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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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Yeah. Turns out making gacha and working on another project is too hard, so they postponed everything to focus on Ligma Company.
Enjoy the PM version of the mcu
Why did jannies spoiler the thumbnail?
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When I reached the age of sixteen, my father began to initiate us into the mysteries of the cabbala of Sephiroth. First, he gave us to read the Sepher ha-Zohar, or book of splendour, which is so called because nothing can be understood of it at all, for it sheds so bright a light that it dazzles the eyes of the mind. Next, we studied the Siphra di-Zaniutha, or book of concealment, which at its most explicit might well be thought to be written in riddles. Finally, we were shown the Idra Rabba and the Idra Sutha, also known as the greater and lesser Sanhedrin. These are dialogues in which Rabbi Simon bar Jochaï, who wrote the two preceding books, simplifies his style to the conversational, pretends to instruct his friends in the most basic knowledge but actually reveals to them the most astonishing mysteries; or rather, all the revelations that come to us directly from the prophet Elijah, who secretly left heaven to join Simon and his friends under the pseudonym of Rabbi Abba.
You non-initiates may think that you have got some idea of all this Holy Writ from the Latin translation which was printed together with the original Chaldean in 1684 in a small German town called Frankfurt. But we cabbalists laugh at the presumption of those who believe that all that is needed in order to read are the physical organs of sight. That may suffice for some modern languages, but in Hebrew every letter is a number, every word a learned combination of signs, every phrase a terrible formula, which, when correctly pronounced with all the appropriate aspirates and stresses, could cause mountains to crumble and rivers to dry up. I do not need to tell you that Adonai created the world by the Word and then made himself into a Word. Words strike the air and the mind, they act on the senses and on the soul. Although you are not initiates, you can easily grasp that they are the true intermediaries between matter and every order of intelligence.
Because its a disgusting phoneposter image

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The setting of Grimm's fairytales like Hansel and Gretel makes it unique and reminds me of KnightShift/Once Upon a Knight. Ganeplay wise it is an RTS, in the Warcraft 3-like subgenre. It seems to have only been released it German. Did anyone else play World Fables?

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What were your thoughts on the ending?
What does the future hold in store for Valhalla?
And most importantly, which waifus will make an appearance in Banished Children?
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I hope he's got an interesting story and is nice to play because he's by far the blandest design we've got in the series.
I feel all of the designs are worse than the Abandoned Children designs. I get that they're meant to evoke a more tribal, less modern society, but there's nothing shown so far that really pops. Even Ryu traded his flashy jacket for some hipster hobo look.

I hope they have some good alt costumes planned.
Wow this is an absolutely shit design and I hate everything about it. They even gave him that same retarded haircut that EVERY black character must have by mandate. They should've just had Jason (The Man Who Never Gives Up) as a protagonist instead of this dude.
The only design I felt was really cool so far is Hannahs, Claudia looks good too, otherwise yeah, not really feeling most of the other designs. I also don't know why Ryo is suddenly blonde when he had brown hair in the first game. I fucking HATE Tyras design, too.
>I also don't know why Ryo is suddenly blonde when he had brown hair in the first game
I could see an experienced assassin like him dying his hair so he's harder to identify at a glance. Everyone outside of White Dragon either wants to arrest him or kill him.

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What made Civ 4 so special that people designate it as the cut-off point from when the series started declining?
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I completely agree with this. Civ 4 got empire and city management right. I'd say that civ 5's religious system was a fun improvement and so we're city states, but just about everything else was a downgrade. The ramping city maintenance of civ 4 was the perfect way to balance expansion and no 4x game has improved upon that.
is this new buzzword discord troon obsess over nowadays? havent seen it posted by anyone whos opinion wasnt absolute shit
How often do you adapt your strategy to your leader/civ in this game?
Maybe I'm bad but I swear >95% of my decisions are unaffected by who I'm playing as. Most buildings are useless and most units are either bad or are only available after the game is virtually over. I just build more cottages as FIN and settle 2 tiles away from resources as CRE.
That's because Civ IV actually has good game design where your strategy is more centered around the developing context of your current playthrough as opposed to nuciv's highly specialized civ traits and bonuses that force you into a specific style.
Almost constantly in subtle ways. The map determines the best overall strategy, and leader traits mostly just affect the order that I build things in my cities, though some traits let you skip some details almost entirely. Like skipping monuments when you're creative, or using warriors to defend against barbs if you're aggressive instead of rushing out a chariot or something, all of which saves turns.

