Because the Remake sucks, I implore anyone curious to check out the original ROTK8 for the PS2 instead.
I missed the recent sale on 10 and 11. They're moonrunes only but the translation patches look alright. Hope 8 remake gets a PUK there's a decent game there just needs better AI and some content besides scenarios.
>>1904311I bought 11 on Steam while it was on sale but returned it because I prefer the PS2 version for the controller support. The translation patch is good from what I saw and was easy enough to get working. The PC version with PUK offers higher resolutions, additional buildings, and an extra hard difficulty mode but the portraits are a downgrade from the PS2 version.
>>1904174I didn't try the remake, but the original ROTK8 sucked as well. It was very annoying to play. ROTK7 is the only good game in the entire series. In fact, it's probably the only good game made about the three kingdoms era.
>>1904174Remake is better than original. Granted, both are playable.>>1904443Honest question: What the fuck do you like about 7?
>>1904467Not that anon, but VII has a few things that makes it stand out from VIII>battle is faster pace and combat abilities don't miss most of the time because of low level>can send out letter to officers from faraway to increase relationship, which is kinda more immersive than traveling across half of China every month to talk to the officers you want to increase bond with but they aren't assigned to the same city as you>have annual martial arts/poem contest to do some stats checking that give you more officer interaction as well as rewards if you manage to win>doesn't have seasonal council meeting that slow the game pacing even more than it already doesThough I feel like it's just different takes to the same core of officer play and I don't think VII is necessarily better than VIII, just easier to get into because of its faster pace.
>like a good amount of Wu characters like Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, Gan Ning>wu is basically a complete afterthought and the whole focus is on Wei vs Shu
>>1905106Blame Wu for barely doing anything of note post chibi
Any other decent Nobunaga's Ambition titles other than Sphere of Influence? The consensus seems to be that it's the best so i'm not sure if it's worth trying any of the others.
all I want is a new Liberty Or Death game as the last one came out in 1994.
I can see why Koei nerfed the Horse Archer's AI so badly given how OP they are in Genghis Khan 2.Trying to fight an army of Horse Archers with 100 arms is hell when they can just shoot you to death before you can even hit them.In Genghis Khan IV, The AI prefers to send it's horse archer units in melee combat than using it's range attacks in field battles and they'll only use it if they don't have enough move points, the HA unit is the CO unit or in siege battles.No wonder AI in Koei games is frequently critcized even today.
>>1906237>No wonder AI in Koei games is frequently critcized even todayAnd yet people still play and discuss them today. Not a lot of 40 year old strategy franchises you can say that about.
>>1906045Give Awakening a try. Its pretty different when compared to SoI which is great, love the diversity between koei titles.
>>1906452A niche fanbase consisting of old and dying fans buying the same shit over and over isn't what you call a stellar record.There's a reason why Total War Kingdoms nearly stole Koei's monopoly on 3K.
>>1906576>There's a reason why Total War Kingdoms nearly stole Koei's monopoly on 3K.The reason is that Koei hasn't made a good game in 20 years and nobody else was making big budget three kingdoms games. Old Koei games manage to be a lot of fun despite being broken, and I'd rather fire up RoTK11 than TW3K. For all its faults Koei never stooped to butchering the lore or gamey shit like armies taking six months to march into the neighboring county.
no need to be so hyperbolic, plenty of koei games are decent they just need to stop half assing them. honestly they should probably just stop bouncing between officer and ruler style games. rtk13 was excellent and could have just been improved with the map mechanics of rtk14
>>1906045SoI is the most accessible, but the best Nobunaga's Ambition game is either Iron Triangle or Tendou.>fun tower defend-ish gameplay>officers can randomly chain abilities together to do big dick damage>plenty of tech for 6 types of unit: infantry, cavalry, archer, musket and siege weapons>also other civic/infrastructure techs that can completely change how the game is played>items/monks/merchants actually matter now as they can be used to wildly swing negotiations with other Daimyos in your favor>can ask or be asked to give hostage while negotiatingIron Triangle can be easily emulated on PS2 to be played with English. Tendou is Japanese only, but I'm sure there's an English patch lying around somewhere.
