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This thing is in a Humble Bundle right now. Hadn't heard of it before but seems to be a HoMM clone. Is it any good?
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Play or nay?
Play. Its got issues, it's not perfect, but its one of those few games that looked at HOMM's gameplay and tried something new and was actually fun.
Though I'll admit I'm looking forward to that weird HOMM type game with the mole people.
>I'm looking forward to that weird HOMM type game with the mole people
What's the name of the game?
Had to find it again. Silence of the Siren, has a demo.
It's just the "I can't draw but I also can't afford to hire someone who can" pixelart style endemic to indies. I don't much like vampire survivors, but it definelty looks better than this game visually, since it has "I can kinda do Simphony of the Night sprites" art

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Is it any good? Was it worth the wait?
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Keltering on my krieg rn
>there's no real idealogical struggle anymore
Like there wasn't during French Revolution? Come on man
>for an althis Cold War mod Entente/German victory does not work nearly as well as Int/Russia victory
Int/Russia would be boring because it's just irl cold war
>and it's not like Toronto Cuccords are made up of staunch anti-monarchist republicans
They are, see France
>what are they fighting over? Pure realpolitik stuff in the fucking 50s?
Old order vs new order, continentalism vs atlanticism, monarchy vs liberalism, empires vs nation-states? There are a lot of themes that could be explored that are beyond copypasted irl cold war with ebil savinkov and wholesome syndies.

>TL;DR - if the setup of your mod is boring it doesn't matter how good everything else is
That's not true at all, I found pony setup to be boring and cringe but I still played it because everything else was good. Kalterkieg sucks just because it was poorly made
nothing ever happens simulator
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Considering how gigastrong Germany is and how weak the Entente are in KR, this scenario just seems retarded. The Reichspakt just clobbers everyone into submission.
>world war every 20 years
>every single time Germany just absolutely rapes everybody
What could have been, the thousand year reich that we deserved.

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>Divine Dragon
>Can't even use a Dragonstone or be an actual dragon
what's the point?
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No? When you think back mercantilism the main reason that was even the case was because of the relationships between colonies and the colonizers heavily favored the colonizers. In reality the ones with the raw materials have complete control and can set the price at whatever they want. The ones producing the finished goods mark-up the price. This is why it was so common for countries to fight over raw materials to begin with. This wars were either for control over the source or control by proxy. And all of this is just ignoring that Brodia can likely produce its own finished goods.
Relationships between colonizers and colonies favored colonizers because, barring very few contemporary examples (the US, Mexico, and Canada), most Colonies would die in misery if their colonizers sent military interventions
That's my point.
It doesn't change the fact that, if all other things are equal, the guy selling the raw good will make less money than the guy who produces the finished good.
Brodia probably relies on war plunder to pay its soldiers.
Y'all hate fun, engage is a blast

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Sign up and play Aphrodite's game from Friday through Sunday every morning, your goddess commands it!

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To produce more workers, more workers = more resources = more army
Atlanteans are in, Egyptians are out for the stress test.
>Lets you produce more workers quickly
Yes you are capped at 100 Villagers, but it takes a while to get there. 20s per Vil. A second TC lets you train more (assuming you have the food input) allowing you to grow your economy quicker. A second TC early is an investment to get your economy up and running quicker
>Higher pop cap
Once you have built all your houses, only way to increase it further is more TCs
>Map control
While not as good as a Fortress, TCs are still chunky buildings with arrow attacks. Fighting under your own TC is an advantage, so taking one of the middle ones can help you control the map
>Better trade routes
Other settlements are often in a better position for maximising trade caravans compared to your starting one.
1 hour left to the first test!
beta was supposed to be 3 hours but it's still going

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>words cannot encapsulate the hatred i have for your kind
>you're a stain on this galaxy, you disgust me
>enjoy these 11 titan class warships with plasma cannons you piece of shit
>your entire fleet is now destroyed and your civilisation is doomed after 1 battle

this game is hard
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There's no rule 34 of Klackons and I am VERY upset about this.
>people complain about the new humanoid silicoids in the new MoO
>this is what previous looked like
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They looked better in MoO1.
I remember reading about this guy's experience with MOO3

>start game
>try figuring things out
>suddenly a race he never saw before said they're sick of your insults and declare war
>few turns later they show up again begging for peace
>uh okay
>soon after the game crashed

Can't say I'm thrilled to ever give it a chance

Bulrathi also became awful in 2. They went from bears to pigs
Dumb faggot. You lose the privilege to call anyone else a retard when you can't even figure out how to reverse image search.

