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Is it worth it? Tell me your stories with it!
Once when I was playing as the Senator in the Fallen Empire age I walked by the haunted capitoleum with my starting army on turn 10 or so and was ambushed by an invisible Doom Horror, the Orchard of Souls, who immediately cast meteor shower and beaned itself in the head with a giant rock from space and died.

I only lost like two hastati.
i wish you could build a few more things.
Meteor shower is the worst spell in the game. I get they want "ha-HA!" moments with some spells like chain lightning but they only ever give that meteor shower spell to those who can't defend against it. Things that can cast, say, Blizzard are usually immune to it but since meteors do both fire and physical, you can have things like Yog-sothoth, who is literally immortal and immune to all physical damage still be killed by the fire from it using it because it has no accessory slots to give it a bottle of demon blood or something.

I wish that it was easier to work together such that you could have a team manipulating things. When you consider all the factions, there's quite a lot of things you can do.

I enjoy when certain units can take out hordes of other units, recently had a fight where like 200 skeletons were killed by a single remaining enemy leader before he died in a duel with my strongest necromancer. I'm always surprised when simple spells can change the outcome of battle. Sometimes mages I consider weakass can win because they made the enemy all be stunned and just beat them all to death while they couldn't move. I also underestimate the power of water elementals.

The game is fun if you want interesting factions and a way to quickly get cool battles but it is super random and if you don't like randomness you will hate this game. Generally it's like running around until you get the big good unit and slaughter the enemies then your unit dies and you're back to running around trying to put together an army before you lose.
I bought CoE4 and regretted it. I'd rather just play Dominions, even singleplayer
>playing Voice of El for the first time
>doing okay, among other things, cleared out those cultists even converted one to my side
>broke a few seals to see what would happen
>turns out there was another group of cultists somewhere and they opened up a gate to hell
>apocalypse happens and demons everywhere
>somewhere some NPC cardinal starts breaking seals in a panic, I don't know where he is so I can't stop him
>horsemen show up and cause havoc
>I managed to get up to the clouds and park someone there just in case
>final seal is broken, all heaven and hell breaks loose
>angels and demons everywhere, four horsemen all over the place, the land itself is turning barren from locust demons
>decide to hunker down in my starting fortress and hope for the best
>see lots of cool battles from the El reinforcements fighting both angels and demons
>eventually the final AI opponent is taken out by some angels and I win by default as I was preparing to send an expedition into hell
Turns out the NPC cardinal was in the capital on the other side of the map that I hadn't even reached yet. Was a pretty fun game, the El BGM playing during the apocalypse was the icing on the cake.
This game isn't Dominions or even like it.
In a new version of this game there needs to be a way to place guards over a portal and stop things from coming though like with neutral defenders that cover them sometimes.
Just drop troops over the portal.
If that was true CoE might actually be good.
Its pretty much dominions in drag. If it were just an adventure game set in the world of CoE it'd be great. But you still have to deal with provinces by a different name, indie attacks and AI raiding parties are still all there. You've got all these awesome plains to explore but none of it ties into the mechanics since the AI doesn't know how to interact with them so they just spend the whole wondering around elysium until they get killed by two (2) deer wondering into their capital. It gets to the point where I think the most popular mod is one that gives the AI a bunch of stuff on their cap just to stop them from dying so you can explore the map without the game suddenly ending out of nowhere.
it's a fun singleplayer exploration game, but it's pretty much unfinished / unplayable as intended. The enemy will either curbstomb you or die in 10 turns from start. On the rare chance niether of you die too early and he manages to get in any of the planes it's gg no re because unlike you they operate 50 armies with no problems. Once they get REAL mages they'll spiral out hard.
The capitol defense mod is indeed the only truly must-have mod. Everything else is "according to taste", but that one is vital for gameflow purposes.
CoE is an older series and Dom is a spinoff of it if anything. CoE isn't Dom, so stop comparing it.
>Well ackshually
You didn't actually object to anything I asserted, just pointed out some historic trivia. Dominions and CoE share a recipe, it is "like" dominions, and those shared mechanics don't capitalize on what is actually good about CoE (5 at least); that being the exploration. It'd be better as some kind adventure game, but its not that, which is unfortunate. That's why dominions is a cult success and coe is a novel curiosity at best.
Isn't this Dominion? I never touch both game before but heard a lot about Dominion and this looks like dominion.
Illwinter, the dev of both, is too lazy to make separate assets for their games.
Thanks anons for your stories and info on it, im thinking in buying CoE5 or Dom6 thats why i made the post, and i have only pirated CoE5 and played it a ton and im enjoying it too, so maybe i should try Dom6 too?
Would be nice for being able to build like.. cult locations or military locales.
>pirated CoE5
from where? I tried to look but all I found were shady russian sites
I see... and its too bad at being a 2-player game? I would love to play it with my bf
I basically sold the soul of my pc going there and having enough faith in skidrow lol... yeah im mirsculously not infected
enjoy your miner, the soul of your pc is now eternally damned!
My greatest wish is that one day you will be able to keep playing after all the players are defeated. I wanna defend my rule of Elysium against the environment and invade other realms.
CoE isn’t anything like dominions nigga. It just isn’t. They’re completely different games. Dominions is more of a battle game like total war while CoE is more of a 4x roguelike. The only similarity is that Illwinter reuses sprites for both games.
What are the essential mods for this game?
There's a mod that creates a virtually unkillable passive faction so you can keep playing after everyone's killed off and go invade the planes.
>Dominions is more of a battle game like total war while CoE is more of a 4x roguelike
They're both 4x.
In both of them you explore.
In both of them you expand.
In both of them you exploit the resources gained from expanding and use them to exterminate your enemy.
You're mixing ought and is. I agree entirely that CoE OUGHT to be different to dominions. I reckon it OUGHT to be something like a roguelike, where your goal is to progress through the planes, overcoming trials to complete some goal (ideally a goal specific to the race type you picked). But because the win state is capturing all the enemy forts; you end up with a 4x instead of a roguelike with players using mods like >>1789497 to excise the 4x aspects and turn it into a bootleg sandbox.
rin-ru isn't shady...
It's worth it but the devs are really bad about making "sequels" that barely change anything and then asking full price for them. My advice is to only buy every third game in the series to avoid being ripped off, pirate the rest.
have managed to beat it with a few classes.

I hate the fact that rituals have success chance on some classes
I hate the way scaling among classes is fucked up.

