Struggle for the Iliac Bay editionprevious thread: >>1908107>M&B Wiki> BANNERLORD>Pastebin>Custom Banner Maker>Banner Code Sharing>Asset Extractor>Create Custom CompanionsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1943525>Your favorite faction/culture(including minor one like Nord and Darshi)?:Aserai.>and the reason for that?: They have the most interesting troop tree.>Your favorite combat style for your character?:Light cavalry/Dragoon>Your army composition?:Cavalry only. I just like being able to move fast on the campaign map.>Your usual tactics?:Tag along with an army, but don't join it. Join battles with the army and hit the flanks/rear to knock out their archers. Sometimes I'll harass their cavalry and horse archers. Also raid caravans.>Do you use RBM?:No>Your favorite troop overhaul mod?(or do you it vanilla?):Vanilla, although I might try out the burning empires mod soon
>>1943525Swadia/RhodoksHorses and xbows/pikesBig ass cav unit, huge line of Xbows, relatively small but sturdy bundle of infantry to hold off enemy unitsF1+F3 or find a hill and press f1+f2 on archersNah, im thinking of getting it for BL... Diplomacy
>>1949925Im excited, i wish regular BL pursued that whole Dark Ages theme it had going for it.
>>1952813Nta but they also remind me of Scottish people (Fierce muh independence, live in tribes, etc.) And The Swiss (obvious reasons).
>>1958102Generally it appears like Swadians in WB, Vlandians seem to have relatively meh infantry, not bad.. just not that good imo. Their main strength is cav, based on my playtime at least.
what are your thoughts on the new dlc? also aow 4 thread
>>1955458They're all good (but can be pirated pretty easily if you have a legit copy on steam), my favorite's probably primal fury and then eldritch realms, dragons are cool but I usually prefer playing with a wizard king although some of its tomes are nice
>>1955511>that weird positionI don't think it's weird at all. If you like the game, the DLC gives you more of what you like. If you don't like the game, why would you want to buy DLC for it in the first place? Also, the devs release actual mechanical improvements (like the item forge and the hero rework) as free patches rather than making it part of the DLC.
>>1955629Oh its more that some games just have some absolute awful DLC that can make the game worse just by having it included. Endless Space 2 Academy dlc as an example. 4X games seem to have this weird balance where some DLC is so overpriced for absolutely nothing that its weird when none of the DLC is awful in some way. Either that or I've been burned too much in the past and so when a game actually has all decent DLC its weird to me.
>>1955458All of the DLCs are pretty good, whether they're worth it depends on whether you want the customization they offer.Changes and additions to core mechanics are added in free updates that come alongside the DLCs, so none of the DLCs are necessary to play the game.
>>1953448>>1953419Let us hope
Will playing a lot of strategy video games make more a strategic person in real life?
>>1957070Only between the ages of 5 to 15.After that it's just a substitute for self improvement.
>>1957070Only Mahjong.
>>1957070NoMy grandma is a chess grandmaster but makes typical old people dumb shit like pay for gas leak alarm scams or your old 8$ computer assistance where guy charges absolute the fuck out of you such as "accessing BIOS= 30$, work with windows registry 30$"Naturally I also fall for dumbest shit like Patreon and fake website scams but I am a BB and TW player so its ok.
>>1957070No, it'll just make you more frustrated when you realize in real life you have no control of anything that happens in your life.
A new game from the AI War dev where you play as a self-aware runaway AI that tries to take over a dystopian city. It is on early access but can be played from start to finish in it's current state.
>make the mineral skimmer>prep for the battle>20 enemies teleport on top of my tower which is on the other side of cityebin
>>1958035Yeah that got me the first time too. Luckily the minerals I was skimming from were only a block or two away from my tower so it wasn’t too much of an issue to pivot all the androids I had set up around the mining site.
>>1949221Got the gorilla species, VR stuff, uplifted raccoons and divorced liquid metal. Didn't know how to increase cognition to do the donuts and didn't wanna skip like 600 turns to the end so started some new playthroughs. (Tip: hack mechs manually for upgrades). Later went back and made a bunch of bio computers to reach lvl 5 cognition.
>>1948414is it as superficial and disappointing as ai war?
>>1949221I accepted a ball from a child and after everything stopped exploding I made friends with Lake. >read everyone else’s first endings where they did multiple thingsI feel stupid.
this has been a fucking big league war
How is their war motivation so high after a million losses
>>1958237they just hate catholicism that muchbut ive also had several skill issues with france. Good thing is i sieged two of their forts and they left the war, wich, without their straight up superior armies, has doomed the protestants
>>1958228why are you blobbing in italy as the popenreich?
aaaah GroSSpopenium...
