Time flies, say something nice about it.
>>1854222it's still kino and the music is goatedca will literally never make a better game because they suck monkey taint now
>>1854222Based game and History Channel did a tv series with the game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3623pilC2_s
>>1854222They will never make a game where it's enjoyable watching the soldiers fight again.
>>1854222Gods, I hate Gauls...
>>1854222>>1854300My father hated them too, right before they put out his eyes...
>>1854222https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XQU8k8XVAA> Last night, the crying of the fanboys kept me awake...and I had a terrible vision. I saw the fall of our franchise: low budget remasters under a harsh sun... Historical Total War, gone! Why would CA send such a vision? They are not cruel; they have watched over us. We have had victories aplenty in game awards. Our community sail to all corners of the forums. Yet even now, I fear. I cannot help it. We are the envy of mobile gamers. They tell terrible lies about us. They do not understand, so they lie. But the Warhammer fanboys, they are the masters of falsehood. New Historical Total War will come, I am sure of it. So. I will have no more false visions...and I think the fanboys will be quiet tonight.
>>1854222The most fun total war game for me to this day
>>1854322I agreeEven with all its problems its still fun
>>1854222Good music. Other than that, it aged poorly.
>>1854392gonna fight you scum>rout on contact
>>1854316Zoomer version:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBz31Dfs5Qk
4h podcast about Roman empirehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyoVVSggPjY
>>1854222Happy birthday, the day is OUUUURS
>>1855015i played civ6 as trajan on marathon while listening to this. good shit
>>1854222still playing in 2024
Had some great mods for it. I loved Rome Total Realism, and Europa Barbarorum back in the day
>>1854222Should i play the remastered? I played the original.
Still the best of the series. with Med 2 a close second.CA went full warscape-tard after that.
>>1855240>with Med 2 a close second.*ahem*
>>1854385What problems?
>>1855240TW3/Warscape engine is probably the worst thing they did and due to massive company mismanagement, when they finally started to get around to making it work with Atilla and Shogun it all went back to square 1 because all the old talent left and didn't leave any documentation for the newer hires.
>>1855251Let's not pretend RTW is a perfect game with nothing improved upon it in successive titles
>>1855246Shogun 2 is so cool, I though I did not like any of weeb shit then it turned me into one for months
>>1855253The engine was still bad for Atilla no matter what they tried. It was designed for the messy 1v1 animation-based combat of bayonet charges and units simply can not hold formation as a shield wall or phalanx etc like they should in older time periods. The devs really did their best but they were trying to polish a turd. The only reason it kind of works for Shogun 2 is thanks to the honorabu Samurai duel ideal.
>>1855246Battles are still unsatisfying in Shogun 2. The 1 on 1 duels don't save it.
>>1854222When I saw previews for this as a teen, I couldn't believe it. I thought the battle screenshots were just pre-rendered previews and the actual game wouldn't look that great. I staked it out and torrented it on release day and it was even better than advertised. I got hooked and played this game for hours every day, skipped class, wasted weekends on it, etc. When Medieval II came out, I stuck to it and have only occasionally gone back. But Medieval II was merely a step forward on the back of Rome TW, which was groundbreaking. The bad part is how big of an expectation this set. This was just another video game in 2004, although an amazing one. I thought that, by 2014 or 2024, we would have games that far surpass its greatness. After all, AoE 2 had only come out a few years earlier and, while amazing itself, seemed primitive in comparison. However, I was unknowingly living in the absolute peak. Everything went to shit soon after. RTS died, nuTW was shit and kept getting shittier. No competitor has made a worthy successor in TWENTY YEARS. Imagine being unable to surpass a 20 year old game, it's laughable.This is the eternal tragedy of the old TW enjoyer. They'll never be happy because a game as impactful as RTW will never come out again. You will never be captivated by a simple good game as much as the RTW enjoyer.
>>1855308The industry is too far gone at this point. We need a reset that causes normgroids to lose interest.
>>1855230Only if the 'works on my machine' or the fixes and work arounds for the OG dont work
>>1854222You surely mean 2777 years old?
>>1854222I will never forget the time as a 10 year old when my dad first showed me how to play the game
>>1855246>massive armies of thousand of soldiers>everyone just duels each other
>>1854407What the fuck is this cringeworthy passing grade powerpoint presentation
>>1855366they changed the Scipii intro too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou9Uzo1Wmus
>>1855369>our chief exports are grain, olive oil and young adult novelsPowerful.
>>1855262>The only reason it kind of works for Shogun 2 is thanks to the honorabu Samurai duel ideal.Also helps that the time to kill is so low in shogun 2 that 1v1 duels doesn't really change anything.
>>1855246Shogun 2 really was some sort of miracle. Against all the odds CA managed to somehow make a good game out of it>warscape engine which sucks at melee>setting with little faction diversityBut they brought Jeff van Dyke back and made pure kino. I still think the game plays worse than Rome 1 or Med 2 but it's gorgeous and the campaign layer works really well imo.It's amazing how badly the fucked up their subsequent games and I have no idea about sharthammer 7.
>>1855514Attila is a kino game, though.
>>1855526Having wrong opinions is ok.
>>1855529>Is an improvement over Rome II>Horses and Flanking is pretty op>Morale actually matters unlike Rome II>Apocalyptic atmosphereI'm calling it kino
>>1855251>battle maps have really exaggerated relief yet it doesn't end up impacting the battle much since troops can apparently charge and fight on 30% inclines>Bronze Age Egypt which is invariably ends up the late game East Med power (I understand why they did this, I just don't like it)>the internal political element the Roman factions have isn't present elsewhere, no missions and such, making them a bit lacking in flavor>some factions aren't even unlockable at all unless you modify a text file, and have correspondingly minimal flavor>Persia not on the map
>>1855251mostly ai and pathfinding, especially in sieges
>>1855537>Rome II>Rome IIyeah it's an improvement over trepanning too
https://youtu.be/SL9NbuohIDk>And a thousand warriors... Why they are the start of an empire...
>>1854222Great mods and the best era for a Total War game
>>1855369This is truly awful.
>>1855251diplo sucks hardsqualor being uncapped means the best way to handle it is to not invest in growth (farms&Public health)The AI being bad enough you can run laps around them
>start campaign as the B*itons>conquer Gaul>get ready to steam roll early Rome before they get to powerful>G*rms and Iberians stab me in the back and Ally themselves with the Gauls for no reasonhave fun getting genocided by Romans you ungrateful pieces of shitalso are there any mods that fix diplomacy?
>>1855526thisAttila would've been peak historical TW if CA bothered to actually finish it instead of making Gook Kingdoms
>>1856474meme misuse
don't think I've ever finished a campaign in it besides the Alexander expansion.
>>1854222they may have the moon people on their side, but we have lovely hats!
>>1854222One day I will conquer the whole map by Seleucids on Very Hard.
>>1855246Shogun 2 is cool. But it's dragged down by its garbage engine.
>>1856585Rome and shogun 2 are the only total war games I've ever finished a campaign in. Probably because there was a real thematic end goal, in Rome it's to march on Rome and in Shogun 2 it's to march on Kyoto. Other games seriously lack anything like that.
>>1855526I will never understand Attila especially because its a complete mirror of Empire and Napoleon and to add insult to injury Shogun 2 and Fall of the Samurai was the blueprint on how to make something like Attila successful.Just imagine the timeline where CA released Attila as a huge standalone expansion to Rome 2 and retroactively implemented many of Attila changes into Rome 2 instead of trying to sell it as a full price standalone game less than a year and half after crapping out Rome 2.
>>1854222Thank you for being the best game a teenager could get back then. I love you.
>>1856695Isn't Medieval 2 the same but with Jerusalem? It's been a while since I've played a full campaign in that one.