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Who gave you the right to rule?
It wasn't the people
It wasn't God
It was (You)
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>the world is healing

This game is truly a dark age. I'd legitimately vomit, I only play Rome.
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The year is now 458.
As it turned out, the Huns had one last horde skulking within the alps. Once Baduila put down its sister army in Burdigala, this last remnant fled northwards into the Germanic wastes.
In the following years, the armies of the Vandals pushed to the east and north, conquering Vienna, recolonizing Liguria, and snatching Venetia and Libya from the Roman successor states of Illyria and Africa, respectively.
Despite this violence at the empire's frontiers, as well as turmoil with the Roman separatists in Gaul, a strange new paradigm fell over the Vandalic realm. Peace broke out, seemingly all of a sudden. Treaty after treaty was signed with the Vandals' former foes, setting long-held grudges aside in favor of a new tranquility. Trade was opened with the Ebdanians, allowing precious lead to flow into the Mediterranean again for the first time in decades. Gold mines were reopened in Gallaecia, and the northern coast of the med was swiftly returning to a prosperous existence.
When King Baduila returned to Carthage in 456, ostensibly to reinforce his retinue, the accompanying celebrations could have been compared to one of the old Roman triumphs. Throngs of captured Hunnic and Roman slaves were led before the King, who rode upon his mighty steed. Wagons followed, some laden with British lead, which would be put towards expanding the Arian monastery within the city. Others carried precious silks from the east, the fruits of trade with Constantinople. Baduila's reign had seen the Vandalic kingdom grow from merely one of the petty states warring over the Mediterranean in the wake of Western Rome's fall to the undisputed reigning power of western europe. There was still much work to do. The northern wastes awaited resettlement, and the Huns still remained somewhere within them, needing to be vanquished. For now though, Baduila was content to bathe in the warmth of North African sun, confident in his people's future.
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Strategic map of my game as of the winning turn. I'm glad the victory cutscene came up at cultural victory, because I don't really feel like going for divine triumph here. Think I'll do Western Rome next.
Fantastic campaign, anon. But I am pretty sure that had any of this happened in real life, we'd all be living in huts and banging our cousins right now.
Ooh, I'm intrigued by you doing WRE game. I started my first campaign last night, I'm 10 turns in and scorched the starting german lands but didn't think the cumulative PO debuffs would be brutal. I might restart it since it's pretty hefty like -30 uncertainty or something.

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This coming update will be the last update for Total War Pharaoh, as the Sofia team has already switched to making the Khorne part of the upcoming Orcs, Ogres and Khorne DLC for Warhammer
The CA main team is also working on Warhammer DLC, and all the "leaks" have been proven false, likely including the WW1 Total War leak and the Star Wars leak
CA is now totally committed to making Warhammer DLC, no history games appear to be in the works at all

It's beyond over, it's time to forget Total War ever happened
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Playing Babylon
It's definitely bigger, a lot better, and there's more of a feeling of it being a real Bronze Age game instead of a small theater in a larger struggle. It might be a little same-y to some, but the game is still pretty good now.
Lethality needs some balancing though, wow
They haven’t learned a single thing from this. If they ever decide to make another niche setting game, the higher ups are gonna be breathing down the devs necks to make as little content as possible and sell the rest of it as “eventual” DLC so they can pat themselves on the back when it fails because they saved the company money by predicting that it would fail.
that's because cavalry was intended for an iron age update, but this game is dead in the water so they released everything they had lying around
tried it. The game feels cheap. I tried using chariot and it couldn't charge for shit. Refunded and went back to attila

My issue with the warhammer games is i play AOS and recently the TOW so everytime i try to play TWWH3 it just makes me want to paint my minatures and go to my hobby shop. If Sofia and TW in general focuses on fantasy games thats fine but id prefer them to do A Song Of Ice and Fire setting.

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Because real W&R threads haven't been tried yet

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provided there is a gap between the struts, you should be able to run a pedestrian path underneath aggregate conveyors. i frequently do so, in fact.
weird, I was trying to set up an area with a bunch of conveyors and it was refusing to read pedestrian distances properly
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that's some good sprawl you got going there m8 which map
no jobs for whangarei for authentic experience
it's a map i made for myself. it was a challenge map with no resopurces, but it turns out if you add no resources the game adds them for you, so i have studiously ignoring those

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We will get a new game one day, right?
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Statistically it's likely but maybe you're 1300 or something.
I'm not over 1300 but my MMRI is higher than some people's with over 1300 since I was once seeded higher in a tournament
Man, these AWBW maps are a pain in the ass...
post more lash

problem is that way too many of them have stupid gimiicks
My curiosity is piqued. I wish to challenge you roaming raid boss.