>>1958228>Spanish CanadiaNever seen that one before. Also why did you take all of Guinea instead of just the gold and coast?
*is good now in your path*
>>1958256I'll give it a try if they change the name to something less retarded.
>>1958278The LOS tool and being able to queue up your opener moves before the game starts The division system replacing the nation system is more up to you, depends on your personal taste
The AI kinda sucks thoughbeit
>>1958274yes? I prefer it to RD but some people do not. I'd watch some youtube, or just refund it after trying the SP for a bit.>>1958278in my opinion, yes. I feel like the QOL and graphics advancements are worth it. I happen to like the setting (germany only) and the divisions, but for some those are the most divisive parts, so your mileage may vary. The rest of the game is very much just an upgraded and polished red dragon, that maintains the same comfy feeling with some minor gameplay tweaks.
How come Broken Arrow is the only war game that decided to use a modern day setting, instead of a cold war gone hot scenario
>>1951882>modern stuff is just not fun to play with in a video gameHideously wrong.
>>1952388awww he so cute i hope he doesn't get bombed
>>1944320Cold War gone hot is a little easier, and more present in people's minds. Plus there's a lot of pre-existing media focused around it, which makes it easier to draw inspiration.There's been a bunch of post cold war strategy games. WW2 and cold war are just more popular and easier time periods to set something in if you want a large scale peer vs peer conflict.But I don't think anything majorly holds back games not doing that.>>1951862>BA gets around these issues basically just by being russian.The studio is French.>>1949157Stop shitting up the threads with your autism, this is about video games. Go back to /uhg/ or /k/ope
>>1951882>modern stuff is just not fun to play with in a video gameEugigger cope, Broken Arrow's variety of modern munitions are so extremely fun to play with even when you lose you're still having a blast, from Javelins to Cruise missiles to loitering munitions, so much shit that goes boom and looks cool
So at this point we basically know all of the specializations that will be in on release except one as well as the vast majority of the unit roster (pending stuff still in development/subject to change)3 of each faction are already revealed.US Marines, Armored and AirborneRussian VDV, Coastal and Guards Tanks.The remaining 2 for the US areCavalry Brigade centered around Strykers and army regular hardware (revealed in a showcase in December). They're a kitchen sink list with their own apache variant, F-16s, A-10s, and their own patriot variant in addition to their infantry and transportsSpecial Operations centered around the 75th Ranger Regiment. Though things might've changed, as of the last leak they have 0 ground vehicles aside from some transport humvees and are purely a recon/infantry/air deck. This is where the F-22, B-2, AC-130 and so on are.And for Russia we're gettingMotorstrelki with mobik infantry and all the old soviet shitwareAnd a mystery 5th spec we know absolutely nothing about.Originally there were 4 specs planned and both of the 5th specs were essentially made by cannibalizing units from the other 4, which is why the US Airborne roster was so gutted last beta and why the faction generally lacks recon infantry (they're all moved to specops). For the russians all we know is that some AA, artillery and an IFV were quietly shifted to the new spec between betas so it may be something support-oriented.
comfy RTS were the bestrealtime strategy died and deaths in 2010-ishStarcraft 2's Terran package was ok, there is nothing badly wrong with the terrans,but they put all the eggs in one basket and only the terrans were sufficiently designed in starcraftit came in 2010golden strategy years was early 2000, it would improve upon genres founding fathers: dune2, battle isle (which is dune 2 done in turn base so not an RTS) warcraft 1 and command and conquerwhat games you ask? the real highlights of RTS are: Total Annihilation, Age of Mythology and NOT WARCRAFT3 but instead of Warcraft its an unknown Hungarian game named Armies of Exigo which portrays a world of Exigo instead of World of WarcraftExigo is still just the same as Warcraft/Warhammer thoughever:-race of men-dwarvesComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1954176Because it was a time where old guard was still alive and playing AND was relevant when it came to sales.