Otherwise cool little game with lots of things to explore.
Hey im back! I ended up buying CoE5 for me and my bf! And we started a coop game yesterday, pretty nice and everything is going well, i would bought dominions 6 but its extremely pricey
tits or gtfo
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Anon who said there were any females involved...
>>1788194 >>1788156
which specific mod do I want? I couldn't find "capital defense"
should have figured that the only way a multiplayer game of Coe5 would ever be played is as part of a gay relationship
There's a bystander mod and "Starting Defense Only" the prior is for letting you turn the game into a sandbox and the latter is if you want it to still be a 4x but at least want the AI to not move all their shit off cap, lose their cap to a deer attack, and then immediately get knocked out.
I haven't played CoE5 since about a week after its release, though.
Post programming socks + coe so I can use it to shitpost on /domg/
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Well i bothered my bf enough, i hope this counts as OP delivering... now im expecting my Dom6 Key
Also we won our first coop game ;D
Its always been like this anon
>Drop troops off at larger mines to stop neutrals from taking them
>Drop troops off on the big trees to stop neutrals from getting a free reflag, cockblocking neutral spawning
>Correct recruit a more mobile commander and get him a small retinue to go on a flagging spree
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>Can make unlimited swords, bows, and spears from a castle's armory
>Can make about 5 terracotta soldiers from an entire swamp
Teracotta solders need to work like gathering slaves and making statues needs to work like raising a battlefield.
>A normally 2 movement ballista can move 3 because it floats
>A golem made out of stone/silver/gold can move 3 spaces
>Statutes move 2 spaces a turn because...
That has nothing to do with the post you quoted. There are occasional portals to the netherworld/abyss/hell/plane of eternal fire and so on that are guarded by neutral entities. If you kill them, then things from the planes pour out and even if you put something of your own on top, they still come out and attack you instead of being blocked off from Elysium.
This is the type of game where you can get a Mole Kings Shovel
And then spend the AP to directly dig down to hell
Permafucking the MAP because the hell neutral AI is designed to react to a opening being formed. Unscripted doomsday events is peak gameplay, contrasting well against the fun "portal to Hades" and the "portal to hell" events.

Meanwhile if you overuse a scrying service... all you do is open a hole, and can get horrors walking into it. They don't even flood.

>nothing to do with
nah, it got plenty to do with.
If you can't guard a ancient forest to stop mob spawns, then don't take it. If you can't guard the portal to hell, don't open it.
Just like how its generally a bad idea to try an siege a T3 magic academy, even more so if the Old Wizard get lucky with his spell list and wall placement.
Ancient forests aren't the same thing. If I have to guard the portal then the neutrals guarding it should get attacked too and it should eventually be forced open at some point in the game.
>If you can't guard a ancient forest to stop mob spawns, then don't take it.
just fucking burn it
5 lightning guardians isn't enough to stop Asmodean, Belzebub, or a smaller force of elemental Giants.
Or a actual flood of Primal animals.

Its suppose to be one of the exotic alternatives of a player caused doomsday scenario, which the Pale Ones can with the effort of spending 10-15 turns can do at ANY TIME. Or El faction can do for the price of what... 1000 idols?
>playing as El
based molested by priest enjoyer
The seals will come open, and everyone is gonna suffer.
Why can't Illwinter fucks just add the ability for magic items to be dropped on a tile? A tile can count how many halves of a bear's ass is on it and whether they're from small, medium, or large bears, but making a temporary loot structure like AoW is apparently too hard.
Have you ever interacted with either of the two main devs? They are EXTREMELY autistic. I would imagine a QoL feature like that doesn't fit into the backwards-ass "roguelike" conception they have of CoE, even though the ability to save destroys that.
The same devs made it a viable tactic in Dominions to create cursed items, shove it on a character, have that character go into battle with an enemy entirely because they autopickup cursed items and equip them.
thats a guy
So you are forced to do long term army management.
Most of the anti QOL features boil down to that, its often the exactly right call.
Extremely good strat to be honest
Thanks anon, my BF will be happy to hear that lol
Oh it is indeed a good strat, but it wouldn't be viable if this game had QoL options like "Do not pick up items automatically" or "Stockpile them"
Just finished my first Game as Illusionist against 5 AIs. They basically threw their armies at me until they ran out of commanders and lost. Is this normal? Is it an AI difficulty thing?
What would you have the AI do?

Keep in mind illusionist's whole thing is having a larger army than would be suggested at a glance. Personally the AI usually avoids my armies unless it "knows" it will absolutely win(which sometimes results in it getting destroyed by RNG). Ask yourself also if you would ever try attrition tactics. Fighting a losing battle but killing the enemy commander is a viable tactic. Late game for me usually either involves AI running around with their doomstacks or the AI having spent like 50 turns only buying hundreds of forces at their citadels because they never had money for the commanders they wanted or something. If you get down to 1 commander, keeping him in your base isn't going to save you, you'll just lose the tiles that give you resources.

Going back to the original question, what do you think an intelligent playstyle would be? Having played a lot I don't think the AI plays that poorly. It's subject to the same bullshit that the player is and doesn't get to savescum, so sometimes it seems like it's playing worse than it could be but it's really trying not to be killed by horrors off screen. The problem with AIs in any game though is that players think "The AI always attacks and loses, so dumb" or "The AI basically never attacks, too passive" like what is it supposed to do, set up ambushes outside your base all the time until you grow to expect them? The only really dumb thing I'd say the AI does is fixate on a tile it wants to the point of coming back to it if it's taken and splitting their doomstacks to guard it, thus making both a capturable tile and a defeatable army. Some people complain because they think the AI moves all their commanders from their starting citadel, but even for the player, what are you gonna do when you start with a few spearmen and archers and 2 commanders? Excluding a few factions, there's no way your main or sub commander alone would protect against an elephant next to you coming over.
A just hire a pyromancer asap
The AI seem to struggle a lot with prioritizing moving from midgame to endgame
Its good at prioritizing scouting and flagging, but its often very bad at prioritizing defending..

Also the dwarf AI
Nothing like it, and gives a very distinct flavor.
>Also the dwarf AI
>Nothing like it, and gives a very distinct flavor.
isn't it intentionally retarded? as in completely uncapable of leaving early game because they don't do mages / summons.
Download a mod that disables planar invasions, ESPECIALLY from hell and hades. It's pretty unforgivable from the devs that virtually every game on a larger map will eventually be totally ruined by some retarded invasion garbage.
But that's exactly how it's in Dominions too. Eventually some fuckhead will cast cancer globals.
Nothing wrong with Planar invasions...... IF the AI didn't ignore them. That is my main problem with them.
Most of them aren't even that bad, outside of the Primal one IF the green sorcerers get rad spells or artifacts. Or the statue to Hades being unscryable..
Its not "intentionally retarded", it just suffers a lot of the ideas behind the AI that don't pan out
>Focus on main commander , which won't ever leave the base
>No resource management, aka can't afford to properly flag the mines on lower difficulties
>Doesn't understand what the rune smith do
>Scout forces too weak to actually flag anything, essentially praying somebody else will do the clearing and then don't leave troops
So: Eventually the tier 3 Dvala will have the fucking electric gates and more lines of ballista than there is range. And its going to spawn 3-4 fucking commanders each turn, that has its only job to go out and die
But most likely it won't have alchemical ballistas, because that requires keeping the runesmith alive
Picked up 4 on the summer sale.
it's interesting, but somehow I was expecting something more complicated.

Settlement management is pretty hands off I guess? Do they evolve on their own?
I've seen a monk Commander that converts swamp to farmland, and one mage that can burn forests down.
Am I supposed to find other spells/commanders that mulch forests to swamp or something?

Also are there any mods that let battles end in a draw? Feels silly that every engagement has to end in a complete bloodbath.
>Settlement management is pretty hands off I guess? Do they evolve on their own?
No. This isn't a 4x, it's just a land grabbing and battle game. You can use certain classes like the Baron to upgrade certain settlements. Settlements are generally just a resource point however.

>I've seen a monk Commander that converts swamp to farmland, and one mage that can burn forests down. Am I supposed to find other spells/commanders that mulch forests to swamp or something?
If you want to terraform, yes, but generally classes can only do so much to the world. Witches can turn farms back into swamps, Hoburgers can turn farms into hoburg villages, Enchanters can upgrade the output of villages and mines, the Baron can tun small towns into fortified castle villages, upgraded monks can turn something(farms?) into monasteries that count as temples, etc. There are classes that can do things with forests too but I don't think any one of them can grow them. You can generally upgrade the main kind of captured tiles you use in some way.

