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>GTFOs Kaiser fags
>Kills TNO trannies
>Murders Bronies

Literally the only good HOI4 mod
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>Mod author doesn't want to add multiple paths/endings to the Purists
Gay and lame, I get he hates writing for them and that's fine but why not just team up with someone who would like to write for them? He can handle the Reformer side of the mod while the other guy handles the Purists. I don't even hate the ending for the Purists, it's cool but it's gay how they only get one ending and path when the other side is way more fleshed out.
>why not just team up with someone who would like to write for them?
part ego part narcissism
>I hate the purists therefore everyone else does so they won't mind me putting nothing in
He's a brain-addled redditor.
Yea it sucks cause his Reformer stuff is good but the Purist side is iffy and unless he brings someone else on or someone else decides to make a fork of the mod where they do their own take on the Purists it's almost certainly gonna stay that way
BRUH peoples are starting to explore Florida before the main dev team

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Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
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and fittingly the soviet navy was the worst of the three factions
art imitates life
Well Twisted Insurrection had it's moments but it felt a lot like Mental Omega. Are there other campaign-centric TS mods to check out?
Not a frequent /vst/ poster but I managed to get Generals / ZH running on Windows 11 so I relapsed pretty hard on it. It's definitely got the most replay value of the post-Westwood games, and I played a lot of TW/KW. Having said that, ZH's balancing is absolutely fucked. I'm running some faction mirror matches and struggling to understand what reason anyone would have to play vanilla GLA / China when Demolition / Toxin / Nuke Generals all exist. At least you can excuse the US since only the vanilla faction has access to standard tanks, but that's it.

It's still pretty fun. The skirmish AI is a lot dumber than I remember it being, but campaign / general's challenge feels a lot harder than it used to be, and I'm not sure how my teenage self was smart enough to get through the hard campaigns the way I'm getting demolished. Are there conditions where the AI starts getting more aggressive once you get to specific points in your tech tree? I can't think of any other reason why I'm getting pummeled so hard at the start of missions.
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Someone remembers that gif that showed a lot of factions structures including nazis soviets and muslims? I want the name.

jezzus there's a crazy number of mods for TS that run their codebase.

Are you ready to conquer Asia as the Supreme Leader, Anon?
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He's probably referring to the actual, practical thing in Taiwan, which was under anti-communist martial law for... more than half of its entire existence. There's still one month to go.
Whoops, I meant a year and a month.
I saw that it will have modding support, which is making me quite excited for when it comes out.
because liberalism is the breeding ground of fascism
I saw the country picker option at the start, and the Poland exception in the demo, and I like what I am seeing.

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How's the Definitive Edition?
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Here is the solution for you
>Pirate the game
>Check out why it has mixed reviews
>Make up your mind based on that
>Buy if you're some weirdo. keep playing otherwise
>Or don't buy and also uninstall, if you dislike it
It's not rocket science, mate
This is the fucking mission I couldn't beat as a kid. I very very hated them.
Was not aware this was a thing
The style isn't exactly the same, but I like it. The more detailed characters look very in the vein of ugly uncanny valley pre-rendered graphics of that era. Like someone slapped an HD texture pack on OoT.
Why is Firefly still so adamant with no skirmish mode for the OG game?

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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
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Can you transfer an organization that requires lol+ to create to a non-paid player?
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What does this mean, it doesn't include my whole domain
Does it prevent NPCs from spawning or something?
Translators have the backend IDs (actual numbers, not encrypted set of numbers and letters we see in the image names) of many items in the game, including the blazons. Having the IDs allows you to modify the request the way you want, thus granting you the access to 'impossible' blazons.
enjoy the bliss of ignorance as long as you can, unless you will be actually dragged into conflict or get bored and become the problem yourself
mostly because realpolitik is a clownfest in this game
shakedowns do happen, but the world is mostly polarized shithole of 2 giga factions, one of which is slowly decaying

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I noticed nobody ever made a new thread so I'll make one
previous thread >>1678337
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thanks anon
Alright, I just about finished adding in the Chris Chan artifacts, but I want some opinions them first before I add them to the github.
For now, the artifacts both have the same effects and they can only be used by Lunatics, but I'd like the effects to be more fitting. Both are indestructible and of the highest quality.
I also intend to add generic versions later on, based on the ones Chris Chan sells online. These would be more common and weaker.