A strong army ponders a land now freed.
>>1906808I never "got" how combat worked in sphere of influence. I'd do a billion different things like pincer the enemy, mess around with formations/muskets/cavalry and yet the only thing that really seemed to matter was troop count so I'd never manually fight battles and just let them blobs grind each other on the strategic map. Is taishi any good?
>>1908562To tell the truth, I never quite get SoI's combat either, it just feels like the unit control actively tries to fight back against your manual control at times, and range abilities are outright useless when compared to melee ones.Taishi is good in the sense that the combat seems more strategic compared to SoI>there's a strategy and combat phase>in strategy phase, you choose the unit's destination based on their movement range, can choose somewhere out of their range too but then it'd take several turns>then in combat phase, the unit automatically moved as instructed>if it comes across as an enemy standing in their way, they will try to fight the enemy, but if the enemy is not in the direct path of the unit, the unit will try as best to keep marching>there's FOW so you'd have to constantly guessing where the enemy is and change your strategy accordingly (scouts do report the enemy's rough positions in strategy phase, but it isn't 100% correct)>before battle begins, you can choose Formations that could change how your units fight (for example, there's a formation that let you make one central unit bait and gather enemy's attention, while making your flank units invisible until they directly run into an enemy, then there's a formation that give boost to marching speed at the cost of the whole army's morale dropping faster than usual)>battle have a morale system so you don't have to wipe out all enemies, just do well enough to overwhelm their morale by either defeating multiple enemy units back to back, take down their camps or drag the battle out long enough(1/2)
>>1908577In exchange, the facility building just feel kinda bare bone to me>can choose to build/improve facilities assigned to each county>but most facilities feel rather useless like +POL to officers assigned near the county and stuff, so you're mostly just build a few Market and Farms to keep the retinue up, then spam Smiths and Ranches all over the place so you could keep a steady stream of guns and horses without having to pay the merchants a dime>there's a sort of market expansion thing going on where the more money you invest in a market, the bigger it can become and potentially swallow up nearby markets to create a monopoly in a region>but the cost of investment becomes so big that the profit you get in return is minuscule compared to the amount of money you have to pay first, so best practice is to just invest once so you can have a share in the market and ignore it thereafterThe writing in the events also isn't as good as SoI imo, some characters seem to act too out of character for the sake of the writing to be different from the previous game. There's probably a few more pros and cons but it's been a while since I last played the game so it kinda escape me at the moment.
>>1904443Based. I agree except that 10 and 11 are also great. 7 is GOAT though.>>1904467Also not that anon, but it's faster, the gameplay feels more immersive, there's less tedium overall. 8 adds a lot of bloat that makes it a lot grindier, and isn't really interesting. 7's bloat is at least entertaining (I always watch the tournaments so I can watch my custom officers beat the shit out of each other). 8's bloat takes the worst parts of 7 (raising population trust via patrolling is a great example) and amplifies them tenfold. 7's slow combat is slowed down even more for 8. 7's trust grind now has to be repeated multiple times per city. 7's social/friendship grind is slowed to a halt in 8. Some of 8's ideas sound good on paper, like the slowed friendship grind, but in practice they're very, very tedious, especially for people like me who've put probably tens of thousands of hours into the series.
>>1908599> I agree except that 10 and 11 are also great. 7 is GOAT thoughMultiplayer 2 is where the series peaked.
>>1906808>but I'm sure there's an English patch lying around somewhere.and I'm 100% sure that it's shit
>utterly oppressive and makes starting in the east impossible>if they don't exist then there's no late game enemy and you just steamroll all the minor clanshow do we solve the h*jo problem?
>>1909366kill everyone and give the territory to the tokugawa
Stolen from Reddit, which stole from Discord. Seems like you could at least customize the clothing of DWO's MC after all.
>the twink protag is confirmed to be Hua TuoEhhh Luo Gamzhong would be better
>>1905125>DW5>Every "Late Wu" story mode is about Chibi/Hefei/Fan ad nauseum
>>1906045Rise to PowerIron TriangleTendouLord of Darkness
>>1909960Made me look
>The Ravages of Time collabing with ROTK8RSay what?!
