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Can someone please explain to me why Paradox would give France an entire journal entry on expanding to their natural borders on the Rhine but not change the states around so you can actually do that? You either end up way past the Rhine into the Netherlands or with a weird hook coming up to the east of Belgium.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? They've never made it possible to recreate these 'natural borders' in any of their games, yet the reference them in each one. WHY?
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>Marxists consider the French Revolution and others like it to be bourgeois revolutions, not proletariat ones.
That post is referring to the Paris Commune, which Marxists did view in that way: https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/ncm-5/rcp-paris-commune.htm
elsass belongs to deutschland btw thougheverbeit...
holy shit thread quality just went through the roof
France's natural borders encompass the full extent of the ancient frankish empire.
France's natural borders encompass wherever the fuck the land of the reverse gear industrialists is...

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What are the essential mods you always play with, if any?
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Complete brainrot
>not falling for the sword and board on everybody noobtrap is metafaggotry
this board
>Dies to poachers, raiders and thralls early game because "shields are shit"
The funny thing is Chosen get wrecked by an experienced shieldwall with support and they're the number one enemy of reddit powergamers who abhor shields
link me your waifu mods!

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Jews did it, Zeus told me.
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I don't know about other regions, but when I look at my own region, one I live, and look at the provinces, their borders, shapes, I get annoyed. Even SWMH is not perfect.
If you’re a nomad, slowly whittle down their death stacks via raiding until they have only vassal clans left. Tedious, and you’ll want to have a good 10-20k troops. Non nomads are a bitch and a half, but you’ll essentially want to wait until they split their stacks. Good luck however, as the mountains of Tibet are absolutely trash supply limits, and khotan/steppe is hardly better.
I am a superblob, but at most I can only raise an army of about 20-30k. that's not shit to their 120k horde with doomstacks of 20k all covering each other
If you can only raise 20-30k levies then you're not a superblob.
I'm looking to mod the game without going the HIP route since I don't like not having control over what the mods change. I found this mod in the workshop:
Has anyone tried it? How is it?

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It is now mid 2024, is WH3 finally better than WH2?
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Pretty sure you can hover your cursor over the chivalry bar and it'll tell you how you've gained and lost points so far.
Idk what the fuck they did to Warhammer 3, but imo Warhammer 2 is still the better game. Bigger isnt always better and actually playing WH3 feels kinda shit to me. Like the campaign pacing feels all fucked up, the game mechanics dont feel cohesive anymore, and there feels like an overall lack if direction (in IE anyway). Not to mention all kinds of weird bugs that are still around. A lot of campaigns feel like a really shitty RPG instead of a pretty decent strategy game.
It's pretty much better in every way now after they took so long to unfuck the messy release, anyone that says otherwise is probably just coping because they cant afford it and will always use the same non arguement one lines
>cuz it's bad
>I can no longer cheese with archers as hard
Most people go for the short term victory campaign then stop, there's also an overhauled victory conditions mod that tries to make them more interesting and lore appropriate so check that out, but yes 99% of people don't bother to play their campaigns to its end because at some point it just becomes a boring map painting auto battle simulator
diplomacy is objectively better in tww3
It's pretty overpowered. Too many different ways to make bundles of cash and they all feel necessary, as if the economy is balanced around you extracting all the money you possibly can from diplomacy.

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come home white man
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I suck, even against AI, how do you stop a T1 bomber rush?
If you're at a point in a match where you're getting multiple bombere sent at you then you should already have several interceptors ready to shoot them down. Several mobile t1 aa escorting your army are also an option, as are t2 flak who would do an even better job both against t1 and t2 air
is there a case for static AA in the early to middle game?
Static t1 aa spam is a decent alternative to surprise gunships or any unexpected craft (up to t3 even) coming after you if you can't build t3 aa. I don't know about t2 flak but you might as well make mobile flak instead, unless you are building a bunker on the frontline or something. T3 aa is good when it's (most of the time) spread out as much as possible for area denial. Not only does it stop spy planes, but any air willing to go over these will pay a heavy price the more time his planes spend over them. You're better off not wasting eco on that until later in the game, though. I've also seen players pd creep with these on naval maps too, to stop torps and scare off asf
replaying the campaigns with nomads/seraphim units and m28ai is actually quite fun

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Why are good Heroes of Might and Magic III maps where the AI can go to high numbers so hard to find? I want some high level fights with big numbers!
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Will there ever be a better fantasy TBS than Heroes 3?
Age of Wonders 1
Does the quick battle take into account morale/luck? Or can you use it to get easily rid off negative morale buffs (temporary or from Diversity is our Greatest Strength armies)?
Xiedu, Lord Rings, Metataxers revenge, Rise of the phoenix king

For easier maps:
Wayfarer(E), Jedi Story, Gelu the Necromancer, Dragon Lord, Empire of the World II, Unleashing the Bloodthirsty
I am 99.9% sure it's only based on number stacks.

