excess flows down to the caverns, they may feed waterfalls inside my fort if Im feeling fancy but ultimatly it goes to somewhere down below.
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forgot about them completely
How could you
is Dwarf Fortress on Steam worth it over the free version?
Yes. I had no drinks and they were dehydrating.
You have one job in dwarf fortress and that's maintaining the alcohol industry. Everything else is strictly optional.
In fact Toady should add rioting over no booze/low value booze/poor booze variety.
I know I know, I'm just getting back to playing after a long leave so I'm learning everything from 0 again :D
Toady should add a lot of things to the food/alcohol industries. As is, it's piss easy to fulfill Dwarfen needs. The game, as a whole, is actually very simple, it's just the shitty UI and poorly explained mechanics that create the illusion of difficulty.

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