I'm playing ROTK8 for the ps2 version on my phone With the ArtherSX2 emulator Is there any way to use cheats? I'm already bored of not reaching certain goals and I need a little push for my ambition
>>1911626Cao cao...
>>1911783Sorry, I wasn't clear. I want to become an emperor with a character created starting from the bottom.
Playing gemfire again is pure sovl.Wish Koei made more games like it.
>>1909706>According to my Chinese friendDoes this friend work at Nintendo?
>>1910935大 if true!
>>1913461Probably just adding Liaoyuan Huo and Sima Yi as special playable characters.
>>1909706god, he really looks like a lady
>>1913468more like portraits based on the series, happened in the past with some titles like
>>1906045I like Awakening.
>>1915838What a coincidence, me too.
What are the big flaws with RTK12, other than no English? Battles actually look quite fun.
Here to a happy new year of 2025 and a page 10 bump at that.
>>1921200Domestic I think? I haven't put much time into it, might try to now. The general feel is that of an online strategy game from the 2000s-2010s, so it irked me a lot. No 3D too.
>>1909987Before effectively rebooting the series with Origins, they should've said fuck it and depicted senile Sun Quan in his full suicide ordering glory.
>>1921200>>1927056I couldn't really get into it that much, but it really does look and feel like those online strategy MMOs from the 2000s-2010s. If you want I could upload the game, if you can read Jap or can tolerate bit of it. I still have some English translations but they're separate (one for the PUK and base game).
is sevens literally making drugs in his bathroom is that nigga ok?
>>1929365Um... Wrong thread, anon?
>>1904498>>1908599My main issue is that I find officer play in 7 just kind of bad. Most of the time, as a governor, you just aren't given the officers you needed to do much of anything. 8 has similar issues, but it has the viceroy position as something to work towards. 7 has nothing of the sort. The best strategy I found is to just spam gifts and diplomacy to effectively get the AI in a position where it's flanks are covered. Which, due to the retarded way diplomacy works means having to make thousands of gifts. If you want to talk about slow, there are few things worse than that.Playing as a common officer is just a total non show. You can't do anything but sit there and train your skills until you become a strategist or a governor. Strategist is pretty much the only position that is desirable, and it is extremely all or nothing. You are either the smartest man in the land or you aren't. You also can't really do anything fun like backstab your ruler or try to take over power. Playing as a ruler is pretty decent, loyalty being very annoying aside. I do like how objective focused combat is, but it suffers from the fact that the AI just can't properly handle it allowing you to pretty easily walk over them if you have even halfway decent officers. Which, granted, if you are a governor you won't have.
>>1906640I honestly do like Rottk 8 Remake for actually taking a old game and improving it. Series suffers from throwing out the baby with the bathwater way too much. Most of the games are pretty close to being great but just don't quite make it. Hell, even 8 remake is in that same camp. It's damn close to being great, they just need to make combat more objective focused and fix diplomacy to be more like NA Awakening. Rest are minor flavor issues that I could fix in a week if the game easy to mod.
>>1905125Most of the war WAS Wei vs Wu. The fact they don't make sixty stages based on failed invasions, like they do with Shu, is mostly due to historical bias. >>19099875 was particularly bad. At least previous games typically had Shi Ting and Fan Castle to fill in the space between Yilling and NEW Hefei Castle. 5 had nothing.
>>1930902>You also can't really do anything fun like backstab your ruler or try to take over power.You actually can kill your ruler and then get voted into power, but it's literally as simple as walking up to your ruler and RNG offering you to kill him.
For remake on Advance difficulty as Ruler: Is it possible to poach 100 loyalty officer? Just captured Xu Zhu from Cao Cao and based on 14 experience, it is better to execute and grind Cow down since it is almost impossible to recruit his top generals. Is poaching possible with estrange in 8? Or is it not worth the effort?