If shortcuts like that happen to change the pace of my tech so that I get a better chance at a wonder or at rushing someone, then I'd say I'm adapting my traits to my strategy.

There's only a few really gimmicky unique units/buildings that are worth focusing on, even if just for fun. Like rushing cho-ko-nu's for collateral damage without catapults, or upgrading gallic warriors to guerrilla 3 and throwing them at a hill city with guaranteed 50%+ survival odds.

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Get in here and talk about hoi4 modding.
>OWB 5.0 update dropped
>TFR 2nd stream on March 29th
>Kaiserreich Ireland rework incoming
Also share your modding tips here as well.
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>doesn't even adjust any state borders
lazy slop
Anyone got a qrd on the differences in KX's github compared to the steam version? I wanna know if its worth the hassle to install.
Germany tried to get Mexico to mediate between them and Japan and convince Japan to get involved. In this timeline it works.
No clue why the artist chose to include it.
>Impossible. Such invasion would be way too costly for them, especially for Japan.
It’s a bit far-fetched, but then again all althis mods are. I’m not envisioning the invasion getting very far, capturing a few coastal cities, before the USA folds.
Right now I’m trying to get the whole map with states + content before I do any small changes or graphics
Desert Rangers or Lanius

I'm fascinated with the possibilities between different unit types and gear/tactical instructions. I'm only about 10 hours into the game and trying to dip into the finer details before the difficulty curve becomes less comfy.

What builds are you guys running and what lessons have you learned?
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Each land gets less and less content and is shorter and shorter than the last. They really are best to worst in the order that you are sort of forced to do them. The story also kind of meanders because of the structure. It's just 4 separate stories that all sort of follow the same idea of "someone has been possessed or invaded this land and we need to help the natives push them out". And then there's like 2 minutes of "oh and also here is the background of the main villain, go defeat him." After 13 Sentinels the story feels quite weak and it left me waiting for some kind of twist or revelation but it's all pretty straight forward tactical RPG story. The gameplay is very addictive though.
Back again, here's some comps that have worked for me. For context I'm generally leveled around the 20s and in Elheim.

1. Heavy Cav

Touched on this last time, so I'll keep it brief



Slap these together and run wild.

2. Heavy Infantry

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>Also just genuinely unsure how to fit mages into my stacks. They're too slow and fragile. I think I may try to work them in among the elves once I have a few more.
Ever tried a combo squad like Trinity Rain? Those can be deadly if you can pull them off. The Cat Hoods are usually involved in the process to make charge attacks release faster but the disadvantage of this is that since you're banking every resources you have to pull the combo, one wrong move and you might get wiped out instead, like Featherbows blinding your Trinity Rain user, making his move miss completely or an Owl pulling off a Quick Dispel to your Quick Impetus user, blocking you off to quickly pulling off your combo.
A team of Dragoon Dive with Frozen Conferral + Trinity Rain is even more deadly, and you can pull this one of in one squad only.
I'm just starting the game and am learning about stationing guards. Is there a downside to this? I don't understand why they would implement a system where they want you to go to each town to place a unit and get free stuff. They could just skip the placing a unit part and give you free stuff after each battle.

Or is it purely for atmosphere so you can play pretend that you got your big boys guarding towns?
-_- nevermind right after I stationed a guard it informed me about gifts. So I guess this is their system for giving gifts to your characters.