>>1954176Computers were still a niche item in 1998. People had them, but the people buying video games for them were the target audience for RTS. It was also before the days of the "AAA" game, so studios weren't pressured into making billion-dollar hits and could live with mild success. It was also a period of mass experimentation; people weren't afraid to try different things and see what stuck because the genre was effectively invented and refined by Westwood. As for why it failed? People tried to export the same gameplay loop over and over without the polish of earlier titles. EA killed Westwood, Blizzard became an MMO company, and Microsoft killed their games division in favor of the X-Box. Consoles didn't really take to these kinds of games, and their players didn't either. Titles were gatekept by big studios who really wanted bigger hits. It wasn't until Valve basically killed off the old model by allowing easy publishing that the genre has started to reappear.I should note that in many ways it never really disappeared, it just morphed into other things. Real Time Strategy is a very limited genre and players don't appreciate innovation, they want predictable and familiar. The people who didn't were fine playing 4x games, Grand Strategy, Total War, even The Sims.
>>1954176Neither the companies (especially "indie" ones) and the consumers were retarded back then.
>>1954279What a chad.
>>1954176Starcraft was so good it ruined the genre
>Playable nomads are coming to CK3.>Confirmation of playable republics in 2026.We're back folks. The only question is what's next.
>>1957429they're playable but boring as shit and have no flavor. Basically the only tribals that are actually fun are Norse and the Magyars
>>1957185>pops>Im crusader kingsDo you have perchance brain damage? Why would CRUSADER KINGS of all fucking games need an economy simulator?
>>1958254every game would be better if you add pops to it.
>>1958442and also i want to see the people I am genociding not just have a shitty flavor text. I want to be able to build a strong manufacturing base in a one province whilst I make my other provinces full on breadbaskets so I can roleplay different regions aesthetics.We just needed a ck2 with more indepth political options and economics systems plus the rpg elements they added like the travelling and ck3 would have been perfect.
What are some mechanics that, while making sense in context, are rarely or never done well ingame?For example, civil unrest and rebellion mechanics make a lot of sense in many strategy settings because they're a critical aspect of national politics in many eras and have played a significant role in shaping world history. But mechanically, it's either some lameass modifier that's usually fairly easy to compensate for by building happiness buildings or whatever, or it's some absolute bullshit like rebel armies spawning out of thin air and sieging your cities.
>>1958400I like to think it's either because the devs don't want to spend time making a detailed logistics system for you to manage, or because they want the game to be that little bit less grindy and let you go into the action more. I don't really mind it, it's a nice little flavour text/stat shit to me, it would be cool to have actual logistics/baggae train system and use that to beat your enemies
>>1958400>Yet usually the popular games about moving armies around world map like Total War series and Paradox games just ignore it or diminish it into simple negative attrition modifier.Logistic itself harder than field of battle.So problem is that you should teach AI to work with logistic (and it harder than combat calculation since AI need to predict future situation), or you can let AI ignore logistic just like SE do (and logistic have terrible realisation here), so you just add hard work to player for nothing.
>>1958400check Hegemony Goldfood is one of the most important resources and need to be stored before campaign or brought from the back, you can easily strip local reserves and it end badlyKOEI games also used to have some focus on food and suppliesMoO have hard limit on range from your bases where your fleet can operate
>>1957947Undeclared wars, border conflicts, contested zones, marches in the medieval era etc. The idea that borders were always clearly defined and respected has only existed in western countries since the 18th century and the rest of the world since the founding of the UNOne of the worst offenders IMO is how HOI interprets stuff like the Soviet-Japanese border war in Manchuria as a bunch of popups that just drain your manpower or give you tech bonuses in a game centered around warfare. There's also no way for a game to model something like the Iroquois exercising control over the Indians in the entire Ohio valley area without militarily occupying it.The closest I can think of is the Vic2 HoD colonisation race system when 2 countries try to colonize a new area simultaneously and keep upping the ante to claim sole ownership leading to automatic war declaration
>>1958464This reminds me. I hate how in CK2 you can't get above your initial casus belli. You can annihilate someone's army and occupy whole territory but if you only have one province in your war goals, then only this province you can take away. I preferred how it was in older EU3 when you could take more for the price of infamy if you had enough war score.
What makes strategy such a stagnate category of games? Most subgenres haven't been meaningfully innovated in a decade at least, and are often dominated by a single company.>4X: everything has been superficially modifying the Civ 5 formula since Civ 5 came out>Grand Strategy: Paradox reselling the EU4 formula in different packages again and again since 2013>RTS: dead genre since the 00s, except Eugen releases some reskin of Wargame every couple of years>RTS/TBS hybrids: Rome Total War is the first and last meaningful development here... 20 years ago>City Builders: somehow Cities:Skylines was the only real advancement since Sim City 4 for modern ones, and historical city builders are in an even worse stateThis isn't for a lack of necessary improvements. Most strategy games are plagued by horrid AI and buggy or non-existent multiplayer options. An inability to simulate much of anything is often held together by narrative elements. Entire time periods and forms of strategy are left out of most every game released, to the point even halfassed implementations are seen as unique. Economic simulation is almost always primitive, despite being the basis of all strategy. How did it get this way?
