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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

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draw your dream units for RTS games with ms paint or something similar
fantasy, historical, sci-fi, whatever
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previous threads:
> https://arch.b4k.co/vst/thread/1033283
> https://arch.b4k.co/vst/thread/1400975
Neat. Having these two units here alluded to the Riflemage from >>1405225 and the Monitor Mk6 from >>1131203, thanks!
dat charmsniper ass is mine
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wow anon, yours is the best one by far! i love it!
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The first unit from the Sewing faction.
what do you need asbestos for?
wastinng enemy funds on “free” financial compensation
For the softest, most durable, and safest asbestos cloth there is.
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very authentic sounds
this game should win an award for its audio design
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Expanding the Allied Front's AFVs from this post >>1596692,
>Albion Construction Vehicle
Builds Allied Front resource, production, and upgrade structures. Can repair and recover vehicle units.
>Libertas Sapper Lorry
Constructs Allied Front defensive structures (walls, fences, naval gun emplacements). Can collect resources and deploy timed charges against enemies.
>Gaulian Mortar Bike
Fast scouting unit with improved range and accuracy when entrenched. Upgradable with binoculars for greater visual range and can call in bombardments.
>Libertas MG Lorry
Midweight vehicle that can damage air units, fire on the move, and capture enemy structures.
>Gaulian Bastille Light Tracked Layer
Lightweight main battle unit with a short-range dash and firing capability on the move. Can be upgraded with high explosives, risking explosion if damaged.
>Albion AA Lorry
Lightweight anti-air unit. Entrenching improves its range and accuracy. Upgradable with Electric Canisters for stunning targets, but is highly volatile.
>Libertas Heavy Landship
Breakthrough unit requiring the War Ministry. Equipped with powerful Dreadnought-grade guns, slow to reload and rotate. Upgradable with Electric Canisters for faster, volatile shots at the risk of explosion if damaged.
>Gaulian Howitzer
Main artillery unit requiring the War Ministry. Uses Ironclad-grade naval guns, can be entrenched for range and accuracy, and upgraded with Electric Canisters that cause localized storms, damaging all armor indiscriminately and risking violent explosion if heavily damaged.
>Albion Combat Driller
Close-combat and infiltration vehicle requiring the War Ministry. Equipped with heavy pop guns and a tunnel drill for creating sinkholes and precise damage. Upgradable with Electric Canisters for increased damage and drilling speed, but at the risk of a violent explosion if heavily damaged.
cringe trash 2
autistic boogaloo
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OP said no grabblers
you are going to the camps
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Hi uh what strategy video game is this thread about?
>an actual tripfag on my /vst/
Well that confirms it, this thread is the most cancerous shit on the board. Anyone posting itt should feel bad.
The one that we're working on but won't let you play because it's not even close to being ready yet
you should go to /vp/ ;)
no tripfags there
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>I got the point
light chuckle
>200 entries on AO3
oh no
demon of panic 2.0
we need more units that fuck with the camera/controls/interface
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The mere presence of this unit effectively denies an area from artillery units, especially against splash damage. 10/10 would spam just to piss off players.
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Not to be confused with >>1836013
now i want pin cavalry riding pin cushions
Does it have to be from like a "original concept" universe, or can it be based on existing strategy game IPs?
What's the "point" used in that context? Like population points? Credit points?
the multiverse traveller point thing is just a value that determines how many multiverse travellers you have recruited that have yet to be deployed yet
got a legit kek out of this
good to see you back in the catalog unit design thread
>bumping your trash thread full of retards drawing with crayons
Kill yourself, fuckwit. If your thread doesn't get bumps, it's because you never fucking belonged here in the first place. This board is slow as fuck, there's absolutely no excuse for bumping. Everyone has seen your thread and nobody is posting in it so it will die, as it should.
Calm down anon its only a funny thread. Its just hard for people to come up with stuff and draw it and it takes effort so most don’t do it. It will obviously have low answers but it don’t mean this thread is highly unwanted, heck I’d take this over another goy4 mod thread ant day of the week, this is the famous “oc” that all boards stride for that makes them have anything beyond shitposting. The anon posting the tailor shit per example posts some actually funny shit.
Stealing this one for a project.
You ahouldn’t have given that faggot a (You)
doesn’t matter anymore, he’ll either sperg out again or just go back to a shitty board more suited for his schizophrenia and ADHD like /v/, /vg/, or /vp/ because any board with less than a 3 digit PPH is le bad or something

better share it with us so we can see the swapper in action
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the arms race
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Uh, it's actually kinda shit - at least with my current implementation. "Swappers" are in red here.
Was expecting it to be massively overpowered on a melee unit against ranged, turn out it mostly just pull melee guys one by one deeper and deeper into the firing squad - and the ranged sent the other way just get melee'd like they would have been in a normal situation anyway, only 20 meters sooner.
The melee squad literally lose half less soldiers if they *don't* have that ability. Crap, and here I thought that gimmick would make a funny anti-ranged Tier 2 unit.