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I am looking for minimalist strategy games. So, tight focus and streamlined without bloat mechanically or even graphically, though cool graphics are also fine, especially if they cleave to minimalist aesthetics while still being engaging. I will list some I have played

>Cursed Kingdom- Itch.io gamejam game about managing a plague. Very short but fun.
>Death Crown- Tower defense RTS where you order your guys down lanes and use towers to fight off the other guy's lanes. Really nice aesthetics.
>Desolation Tycoon- post-apocalyptic trading/caravan sim where you build up riches and armed forces to make a profit until you retire or die. Surprising amount of worldbuilding for such a simple game, but meta-progression takes forever
>High Strategy: Urukon- Minimalist GSG that filters me every time I try to play it and I can't tell if it is skill issue or the game is bad, would like to see what other people think of it. It has a sequel that I have not played so I can't say if it's good.
>Immortal Defense- Another tower defense strategy game with a schizo kino plot.
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cool, i'll probably be revisiting this game from time to time when i have a few minutes to kill.
Warlords 1 & 2 are very simple but engaging. 3 started to make it a bit more complex, and while not a bad game, I like the first two better. Every faction sharing the same unit pool in them meant that production of cities had actual strategic value.
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damn, i thought that would take me longer. just booted it up for my lunch break and sure enough i got this as a result. guess once you familiarize yourself it's a piece of cake
guess my original post stands
Based. Warlords 1 and 2 are wonderful in their simplicity.
I bought Warlords 3 after finishing a playthrough of Age of Wonders 1 and wanting a quicker game. It fits the bill, a massive fight in a large map should take an hour or two while in AoW a similar scenario would take several days. And all the combat is automated, you just worry about army composition and movement.

No other game actively insults the player for trying to play 50% of factions the way this piece of shit did.

Everything from units, economy and abilities were hilariously skewed in the "good" guys favor.
There's nothing to offset the imbalance either.
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why not age of the ring?
Patch 1.02 was kino because each faction had their own best unit so the meta was easy. Good guys just spawned horses, isen spawned pikes and Mordor spawned trolls
1.03 attempted to balance everything so army makeup became much more varied, but good still steamrolled, that was their last attempt and the game just stayed unbalanced
Gondor is ass, Mordor stomps them the fuck out every time no diff, mountain trolls and their busted OP catapults crush anything they put out. The only faction that stands out as unfair bullshit is Rohan with Rohirrim, Elves and Ents. t. Mordor main
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>Pick goblins
>Build caves and holes
>Spam hundreds of gobs
>Drown enemy in gob fodder
>Power increase go brrrrr
>Get scavenger
>Gob flood literally triples
Works every time, AotD and kekwood archers can't even stop it when the entire map is goblins
based and Moria pilled

¨10/10 but i cant ignore the feel that could have more content.¨

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>favourite pilot
the robot who can do two attacks
>favourite squad
Get a chain of lighting through a building with the lightning mech, piloted by Silica, and you are doing a whopping six damage on every linked enemy every turn
i disagree i felt like for what it was it was graciously short
i didn't need the same puzzle ad infinitum the game is really quite easy to solve and then that's it you're done
if it is to ever have more content then it needs to evolve more and not just tack on a few new mechs, pilots, and maps
gz anon you're still getting better at games you aren't old yet
imo a huge problem with itb is the lack of rng
i essentially never felt like i was facing a remotely unwinnable situation in fact i was convinced the game made sure that there was always a way to win
besides new gear and pilots everything seemed very calculated to me which is both pleasant but also completely decompresses the tension and reduces it to a pretty simple puzzle game
The fact that it feels like a puzzle is a big plus for me since figuring out a solution to a tight spot is very satisfying, plus it puts the blame square in your lap when things go south. I agree that the AI does sometimes feel like it's holding back with how aggressive it could be - there's always a few targetting your mechs that could have done much more damage to the run by going after buildings instead. Haven't played on Unfair much though so maybe it's different there.
For the tactical aspect of the game the minimal RNG gives it a chess-like feel which is fine really. The dev gave a talk on the design process of ITB and they really wanted to avoid extra stats layers, and just play with "boardgame" numbers.