>>1957427Endwar had a cool thing going on (man, I wish someone made a spiritual sequel to that). You had to capture more than half the uplinks scattered on the map to trigger a victory countdown (or capture all of them to win instantly). When the countdown is triggered the losing side gets two special abilities: Uplink crash, which disables one of the winning side's uplinks (he then has to capture one more to trigger the countdown again), and a WMD which can knock out lots of units in a very large area - though once a WMD is deployed, the enemy can retaliate with his own.
>>1958347's interesting, I'll add it to my bucketlist of games to eventually try out.(Finding that video also made me remember the sseth channel, still active and doing well judging from 1M+ views per video.)
>>1944454>City Builders: somehow Cities:Skylines was the only real advancement since Sim City 4 for modern ones, and historical city builders are in an even worse statePLAY SONGS OF SYX
>>1944454>Grand Strategy: Paradox reselling the EU4 formula in different packages again and again since 2013>RTS: dead genre since the 00s, except Eugen releases some reskin of Wargame every couple of years>RTS/TBS hybrids: Rome Total War is the first and last meaningful development here... 20 years agoPLAY GRAND TACTICIAN CIVIL WAR.
>>1944454>4X: everything has been superficially modifying the Civ 5 formula since Civ 5 came outPLAY DISTANT WORLDS 2 (yes distant worlds is a 4x game)
Which one of these is better to get right now?Gates of Hell or AssQuad2?
>>1957510GoH AI is infinitely worse than AS2's
>>1954192Its almost like there is nothing else to talk about concerning them
>>1957189>enemy AI>goodYou haven't been playing long, the enemy AI mostly just cheats but its braindead as hell. Its the usual case of enemy knowing where all your units are, having infinite ammo, extreme accuracy, etc. With all that though it can't do any thing but send units straight forward, it can't foment strategy other than just try to overrun you and thus the player can win very easily by just exploiting the fact the AI is stupid.I've held off entire armies with one infantry or AT gun just because the AI is too stupid to actually think(something its incapable of)Its so easy to cheese the game because of the bad AI it sucks all fun out of the game.Its not what I call good, a challenge maybe for new players but only in the cheapest sense of the word.Keep playing and you will begin to understand how bad it actually is.
>>1957521you have to disable EAC on launch
>>1958276What? They didn't use EAC.
what's the best RTS campaign ever made?
Warcraft 3 and its not even close, the way they interlaced the amazing stories with the way the levels were designed was top tier.
What's your criteria for a good RTS campaign? What aspects do you like or prefer? For example, I've always liked when campaign allows you to do things outside the box (even if it's in the most obvious, simplistic, sometimes outright exploitative way) or use some primitive military tactics. Like, as a kid I loved the final protoss mission in Brood War, because you can essentially do a Dark Archon rush, capture a drone, build a Zerg base and wipe the map with two 200/200 Protoss/Zerg forces; or like Firestorm GDI finale, when instead of starting building a base straight away you can scout further, find a poorly defended CABAL base with three refineries in the middle of the map, so you move your MCV there, build barracks, capture those refineries (and harvesters) and have a decent enough base in relatively easily defensible place and with ample amount of resources; or RA2, when sometimes you can destroy Soviet MCVs before they arrive and then mop up the remaining forces later; or C&C3, when a lot of the time there are partially revealed maps with script triggers that you can avoid, prepare and overwhelm your opponent. Or I remember trying to play WC3 campaign on Hard difficulty and sucking so bad that the only way I could defeat the AI is to have multiple resource bases and a relatively small defending force (as lowest upkeep as possible), then wait for the attack wave, ramp up unit production right when it's started, defeat the attackers and then immediately counter-attack with reinforced stack, either crushing the opponent or destroying as many production buildings as possible; now, that was a lot of fun.
