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Will Microsoft save this trash?
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Microsoft would have to kill WoW to save Blizzard at this point and that is never happening.
Did they fix reforged?
>Not at all, in the case of the old and new WC3 menus, because they have never been interactive.
>A 3D scene where the camera can't be moved may as well be replaced by a video running in the background of the UI elements, saving resources in the process and losing nothing.
spoken like a true soulless hindu humanoid husk. If you really think there's 0 difference between original WC3 menus and new reforged ones, then you just don't have nor understand sovl.
The entire point of WC3 coming out onto the market was to flash and boast full 3D environments and models. There's a reason so many people remember the game and its expansion for their SOVL menus and heroic poses on campaign screens. It's also the reason why india is a poor shithole with 0 innovation and thousands of dead human bodies floating down rivers next to people shitting on them on the banks - you have no soul, you don't understand or appreciate intrinsic subtleties of culture and art. To you, a flat gif is the same as a real-time 3D render. It's like saying sand is the same thing as snow, except better because it doesn't melt. You just don't *get* it and you're biologically incapable of getting it
No. It's a buggy broken mess with a buggy broken campaign, there's also massive lag and delay periodically occuring when you use the HD classic assets. There's tons of visual bugs and errors, especially with the world editor. WC1/2 are also very lazy remasters with lots of errors, bugs, removed animations, removed art, off model units (knights literally have bobble headed units) and basically they don't understand what tall pixels are. Aesthetically they look like cheap mobile games. It's not a great version of WC and it's not that good compared to free alternatives like stratagus.

If anyone was hoping for WC to get the Starcraft remastered treatment they're sadly mistaken. Blizzard seems intent on shitting on WC as much as possible if it isn't the tranny coded MMORPG shit they pump out for furfags and twitter activists. I'm not sure whether they actually hired pajeets or just suck in house but people are already fixing the icons with free AI upscalers that perform better than the shit Blizzard or Sanjeet obviously used.


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>modified portraits in dlc
>posthumously honour Adolf Hitler with a Ritterkreuz
Is paradox dare is say based and /ourguys/?
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So many of this DLCs features are underbaked.
>Special projects are mostly worthless.
This is with the caveat of blocking originally base game research, like cruiser subs, radar, and flame tanks behind the mechanic. There are a few fun things, but most of it is just novelty and for the sake of the memes. They definitely could've found a way to make research more involved.
>Raids are a waste of time.
Dam busting is niche at best, and why would you waste IC to raid and damage a facility, slightly impeding research? They should've expanded the system, by giving an actual use to strategic bombers with a total overhaul. Think about the American firebombing campaigns on Japan, Dresden, the Brits dropping leaflets over German cities in the early war, etc. As is, there is very little reason to engage with the system.
>New German focus tree is ok.
I think they could've refined it more, but its alright in its current state.
Overall, I suppose its a fine DLC, if not a little disappointing. There could be potential for modders to make use of the features added, which is something I am excited for.
TLDR, Jewed by Paradox once more.
The focuses will ignore tech-based limits but also some terrain like mountain now has a lower fort cap and that cap focuses can't exceed.
Do marshes also have a lower cap? The focus in question was Fortress Humaitá.
They need to update every focus tree so that the cut-off tree disappears. It's so much nicer on the newer ones.
Why is it okay for Chile and Brazil to join the Allies on historical mode in 1943

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Amplitude is parting ways with SEGA, is there still any hope left for them? Humankix flopping is probably going to spook them off from any more attempts at !notCivilization, but the same xers that made the game are still working at Amplitude. My guess is that they're going to make EL2 or ES3, hopefully with less "funny" narration.
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>Relic makes Dawn of War 3
>Is not sold for parts but instead is let to work on a competing publisher's work
>AOE4 is a middling success that would have told SEGA to cut their losses
>Instead they get given resources to make CoH 3
>Its dead on arrival
>Amplitude makes Herkind
>It's shit and sells like shit burning who knows how much money
>Sega let's them to try and unfuck Herkind while also fucking ES2
>They also make a shit dungeons game nobody asks
>CA makes a shit game Troy that is rescued by Epic Shit store
>They want to be big boys so they get the funding to make an FPS
>It's a dogshit woke slop that needs an abortion
>CA is still allowed to make games
>Warhammer 3 has a shit launch

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I just want more Endless content, especially a second Legends game.
Endless Legends, but the combat isn't like pulling teeth.
A man can dream.
I've finally got around to playing it. The music is wonderful but I don't know of I can keep going knowing the fate of Auriga.
Sega needs to fucking cut these companies to the bone they are worthless or sell them off to anyone stupid enough to buy them.