What other provinces is like Patavium in that it's inexplicably an infinite well of manpower because its base fertility is like 5% higher than every other province
>>1856763Here's a map which displays base province fertility. The greener the province, the more fertile it is.
>>1856763God dang, its the greenest on the boardNice how the Greeks get not only the richest provinces but also some of the most fertile ones at the same time..
>>1855246>archers on hill have same range as archers below>unit upgrades aren’t visible on battle>european sabres use katana animations, tetsubo use no dachi animations>units speaking wrong japanese
>>1856764More important than fertility are the location of grain ressorces which also improve population growth of each region that either has grain or trades with a settlement that has grain.
>>1856916There aren't too many provinces that have it, they give a 1.5% growth boost when imported/held
>>1856763Manpower can be a such a fun feature. Too bad they abandoned it ages ago (in Med 2, iirc)
>>1856746I've only played 1 vanilla french one and in the process of a stainless steel french one, I say it encourages you to conquer historical foes and gain certain provinces as your specific faction (France's long campaign is to destroy Genoa, England, HRE, get certain European provinces, and get Jerusalem), from the vanilla one it chastises you for not reviving Charlengmenge's empire even if you are short of a province or two. Attila did something similar, As WRE, I essentially unified the dead ERE and expanded all the way to Antioch and shy of Armenia and it was still attributed as a "minor victory" since I didn't bother expanding into the lowlands, Egypt/Libya, or Germany.>>1857154Manpower was gone after Rome1 I think; Rome2DEI is the only one that reintroduced it into the series. In M2 in the beginning, most places in the West at least (France in vanilla and SS as an example) you'll maybe get 1-2 recruitment slots and 4ish halfway into a long campaign, with units being unavailable for a certain amount of terms after you recruit them.
>>1857358Manpower was a background detail in empire. If population in a state grew, it would create a new 'town' which would give you an additional improvement like vineyard/industry/university.
>>1856746Sorta but not really. Jerusalem is designed to change hands a lot like it did in history, you crusade for Jerusalem basically auto win then get a jihad called on you and basically auto lose. You can take it as early or late as you want and it doesn't really impact anything even if you manage to keep it.
>>1856695Medieval II's Kingdoms campaigns are like that, there are narrative type goals for each playable faction. But yeah, grand campaign is a full sandbox without a theme.
>>1855015too bad I cannot stand Lex.
>>1856764Thought Gaul and Germania would be higher
The greatest RTW mod.
>>1854407getting rid of the implied child sacrifice is gay
Hey mods, why are my posts shadowbanned?
>>1858624They aren't. Take your meds.
>>1858600why does north africa have a butt
>>1858647Ugly ass borders. Many such cases in mods.
>>1858665The only Total War mod I remember that had decent borders was Titanium for Medieval 2
>>1858675True, that's one of the best maps. The others I think are good are SSHIP's (too bad they hacked many island settlements and kept north Africa ugly, also the mod is slow as balls) and Magyar Mod's.
>>1858679I'll have to check out Magyar Mod, never heard of that one
>>1858705I like it, but it's an old mod that hasn't been updated for quite some time. I wish they resurrected it
Screeching women!
>>1859859>argentinaI swear this blessed country collects the worst of the four worlds.
>>1859863These chicks have no business of being this stacked
>>1859907Germanic BAZONGAS
I still remembr how i learned to edit game files as a little kid to unlock SPQR. Good timesAlso the game files of BI mention the White Huns, but I don't think they're actually in the game
>>1854222Mogged by a mod of Med 2.
>getting bored of SS French early era campaign>Start a casual run of SS Late Era as EREWow, I haven't sweat this much since trying a WRE Attila game earlier this year. Total nightmare fuel.
>>1860319Is there a map mod for SS? The game looks pretty good and balanced (something its submods aren't) but the borders look so bad...
>senate cucks me againthat's it, I'm going to march on Rome with my barbarian friends and establish world peace by killing filthy s*nators
>>1860203The shitty sequel to the superior Rome 1 mod? Where the soundtrack is fart sounds and Roman soldiers can't enter testudo?
I also somehow convinced Parthia to become my bitch without bordering them
>>1860367>Roman soldiers can't enter testudo?non issue
What are the best Remastered mods? Both total conversions like EB and shit that basically amounts to making a Vanilla+ setup
>>1860367Testudo is a meme and mostly useless
>>1856779>archers on hill have same range as archers belowI call bullshit.
>>1860366>>1860370Literal mobile game ui.
I don't understand fascination with Shogun 2. It has like 3 battle maps that don't correlate to strategic terrain (can't even fight a river crossing battle), doesn't have double march/raiding/fort stances and the settlements are all tiny and even fully upgraded Kyoto feels like a fort instead of a city. All of this was better even in M2TW which came out before.
Why play rome remastered if you have Europa Barbarorum 2
>>1860859This is a weebsite, so anything Japanese gets a few extra points. Still, Shogun gets enough things right and FotS twists the gameplay enough to be an entertaining expansion. But you really gotta love the Japanese setting to get more mileage outta them than completing the campaigns once
>>1860668i will keep shilling it because it deserves more recognition but cultural conquest. it even has a unit pool like med 2. its vanilla plus.
>>1860735Not really. The UI sucks but it's way too small and nested to be mobile. That's part of the reason it sucks, the original UI was larger and you didn't have to click as much to get where you want.
>>1860912>Why play rome remastered if you have Europa Barbarorum 2Imperium Surrectum is also looking like a must-have mod. It's different enough from EB that there's room for both even though it's the same time period.
>>1861101Yeah I'm kinda glad that the old Rome overhaul mod teams are still up and alive. Meanwhile a lot of the good m2tw modding groups that were big before are inactive right now
>>1861101Bought Remastered this week and thinking about downloading the mod too. Just wondering if i should wait til the Rome patch drops.
>>1854222It was fun to put one spear unit behind a door then win as enemies suicided into them
>>1860912Speaking of eb does anyone know how to unmod the voices? Cool as they are I like the original voices a lot better.
>>1861574I wonder what happens if Medieval 2 get's a remaster.
>>1861609Just play the game. It's a robust modernization of RTW. Turn off all the nuTW garbage in the menus (they're based for allowing this) and play some mods.
>>1862169It won't. Crusades, race wars, European glory. Not palatable in our clown world
>>1860366>>1860370 a fellow brutii patrician I see
>>1860912Because EB2 is worse than EB1
>>1861101>>1861574>>1861609just wait until the rome patch drops.which is probably a year plus out. they still have to do one big patch finishing up the greek officers and their final pass on recruitment and the map declutter.as for the map, theyre going to remove settlements because of the campaign object limit and so that should tremendously improve the mod. dont know if the map declutter will be part of the next update or the roman update though.
>>1861609also i rec this mod>>1860985
>>1862392EB2 is more historically accurate than EB1.
>>1856476The same could be said about Three Chinkdoms and it having the best Total War campaign mechanics ever by far, only to be abandoned by CA to make more Gayhammer's DLC slop.
>>1856474>picHey now, only a third of gauls were killed, another third was only enslaved and the last was able to enjoy their gradual fall into larping as romans.
>>1862402>wait over a year for the Rome update>wait however many more months for them to patch up their Rome updatesons of Dis>>1862405>>1860985I'm retarded because i don't see "Cultural Conquest" in the workshopIs that a Nexus thing?
>>1860912>2-handed bug means a significant portion of units either won't hold formation or can't have sidearms >engine is limited to medieval-period formations>AI still has notorious issues with unit replenishmentYeah I'll stick with the real Europa Barbarorum thanks
>>1862958>sons of Dis rome wasnt built in a day
>>1862958>I'm retarded because i don't see "Cultural Conquest" in the workshop>Is that a Nexus thing?https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2983807877&searchtext=cultural+conquest
>>1854300this and Time Commanders are my jamwish they'd bring it back but i know if they do it'll be worse
>>1861574>were big before are inactive right nowWell, M2TW is a 18 yo game now. Only a remaster could revive it.
