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¨10/10 but i cant ignore the feel that could have more content.¨

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>favourite pilot
the robot who can do two attacks
>favourite squad
Get a chain of lighting through a building with the lightning mech, piloted by Silica, and you are doing a whopping six damage on every linked enemy every turn
i disagree i felt like for what it was it was graciously short
i didn't need the same puzzle ad infinitum the game is really quite easy to solve and then that's it you're done
if it is to ever have more content then it needs to evolve more and not just tack on a few new mechs, pilots, and maps
gz anon you're still getting better at games you aren't old yet
imo a huge problem with itb is the lack of rng
i essentially never felt like i was facing a remotely unwinnable situation in fact i was convinced the game made sure that there was always a way to win
besides new gear and pilots everything seemed very calculated to me which is both pleasant but also completely decompresses the tension and reduces it to a pretty simple puzzle game
The fact that it feels like a puzzle is a big plus for me since figuring out a solution to a tight spot is very satisfying, plus it puts the blame square in your lap when things go south. I agree that the AI does sometimes feel like it's holding back with how aggressive it could be - there's always a few targetting your mechs that could have done much more damage to the run by going after buildings instead. Haven't played on Unfair much though so maybe it's different there.
For the tactical aspect of the game the minimal RNG gives it a chess-like feel which is fine really. The dev gave a talk on the design process of ITB and they really wanted to avoid extra stats layers, and just play with "boardgame" numbers.

Grid% could do with a buff, because it's just so low it may as well be zero, and if you're finger crossing on a Grid% roll to survive a mission, you may as well abort the run.

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The game is super slow compared to RTS games I'm used to but I still like to replay it once in a while
probably starcraft of aoe1
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I don't actually recall what came first. This was for sure the first one I owned but I also remember playing Rome Total War at a friend's house and being amazed by the scale of the battles. I would have been about 10 for both

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Any other promising games coming out this year?
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I agree and have the same problem. It just looks busy, clunky, and dated. And that's before the WC3/WoW aesthetic kicks in and makes me feel unwarranted disappointment.
How many of the city builders (outside of SoS) have a construction cycle. I enjoy the process of watching a city build up and grow, not so much a fan of "ploppers"
literally every fucking nail is simulated
I don't remember there being slaves but there was a class/caste system. You could capture warriors/civilians from enemy civilizations but their only purpose ATM is to be sacrificed at religious festivals which you have to schedule. Cotton like other crops are grown and harvested by farmer pops and you have to set up irrigation systems to grow them effectively (OTOH there are important crops like agave that cannot be grown with irrigation)

You are required to schedule annual major and minor festivals to various gods to do things like prevent droughts/storms, to encourage fertility, to give you military morale boosts etc. and a bunch of them require human sacrifices.
Thanks anon that sounds quite promising. How is the battle system ? Capturing enemy warriors was big for mexican societies, the more prestigious the captive the better the sacrifice or slave, which granted rank to the warrior.

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Where can you recruit elephant mercs in EBII?
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Bros I'm 200+ tunrs in as Carthage, is there a way to reliably stop 3 province minors around the map blockading my ports and setting me at war with them for 5-10 turns until I can get a diplomat to them?
yeah build a fucking navy m8, you're carthage
I fight them off, I'm talking about just side stepping the hassle
There is a sub mod that fixes it.According to the modders the naval ai is so fucked that you can either have a really aggressive naval ai or one that barely uses it’s navy.
You can see in the unit preview program that is in the eb 2 data files where units are recruitable, and if theyre recruitable as mercs. I think for elephants you need to conquer certain regions in north africa, syria, india and build regional governments or get antiochia and get the royal elephant stables there.

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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
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I did a spreadsheet to figure out what non-extracting business available to my village nets the most amount of difference of price from input to output. I came to the conclusion that if you're buying stuff to refine and then sell the profit margin is a sliver
>the (hay + water) -> cow -> meat and hides pipeline barely makes a proffit
>(wheat + water + wood + salt) -> bread barely makes a profit
>(hay + water) -> horses is a huge net loss
the only refining business that can be reasonably profitable is buying limestone and wood to produce lime. Other businesses require you to own the mines, forestry and farms and to cart stuff manually into the city to produce a sizeable net profit
That's why i stopped building schools in my villages. The villagers' role is to quarry stone, gather wood, hunt. Maybe rarely pick fruit, do vegetables, breed sheep or chicken.
Any thoughts?
That is it, I'm becoming a lime burnermaxxing fruitgrowercel
>Piston engines
We almost Vicy now.

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watch discord replays
Trying the beta and it just felt weightless to play
Like, I understand the fact that I didn't get into the learning curve but nothing felt mindful like it does when I occasional revisit SC2 coop
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>>D.Va vs Diablo
Imagine getting excited to a game that was made by a bunch of traitors, of wich they´re all the REAL reason of why Blizzard is lacking recently.
A game that all of you should play more that WOW retail, and this shitty "RTS game" for that matter.

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Can someone please recommend me RTS games where you lead small scale operations? Like just a few squads and maybe a vehicle here and there. Kinda like some small scale operations in Men of war or Dawn of war 2 or anything similar to that.
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Lot of save scumming involved. In the second one or expansion thw heads will actually blow off when you shoot or stab. Nothing is more satisfying when you an enemy walks on your mine or door traps and blows him and his pals to kingdom come. Also my dad loves this game still
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fallout tactics
Gates of Hell is the cool and hip successor to Men of War, check it out
Really pissed me off when those robots came out. I just wanted WW2!!
There's a mod to remove all the robots from the game.