Got it for cheap and waiting for my break day to play it. Can you guys give me a quick rundown?
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this land is your land
this land is my land
from vladivostok
to the riga island
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>I really wish there where dachas in this game
>not downloading 4x the size of the vanilla game worth of skins/residential buildings/ smaller scale factory plants
Russia makes up most of the union
From Kamchatka, way up east near Alaska
And to Georgia, over mountains and Black Sea
There's enough land for each commie

Lenin, he's the revolution's call
Stalin, now he outlived them all
Khrushchev, he put up the wall
And the wall divided Europe

It's fun to live in the U-S-S-R
It's fun to live in the U-S-S-R
Here in the states you can find a party
But in Russia the party finds you

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>hurr game is not realistic enough
>durr how was i supposed to know i actually needed a prison to have a functioning police?

i know this is ragebait idc it feels good to get it out of my chest anyway
blame simcity for it. You only need a precinct before the game "suggest" you to build a prison because you have too many inmates.

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Lets ignore the civ switching thing they stole from Humankind.

What actually is there in Civ7?
There seemed to be no workers, cities still spread out but for each building?
combat is continuous?

Didn't seem like a lot of inputs.
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Also if they want to say America is a modern civ the mughals were in decline at the point that America was on the rise.
Chola india also died off in the mid 13th century, well before the age of exploration.
If anything they should cut chola india and push the mughals back to the age of exploration. Why can't they just have India as the modern civ like in every other game?
imba for
>Why can't they just have India as the modern civ like in every other game?
india is not a modern civ tho
Gandhi was for a long time the most modern leader in civ only surpassed by Haile Selasse in 5. Of course their UUs/UBs were usually ancient/medieval stuff but there's no reason they couldn't pull something out for modern. If Brazil's singular battleship was enough for a UU I'm sure there must be an Indian plane or something they can use, and Bollywood is an obvious direction to go with for another bonus.
Ottomans will be in the modern age.
It is. "India" was created by brits in 19th century. There was no such thing before them.

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Celebrating 1 year since the first and so far only time strangers logged into the multiplayer lobby and played a match,
there is going to be a HUGE tourney on the upcoming Saturday Nov 23, 19:00 UTC.
>11:00 PT
>14:00 ET
>20:00 CET
>22:00 MSK

Format: 90 minutes of swiss rounds
(should be ~5 rounds, if there are even that many participants)
>each round is 2 games, with map fixed for game 1 and loser’s choice in game 2

get something in the game named after you!!


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>get something in the game named after you!!
Time to win this tournament under the name __*pedohitlernuketelaviv69*__
Yes, I also saw it in the feedback form, thank you! At least one other person seems to have had this issue, but they stopped responding, so I never got to the root of it. Just to make sure, I installed a fresh Ubuntu LTS just now btw i use arch to try reproduce this.
There was one stupid openssl version mismatch issue, which I fixed. But it seems this wasn’t your issue – because it made the launcher completely unusable.
With the ssl issue fixed, I can now smoothly get the archive from itch, unpack it, and run the game, on stock Ubuntu with libsdl2-2.0-0 installed manually.

It is known that the zip format sometimes swallows permissions. It is also possible that you extracted everything onto a partition that has the `noexec` flag (consult /etc/fstab – `user[s]` implies `noexec`). But neither explains how adding .sh ending somehow makes the file executable. It’s not even a shell script, it’s just a plain ELF binary. It could be your file manager is doing magic, I don’t know. Could you report, as far as you are aware:
>file manager
>which program / command is used to extract the zip archive?
>user shell (bash / zsh / fish?)