>>1933319>Is it possible to poach 100 loyalty officer? From my experience, no.>it is better to execute and grind Cow down since it is almost impossible to recruit his top generals. No, if anything, killing him will make A LOT of his officers hate your guts and guarantee them not wanting to join you.>Is poaching possible with estrange in 8? Yes>Or is it not worth the effort?No, it absolutely worth the effort. 8 has a really fucked up relationship/loyalty system where non-sworn sibling/spouse officers can be poached if their loyalty falls low enough, though poached officers also have very low loyalty they are very prone to be poached off a few seasons later. My last playthrough as Lu Bu had Xiahou Dun flip flopping between my army and Niu Jin every other season it's almost funny.> I Played every Romance of the Three Kingdoms Game... (And Ranked Them) [PART 1] * incs ROTK 1-7
>>1933815>open vid>When you think of great strategy game, what comes to mind?Certainly not ROTK.
>>1933448Yeah, I just go with the soft approach and release all since the quality of my officers are not so bad that I need to use scorched earth tactics.Too bad next battle Li Dian and Xu Zhu get killed by Ma Chao whirlwind... Is it me or is Whirlwind kill rate way too high? My 2 recent Whirlwind kill 4 Wei officers already. Do officers close to their historical death date more likely to die in battle?
>>1935040Yeah, the death rate by Cavalry skill is abnormally high even if you set it to Normal rate for some reason. And I don't think historical death date plays a role here because I managed to kill Yue Jin and Yu Jin somewhere around 191/192 before.
>play nobubnaga's ambition>asakura has no princesswtf sengoku rance lied to me
Are there any reasons to play as a vagrant force? any land you liberated get occupy next turn with 50% of your force conscripted. The AI only rely on you for defensive battle. All I see is for roleplay and mustering troop/good officers til you can go independent on a corner somewhere.
>>1936180>Are there any reasons to play as a vagrant force?Mostly for roleplay. Or if you play as some smaller force in the north in earlier scenarios, you can just migrate to one of the empty cities down south instead, I guess? Never did that myself though.
>>1936664what's the max number of troops for vagrant force? I know you cannot mobilize all of them in a single battle but it would be funny if you could muster million soldiers and start
>>1936768I don't know the maximum number but I'm pretty sure it's not that many, you can't even hit hundred thousand, much less million.
Does anybody know if it's possible to mod Rottk8 remake? Specifically the events.
>>1906576>There's a reason why Total War Kingdoms nearly stole Koei's monopoly on 3K.and then they immediately gave it back with Eight Princes lmao
>>1904174which games have the best officer play?
>>1941038Objectively X. 8 Remake is enjoyable too and is more recent, but that game is a lot more of a friend making and OP main char making simulator than a strategy game.
Does anyone know how to launch RotTK 9 on Windows 10? After I installed it, it just doesn't launch without any error message.
>>1941414Have you installed Japanese to your computer yet?
>>1941204does the pc version have a decent translation patch or am I gonna have to play the ps2 version?
>>1941614Actually, I downloaded the Chinese version.
>>1941731Last I checked, the PC eng patch is just a messy name/menu translation that needs to shorten things to like Cao Cao as CaCa in order to fit the boxes, just emulate the PS2 version.>>1943012Then maybe try installing Chinese? Some old games may require you install locale language in order to boot it up.
what does the PUK for ROTK X actually add besides the 4 new scenarios? I've been swapping between the PS2 base version and the PC PUK version and I can't really tell besides the new graphics and UI
>>1944303Straight from the wiki:>Battle history mode. In this stage attack game, story event changes depending on how to play the game.>Trial mode. In point trial mode, the goal is to earn as many points as possible in a battle. In victory trial, the goal is to use the assigned army to win as many stages as possible.>Ability to marry other generals in-game and raise offspring.>8 new NPCs available for marriage (most of them are characters from The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants).>4 new scenarios in January 211, June 221, February 253, January 250. In the January 250 scenario, nearly every character present during Three Kingdoms period appeared. In addition, there are new events.>City, item, general editors.>Expert (超級) mode. In addition to extra difficulties, the game mechanics can be further customized.>Logging feature. In addition to recording events, the logs are integrated with the world map to visually represent player's progresses.>The ability to upload your own portraits from your PC into the game, which can then be used by your original characters.Scenario editor 1.00 adds the following:> 'Alliance gathering' setting when editing alliance relations.>Assign start-up city for future generals.>Upgraded general, city, item editors.The Power up kit features are incorporated into the re-released PlayStation 2 game (never brought outside Japan or Taiwan), except only 3 of the 4 extra scenarios are available.
