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You killed Stormgate.
mental omega killed shartgate
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my pc cant run SG but can run sc2 so here i am
You're welcome.
Well, it's the year of killing games simply by not doing a damn thing. Might as well go for a high score.
yeah we already have one of these threads up, retard >>1834640
fuck off back to /v/ you stupid fuck
looks correctable
i keep winning by doing nothing while clowns destroy themselves
rest in piss
You killed it vst. You fucking contrarians. How could you not like the new female model.
really wish we could get some FG insider to leak whats going on in there
must be a real shitshow
i wouldnt be surprised if FG offices were already closed and emptied out
I really don't get the appeal of RTS anymore

when I buy a unit it just sits there and does nothing like a lifeless lump of meat
imagine if you had to run a company like that the first thing I would do is find something that has independent thought and buy it


like why can't the building just float on it's own
why do people have to be extreme babysit
why extreme babysit RTS?

also why can't you save build orders if build orders are very important to the game and you can't just buy and jam something down how you feel like at the moment
>when I buy a unit it just sits there and does nothing like a lifeless lump of meat
But bro it's the PURE SKILL of wrangling 200 retards. I don't get it either. Maybe RTS will move on after everyone still playing dies of old age.
grubby bros not like this...
>why extreme babysit RTS?
Because without the pressure of the real-time micromanagement you would probably notice that there is very little strategy to these games.
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>watch someone play the starting mission of the game
>main character is an ugly goblina
>next 2 characters shown are black
>close stream
oh well, clearly the game was made for the modern audience, not me
True, but it's circular: The lack of any real strategy is caused by the excessive need for busywork. RTS games could have gone a different way like Harpoon, CMANO, Cold Waters, Sea Power, etc., low speed high detail.
RTS already cut the chaff and moved on, it's called MOBA
Autobattle games where you can just sit and watch your units fight have existed for decades.
You killed a thread
is this guy alright
>a city builder is a puzzle game
could you stop shitting up every thread, puzzlefag?
the RBT genre is dead.
It's called having a coming product inflation crisis and literally no one is doing shit about it to solve it.
This but with MOBAs.
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All gookclick games deserve to fail.
SC2 was a mistake that must never be repeated.
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eh, looked like a game made for sweats. I was never gonna really get into it.

Maybe I'll see if the campaign looks interesting.
>SC2 was a mistake that must never be repeated.
"Mistake" says the shitty anglo...
>sc2 is gookclick and broodwar isn`t
the campaign is the worst aspect of the game
Is that Butcher or the Punisher?
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>made for the modern audience
good one anon, this game doesn't have an audience.

If pushing DEI were the only problem they'd be in much better shape.
if they didn't let the co-op fall face down on the floor out of the skillet it couldve been for non-sweats too.

Alas, they gave us an egg that was sunny side down.
so i can understand the lack of appeal in micromanagement for you so i have nothing to say otherwise.

However, you do realize that you're literally describing the middle management for lots of retail/fastfood/service jobs? You hire lifeless lumps that wouldn't do anything unless they were told. So, you buy the slightly less lifeless lump with some independent thought to micromanage the other lumps

and soon you'll be able to replace the lumps with automation

also, you're probably enjoying the wrong form of entertainment if they're comparable to running a company to you
>a game so bad even the trolls and haters got bored
RTS are action games with a strategy layer over it
You're describing management games
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Cool I gues?
You're welcome. No need to thank me.
did anybody actually play shartgate?
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it was terrible
brainlet opinion. what games have deep strategy to you? the reason rts games (and any competitive pvp game) develop fairly rigid metas is precisely because the players minmax the strategy and learn what is good.
An RTS where you have to hire middle management and tell them the general outline of your vision but you're unable to command the actual workers and warriors directly sounds like a fun concept actually.
Anon, if you still haven't played Majesty after all these years...
Yep it was me. I did it. And Civ is next.
Trying to play now. It's unplayable. It should have never even been shown to the public for at least another 2 years
at least it has a numerous and stable playerbase of 100 people worldwide
most likely kickstarter sunk cost paypigs
Shartosis has spoken
fartosis seems to think gameplay exists in a void, not the first time he's been completely wrong. The problems are fundamental, starting with the artstyle, setting and premise. I'd rather have triangle and square wars than these retarded uninspired factions
its also very funny how the devs are so helpless and clueless about their own game, they literally listen to a youtuber telling them how to design their maps. ((((((Tim Morten)))))) is a very, very successful grifter and I have no idea how he did it.
When will all the rts players fuck off back to r*ddit? rts, fighting and arpg games are all brawling for goyslop: the genre title
>13 minutes when you already know everything you need to know from the first 5 seconds just looking at the screen
god the game looks like such a piece of shit
He says he only cares about complex gameplay, but obviously he and the millions of other SC players would never have gotten into the game whatsoever if it didn't look and sound cool to begin with.
All game-devs are faggots.
Normal, competent nerds moved on forever ago.
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congratulations, you surpassed the IQ of 99% of rtstards who think that micromanaging menial tasks is somehow engaging and intelligent gameplay
This. It's kinda baffling that nobody has ever tried making something like this.
But I didn't do anything.
I played the beta after having it wishlisted for ages and that made me remove it from my wishlist. Game about demons vs sci-fi army and they make everything look like cheap plastic garbage. Everything has a sand-blasted rounded-off look to it, nothing had a polished or detailed feel to it. Especially the maps. Holy shit the maps in the beta were so fucking bad.
Especially if your managers have their own personalities complete with flaws that you have to work around.
Love it or hate it