As for the 127 exit code from actually starting the game, it is likely due to missing SDL2. You either install SDL2 via your distro’s package manager, or try the alt build from https://filmstars.itch.io/frontiercoven
(Run "ldd game_path/bin/hcv" to find out which shared libraries exactly are missing.)
So... Frontier Coven works:
Tried replacing the the /bin/hcv in Hyper with the one from Frontier and now they both work! - For the SDL2 side, see attached:

>Mint 20.03
>file mnager
>Nemo 5.2.4
>which program / command is used to extract the zip archive?
>Archive Manager 3.36.3
>user shell (bash / zsh / fish?)
lol freetards
Ty. I couldn’t reproduce on latest Mint (22), maybe because it has later versions of the softwares.
In any case, I’ve reworked the bundle so that the executable has an executable ending (.x86_64) and there is also an .sh that will try to call that exe in a fail-safe manner. I hope it helps.

Game doesn’t even work on Win7 ;(

Thread for discussion about these games and RTTs similar to them.
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you having a stroke?
are you
he made it up of course, it's unthinkable for a government that's part of the FREE WORLD to influence opinion of general population.
that would be very unethical and a crime against individualism!

Would subsims be considered /vst/ material? Admittedly, they focus on single unit tactics, as opposed to fleet action. But they still don't feel like action games.

Also SH:CE thread, if anybody other than me has ever played it.
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I've seen subsim threads here get deleted by the mods, unfortunately. Personally though I think they fit here better than on any over board.
this desu, the only thing holding me back is that i don't want to go back to a type 7 in the north atlantic
The lack of enemy variety holds me back from playing another campaign. It breaks immersion when its ANOTHER convoy of the same ships, escorted by the same tribals and flower corvettes.
They might not be strategies, but they are the same kind of autism. I spent hundreds of hours playing SH3 and 4.
I'd say ship sims in generals do belong, assuming they have the crew management and some deeper mechanics than just sailing.
But there aren't many of them, I wish there was a good age of sail pirate game with complex ship and crew management mechanics and deep boarding tactical combat. All pirate games are very surface level, sometimes with cartoony visual design, excluding Sid Meier's Pirates and I think Sea Dogs.
Yea, once you go past the wehraboo hype, you realize they were kinda shit boats. Made steadily worse by the war turning against Germany.
Low number of torp tubes, low number of reloads (especially from 1943-onward, when the deckside reloads were removed due to air attack risk), unimpressive speed and range (both surfaced and submerged), often obsolete and/or fragile electronics. Only good things were diving speed and depth, but those were mainly for the Type VII (Type IX kinda sucked in a lot of respects).

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I was playing eu3 a bit recently and it's actually really fun with Divine Wind. Doing shit like forcing personal unions is simple but fun and intuitive, and the minmaxing with sliders, national ideas and advisors is just complex enough to be stimulating while not being convoluted.

But when I go on the Steam community page for the game out of curiosity (idk where else people would post recently about the game) it's just a bunch of BRICS denizens posting in Spanish or screenshots in cyrillic swamp runes. Are Westerners just unable to appreciate something "outdated" even when it's objectively good?
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That looks cool, how many hours have to spent on it so far? Map modding was so tedious in EU3, especially all the position bullshit. Doesn't CanOmer's map already use the Vic2 map, or at least the same projection?
Half a day basically and I'm about 1/4th done with positions.
CanOmer uses the Victoria projection and I tried using his map until I realized that he didn't unfuck the Caucasus because it really lacked provinces.
But detailing one region upsets the balance, so you have to do all of them and at that point modifying the base vic2 map is easier.
Steppe wolf/Phoenix/Inner Powers also uses the vic2 map, but they added navigable rivers which isn't really something I would want do deal with.
So what it is that you're doing exactly, maintaining the same number of provinces as base EU3 but reshaping all of them to fit their V2 counterpart?
No, I'm using Vic2 provinces (with some reasonable adjustments) because they have reasonable densities (besides stuff like 4 province Montenegro.)
CanOmer already did an amazing job at correcting the vanilla map, far better than I ever could.
I usually don't care much about what happens outside of Europe so increasing European (and maybe the near east, like the base CK2 map) province density would be a dream of mine if it can be done without a decrease in performance. Hardware has gotten a lot better but IIRC it's just an issue with the engine once you start including too many tags and provinces, especially later in the game when you have discovered most of them and allies relentlessly coastal provinces cycling the fog of war. It's been a while since I modded so I might give my hand at creating a 1356 Golden Bull start date, or at the very least do something along the lines of what you're doing. Sticking with V2 province density is probably easier than doing some formula for how many provinces a region can be allotted.