>>1863148Already out on mobile, made by feral still so expect something similar to the RTW:R
>>1863289>made by feral still so expect something similar to the RTW:Rwhy? RR was released like two years after the mobile port. dont think we are going to see a remaster for med 2.
>>1863289I hope so, but everyone says it isn't coming. It's such easy money come on CA/Feral
>>186288290% of the map being rebels that are so stacked to fuck over the player that the AI can't ever manage to beat them thus any faction that doesn't start with a large amount of territory will never manage to expand isn't historically accurate nor is it fun to play.
>>185422220 years since the height of video game development was reached, we salute you!Ave Caesar!
>>1863035>>engine is limited to medieval-period formations>muh testudo meme talking point
>>1863391So what you are saying is, if medieval 2 get's a remaster, EB2 get's a chance at a massive revamp with most if not all rebels changed into factions? Maybe even fixed pikemen too?
>>1854245When the remaster came out, I spent hours just watching them fight. No other total war comes close, not even medieval 2.
>>1863566I just had fun watching a unit of Spearmen fight with Woodsmen in a simple custom battle in Med 2. How is this possible? I don't have the same fun watching battles in the Medieval Kingdoms mod for Attila.
>>1863812Too many moves. Your brain has more fun fantasising with the simple but effective animations of Med2 and Rome1
>>1863812The soldiers are actually individuals fighting. When a soldier does an attack animation and hits another, it actually registers as a hit. When he gets hit by another soldier from the other side, he takes damage. If he's stuck getting attacked by 2 enemies, that's too bad for him.nuTW doesn't work like that. The soldiers are not individuals. When 2 units clash, the game begins computing how fast each side is supposed to lose soldiers. The soldiers pair off and lock into choreographed animations with pre-determined outcomes based on unit stats. If 2 units attack 1 unit, then half the soldiers in the outnumbering side stand around while the others engage in the stupid dance. It does not simulate fighting, just plays animations to make it seem like there's fighting.
>>1864105>If 2 units attack 1 unit, then half the soldiers in the outnumbering side stand around while the others engage in the stupid dance.The worst part about this is it makes tard wrangling the units so much harder, since only a part of the unit is actually fighting any movement order will cause them to be a scattered blob that will take significantly longer to reorganize, and god help you if you try to pull a unit away from the fight because some soldiers will get stuck causing casualties and morale damage and even though 90% of the unit made it out the entire unit will shatter.
>>1854222I like being able to move units around without generals or having 2 generals in an armyI like the trait system and how it makes the characters feel more realI like how ranged troops get a range bonus when on elevated terrain, or how non-sense like vertical shots are not possibleI like how the building system is unrestrained and there is no nonsense like having to choose between roads or sewers and how the major city is not predeterminedI like how battles sample the campaign terrain to generate the battlemap semi-randomly instead of the repetitive "handcrafted" battlemaps of newer gamesI like how you need to send diplomats to negotiateI like how fleets were a thing and your troops couldn't just swim
>>1860912it fucking crashesrecently tried to play a game as pergamon, crashed right after (or at the end of the turn) i battled one of the galatian rebel stackscan't be fucked to repeat non-minor battles
>>1864171>I like how fleets were a thing and your troops couldn't just swimI hate this so much. PDX does this too and how much you wanna bet that CA will take out navies completely for Med 3 because>muh naval battles were not very commonjust so they don't have to fix their AI.
>>1864171>I like how ranged troops get a range bonus when on elevated terrainNot even a bonus, just baseline physics simulation. It's amazing how warscape, purpose-built for ranged combat, lacks basic projectile physics.
>>1854243Goddamn I loved this show so much as a teenager. Used to call my buddy and we'd talk on the phone while we watched this and then the show after it was called Command Decisions or something. Pure kino History channel, sadly nothing like it anymore.
damn wish i could fast forward five years to see these mods come to completion.
>>1864171>I like being able to move units around without generals or having 2 generals in an armyI really miss this and the need for ships to ferry your troops. It made your strategy so much more flexible on campaign.
>Go back to Rome after playing newer games>Units just disobey your orders for no reasonGod damn these old titles are rough after getting used to the quality of life of the newer games. I order a charge on the enemy cavalry trying to flank and instead my cavalry charge straight into the front of the enemy spearman even though they aren't even in the same direction. the only solutions to this that I remember is either not ordering an attack until they are close or manually clicking on each unit and ordering the charge because they only ignore orders in a formation. no damn idea why they ever thought that was a good idea.
>>1865419>the only solutions to this that I remember is either not ordering an attack until they are close or manually clicking on each unit and ordering the charge I do the second one, never thought about why but it's because of what you described. If you charge several selected units, each unit will attack the enemy closest to them instead of the one you clicked on. > no damn idea why they ever thought that was a good idea.Doubt it's intentional, they probably just couldn't get the behavior right.
>>1865008warhammer(and other nuTW) are broken for me and not a strategy games mostly because of how recruitment/replenishment work(not even mentioning lootcoin and exp system)
>>1865487It's pretty sad. I only play Rome 2 and Attila from the 'newer' ones only because I've got used to them. But even then I always go back to the older TWs and never feel like playing 3K or PharaohLike, even simple things like the crossbow animations in Med 2 feel better than the crossbows in Attila, and the guns in Warhammer TWs are just ridiculous
>>1865738>3Kbest from nutw
>>1865742I'll give it a shot then. I just need to read about the historical period to get more into it.
>>1865745watch 2010 series
>>1865745you need some mods tho
>>1865747Awesome, will do>>1865749Got it. Not a problem for me. I use some 32 mods in Ashila, and 30 in R2. Also play ETW and M2TW modded. It's the way of things
>>1865747>eaggI miss it...
>>1865881>>1865881/twg/chads wongooks lost
>>1866007>/twg/chads wonwhat they won?slop?
>>1866238More DLC to "make the game good again"
>>1866349>"make the game good again"i wish
>>1865749You have almost the same mods as me, but I filled the game with AI made portraits.
>>1854222This was the game that turned me into a PC gamer. Bought a pre build because I was so excited for it and when I found out the pre build wasn't good enough I started looking into upgrading it just to be able to play it properly. I saved everything I got for my birthday that year along with odd jobs from my parents and grandparents just to buy more ram and an ATIX800.Fond memories anons...
>>1860859Forts may be copy-pasted, and that can get a bit stale, sure, but the field battles are all different positions on one massive battle map, meaning you get an absolute ton of variation. Starting-battles inside, the variety in field battle maps is fantastic (and seeing landmarks and forts is also really cool).Not sure what you're talking about regarding river crossings. There are multiple locations where the battle map includes a river, with or without bridges, and with 1-3 crossings.Raiding is kinda present, in the form of attacking the farms/ports/resources on the campaign map (which allows the defender to protect those resources, by good positioning.)You can't force march, but at least you can split off your general or cavalry to go a little bit further, and run down the remnants of an enemy, or start a battle where your infantry can come in as reinforcements.Encampment is also kinda in the game. You can't protect against attrition, but if your army spends a turn without moving, you can set up barricades during battle deployment, if you are attacked.As for the forts being small, yeah, that's true.As for what S2 does better: it has prettier campaign maps than R1/M2, and the best UI in the series. The powerscaling of units is even less pronounced than it's predecessors (in other words, YariAshi are powerful!), so the outcome of battles is less dependent on which units you have, and more on how you use them.
Good times. Cant forget playing the game for the first time with my buddy in his older sisters room, when she was out. The second, he went out the room i stood up and sniffed his sister undies:)
>>1867286You sick fuck for not asking your friend to sniff panties with you
>>1867286The older sister's name? Adolf Hitler.