It's the next best thing to SC2 and WC3. Those that are playing it are enjoying it and looking forward to more updates and the rest are either whining about a game they say they don't like or waiting to jump on the bandwagon. I hope it does well and I think any fan of RTS should hope it does well. Nothing else has the same competitive feel in my eyes or has really come close. The fact that it's even compared to SC2 in early release speaks for itself. Good luck FG!
>The fact that it's even compared to SC2 in early release speaks for itself.
It speaks for the fact that that's the last thing the devs have worked on, nothing more. I don't like Starcraft 2, so that's a minus for me.
There are plenty of other great, current RTS out right now No need to play this one.
kys shill
>It's the next best thing to SC2 and WC3
no, not even remotely close. You might as well say black is white.
>Those that are playing it are enjoying it
100 people worldwide. F2P game.
>I hope it does well and I think any fan of RTS should hope it does well
legitimizing dogshit games is how you get more dogshit games you fucking retard.
Is this your first time shilling?
Please read the manual given to you by your manager, you are really bad at this.
>I don't like Starcraft 2, so that's a minus for me.
And another one into the shitty Starcraft 2 hate club...
Yep. And here are all those bandwagon losers you just mentioned.

You're absolutely right. Fans of RTS should hope it does well and the fact it is being compared to sc2 is a testament to its promise as a game. I'm all here for it, man. I'm looking forward to what we see in the years to come.

Dont let the haters get to you. They literally have nothing better to do with their sad, miserable lives
i didn't hope it would do well. i hoped it would be good.

it's not good. it's not going to become good.
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>second obvious shill
>with reddit spacing on top it
Look, you don't belong here.
Don't force me to post nigger/tranny/kike gore to make you leave.
Ignore this
>Be me
>Do nothing
>I end up killing Stormgate
Damn I'm good
aoe4 is the sc2 successor
these are copied straight from the game's reddit aren't they
Dang, anon, you're right. That's some powerful deduction. Unless you're samefagging.


and >>1899194 is at the bottom of the page, hidden with negative points
The settlers? Stronghold? Songs of Syx?
This kind of sounds like surving mars.
I mean I HOPE it gets turned into a fun game at least, but as it is right now it is really boring.
>Boring basic bitch visuals which look good but have 0 character or their own identity
>same with the factions which makes me completely uninterested in playing the campaign
>Only non-boring faction are the celestials which do have some cool game play ideas to them, but are visually still just a boring high-tech angel copypasta race
>the game is just really fucking boring to play
>everything takes fucking ages to die so it doesn't have this pucker factor of seeing a bunch of banes rolling towards your marines and having to quickly try and split
>unit abilities feel like they're there to introduce artificial micro and not actually to contribute to gameplay
>the mobs feel shoehorned in to grab the Warcraft 3 boomers
Like that are just my top issues, it is in a really sad place at the moment sadly
I think the recent demo test by Artosis with smaller maps + no mobs felt much better to watch and really helped with SOME issues, like the fights still take fucking ages but at least now they take place more often.
But I am not convinced that will be either enough to fix it nor that the devs will actually listen and course-correct, which is a damn shame
>pucker factor of seeing a bunch of banes rolling towards your marines and having to quickly try and split
please dont even try to insinuate banelings were good game design.
There's a reason infested terrans were restricted to late game tech in BW, and extremely situational, and only against one matchup.
theyve renewed their shilling efforts
>a F2P game had an all-time peak of under 5000 players worldwide
yeah and that's because they were a goofy gimmick top-down design, not because of any inherent problems with suicide units
m8 that's an entire fucking genre coming up on two decades old
>not because of any inherent problems with suicide units
>sc2 zerg A moves banelings across the map and goes back to macro, APM cost: 2
>sc2 terran either performs a 500 APM perfect unit split or loses his entire army in half a second, AND has to macro on top of that
your opinion is invalid. Please stay away from game design.
I am now convinced you are trolling or are a bronze 3 retard
A-moving banes without looking is just a fast-lane ticket to having them all 1 shot by widow mines, getting blown to shit by siege-tanks, running into marauders which can face tank like fucking 5 of them or having them all run into a planetary and do fuck-all unless there is like a gorillion of them
You need to micro the banes or they are just throwing away gas, minerals and zerglings which are a great unit
Banes are really only good against idiots who can't split or people who leave their marines alone in stupid positions and stop looking at them, meanwhile a perfectly reasonable split is like 3 lazy clicks and will win you games anywhere below GM
i was talking about wings of liberty. No noob mines. Too early for tanks. Split or die and leave the game
>Banes are really only good against idiots who can't split
splitting is shit game design for gookclick lovers. Enjoy your shit opinion and brain
mad & bad
The game is on early access, unfinished work as they repeatedly remind us through the gameplay. That alone makes most of the negative reviews another case of collective hysteria.

Taking the baby rant out of the picture, here's my reasons to give it an upvote: because the game has potential.

What will change it to a negative review: if you can't stop trying to emulate Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2. If we want to play those games, they exist already. Your game lacks its own identity and that's where the negative reviews are correct.

To the technicals: my PC is outdated, but It runs smoothly every RTS on the market, except Stormgate. I've seen some people complaining about optimization, I'll stay neutral on that one.
looks totally unfinished in art design
and map design just copys star craft
Against all odds, looks like rts players don't exist anymore.
they exist they just arent playing the latest goyslop
stormgate is possibly the worst RTS of all time, Id rather play emperor battle for dune
Paradox games?
You are a retard but I think banes, mines and disruptors should not be in the game

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