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What is the optimal number of units under player control in a turn based tactics game? How much is too much? How much is too few?
I'm asking about a strategy game like Old-Com, not about a CRPG with turn based combat like ToEE or BG3.
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10-20 seems like a good amount
The main issue is not with the number imo, but with non-turns
For exampe in old-com and especially in mods there are a lot of situations where the outcome of the battle is basically predetermined but you still have to put in effort to find and kill the remaining 5 guys
It's tedious, and the more units you have to control the worse the problem gets
I would kill for a old-com style game where each battle is a self-contained skirmish where each side sets up, fights and doesn't have to check each bathroom in 3 different apartment blocks for the single remaining survivor that has no chance of changing the outcome
>old-com style game where each battle is a self-contained skirmish where each side sets up, fights and doesn't have to check each bathroom in 3 different apartment blocks for the single remaining survivor that has no chance of changing the outcome
So, a CRPG then?
It all depends on how long it takes to disseminate orders to your units. I think the ideal max time clicking over and over to finish a turn, personally is 3 mins max. Shorter is better of course. Anything more and the game slows down into a slog.

The number of units you can order in that 3 minutes can vary greatly depending on how much QoL features that the game has. For example, if a game has queued commands or similar multi-turn memorized command system, then I can justify spending something double the time to prep multiple turns of orders in order to let the next turns pass by very quickly, and with little tweaking on my end. Another potential QoL feature that barely if ever exist in turn based games is something that is pretty much standard for RTS games - drag box group-orders. There are times when I just want to move my units from one side of the map to another without any expectation of danger. For that, I don't really mind leaving it to an algorithm to select the exact path each unit takes, or even the exact box each one ends up in. I can just take over when they're 1 turn to the frontline again. But group-move simply does not exist in a vast majority of turn based games, which greatly reduces the number of units I am prepared to micro one by one each turn.
I like large numbers of moving parts, but I think in such cases units should be comparatively simplified. There should be lots of different units with little to no customization rather than few units with a lot of customization. Firaxis XCOM vs classic XCOM is a good example, where you have 4-6 guys with a bunch of customization elements vs 12+ guys who are basically "Guy with X weapon" and maybe "Guy with high stats". I also wish units were more often disposable, obviously you always want to minimize losses but having tons of leveling and customization for your units always makes it a huge pain to lose even one guy if there's permadeath.
Optimal: 6-8
Fun: Whatever the player can manage without the turns becoming 10 minutes long.
It's single player, if the player wants to larp it up and have a realistical approach, bring 2 squads + 1 heavy weapons team / sniper + spotter on ja2 1.13 let him do it.

You could pretend to be an officer commanding a platoon, or an NCO commanding a squad, idk.
I loved taking casualties in xcom, bringing in more guys than I needed, saving my good ones and risking my worthless rookies. Couldn't do that with smaller squads.

Old thread hit bump limit. >>1756158

What are some fun advanced infantry nations that aren't BOS or Enclave?
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or maybe not
OP should have been bait like the last one. Retards fighting always keeps threads lively.
What should my next playthrough be? I'm sick of playing Lost Hills and Eagle Rock.
J Graham New Canaan run
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>people make this shit to hoard clout instead of money
>bro why are people so fucking petty all the time wtf?

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Game of victoria 2 where I played as the Dutch, teamed up with Russia, broke Germany up and turned them into puppets. After that I went to war with Italy who was allied to Australia, got 100 hundred war score and then annexed Australia without landing a single soldier there. Pretty awesome, I was playing crimea mod btw.
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>It makes no sense for generic fascism to fuck your literacy.
Given how Victoria II depicts literacy as being literal literacy, given the time period and how industrialisation actually hurt literacy, yes.
they probably get beaten by germany and end up on high revanchism
When is OpenVic coming out?
this. WTF op.
happens to me too on every game.

A game where you just travel the map as a mercenary/merchant.
I enjoy Warband's the map interactions, but I dislike all 3D shit like walking town, fighting in battles, hunting down outlaws.
Sure, there is auto-battle but that's terrible.

