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Lets ignore the civ switching thing they stole from Humankind.

What actually is there in Civ7?
There seemed to be no workers, cities still spread out but for each building?
combat is continuous?

Didn't seem like a lot of inputs.
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I hope we get more factions than this soon, because the roster is currently looking kinda lackluster
I mean it's historically accurate (supposedly)
That's not fair hair though.
>they didn't even use mocap now all the animations look like robots controlled by aliens
I meant the beergut part.

Why aren't there more games like this? I want base builders that are actually fun and challenging not just micro managing shit mindlessly.
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sounds more like mindful micromanagement to me
Only the early game is like that, which is the worst part of the game.
Just play factorio with the settings to whatever you want
The Last Spell is better.
not even the same genre

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Is this piece of shit ever going to fix infantry AI?
>tell squad to throw AT grenade at tank that is within throwing range
>one guy pulls out AT grenade
>runs all the way to the end of the trench to exit it
>runs along the entire trench again to reach the tank
>tank moves a tiny bit when he's close
>stops in the open, standing straight
>slowly rotates towards the tank that's moving backwards at a snail's pace
>thro- gets shot and dies

>select squad and tell them to attack a trench
>they all run in one big blob or line at it
>when an enemy is encountered they stop in the open field and start shooting from standing position
>even the MG gunner is hip firing his MG
>none of them use grenades to attack the trench unless manually told to do so

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>Dumb AI is good because players are forced to micro harder and RTS/RTT games are all about micro!
Aren't the devs and playerbase mostly these people?
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who are you even arguing with nigger save for the few whimsical little pranksters I think everyone agrees that the A.I needs to be unfucked asap
They are. Look at Steam threads pointing out the AI is shit and you'll see retards that go "oh it's supposed to be like that!" or "maybe play more casual games???"
>pepe poster is a retard who gets all his opinions from other people
>mow2 fag is a contrarian shil

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defcon bros...
we're going home
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well it doesn't work on my machine. let that sink in.
maybe you should just have a better computer?
uh, no?!?!?!?!??
I got through the Korean War scenario pretty easily, hell I even got the second objectives and occupied a Chinese territory. But the Cuban Missile Crisis scenario is FFFFFUCKING me. I can't make landfall or anything.
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You do have know that using naval transport is for poor countries. You are playing as ameriburgers. Every army base has capability to launch 3 transport planes filled with airborne divisions. Just destroy the Cuban SAM-sites in the western part of the island and drop at least three, preferably more divisions and just roll down the island.

Pic related. Burgers strategic airlift capabilities.

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How did Slay the Spire achieve such perfection? There's no way the sequel can possibly live up to this legacy.
And yes this is a strategy game
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Lost Branch Of Legend does it better
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Did OP know he was starting a dedicated slay the spire hate thread on the wrong board?
>read through this thread
yep, it's mad cuz bad.
>slay the spire
>darkest dungeon
The holy trinity of retard magnets. Also not strategy games.
How does the Underrail /vm/ thread manage to maintain consistent shittiness?

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I've never played any space trading games but Freespace, X series, Wing Commander, etc. look cool. What's the best entry point into the genre? I want something intuitive and easy to pick up but also focused on exploring cool places more than space combat.
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Freelancer is really easy to get into. Go get it, get the HD mod and play one of the best space sims ever.
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nta, but could you kindly direct me to the space exploration and trading sim board? sounds sweet.
also curious why buy low, sell high isn't strategy?
are you one of those if no base building, no strategy people? if so, how about city builders?
or, inshalla, are you some type of paradox "enjoyer?"
extremely based!
Kill yourself tranny
Escape Velocity 1,2, and 3 from Ambrosia Software
Star Valor, NAEV, Endless Sky.
X:3 Terran Conflict
Beat Hazard 3 is currently on sale on steam as well.

Thread for discussion about these games and RTTs similar to them.
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damn, i do not recognize the best bangers on here AT ALL. i must have been on the edge of my seat as soon as the action started. the only ones that seem familiar are the ones that played during the missions with long no-combat sections

played this game twice too
What's the modding scene look like for TDF:D? I'm hoping someone overhauls it and sets it in the T1-3 plus SCC and side novels universe.
There is surprising amount of mods for it. Most of them seem to focus on balance and difficulty.
Considering Aleppo fell recently, you'd be in the worst fucking position imaginable
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Here are my ideas for the first two missions considering what currently happened.
>Mission 1-Retreat from Aleppo
You do rear guard duty with a token force covering the retreat of convoys. After they leave you have to escape before the superior opposing force bulldozes you. A single unit escaping is considered a success.
Mission gives you a single infantry division, militia and a couple of jihadmobils.
>Mission 2-Defense of Hama
Defend the north of the city and don't allow rebels into the city. Should they enter a failsafe event will play out that places some AI infantry and militia to attempt to stop further rebel encroachment. If this happens you don't get support for a convoy rescue side mission that gives you a Republican Guard and military sniper squads, one of each.
Enemy has BMPs, Toyota MLRS, Jihadmobils, mortars and a shit ton of infantry. And later in the mission rebel cells spawn in buildings that will only harass you, not advance in the city You get pretty much what you already had, but more of it plus a single BDRM or BTR. Also two Russian operators with periodically get two airstrikes to help you cope with your inferior everything. As a set piece, tank and BMP convoys move and engage rebels on the side roads.
Mission is complete after holding out for 30 minutes.