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Mechanics, countries, maybe even alternate start dates?

Personally, I would love to see more focus on the Middle East and the inclusion of religious and insurgency mechanics. There should be greater potential for uprisings and more domestic politics. The post-war period saw these things be very relevant with de-colonization and unrest abroad. Not to even mention how much Judaism and anti-semitism influenced the war and caused the Holocaust which caused America to embargo the Nazis.
I'd rather expansions to the majors and updates to their focus trees before they hand out unique focuses to more minors. However when they do upgrade those minors, I think it would be best to do it in concert with reworks to majors.
Like a UK rework could accompany updates to the middle east and expansions to the north african theatre, where they need to actually manage political mechanics to keep the former ottoman states on their side.

For new mechanics, I'd like to see the whole occupation system expanded. Occupation forces should have their own entities you place on the map and redistribute state by state to keep order and to help counteract espionage, and unique divisions like the italian blackshirts and USSR's NKVD should double as occupation units to give them a unique gimmick. High unrest should threaten logistics specifically, so in general there's an incentive to concentrate occupation units along logistic arteries to guard them.

I'd also like to see espionage expanded to match. Infiltrating a closed economy should involve an operation with options for how to do it (ie cross through a neutral country incognito but risk getting caught by gestapo at a checkpoint, vs infiltrating via submarine or covert airlift etc.). In addition, more operations should involve utilizing unrest in occupied territories--like briefly severing a logistic line with partisans or gaining localized intel bonuses from native informants.
The game needs a massive rework to most of the dlcs. I cant even imagine a way to fix it
I would like to see an optional OOB system that you can choose to use if that nerd shit entertains you. Hoi3 complexity without the absolute dogshit hoi3 UI would literally be my desert island game
a dlc that makes the game uninstall itself on startup

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Wake up anon, new space lab nerf just dropped.
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Does the AI still come at you with a giant conga line that you have to intercept one at a time or have your modules destroyed one by one?
>He updates his game
>Rather than sticking to the build he likes
Lmao, even

You still need the good ol' "double-tap" fleet, where the 2nd one attacks 30 seconds later.

I don't think the devs even see this as a problem in the first place
>"double-tap" fleet
Wasn't that changed when they added the mechanic where you would get partial pursuit if you threw a higher TWR but lower dV swarm at enemies?
I remember I briefly tried playing after some update and being on cooldown didn't lock ayy fleets into combat when you followed up with a second fleet.
Nah, it's still double tap
Wanna hear a better one? It's still possible to land marines into alien installations without having to fight anything at all, which means you can build zero armor, zero weapons ships with non-existing turn-rate and then just sling them at full throttle to nearest citadel you want to destroy without firing a shot.
At this point, I don't believe it's a bug, but a deliberate feature.
Two main strategies for the space fight:
>tech turtle
You sit on your ass and play nice with the aliens until you consolidate power on earth, have space infrastructure and stockpiles of resources ready to go and the tech to defend it, along with the tech to make ships matching the aliens.
You can nibble at them in the meantime to stop armies landing, earth spy missions etc, just dont piss them off too much.
Then you suddenly build 50 ships and go total war
or you can
>hyper aggro murder death kill attrition warfare
Not much to explain here, this strat NEEDS to be started early in the game.
You basically get space infrastructure going asap, get tech for grid drives(unless they got nerfed idk) and just spam shitty tincans loaded down with missiles and send them off to kill the aliens
The alien ships are much superior, but they are expensive to build and early on the ayys dont have anywhere to build them at for the most part.
While your ships are cheap as dirt, very fast to make and effective at killing small numbers of ayys when outnumbering them.
So you throw fights like 7-1 vs ayys, lose 6 ships, but its still a net positive trade because you replace these in 30 days and the ayys just cant replace them at all if you do it right.

If you are arleady in the midgame and are doing none of the above? Consolidate around your key planets and just defend like hell and rush better tech. Make sure you have resources and defend them well it will be a slog

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This game was so ahead of its time with the way the city interacted with itself. Regardless I loved the pausable real time combat. I know there were the 'After: xxx' series which was fun, any others out there that are similar?
come on anons
Freedom Force maybe?
All I can say is that I eagerly await the day Openapoc becomes polished like Openxcom. It'll take years but I'll be waiting

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rackets truly are the jews of stellaris
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Yeah. It is extremely frustrating that she can just win by a timer.
I hope you're using this as an excuse to do a themes chink run
Um actually that's Japanese not chinkese
>imlying you need a functioning brain for Stellaris
Play on GA, x25 crisis strength with x5 tech/tradition cost and say that again.