>>1854222>>1854236https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meexTF-OTccCan you insert buildings via the console command menu? Also, can you upgrade generals' stats (attack, defence, experience/chevrons)? I kinda hated it that you can invent units but couldn't tinker the general besides traits & retinues.
>>1855308>The bad part is how big of an expectation this set. This was just another video game in 2004, although an amazing one. I thought that, by 2014 or 2024, we would have games that far surpass its greatness. After all, AoE 2 had only come out a few years earlier and, while amazing itself, seemed primitive in comparison. However, I was unknowingly living in the absolute peakKek, exactly this. I remember thinking "the games are amazing now, I wonder what I'll play in 10-20 years".Turns out I'm playing the same games with mods.
I've never played Rome TW sadly, I started with Medieval 2, is it even worth getting into if you've never played it? I torrented the remastered version but mouse for some reason would stop working and it just crashed.
>>1868081>Medieval 2>remasteredthe what/?
>>1868079I play stuff up to around 2014, but no RTS newer than 2006. I feel like all games in general since the early '10s have been more of the same. Very slight improvements graphically and a lot of degradation on the gameplay side.
>>1868181Maybe it's my ESL but I clearly meant I torrented Rome 1 remaster.
>>1868233I don't know what your preferences regarding RTS are but Beyond All Reason is one of the best multiplayer RTS's ever made.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYpwdJwngu0Watch this dude.
>>1868081>is it even worth getting into if you've never played it?Yes. Since you're familiar with M2 then it'll feel very familiar. However there are some subtle differences that makes it a different experience. >I torrented the remastered version but mouse for some reason would stop working and it just crashed.I like the remaster but would not recommend it as your first experience with RTW. It erases a lot of the game's soul. Its value is in its massively improved mod capabilities rather than native gameplay imo.
>>1868237Thanks. I'm going to download the original version and play around with vanilla a bit, I'd expect R1 mods to be inferior to M2 ones but I'll give them a go.
>>1868236And it's a relatively new one.
>>1868235you on win7?
>>1868250Win 10.
>>1854222I like the Remaster but I wish they would improve the AI more. They still just don't get the 3D map, and it makes the game way easier than it should be.
>>1868081pirated version does that. its p buggy.
>>1868081Yes it's worth it. Get the version from the 6-disc Total War Eras set and install dxvk
One of my first youtube memories was watching Prince of Macedon's multiplayer games so even though I personally prefer medieval 2 rome 1 will always be special.
Was playing a barbarian invasion campaign and fell on the quintessential WRE army>all mercs
>>1869282>army of all mercs led by a guy named Promote Uslmao
>>1869282>1024x768Are you playing on an older monitor?
>>1860717Then play it retard and see yourself
From a gameplay perspective, I really like the ethnicity system the remaster added. From a modding perspective, I fucking hate it.
>>1869479I think you can turn it off
If I had to give a review of the Saxon Campaign (on H/VH), I'd say it's a campaign where you start on the backfoot and, after taking a few steps, are rapidly pushed back on the backfoot against. You are one of the few nations that start with one Settlement. Big deal, so do the Aleimani, Franks and other barbarians. The difference though, is that they can horde. You, however, can't. So you're pushed into doing a more traditional style of expansion, while standing amongst a row of dominos. If the Huns or the sarmatians decide to smack any of the small tribe around, all hell breaks loose.Taking London and all of britain is easy, but the Romano-British stack that spawns is nasty.Im starting to think the core idea might be to spend the first 30 turns playing tall, upgrading your city, fielding an incredible army and then sweeping up after the large threats have come and gone.>>1869429No, just didn't bother to change the screen resolution it booted up with.
>>1869479you can change it for units
Thank you Roma Surrectum
>>1870294I don't remember it having this many provinces
>>1870564>ten billion factions just in Crete aloneno wonder the game with this mod was crashing due to reaching the 60k agent limit.
>>1870294What's the state of the Seleucids in this mod?
>>1864171>I like the trait system and how it makes characters feel more realSpeeches being affected by what traits a general might have was great too
>>1870564It's the remake imperium surrectum made by the roma surrectum and rome total realism devs. they went kinda batshit with the new mod tools and created what you see there before finding out that even though there are no more hardcoded limits there are limits to what the engine can even handle.
>>1870600>Ten billion factions in Crete>Didn't think to roll back the start date so it would at least make good sense to have ten billion factions in Italy for the Romans to fight
>>1870294I like having lots of settlements on the coasts and major rivers since that's where most people lived. But this is dumb.>omg sources say a person once lived in this piece of desert/mountain/plain, make it a province!!!Then you get weird shit like pic related with no rhyme or reason. Hopefully they scale it back a LOT because this can't be fun, even for giga autists.
>>1870564its getting reduced with the next update>>1870600that was based, sadly the mod reached the limits. im sure there wont be any cut factions, just reduced settlements since that was the biggest bloat to the agent limit.
>>1863391I like that the few factions don't expand into blobs right away and seeing Epirus or a Gaul factions getting into Italy early game.
>>1854222This game is the definition of soul
>>1854222back in the day where armies were easily discernible
>>1870294>>1870699>how about instead of making the game better we just add more provinces, completely destroying any fun since every faction becomes super rich on turn 10?
This is gonna sound weird as hell but I actually somewhat enjoyed Thrones of Britannia. It's not the best, but it's fun to a certain degree. It just pisses me off that so much of the map in a game about coastal raiding is completely inaccessible, making it hard for you to plan out a proper invasion without hitting the exact right spot necessary for a landing. I hate it so fucking much. And the area of control around generals is so small that an army can march right past you and invade your now unprotected town.
>>1873441>completely destroying any fun since every faction becomes super rich on turn 10?the opposite actually. and it is pretty fun. collecting all the unique AoR units, the faction reforms, all the factions in the greek area makes it feel more alive than most games. all the new traits and even diseases and attrition for armies.theyre gonna scale the map down, though by how much we do not know.
>>1854222>Time flies, say something nice about it.The Historical mod that added a huge amount of the ME was kino. I'd have 5k sandnig armies get fucking shredded by elite units in chokepoints.
>>1854222Why does this always make me cry?I'm not even Gayreekhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYkCi_0XQj0
>>1875330That picture makes me laugh every time
>>1875524I can understand why foreigners would scared to the point of naming these "suicide showers", but in my opinion, there is no need for such fear. These are common in rural areas of Ecuador and Peru. I have used them for years and mostly only get mild shocks, and major shocks a few times. More than 95% of the time, it works fine and runs without risk.
>>1863345based HBO Rome appreciator
>>1870294What's the point when the AI cannot defend an empire larger than 10 provinces.
>>1877316being able to play as my favorite historical faction>but its just a color swapyes and i dont care being able to play as the achean league rules
>>1858604huh? how does it imply child sacrifice originally?
>>18586244chan doesn't have shadow bans
>>1877407the final line
>>1854222I bought this game on 2 October 2004. I remember the date because I went to a football match that day, and picked this up earlier on. I was expecting it to play like Age of Empires and was disappointed when it didn't, but quickly got over it and I'd still play this over AoE any day.
>>1877575he is referring to the child crying keeping him awake, saying that this night the child will be quiet, not child sacrifice
>>1877624Why do you think they'll suddenly all be quiet, anon? He's clearly implying that they will be sacrificed as Carthage prepares for war, since Carthaginians were noted to participate in that sort of thing to gain favour from their gods. It's why they changed the intro.