Non-overcompressed version here: https://files.catbox.moe/9xztuj.webm

For context
>Everyone has the same health/movespeed/vision/dps/etc
>Ranged block each-other LoS (to discourage deathball and favor firing lines).
>Melee deal double damage to ranged
>Melee has 160° cleave

Yeah, maybe it's only good against units you can't realistic reach otherwise, to bypass defense and stuff.
Main problem against non-AoE stuff is that once one Swapper is "in", defenders will shoot only that one (since he is closer) so his pals don't get pulled with him.
Maybe it's fine like that, as a half drawback that pay big in narrow situations.
>these threads have gone from just funny ms paint drawings to people experimenting with trying units created here in actual games (or at least test versions)
i'm impressed
Before they start, only a thin line of blues are able to attack due to LOS. When the swapping starts, the blue surface area which is able to attack actually increases.
>Swappers remove front blues
>Backline blues are now able to attack
>Nearest swappers present a target to backlines blues
>Rinse and repeat
>All blues are now attacking with minimal movement
If anything, the LOS limitation works in favour of blue as it decreases the amount of overkill that happens.

For the swappers, it seems blobbing goes against their favour.
>Lead swapper gets swapped and blue is in front
>Swappers waste precious pathfinding to that singular blue
>Repeat it enough and a congestion happens like in the video

The video confirms that swappers should be treated as a suicide unit. They will get surrounded and die. Maybe a T2 unit that fucks up higher tier units due to positioning.

I am retarded so take everything above with a grain of salt.
Nice demonstration, Anon.
Since this is the unit design thread, how can you tell if a unit has good unit design visually? How about balance-wise/mechanics?
>good unit design visually
Can you recognize it from afar in a pack of different units?
Can you get a vaguely accurate idea of how many there are in a pack?
Does the unit look match what it does?

>How about balance-wise/mechanics?
Outside of actually testing it in its intended environment, hard to make anything but educated guess.
Just ask yourself if the ratio "how much it cost" vs "how much it will destroy on the other side" isn't too far from other units of the same tier.
And also if it has some counterplay that isn't complete cancer to execute.
kill yourself
same goes for everyone itt
From my experience bumping a thread 3 times and getting no answer means nobody cares about it. If you bump it once and get a few answers then its legitimate, two is also worth because sometimes people miss a bump specially on fast boards.
hey can you stop giving that /vp/edophile the (You)s he’s shitting up the thread for
would be appreciated
So at any given time, there's only one of this multiverse traveller per faction? Sounds similar to deploying heroes, like a Colonel Burton, yeah
Think if the units are mostly melee, the swapper can be eliminated easily. Would be neat to see them change positions with siege units, like catapults and ballistae. Really, enemies with difficulty turning quickly, or responding to flanking just as quickly
Either that I've just played only CNC and Fire Emblem, neat to see ninja girls in a RTS setting. Nice.
Theoretically you can have multiple per match if you recruit multiple of them without any showing up, only for multiple multiverse travellers to show up in the same match
And there isn’t a limit to how many you can recruit per match
No I’m using it as an excuse to bump the thread without saying bump and make him extra mad
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Nobody saw my mistake earlier.
The scout of the Tailor. The Vitruvian Ragdoll.

Is there any RTS that does scouting/spying like this? Unit pathfinding represented as dotted lines could be an abstraction to written orders.
I know a few that use tracks left behind by the enemies, but that's a first time I see someone use a pathfinding of wher ethe enemy "will" go
Now add facing and rotation speed to the shooters and see if it changes things, especially at lower unit counts
>or can it be based on existing strategy game IPs?
Honestly, found this, and found it to be quite endearing. Anyways, always great to see more utility units, like the base builders and resource gatherers. Hm, vehicles are now quite the rarity here...
This is the productive and creative thread after all.
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does anyone know any units that can help me win The Game?
The one that makes you forget you're playing it, because you all just lost The Game
i like him
i'm taking less psychic damage from this these days
Might be the buff you get after you turn 14 and start to care less about useless shit
nope that’s not real
otherwise we wouldn’t be on a /v/ splinter board
the game?
yeah you just lost it again
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the /vst/ lore deepens
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Doesn't have to be from a franchise. Just let your inner drawfag run free.
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5000+ hours in MS paint
welcome back Weenie’s Square
I might be stupid. I don't know what this unit is referencing. qrd?
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Some US veteran named Ronnie McNutt killed himself with a shotgun on livestream. That's all there is to it.
I like these expanded questions, helps with designing units with at least with simplified shapes that emphasize their armor, side-by-side with the weapons or tools they use. Also, if their team colors are identifiable when zoomed out, at least their formations are quite readable.
>those aoe villagers
Found the ones I like, also on top of the villagers shared earlier.
Almost all these units here are original, unless I'm mistaken. While I do appreciate the unique factions like that bit relating to tailoring, or witches/mages with gulf war-era tech (or 20 minutes into the future, whichever sounds cooler), still, looking forward to the franchise-based units, hopefully pic related for reference, really.
i guess that’s it
Cute villagers - waifu units are just that neat.
War of the Worlds RTS reference? Neat stuff!
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demon of jolliness
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Happy New Year, drawfrens! I hope this game eventually gets out of development hell.
These are real cute collection of waifu units! Hope we'll get more of them, regardless if oc or from existing IPs. Eagle Scout and Monk, peak cute. For recap's sake, we've got:
>Units from unique settings
>Units with unique game mechanics
The last thread had units with esoteric lore and a battle royale between the factions.

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