>Also are there any mods that let battles end in a draw? Feels silly that every engagement has to end in a complete bloodbath.
I dislike this in 4xes but I don't think it's possible.

You can try playing Age of Wonder 3 (or 4?) with the ability to make new towns turned off if you want something similar but with draws(retreat or avoid damage for several turns) and slightly more complexity and more terraforming.
In CoE, in theory the land can undergo lots of changes but this rarely happens. I think the most world altering faction is Warlock, who can make new fortresses, portals, temporary structures, volcanoes, burn up forests, and make permanent storms that generate storm elementals. The classes all play very differently and using certain spells (confusion and charm) you can capture other class's commanders and use their abilities as well.
This feels like the only modern turn based game that has both multi-turn movements and the ability to end turn when you press end turn instead of forcing you do do every possible action.
And anyone with fire magic can make Forest into "Not Forest". Always good to tell the druid to fuck off.
i played it for like 20 minutes as kobolds, watched a dumb normal animal run around attacking my shit, couldn't defend because theres no PD and i couldn't catch it. got bored and never played it again. am i really missing out on anything?
that isn't what 4x means at all, by that definition command and conquer and minecraft are 4x games
Kobolds are pretty boring imo, once you 've turned all mines in the map into kobold hatcheries there's not really anything else to do. Kobolds depend heavily on free spawn, they don't have any infantry capable of holding their own against decent armies without either literally hundreds of casualties and/or abusing poison arrows.

This means you end up holed up in mountains with tiny gold income because you can't defend anywhere, and nobody can really break your 1000 kobold +ai dragon defence.

Best best with CoE is to treat boredom as a endgame condition and roll a different class. They're different enough that they're basically different games
are there any special fortresses in hades like inferno has or is it all just a 1 for 1 copy of cities/libraries/towers like elysium?
I prefer the term Civlike myself
Civ-likes, moo-likes, and mom-likes are all different genres.

It's mostly 1 for 1 but that means there's also a capital if there's one in Elysium, also Orcus is somewhere in a structure. The recruitable locations let you recruit special ghost units though, if that's all you wanted.
What do you mean, did I get one of the Xs wrong?
>they don't have any infantry capable of holding their own against decent armies without either literally hundreds of casualties and/or abusing poison arrows.
Aren't you supposed to employ single-colour armies with the corresponding casters so you can abuse their immunity to their elemental spell damage?
Besides poison arrows, wyvern knights are also okay if you can get a lot of them. White kobold winged archers are also pretty good. Besides being able to dodge with their flying abilities, it's fairly easy to get an army of kobolds into the sky and supplement them with cloud people or just be harder to take out with hard to access citadels. Yes, you lose a lot of them but that's life for kobolds.
Yes its worth it. Necromancers are literal gods of death. Warlocks are gods of the elements, witches are a legitimate bane to all things human, and high cultist are eldritch horror made manifest. There is no other game comparable to it. Just to emphasize warlocks, they don't need to fear wildlife as one of their upgrade paths effectively renders ancient forests void, and another lets you perpetually own any portion of the map permanently.
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I feel like the sky could use another faction
Depending on the map size the sky real estate would be pretty limited if you had more than one sky faction. Though honestly whenever I play Cloud Lord establishing a presence on land is priority number one and sky is kind of an afterthought where I can retreat/make tactical moves if needed.
It would only matter if most of the map was desert. A sky with only a few cities and temporary clouds wouldn't be much different from Elysium with only a few cities and mostly plains/forest/mountain. The sky could use a few more variant tiles too. Maybe a few more types of magic floating islands too.
I think the game is a little too limited compared to dominions. I think it just needs to be fleshed out a lot before I'd consider it.
How to druid? Flesh2tree is carrying me hard.
I remember fighting a big ass fight against a druid with a way bigger mob than mine. Too bad he knew earthquake.
Druid is simple. You try and find ancient tree, and spawn the shit out of the big things. Before then you convert trees and conquer settlements to keep them out of the hands of others and shove animals in there to protect them.
Kobold king is a neat style of play but you really discover all there is to see so early, and it just gets repetitive after that as it's a one trick pony.
I know it's not the right game but I couldn't find a Dominions thread. Is it possible to play Dominions multiplayer with a pirated copy? I wanted to try it with some friends but the price is a real barrier to getting them to give it a go.
Dominions have their own general at /vg/.
There is a level 2 ritual to autoflag connecting trees, and there is a level 2 ritual for MORE spawns.
Basically: IF you flag a ancient tree, you get the same ownership mechanics the neutrals get.

So basically you stop recruiting human troops at some point unless you need archers or horn blowers, and only recruit leaders to go pickup forest doomstacks of elks and beers.
Also the summon tree is really weird and lopsided. Some useless flying snakes are in the same tier as Primal Moose.
I saw this thread pop up and some people whining about the AI being easy or dying early or whatever so I'm going to give you mortals the key to making CoE amazing. You ready, simpletons? Here comes:

It's team games. You play two allied factions, all the AIs are paired up in teams too. Select the shared starting location/victory setting and discover you've been playing wrong all this time.