>>1877667i think you are just retarded to be honest
>>1877667>>1878730The Carthaginians were definitely given the smear campaign treatment to some extent by the Romans, but archeological evidence does point out that child sacrifice happened. It's not that rare for the human species to do something like that. Romans practiced human sacrifice at times, although during the time of the Carthaginian wars they were recorded as doing such only during times of dire need when they needed something big to appeal to the gods. I can't really think of any culture on earth that hasn't practiced ritual human sacrifice at some point in their history or prehistory. But yes, Carthage has been proven in the archeological record to sacrifice children and infants at certain points, but the true extent or the reasoning behind it will perhaps never be known. Hell, all things considered, the Gaelic, Celtic, and Iberian cultures probably sacrificed on a more regular basis considering the amount of evidence we have for those regions. Human sacrifice is awful, but in so many ways it's not unique to any particular sets of people.
>>1878730Trolling used to be an art.
>>1878765Sure, but the line was generally drawn at child sacrifice, at least in European cultures. Romans viewed human sacrifice in general to be a barbaric practice and they repeatedly outlawed it.
>>1878765sure, but i don't think the intro is that deep
>>1878765It may be a hot take, but I think we should bring back child sacrifice.
>>1879279We already have child sacrifice. It's called abortion. We sacrifice the children so we can have casual sex every day without having to spend money on raising kids.
>>1878782anyone who think the intro talked about child sacrifice is trolling or retarded
>>1854222I liked setting pigs on fire.
>>1854316>the virgin punic intro v. the CADVSJVLII introhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gHaHnib4sY>Gods...I hate Warhammer fags. My grandfather hated it too, even before they put out his eyes. Did you think I'd be out here on /vst/ without good reason? Yes, /vst/ needs a strong catalogue. No, /vst/ doesn't need unwashed Warhammer fags at its gates! So, that's why I'm here, the leader of Old Total War: to bring /vst/ order to stinking Warhammer fags. Revenge? That'd be good too. This war against Warhammer won't last long, and when it's done, I've got plans. This is all about power, power in /vst/. Going down that road means dealing with all my rivals: the jannies, the Saga Shills, the Empire fags, the Rome II and Atilla cucks too. After all, the man who controls /vst/ rules the world...and one day, I will be Emperor.
>>1878765Generally sacrificing the youngest (the future of your society) is pretty retarded. Just find some old fart to sacrifice instead.
>>1879779Sacrificing a more valuable member of society would be worth significantly more in the eyes of the gods than someone who is nearer to death anyway.
>>1879289The Romans also got rid of unwanted children by 'exposing' them to the elements
>>1879850They just left them to fate. They'd leave them around various places in the city that effectively became known for it. Anybody who was looking to adopt could simply pick them up and add them to the family. Carthaginians ritualistically murdered them to try and get what they wanted from their gods.
>>1879868Imagine how many P. Diddius and slavers got their hands on kids this way
>>1879874Romans really just dropped off their own baby on the street and walked away thinking "not my problem"
>>1879212>Romans viewed human sacrifice in general to be a barbaric practice and they repeatedly outlawed it.>t. nigga who knows about the Roman empire through pop "history"At least watch fags like Historia Civilis if you aren't going to be reading books, my man.
>>1879903>historical records of senatorial decrees abolishing human sacrifice is pop historyHistoria Civilis is a lefty cuckold faggot who would take your side of the argument btw
>>1879912The Germanics and Celts loved a good human sacrifice
>>1854316It's funny how hebraic the complaints are. And then when you realize that Carthage was a levantine colony, it all makes sense.
>>1879779noit may perfect sense if you mass produce kids - its sort of birth control(late abortion)sure sacrificing criminals or enemies is better but its better to sacrifice kids than skilled adults(what is easier and faster to grow?)
>>1879948its not like rome wasn't subverted and taken over few centuries later
>>1870294its just pointless bloat
>>1879956Hadrian and Titus didn't go far enough.
>>1879961desu I started doubting history and chronology of events, its probably all lies and misdirection
>>1879948Phoenicians were in conflict with Jews, they were polytheists who worshiped Baal and others
>>1879963considering how much of just the past 10 years has been falsely recorded it's safe to say most of our known history is as accurate as folklore. We can only hope the Vatican archives are actually real and in the future someone manages to take control of them without them being destroyed otherwise real history may be lost forever.
>>1880033are you familiar with this guy theories?
>>1880033>Vatican archives>implying those aren't just another combination of fabrications and convenient stories themselves to be pulled out of the vault to take attention away from the next kiddy diddling scandal
>>1879987>were in conflict with JewsExcept for during those times they were allied with some of the tribes. Levantine merchants are all bad news.
>>1880044Just don't tell me you're one of the pro-Germany posters considering that they allied with Turks over fellow Europeans multiple times. Or Rome, since they also allied/traded with Levantine tribes back in ancient times. Phoenicians were comprised of the group that would become Lebanese people, not Jews.
>>1880087Ironically the Jews that started with the whole child sacrifice libel aganist their non-hebrew neighbours. Really makes you think.
>>1880286Well, it probably happened, but the hebrews also did it
>>1880087>Phoenicians were comprised of the group that would become Lebanese people, not Jews.The Jews disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites and adopted their child-sacrificing religious practices. Read the Old Testament in full, it’s why they kept getting BTFO for rejecting God’s commands.
I'm 20 years old
>>1880295you have to be 35+ to post on /vst/
>>1880296but what if I play old strategy games
Rome and Greece have the best geopolitical position to conquer and dominate the Mediterranean and beyond it. They can expand in all four directions without lack of lucrative targetsThis is most apparent when you play as Carthage and Egypt where you have fuckall to invade to your south or east except desert and you have to stretch only ever northA Carthaginian Empire centered on Carthage looks stupid and unbalanced and if it ever properly conquered Italy, that peninsula would still likely become the political fulcrum of a Carthaginian Empire that would still want to expand into Greece or Illyria or GaulIt just feels lame to me in the moment as you play and expand as Carthage. As your empire forms, it will always feel like your capital is the periphery of the empire it rules over...Also fuck acquiring reinforcements for your Carthaginian armies for the same reason.
It made this possible:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chPRYXS0YZI
>>1881013Still not quite sure whose day it is
did anyone here play the Rome Expanded mod?is it good?
>reading through remastered patch notes>feral added the ability to give a unit different textures for weapon/armour levels from m2any mods that use this? i know a few mods have tried to add more textures for unit variation
>>1881977only like a couple cant remember which they were
>>1881977https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3311590483scorched ground is one
>>1881165i've played retrofit which is what expanded is based on, and i thought it was a decent vanilla++ that adds features like religion, civil wars, hording, and emergent factions to the base campaign and improves historical accuracy while keeping it close to the original experience. i know expanded goes further to improve the ai and add more units and such, but it's probably a decent mod
>>1855361Just play the Genpei war campaign and the dueling samurai and ranged superiority will make sense.
I'm replaying vanilla RTW after ages, started a Numidian campaign on H/H since I remember it being quite difficult due to spaced settlements and powerful neighbours. However I didn't remember how powerful numidian cavalry was. It's cheap as hell (as cheap to maintain as your ordinary skirmisher unit) and it absolutely smokes any infantry based armies, even the interminable Egyptian hordes and their phalanxes, or Roman legions. Only chariots are pesky, but they're rather scarce. Cavalry based armies are so fun.Pic related is my empire. Next I'll probably destroy the Scipii in Italy (abandoning the settlement afterwards) so I can focus on the Egyptian menace to the east, capturing Crete on the way. Against all odds I managed to keep my Lybian territory, destroying wave after wave of phalanxes. Pretty fun.
>>1884791oops, image was cut
>>1884807You should kill the Romans before Marian reforms. Or at least take their biggest cities to prevent it from happening imminently.I remember I was domming them as Scythians with huge cavalry armies relying on the Noble Archers, which are a much tougher with lower maintenance cost compared to Numidian cav. Then, suddenly, I couldn't do shit against the higher armoured troops after the Marian reforms. They would eat all my arrows and then I'd have to hopelessly try to snipe the general.