After I upload these artifacts (Along with the Badgerlings change I'm still fine-tuning), I'm going to start adding my Chicagoland rework to Deposed.
Hey, no problem. I hope you like the mod.
If you can mod the Wikipedia button/link, could you make it the link to his sub-forum of KF?
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>what's the name of your mod?
RI Plus. The actual Providence start it adds is extremely difficult and slow, but all of the content should be equally accessible if you start as anyone else and move your capital there. As long as you hold c_providence when the japanese show up, you'll get the Perry events. You should have 8 months between him appearing and when he gets his troops. If anyone has any ideas for adventurers, I wouldn't mind pitching in to Deposed.
You could do a custom modifier that doesn't actually do anything, just have localization like "Owners tend to become inept", or "owners tend to become reclusive" ("reclusive" is the autism trait, "distractible" is supposed to be ADHD) and have events where they influence a character's personality over time. Fertility and/or attraction opinion maluses could be good, too. Maybe movement speed for the sonichu medallion, and morale damage for the sonic totem?

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American mechanized infantry is cool and all, but I'm confused as to why the US Elite mech infantry is the National Guard.

Aside from that, I really do like the Battalion system.
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They're probably preparing a big update that fixes all the issues so the user base starts liking them again. At least I hope so, people are saying they did little to nothing since Arena.
>people are saying they did little to nothing since Arena.
Because they did. The multiplayer, which is the game's keynote feature, was largely just 1 for 1 recycled from Arena. The game's development was basically just the singleplayer content, which is still buggy and rough.
I think that's part of why they've been so reluctant to make meaningful balance changes, despite the fact that the meta has been stale for a while now and still has a lot of the same balance issues that were identified all the way back in the betas (and identified back in Arena, too). I don't really know what's going on with development right now. I can't imagine they're already working on a new project.
Is anyone else having to force themselves to play, yet once they do having a great time? It's odd. I never want to play, but once I start I have a shit load of fun. It's like the opposite of CTA, where I want to play, start up a game, get impatient and then quit.
I have to overcome the dread of getting a terrible team and feeling alone on the map vs 5 players every time I want to play. The gameplay is super fun but in a meta sense a match can feel miserable if your team isn't able to pull their weight. I'm kind of waiting to see what they do next with matchmaking since last patch they said it was something they were going to keep iterating on.
i havent played the game in 1-1.5 months because im waiting for a mix of more content to be added, and for them to force the meta to shift. im tired of playing against the same shit with the same shitters on my side of the map most of the time while im fighting a 3-4v1 where we somehow lose the rest of the map

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Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
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-Add up to 10 building slots in main settlements and 4 in minor ones.
-Make nomadic factions real nomad like in Attila.
After playing Attila for the 1st time with the tutorial recently, right away I can tell you units disengaging and breaking off after fighting enough, 100%, it was so crazy seeing it the first time and it meant I can properly antique tactics properly, since warfare generally was about cycling in units after they exhaust themselves, not that garbage mosh pits that prevailed even in dei. Come to think of it I'm curious how those roman mods play with that in mind all things considered.
Overhaul the campaign balance. Rome/Carthage/Macedon should be a actual threat.

Also change the map to add more provinces. Mostly making Sicily it's own province and adding extra content to Greece.
>After playing Attila for the 1st time with the tutorial recently, right away I can tell you units disengaging and breaking off after fighting enough, 100%,
The fuck? That was a thing in Attilia? Why did they never reuse that for any of the later games like Troy?

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I give up. playing F-Zero GX right now and this game is insane. I tried Grand Prix, even in the easiest difficulty on the first cup I am struggling to catch up with the AI
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That's because you don't belong here, /v/tard
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based. not quite sure why people get worked up over a thread. just hit the hide thread option and move the fuck on.
That's because you're a zoomer retard who has never had to watch a board you like become infested with cancer. Shit was already fucked when you got here.
This board is the last one without fucking retards literally everywhere and it's not because the janny does his job, it's because some people here understand the importance of keeping out the retards. If you can't understand that, it's because you're one of the fuckwits trying to turn it into the same retarded shit as every other board.
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>39 counts of off-topic threads
>and one cunny violation