Would subsims be considered /vst/ material? Admittedly, they focus on single unit tactics, as opposed to fleet action. But they still don't feel like action games.

Also SH:CE thread, if anybody other than me has ever played it.
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That's the point though, space "submarines" would use tech that masks thermal output and would mitigate heat generation by running with minimal systems. Their "submerged" endurance would be limited first by heat sinking capacity then by oxygen supply as they'd shut down life support to stay stealthy for longer.
pretty much this, but I think the fun in german subs as a genre is that you know it's a lost cause and will die. It makes early game fun, mid game more fun when you get a better ship, then late game brutal because your new ships are still shit that gets countered by radar and sonar with waves of new ships built to counter you. It's why we like Das Boot, not because it glorifies the kriegsmarine or shows how op subs are but because we know they can't win, same with the games. The fun is in the suspense, not the winning. A Guppy sim would be boring because you'd be unfathomably successful in each patrol while u-boat is a horror game disguised as a simulator.
How would they do that? Even a few watts could be picked out. You're not going to hide anything with people on it for sure.
>u-boat is a horror game disguised as a simulator.
That's a surprisingly accurate description.
forget thermal emissions, laser detectors would be insanely effective. Outside of a perfect mirror angled just right, light will be absorbed and picked up by instruments. Space war will be slow and boring, with months between actions since engagements will be timed in lightspeed with distances in AU.
I could totally see a KSP/Uboat-esque game with LIDAR replacing sonar functions and orbital maneuvers require critical thought.

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How many soldiers have died under your command?
Was it worth it?
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What is this game?
Aurora 4x - autistic freeware space 4x.
>this will threaten the existence of his state
yes, poor russia and its existential threat of several tiny countries around it
Is there diplo?
VB6 has Mostly basic and pretty automated one.
C# version has some more diplo options tho.

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Bot thread
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Kino thread
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>There will never be Dawn Of War 3 Part 2
we need to meme relic into this, with even more girlbosses and moba elements

how are you doing my lords and ladies
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The temporary continents make sense when you realise admin makes so many economy changes over time that you need to do a hard reset of your domains to get them to be profitable again.
From what I gather, the economy is fluctuating because the Emperor of Terra Borealis whines to the upper crust.
All downhill from here.
I'm not playing a game called Lands of Lords.
Called it!

How the fuck does this work. I did not go to college for economics.
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Manual for everything ? You only need it for construction and military goods.
>Cause the Great Depression in 1872 instead of 1929
Thanks, I'll pass
>How the fuck does this work.
It doesn't.
It's actually very simple and very shit, it's just hidden behind arcane interfaces.
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Capture all the rubber. Make electric stuff. Produce 50%+ planes and so on. Win.

Are you a UEF, Aeon, or Cybran guy?
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Oh, I know, I was just memeing.
T3 spy planes are goated, especially on maps that are too large for your base's radar to reach their base.
Although my favorite form of scouting is aggressive forward outpost placement.
The real issue is that you should have a bunch of T3 ASFs on patrol, and they'll catch the strats early. If you don't have a bunch of T3 ASFs, then you won't be able to intercept the snipe, and typically air defenses won't be able to kill them all (flak don't deal enough damage and SAMs will tend to overkill), but a large quantity of ASFs will both be able to kill strats quickly and (if patrolling) detect the strats early.
There are no T2 or T1 ASFs and have never been so that's redundant. Air superiority is just that. Lower tiers have regular fighters and interceptors.
Hello! New player here and I am on mission 4 of the UED campaign.
Some little thoughts:
Air force seems really fast and destructive but is hard-countered by anti-air units and turrets.
Artillery and missile launcher land units seem really good.
Tier 2 turrets are very efficient.
Naval cruisers seem absolutely amazing.
The upgrades for the Command Mech seem quite expensive.
>Command Mech
ACU, and yes, if you are willing to invest the time and resources, the ACU can become the strongest non-experimental units in the game.
Glad new people are enjoying the game, have fun!

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why is it so unpopular
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Nah, mobile games would have high contrast colors and stickmen to catch the ADHD kids attention. Forts is not brightly colored enough to hit that mobile game standard. If you looked at any gameplay you'd know.
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>muh color palette
they're the same picture.
thanks for posting a pic that proves me right, saves me the trouble of looking up mobile game screenshots
Its shit.
Yeah thats great mobile game dev buy an ad

Blizzard is pulling Warcraft: Orcs and Humans and Warcraft II from GOG
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And I'd buy the gog version but i'm not paying 12.50 with discount for that. Should be 2.50 at most.
>be me
>really like fallout 1 and 2 and even tactics
>Aren't you faggots 4chan? why haven't you DDoS'd them yet?
Not your personal army. Also most Anons are not /b/tards with a desire to waste their time over such pettiness. Now you find those types on discord.
Take on Blizzard, which is now owned by M$, part of the biggest organized crime unit in the world?

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