I'd also recommend finding some balance mods to fix stuff like grenades.

So, I'm playing C&C Remastered. It's practically identical game as old 1995 original, and I'm having a lot of fun. More when compared to much newer games in the series, or newer RTS games. There is some jank with unit pathfinding, some NOD missions are designed for save scumming, but everything else is holding really well. AI is smart and challenging. There's plenty of unit variety. Campaign is replayable, while story and lore are fantastic.

It got me wondering if the genre moved into the wrong direction by embracing multiplayer, or if they simply focused on the wrong design elements. Or it's the lack of production values that's missing.
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Looking at this image automatically generated a soul/soulless image macro in my head.
I don't understand why the first one has two projectiles but all the others only have one projectile.
TA's siege artillery is innacurate as fuck to compenate for them being able to kill almost everything in a single shot and having a realistic maximum range for that sort of weapon (i.e. in most of officiaI maps that don't support more than 4 players, they'll cover 75% of it even if built directly at your spawnpoint)
Does it shoot two projectiles per shot?
>It got me wondering if the genre moved into the wrong direction by embracing multiplayer, or if they simply focused on the wrong design elements.
Players are still retarded and companies still a bunch of cowards.

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Something need doing?
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a homosexual
fuck off with your inane /v/tard threads, cocksucker. There are multiple Warcraft 3 threads you could post in.
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"Zug zug!"
I always thought he said "Something me doing?"
Putting the difficult and the profesion system into WOW retail and put new content like factions in Reforge.
Get moving lazy cunt.

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I've seen quite a few threads recently talking about pike and shot warfare games, more specifically the lack thereof..

I found this mod called Ogniem i Mieczem 2(With Fire and Sword 2) for Total War Medieval 2 and It satisfied my desire for a game set in the early 17th century. I've also heard of a mod for Total War Napoleon that does maybe even a better job at converting the base game into that era but this one specifically really does it for me, there is just something about it..

It's got most of the interesting nations you'd like to play as, the only complaint i have is that there is no English Civil War but since this game is set some 30 years early i suppose it makes sense, tho I'd love to see a different starting date where the before mentioned is included.

The mod was made by russians i suppose since unless you install the english dub its in russian only, also the text during loading screens haven't been translated, everything else has.

The only big issue I have is that you have to run the 4gb patch when you want to play if you want to avoid crashes, but that happens with every Medieval 2 mod that I've played.

The AI is actually pretty challenging on harder difficulties, they definitely know how to give a challenge.

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tl dr kys
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Yep and It's still up and you can play that one too
Silly me forgot to mention it in the first post
I played it too but I never really sticked around for more than like 10 turns..
Might check it out again tho looks like fun, especially considering there is no stupid diplomacy to go about just straight to the gutter
What're the changes since then?
I'm going to play Austria regardless, so was there more detail to the German states?
>go to /his/
Only if the discussion is about how the terçio weren't white and how pastor Jim's haplotype is better than any Reformist preacher
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The only way a Pike & Shot Total War (1500-1700) could work in battle is if somehow they made a single unit be composed of a formation like this. Due to CA's AI being ADHD and easily exploited if you separated the gunners and pike units separately you'd end up with the arquebus messing aorund in the woods, chasing cavalry while the pikemen are getting hammer and anvied on the other side of the map
If anyone wants to download the mod, make sure to download the 2.0 version, which cant be found on the modb website

It's on the Total War Forum https://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=4459

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Shame it never got better than the original game.

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I don't enjoy Caster as much as the classic. The only thing I want is a way to flip through settlements without leaving the city screen.
this has been a thing for a while with Community patch which adds a lot of quality of life like custom hotkeys etc
I appreciate your suggestion, but I already tried the community patch too. I don't even remember what it was I disliked about it.
a bug fixes, AI improvements? lmao theres barely anything changed also pretty sure theres version with just customized hotkeys to the bug ridden last official version
Yes. I hated the bug fixes and the AI improvements. You are one sharp tack.

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Post your favorite units from any strategy game.
For me it's the Scylla from AoM
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I am a PE scrub, I can’t handle all of this evidence and your well presented argument. I concede.
I’ll just stay in my lane and use my one (singular) infantry squad.
>RoL re-release NEVER EVER
i do not have patience for this
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>>1747577 (checked)

2 words: rotary howitzer
>Warzone 2100
I wish we had a new game like this but the custom units really are for different type of cross country and the terrains would be built to encourage reworking your armies, keeping the top level troops etc.

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Since there isn't a thread up
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...uh Space Truckin?
It's not recoverable.
I'm gonna recover you.
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>Soft lips
Every time
How did you fail that badly? Solvi solos, so a proper fleet with frontline capitals should be able to batter it down.

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What went wrong?
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>chemical warfare
>age advancing from WW1 to WW2
>research and drop nuke to kill everyone including yourself
>achievement unlocked: Scorched Earth
IV could've been kino in the right hands
>muh historical realism
I'm really sorry everyone
we can confirm that the retard keeps being able to access the computer. We're going to be looking into other options to stop this from happening.
lmao the aoe4fag still seething
game's dead now. Relic laid off ten billion employees after CoH3 went belly up.

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