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What are some good historical strategy games that are glorified excel spreadsheet simulators or just extremely complex with shit UI? By that, I mean games like Aurora 4X, MEIOU & Taxes or John Tiller Software/Wargame Design Studio kino. Not vanilla EU4 or HOI4 slop.
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Because naval strategy is a LOT more niche than other types of military strategy. And it isn’t even close
A lot of that is lore albetitthoughever
like first 30 pages lmao, not that reading manual wil lteach you to play i did that before starting the game and still was utterly clueless. Its good used mainly for ctrl+f when you do not know something
Silent Hunter 3 with GWX3 and 100% realism setting (of that mod, not SH3).
Enjoy doing all on your own with a slip of paper something that in real life was done by an entire watch of officers and petty officers, along with analog machines to speed the computations.
That game is essentially all just applied geometry. Graphics are solely for some mid-00s eye-candy

>check it out on release
>neat idea, but solved game, just get rockets ASAP and sell food into space
>win every time on any AI difficulty

>redownload recently
>get filtered by tutorial "win your first game on your own" mission
>barely manage to win on Assistant (2 difficulty levels below one where you're on fair footing with AI)
>there's a campaign now
Damn, with simple rebalancing this game is actually good now. Too bad they didn't try it at release, maybe it wouldn't be dead. Also, is it just my inexperienced ass, or are Robots and Seneca straight up worse than other companies?
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I could beat you 10/10 times because you are a retard.
Isn't it just M.U.L.E. in realtime?
>hos no real response
>I would win bro

Coll story, next time try with a real reply and not being buthurt.
It's pretty cheap and pretty good for its cost.
Offworld is kinda fun, but mineable resources and energy generally define the game, which means that early game is significantly more crucial than late game.
Only case when this doesn't happen is when prices are adjusted in such a way that fast lvling up is impossible (usually including something like an ioquake which shoots up all prices and destroys buildings)
Generally nomadic=scav>robotics>expansive>science>elite, though if the game does go late, the order reverses

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Nuclear war game thread: Games like ICBM, DEFCON etc.
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Has anyone here played First Strike?
It's basically a simplified and fast-paced arcade version of DEFCON x Risk. I used to play it all the time on my iPod touch. Too bad the devs abandoned it
cloudy with a chance of Minuteman II's
I love ICBM and Defcon, ICBM is one of my favorite strategy games actually
No mention of Shadow President?
i remember enjoying the demo then not being able to find it for the longest time. i didn't forget the name or anything, but googling "global thermonuclear war game" just didn't seem to yield results, i assumed it must have been cancelled or something.

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any /vst/ games similar to sengoku rance? I dont even care if it has porn or not this is fun
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where can I actually get this game?
The Internet
If you want to actually buy it, mangagamer sells it, along with other rance games.
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EraTohoK. It's fun and it's a porn game.

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>resources not used are resources wasted
do you agree or disagree with this sentence?
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it is bad
its unstable system based on constant growth and exploitation
chasing profits destroyed nations and will destroy world
Yes. Use those resources to make more resources so you can use more resources to make more resources... ad infinitum
I always thought the whole point was "there is no tomorrow if we lose this fight" stockpiling as though there is a tomorrow is just asking to be rushed and plundered. The enemy camp will thank you for your donation.
>"If the next generation has anything left that means we lost, screwing over our children is our birthright."
>Actually this is a good thing because mindless overconsumption is perfectly natural. the more I consume the better I am! Fuck the long term consequences and pass me another cheeseburger!
And you wonder why people call you satanic.
Boomer quote lol

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anyone play this? I've very new to it - some questions

1) how does deck building work in this game - how do I get more cards? I've just been playing with the stock decks

2) any general tips? I've found it best to... Recon and Scout hard, and focus on getting Resources - which seem very very tough to get in this game.
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Can I get a general overview of each faction? Is there a horde faction or a technologically superior one? Or are they all the same but only visually different?
Factions seem to be balanced, but different, for instance xenopods require more human resources, machine empire less. Human faction and machine empire have more aircraft options, xenopods have some, mutants have none as far as I remember.
Each empire has basic infantry, elite infantry, basic vehicles and advanced vehicles. Infantry can be upgraded by training and attached weapons, vehicles by attached weapons and technologies.
Technologies are different for each faction.
You can introduce imbalance during deck construction, for example having more infantry cards than vehicles, and heroes specializing in elite infantry plays different than same empire with tank heavy army, which is different than epsionage/assasination deck.
Unironically yes. See Master of Magics remake for a good example.
And the new Master of Orion. That thing was abandoned in less than 6 months
I'm giving the demo a try. Game is good but the UI is really bad. No tooltips of any kind. Funny enough I'm learning from the error messages.

Anyway I built a war college at HQ and it was supposed to give me one extra human resource per turn. It isn't happening and I have no idea why

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