Grid% could do with a buff, because it's just so low it may as well be zero, and if you're finger crossing on a Grid% roll to survive a mission, you may as well abort the run.

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The game is super slow compared to RTS games I'm used to but I still like to replay it once in a while
probably starcraft of aoe1
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I don't actually recall what came first. This was for sure the first one I owned but I also remember playing Rome Total War at a friend's house and being amazed by the scale of the battles. I would have been about 10 for both

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Any other promising games coming out this year?
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I agree and have the same problem. It just looks busy, clunky, and dated. And that's before the WC3/WoW aesthetic kicks in and makes me feel unwarranted disappointment.
How many of the city builders (outside of SoS) have a construction cycle. I enjoy the process of watching a city build up and grow, not so much a fan of "ploppers"
literally every fucking nail is simulated
I don't remember there being slaves but there was a class/caste system. You could capture warriors/civilians from enemy civilizations but their only purpose ATM is to be sacrificed at religious festivals which you have to schedule. Cotton like other crops are grown and harvested by farmer pops and you have to set up irrigation systems to grow them effectively (OTOH there are important crops like agave that cannot be grown with irrigation)

You are required to schedule annual major and minor festivals to various gods to do things like prevent droughts/storms, to encourage fertility, to give you military morale boosts etc. and a bunch of them require human sacrifices.
Thanks anon that sounds quite promising. How is the battle system ? Capturing enemy warriors was big for mexican societies, the more prestigious the captive the better the sacrifice or slave, which granted rank to the warrior.

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Where can you recruit elephant mercs in EBII?
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Bros I'm 200+ tunrs in as Carthage, is there a way to reliably stop 3 province minors around the map blockading my ports and setting me at war with them for 5-10 turns until I can get a diplomat to them?
yeah build a fucking navy m8, you're carthage
I fight them off, I'm talking about just side stepping the hassle
There is a sub mod that fixes it.According to the modders the naval ai is so fucked that you can either have a really aggressive naval ai or one that barely uses it’s navy.
You can see in the unit preview program that is in the eb 2 data files where units are recruitable, and if theyre recruitable as mercs. I think for elephants you need to conquer certain regions in north africa, syria, india and build regional governments or get antiochia and get the royal elephant stables there.

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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
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I did a spreadsheet to figure out what non-extracting business available to my village nets the most amount of difference of price from input to output. I came to the conclusion that if you're buying stuff to refine and then sell the profit margin is a sliver
>the (hay + water) -> cow -> meat and hides pipeline barely makes a proffit
>(wheat + water + wood + salt) -> bread barely makes a profit
>(hay + water) -> horses is a huge net loss
the only refining business that can be reasonably profitable is buying limestone and wood to produce lime. Other businesses require you to own the mines, forestry and farms and to cart stuff manually into the city to produce a sizeable net profit
That's why i stopped building schools in my villages. The villagers' role is to quarry stone, gather wood, hunt. Maybe rarely pick fruit, do vegetables, breed sheep or chicken.
Any thoughts?
That is it, I'm becoming a lime burnermaxxing fruitgrowercel
>Piston engines
We almost Vicy now.

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watch discord replays
Trying the beta and it just felt weightless to play
Like, I understand the fact that I didn't get into the learning curve but nothing felt mindful like it does when I occasional revisit SC2 coop
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>>D.Va vs Diablo
Imagine getting excited to a game that was made by a bunch of traitors, of wich they´re all the REAL reason of why Blizzard is lacking recently.
A game that all of you should play more that WOW retail, and this shitty "RTS game" for that matter.

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