>>1943350I tried installing Chinese Traditional as system locale, didn't work.
Are empty cities the consistently worst mechanic of every Rottk game? I really can't count about the amount of times they break scripting, trivialize otherwise hard campaigns, make easy campaigns hard, and generally just play havoc on every part of the game. It's such an easy issue to fix as well: Make the cost for occupying a neutral city actually steep enough that you won't be able to do it in the early game.
>>1945183they should have some sort of neutral ai defence to represent local officials/inspectors etc defending the city
>>1945183True I don't like neutral cities, it's always the south as well which makes it a hassle to go through over and over.
the city issue is just holdover of 20+ years of design identity. if there was any competition or innovation in the space at all they would have been forced to make the game more feature rich and fill in the cities with lower level bureaucrats and alter the way in which the factions worked
Does anyone have rotk13's clean steam files with PuK? I regret buying rotk8 re and im broke!!
>>1946617Post your Steam ID. The game is currently on sale so I can afford a gift.
>>1946950Thats extremely generous of you anon.Heres my id:
Playing Nobunaga's Ambition: Iron Triangle, one of the best Nobunaga's Ambition games.I'm playing as the Ashikaga Shogunate to restore their authority over the country and after many hardships and carefully balancing the situation to his favor:>Made use of the Uesugi alliance to take advantage of trading their techs but made sure to reject any requests to trade tech that upgrades their units so they won't be too strong.>Ditched them with the Mori and let's then occupy a port near the Uesugi territories so they can hostile to them.>Got into a massive brawl with the Oda that the Ashikaga barely won and destroyed their dominance as the Uesgui took advantage of the falllout to attack thr Oda-Tokugawa Alliance.>Initially, The Uesugi dominates the West and nearly destroys the Takeda but the coalition against them broke their dominance as the Takeda regain their power and split the Uesugi in half.>The Chosokabe attack both the Mori and thr Ashikaga. Big mistake as the Ashikaga repel the attack and easily set foot on Shikoku as the first step to conquer the East.The Ashikaga clan has nearly maxed their Infantry, Archery and Civil technology, making them the most tech-advanced clan in Japan.
>>1949153I'd go as far as to say IT is the best one. No other NA game has such a vast tech variety and a healthy mix of enemy aggression on top of it. The closest is Tendou because it plays very similar to IT, but I personally prefer IT.
I thought I won't be able to enjoy Sphere of Influence again on its hardest difficulty but I've had a decent time overall playing as Oda Nobuhide.>Build a castle after taking Ansho from the Matsudaira, then losing Ansho along with Sakuma Morishige. Kanie's worth more than Ansho in the long run, since its nestled inside Owari and I'm practically ignored by the Imagawa as long as the Matsudaira are standing.>Build another castle in Okehazama, nearly came close to capitulation after selling most of my supplies but thanks to building trust with the Imperial Court I forced anybody menacing my castles into a truce. >Waited until Katsuie Shibata becomes a hireable officer, and one more year to build up my forces after seizing Nagashima from the monks.>Revolt against Oda Nobutomo and defeated them relatively quickly. Had a truce with the Matsudaira after noticing a convoy of troops attempting to relieve Inuyama.Eventually I'm hoping to play the newer titles smoothly since I could barely run Awakening, and despite the linear combat it's probably a good change of pace. Tendou had semi-linear combat anyways so I'm used to it.Extreme is frustrating at the start considering the Hard strats I've used were almost useless but after growing a braincell or two I've learned to create a condition where I can actually play the game. The AI is still infuriating though. The Matsudaira went for Ogaki after having a truce with me and I think got destroyed by the Azai-Asakura army. Ogaki was captured early on by the Azai since I didn't go for Nagashima early on (was part of my early strategies but I noticed the AI jumps the gun whenever I take it and every clan sends every able men to capture it from me)At least the Matsudaira control all of Mikawa. They were brave enough to capture Hikuma even.