Why is it almost 2025 and still not semi-accurate representation of the most KINO war in video games format?
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The scale at which most Napoleonic battles were fought was larger than TW gives you. Really that's TWs weakness as a series, it fails to capture just about everything in a battle except the climax. There's relatively little scouting, maneuvering, skirmishing, and so forth. Just two armies show up at a predetermined spot and fight to the point of unrealistically high casualties.
Because this isn't the 19th-early 20th century when Napoleonic wars were the hottest shit and the be-all end-all for reenactors, grandpa
jews start a lot of wars but to attribute most wars and atrocity to them is retarded
It's too easy, though.
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By the will of Kou Shibusawa, the latest Koei thread begins anew!
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I see 7 is on ps plus streaming, might give it a try but would definitely prefer something downloadable like 8 or tk13
I’m guessing wo long is slop
8 Isn't a bad place to start. I just find the story not as fun as 7 and the hypothetical endings, which are fun, don't hit as much if you aren't familiar with the story. Rottk 13 could also work, but obviously it's a strategy game not a Musou game.

>Wo long
No clue. I'm not inherently against the concept of a Dark Souls clone set in the han Dynasty, but that's all I can really say.
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What's the deal with Tsugaru Tamenobu's Buddhist symbols? Was he a former monk or somebody that loves Buddhism so much?
We're back DWbros
>actually level design
>morale system
>enemy is actually aggressive as fuck
>actually march forward together with your allies to fight
We are so fucking back!

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lads, it's time for a brood war thread
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Remind me, why was Starcraft purged from /vg/ all those years back again?
besides artosis casts, what's another good channel that casts broodwar and doesn't sound like shit?
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Have fun. SC1 has a lot of great dialog and a decent variety of missions.

Level design in Brood War is heads and shoulders above classic though. Everything is mixed up nicely so you can’t just turtle up to super units and spam
At least Brood War was only gookclick by accident.

Opinion on AOE4 best game ever created, ever!
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the game sux and its new update make it clear that aoe 4 was a dead game bloated with goypass tourists
lol the hype died quickly
They need to buff Samurai. I find it super immersion-breaking that one single Samurai can't AT LEAST beat 5-6 European Knights. It should be more like 10-12, but I can make some concessions for game balance. Medieval armor is utterly useless against Nippon steel and the gameplay needs to reflect as much.
I think AoE4 is by far the best AoE so far. I can't go back to AoE2, I miss all the comfort features and civs actually being different.

>its new update make it clear
Last Wololo tournament, they released a massive update right before the tournament and pros got mad that the meta changed thusly right then.

That's why this time, they release it AFTER the tournament, that's why the big changes are coming in mid August, rather than at the start of this season.
One Mounted Samurai can beat 12 Man-at-Arms, if you kite long enough.

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Can anyone for god's sake tell me how the fuck i play this? Seriously, i'm fucking tired of installing and uninstalling this shit because every time i try to play i give up because i don't know what i'm supposed to do. The game's tutorial is crappy and you can't deny that.
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Paradox uses mess math as a way if concealing how a thing works, so that players make choices based on roleplay vibes instead of number crunching. Combat in hoi4 is actually really simple but it's presented to the player in a deliberately misleading and overcomplicated way because solving for simple combat typically just means ruling out 90% of options as suboptimal.
The buffs the AI gets from the slider is no joke. Even the shitalians are able to hold against me as India in Ethiopia for a full year and thats without The 30% core defence/attack they are given.
>Even the shitalians are able to hold against me as India
>as though this is somehow supposed to be a surprise
>still only for a year
i honestly don't know if this is a joke
These days even the AI can crush Italy all over Africa in a month. Not so easy when they have as many medium tank divisions as they do inf because of the modifiers
Ironically the uk won north africa against max buffed Italy and still had god knows how many Italian divisions encircled there when the capitulated from sealion.

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>start game
>immediately design 8,000 ton light cruiser, 15,000 ton armoured cruiser
Time to game.
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Why can’t I save my refit designs? Do I have to build the ship in the old style and refit it later seems abit odd that I can’t just build the same hull with my better tech
How come the turns get really slow during massive battles when the game is this simple
Can you armor your ship to protect against missiles? How thick do they need to be and using which armor scheme
what kind of research priority do you usually go for? I always set fire control and machinery to high, and then depending on what kind of priority I want I set either guns/ap/he to high, or torps/light forces. Everything else on low. Airships get ignored, heavier than air and AA to medium when it rolls around, electronics and missiles to high when they start to appear
i don't think so
the missile cruiser armor scheme is literally 0 armor

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