>inb4: CK3: Road to Power
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You can live in other settlements.
>Sultan Hakim's party size is 400
>player's party size is limited 150
How am I suppose beat him?
Merchant of the skies. It's a decent ~10hrs. Once you figure out the game it can get a bit stale, but while you're figuring it out it's fun.
Form an army with other characters. Or just get very strong troops. 150 vs 400 is definitely doable if you know what you're doing.
Play some Patrician game, then. There are naval battles, but you can literally just ignore them and focus your attention on sailing the North/Baltic seas, selling bullshit and doing random missions

Anyone tried the demo? Full game comes out Nov 5th.

Heard some people either really liking or disliking it. Seems the latter doesn't realize you have to be more active than turtle in this game to be at an advantage.
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The game is currently full of bugs. I recommend to wait until the first patch before diving seriously into the game.
>new patch
>this bug still exists
My game experience became even buggier with the patch. I enjoy the game, but c'mon, devs.
I want a DLC with a zombie area from MS3. More time spent bug squashing, less time spent working on new content.
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I've played the game for an unknown # of hours, at least 50. Have done runs on Lieutenant, Captain, and General. Posting my review.

I instantly clicked with MST coming from a Fire Emblem/Into the Breach background, where the focus is positioning on a grid; but of course, didn't fully grasp its incentives until later. There's some real complexity here that surprised me.

The big thing that isn't obvious is that the game has "infinites." It's highly unusual in a tactics game, but MST is designed around this mechanic of "bonus actions" and "bonus movements," with no theoretical limit per turn. The unstated goal - the obvious winning strategy in any run - is to engineer one of these infinite scaling strategies around the end of the 3rd zone (in a full-region clear run).

This totally breaks the game even at the top difficulty, but you aren't guaranteed an infinite and have to make good choices to bring one about. It feels somewhat necessary on General difficulty due to the sheer volume of enemies and the bloated HP stats, boss and non-boss alike. It's a game begging to be broken, but there's a certain strategy in that too.

An example of an infinite scaling strategy in my current run:
>team: Nadia, Clark, Ralf
>skills: Hypertension, Tesla Ammo, Magnetic Rift, Team Player, Team Leader (Clark), Killing Spree (Clark, Ralf)
>weapon: Pulsar shotgun that hits 2x6 (12) damage after mods, IF Nadia shoots from one of her electric mines

It's hard to explain if you haven't played the game, but the gist is that with correct positioning and sequencing, Nadia and her boy toys can infinitely pull enemies to her mine and then refund the adrenaline (energy) cost of this action, while also scaling damage (Killing Spree) for a boss kill. Tesla Ammo grants infinite ammo if fired near a mine.

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The game's fun and I managed to play 20 hours without encountering a game ruining bug but I'm hesitant to play more knowing how bad they could get. The worst I got was the weakened status effect carrying over between boss phases, permanently.

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>want to play a total war game
>start game
>have to pick between short (unfinished) and long (too long) campaigns
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I love the World is Round event. Shame that almost every M2TW mod cuts America off
I hate siege assaults so fucking much, bros.
The AI isn't interesting enough to play against for a long-term campaign. It tends to just turn into me snowballing after the first 20 turns (if not sooner) after which point I quit.
>difficulty mods
no, they just give the AI mega aids cheats so they shit out billions are armies.
>pick short campaign
>play until win
>continue playing until finished/bored

i think i'm about to finish my first ever long campaign after playing rtw on and off for 15 years. i'm playing as the scythians and have been reading up on scythian and sauromatian/sarmatian culture which has helped sustain my interest since i can appreciate them more. i'm also playing on rome remastered with danymok's unit mod which fleshes out the faction rosters a bit in a vanilla friendly way (like a variant of cataphracts for the scythians and more mercenaries so i can fill out my roster with local anvil fodder), and that has also made the playthrough feel fresh
I like the way TWWH3 does it with the Immortal Empires campaign. You don't pick short or long campaign, you just pick your faction and it gives you a short, long and "ultimate" goal. So you don't have to decide for how long you want to play the game, you can simply start playing and go on until you reach a short victory, all the way to full map domination, or anywhere in between.

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