Now you have two strongholds in the same location, defended by twice as many units, and if one of them falls the losing AI can continue playing and maybe even regain its home. Meanwhile, you are finally, TRULY playing CoE and expanding your mind with the realization that you can combo factions.
> factions spend their time taking each others territory because there's no way to share resources
>after cucking each other, one dies with no territory but their starting base and can't do anything for 100 turns
>idiot retard has no idea how the game works
Devs are allergic to QOL and it makes most factions a pain to play
If a faction doesn't have stupid freespawn they're going to be tedious to win as
What QOL affects a specific faction play? Some things need to be consolidated and the overall game could use QOL like waypoints but what makes freespawn less tedious?
Manually recapping territory is tedious on larger maps, so any faction without stupid freespawn (especially without any reliable way to get stupid units in general, not just freespawn) is obnoxious to play on them
Letting me hand over my units to the AI would be nice.
That sounds more like a problem defending territory that could be solved with a few archers or torches.
... nigga just leave some units behind at each location what the fuck
I do that at the important locations but I need my units for capturing new areas
Manually controlling a small army to run laps around my territory is way more cost efficient than dropping off units on every income tile
I'm starting to understand why the freespawn playstyles appeal to you but at the same time that really is a You problem.
>be noob
>play witch for the first time
>comfy af hunkering down in a corner of the map with some forests and swamps
>fag ass hoburgs start chopping down my jungles
>snipe their only settlement with a single creeping doom
>dryad whore immediately starts sucking and swallowing all of their territory and even some of mine
>some retard across the world activates the cube in a crater
>horrors everywhere
>and i fucking mean everywhere holy shit
>invisible cunts even untagging the forests in my backyard
>oh fuck
>scry a random swamp in the middle of nowhere
>think fuck it, do or die
>end up in some shithole called aztlan
>turns out it's some sort of mayan afterlife full of swamps and some big-tiddied snake milf
>swamp tiles, swamp tiles as far as the eye can see
Thanks yog'suckoff, if it weren't for you I'd never have taken the chance
Also why the fuck can you nuke your own starting citadel with miasma
That just doesn't feel right
>field single-color army
>wow they're immune to their own spells
>they're not immune to dying
>watch as hundreds of kobolds are slaughtered by deer
CoE5 really really rewards buying commanders, placing small but good stacks on them, flagging a lot of stuff, and bothering to spend some eco on moving over just enough archers and spearmen to make the neutral AI fuck off..
Its almost as if the game rewards you for longterm eco planning, even more since all citadels vs all commanders are very different objectives....
>start new game
>there's a fire elemental right next to my base
>no way to kill it with my starting army
>die turn 2
well that's 5 minutes i'll never get back
>new games end in the first 10 turns from dangerous creatures right fucking next to my citadel or because dangerous creatures bumbled into my citadel
>repeat ad nauseum
Well that's an afternoon I'll never get back
I'm pretty sure the enemy AI can see through the fog of war. I was having fun with it, liked the troll king, but I'm just too old for cheating AI
>put hundreds of chaff in with some casters
>casters being backline means they're too far back to hit with their spells
>have to wait for most of the chaff to die before the casters can get into range
>casters finally able to annihilate enemies with spells
>wonder why you always have hundreds of casualties and quit assuming kobolds are just shit
It remembers anything it has seen and has vision next to tiles it owns. There are also units that are stealthy and scrying abilities. The troll king is a class that can reveal most of the map just by using that troll brew vision skill.
>play troll king
>illusionist poofer keeps stealing me woods
>too far away to club 'im
>watch as he moves to take me ancient wood
>think ah shit, gotta take it back i guess
>see pic related
>illusionist faction is wiped out
Their frontline failed their morale checks against the beast's fear and for some reason their illusionist walked right up to it and died the same round that the beast was slain holy fuck battle ai is fucking dogshit in this game
In another campaign that could've been my illusionist
>for some reason their illusionist walked right up to it
If it had no offensive spells, all it can do to end the battle is melee the enemies. I once had a metal initiate sleep and shank like 5 archers and win a battle after everyone else died.
Nah fuck that. Break some seals and let the saints do all the busywork. It's crusading time!
whoops, wrong thread. mods please delete
Wow, so we have nafo tards in here as well.
Large carrion might as well be the strongest trash mob in the game.
Its honestly impressive what it can fight off so long it doesn't suffer high damage rolls at the end of its healthpool.
>play witch
>cast summon old one a couple times
>pretty cool but mostly dogshit frontline monsters
>cast it again
>"no one answered the summon"
Are you shitting me? There's no fucking way it tried to summon one of the gorgon sisters I already had and wasted my turn and took my currency
Fucking high cultist doesn't have this retarded fucking stipulation with his summons as if there's no outer gods left you get a generic death gazing regenerator
Every fucking class outside of like 5 are all irredeemably shallow do-nothing classes
Christ this game is so fucking bad
Skill issue. Witch is a pretty good class. Charm and poison can take care of all kinds of things, you can get a necromancer and use ghosts. You can become an immortal lich-like being too. One of the easiest classes to traverse the planes and conqueror everything as well.
It's funny whenbit happens there though.
>start game with a warlock
>can't really figure out how to align him to elements but he shoots lightning so that's cool enough
>takes ages to get enough money to recruit anything
>wander around with my stack beating neutral groups in search for more income
>eventually some random group of monsters walks into the citadel and I lose
Is that it? I don't see any way to expand out of this, it this just a spam of spearmen and archers until the endgame?
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click on 'use special power'
I really like it for solo, never tried with people.
Btw, where is the Dominions general?
It's where generals congregate.
It wasn't so easy for me at first but I later got the flow. If they can make it easier to build more things, the better. Just like Gates of Pyre is doing.
Wish there was a better use case for traveling to other planes besides just curiosity.
There is if you are certain factions. If you're a witch, the other planes have lots of forest and swamps. Some of them might have more jewels if you're hurting for them. Then there's special recruitment, though I think only the sky and hades are worth it since they're ghost units. Then there's the last ditch to stop other planar gods from coming through again and again, particularly the primal realm ones.
I want this game but sci-fi.
>tfw no faggot to play /vst/ vidya with
Must be the French diabetic spooder from /4xg/.
>and another lets you perpetually own any portion of the map permanently.
What is this referring to?
Probably Perpetual Storm which makes a space continuously spawn wandering air elementals
didn't know spiderfag was actually a literal fag, not that i'm particularly surprised
>spawn close to a pyramid
That's an instant resign
You don't have to be so scared of bugs, bro. you can't even see them.
probably the single most annoying thing in CoE, and frustratingly common too. At least when there are neutrals sitting on top of them the phase spiders don't spawn, unless I'm not understanding it correctly
>unless I'm not understanding it correctly
Portals(hades, hell, elemental, etc) are blocked off
Any gateways to the Void is freely traversable, but most likely won't happen due how the neutrals calculate the CR rating of the defender.
Not on GOG, not worth it.
>teleport to the celestial plane
>War, 1 Seraph, 4 harbinger, 1 Arch Angel plus a bunch of angelic warriors and flaming swords instantly gank me
>heavenly ascension scroll
>its some weak T1 angels who has horrible spells like banish and bless and MR+
>but one fucking line of flaming swords
The great irony is that a fucking Troll King would only require a Ring of Protection and one of the many +100 flame resistance artifacts, to even attempt landing in Heaven.
I haven't been seeing many ant or spider queens lately. Been kinda boring.
>more factions to just suicide off the clouds and immediately eat shit
>just sent 150 kobolds to the void
Im sure this is gonna go well
This game is weird. It's fun to play in small doses but it seems like the devs want some "rogue-like emergent" gameplay shit or something but they clearly don't have the chops for it. They're obviously great at spreadsheets and whatnot but the AI is profoundly, laughably retarded.
Whoops looks like you cavemen spent to much time turtling and now I have a 200+ army of flying swords. I even had time to put rings of the dead on each one. And while you were busy pissing yourselves over the portal to hell opening, I converted all your mines into golems.
Ok I've tried kobolds and the senator, enjoyed both, what faction is next for me to try.
Baron or Dwarf if you like freespawn.
Nothing like spending another 8 AP, 3 turns and 80 gold because Bow/Tools/Mimick/Flesh Golems turned out to be the last one
The same on the T2 and T3 stuff. 450 gold + 9 turns if you get unlucky and get Ballista/Necrotods/Dogs last?
At the least the T3 ritual list is shallow. But if I remember correctly, you also don't get gem income until you got the correct T3 ritual.

It wouldhn't surprise me at all if the only REAL change the enchanted would require to be a mid tier class.... would be the ability to just let one apprentice teach all his skills to another.
RNG lets one of them start with anything useful? Spend the AP so the 2nd one is more useful.
Roomy earlygame eco? Research everything on one of them and slowly transfer over as the RNG grants you more apprentices
The spell list is also so bad, that it would be worthwhile to just let it be a unique faction mechanic. The chances of getting Enchanted Sleep or any of the regen spells is anyhow abysmal.
You're thinking to meta, enchanter is perfectly fine compared to classes like witch, high cultist, and demonologist who can shit all their resources away and still have their summons fail. The only change the enchanter really needs is the ability to create commander units so they can send out their swarms of fodder.
>swarms of fodder.
its like 1 line of animated armores with one line of bows with one line of ballistas.
Or replace armors with iron dipped frankensteins.