>>1884842Not with these bad boys
>>1884858If you compare the stats, these have the same attack/defense as pre-Marian principe with lower morale and higher recruitment/upkeep costs. Plus they take 2 turns to train. Unfortunately, they are not comparable to post-Marian Romans even though the unit card is a copy of those.
>>1884842i guess i accidently Rome
>>1884858Why the fuck do the most random factions get to play with Temu Legions?I thought it was just the Selukids and Pontus but even the Numidians?
>>1885041Armenia too iirc. Some nations did try to copy legiones, others had some infantry units that were just described as such by Roman writers.
>>1885059The other thing is too that much of Roman infantry equipment was copied from other cultures, and so as a result Roman writers had every reason to describe them as such as when they tried to compare there was too much of their tactics and equipment in the Roman kit by that point to make a distinction.
>>1885066True. In the Seleucid case I think CA gave imitation legionaires because Polybius describes some of the Silver Shields being "equipped in the Roman fashion", probably with the thureos and Greek swords, but Numidia did hire Roman instructors to train and equip their troops as Legions. I think Mithridates of Pontus also tried, but the equipment was probably not similar as the Romans. And there's the Galatians that later made L Deiotariana too and so on
>>1885086>>1885066>>1885059What is all this historically accurate shit with referencing Polybius as if CA didn't also give us Bronze Age Egyptian armies in the same game?
>>1885154>*crowd of men teleports behind you*>*sets their pigs on fire and runs away*Heh nothin personnel...
>>1885041Pontus don't have them only Numidia, Armenia and Sellkids
>>1885154well, its just for more diversity(ack) in faction rosters
>>1856764Turkey is fertile?
>>1885154They thought making another Hellenistic faction would be boring, autist
>mod changes hoplites so they use an overhand thrust and use a shorter dory instead of the 5 m long sarissa which is more accurate>changes out the phalanx ability for a shield wall ability which is technically more accurate but wonky since the units never settle into any spot and just endlessly try to squeeze into an even tighter blob>mod removes all phalanx units from the Greek cities even though only a few decades into the game's timeline the Greeks started explicitly copying Macedonian phalanxes including equipmentsome days i try to imagine what it's like not having autism. i could be doing so many other things but instead i'm obsessing over spearmanii
>>1885666>>mod removes all phalanx units from the Greek cities even though only a few decades into the game's timeline the Greeks started explicitly copying Macedonian phalanxes including equipmentusually these mods have reforms though like in RIS you unlock the phalanx units for sparta after reforms
>>1885666>an overhand thrustOoof
>>1885666>overhand thrusthate itit looks dumb and uncool as fuck
>>1885666>Mod gives hoplites the short pike animation and lets them form schiltron like the BI spearmanii.This is the way.
>>1885666>some days i try to imagine what it's like not having autismbeing a normie means eating shit without complains
>>1875330you shouldn't be shocked at all when taking a shower anon
>>1885283It wouldn't be though. Seluicids are one of the most popular armies for a reason.
>>1864288I believe your referring to Time Commanders, I remember binging the episodes on Youtube because I discovered it after the fact. Shit was amazing.
>>1889395Rome 2 made Egypt historical and they ended up being an unpopular and largely redundant faction, so they were right. People liked the Seleucids and Bactria because the culture of those factions lent itself to an interesting hybrid of East and West which meant a fun unit roster to play around with. You can't make a Ptolemaic unit roster both interesting and historically accurate.
>>1889571It's not like the Seleucids or Pontus were highly historical in Rome 1 either. All it would have taken is a little creativity. Making them 5,000 years out of date was not the solution.
>>1889395I think one of the RTW devs said that. I also heard that they made Egypt bronze age to feature in that History Channel show, in an episode about the Battle of Kadesh>>1889571Egypt is fun in Rome 2, it has a good and distinct roster
>>1854222Which faction is more interesting Seleucid or Macedonia?
>>1891454To play? Macedonia for me. Starting with a big faction sucks, you spend the first turns figuring out how to fix all your shit and instantly get into several wars you can't afford.
>>1891465Doesn't the plague even make Macedonia unplayable?
>>1889571They were unpopular in r2 because they were the strongest faction by far. the Egypt province is so rich, second only to Rome itself, with sea to your north and terrible tribals to your south your only enemies are the Carthaginians who will be at war with Rome and the Seleucids who will be at war with everyone, so you have no real rivals, while you also have the second strongest roster in the game. You've already won on turn 1 by selecting Egypt.
>>1891466Plagues aren't that bad, it eventually goes away. I've played Macedon campaigns and it's fine. When the plague starts in Greece, just don't spread it to other regions under your control. You can also build public health buildings to get over it quicker. Also, you could even get your spies infected and use them to spread it to enemy cities. It doesn't kill too many soldiers and, worst case, just don't move anyone from Greece to other places for a few turns.
>>1889597It was the solution for plenty of people, stop bitching.
>>1893658For who? It still gets mocked 20 years later.
>>1893836It's mocked by autists who play mods with 6,000,000 provinces and the game still isn't historically accurate due to a number of reasons anyway
>>1854222My main memory of RTW is banging my gf and then playing this game while she was still hanging out. Better days, I want to go back.
Do the Romano British still spawn if I take the British provinces as the Eastern Roman Empire?
March your armies out of Rome,conquer celts, make their cities your home,move up and down, buttocks clench tight,the barbarians will feel thy might,roman emperor calls to thee,do worship his decree,to conquer mighty, let the borders grow,from atlantic to Pacific should rome go,send men to war like ancient time,hate much this modern clime,men are no longer trained for war,no wonder why the world is poor.
Bros, is Rome 2 worth it? is on sale right now. Got Shogun 2 when was free but i dont like the old Japan setting too much, tried Medieval 2 but feels too old and janky (didnt get to play games like AoE2 or DOW when i was a kid so im not used to them).
>>1894849If you don't like Medieval 2 then you will like Rome 2.
>>1894795What fucking retarded accent rhymes War with Poor you mouthbreathing buffoon?
>>1895030NTA but where are you from that it doesn't?
>>1895217there are places that don't pronounce pour and poor the same way and in those places, pour is what rhymes with war while poor sounds differently
>>1894849Yes. It is a good game nowadays, and there's many mods for it too
Is it me or is the Western Roman easier or harder in the remaster?
>reduced settlement bloat>pontus>early roman roster>recruitment and building overhaul>200 factionswe are so f*cking backhttps://youtu.be/QwK_I_1fIWk?si=XoAfmF8Vfh61mGKm
>>1895484>>reduced settlement bloatstill 6 bazylions of them
This track makes me emotional.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2X4uJ9qu4s
>>1895569thats based though
>>1895484If we get an early roman roster are those fools gonna roll back the start date? So you can fight Samnites and Etruscans n shit?
>>1855246Always hated the complete lack of unit variety in Shogun 2
>>1860717It's nonsensical but that's how warscape is. The engine was designed for Empire, highly focused on ranged combat, yet it has terrible projectile systems that don't account for terrain or even obstacles. To "fix" this in warhammer, they just added attack bonuses for units at higher elevation so that they kill units below them faster, but they couldn't give them longer range. Meanwhile, in these games, a musket unit will aim up and shoot at an arc to hit distant targets or to shoot over a hill with no line of sight. Not just the front row, but the whole unit. It looks like a clown show.Somehow, the nearly 20 year old M2TW provides better simulation of artillery and firearm projectiles than the engine purpose-designed for early modern combat. To say nothing of melee, which has been reduced to stat games and predetermined 1v1 combat animations instead of combat playing out in real time. But, by some mystery, these games are far more popular than RTW and M2TW ever were.