>>1957587Age of Empires came out in 1997, the latest Civilization out at the time was Civilization 2 when civs still had no unique features.This would rather suggest the reverse. Like saying Civilization 3 and later games are a mix of 4x and rts games, because they share a feature with an rts game, which is also retarded.Aging up doesn't put it apart from other RTS games, upgrading up in tiers is very common in rts games.As for replacing vs upgrading, in preceding civ games, you do replace old units and train new ones instead, since there's no promotion mechanic other than through Leonardo's workshop wonder, without it you need to train musketeers from scratch because your phalanxes are trash. Even with it, there are dead ends before modern era, there's no cavalry upgrading to tanks in Civ2. Also, Warcraft 2 has you upgrade Archers to Rangers, Knights to Paladins so you'd have to call wc2 a hybrid also.More techs is rather a matter of degrees, than difference of genre.Worker count is big in wc2, broodwar, and honestly not even that big in civ games, so not sure where that comes from.None of these are defining features of a 4x game as opposed to an rts game.An alternative victory condition is hardly enough to say a game is a mix of rts and 4x instead of just an rts, especially since it's not even a genre defining feature within 4x.You recognize a setting theme, like History.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1957501Its fun and iconic. Theres Teslacoils are cool and the atmosphere and soundtrack for the game is great. Its a fun game to play then and its still fun to play now. The CNC Retaliation Soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard. cannot tell me this song is not atmospheric as fuck.
>>1954331>time travel in a strategy game that covers all historical eras >instead of doing anything crazy with it you just go back to modern timesWaste of an opportunity if you ask me. Like imagine if you'd have to go back to ancient or middle times to stop time traveling terrorists from changing historical event.
I'm in search for one game, the one to fall in love with. Could it be Patrician 3? Dunno. Too much affairs. But I need a place to escape elsewhere. It has to be simple, retro-styled. No ultra 4k ultramegadetailed crap game. Just a zen garden, a microuniverse. Minecraft beta 1.7.3 was an option, but you're alone in there. Thoughts? Suggestions?
>>1952861Thanks for sharing with us how new you are again
>>1954269>literal railroad>open worldwhat did anon mean by this
>>1952861a literal 4yo posting, is this b
>>1957584Rise and Fall Civilizations at War? I know you can control a hero unit but I forget if you could board ships its been years since I played it.
>>1948194Patrician 3 is a cosy game. Watching your transportation routes get bigger and ships coming into port is chill
An awful thread for devs and no-devs to post their awful ideas for strategy games that will never see light of the day, etc.
>>1956987Read the official Godot docs and it'll make sense. It'll walk you through everything you need to know, give you links to basic general programming tutorials, and explain how the engine works. I have middling programming experience and the docs were all I needed.
>>1957004512x768I'm a GEN noob, I literally just made a CivitAi account, pressed "remix" on the first anime girl pic I found and made a 5 word prompt with all settings I understood on the cheapest cost.
>>1957026thanks anon
>>1909726I feel like game design is the hardest part.Currently, I'm looking to create some sort of relationship manager to mimic short of Byzantine experience:>player assigns troops to generals and orders them on expeditions in order to push back barbarians>success is based on the number of troops assigned, general's hidden skill, and RNG>if you give the general most of your troops you might get deposed in a coup while troops are away>if the general is successful he might expect a reward>if player grants him a reward, it will be expensive>and every time he wins a new victory he will demand an even higher reward>if the general is denied his reward, he might hijack the army and rebelThe idea to focus on pragmatism, if player relies too much on one general it will backfire, but if they keep rotating generals, eventually some incompetent general will cause a military disaster.
>>1958250>I feel like game design is the hardest part.imo you have to focus on the core gameplay/feedback loop and not get distracted by supplementary details. it sounds like you have a pretty solid loop envisioned but have it out of order.>create army > select general to lead army > fight battles against barbarians > if army loses, nothing happens > if army wins, general gains experience & influence now you have to consider these factors: what is the reward? is it money or power? if money, where do you the player get this money from? if provinces or cities, you will have to model this. perhaps you have a number of provinces that generate set values of tax revenues which is why you are defending against barbarians in the first place which is a key missing part of your equation.>have 10 provinces > player has authority/influence value > each province generates 0.5 gold per turn > it takes X gold to levy a new army > it takes Y gold to hire a new general > create army > hire general > fight barbarians to defend provinces > if army loses, nothing is gained, it must wait for its forces to generate > if army wins, general gains an "influence" value and demands Z gold related to their influence value > player must choose between levelling up their skilled army & general and levying new green armies with zero influence > barbarian armies also increase in level in battle, have no influence value > player can hire barbarian armies as foederati at the cost of influence rather than gold to balance their forces > if a general reaches player's influence/authority value they rebel, create new faction