The main problem isn't getting there, the main problem is that the fucking AP + gold cost to set it up is insane unless the RNG gives you what you want.
Same with very basic shit like putting mimics on villages, or guardians on mines to make sure the tools don't die
But the T2 ritual list is genuinely fucked.

Its also funny, because Enchanters are always resource capped. Commander RNG is just a fucking bonus on top of that.
What enchanter needs is for it to be like Illusionist and have one fucking craft golem ritual that just works on whatever is able to be made into one with a level 2 and a level 3 version, and the same for animate weapons where the level 1 one would animate swords, bows, and spears and the level 2 one would animate ballistas and armor suits.
>the ability to create commander units
They can create commanders but it requires either an ancient temple for a juggernaut or a magic library/academy + an iron, silver, or gold golem for a magical golem.
Listen little acolyte, we work much like the necromancer. Only one enchanter is important, the rest get sent to the sweatshop. If you're trying to upgrade all of the apprentices you're not ready to enchant.
If it isn't the gimpy imitation, having more control over what you get is alot better than hoping for something useful. Unlike you're smoke and mirrors we enchanters can steam roll right at tier 1 and only need 10 gold to get things in order. Have fun looking for gems mirror boy.
A gimmick of the Enchanter is that once you have a setup, its reliable.
You don't hope that your ritual brings down the correct Beholder or God instead of... a fucking Ent. Instead you go out and start ripping out Coal Mines and entire forests.
You don't pray for Pale Rock Throwers or Giant Forest trolls to show up, you instead just build a Animated Ballista each turn.

Same with correctly picking Spears vs Swords earlygame.

The T3 also go to the sweatshop unless he lucks out on the spell he got.
The class flaw is that you don't have to pimp out your Enchanters completely, but you often do at a extreme AP and resource cost bottlenecking the class ability to have a war machine.
You want Guardians, Necrotoads, Iron Dipped, +1 scrolls...
Is there a shittier class than dryad queen?
Its just a Druid with a far more gimmicky earlygame, against a significantly better midgame and lategame.
Its certainly better than the Enchanter.

Animal summoning is nice to get fooder, its freespawn with a twist, minotaurs

Awkard logistic tree for upgrading, unfun commander mechanics, extreme flower cost to really juice up and get going
Yes the barbarian.
Probably most underpowered nation.
Its troops sucks. Its mages suck. And you don't get to summon ghosts, your only actual power as a nation, until too late. Also ghosts suck overall, though the ghost knight commander is very good because he can move through water provinces.
Its units should be waaay cheaper and its gimmick should be to pillage towns to get money and spawn more troops.
>Ghosts suck
Do you know which thread you're in? Barbs are probably the worst class in CoE5, but ghost units are usually superior to living units just because they are so hard to hit by non magical things. I'm sure their ghost suck too, however, compared to necromancy ghosts, pale one ghosts, and cloud people.
Any wizard with a damage spell is going to 1-shot barb ghosts.
>And you don't get to summon ghosts, your only actual power as a nation, until too late
You get to flag things a lot faster than a faction like the Druids or Dryads. You can get a fast commander + fast troops without any real investment or luck.
And you can summon floating fast commanders, allowing some extreme powercreep flagging.

You also get the amazons, which can get really impressive with just Onyx 1 + 2 buffs and the Tier 2 poison one.
Yeah still the worst faction/class/whatever. Needs a buff.
Pale Ones are objectively the worst
If you luck out and get nice sapphire income you can shit on most factions with olms.
>Throwers at high recruit rate
>Dig units, some of them are even mindless
>Starts in Agartha
>Can buy cheap T3 casters with decent HP pools
>Most of the beefy units have full magic gear slots
All of this.... at the low low price of Slingers and bad fortification on the starting citadel.
the only decent thing they have is olms, and those are slow so they're an unfun chore, but they are stvong
2 movement and winters are fun. So just have to hide in Agartha.
more likely you'll end up with maybe a random whatever that gives two gold and that's it minus digging that will take fucking ages
i will now not play your game.
I will now play your game.
Don't forget to make a custom map, pretty much can bypass the issue of a slow start and resource scarcity by just making the map more populated. Also makes ai opponents more intimidating
The issue is that when the barbarian reaches late game to be able to afford all those units the rest of the factions can steam roll you.

Not to mention all the high tier spells for the Barbs are trash and they have no staying power in the field beyond werebears.
Dwarves? I can’t think of a single game that I played where I ever won as the dwarves. And that’s even with cheesy tactics like fire ballista spam.
>Faction with significantly faster expansion and therefore power curve
>afford all those units the rest of the factions can steam roll you.
Pick one.
The only reason the faction isn't even more scary, is that you still need recruit RNG to start getting your flowers and go insane with flagging.
Kobold king
>can't summon units
>can only get units via great mines
>on top of this you need gems
You'll be dead before you can get your army going.
Poison is op therefore Kobolds are at least mid rank.
Yes, but then again
>Everything is immune to its element
>Freespawning high armor trash units
>High MR
>Fire/Poison ranged attack on a cheap mass flying unit
>Highest commander spawn rate in the game plus static boosts from Prophet/King/Dragon/ELDER Dragon
The only bad things is that
1. Dragons will do fuck all, and mostly act as a eco/defence boost
2. Recruit chance for the actual dragon units is horrid, which means no wyvern/drake rider doomstack even with Elder Dragon
Yeah. Of course any faction is strong once you snowball - the thing lots of people don't seem to understand is that the early game is everything, and olms are the only good things that they can hope to reliably get a steady number of. I also hate how inconsistent their Agartha start is, but that's just CoE stuff. I can't think of a worse faction than Pale Ones, but I haven't tried Kobold yet, and lots of people seem to dislike them.
>I haven't tried Kobold yet
Kobolds are the opposite of
>any faction is strong once you snowball
Any faction can kill an unlimited number of kobolds and you're expected to lose them to the point where your kobolds themselves are considered your faction resources for their rituals. They're just supported by decent defenses and maybe poison to win through attrition. Also the ability to fly and get into the sky plane easily.
What are some strategies for charming enemy commanders without them being killed by their own units?
Have an army of expendables and an army of charmers. Send the expendables in to cull the amount of units your target has. Afterwards attempt to charm the intended target. Witches, voice of el, and enchanters are best for it
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this seems like a great game. I just played Baron as my first attempt at the game and think I'm getting the hang of it. some questions and comments

1) sometimes Items will spawn that I can buy in the Recruit screen yet there is no way to inspect them to see what they do. is this broken?

2) how do I stop small creatures and very small armies from taking my shit? I can't seem to keep a million armies out in the world trying to fend off everything

3) What should I play now? Baron was fun but I was something with more Magic. I tried Demonologist but my early games are painful. Preferably something with a lot of Mages would be neat

4) Any other general tips would a new player would be much appreciated.
bump. what are the differences between this game and dominions. i can only afford one, so which one is better?
Try warlock, your summons pack more punch. Fire and earth warlocks compliment each other. If you get an air warlock at the start you'll steamroll anything that doesn't resist lightning. High priestess and scourgelord are also good.
>sometimes Items will spawn that I can buy in the Recruit screen yet there is no way to inspect them to see what they do. is this broken?
It has always been and will probably always be that way. You can usually guess, but you have to buy them to know for sure. I'm sure it is intentional. Just save, buy them, then reload. Strictly speaking it's not like the items will ever be bad, just less useful at most.