>>1895901>But, by some mystery, these games are far more popular than RTW and M2TW ever were.Normgroids don't care about the simulation aspects whatsoever, they're only interested in flashy aspects like unit animations and placebo "unit diversity"
>>1895668>So you can fight Samnites and Etruscans n shit?those will probably only be emergent factions
>>1859907>me in the middle dying happily
>>1895484They need to reduce the settlements to about 100 or so
>>1863812Their focus on bloating with animations ruined it's simplicity.I did find it fun just seeing roman units gradually wrap around phalanxes and winning that way
>>1854222God me into Total War.>>1854236True.
>>1854222>say something nice about it.The pathfinding in settlement battles is shit, SHIT
I am going to speedrun the Brutii campaign on Hard and just abuse auto-battle mechanics.
>>1904778That's Macedon and most of Greece done.
>>1904778>>1904813That's Pontus dealt with. Seleucids are reduced to Tarsus so they should be gone soon too. Antioch will be a great forward operating base into Syria and Egypt.
>>1904778>>1904813>>1904858>RemasteredThanks for reminding me not to buy it. Is there no UI mod yet?
>>1904858>>1904813>>1904778>less than 1000 settlementslol
>>1904813>>1904858Here we are at the end, with 62 settlements, 64 turns in, on year 260 BC. I exterminated Rome, naturally.
>>1895232>Rome 2different anon but thank you going to grab this on 90% sALE
>>1895232>>1905701oh yeah, also suggestions on MODS?
>Emperor Edition contains all free feature updates soh wow sweet thx
>>1905021reminds me of my Julii campaign where I started a lightning war against all of Rome's enemies at oncepic is my Julian Empire before declaring war on the S*nators, needless to say they and their dogs didn't stand a chance
>>1905850>Scipii failed to expand beyond Sicily>Brutii barely expanded Rome: Total War ladies and gents
>>1905701looks cool and all but WTF is this shit!?
>>1905941If you cuck the AI's intended path they practically never expand.
>>1894849>>1906244buy the main game and pirate dlcscharging 40+€ (on sale) for a complete game that's 10 years old is just evil, they don't deserve your money
>>1906244>they repeated this for every game that came after>people still buythe absolute state of the total cuckdom
>>1907817But at least now the tender minds of Australians and Germans are safe :)
Divide et Impera DEI yay or nay?
>>1910682It's alright but ultimately it's still Rome2.
>>1910682Pretty much what >>1910711saidI like it, and it introduces systems that are interesting, but ultimately it wont make Rome2 something it isnt. If you're fine with that, then its bretty gud
>>1854222It was fun, we aren't getting anything better any time soon with all the retards in the industry
>>1910682Hard nay. There are some good ideas in it and I appreciate the unit diversity to some degree, but the fact is that you absolutely cannot campaign at all. You have to take one city, retreat and replace the previous army with a second to defend, and go allllll the way back to Rome (where your population is) to reinforce.It is something that could be fixed with>are you in good supply? You reinforce normally at 50%>are you in a home region? You reinforce normally at 100%>are you out of supply? You reinforce at 25%
>>1910682It's a very well-executed attempt to polish a turd. The sort of people who will enjoy it are those who can convince themselves that Attila is a good Total War game despite having the same shitty Rome 2 battle mechanics and carrying over obnoxious campaign limitations like army recruitment being tied to generals.
>>1910682I found it too slow paced for my liking, and it still has many of unfixable R2's problems, but it's pretty cool.
>>1894849No. Do not buy it. Buy no total war games made after Shogun 2. For good measure, don't even buy Shogun 2 or Empire.
>>1911758>It's a very well-executed attempt to polish a turd.My exact thought on MK1212. It looks great and I want to like it since I'm so starved for a good new TW game but I just can't because it still very much feels like Attila. Sorta feels like a waste for these talented people to mod games such as Rome 2 and Attila whent they could be making mods for Shogun 2 instead.
>>1855246Sieges were so bad in Shogun 2, it made the game go from 8/10 to 6/10 for me
WIP map from RIS, 1200 settlements, 4 faction romans. they want to have a unified and a split roman campaign map.
>>1912795Total War sieges have never been good, everyone has always said to just autoresolve them
>>1912886I have fun on Rome
>>1912873roman families muh beloved
>>1912886Rome I sieges are fun because you can capture enemy towers and use them against an enemy trying to defend their city with cavalry.
>>1912886True, but I liked them in Rome 1 and Medieval 2. Even Shogun 2 can be alright when settlements are developed enough to have multiple layers.>>1910682Bloated crap that runs poorly slapped on top of an objectively bad game that somehow gained a religiously loyal following. Decent if you want to gawk at some of the units which are totally accurate and definitely not wildly extrapolated from historical footnotes, but even then from what I remember from playing it a couple of years ago, some of them have anachronistic or poor quality assets because they didn't have dedicated people working on models and textures. I fucking swear one of the shield textures was Medusa by Caravaggio and I never saw anyone calling them out for it.
>>1914143>an objectively bad game that somehow gained a religiously loyal followingIt's thanks to brainlets who look at Rome 1's relatively simpler graphics and animations and conclude that it's "too old". You can explain why the battle and campaign mechanics in Rome 2 are much worse and it won't phase them one bit. They're simply in it for the spectacle. This is CA's current target audience and it's why the series will never meaningfully improve.
>>1914143>anachronistic or poor quality assetsTrue. There's not consistency, some units are very well done, others are ugly as sin complete with low res assets from 2015.Also imo the ui is very ugly, and, even more subjective, I dislike their unit cards I actually like the base game unit cards, fite me
>>1914549lack of visual consistency and ugly UI is sadly the standard for total war mods
>>1914549Modders aren't artists or interface designers. They aren't even game designers. They're enthusiasts sharing their passion. Playing a TW mod means accepting you'll have to stare at ugly, misplaced and busy artwork if you want to enjoy it.I like Rome II's unit cards, too, even though I hate the game. It just needed more clarity for units to be identifiable at a glance and some differentiation between cultures.
>>1914554Unfortunately true, but it is what it is...>>1914560Yes, honestly I don't like to trash their work with my nitpicks, it really is a impressive mod. Personally I prefer smaller mods that make the game prettier or add qol stuff, because gameplay wise, well, it's still Rome 2, and modders can't work miracles.
>>1912873and the old map, the map on the current patch.
>>1855246The campaign aspect of Shogun 2 is a close runner for my favorite TW campaign. The only one I might like more is Stainless Steel in Medieval 2. If we could just have Shogun 2 campaign dynamics/graphics in medieval format with all the dynamics of Medieval 2 battles it would be the perfect game. Literally just cross Shogun 2 with Stainless Steel and give it unlimited modability. Why the fuck can't we have this.
>>1855308>>1868079>the games are amazing now, I wonder what I'll play in 10-20 years>Turns out I'm playing the same gamesMan it's so tragic. I swear if I ever really make it to where I can just work on whatever projects I want, I want to finally make a good new strategy game. I'll outright rip off all the best qualities of old TW games and open it up to mods to do whatever they want with.
>>1914881Such a game would only be popular on sites like 4chan and be mostly pirated
>>1914877>If we could just have Shogun 2 campaign dynamics/graphics in medieval format with all the dynamics of Medieval 2 battles it would be the perfect game. Literally just cross Shogun 2 with Stainless Steel and give it unlimited modability. Why the fuck can't we have this.Everything you want from Medieval II is not possible in the new engine, and the things you want from Shogun are not possible in the old engine. You're stuck between medieval mods for Warscape or a Japan mods for Medieval II. Pretty much all complaints about nuTW are rooted in the inherent limitations of the Warscape engine.