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Which strategy game lets you have fun playing evil?
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It do be like that
It's like That Which Sleeps?
That's why you pirate.
Yeah it and its predecessor started in the wake of That Which Sleeps failure, to show it can be done. It's pretty rough but its got a lot of interesting unique ideas in it. A small but dedicated mod community too.
>Warhammer Total War

Warhammer is the GOAT for playing evil. Also, keep an eye on Gates of Pyre, it looks promising.
Gates of Pyre entails Immortals, the God-like commanders of Creation, leading the armies of their respective factions. It's fun sneaking up on enemies while they source for resources with their home left unguarded. I added it to my wishlist on Steam already after seeing the game play on YouTube.

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Jannies deleted the thread so here's the encirclement in action before I go to bed
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Does anyone have a comprehensive GUIDE on how to get multiplayer working in 2024? We tried a normal internet game and obviously that didn’t work. Then we tried a hamachi vlan and that didn’t work either. What are we doing wrong?
What game
you say that like there are more than 4 parts to most things and it doesn't take 100-300 days to research anything
don't let the ai do it
you should have some idea of how to tech having played a few campaigns but basically
>infantry techs and at are must haves without these you will simply lose
>doctrine techs are also vitally important
>the manpower tech, while not massively significant, is probably going to help alleviate your main problem
>you get to pick between navy, air, or tanks if you can even keep up with one
>air is probably the most important ultimately but you may be able to outsource this to allies and just build airfields for them
>if you can't then you can license techs which will allow you to be competitive with other minors
you might only have 13 leadership as some minors you really won't have the luxury of being swamped with tech
I thought air was absolutely shit in HoI3? Or was that DH?
not recognising the power of air is one of the biggest noobtraps in hoi3
while it doesn't do a lot in 1939 by the later years of the war air is absolutely devastating because most units never increase their air defence nor their air attack
by 1941 cas has 9 soft attack and 7 hard attack and tac has 15 soft attack whereas armour has 5 in both and the difference only becomes greater and greater in addition to air doctrines increasing combat efficiency
air units can harry most land units liberally and cause serious strength damage to them (they are generally better at damaging strength than org) and having cas around is a great way to defend infantry divisions (still with sufficient piercing) from armour because they bring so much hard attack to the table
if you can't even compete for air superiority with int then your units are going to be absolutely raped from the skies and you wont be able to do anything about it
as the game progresses air becomes the best way for ic rich nations to crush their opponents and in no small part because it's independent of frontage
you don't need to control the skies to defend yourself just make sure you can intercept bombing missions and disrupt their org enough to ground them so they can't just pound your troops into oblivion
air is also very useful in naval warfare with cas and tac being competent nav and nav being ok tac too
logistics bombing also completely breaks the game

i don't know about darkest hour honestly every war i ever fought in that just seemed like a random shitshow i won too easily
personally, i don't rate darkest hour i think it's more of a role playing game than the pseudo wargame grand strategy hoi3 is although it does have its good points

post dem cities
sittin at just over 12k bugmen
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Why do the tips say humans are unremarkable in battle? They're probably the third best warriors behind Dondorians and Amevia, they're tied for second best in morale just after Tilapi and they're third in strength after Amevia and Dondorians.
Third best warriors out of 6 races... isn't that unremarkable?
I guess if you mean unremarkable as in average? But unremarkable sounds like a negative doesn't it?
Unremarkable just means not worthy to be remarked upon, either in a positive or nagative light.
So yes. Ordinary. Average.
They do for me still.

What games are most similar to this?
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Stormgate and Immortal Gates are two new RTS games that I've found to have impressive improvements.
Ughh I don't recommend the first one.
play custom campaigns downloaded from hive workshop, specifically Tomoraider's campaigns and the Book of Arkain series. you wont regret ti. Blizzard tier quality.
Godsworn is slavic/latvian wIII clone with slight aom influences.
there is a lotr:war of the ring copycat

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>GTFOs Kaiser fags
>Kills TNO trannies
>Murders Bronies

Literally the only good HOI4 mod
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>Mod author doesn't want to add multiple paths/endings to the Purists
Gay and lame, I get he hates writing for them and that's fine but why not just team up with someone who would like to write for them? He can handle the Reformer side of the mod while the other guy handles the Purists. I don't even hate the ending for the Purists, it's cool but it's gay how they only get one ending and path when the other side is way more fleshed out.
>why not just team up with someone who would like to write for them?
part ego part narcissism
>I hate the purists therefore everyone else does so they won't mind me putting nothing in
He's a brain-addled redditor.
Yea it sucks cause his Reformer stuff is good but the Purist side is iffy and unless he brings someone else on or someone else decides to make a fork of the mod where they do their own take on the Purists it's almost certainly gonna stay that way
BRUH peoples are starting to explore Florida before the main dev team

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