>how do I stop small creatures and very small armies from taking my shit? I can't seem to keep a million armies out in the world trying to fend off everything
Depends on faction. Build some defenses, drop 5-10 archers/other ranged characters in important places, keep a decent army in the middle of the holdings that can go wipe out the animals and reclaim things, burn down forests. You definitely at least want an army with something that can see hidden or invisible creatures so you stop ghosts and bandits as well. You don't have to hold everything or take everything at once.

From another angle, there shouldn't be anything within your territory to take your holdings after clearing the area and moving out toward your borders, so do a better job at that.

>What should I play now? Baron was fun but I was something with more Magic. I tried Demonologist but my early games are painful. Preferably something with a lot of Mages would be neat
Priest King is somewhat similar to Baron and has lots of mages. Warlock is basically mages only + their summons but dependent on gems. They spend more time summoning and terraforming than casting magic in battle but they are capable battle casters. Witch and Cultists have a more magical feel if you want more complex rituals over fireballs in battle.

>Any other general tips
Learn to judge what you can and cannot kill with a given set of units. Don't make overly large armies, especially if you're using mage units to attack. You don't usually need more than one line of front units to tank.
CoE is simpler and has more of a generic fantasy setting. I find it a bit more fun in single player.
Dominions has a nice little mp scene with a ruthless and evolving meta. it's lore is pseudo-historical mythological Earth type stuff, which some people might like better than elves trolls dwarves etc. It's a more complex game.
Speaking of CoE. It seems it's finally getting a weird little competitor as Path of Achra is getting what looks like a CoE game version.
>Tiny map, all factions, highest difficulty.
>Playing Dwarves.
>Just hunker down, scry mines, move doomstacks of ranged units into mines one by one.
>Have taken all 6 mines on the map, only senator AI remains.
>Connect all my mines through a nexus which allows me to reinforce any location immensely.
>He has insane amounts of units moving around the map but only attacks with like 1000 at a time, which die hopelessly.
>Have over 10000 dwarf workers sent into the underground due to overcrowding pushing ranged units back.
>Dig to hell, use frosty boys and firey boys to conquer the respective regions mines.
>Luck into Hades immunity and teleport there and start a mine. Dwarves die daily but the queen is strong enough to hold the mine basically on her own.
>Eventually gate to Hades opens after maybe 1000 turns. Kills the last AI within 50 turns after that.
>Best game I ever played
>yet there is no way to inspect them to see what they do. is this broken?
Most likely for the same reason why % chances are not listed, and there is no unit/tech tree.
If they don't care about the tile, they won't attack it if the CR rating is equal.
If they do care, they will attack eventually.
Bandits -> Bandit camps, wildlife -> Ancient Oak Kobolds/Goblins/Trolls/Tengu/Dwarfs -> Lesser/Greater Mines, Tower troops -> Towers, Ants -> Anthills, etc.

CoE is also a game where doomstacking is suppose to be a bad strategy by design. But since the AI is too stupid to do things like rebuild their armies.
So correctly gauging if the nearby neutrals want the various flagable tiles, and then leaving behind a minor/large force is a good sign of skill. As is it being able to send out a smaller commander with a smaller army to flag/destroy the neutrals, and then migrate the defenders.
Looks kino, thanks for the recc anon. World map looks pretty DF-tier but I can handle it as long as all the tiles are aesthetically pleasing. Honestly never thought I would see a game explicitly inspired by CoE.
Never played Path, is it good?

Path is a very coffee break roguelike. You can do a run in about ten minutes to an hour. It's mostly about going full Dragon Ball Z with stacking powers and modifiers till you are setting fire to half the map or dancing around and shooting lightning constantly with each dodge and movement.
It's honestly pretty good. It might not scratch your typical roguelike itch but its got its own flavor that works.
>dancing around and shooting lightning constantly with each dodge and movement
Qazlal and Wu Jian were my favorite gods in DCSS, gonna have to check this out in that case
are you saying Path of Achra is getting a whole separate game mode? in any case, yes it is a great game and I also recommend it.
fantastic aesthetic, and quick runs. >>1873327
it's a new game entirely, called Lands of Achra
buy an ad
>start as cultist with a mind control spell
>go into the ocean and build an army of crabs, sea monsters and water titans
There really needs to be another water based faction, the cultist just insta wins with all the untouchable resources
Pale Ones are amphibious, Druid needs a boat but can summon water creatures, Water Warlock.
Cultist has the worst early game and doesn't transition well to lategame without the sea bullshit.
If he starts near a Baron he may as well just pray he goes the opposite direction.
You can call out your base units for 10 resource 3 times a turn. On top of that your big boy units will solo armies. And no I don't mean kings and queens. Small map, no ai rivals, pvp me scrub.
You will die because the stars are wrong and you failed every summon and cannot save scum.
>laughs in lesser horror
Pray I don't let out the slave of unreason.
First I've heard of this game, sounds cool going by what people are saying ITT. How steep is the learning curve?
My best game was something similar but it was in a large map and Inferno invaded, I snuck a dwarf army into inferno and took over a mine. Was incredibly fun watching everyone die out while I sit out the apocalypse in hell.
Not bad, there is a few non obvious mechanics

Such as
Line being 14 tiles, and position priority being weird with Front+ and Front-, or Mid+ or Mid- with incomplete ranks
A lot of summoning rituals being 1d3 or 1d4, meaning its possible to get really scuffed summons.
You don't start with trading set to anything
Recruit RNG and needing to bank money in case you get good recruits
Digging deeper into the ritual list vs promotion
Unit balance related to the armor, health and damage mechanics.
Ritual fail chance(for some factions and some rituals)
Exploding dice as the crit mechanic
>How steep is the learning curve?
Not very. Walk over tiles to turn them to your side, protect them from enemies, kill all their commanders or take all their citadels(bases they can recruit from, varies by faction) to win. Learning how to not get your commanders killed and judging which spells to let your casters use in battle are the main things to figure out.

>Line being 14 tiles
The battlefield is 20 tiles from top to bottom.
>position priority being weird
It's more worth noting that the highest HP units will go in front of others in their rank, so this might make your obvious tanks end up behind other units.
>A lot of summoning rituals being 1d3 or 1d4, meaning its possible to get really scuffed summons.
It's also possible to crit some summons and get a shitton more units than you normally would.
>Unit balance related to the armor, health and damage mechanics.
Judging how dangerous something is is probably the steepest curve.

A few other things to note are
All special tiles have some kind of function, even if it's not obvious or useful to your faction. Some can be activated, some can activate just by you standing on them.
Some summons can vary depending on the type of tile you are standing on.
The difference between charm, confusion, and enslave. Charming or confusing(if the character switches sides from confusion) a named character will allow full use of its abilities including overmap rituals, but enslaving it will make it just a unit with no leadership or ritual ability.
Since basically every battle mechanic that is not a summon is 1d something, you can cause status effects on something no matter how high its resistance is.
You can walk over a boat tile on a gap of water between land with any number or size of units, however only small units can stand on a boat between turns and then only up to the amount a boat can hold.
So there's a mod that adds 3 hidden classes in the game, and the description mention that those are actually accessible for the AI but not for the player, is that true? I've never seen a goblin king or a beholder faction in any games personally.
I agree, they should have added something like oceania or pelagia from dominions. Surprised there isn't a mod for it already.
Yes. They can show up if you have a random AI slot.
I’ve met a couple of them with the most challenging being the beholder, Archmage does out very quickly due to friendly fire spells being the norm for late game casters and goblin likewise starts with a crap army and doesn’t expand.