RIS discussing new update and maphttps://youtu.be/WmJ3bIuj-Og?si=QYil-FWL13awh2uf
>>1884791They're absolutely broken. You can spam basic horsemen against phalanxes; charge them behind a phalanx and they'll try to run through it until the unit is disrupted and the formation breaks.You take horrible losses, but since they're cheap you can replace them easily and once the army starts to fall apart, all the other phalanxes will rout/turn to attack.
>>1858647It kept niggers out of the north by having niggers tonguing it for 2000 years
>>1854222It was the one that got me into the total war games.>>1854243Also, TIME COMMANDERS
>>1914143>Bloated crap that runs poorly slapped on top of an objectively bad game that somehow gained a religiously loyal following.you just summarized 95% of all TW mods
>>1922132If 95% of TW mods are made for objectively bad games, why do you play them?
>>1924132most mods are bugfixes for the new slopgamesI prefer playing Medieval 2, FotS and Rome 1
>>1924137So you think only 5% of TW mods are for RTW, M2TW and FoTS? Just say you were wrong.
>>1863035what is exactly the 2-handed bug?
>start up Rome 2>play on Legendary>get absolutely fucking stomped on the 2nd battle
>>1924692What faction? I think the Suebians have a rough start
>>1924227The bug is more of a design flaw. It comes from the 2h variant of the push animation. All units have a push "attack", all it does is stun the opponent. Not sure what the point of it is, perhaps it's to prolong the battle action or just provide more natural combat. But because 2h units have slower animations overall, they open themselves to much faster 1h attacks every time they do a push "attack" that does 0 damage anyway. Some mods solve the issue by removing the push animations, others create custom animations. It's an easily modded out design flaw, you can do it yourself by unpacking the animations file and editing some of the .dats.
>>1924938Is this a problem that's exclusive to Med2?
>>1895696But there is unit variety in shogun 2. Every unit is functionally different. Sure, you don't get 17 different yari ashigaru with a different hat on, but that's a plus in my opinion.
Great news. Fourth Age Total War has been ported to RR.https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3396400355
How is the soundtrack still the best they've ever made? Hell, how have they not managed to recapture Rome's quality at all in any aspect?
>>1925459Well, in your defence, legendary AI does have some bullshit op bonuses
>>1926968Update: tried again as Rome and did it. A trve Roman legendary playthrough, for trve Romans.
>>1854222>bought it on release>still here twenty years later
>>1912873>CharaceneUh, based
>>1927250Ave, congrats anon
>>1912873This map seems more manageable than the other one
>>1885263It's a massive agricultural exporter irl
>>1895217He is probably a hideous Sc*ttoid
>>1904778>>1904813>>1904858Is this game a reskin of Rome 2 posing as Rome 1 remastered? Because Rome 2's engine sucks ass
>>1928009No it's Rome 1 but with a worse UI but it still has all the same issues and whatnot.
>>1928018BUT it runs much faster and is way more powerful in regards to modding. Those are the aspects I was looking forward to. However it also introduces flaws with UI and campaign map.
>>1928042This is also true.
>>1928042and it dont run under win7
>>1916141Is RIS playable in its current state or are corrupt saves inevitable on long campaigns?
>>1934051they managed to reduce the corruption to like 600-700 turns with hotfixing but id just wait till the new update. nobody has apparently ran into corruption in beta testing on 1000+ turn campaigns and in general will be much better balanced economy wise. current version has messed up economy due to them trying to curb the bug with the old map.
>>1934325Any idea what the ETA is? Like do you expect it to be days, weeks, or months?I was downloading Rome Remastered last night for the first time to play RIS. Was really excited, then learned about the new map and that the current state is kind of fucked. Kinda bummed out now..
>>1854222I was just playing that the other day. Still holds up nicely, im playing some "vanilla kingdoms" mod at the minute on medieval 2, so good
>>1934535Probably end of this year. Id rec cultural conquest. Its like a vanilla plus mod with a med 2 like recruitment system.
>>1934591>Probably end of this yearLunar year, right?
>>1912873a 395ad mod would be nice
I like the early 00s feel of the main menu, which is about as far as I got, because I just installed it.I have never played a Total War game before.Is there anything I should know or will the tutorial teach me everything?
>>1940704>tutorialI forget this game even has one, just learn the hammer and anvil tactic and you will be fine. The romans are the only faction you can play if its your first time and they are so OP its pretty hard to fuck up with them.
>>1940704>Is there anything I should knowHastati and their variants are your friends, cavalry is really useful and you'll have this strange feeling of murdering every g*ul you see.
>>1940704>Is there anything I should knowCheck the finance menu at end of turn to make sure you don't go broke.
>>1940773lmao I made that image 12 years ago and it's the only thing of mine I ever saw reposted. The article in the corner was meant to be almost illegible, but I screwed up and didn't scale down the resolution. /twg/ used to be cool before Rome 2 came out.
>>1940932It was still cool up until Warhammer stuff took over, I still have some old pics from around that time, but some of them seem cringe in retrospect so I dont really want to post them.
>>1941199>ugh, this did NOT age well
>>1940704Install the Bugfixer mod: https://rtw.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=3991Also if your performance is bad install dxvk (d3d8.dll and d3d9.dll from the archive's x32 folder go in your game install folder)
>>1941255Exactly. They're too.....genuine for the modern 4chan jadedness.
>>1940932You're here forever.
>>1879755>the jannies>the AOE fags>those parashite tripleniggerfaggots>>1854407The skibii
>>1941976>...Rules the board.
I'll never forget that one battle I won with literally 3 soldiers left. Everything whittled down to like 150 vs 10 men in the centre of the city and then proceeding to guerilla warfare rush in, pepper the enemy on the flag with pila and then run away. Over and over and over until their numbers dwindled and their morale finally broken. Those 3 remaining velites were gods amongst men.
>>1941301>>woah people actually had fun back then can't have that
>>1940704Julii is the canon faction
finally a game with acurate Egyptians
>>1944239We were kings among other things.
>>1942410Yeah it was a different time my man, what can I say.
>>1941301Post them anyway, faggot.
>>1945627No, have this fun speech instead
>>1941199>>1941301post em please, im a sucker for oldfag history
>>1945834Anybody have the "I don't want to play as Pontus" memes?
>>1945917i am currently having fun playing as Pontus so i refuse to post it out of principle
>>1945832I do love all the old speech variations, but you should still post your old memes faget.
The year is 2018. Rome 2 was a smash success and Creative Assembly has released banger after banger. You are in your virtual reality holodeck banging Cleopatra. But then the Seleucids invade. You pause the game and acess the tutorial. Five entire Wikipedia articles download directly into your brain. You unpause and then rout the enemy using hammer and anvil tactics. The Senate declares you the first Roman Emperor and the people of Egypt deify you. You access the DLC library and install the extended timeline for $5. You mess around with the date slider and suddenly you're an Albanian in 1832 raping Greek peasant women. You rape so many women that the British give you an ultimatum to stop or else. You give them the middle-finger and all hell breaks loose. You are having a seizure in your living room now and your dopamine receptors will never be the same. Creative Assembly has treated you well. But they couldn't have done it without your support. Buying the Blood & Gore DLC was the greatest thing you ever did.
>>1946618>you're an Albanianyou mean MACEDONIAN, son of ALEXANDROS
I see mentions of vanilla+ mods and the like all over the threads, what are the good ones?I used to play with Vanilla Rebalance from way back, I think I got it off TWH 15+ years ago. It was pretty much what I needed aside from persistent annoyances like population control and generals turning into retarded hedonists from the overabundance of money. Anything better made since then?
>>1946618>>1946620Im actually albanian...I live in uk tho...
>>1946825https://www.moddb.com/mods/ahowl11s-vanilla-enhancement-modcheck this one out
>>1946952this you?
>>1912873>1200Still seems like too much to be honest.