Beholder will have a large army of neutrals due to the mind control spells and strong resource collection point of ancient forests
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So how broken is the illusionist really?
I've seen a guy on youtube say it's S tier but honestly it doesn't seem that strong to me, though I haven't played it that much.
Like, he lacks strong summons late game, closest thing being his ritual "simulacrum", which creates a strong mage commander.
That being said, I found it very funny how he can teleport ships. Like, he can move 6 tiles a turn in a ship provided you have 15 gems. Also, you can teleport the ship to a land tile, and you can always abandon ship safely teleporting your mage to a fortress provided you have an empty mirror on the ship. Figuring that was very fun actually.
But combat wise, I got destroyed by the strong summon nations like the demonologist and the cultist. Seems more like a support kind of class, most of his spells are just utility more than brute force.
Like all gem classes, it depends on if he can get gems.
>Like, he lacks strong summons late game
The highest tier mirrors can summon multiple ethereal beholders and other crazy shit like ethereal horrors, which the game notes aren't any different from real horrors. You can make ghost versions of demons, angels, and all sorts of powerful things that do pure magic type attacks. The weakness if of course against high MR things. For Cultist who relies a lot on melee, it's not that bad but against Demonologist it might be a bit difficult. In general keep walls of archers and let your mirror summons be the one that get in front.

>most of his spells are just utility more than brute force.
Blinding enemies is actually amazing. Blind is such bullshit and permanent. Fear is basically an instant kill if it makes the opponent flee. Sleep is good for free hits. Confusion can get enemies to your side. All in all it's not worth making spell mirrors since they run out of spells.
People shit on swarm mirrors, but a few of those will have the field full of fast flying things in a few turns that will go up the walls in a siege and tie up all the archers. Basic mirrors are okay but it's a matter of how quickly you can get your forces out of the mirrors. I like the displacer beasts and phase spiders too but it's hard to get an army of them.
Lategame Voice of El can be a bitch too. Though high blessed status can cause fuckery amongst nearly everyone.
>pirate game and install it
>buy it through steam and install it
>install all the mods you want
>refund game
>mods are still available in the pirated version
not paying you for some shitty mods shillwinter
These game do have "pirate protection" and will randomly fuck up just because just fyi.
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What difficulty is optimal for playing?
On the emperor computer usualy gets bullshit bonuses to resources and spams summons like crazy, the only class i found capable of dealing with such bullshit is a demonologist with alot of luck and good starting position.
Win demon leutenant couple of times, if you get lucky with hellbind heart on them you can now summon demon leutenants for 1 sacrifice and try to turn them into the regular troops in battle.

but what about gem dependant clases like illiusionist or warlock? Mines are pretty rare and only provide 1-2 gems at rare ocasions 3-4.
You have to go elsewhere for gems. There are gems under the earth and in the sky. Warlock can make its own gems in addition to those sources. Desert areas can spawn gem deposits so you should head south if you are a gem class and not in the desert region. If all else fails, trade.

>What difficulty is optimal for playing?
Pick however much of a bonus you want them to have.
Piss Boy -25%
Jester (default) 0
Butler 25%
Knight 50%
Baron 75%
Count 100%
Marquis 133%
Duke 166%
King 220%
Emperor 300%

I usually adjust difficulty individually, since some AIs need more resource than others to get going.
Playing 4.
Barbarian feels unfinished.
Infantry aren't cheap enough to be spammable.
No siege.
Bad mages so you can't have them be bootleg siege.
And then your final capstone ritual is... ghost infantry.

I feel like this game needs unique class win cons beyond the usual Like let barbs burn civilized locations for loot, if they burn 90% of the map they win.
Or maybe some sort of ancient forest communion that grows forest and drives away civilization in an expanding circle.
Does 4 have amazon tatoos?
>if they burn 90% of the map they win.
If you play a game with only barb factions, who is "they"?
I've played cracked versions of 5 since launch and I've never experienced this
It's subtle, but it's mostly stuff like glitching the menu screen and I think it makes you auto lose if it detects your key is invalid.
It's not like it makes a big difference.
not him but never experienced this neither
Barb has always felt unfinished yeah. They need more were types or something. The Tattoos and Ghosts can fuck up certain things but against demons you just die.
They've always been about hit and run but with cloud lords added they've become redundant even if they can access hades better.
In 5 scourge lord kills the map for his primary resource, its worse than just burning shit down cause mountains of power kill whole sections. Useful for clearing out ancient forests. Nature spreading is done by the witch, druid, dryad, and troll king to varying degrees.
Is making mods for this game easy?
Is there a mod making guide anywhere?
It's easy if you can make sprites for it. There's a map editor in game to make your own custom maps.
http://www.illwinter.com/coe5/coe5modding.pdf is the manual, guides probably on steam forums for the game.
Animal and human based factions suck
Baron wishes to know your position.
Illusionist wins the sucking match
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look at this bad boy, i'm so proud of him
invulnerability and ring of the dead which summons one skellie a turn
this dude could wreck a capital alone
troll are overall pretty good
Meanwhile necromancer can mass produce flying immortal vampires with those spells.
No they couldn't, you have to have access to a castle ruin to be a vampire and hold it as well.
That guy would get hit by a fireball and die. Trolls are good but a very early game faction.
Baron can get fucked if he doesn't have good luck in spellcaster recruits.
This isn't dominions, here most classes don't have access to everything. To get fireballs, most nations would need to rely on random mage recruits.
Spellcasters don't matter if you die within ten turns.
>This isn't dominions

More of them have some sort of fire attack than don't. The point is that it's weak to fire and would get lit up. It's not resistant to other elements or poison either.
What kind of mod are you gonna make?
Alright boys where we dropping?
>huge map
I claim high cultist
I prefer small maps for pvp matches as they are too long otherwise.
I claim warlock btw
>Path of Achra got sseth bumped before Dominions or CoE did
yeah, seeth just gave up with the dominions review I believe.
In a stream, he showed his projects folder and he had a dominions 4 and a dominions 5 folder, which leads me to believe we'll never have a dominions review because illwinter "makes games" faster than seeth can review them.
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Always be wary of land sharks
not only is it not worth it, this game distracts the devs from working on dom6 so its a disaster
both distract them from finally finishing Trade & Taint
The what now.
unfinished game that illwinter has been working on off & on since Dominions 3 roughly, some new stuff like sobeks came from it. basically you play as a merchant in the world of dominions and manage a small settlement while trying to survive the apocalypse when it comes
So basically every other Tuesday in Dominions. Interesting though given I certainly never expected a Merchant game from them. I'd have expected a proper RPG before that.
Druid needs a rework for its rank 2 rituals. Needs to be able to call beasts and insect swarms separately. Early game walled locations are untouchable if there's atleast 15 ranged units. Also needs to be able to convert ancient forests into strongholds.
>Druid needs a rework for
More than half of the game's factions need a rework in this unfinished pile of dog shit
If you could summon what you wanted, Druid would be a insane faction
>No random ents instead of Beholders
>Primal Moose instead of the fucking stupid flying snake
>Reliably get lines of fooder for siege into siege engines
>Reliably get units that can hit armor 4
>Reliably get ants
>Get the good cheap summon units instead of the bad ones
Most factions are like this. Its a feature. That said, the better factions are generally better because they are more reliable, except for the Enchanter which has no real way to deal with Ritual RNG buying for multiple commanders.
>Also needs to be able to convert ancient forests into strongholds.
If I'm going to be playing the games single player is it more worthwhile to get Dominions 6 or CoE 5? I've had an interest in playing one of them.
I've seen people say that CoE is just a worse but I've also seen people say that Dominions is a multiplayer game with single player not really being any good.
What do I do.
Dom can be played single player but the multiplayers are always thirsty for new blood. They dislike CoE because it's singleplayer focused, allthough CoE does have multiplayer as well. CoE is unrelated to Dom besides sharing assets and is not a 4x. CoE is more focused on being subject to RNG and building armies to defeat the enemy. There is no diplomacy or sharing. If you want a 4x, get Dom. You should play/try/pirate both and decide for yourself.
>CoE is unrelated to Dom
Thats like saying HOMM, Might and Magic and Kings Bounty are unrelated games. It takes a special kind of retard to say that
I guess Pac-Man and Tekken are the same universe to you because Namco made them then.
Heihachi is in Pac-Man Fever, therefore they are in the same universe.
Every Pac-Man game and every Tekken game are canon to each other.
I just said he needs to be able to summon beasts and insects separately and that he should be able to make ancient forests into a stronghold. I say insects because they don't have long range projectiles but can combat reinforced locations while still beingweak fodder any rank 2 spellcaster can charm/eliminate. Mythical summons aren't really useful compared to legendary beings, and not as numerous as major beast summons its a trap ritual. His rank 3 rituals are fine.
You are all sleeping on the real unfinished game that truly matters: dungeons of elysium.
Like a roguelike but set in elysuym and with CoE combat mechanics. He explains it in the manual for some reason, that's like the closest they have to a devblog.
Don't compare living an apocalypse in a single player RPG adventure to some stats lowering in a map simulator like dominions. It's clearly not the same.
Dominions is good but you don't need to pretend all other games are not worth it.
Look anon
I get that you struggle with something simple
Koei made TBS games for the Japanese market. Koey than made some fighting games with a lot of the same ideas, and then made Dynasty warriors.
The same setting explored differently.

Warcraft 1, 2 and 3 vs World of Warcraft? Starcraft vs Starcraft Ghost?
40k vs Battle Fleet Gothic vs Space Hulk vs Rogue Trader vs something like Space Marine? Warhammer Fantasy vs the TTRPG one?
Halo vs Halo Wars?
Dead or Alive vs Dead or Alive: Volleyball?
Final Fantasy vs Eirgeizst?
CoE is as related to Dom as World of Warcraft is to Starcraft. they are not the same setting or world or gameplay. The CoEs before they made Dom are even less similar. You are going "They both have skeletons therefore they are the same."
(sorry for the tripfagging, I forgot I had it on, this is why you need 4chanX)
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Cool story bruh
He (>>1914471) is right
Conquest of elysium takes places in elyium (duhh), while dominions doesn't.
The fact that they share most sprites is a testament to illwinter's "lack of resources"/"laziness" more than anything else.
Would you be opposed to Illwinter using AI to generate unit sprites?
Absolutely opposed to it
And also why is this thread still "alive"
Unopposed. AI is the future.
I don't care as long as it looks good.
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>why is this thread still "alive"
Pic related

>as long as it looks good.
The reason I ask is because the sprites are mostly low effort edits of one another or look like badly resized clip art. Made me wonder if AI would even look significantly worse.
I agree with the ancient forest thing for sure. Other than that I think Druid is okay although I'd like for him to be able to do something really cool on the Primal Plane - become a wild god or something.
Been playing druid. Enemy baal has been summoned, second sun was heating the elysium before I found it, they have like two guys with torches and were burning my forests, and on top of it I had to send a guy to die because he obtained that hat that gives you level 5 fire shield(sets forests on fire by being in them) and I didn't want the baal faction getting that too. I feel like druid should be able to revive all forests and not just ancient ones or make farms turn into swamps like witches can or overgrow into herb farms. They also need many more flying type creatures. Ents also need to be removed from the 1k summon.

About to find out if they can summon local creatures in other planes but that would be a good buff if they cannot.
Druid is not really underpowered, it just has potential for more.
I remember once I almost killed the Maker of Ruins with the druid. He was in a forest in which there were like 2 or 3 of those stupid giant woodsmen with tree magic, one of which had the spell "revive forst" so when he used it the fight became like 50 giant ents and three mages SC vs the Maker of Ruins. He was left with only 50HP, it was awesome.
IMO, the faction which needs a rework the most is the dryad. Wouldn't it be fun if she converted plains and other terrains into forest?
Druid has some good spells but getting them off is another story. There's some division between animals and monsters that stops lots of things from being charmed, there's not always trees, and using earthquake is basically killing yourself unless you manage to get a flying or floating item and then you're killing all the non flying things in your own army.

>Wouldn't it be fun if she converted plains and other terrains into forest?
Not really. I like the choosing between being civilized and being natural theme she has. It'd be better if she could make forests converted into imitations of civilized areas.
Since everyone spoke of druid I gave it a run. "Beholders go brrrrrrrrr" is the best summary I can give. They're so busted I paid ba'al a visit. Guess I'll invade heaven next.
They are great if you can get them, just like illusionist is great if you can summon phantasmal beholders. I would not quite call them "busted", but they do carry those factions. They lack hp and defenses however. If they had regen or something they'd be busted but as they are they're just waiting to get turned feebleminded or something if they aren't well protected.
Admittedly I did upgrade it to eye tyrant, and got a bloodstone amulet on it. But that one unit solo'd flame of the void, unmaker of souls, and baal. I'll see if it can handle legion of gods.
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Me realizing you can restore the shadow woods in hades and freely teleport to and from it after getting a scroll
Also me when the forest dies again about 3 years later and I need to wait another year to get my army back
How do I get the Watchers? Are they demonologist summons, apocalypse mobs, or do I just gotta go there and hope I'm badass enough to charm them?
High Priestess Summons. They're one of Ba'als boys that you can get off the Grand Blood Feast.
Why would you go to hades? Its just an endless swamp of dispossessed
-it has a copy of Elysium's map and thus every ancient forest
-it has swamps
-it has recruits that plane shift so you don't have to ferry them all the time
-with no cloud city in sight, it's a good source of ethereal, magic weapon wielding troops.
Do you think the Orchard of Souls hates the Unmaker of Souls?
Going by the lore ingame you'd be hardpressed to find someone who doesn't hate everyone and everything.
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What are some interesting team combinations?
Necromancer and Kobold king are kind of a synergy since the necromancer can revive many kobold corpses after each battle.
Witch and Barabrians are both thematically fitting and act as a synergy, since barbarians have easy access to hades and they have many swamps which the wich the Witch can use.
Anything else?
COE5 vs DOM6, which one is the better option if I prefer wargames over rpgs?
Prob dom if you mean strategy game by wargame and not actually wargames.
Dominions is grand strategy 4x game.
CoE is an exploration focused strategy game with some roguelike elements.
So I think you probably will like doms6 more.
Priest of El and Baron. Baron gets to keep the conscripting and ability to shove down defenders on towns and cities but the priest continues to get their Tithe.

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